2001 IPR Issues in Biotechnology India PDF
2001 IPR Issues in Biotechnology India PDF
2001 IPR Issues in Biotechnology India PDF
'Views expressed in the paper are those of th e authors and they do not necessarily ex pr~ss the view of th~
organization to which the authors belong.
!ColTesponding author: e. mail address: pkghosh@dbl.nic. in/ gprasa ota@hot:mail. col1l
IPR and their protection in biotechnology Bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases pres-
through patenting or through other interna- ently contribute to major morbidity an d mor-
tionally acceptable laws is presently a sub- tality in Ind ia. With th e rise in stress and
ject matter of discussion at the nation al and strain in people e manating from rapid indu s-
inte rnational circles. Several issues are in- trial ization, inc reased popul ation growth
deed complex. The laws of protection of and decreased amenities for human h ealth ,
biotechnological inve ntions in diffe re nt th ere h as also been a signifIcant ri se in sys-
countries are differe nt and are not yet uni- temic ailments such as cardiovascular di s-
form. Mem ber countries of WTO are to eases, diabetes, arthritis, vital orga n fa ilure
amend th eir IPR laws to be in co nfo rmity and certain types of cancer. In many of th ese
with th e minimum provisions co ntain ed in areas, solu tions fo r protection or prolongi ng
the Trade- Related Intell ectu al Prope rty life are in sight through biotec h so lu tions.
Rights (fRIPS) of WTO within a specified These includ e developm e nt of vaccin es, fa-
period. The inventions in biotec hnol ogy cut cilities for medical diag nosis followed by
across issues related to science and techn ol- th erapy in complex probl e ms, developm en t
ogy policies, ethics and economics, besid es of hum a n-body-co mpatibl e orga ns in an i-
politics of internation al trad e. Interesting ly, mals, xe notransplantations, developin g nu-
the expectations of the world co mmunity tritious and micro-ingredients e nriched food
from biotechnology are increasing fast. So- and food supplements for childre n and aged
cieties are conce ntrating on th e accrual of people, clearin g up th e polluted effl uents
th e potential and th e realizable benefits from a nd naturalizing ope n su rroundings that
its applications in different facets of usage. have bee n degraded by inCl-eased hum an
Prese ntly, th e major areas of use have been activities. In agriculture, of th e various meth-
th e manufacture of th e therapeutic recomb i- ods of in creasing production, th e productiv-
nant products and the diag nostic devices in ity rise per unit of land use would be most
med ical and pharmaceutical sector; the ge- sig nifica nt in th e coming years. GM seeds
netically modified (GM) seeds of diverse and pla nt cultivars are expected to contrib-
properties in agriculture; cl eaner method s of
ute sign ifica ntly to raising th e agricultural
production of complex fermentation based
production in th e coming years. GM seeds
mol ecules for indu strial use; and efficient
have al so great potential for producing Ilu tri-
containment of polluted environment by th e
tious food, the technology of which is in the
use of microbial and oth ers livin g biological
developm e ntal stage globally.
consortia. Th e technology would evolve fur-
ther in the coming years to register its use Th ere is a sb-on g public perception th at pri-
in many other areas prese ntly unknown. vatization of intell ectual properti es may have
negative impact in all developing countries
Public Interest Areas and Indian on th eir health-care sector followed by con-
cern in regional food security. The food se-
Government Initiatives in
curi ty issue emanates from the control of
productive seeds used in agriculture by mul-
Cost effective solutions to general public tin ational companies through IPR, accruing
hea lth problems would reduce health-care throL!gh th eir high e r capabilities in re-
costs; th ey would also contribute to society's search. Towards these two e nd s partic u-
having more h ealthy peopl e at a g ive n time. larly, efforts should be made by India, bein g
form; however, patents based on mi- ge netic resources. Article 15 and Article 16
crobial processes are permitted. of CBD contain conditions for access to ge-
(iii) WTO requires protection of plant va- netic resources, and conditions for access to
rieties eith er by patents or by an effec- an d tran sfer of technology respectively. Ac-
tive sui generis sys t e m or by a ny cess to and sharing of biolog ical diversity are
combination th ereof, while at present dealt within th e documents of CBD on mu-
there is no system for protection of tually agreed terms and are subject to prior
plant varieties in India. inform ed consent, but would be subj ect to
national legislation. Consequently, access
(iv) WTO provides 20 years unifo rm dura-
to genetic resources has to proceed by nego-
tion for coverage of patent life for all
tiations and it has to decide the form in
patents while Indian system provides 7
which the benefits are to be accrued to the
years for drugs, food and chemicals
donor country. Sovereign countri es or na-
and 14 years fo r others.
