Agro and Food Processing Sector Profile

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Agro and Food Processing

Agro and Food Processing : Indian Scenario
Agro and Food Processing : Tamil Nadu
Investment Opportunities
Agro and Food Processing : Indian Scenario
Agricultural output of India Food processing output of India
114 116

USD Billion
CAGR-14% 91
USD Billion

145 69
142. 143 62

2007-08 2008-09 2009-2010 2010-2011 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

World’s 2nd largest producer of food products Employs ~ 50 million directly and indirectly.
Ranks 2nd in Fruits and Vegetables Contributes 14% of the manufacturing GDP of
Ranks 3rd in Food grains India

Agriculture sector contributes 18% of the Expected to grow to USD 175 billion by 2025
Indian GDP
Indian output has a strong presence across all the agro
commodities and a growing food processing sector
Agro Presence Agro Presence
India’s %
India’s rank Share of various products in the food
Agro share in
in world processing industry production FY08-12
products world
production Total 100% 21%
Fruits 2 12.6%
Vegetable and animal oil… 28% 18%
Vegetables 2 14%
Milk 1 17.2% Beverages 25% 25%
Fish 2 5.4%
Grain mill Products 23% 20%
Wheat 2 11.4%
Rice 2 21.4% Dairy Products 12% 27%
Tea 1 28.3%
Jute 1 52.5% Other food products 8% 17%
Pulses 1 26% Fisheries 18%
Groundnut 1 28.6%
Fruits & Vegetables 2% 22%
Sugarcane 2 22.6% CAGR
Exports of agro and food products has been consistently growing in India
Trend in exports
12 47% 50%
10 37% 40%
31% 30%
USD Billion

8 24% 30%

6 13% 20%
8% 7%
4 5% 5% 5% 10%
2 0%

0 -10%
Fruits and meat and marine dairy produce beverages cereals floriculture cocoa and coffee, tea other food livestock residues from animal and
vegetables meat products confectionery and spice products food industry vegetable oils
products and prepared
2010-11 2013-14 CAGR animal

Dairy produce and cereals have a high export growth potential with a CAGR of 42% and 47% each.

The major destinations are Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, UAE, Egypt, Nepal, Singapore and Pakistan

Other high growth commodities are meat and meat products, beverages, fruits and vegetables
Agro and Food Processing : Tamil Nadu Scenario
Tamil Nadu is a strong player in agro food processing industry
Tamil Nadu’s food processing output
7% TN’s Share of
Agricultural output has grown at CAGR of 5% as compared
Indian output 7.82 8.1
Output in USD Billion

to the CAGR of 3% of the Indian agricultural sector from

5.47 2008-12.
#2 largest producer of poultry and dairy products in India
#1 producer of banana in the country
#3 largest producer of tea and coffee in the country

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

Food processing in Tamil Nadu has grown at a CAGR
of 14% from FY09-FY13
Tamil Nadu’s Competitive Advantage
Tamil Nadu has diverse soil and climatic conditions across 7 agro climatic zones which provides ample opportunity to grow a
variety of horticulture crops.
Climatic Zones Districts Suitable Crops
North-eastern Zone Kancheepuram, Thiruvallur, Vellore, Rice, Shorghum, Pearlmillet, Fingermillet, Redgram, Sugarcane, Groundnut,
Thiruvannamalai, Villupuram and Gingelly.
Cauvery Delta Zone Trichy, Thanjavur, Thiruvarur and Rice, Maize, Cholam, Cumbu, Ragi, Blackgram, greengram, Groundnut, Coconut,
Nagapattinam, Karur, Pudukottai, Ariyalur Gingelly, castor.
and Cuddalore
Southern Zone Theni, Madurai, Pudukkottai, Ramnad, Rice, Maize, Cholam, Cumbu, Ragi, Blackgram, greengram, Groundnut, Cotton,
Sivaganga, Viruthunagar, Thirunelveli, Fodder crops, Gingelly, castor.
Tuticorin and Ramanathapuram
North-western Zone Dharmapuri, Krishnagiri, Salem and Sorghum, rice, Groundnut, Finger millet, Horse gram, Little millet, Tapioca, Cotton,
Namakkal Sugarcane, Cotton, Gingelly, Kodomillet, Vegetables, Mango, Tobacco, Chillies,
Banana, Pulses.

