Non-Linear Lateral Pile Deflection Predictions in Clays
Non-Linear Lateral Pile Deflection Predictions in Clays
Non-Linear Lateral Pile Deflection Predictions in Clays
Scholars' Mine
International Conference on Case Histories in (1998) - Fourth International Conference on Case
Geotechnical Engineering Histories in Geotechnical Engineering
M. H. Chen
University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, Missouri
Recommended Citation
Prakash, Shamsher and Chen, M. H., "Non-linear Lateral Pile Deflection Predictions in Clays" (1998). International Conference on Case
Histories in Geotechnical Engineering. 58.
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Proceedings: Fourth International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, St. Louis, Missouri,
March 9-12, 1998.
A method to predict lateral load-deflection relationships for single free-headed piles in clay, considering the non-linear modulus of the
sub grade reaction is proposed on the basis of the analysis of full-scale test data on ten piles. The modulus of the horizontal subgrade
reaction, kh, was obtained from the field load-deflection data of six piles in soft clay and four piles in stiff clay. The kh values depend on
lateral (shear) strain, which is related to pile diameter and deflection. Empirical equations of normalized modulus degradation with shear
strain have been proposed for both soft and stiff clays. The maximum value of the modulus of horizontal subgrade reaction, khmax• has
been related with the undrained shear strength of clays. J\ comparison of the results from the present method and the p-y method with
the measured load-deflection curves has also been made.
The proposed method predicts upper and lower bound load-deflection curves which are valuable guides to making informed decisions.
INTRODUCTION curves and Qg-Yg curves, where Qg and yg are load and deflection
respectively at the ground level.
There are four categories of methods (Brinch Hansen, 1961;
Brorns, 1964; Reese and Matlock, 1956; and Poulos, 1971) for Mwindo ( 1992) analyzed piles of different materials embedded
the analysis of single piles under lateral loads. The first two in clays of different consistencies and developed fivt!" empirical
methods calculate the allowable lateral load by dividing the relations to obtain the strain-dependent modulus of the
ultimate (failure) load by an appropriate factor of safety. The horizontal subgrade reaction. These relationships have limited
other two methods, by Reese and Matlock (subgrade reaction application in practice; however~ this approach has been
method) aod Poulos (elastic method) obtain the allowable lateral extended in this study to predict the load-deflection relationship
loads corresponding to an acceptable lateral deflection. In for single free-head piles under lateral loads in clays.
design practice, the criterion for design in the majority of cases
is the maximum deflections of the piles. In this study, a step-by-step procedure has been developed for
non-linear prediction of the load-displacement relationship of
Lateral load deflection of piles in clay, using the subgrade single piles under lateral loads in clays of uniform properties
reaction method, is solved by considering a pile as a beam on an with depth. A unique relationship for normalized modulus
elastic foundation and replacing soil by a series of elastic, degradation with strain and a range of maximum values of the
closely-spaced, but independent, springs. This method has the horizontal subgrade reaction, k~>..,= at a shear strain of0.002 for
advantage of being relatively simple and factors like soil non- clays are recommended. The load-deflection by the proposed
linearity, variation ofsubgrade reaction with depth, and layered method has been compared with the solution obtained by the p-y
systems can be incorporated. The disadvantage of this method curve method also.
is that the modulus of the subgrade reaction is not a unique soil
property. Soil non-linearity has been considered (Reese 1984) The predictions of typical load-deflection relationships by the
by using the p-y curve approach, which is based on limited pile proposed method are similar to those obtained by the p-y curve
load tests and makes liberal use of empirical coefficients approach. However, the proposed method is more rational since
developed from these test data (Kumar 1993, Chen 1994). Also, upper and lower bound curves are obtained which are valuable
different values of the modulus are used for developing p-y guides to making informed engineering decisions.