tional governments are required to take leg-
(v) The burd en of proof in case of infringe- islative, administrative or policy measures to
ment in WTO is substa ntially on the achi eve "access to and transfer of technol-
alleged individu al who infringes while ogy" between th e recipient and suppli er, for
in Indian system it is on th e plaintiff. genetic resources. Obviously such policy
(vi) WTO do es not permit discrimination measures would have to deal with private
between imported and domestic prod- sector also, as technologies are expected to
ucts while accord in g to the Indian law, be developed more within the ambit of pri-
importation does not amount to work- vate sector than th e public sector. In comply-
ing of the patent. ing with these provisions of CBD th erefore,
(vii) WTO requires providing same advan- every sovereign country needs to id entify an
tage, favour, privilege or immunity official body that has the au th ority to grant
granted by a memb er country to the access to its genetic resources and furth er,
nationals of any other memb er co un- that body has to devise a mechanism for
try. providing consent. Such m ec hani s m s
(viii) Compulsory licensing is permitted on would have to be co mpatible so that the
merits of each case in WTO, and the rec ipient country and the provider country
hold er of pate nt will have to be heard , can co me closer for easing the developm ent
but Indian law provides compulsory of tech nologi es by using natural genetic bio-
licensing in the case of food, pharma- diversity, which in its natural form is not
ceuticals and chemical sector. Inter- protectable as intellectual property through
pretation of Indian law implies that th e provisions of IPR. Natural genetic biodi-
compulsory licensi ng would be freely versity is not protectable as intellectual prop-
available in these sectors. erty of individuals by its mere possession,
under the provisions of IPR of any co untry.
Convention on Biological Diversity
In accordance with th e provisions of CBD,
the States (sovereig n countries) have rights The issues before the co untry include th e
over their natural resources and they have stand that would have to be taken on the
the authority to determine access to their di stin ction s between discoveries and inven-
tions in biological area, the definitions and were generally not accepted by th e develop-
the scope of patentable microorganisms, the ing countries including India. But th ese po-
scope of patentability or protection of other sitions did not prevent growth in prosp erity
living beings like the plants and th e animals, in developing countries, though they were
the conditions of deposition connected with slower (for various reasons). India, for exam-
the patentable inventions involving living en- ple, was able to increase its food grain pro-
tities including viruses, bacteria, fungi, plas- duction significantly by about four times
mids, genes, stretches of polynucleotide from the 1953-1954 level by scientifically de-
sequences of useful properties, plants, ani-
veloping more productive pla nt cultivars in-
mal s etc. In many of these issues, the stand
cluding vari et ies a nd hybrids, and by
of the wro is also not clear; WTO has not
adopting dwarf plants of wheat and rice in
made any definite recommendations in most
of these facets, and the subject matter is left Ind ian cultivation. The global milk produc-
to specu lations and conj ectures. The CBD tion became the highest in India by th e adop-
document has not provided defi nite guide- tion of sc ie ntific t ech niques for the
lin es for access and exchange of biological improveme nt of milching animals. Even in
m ater ials among States. Consequently, th e drugs and pharmaceuticals area th ere
CBD Member States would have to frame had been impressive progress both in the
their access legislation and would create production of bulk drugs and finish ed for-
th eir biological materials access authority. mu lations; India becam e the strongest
Such authorities of States would have to among th e developing countries in having a
promulgate terms that e nsure conservation large local base of basic production of the
and sustainable use of biological diversity on largest number of bulk drugs. The country
one hand, and fair and equitabl e sharing of adopted such strategies as to bring in great-
be nefits from their utilization among mem- est competitiveness in the market place that
ber countries on the other hand. resulted in India's having the lowest prices
India is a country, which is philosophically of pharmaceutical formulations in the world.
wedded to the concept of making knowledge But with th e advancement in th e techn ologi-
a public property. This has been reflected in cal capabilities resulting in increased indus-
the Indian way of life where th e authors trialization and with changes in international
responsible for many ancient creations and situations, many countries came together
knowledge have not claimed their owner- and became members of WTO, thereby re-
ship or even authorship. This philosophy
instating their commitments to the IPR as
has don e well to the country in the long run
contained in the documents of \VTO. WTO
by enabling access to such creations and
encourages privatization of knowledge . T he
knowledge to all without discrimination.
