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CAD Assignment November 2014


1 General information
This assignment is designed to assess student’s skill of using CAD software Solid Edge to create 3D
components, assemble the components, and produce engineering drawings. The submission deadline
of the assignment is 4pm on Tuesday 16th Dec 2013. This assignment counts 25% proportion of
module mark of the ENG1064.

Before you start the assignment, you MUST read the following notes carefully.
• This assignment must be completed by the student independently using Solid Edge ST7. The Solid
Edge ST7 is only available on computers in the PC labs 28/29AA02, 5AA02 and 40BC02. In these
PC labs, you must use your own account and save all the assignment files in a same folder of your
“university home drive” (H: drive).
• If you wish to complete the assignment using your own PC, you must have appropriate hardware
(computer) and software (Windows 7 or 8 system and Solid Edge ST7). In any case, hardware or
software problems cannot be accepted as reason of a late submission.
• If you wish to complete the assignment using your own PC, before submission of assignment files,
you must make sure that all the Part, Drawing, Assembly and other relevant files are saved on your
H: drive and can be opened properly by Solid Edge ST7 using a PC in lab 28/29AA02. If any
submitted file cannot be opened properly by ST7 for assessment, no mark will be awarded to the
• The drawings printed on paper must be submitted to Teaching Support Office (TSO) together with
a coursework submission form before the deadline.
• All the relevant model files used by the assignment must be submitted on SurreyLearn before the
• To meet the submission deadline, you are advised to start the work as early as possible. In addition
to the scheduled classes, you need extra time outside the classes to complete the assignment.
• Finally, please be advised, all the submissions must be your own work. Submitting other person’s
work (wholly or partially), both you and the other person will receive academic misconduct

2 Detail requirements of the assignment

Assuming you are approached by a customer with a “Hoist” design sketches shown in Figures 1 to 3
(pages 7-9) and are asked to produce 3D component models, an assembly model of the Hoist, and four
engineering drawings using Solid Edge ST7. Your customer needs 3D component models to carry out
stress analysis. The component and assembly drawings will be sent to a manufacturer who makes the
components of the Hoist. Figure 1 shows an exploded assembly view of the Hoist. It consists of a pair
of plates, three sets of Pin-Bushing-Circlips sub-assemblies, a Shaft, a pair of Shaft Washers, a pair of
Shaft Circlips, a Hook bolt, two Nuts, a pair of Hook Washer, a Hook, a Pulley and a Cable. The
material of the washers is plastic and all the other parts are steel.

You do not need to make all the components of the Hoist as your customer already has three: Plate,
Shaft and Shaft Washer. The name of these part files are Plate -L1-X.par, Shaft -L1-X.par and Shaft

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CAD Assignment November 2014

Washer-L1-X.par, respectively. The “X” is an “assigned part number”. Use your URN to find three
assigned part numbers from the Table 1 below. The corresponding part files can be downloaded from
the SurreyLearn. Instead of using the Plate, Shaft and Shaft Washer models that you may have already
created, you must use the models of three given part to build your Hoist assembly.

To complete the assignment you need to create four new components. They are: Pulley, Hook, Hook
Bolt, and Shaft Circlip. The key dimensions of the Pulley are shown in Figure 2. The undefined
dimensions in Figure 2 can either be worked out from the Shaft model or assigned a sensible
dimension yourself. The key dimensions of the hook are shown in the Figure 3. The undefined
dimensions, for example, the shape of the hook end, are the ones for you to decide. The dimensions of
the Bolt and Shaft Circlip can be worked out from the other components you already made as the
CAD class exercises and the Shaft model assigned to you. The rest of undefined dimensions need to
be sensible, for example the thread length and position of the bolt, outer and inner diameter of the
Shaft Circlip. The thickness of the Shaft Circlip can be worked out from the given Shaft model Shaft -
L1-X. You are also asked to determine the dimensions of all unspecified Chamfer and Round of the
newly created components.

The rest of component models of the Hoist, Pin, Bushing, Circlips, Nuts, Washer and Cable should
already be made by you as class exercises. Use them for the Hoist assembly directly.

As a part of the assignment submission, you are asked to produce three components drawings (Plate,
Bolt and Shaft Circlip) and one assembly drawing with a Parts List. All drawings must be printed on
paper and submitted to TSO by the deadline.

The “Plate” you made in the class exercise is a partially completed one and should not be used for the
Hoist assembly directly. You should modify it to the dimensions of your assigned model. The
modified “Plate” model is the one that you use to produce the engineering drawing of the “Plate” (one
of the required “drawings printed on paper” submission).

