Flowserve - Edward Valves: Pressure Locking and Over-Pressurization of Double Seated Valves

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Flowserve - Edward Valves

Pressure Locking and Over-Pressurization

of Double Seated Valves
Pressure Locking and Over-Pressurization of Double-Seated Valves
Problem Introduction
Double seated valves in the closed position Plug valves, ball valves, and gate valves usually
with trapped pressure in the bonnet that have two seats in series. There are many subtypes
significantly impedes or prevents opening of of each of these valves, and there is considerable
the valve. variation in the sealing effectiveness of upstream
and downstream seats in different designs. Two
Solution seats in series are often thought of as an
Flowserve-Edward has identified multiple advantage, and they sometimes provide genuine
solutions to address this phenomena, such as benefits. When a valve is opened, closed, or
bypass valves and vented upstream seats/discs. throttled with a high differential pressure,
upstream and downstream ports provide two
ABSTRACT orifices in series to reduce the pressure drop
Double‐seated valves provide benefits over across each port (Figure 1). When closed, two
valves with single seats and create few seats in series may provide a sealing advantage in
disadvantages. However, field experience the event one of the seats is damaged.
reveals that trapped pressure in the center
cavity of these valves can be a source of Seat Sealing Effectiveness
occasional problems. Because actuators are Before discussing potential problems with
normally sized based primarily on downstream double‐seated valves, it may be helpful to consider
loading, trapped pressure loading on both seats the forces that influence the effectiveness of the
may greatly exceed design limitations and individual seats. Figure 2 illustrates simplified
cause the valve to become pressure locked. force balances on closed floating ball and gate
Trapped pressure may also damage valves if valves. Note that the differential pressure acting
over‐pressurization occurs, through heating or across the closure member (ball or gate) provides
freezing of the line fluid. Improvements in a sealing force on the downstream seat at the low
packing, bonnet seals, and seats have reduced pressure side of the valve. Thus, these valves are
the means of pressure relief in the center sometimes referred to as downstream sealing.
cavity. Fortunately, operating procedures and
special design features may be employed to
relieve trapped pressure and prevent both
pressure locking and over‐pressurization.
Pressure Locking and Over-Pressurization of Double-Seated Valves
Since the seating forces due to differential If the valve is closed with a high line pressure the pressure would decrease rapidly, possibly
pressure may be inadequate to produce and the downstream pressure decreases slowly, approaching a vacuum and producing a vapor
effective tight sealing when differential the pressure in the valve center cavity, Pc, cavity. If the upstream seat is not effective at
pressure is low, it is common practice to immediately after closure would be essentially high differential pressure, leakage into the
assemble floating ball valves with interference equal to the upstream line pressure. center cavity would tend to offset this pressure
(e.g. controlled “squeeze” on soft seats) which decrease in time. Precise prediction of Pc is not
provides some upstream seating force. In The behavior of the center cavity pressure possible, but the center cavity would normally
wedge gate valves, as illustrated, stem load and after closure depends on many things, such as be liquid filled after cool‐down, with a pressure
wedging produce a loading on upstream seats. (1) temperature, (2) type of line fluid, and (3) near the upstream pressure P1. – If the fluid is a
Gate valves with parallel seats sometimes individual valve design characteristics. For as (e.g. hot air), the pressure would tend to
employ springs or internal wedges to provide example: decrease slowly in proportion to the absolute
supplemental loading for low pressure sealing. temperature. As in the case of closure with a
Thus, while all of these valves are normally •If the line fluid is either a liquid or gas at liquid, upstream seat leakage would tend to
considered as downstream seating, there is ambient temperature (and there is no offset this decrease, and the center cavity
usually moderate to significant loading which subsequent temperature change), the would be filled with gas after cool‐down at a
provides some sealing effectiveness of pressure Pc would remain constant unless pressure near P1.
upstream seats as well. there is seat leakage.
• If the downstream seat leaks to the
The sealing of two seats in series can produce depressurized side of the valve, the center
a pressure trapping condition which, in turn, cavity pressure would decrease, but, since the
can produce an increase in the force required upstream seat often seals less effectively than
to open a valve — pressure locking. Heating or the downstream seat, it could “feed” the
freezing of trapped fluid between the two seats center cavity to maintain the pressure.
may also produce conditions that are hazardous Precise prediction of this pressure after
to pressure boundary parts of a valve. closure is impossible, but it would tend to
remain near the upstream pressure.
Pressure Trapping • If the line fluid is at an elevated
Referring to Figure 3, consider the scenario temperature, the valve would normally tend
which accompanies and follows closure of a to cool and approach ambient temperature
doubleseated valve. A “flexible wedge” gate after closure and cessation of flow. The fluid
valve is shown in the illustration, but other in the center cavity would tend to contract,
double‐seated valves react similarly to one reducing Pc. The behavior will be affected
degree or another. significantly by the type of line fluid: – If the
fluid is a liquid (e.g. hot water),
Pressure Locking and Over-Pressurization of Double-Seated Valves
– If the fluid is a condensable vapor (e.g. Since the pressure trapped within double
steam), the process in the center cavity after seated valves may not be foreseen, two
closure is complicated by condensation when conditions might present hazards during
the pressure decreases to the saturation shutdown if not properly attended to:
pressure of the trapped line fluid. As in the
case of closure with a liquid or gas, upstream 1. Leakage from the trapped center cavity
seat leakage would tend to offset the might complicate maintenance on nearby
decrease in Pc due to cooling, but the equipment. This could be of concern if the
incoming leakage would also condense. In trapped fluid is flammable or hazardous in
the vapor case, prediction of center cavity any other way.
pressure after cool‐down is again impossible,
but it would normally be near P1. 2. Opening of the valve during shutdown
Significantly, the center cavity would be could cause an unexpected energy release
partially or completely full of condensate (e.g. due to relief of trapped pressure to the
water), even with a vapor in the upstream upstream and downstream lines. This would
line. be of particular concern with trapped gas.