Even in the recent times during the last 40 prevailing Indian philosophy and practice in
years, while th e whole of industrialized society is just opposite to privatization of
cou ntri es were busy in the protection and knowledge. Therefore, consistent with In-
privatization of inve ntions in the area of liv- dian culture, efforts have been mad e to cre-
ing objects/substances such as the protec- ate more room from within the provisions of
tion of plant varieties, patenting of WTO to enable India to keep inventions in
microorganisms an d animals, such steps biology more in the public domain.
such a treatment on other States, it would be terizatio n, ind exing and finding their uses
wiser to hold that it should be left to coun- includ ing new use are considered as discov-
tries on how they would like to treat natu- eries. There could be arguments in thi s con -
rally occurring substances. This view is text ra ng ing from how countries would loo k
co nsistent with TRIPS. atth e m from th e simplest case of their "mere
Within th e ambit of the provision s of WTO, possessio n" to th e co mpl ex steps of applyi ng
th e patentabl e micro orga ni sms cou ld be hum an ingenuity to isolate th em in pu re
considered to be those lhat have been pro- forms that did not exist in nature. Th ere are
duced by hum an interventions, where th e no gu idelin es in the docum ents of TRIPS on
interventio ns are non-obvious and furth er treating these issues. Therefore, when eve r
that they do nol involve an essentially bio- member countries would be adapting to th e
logica l process. Such mi c roorga ni sms flo or limits of conformi ty of the prov isions of
would no doubt satisfy th e criteria of novelty, TRIPS in th e ir national patent laws, it is fo r
inventive steps and usefuln ess or indu strial them to decid e how they would be looking
appli cation s. Such patentable microorgan- at naturally occurring substances. As ar-
is ms may includ e th e transgenic viruses, g ued earlier, if it is accepted hat th ere: is
sub-viral particl es, plasmids, bacteria, acti- wisdom in keeping th e national patents laws
nomycetes, yeast, fungi, a nd parasites. more public fri e ndly, decisions co uld b e
They wou ld not include the tumour forming taken to treat all the naturally occurring su b-
cell lin es and the monoclonals derived from stances, howsoever iso lated or processed, to
vertebrate cell lin e or other cell lin es origi- be kept outside the purview of patentin g on
nating from hig her life forms. the arg um ents that such products are mere
di scoveries. All natural products such as
T h e excl usion criteria for th e purpose of prote ins, g ly co -prote in s, lipid s, p hos-
patenting mentioned to defin e patentable phol ipids , fats and oils, carboh ydrates, si m-
microo rga nis ms would be helpful to th e de- pl e chemicals, agro-ch e mical s, g la ndul ar
veloping co untri es to build innovation s products, bota ni ca l pes tici des, po lyn u-
based on many usefu l cell lin es, which cou ld c leotid e seq ue nces, natu ra ll y occurring
be kept in th e public domain by such treat- genes, all naturally occurrin g DNAs a nd
ments. Once a microorgani sm is patented, RNAs cou ld thu s be kept out of patenting in
it would not be publicly available with in th e countri es' own patentin g laws. Th is position
protected period, without exploi ting the pat- is con sistent with the provisions of TRIPS.
e nt.
Plants and Plant Varieties
Naturally Occurring Substan ces
Th e Indian Patents Act does no t permi t the
The present Indian Patents Act does not
patentin g of eith er plants or plant vari eties.
allow patenting of products per se. Product
The provisions of TRIPS req uire tha t pl ant
patenting is a part of the req uireme nt of
varieties need to be protected e ith er by pa t-
TRIPS. Paten table products mu st satisfy the
enting or by a sui generis method or by a
criteria of patenting, however.
co mbin ation of both, but countri es could
Natural products isolated from nature are keep plants ou tsid e the purview of patenting.
generally co nsid ered to be th e products of Patents on plants arc obtainable in certa in
nature; th eir isolation, id entification, charac- developed countri es like USA, J apa n and
Australia und er certain conditi ons. But the farmers to save limited quantities of seeds
patent laws in Europe exclude plant vari eties for lheir own requirements only.