3 Hints
Not all the dimensions required to make the new components are given by this assignment. Some of
dimensions need to be worked out from the components of the CAD exercises and the others need to
be worked out from your “assigned models”.

To create a solid model with a multiple cross section, such as the hook body, Swept Protrusion can be
used. For a multi-section cylindrical component, Revolved Protrusion can be used recommended. Use
of Mirror command will save your time when a symmetrical component is produced.

The Solid Edge ST7 will not show real thread on a 3D model. To produce an internal thread feature,
the Hole command should be used. To produce an external thread feature, the Thread command
should be used.

Before you start to assemble the Hoist, you must put all the component files and the sub-assembly file
(if you created the Pin-Bushing-Circlip sub-assembly model) in the same folder. After you complete
the Hoist assembly you must save the assembly model in the same folder.

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CAD Assignment November 2014

The following assembly order may be used (not compulsory): the Bolt, the Hook, two Washers (one
on each side of the Hook), the first Plate, the first Nut, the Shaft, Shaft Circlips (one on each side), the
first Shaft Washer (on the Pulley side), the Pulley, the second Shaft Washer (on other side of the
Pulley), three Pins, Bushings and Circlips (or their sub-assemblies), the second Nut, the second Plate
and finally the Cable.

Each component, assembly and drawing file must be properly named. You are given three models for
the Hoist assembly. They are PlateL4-X, ShaftL4-X and Shaft WasherL4-X. For these models the
original names (PlateL4-X, ShaftL4-X and Shaft WasherL4-X) must be used.

After the assembly model is created, the name of component files MUST NOT be changed and
NO component file should be moved to a different folder, otherwise the assembly model will
become inaccessible. No mark will be awarded if an inaccessible Hoist assembly model is

4 What do you need to submit?

4.1 Printed copy of engineering drawings
Following four drawings should be printed on appropriate paper specified below and submitted to
TSO together with a coursework submission form. You MUST use the “CAD assignment drawing
template” to produce the following drawings. The “CAD assignment drawing template” file can be
downloaded from SurreyLearn.

1. An engineering drawing of PLATE on an A4 paper.

2. An engineering drawing of BOLT on an A4 paper.
3. An engineering drawing of SHAFT CIRCLIP on an A4 paper.
4. An engineering drawing of Hoist assembly with a Parts List on an A4 or A3 paper. An A3 paper
background must be used to produce this drawing. This must be selected before producing the
Assembly drawing.

All the engineering drawings must be in “third angle projection” and consist of appropriate number of
orthographic views, one isometric view, and section view(s) and/or detail view(s) where they are
appropriate. You should decide which and how many views to be used. Make sure the view(s) is (are)
selected carefully so that component/assembly will be presented clearly with minimal hidden detail.
All views should be placed at appropriate positions and with adequate space for dimensions. The
dimensions should be placed at appropriate positions with sensible value.

The dimensioning of the engineering drawings should comply with British Standard (BS Standard is
available in PC lab 28/29AA02). Please refer to the British Standard for further details regarding
conventions of producing an engineering drawing. Make sure the Solid Edge ST7 is configured to
meet above standards before producing your engineering drawings. There is no specific tolerance
required to this assignment. The commonly used engineering drawing conventions of the British
Standard must also be followed, which include (but not limited to) central lines, hatching lines, title
block of an engineering drawing and symbols used for circular feature and threaded features.
Your drawings should fit to the drawing paper with appropriate scale. Before printing your final work,
do a test paper first to see if the drawing fits to the paper properly. If not, you can use the “fit”

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CAD Assignment November 2014

function of the printing software to fit your drawing to the paper. You also need to check if the
“background” paper size of the Drawing module fits to the drawing paper size used.

4.2 Submission of files

You must submit all the components, assembly, sub-assembly (if any) and four drawing files listed in
the above section. The Hoist assembly model should include an explored assembly view. Do not
forget the .cfg file for an assembly model. If there a missing .cfg file, your assembly model will
become inaccessible. As the result, no mark will be awarded. Before submitting your assignments
files, you must put all the files into one zip file. Only one zip file which contains all your assignment
file can be submitted on SurreyLearn.

Details of how to submit assignment files will be explained during the tutorial session of week 9.

5 Marking scheme
This module is about Engineering Design and Drawing, so that in addition to CAD skills, we would
like to see if you could use the CAD software to produce good quality engineering drawings.
Therefore, you are not only assessed on using Solid Edge to create Part and Assembling models.