Western Zone Erode, Coimbatore, Karur, Dindigul, Sorghum, groundnut, Rice, Pulses , Millets, Cumbu, Sugarcane, Cotton, Ragi,
Tiruppur , Theni, Namakkal, Peramblur Blackgram, Greengram, Gingelly, Sunflower, Redgram, Turmeric, Maize, Banana,
and Ariyalur Castor, Onion, Tobacco, Vegetables, Spices& Plantation crops, Tuber crops, Flower&
High Rainfall Zone Kanyakumari District Rice, banana, Mango, Jackfruit Tapioca, Ceshewnut, Cocconut, Tamarind, Palmayr,
Clove, Vegeatables.
High Altitude Nilgiris & Kodaikanal (Dindigul District) Wheat, Garllic, Lime, Lemon, Pomegranate, Beans Chowchow, Cotton, Pineapple,
Pepper, Cardemum,Coffee, Potato,Banana, Mandarin, Orange, Pear
*Only partial zones in some District
Exports of Agricultural & Processed Foods in USD million
The State is also among the top producers in a
variety of fruits and Vegetables in the Country
2013-14 1490
Products Ranking of Units of
Tamil Nadu at Production 2012-13 1370

All India Level (2012-13)

2011-12 1270
Bananas 1st 47.75LMT
Seafood and Spices are among the major agricultural export
Fruits 4th 4.83 MMT items of Tamil Nadu
Sugarcane 4th 317.60 LMT. Commodity Export Destination s
Rice 9th 40.49 LMT Non-Basmati Rice UAE, South Africa, USA, Malaysia
Maize Malaysia & Gulf
Turmeric 2nd 1.90 LMT Groundnut ( Processed) USA, UK , Germany
Spices 6th 0.85 MMT Sesame ( Processed) USA , UK , Canada
Small Onion South East Asian Countries and Gulf Countries
Tea 3rd 174.7 MMT Red Chillies South East Asian Countries and Gulf Countries
Coffee 3rd 18775 MT Turmeric USA, Europe , Japan
Moringa Qatar, Oman , Malaysia, UAE
Loose Flowers 1st 2.61 LMT Tea Russia, Dubai , Saudi , US
Vegetables 9th 6.15 MMT Mango UAE, UK , South Africa
Mango Pulp USA, UK , Gulf Countries
Banana UAE, South Africa, Kuwait , Iran
Roses UK, Germany , Netherlands
Orchids UK, Germany , Netherlands
Investment in food processing industry in Tamil Nadu
Product-wise investment (USD Million)
% share of investments by private and
government sectors

1% share of Indian
private investors
5150 9%

share of
2008 government
1084 1447
273 303 355 491 investment
71 96 143 175
share of foreign

Completed Announced Under Implementation Total

Existing and upcoming industrial infrastructure

74.66 Acres of Land is available as on

28.02.2015 for allotment in DTA (Domestic Tariff
New industrial parks for Food Processing
Dharmapuri Industries at Dindigul, Theni, Virudhunagar
Nilgiri Districts with common facilities like cold storage
s Cuddalore
and warehouse
Existing agro
Marine based industries at Thoothukudi and
export zones Kanyakumari
Upcoming agro
Theni export zones
Ministry of Food Processing Industries has so far
Upcoming food sanctioned three cold-chain projects.
industrial park
Thoothukudi Upcoming Pearl City Food port SEZ near Tuticorin.
Major Players in Tamil Nadu
Opportunities for Investment in Tamil Nadu
Meat and poultry Agriculture/horticult Food and Agri
processing ure business parks

Solar Applications in
Post harvest
Export oriented Agriculture Micro & Small
Technology and
processing &Processing Industry Applications
Management units

Solar Driers
Government Support
Food processing policy initiatives in Tamil Nadu
No industrial license is required for Capital goods are also freely oriented units can retain 50% of
almost all food processing importable, including second hand foreign exchange receipts in
industries with the exception of ones in the food processing sector. foreign currency accounts.
some items. Free trade zones (FTZ) and export All profits from export sales are
Automatic investment approval up processing zones (EPZ) have been completely free from corporate
to 51% foreign equity is allowed for set up with all infrastructure. Also, taxes. Profits from such exports are
most of food processing sector, setting up of 100% Export oriented also exempt from Minimum
except few items. units (EOU) is encouraged in other Alternate Tax (MAT).
Up to a maximum of 24% foreign areas.
equity is allowed in SSI sector. Capital goods, including spares up
MRTP (Monopolies & Restrictive to 20% of the Cost Insurance and
Trade Practices Act) rules and FERA Freight (CIF) value of the Capital
(Foreign Exchange Regulation Act)
goods may be imported at a
regulations have been relaxed to
encourage investment and concessional rate of Customs duty.
expansion by large corporates. Export linked duty free imports are
also allowed.
Most of the items can be freely
imported and exported Units in EPZ/FTZ and 100% Export
Additional Chief Secretary - Government of Tamil Nadu
Industries Department
Phone: 91-44-25671383 Fax: 91-44-25670822

Nodal agency
Tamil Nadu Industrial Guidance and Export Promotion Bureau
19-A, Rukmini Lakshmipathy Road,
Egmore, Chennai-600 008
Phone: 91-44-2855 3118

Visit us at

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