fro m patenting; indeed plant varieti es are T he TRIPS does not mention about or refer
protected by sui generis method . to the provisions of UPOV, nor does it in cli-
In Eu rope, the plant variety protection has cate the precise steps to be taken for protect-
been g iven a separate legal system of prolec- in g plant varieties, except that it
tion, common ly known as Plant Variety promulgates that plant varieti es are to be
Rights or Plant Breeders' Rights. Such protected . India is not a member of th e
rights origin ated from and through th e e n- UPOV. India is th erefore; free to e nact its
actm ent of th e Inte rnational Union for th e own Plant Variety Protection (PVP) law that
Protection of N ew Varieties of P lants would be co nsistent with the TRIPS. Whil e
(UPOV). Th e UPOV has presently memb er- framing its PVP, Indi a can draw [rom th e
provisions of UPOV, especiall y from its 1978
ship of 43 States, and many countries for
version . [n the new law the farm e rs' rights
protecting plant vari eties have accepted its
as well as th e research ers' rights cou ld be
1978 version. However, UPOV had come
uph eld in accord ance with th e traditional
out with its 1991 version that cam e inlo force
practices of th e country. Th e researc hers'
from April 1998. Many countri es had not yet
rig hts are consistent with th e provision s of
ratifi ed th e 1991 version ofUPOV. Th e 1978
intell ectual properly principl es in any coun-
version of UPOV dealt with th e Plant Breed- try that research could be carri ed ou t with
ers' Rig hts for co mm ercia l marketing of the an y materi al, provid ed that any new mate rial
reprodu ctive parts of th e protected pl ant va- produced out of lh e utilized mate rial ~) ro
ri eti es . Th e researchers as well as th e plant lected or unprotec ted) is not marke ted. In
breeders could use such protec ted va ri eti es order to mark et a new material produ ced
as study materials for further research , and from a protected material, lh e re may be
th e resulting new vari eti es developed from need to obtain th e conse nt of th e own e r
th e protec te d va ri e ti es did not r e quir e depe ndin g upo n th e IPR laws of th e States ..
authori zation for th e sub sequ e nt breeders As regard s farm ers' rig hts of saving seeds,
or th e researchers to utilize th e m for co m- lh ese have to be co nsistent with th e tradi-
merc ial gain s. T hese rig hts had been with - tio nal practices of th e country, on whi ch
drawn in 1991 version of UPOV. furth er, TRIPS ca nnot have any control. India ca n,
th e 1978 vers ion of UPOV provid ed th e farm- th erefore , drafl its own PVP law th al ca n
ers' rights to save seeds in accordan ce with have ad equale provi sions [o r prolec ling lh e
th eir tradition al prac tices . Thi s rig ht had farm ers' rights as well as th e researc hers '
al so been s ubstan tially curtailed in th e 199 1 rig hls.
version of UPOV, on the g round s that farm- A plant vari ety is identifi ed by its whole
saved seeds could form a sizeable part of the g e nom e. Th e usual criteria of prolecti on
annual use of seeds of protected vari eti es; lhrough UPOV Convenlion is availabl e to
th erefore if farm ers were allowed to save new vari eti es of bolanical ge nera and s pe-
seeds, the saved portion wouid collectively c ies, provided lh e vari ety is cl early di stin -
form a s ub stanti al quantum th at would result g uishabl e (D) by one or more ch aracteri stic
in loss in revenu e of the own e r of lh e pro- features [rom any other known vari ety, lh e
tected vari ety. Th e 1991 UPOV allows th e new vari ety is s ufficiently homoge neous or
uniform (U) having regard to the features of nizes the Research ers' rig hts as well as the
its vegetative propagation or sexual repro- Farmers' rights, s imil ar to what was a'va il-
duction, and further the new variety is stabl e able in 1978 UPOv. The Bill further recog-
(S) in its essential characteristics. This im- nizes the r ights of the Community that
plies that it should re main tru e to its descrip- contributed to th e development of a pro-
tion after r epeated propa gat ion or tected vari ety. The detail s of the adopted
reproduction or at the e nd of each cycle PPVFR will be known only after the Bill is
where the breeders have defin ed a particular accepted by the Parliament, and is e nac"ed.
cycl e of multiplication or r eproduction .
Popularly, these criteria are called as DUS Animals and Animal Varieties
criteria. All memb er cou ntri es can adopt Th e TRIPS h as provid ed ex e mption s to
these cr it er ia. Th e phenotypic charac- countries to the protection of animals. Ani-
teristics are to be id en tified, ind exed and mal vari eti es are included within the broad
notified in accordance with th ese criteria. provisions of animals. Consequently, th e op-
Concurrently it would be most usefu l to in- portuni ty provid ed in the provisions ofV\~rO
troduce genotypic identification s, which should be availed of and animals includin g
wou ld no doubt includ e characteristic RFLP, animal parts like organs, tissues and cells of
RAPD and DNA finger printing procedures animals modified to patentable invention
for bringing in more preciseness to id entifi- may be kept out of patenting, as this would
cation. Genotypic characterization would, enabl e the people to use inventions in them
however, require th e creation of enormous freely for benefits.
infrastructure in the govern me nt laborato-
Interestin gly, animal breeds produced by
ries. A national laboratory may therefore be
any cou ntry by using traditional meth ods
designated and equipped for this purpose to
are not protected through any law anywh ere
augment capacity building withi n the cou n-
in th e wo rld . Traditional methods includ e
th e biological methods of animal breeding.