Fourth International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering
Missouri University of Science and Technology
The Winkler ( 1867) soil model assumes that the elastic wil
medium is replaced by a series of infinitely closely-spaced Fig. 1. Soil reaction vs deflection for soil around a pile
independent and elastic springs. The stiffness of the spring kh
can be expressed as
(I a)
Mwindo (1992) developed five empirical relationships of
modulus degradation with shear strain (y) for free-headed piles
where p is the soil reaction per unit length of pile (Ft ). of different materials embedded in clays of different relative
Therefore, units of kh are FL- 2 • If k sis the coefficient of the consistencies. The general form of the equations developed by
horizontal subgrade reaction (force per unit volume, FL-J) as Mwindo is:
used by Terzaghi (1955), then for a pile of wtdth B,
(lb) ay -b (3)
Pile Soil a b
2. For every load-deflection set, the relative stiffness factor R The values of the constants a and b (Mwindo, 1992) are sho\Vll
was calculated using the following equation: in Table l. Figure 2 shows k1/khmax versus shear strain plots
using five equations. These five equations are based on analyses
M R2 of different types of pile materials in clays of different
A (7) consistencies, and suffer from the following shortcomings;
1. The assumption of kh constant with depth for both soft and
stiff clays is not appropriate.
*Pile Pile Soil Length (m) Width(m) EI (kN-m 2) e(m)' Undrained 1 Author
No. shear (kPa)
39 Steel pipe Stiff clay 13.11 0.152 2118.24 0 57.0 Reese et al., 1975
40 Steel pipe Stiff clay 18.07 0.610 135983.52 0 140.0 Reese et al., 197 5
63 Steel pipe Stiff clay 10.00 0.273 13212.05 0.305 65.0 Brown et al., 1987
64 Steel pipe Stiff clay 11.40 1.220 1025047.0 0 95.0 Dunnavant, 1986
31 Steel Soft Clay 12.80 0.324 12176.82 () 14.4 Long and Reese, 1987
2. No generalized value or range of khmax (or nhma:J has been below the water table. Reese and Welch (1975) developed a
reconunended which can be used for practical purposes. procedure for p-y curves in stiff clays above the water table.
The results of these experiments were used to develop
3. The modulus degradation equations suggested are of very recommendations for developing p-y curves, and are presented
limited use in practice because these are related lo pile materials. elsewhere (Reese 1984, Chen 1994), and will not be repeated
+---------+ ~
ro ;;_
~ ~
~ (13)
L___J __ __L_ __ L_ _~----~~30°
Fig. 3. Composite soil Profile of pile 30,40 (Reese et al., 1975)
In Eq. (13) 'x' of one meter. is adopted as the standard depth for
500 r---- analysis (Davisson 1995, Kumar 1993, and Prakash and Kumar
! 1996) also recommended and used a standard depth as one meter
I below the ground surface.
500:------- 4. Compute the shear strain by using Eq. (6).
5. From a plot of kh vs y, determine khmax @ y = 0.002
""r·- - 6. K/khmax values are computed for specified strain values and
! I the normalized kh/khma~ versus strain for six piles in soft clays
o" f
and peat are plotted in Figure 9. The best-fit equation is
determined by the method of least squares and is given by:
' ' needed.
' 1. Range of kh.n:o.x in Stiff Clay. As noted earlier, khrnax is
"'"" '
' defmed as the value ofkh at a shear strain of0.002. The average
I i
,..,. undrained shear strength Su is estimated to a depth of 5 pile
. diameters. Since undrained shear strength is one of the most
i from 357 to 587. The reconunended value ofkhmu is 300 8 11 to
I 600 Sll' A value of 300 is a conservative reconunendation.
! i
of pile 34 was not reported in the literature. Therefore, Table 5 """' '
~ -\
J\:hlno ..
Table 4.
Pile No.