To explore the pressure trapping issue Pressure Locking

further, consider what happens if the system Gate valves and actuators are normally
(boiler, chemical process) containing a closed designed for opening with a differential
doubleseated valve is shut down, letting P1 go pressure applied as shown in Figure 2, with
to zero. The fluid left in the center cavity after loading primarily on the downstream seat. The
closure (above) would be trapped indefinitely load required for opening is obviously a
until relieved by leakage. If a valve in a hot line function of the seat area, the differential
cools off further after shutdown, pressure may pressure, and the friction coefficients at sliding
be relieved by contraction of liquid or interfaces on seats and guides. Actuators may
condensation of vapor, but significant pressure not be sized to open a valve against full system
might remain trapped in the valve cavity in pressure P1 if operation is required only for
some cases; in the case of a gas, the stored component isolation during shutdown. Since
energy would remain significant. This could the seating loads shown in Figure 4 are applied
occur with any type of double‐seated valve; as to both seats, the opening force with a trapped
shown in Figure 4, both seats in some types of pressure Pc may be as much as twice that
valves can be loaded by the center cavity required with the same pressure as an
pressure Pc, thus enhancing seat tightness and upstream pressure.
increasing probability of longterm pressure
Pressure Locking and Over-Pressurization of Double-Seated Valves
If an actuator is sized for low differential The potential for damaging pressure increases In another power plant experience, minor
operation only, the required opening force may should be considered if there is a possibility for external damage was observed in a gate valve
be much more than that available, and the heating of trapped liquid in a closed double‐ during plant construction. The valve was
valve will not be operable in the normal seated valve. Even such moderate heating as outside, and it was closed while water‐filled
manner. This condition is described as pressure that due to tropical sunshine might produce a after hydrostatic testing. An unexpected cold
locking. pressure that could be hazardous in some weather condition produced an ambient
valves. temperature below the freezing point of water.
Heating of trapped fluid in a closed double- Internal inspection of the valve after this
seated valve may occur due to conduction and Some Cases Of Field Problems incident revealed severe yield of pressure
convection in the upstream pipe when a nearby Several instances have shown that hazardous boundary parts, not unlike the conditions
system is heated, as in the start‐up of a boiler pressures may be developed in valves with observed in the valve that had been over-
or a process. Smaller but significant trapped liquids where temperature increases of pressurized (above). This valve was also
temperature increases may also occur due to several hundred degrees Fahrenheit may occur. salvaged and returned to service, but extensive
seemingly innocuous conditions such as In one power plant experience, all internal rework was required.
sunlight or a change in ambient temperature. dimensions in a high pressure gate valve were
The most extreme known case of center cavity found to have exhibited a permanent strain While the methods for avoiding problems are
heating arises in the event of exposure of a (yield) of over one percent after it had not new to many people in the valve and piping
closed valve to fire; safety in a fire is not undergone a boiler startup, while closed, with industries, the fact that problems are still
normally a design requirement for valves in water trapped between the seats (from a prior encountered occasionally suggests that these
general industrial or power plant service, but it hydrostatic piping test). Since the valve itself solutions are not known widely enough. The