In India, th e Protection of Pl ant Vari eti es and However, if novel animals are produced by
Farmers' Rights (PPVFR) Bill, 1999 was in- no n-bi ologica l, non-natura lly occu r rin g
trodu ced as Bill No: 123 of 1999 in th e Par- processes such as by full genomic cloning as
liament. The Bill is under examination by a is dOIl e in th e developm ent of Dolly 12 or by
Select Committee of the Parliament. The touch ing th e germ cell lin es B -15, introdu c-
Indian PPVFR has substantially incorpo- ing in them new genetic traits t.h e n th e re-
rated in it th e 1978 provisions of th e UPOV; sulting an imal as well as the processes could
th e criteria for the protectable plant vari eti es be paten table in accordance with the laws of
are similar. The varieties that would be de- some countries. The transgenic onco-m ouse
veloped by incorporating one or a few trans- developed by th e Harvard College of USA Hi
genes by sta ndard m e thod s would be was assigned a US patent protection as th e
considered as essentially derived varieties animals qualify all the criteria of patenting.
and these would also be eligibl e for protec- Following the dec isions of th e US Pate nt
tion as "essentially derived varieti es". In Office, a European Patent was also g ranted,
oth e r words, GM plants shall be protected as but th e Animal Rights Group of Europe op-
essentially derived varieties provided th ey posed the grant of such a patent; th e matLe r
satisfy th e DUS criteria. The PPVFR recog- is consequ e ntly sub-j udice in Europe at th e
present. Th e moot point in such patents patent regime of TRIPS innovative new proc-
arises from ethical issues of patentin g ani- esses would have to be developed for mak-
mals, which will be discussed later on. The in g a product that is protected by a process;
take · home lesson is that developin g coun- unl ess th e new process is substantially inn o-
tries like India could keep the pate ntin g of vative, it would not be easy to introduce
animals and animal varieties, how so ever "products protected by a process" by other
derived, outsid e th e scope of their patentin g entrepre neurs from the membe r cou ntri es
laws , which position is consiste nt with th e in the coming years.
provisions of TRIPS. It can also be arg ued
that while efficie nt animal breeds produc ed Geographical Origin 0/ Biological Mate-
by traditional m ethod s have made phenom e- rials and Traditional Knowledge
nal progress th e world over, th e science or
the technology appli ed to animal breedin g Every co untry is e ndowed with natural bio-
has not suffered du e to lack of patenting logica l reso urc es. CBD states that technol-
process in th em. It can also be stated that ogy transfer should be carried out on term s,
non-availability of th e system of patenting or which are consistent with effective protec-
any other method of intellectual property tion of IPR. It furth er recognizes that pate nts
protection in this area has not affected its may have an influence on the impl eme nta-
sc ie ntific or tech nological developm ents. tion of the provisions of CBD, and therefore
Why therefore shall a system be broug ht in patentee should cooperate in this rega rd
place in this area that ca n restrict th e free subj ect to national legislatio n and intern a-
ava ilability of superior animal breeds to any tionallaw in order to ensure that such rig hts
country? On the contrary market forc es and are supportive, and they do not run co unter
market competition should be allowed to to th e obj ectives of CB D. Biological inven-
bloom , as such measu res ensure to the maxi- tion s are expected to draw heavily from ge-
mum th e interests of th e consumers. netic resources. Con sequ ently, in ord er to
fa cilitate th e claim of individual co untries on
such genetic resources, it would be essential
Process Patents/ Innovative Reverse Engi- to legislate that inventors would have to di s-
neerzng close in their pate nt specification th e so urce
The Article 28 of TRIPS confers certa in of th e biological materials used in the inve n-
rig hts on its owner, according to which th e tion s. Th ese are consistent with th e prov i-
owner can prevent third parties from mak- sions of TRIPS, which in its prea mbl e on
in g , using, offering for sale, selling, or im- TRIPS states th e need to promote effective
porti ng for these purposes, th e produ ct tJl<lt a nd adequate protection of IPR and to e n-
is patented. If the subject matter of th e pat- sure that measures and procedures to e n-
ent is a 'process for making a produ ct', thc force IPR do not themselv es b ec om es
owner shall have the rig ht to prevent third batTier to legitimate trad e.