The submitted assignment will be assessed in the following areas:

5.1 Minimum number of orthographic views to be used and an appropriate front view should be
selected and show as many features as possible.
5.2 Appropriate view layout and position, paper size and scale of the views.
5.3 Correct use of the dimensioning convention for both component and assembly drawings without
missing, redundant and inappropriate dimensions, and dimensioning the hidden features.
5.4 Good drawing clarity without cluttered or inappropriately placed views, dimensions and
dimension lines
5.5 Correct use of centre lines, centre mark, symbol of the circular features, threaded part and radius
of the curved features.
5.6 Correct use of section and detail views.
5.7 Good quality assembly drawings with Parts List produced by the Parts List function of the Solid
Edge (not the manual produced Parts List), Parts List “balloons”, critical dimensions and
appropriate view representation of the assembly.
5.8 Title Block (box) with appropriate contents and correct text conventions, such as component name,
materials, scale, number of component, date, and name of the person produces the drawing.
CAPITALS letters should be used to complete the Title Block and Parts List of the assembly
5.9 Features of the Part model are produced appropriately, for example, appropriate chamfers on Nut,
thread length on the Bolt and Nut and correct position of the holes on the plate.
5.10 Appropriate assembly relationships are used and positions are placed without missing or
redundant relationship between components, for example the position of Bushing on the Pin, the
clearance between washers and Pulley, position between Cable and Pulley and distance between
Plates. Correct components are used for the assembly model.
5.11 Correct number of Part, Drawing and Assembly files should be submitted. The printed drawings
must use the same Drawing files submitted on the SurreyLearn.
5.12 All the other requirements mentioned in section 4.

The detailed marking scheme

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CAD Assignment November 2014

Total 60 marks are awarded to three components drawings and one assembly drawing
• 15 marks are awarded to each of three component drawing (45 marks in total).
• 15 marks are awarded to the “assembly drawing of the Hoist assembly with Parts List”.

Each drawing will be awarded 15 marks without mistake, 12 marks with 1 mistake, 9 marks with 2
mistakes, 7 marks with 3 mistakes, 5 marks with 4 mistakes, 4 marks with 5 mistakes, 3 marks with 6
mistakes, 2 marks with 7 mistakes, 1 mark with 8 mistakes and no mark with 9 or more mistakes.

Total 40 marks are awarded to the components and assembly models in the following four areas:
• 10 marks are awarded to appropriate relationships assigned to each part of the assembly model;
• 10 marks are awarded to appropriate position of each component in the assembly model and
appropriate position of each component in the exploded view of the assembly model;
• 10 marks are awarded to appropriate dimensions and features of the component; and
• 10 marks are awarded to correct number and sensible name of Part, Assembly and Drawing
files of your submission.

Each area will be awarded 10 marks without mistake, 7 marks with 1 mistake, 5 marks with 2
mistakes, 4 marks with 3 mistakes, 3 marks with 4 mistakes, 2 marks with 5 mistakes, 1 mark with 6
mistakes and no mark with 7 or more mistakes.

6 Submission deadline
4pm on Tuesday 16th Dec 2013

The submission deadline applies to both submitting CAD files on the SurreyLearn and the printed
drawings to the TSO.

Table 1 “Assigned part number”

URN PlateL4- ShaftL4- Shaft WasherL4-
6305910 3 2 2
6312496 4 2 2
6341586 3 2 3
6334846 2 3 4
6322633 2 2 4
6300174 2 2 2
6330393 4 1 3
6305015 2 1 2
6327969 1 4 2
6307740 3 1 3
6298699 2 1 3
6299794 2 3 3
6326327 2 2 3
6306818 3 2 3
6317529 3 3 3
6301509 2 2 2

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CAD Assignment November 2014

6313877 3 4 3
6298756 2 2 4
6310701 4 1 1
6325427 3 4 3
6327523 2 2 2
6325962 4 4 2
6304945 3 3 1
6299657 3 4 3
6299130 2 2 3
6317961 3 3 3
6298559 3 1 2
6330415 4 1 3
6255013 1 2 2
6308298 1 2 1
6327495 3 4 3
6329032 2 4 4
6327130 3 3 2
6299601 1 4 2
6334379 2 1 4
6340283 2 1 3
6314126 3 4 2
6298924 3 4 2
4 2 3

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CAD Assignment November 2012

Figure 1

Cable Bushing
Shaft Shaft
Washer Circlip


Plate Pulley
Washer Nut


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CAD Assignment November 2012

Figure 2 Pulley

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CAD Assignment November 2012

Figure 3 Hook

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