Komu (kPa)
S, (kPa) khmm/Su
-.... '
- .....
i ,'----
39 21591.2 57 378.8 """'"" 0.0111 0.0'15
40 82219.1 140 587.3
Fig. 6. k 1, versus shear strain for Pile 40 in stiff clay
63 23208.8 65 357.1 ,
64 43783.3 95 460.0
' ' i
1'\ I'
Pile No. Khm.u. (kPa) s" (kPa) khrnaJSu ••
"' ~
31 16692.3 14.4 1159.2 • 1---- j-...._
36 22777.8 28.7 793.7 ••
37 15199.9 14.4 1055.5 •""'0002 OQDII
I i
ll-ODB O.Q1
,, . !-i--- Q_Q14 0016 ~Q1· Q_
53 48887.3 28.7 1703.4
Fig. 7. Normalized kJkhmn versus shear strain for Pile 40 in
54 50541.9 28.7 1761.0 stiff clay
, ,.
' --PM63
• 1\ I ---PM64
Stiff Clay. 'lbe range ofkhmax has been determined from 300 S" I~ i I I
' I
to 600 Su. A procedure to predict Qg-y g curves is described as • '
' ' I '
1. Select a value of y g for which Qg will be computed
,,_, r i
I i - !' i
I ! '
2. For the above deflection, calculate strain N
!' ~I
Equation ( 6) • ' .
'I '
3. Calculate the soil modulus kh from Equation (10) '
using khmax = 300 Su •
4. Calculate the relative stiffness factor R using . ~ ~ b.. t---
1 sesttt0yv~
Equation (8) '
5. Calculate lateral load from Equation (7) 1"'::
6. Repeat steps 1-5 for all the deflections at which "
lateral loads are desired ~ SlraiCT)
7. Repeat steps 1-6 using khmW< = 600 Su Fig. 8_ Normalized versus shear strain for four piles
8. Then plot the load-deflection curves as in fig. 10 for in stiff clays
.. f\ I I
! -Pile31
•• ~ -Pie37
--PWtSJ •
~'\ [\_ --Pie 54
Rest Fit
' "'
~~ I '
culve.) "'
~ ~ ['... ~
' '
., I
- ~ ~~ •
.., I
0.000 0.002 Q_OIM 0 000 0_0011 0 010 0.012 0 014 0.016 0.01! 0 U20
• 0
s.- S&ni!(' )
Fig. 9. Normalized kh/khmax versus shear strain for six piles
in soft clays (Chen 1994) Fig. 10. Measured curve compared to lower bound (khmu=
300S.) and upper bound (k,~ 600S.) for Pile 39 in stiff clay
Pile No 39 in stiff clay. Similarly, in Figs. 11 through 13, the
computed load detlection curves tor Pile No 40, 63 and 64,
respectively are plotted both for the lower bound (khm.•x = 300 S,J ""
and upper bound (khmax = 600 Su) ofkhmax·
Soft Clay. The range of khmax is from 800 Su to 1800 Su. The
.. Uppcr Bound
Equation 6
3. Calculate the soil modulus kn from Equation (14) z
using knm'" = 800 Su
4. Determine the value ofnh from the known value of c!
kh using Equation (13) where x = I m !
5. Calculate the relative stiffness factor T for selected
detlection using Equation ( 12)
6. Calculate the lateral load from Equation (II) for the ""
selected deflection.
7. Repeat steps 1-6 for other deflection values.
8. Repeat step 1-7 using k 11 max = 1800 Su
9. Then plot the load-deflectiOn curves as in Fig. 14 for
Pile No 31. Figures 15 through 18 show similar plots fOr Piles oL---~----~--~~--~--~
0 10 Hi 211
No 36, 37, 53 and 54, respectively.
In Table 6 are presented the maximum range of variation with the maximum variation of the measured values with the upper
the measured values by the present and the p-y methods at bound curve with khmax = 1800 Sll, the variation is minimum with
different deflections. respect to the lower bound curve with khmax = 800 Su. This is
because the lower bound prediction almost matches the
measured curve.
WITH p-y METHOD AND k,ik,m,. APPROACH The advantage of this method is that we obtain the upper and the
WITH MEASURED VALUES lower bound load-deflection curves. Therefore, an engineer has
more confidence in load-deflection predictions because the
Pile Soil Deflection Percent Variation
maximum probable range of variation is known in advance.