parties from using th e process for the above There are also situation s wh ere invention s
purposes .In accordance with Article 34 of would emanate from traditional practices or
TRIPS the burden of proof in respect of in- from established b'aditional produ cts used
fringement of th e rights of th e owner even locally. For exampl e, th ere are innumerabl e
for a 'product by a process' patent is on th e local food and beverage as well as local
alleged infringer. Th erefore, in th e ensuin g remedi es, which are standardized by usin g
the method s offermentation or extraction or tions as intell ectual properti es, and would be
process in g in trad itional mann er. Docu- en titled to collect revenues from th e regis-
me nts of invention originating from the use tration of such marks. Such r evenu es co l-
of s uch materials or processes should de- lected by the States can then be s pe nt for th e
scribe in sufficient details such starti ng ma- upliftment of the communities from wher e
terials includin g th e traditional practices , the geographical ind ications originated .
with a view to e nab ling the governments to In India, the first step towards these direc-
take s uc h steps in futur e as would be ti ons has been taken by enacting Th e Geo-
deemed fit to benefi t the com munities hold- grap hi cal Indi cat ions of Good s l ?
ing such knowl edge. (Registration and Protectio n) Act, 1999. The
Further, th ere are already several trad ed rul es an d procedures for enacting thi s wou ld
goo ds that ori gi nate from specific geo- soon be notified. Accordin g to the Act, "geo-
g raphicallocations. Such goods when mar- graph ical indications" in rela tion to goods
keted with mark (simi lar to lab elling) or wou ld mea n an indication which id entifies
geograph ical in dications of origin are ex- such goods as agric ultural goods, natural
pected to fetch better prices in th e trade goo ds or manufactured goods as originating
because of established goodwill of such or manu factured in the territo ry of a country
products. Provisions exist in Article 22 of or of a region or locali ty in that territory,
TRI PS to app ly geographical indi cat ion s on where a g iven quality or reputation or other
s uc h goods to enable procuring premium on characteristics of such goo ds is essentiall y
them when traded . fa lse claims sho ul d be allributab le to its geograp hical ori gi n and in
s ubjected to prosecution and pun ishment. case where s uch goods are rnanufac turcd
Examples of biotech goods in relation to goods one of th e activities of e ith er the pro-
geographical indi catio ns in Indian context du ction or of processing or production of th e
are Darjeel ing tea, basmati rice, Hydera badi goods concern ed takes pbce in s uch a terri-
biryani, Bangali rasogulla, Mysore pal?, Gu- tory, region or locality, as the case may be.
jarati dholda , petlza of Mathura, Bu rd wan's Goods wo ul d mea n any agricultural, natural
11Iehidana and sitabhog, Bo ngaon 's IWlIcha or man ufactured goods or goo ds of ind ustlY
and includes foodstuff. The India n Contro l-
gol/a, Bikanari bhujia, I?tung 1ymbari and do-
ler General of Patents, Des ig ns and T rade
h!?ha jJdem of Meghalaya, Izawaigar saidall
Marks shall be th e Registrar of Geographi-
or saibum of Manipu r, khorias,baste1Iga, gUlI -
ca l In d ications. The usc of a geogra phical
druk, iaitenga, hajpaui, jJara-apong, suiai,
indication shall be construed as a referen ce
zu Jnd phatilw of Assam. There are Illan y
to th e use of a prin ted or oth er visual repre-
other such local foods of popu larity in differ-
se ntation of the geograph ical in dication.
e nt parts of Ind ia. Like In d ia, every co untry
has some such spec iali ty ite ms of agricul-
tural, natural or manufactu red goods. Tn or-
Ethical Issues
der to exploit the names of geograph ica l Pate nting of invention confers rig hts on the
in d icatio ns on goods for obta ini ng a pre- patent holder to prevent othe rs fr om exploit-
mium, Member Countries are entitled to in - in g the invention fo r commercial gains. It is
s titute nation al laws cons iste nt with th e a rig ht conferred by the sovere ign States to
provisions ofWTO to register su ch products th e owner. The State machinery gua rantees
und er the provisions of geographical indica- such rig hts to the inve nto rs. Co nsequently,
patenting rights are powerful rights con- baselin e of ethics and morality. In the con-
fen-ed upon the patent holders. As the States text of biological inventions, the situation
deal with the welfare and equity of people, has become more complex especially for the
all acts of States are to be ethical. Conse- developing countries after Chakrabarti 2
quently, the patenting laws in every country was allowed a patent on his inve ntion of a
have ethical consid erations, and inve ntions genetically modified Pseudomonas microor-
that cu t acro ss the questions of morality are ganism that had an add itional plasmid incor-
not allowed to patent. In the existing Indian porated by Chakrabarty, by virtue of which
Pate nts Act, provisions have been built in for the organism had acquired th e capacity of
preventing patenting of inventions that are metabolising a wid e range of hydrocarbons.
