الاختلافات الثقافية
الاختلافات الثقافية
الاختلافات الثقافية
Readings Course
Presentations Portfolio
Nablus, Palestine
Translating of the Word “Hijab”
In terms of Islam as religion, the common word (hijab) resonates in a unique connotation i.e.
a cover or a headscarf. According to Oxford Research Encyclopedia, polysemy is characterized
as the phenomenon whereby a single word form is associated with two or several related senses,
thus the word hijab, which has multiple meaning in Arabic so it is considered a polysomic word.
Accordingly, anyone who has concerns of Quran and Quran verses might be confused with
different meanings of this word such as a cover, a veil, a barrier, a screen, etc.
In the upcoming discussion, I will consider two different Quran verses; in order to highlight
many meanings of the word hijab as well as I will suggest admissible solutions to overtake
obstacles resulting from this word specially and from polysomic words in general.
In the following Quran verse, hijab does not mean headscarf but a barrier. This barrier does
not necessarily be a fabric; it could be a wall, a door or anything in which a view or a physical
profile of a person whom one talks to is concealed.
۞ الشورى:51(ُوح َي بِإ ِ ْذنِ ِه َما يَ َشا ُء ۚ إِنَّهُ َعلِ ٌّي َح ِكي ٌم
ِ ب أَوْ يُرْ ِس َل َر ُسواًل فَي
ٍ َو َما َكانَ لِبَ َش ٍر أَن يُ َكلِّ َمهُ هَّللا ُ إِاَّل َوحْ يًا أَوْ ِمن َو َرا ِء ِح َجا
)51( And it is not for any human being that Allah should speak to him except by revelation or
from behind a partition or that He sends a messenger to reveal, by His permission, what He wills.
Indeed, He is Most High and Wise.
Looking up the translated verse, in comparison to the original Ayah, a translator or a scholar
will obviously notice the literal translation technique that has been applied the text so that
partition is the word which stands for hijab in that verse. In fact, partition in English is not an
equivalent word to the Arabic counterpart hijab since it according to Merriam-Webster
Dictionary means 1: the action of parting: the state of being parted: DIVISION the partition of
Korea into North and South Korea 2: something that divides especially: an interior dividing wall:
The bank teller sat behind a glass partition.3: one of the parts or sections of a whole: The estate
was divided into three partitions. Actually, definition number2 which could be considered as the
closest meaning to the word hijab does not work well at least for one obvious reason; it denotes
interiority where the Arabic one implies both interiority and externality.
Despite the fact that the word partition does not stand for the word hijab as we advanced,
translators insist render it for hijab the fact that either they agreed to apply that word or they all
were following each other translation resulting in using the same word. In the following verse
hijab means exactly a religious barrier or distance that is almost spiritual and beliefs
َ ِ َوقَالُوا قُلُوبُنَا فِي أَ ِكنَّ ٍة ِّم َّما تَ ْدعُونَا إِلَ ْي ِه َوفِي آ َذانِنَا َو ْق ٌر َو ِمن بَ ْينِنَا َوبَ ْين.
")5 ك ِح َجابٌ فَا ْع َملْ إِنَّنَا عَا ِملُونَ " (سورة فصلت
(5)And they say, "Our hearts are within coverings from that to which you invite us, and in our
ears is deafness, and between us and you is a partition, so work; indeed, we are working."
Hijab means the intellectual and ideological barrier. Everyone has his own thoughts,
communication, languages, practices, beliefs, values, customs, and rituals, manners of
interacting, roles that are differ from others. Otherwise, everyone can interpret things from his /
her point of view. The greater the differences between the SC and the TC, the greater the
difficulties are; and the less differences between them, the less the difficulties in translation, so
the translator should have the ability to transmit the above to succeeding generations.