No. Typo (mm)
p-y Present Method
Maximum Minimum
39 Stiff 6 83.3% 27.5% -25.4% The proposed method for predicting the load-deflection
Clay relationship of single piles under lateral loads in clay is based on
12 51.2% 37.6% -18.1% the analysis of six piles in soft clay and four piles in stiff clay.
The fOllowing conclusions have been drawn from this study.
40 5 26.2% -0.1% -40.7%
12 -21.2% 38.6% -14.6% 1. The modulus of the subgrade reaction increases linearly with
depth as in non-cohesive soils and k 11 has been defmed at one
53 20 NIA 16.7% -29.0%
meter depth.
40 NIA 34.5% -17.4% 2. The modulus degradation with shear strain is independent of
the pile material.
54 20 NA! 17.8% -27.TYr. 3. The khmax has been related to the undrained shear strength.
The range of khmax values varies from 800 Su to 1800 S11, where
40 N/A 36.7% -16.1% Su is the average undrained shear strength up to 5-pile diameters
N/A: Not Available below the ground.
4. A procedure to predict load-deflection curves of a single pile
in clay considering soil non-linearly has been proposed.
It will be seen from Table 6 that the maximum variation in the 5. The maximum variation in the load-deflection plot using this
loads at corresponding deflection by the present method in stiff method is 71.8% and that by using the p-y approach is 24.5%.
clay is 55.9% and by the p·y method is 83.3%. In this case, the 6. The range of variation ofkhma~ may be improved as and when
present method has a better prediction than the p-y method. The more field data becomes available for similar analysis.
maximum variation of the present method in soft clay is 71.8%
and the p-y method is 24. 9%. It may seem that the p-y method A practical advantage of this method, both for stiff and soft
has a better prediction. But the present method gives two clays, is that the present method predicts the upper and lower
predicted boundary values. For Pile 31 (Figure 14), which has bound load-deflection relationship. The one which has the
Fourth International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Upper Bound \kasurcd
! .. ~--t--+--.L-+----7f'=-
!" . ~-+--++-+-1-----c..l=~
Olledlon. y9 (nwr~)
Fig. 12. Measured curve compared to lower bound Fig. 15. :Uusured curve compared to lower bound
(k, ..=300S.) and upper bound (k,..,,=600SJ for Pile 63 in (k,..,=800SJ and upper bound (k.,...=l800SJ for Pile 36 in
stiff day
- I
sort clay
i L'ppcr Dmlnd /
i i } I
v Mo~
i I
p-y !·~+-~~-¥~~~
! ...
I ~~ ~/~woL, "!·~--+~~~~~~
ll, 1/ v
' ' I
: I
- ~v /
.f ! '
'' • w
" ~
Fig. 13. Measured curve compared to lower bound Fig. 16. Measured curve compared to lower bound
(k,.. =300S,) and upper bound (k,. • .,=600S,J for Pile 64 in (k,..,=800S,) and upper bound (k,....=ISOOS.) for Pile 37 in
stiff day sort clay
. 1Jpper Boll11!1
llpp<> Round
/ /
v Mv-
• v
Lo ..·erBound
.I v
o.lltdlon, y9 (nwn)
w " ..
Fig. 14. l\leasured cunre compared to lower bound Fig. 17. )1easured curve -~-compared to ]ower bound
(k,. .. =SOOS,) and upper bound (k,. ... =lSOOS,) for Pile 31 in (k• .,=SOOSJ and upper bound (k,....=1800SJ for Pile 53 in
soft day soft clay
. Uppor fiouod
Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 113, No. II, pp 1326-
1343 .
- /
- Chen, M.H. (1994), "Lateral Load Deflection Prediction of
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.r • Thesis, University of Missouri-Rolla .
! r~ / /
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• Davisson, M.T. (1960), "Behavior of Flexural Vertical Piles
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• ! I
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Fourth International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering
Missouri University of Science and Technology
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