Letter Template For Charter Amendment Request Requiring Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Approval

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Letter Template for Charter Amendment Request Requiring

Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Approval

[School Name]
[School Address]

Board of Elementary and Secondary Education

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
75 Pleasant Street
Malden, MA 02148

Dear Members of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education:

On behalf of the [insert school name] Board of Trustees, I respectfully request your
approval of an amendment to change our charter to [insert the proposed change to
grades served, maximum enrollment, and/or districts served, making sure to summarize
what is in the current charter and what is proposed – this could be a paragraph or more
if a complicated request or multiple requests].

The [insert school name] Board of Trustees wishes to make this change because [insert
reasons or explanation; this should be a detailed discussion of how the school arrived at
the decision to submit the proposed change, including feedback from stakeholders and
evidence of support and demand].

[Follow the instructions within the Charter Amendment Guidelines related to your
specific request. All request letters for changes to grades served, maximum enrollment,
and/or districts served are required to provide the necessary information within the
letter or as an attachment. Submissions that do not follow the Charter Amendment
Guidelines will be required to submit a revised request, which will delay the
Department’s review process.]

The [insert school name] Board of Trustees voted to approve this request on [insert date]
at a meeting held in compliance with Massachusetts Open Meeting Law G.L. c. 30A,
§§ 18-25. At that meeting, the Board of Trustees authorized me to submit this request on
their behalf [only if the undersigned is the school leader or other individual other than
the Board chairperson].

[For Horace Mann charter schools only] I have also enclosed certification that the
[insert district name] school committee and [insert district name] teachers’ union have
approved this request.

The [insert school name] is an academic success, is a viable organization, and is faithful
to the terms of its charter. [Briefly summarize the school’s track record of success in
demonstrating faithfulness to its mission, implementing the key design elements outlined
in its charter, and substantially meeting its accountability plan goals during its charter
term. The summary should provide additional context to any recent circumstances in the
school’s history involving these areas of the school’s performance, including charter
conditions, probation, recent amendments, and performance against Charter School
Performance Criteria as reported in site visit reports, or charter renewal. The summary
can reference any documentation previously submitted to or created by the Department
that supports these statements].

The [insert school name] Board of Trustees requests that the Board of Elementary and
Secondary Education approve this request at its [insert particular month with a brief
explanation for the requested date], if possible. [Charter school amendments are
typically considered at meetings held in December, January, and February. In limited
instances, an amendment may be considered as early as November for a minor proposed
change, and as late as March, April, or May if the change will not take effect in the
following fiscal year. The annual schedule of meetings for the Board of Elementary and
Secondary Education is approved at the final meeting of the year in June. Please
consider these factors in your planning and consultations with the Department regarding
the timing of decisions.]

Please contact [insert contact name, email and phone number] if you have any questions
about this request.


[Insert individual name and signature]

C: [School or Board personnel as appropriate]

[Director of Office of Charter Schools and School Redesign]


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