I. Tones: LEVEL 0 - Pinyin: Chinese Phonetic Alphabets

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LEVEL 0 – Pinyin: Chinese Phonetic Alphabets

I. Tones
As Chinese is a tonal language, it's important try to correctly pronounce the
tones, as an incorrect pronunciation of a tone can change the meaning of a
word or confuse your listener.

Hanzi Pinyin Pitch contour Meaning Just like you say...

妈 mā high level "mother" ah...

麻 má high rising "hemp" Huh??

马 mǎ low falling-rising "horse" Really?

骂 mà high falling "scold" Hey!

吗 ma neutral question particle

II. Consonants and Vowels

Letter English words Example 1 Example 2 Notes

b bay bā bǐ

p pay péi pǐ

m may mò mén

f fair fā fèn

d day duō dāng

(tian and dian can be confused

t take tā tiān
when listening)
n nine nǐ nà

l lay lán lǎo

g grey gāi gōng

k kay kē kaò

(often said with a rasp at the

h hay hái Huáng Hé
back of the throat)

j jeep jiē jia1 (palatial)

q cheer qián qiē

x she xiān xièxie (palatial)

zh junk zhaō zhěng (retro - devoiced)

ch church chángcháng chéng (retro)

sh shirt shì shū (retro)

(retro) (can include a bit of the s

r leisure rén ròu
on leisure)

z reads zaì zǎn (devoiced)

c hats cǎo cí

s say sān sòng

y yea yǎn yéye

w way wèn wǔ


a father tā mǎ

o poor mò pō Like “or” in poor.

e British "her" zhè chē (in the back of the throat)

i see tǐ qi1

u rude lù zhu2

Use the same tongue position as

in pronouncing Chinese "i", then
ü lǜ nǚ
draw your lips in to form a
perfect circle as small as possible

er are èr ér

ai eye hái baǐ

ei eight méi geǐ

ao now hǎo zaō

ou oh doū zhoū

an can sǎn wǎn

en lend wén fen3

ang Like ong in long wàng tāng

eng like on in won't. zhèng céng

like ong in ding-

ong zhōng sòng

ia Asia jiā xià

ie yes jiē qiē

iao yeowl qiǎo jiaō

iu yoke jiù / jiǔ liú / xiū (varies with consonant)

ian yen tiān diǎn

(the j creates slightly more ee

in in qīn jin4

(approximately - with the 'a' in

iang e+yang liáng xiǎng

ing sing tīng bìng

iong German Jünger xióng qióng rén

ua guano huà zhuā

uo wall guó cuò

uai wife kuaì guaǐ

uan one yuán zhuǎn

un went cùn kǔn

uang oo+ahng zhuàng guǎng

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