Nida stated that when the SC and the TC are very different-- as in the case between Arabic and
English-- it is expected that there will be many "basic themes and accounts which cannot be
naturalized by the process of translating" (2000: 137). However, a translator should attempt to
acquire both the SC and the TC to be able to convey the message correctly. Thus a translator
must be "bilingual and bicultural, if not multicultural. A translator's knowledge of culture helps
him/her produce the most precise expression which sometimes depends on culture.
One more issue that should be highly regarded, the translator addresses the author or the writer
in the translated text through which the writer's thoughts, ethics, culture, intellectuality, and
plenty of other qualities would be subjected to criticism, thus faithfulness is a substantial
constructing path in respect to translation.
To sum up, to translate the best is to render the completely equivalent target language if
available and if not the closest is the best. In the case of this paper, it was clear that the word
hijab is rendered inadequately or inefficiently in the two verses, of course, for different reasons.
Faithfulness to the writer of the text or the author is partially an expected reason for literal
translation, the technique that was applied to translating the previous mentioned verses, yet the
translator has many other words to be rendered instead of partition that I believe it does not cover
the intended meaning of the original hijab. Misunderstanding of the original text is the second
reason believed in to result in rendering, again, the unmatched word if not the wrong. Finally,
one less expected reason behind the advanced translation is that translators may lean to render
each other translation in order to lessen the time and effort of the work, but this vehemently
contradicts the principle of loyalty. Consequently, depending on the previous discussion, I
recommend the followings: first there should be more monitor and supervising over publishing
translated work. Second, translator of sacred text should pay more attention to the intention of
the author in the first place, since then they can look up the selections of language and other
linguistic issues related the process of translation. Third, in terms of translating holy Quran, a
translator or translators should take into their considerations, the intentions of the god, since he is
the author, the timing of the verse, the reason of the revelation of the verse in study, and the
Hadith the only reliable Hadith sources.
Translating of Some Hebrew Words
A list of some culture-specific terms from Hebrew is presented in the following table:
The translation of these words above is not an easy task; it needs many skills and experiences.
A translator should be aware to understand the meaning of the expression in the Source
Language perfectly in order to keep the sense of the expression, otherwise, he/she will lose the
meaning of the expression. However, without having enough knowledge of the culture of that
targeted language, the translator cannot translate very well and may use inappropriate strategy in
translation. Other problems encounter translators such as failure to achieve the equivalence in the
second language because some words have more than one meaning, and ambiguity of some
cultural expressions.
Death of a Salesman
In general, this play talks about the conflict between generations within the same family, and
focuses on the American dream which the hero failed to achieve it. The family consists of four
members (father, mother, and two sons). The father names Willy who was suffering from
Alzheimer’s disease and depression because of thinking all the time. He was building great
hopes in his son (Ben) to be successful since he is awesome and has a strong presence but Ben
returned with disappointments and didn’t achieve anything of his father’s dream. As a result,
Willy committed a suicide.
In translation, translators put high expectations when they come to translate any text but they
surprise that the text is over their expectations and doesn’t fit the level of their abilities. In
addition, they may find some obstacles while translating which lead them to feel fear and lack of
mastering the translation properly. In the play, Willy was expected that his son will be a
successful person and has a prominent position in society. Although, his son was failure and
didn’t achieve anything to proud his father of. Accordingly, Willy felt of helplessness, and
unwanted from anyone, that led him to suicide.
A translator should be aware when translating since it is a sensitive process and needs more
focus to avoid obstacles. If the translator loses his focus for a while when translating, then he/she
will be unable to complete the task very well and makes some grammatical or lexical or even
cultural mistakes. Alzheimer’s disease is one of things that can effect on translators while
translating. Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible, progressive brain disorder that slowly destroys
memory and thinking skills, and, eventually, the ability to carry out the simplest tasks.
There are some symptoms and problems that may face the patient & the translator at the same
time as:
1. Alzheimer’s patient may put his properties at their unusual places. It is a problem for a
translator when he uses inconsistent word order.