contrary to public mo·rale. The European Th e importanc e of this patent was that living
Patent Convention (1973) in its Article 53 (a) objects that could not hith erto be patented
excludes from patenting any invention "the became patentable from this time. Societi es
publication or exploitation of which is con- took a long time to accept that this patent
trary to morality or ordre public". All Euro- was not a patent for life per se but for a living
pean countries hav e incorporated this organism that was "partially modifi ed" by
provision in essence in their national patent the inventive genus of human interventions.
laws. Subsequently, European Parliament In fact, Chakrabarty'S invention did not cre-
and the Council on Legal Protection of Bio- ate any new life but it only modified irre-
logi ca l Inve ntion issued 18 Directive No. versibly a life form that did not ex ist in
98/44/EC on 6.7.1998 for patenting of bio- nature. The modification was, however,
logical inventions. very powerful and the progenies of the modi-
fieci organism also inh erited th e modifi ed
It is often argued that the acts o[ patenting properties intact. Hereafter, patenting of
are ethically neutraI 19-21. Perhaps th ese ar- complex living objects have been allowed
gument stems from the philosophy that pat- such as the patenting of other microorgan-
enting attorneys who advice inventors on isms and hybridomas and many cell lin es
th e suitability of their inventions examine derived from high er life forms such as in-
the cases on the basis of set criteria of nov- sects, mammals, etc. US have allowed th e
elty, inventive steps and usefuln ess (indus- patenting of an oncomouse 16, which is an
trial applications) only, and such criteria animal that can be used [or testing th e car-
have nothing to do with the ethical issues. cin ogenic potential of new compounds. The
Some people argue that if the practice of an ethical consid erations in th e patenting of
invention is considered immoral by societies th ese inventions have. th erefore, changed
then by an act of law such inventions should and living objects have not been considered
be banned from patenting, and consequently as a bar for th eir be ing patenteci. The moot
nobody would bother to patent such inven- point, therefore, in th e consicferation of ethi-
tions. Indeed, this is what every society does cal issues from these experiences are clear
through its governments to prevent from that the floor limits of ethics can change with
patenting the inventions the exploitation of time and with the societal needs. Ethical
which is contrary to morality or to the ordure issues are, therefore, to be considered as
public. Unfortunately, th ere is no universa l dynamic societal morals that can change
code of conduct that is applicable and usefu l with tim e. However, every country at a par-
for every society uniformly that sets th e ticular time has the right to set th e floor
lim its of ethics th at can be binding within th e be ter med as discovery. This s hall apply to
territory over a peri od of tim e. WTO is neu- mi c rob es, pl ants a nd a ni ma ls in c lu din g
tral on setting any flo or limits of ethical is- every s ubstance in th e m in full or in parts of
s ues th at are g lobally acceptable. In this th eir development in the natural form, in th e
context, th erefore, it can be s tated that th e bi olog ical system . Natural1y occurri ng mi-
ba selin e of morali ty s hould be drawn within crobes, plants and anim als, naturally occur-
the States in accord ance with th eir social r ing bio c h e mi ca ls, ge n es, nu c le ic ac id
and cultural norm s, and th ese norm s should s tretches, protein s, carbohydrates, lipid s o r
o nly have territorial applications. co mbin ations th ereof which arc natu rally oc-
With th e above in view, it is s tated th at for cLi lTin g , s hould be termed as products of
India a philosophy based on ge neral welfar e natu re and th ey s houl d be kept away from
of h uman and an imals s houl d be co nsidered intell ectua l property protecti on. Proper ties
as th e base lin e of ethics for the purpose of of such s ubs tances as well as th e in ter-rela-
pr eve ntin g in ve nti o n s fr o m pa t e n tin g. ti onships and fun ction s sh ould be co nsid -
Ma in tenance of activiti es of anim al we lfare , ered to be fa llin g within th e preview of
huma n dig nity an d preservatio n of natural natural laws , and therefore findin g th e m by
liv in g bi ologica l wealth are natural to human h uma n eve n for th e fi rs t tim e s hould be
beings. Inventio ns and activiti es, which are co nsidered as discoveries. Inve ntion s 0 11 th e
co ntrary to th ese, would trade upon e thi ca l oth er hand would be th ose fin d in gs throug h
issues. Th erefore, in vention s in areas whi ch hum a n interventi on whic h did not occur
do not co nform to animal welfa re or which naturally bu t could be mad e to occu r by
brin g dow n hum an d ig ni ty s hould not be h um a n intervention, and th erefo re which
consid ered to be area s that are patentabl e. would satisfy th e cri teria of in tellectual prop-
Con sequ ently, di scoveri es of any of the natu- erty protecti on namely being new, involvin g
ral c le me nts in cl uding th e parti al or full se- inventive s teps and bein g useful or having
qu e nce of genes [rom hum an body s hould applicati ons . T he usefuln ess or applications
not be allowed fo r pate ntin g. All inve ntions are in relation to indu strial a pp l i c ati on ~. Co n-
lead ing to cru e lty of an im als with out brin g- sequ ently, patentabl e bi ological su bsta nces
ing about any advantage to kn owledge or shou ld have indu strial application s at the
information or weUare or med ical be nefits to time when th ey are co ns id ered for protec-
hum an or animals sh ould also not be all owed tio n an d should not be base d on hypothe ti-
to be patented. Simil arly, process fo r mod i- cal or potential future application s.