is often important in refinery and had passed a hydrostatic test without damage specific functional requirements of a valve
petrochemical applications. at, 15 times its 100°F pressure rating after should be considered carefully in selecting the
manufacture, it has been estimated that the best approach. Several of the measures in
Heating of a constant volume of trapped pressure was 2 to 3 times the valve rating when common use and their advantages and
liquid produces a much more drastic effect on it was heated in the start‐up incident. The disadvantages will be addressed:
fluid pressure than a corresponding change valve described above had failed to open due to
with trapped gas. According to data in the pressure locking (see above), and the damage • Operating procedures
ASME Steam Tables, an increase in temperature due to over‐pressurization was not recognized As suggested in ASME/ANSI B16.34, special
of as little as 40°F can produce an increase in until the valve was inspected to investigate the plant operating procedures, such as partially
pressure of 3000 psi or more if water is totally failure to open. There was no catastrophe, but opening double-seated valves before starting a
restrained from expanding. In practice, the the pressure had exceeded the valve rating by heat‐up of a piping system, may be quite
volume of the valve would increase somewhat so much that it is obvious that the safety factor effective in preventing hazardous over-
due to thermal expansion of the metal and was significantly reduced. This valve was pressurization. This approach requires (1)
elastic expansion under stress due to increasing salvaged and returned to service, but extensive identification of valves that may be most
pressure, but it can be shown that these effects rework was necessary to repair the damage hazardous, with trapped liquid, (2) cracking
are very small. that had occurred due to over-pressurization.
Pressure Locking and Over-Pressurization of Double-Seated Valves
valves away from fully seated positions with side would cause leakage.
handwheels or actuators before start‐up, and
(3) resealing of valves that must remain closed As in the case of following changes with
after heating. This may produce unacceptable internal and external equalizers, the hole in the
leakage in some component isolation valves, upstream part of the gate makes the valve
and the leakage during start‐up may cause seat unidirectional to some degree. High leakage
damage due to erosion. There might still be would be experienced with many valves if the
pressure locking problems during shutdown differential pressure is ever reversed, although
with both sides of valves depressurized. the amount of leakage may be limited by the
However, no special valve features are orifice size used for the hole. Some wedge gate
required, and the valve retains bidirectional valves seal reasonably well at their upstream
shutoff capabilities. seats with low and moderate pressures, so a
valve with a hole might be suitable for some
• Hole in upstream side of gate or ball reversed pressure conditions. High reversed
A hole can be drilled in the upstream side of a pressures would probably cause significant
flexible wedge, two‐piece wedge, or parallel leakage in all gate valves and might over‐stress
seat valve gate as shown in Figure 5; a similar gates not designed for high differential on the
change can be effected in the ball in a floating upstream side. If this change is to be made to
ball valve. correct a problem with an installed valve, the
manufacturer’s recommendations should be
This change effectively bypasses the upstream obtained.
seat, assuring that the center cavity pressure Is
the same as the upstream pressure. Since these
valves are primarily downstream sealing, the
only loss in normal unidirectional applications is
the extra insurance that would be provided by
the upstream seat in the event of downstream
seat damage.