2. Difficult to find words that are able to define things or express thoughts for sharing in
conversations. A translator may use words that are unsuitable to the context.
3. The patient repeats phrases, words, or questions for many times because of forgetfulness.
Sometimes, a translator uses same words in an exaggerating way which leads to lose the beauty
of text and the reader may feel of boring.
4. It is impossible for the patient to retrieve all information that entered his mind daily since he
has no ability to control his brain memory. The translator will be unable to remember every
single word while translating. Chronologically, his memory may fad which forces him to use a
dictionary to get the word that is difficult to remember.
Machine translation is a computer program which is designed to translate text from one
language (Source Language) to another language (Target Language) without the help of humans.
The aim of it is to provide a system that translates the text of source language into target
language. Translation expresses the same meaning as it in the target language. For example,
translating from English (ST) into China (TT).
Electronic translation or using online translation is related to making a lot of codes, it’s just
about programming. Programmers are writing codes that will take the word itself from Arabic to
English and vice versa and give the correspondence or equivalent meaning. So, we are encoding
a word and this word is going to be for example (Arabic) and it’s related to the context.
On internet online, we have something called “Computer Compiler”. This compiler will take
the code itself that the programmer wrote and decoding it again and again. After decoding, the
compiler will give us the meaning that we need.
Re- translate texts frequently leads to consume our ability. So, the text may lose its meaning,
beauty and glamor. The same way, the sun, earth, and planets consume electrons while revolving
because they cannot evolve without them.
What will happen if the existed electrons in the earth stopped moving around?
In brief, the electron atom will be pulled out then the space will vanish and the atom will stay
without energy. Then, everything is going to disappear, that will lead to the end of creatures and
the universe will end.
“Something that is translated, or the process of translating something, from one language to
another” (Cambridge dictionary). “Translation is defined as reproducing in the receptor language
the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and
secondly in terms of style” (Nida & Taber, 1982). Newmark defines translation as “a craft
consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and /or a statement in one language by the
same message and / or statement in another language.
1-People prefer their Native Language: people respond better to the language they grew up
speaking. 2-Translation connects the Global Economy: translation and interpreting services
remain a vital part of doing business around the word. 3-Translation spreads Ideas and
Information: it allows ideas and information to spread across culture; it changes history. 4-
Accurate Transfer of News. 5-Cultural Interchange. 6-Boost in Tourism.
First of all, there’s a kind of relationship between the two words (Translation and Criminality)
in letters. In Arabic, we notice that we have only two different letters which are one (ي/)ت. This
is what we called “The Science of Exquisite Improvers” or ”علم المحسنات البديعية. In this stream, the
words جريمة/ ))ترجمةcome under what is called “Anagram.”
In translation, we have the translator, the original text / ST and the Target text. But, in
Criminality, we have the killer, the victim and the trace of crime. The original text refers to the
victim; the person on whom the act is happened. The trace of the crime refers to the new text.
We can say that the translator is an evil person because he turns/ transfers the text from a culture
to another different one. By this way, he makes a radical change under what is called
“Maintaining the literary Analogies”. That what we called “the trace” in the Criminality’s world.
In other words, he exploits the external trace to hide his crime which is turning texts from- to. All
of that produce a school of thought called “Discourse Analysis”.
For example, in Hamlet’s play, hamlet is the translator, his uncle is the ST, and his mother is
the TT. Hamlet killed his uncle to protect his mother and takes revenge for his father. When
there’s a crime, there’ll be a murder and the killing would be by the physical thing. By the body
(something touch and apparent) but when we are translating, the killing would be like a bleeding
that the pencil or pen is bleeding and it’s not bleeding blood; it’s bleeding thoughts.
When the pen is bleeding (bleeding the thoughts or things that we are thinking of is
something moral, something implicit we can say. In crime, there is blood going on the ground or
running down, while in translation, there’s no blood; there’s a lot of thoughts that they’re going
out of papers or those thoughts are stolen from papers.