fy in g human germ lin e, methods of deter- Al l process of mul tiplication and production
minin g th e sex of h um an fo etus, use of of an im als and pl ants by natural proc esses
hum an embryos fo r organ culture and clon- suc h as crossing or sel ectio n s hould be con-
ing of hum an beings s hould also not be al- sidered as esse ntially biol ogica l process and
lowed to be patented. should not be co nsid ered as pate ntable in-
ven tion.
Discovery and Invention
Deposit and Access of Biological Materi-
Al l findin gs in biology where a bi ological
s u bs tance or its properties already existed in
nature bu t was noticed for th e first ti me Two hidd en criteria for th e protection of IP R
indiv idu ally or coll ectively by hum an s hould consist of ad equ ate desc ription of th e inve n-
tion and the reproducibility of the invention is fast changing. Patenting of living organ-
in the hands of persons reasonably skilled in isms that qualify the criteria of patentibility
the art. In biological invention, it is not pos- are being given protection through their na-
sible to adequately describe the living sub- tionallaws in many developed countries and
stance(s), nor it is possible to reproduce the the debate on whether living materials can
invention without the biological material (s) . be patented is gradually being pushed to
Consequently, the world community has ac- backseats. Realizing that this compromises
cepted that all biological materials be depos- ethical issue at least for higher life forms and
ited in recognized international repositories. having regard to the fact that the research
In accordance with the Budapest Treaty 23, capability of developing countries are lower
patentable microorganisms are required to and would continue to remain so for many
be deposited by the inventors in designated years in future, it is prudent to conclude that
recognized repositories. Such provisions liberal views on patenting of living organ-
are required to be legislated by the States for isms would mainly benefit th e developed
all biological materials including plants, ani- nations. There is wisdom in taking advan-
mals and multiplying substances such as tage from within th e provisions of WTO to
genes, plasmids, viruses, etc. as is applicable keep out of patenting as much of inve ntion
for microorganisms. These may require the in living objects as is possible by the devel-
creation of national depository set-ups and oping countries within the framework of
th e building up of the necessary capabilities WTO in their national patenting laws. It
in many States. Besides, States may also would be prud ent to tackle the issue by cre-
become a part of the Budapest Treaty by ating conditions of strong market competi-
complying with the necessary procedures tion within the t erritories of States by
for enabling them to have access to deposi- providing equal level pl aying grounds in
tion of biological materials in designated other facets and factors of production so that
labs for the purposes of their IPR. only the fitter enterprises could sustain in
competition. The bargaining point of the de-
Conclusion veloping countries lies in having their large
local markets, which would grow over the
The protection of plant varieties to individu-
years ilTespective of what laws of IPR th ey
als in Europe in sixties through UPOV was
would adapt.
the beginning of conferring rights of living
substances / materials / objects to individu- Genetic resources are th e properties of th e
als. The US decision to allow Chakrabarty to sovereign States to which th ey are indige-
obtain a patent on his genetically modifi ed nou s. Future accessions of such reso urces
Pseudomonas spp. was another landmark would require consent from the States.
event that started the world community to cnD promulgqtes ensuring conservation
prepare itfor accepting the patenting of com- and sustainable use of biological diversity,
plex and high er life forms including hybrido- besides fa ir and equitable sharing of be nefits
mas, vert e bral a nd insect cell lin es, from th eir utilization . Having abundant natu-
genetically engineered plants and animals in ral resources, the developing countries have
the developed countries. Although th e de- an edge over the developed nations. It
veloping countries resisted to such IPR in makes good sense to create conditions of
their own patenting laws initially, the trend structured but compatible mechanism of