While this change may be the simplest one for

correction of a field problem or for use of a
standard valve out of stock, one disadvantage is
that the gate or gate assembly cannot be
reversed; reversing a gate assembly is one
common method of extending life of parts after
extensive valve maintenance, but placing the
gate with the hole on the downstream
Pressure Locking and Over-Pressurization of Double-Seated Valves

• Hole in seat insert or body bridge wall at This feature would be relatively easy to modify Thus the relief valve would offer pressure
upstream side (internal equalizer) in line if there is a system change requiring boundary safety, but it would not ensure
reversed seat tightness. operational reliability.
A hole in the valve body or seat insert, as
shown in Figure 6, bypasses the upstream seat As shown in Figure 7b, a valve (typically a Summary
in the same manner as a hole in the upstream small globe valve) can be installed in the Double‐seated valves have established histories
side of a gate. A similar change could probably external equalizer and be left normally open of safe and successful operation in a multitude
be effected in a ball valve. (locked open if necessary) to provide the of applications in general industrial service, as
upstream seat bypassing function. Closure of well as in power plants, refineries, and
As compared to the hole in the gate, this the small valve would permit reversed seat petrochemical facilities. The two seats provide
change is preferable from, a long term tightness for special purposes (e.g. hydrostatic benefits, but some relatively simple technical
maintenance standpoint, because the gate or testing of downstream piping); obviously issues should be considered to prevent
gate assembly could be reversed for extended procedures would have to be enforced to problems due to trapped fluid between the
life. The body drilling would be difficult in an assure opening of the valve before normal seats. Piping system designers, valve users, and
installed valve, but it is easily accomplished operation. valve manufacturers should cooperate to
during manufacturer of a new valve. The only establish the best measures to assure reliability,
concern is to be sure that the valve is marked • Connect pressure relief valve to center safety, and sealing effectiveness if a potential
and installed in the proper direction. cavity and connect with piping to a safe problem is identified. Since individual valve
discharge point. applications involve specific functional
This feature might be difficult to modify in a requirements, a combination of the measures
valve in line if there were ever a system change A relief valve may be used, as shown in Figure cited above (operating procedures and design
that would require sealing in the reversed 8, to prevent hazardous over‐pressurization of features) may be necessary to provide best
direction. double‐seated valve bodies. Codes and performance.
standards applicable to overpressure protection
• Pipe connecting center cavity to upstream devices have to be checked and complied with.
valve nozzle (external equalizer)– without The set point has to be enough above the
or with valve highest normal operating pressure to prevent
weepage and inadvertent operation. Since this
The external equalizer pipe, shown in Figure approach requires an active component (the
7a, also bypasses the upstream seat. The relief valve), it is not recommended unless the
directional nature of the valve should be preceding passive approaches are not
obvious to one viewing the valve. It can be acceptable. Since the valve center cavity could
incorporated in a new valve, or with more trap a pressure up to the relief valve set point,
difficulty to an installed valve. pressure locking could still interfere with valve
opening with reduced upstream pressures.
Pressure Locking and Over-Pressurization of Double-SeatedFlowValves
Control Division
Edward Valves

Flowserve Corporation has established industry leadership in the design and manufacture of its products. When properly selected, this Flowserve product is
designed to perform its intended function safely during its useful life. However, the purchaser or user of Flowserve products should be aware that Flowserve
products might be used in numerous applications under a wide variety of industrial service conditions. Although Flowserve can (and often does) provide general
guidelines, it cannot provide specific data and warnings for all possible applications. The purchaser/user must therefore assume the ultimate responsibility for
the proper sizing, selection, installation, operation and maintenance of Flowserve products. The purchaser/user should read and understand the Installation
Operation Maintenance (IOM) instructions included with the product and train its employees and contractors in the safe use of Flowserve products in connection
with the specific application.

While the information and specifications contained in this literature are believed to be accurate, they are supplied for informative purposes only and should not
be considered certified or as a guarantee of satisfactory results by reliance thereon. Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a warranty or guarantee,
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