I. Tones: LEVEL 0 - Pinyin: Chinese Phonetic Alphabets
I. Tones: LEVEL 0 - Pinyin: Chinese Phonetic Alphabets
I. Tones: LEVEL 0 - Pinyin: Chinese Phonetic Alphabets
I. Tones
As Chinese is a tonal language, it's important try to correctly pronounce the
tones, as an incorrect pronunciation of a tone can change the meaning of a
word or confuse your listener.
b bay bā bǐ
p pay péi pǐ
m may mò mén
f fair fā fèn
k kay kē kaò
c hats cǎo cí
w way wèn wǔ
a father tā mǎ
i see tǐ qi1
u rude lù zhu2
er are èr ér
ou oh doū zhoū
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