Opt-1 Opt-2 Opt-3
Opt-1 Opt-2 Opt-3
Opt-1 Opt-2 Opt-3
Which of the following is not a valid _first_and_last_name
JavaScript variable name? 2names s FirstAndLast
<script type="text/javascript">var s =
"9123456 or 80000?";var pattern =
/\d{4}/;var output =
</script> 9123 91234 80000
<script language="javascript">function x()
{document.write(2+5+"8");}</script> 258 Error 7
write(x);</script>Output------? 44 8 4
To automatically open the console when a user_pref(" user_pref("javascript user_pref("javascript
JavaScript error occurs which of the javascript.console.op .console.open_error .console.open_error
following is added to prefs.js? en_on_error", false); ", true); ", false);
dateObjectName = dateObjectName.ne dateObjectName :=
new w new
How to create a Date object in JavaScript? Date([parameters]) Date([parameters]) Date([parameters])
1 CO1 1 2
Native 2 CO1 1 3
78 3 CO1 4 4
ror", true); 2 CO1 3 4
Jobject 2 CO1 2 2
Date([parameters]) 1 CO1 2 1
d) 5 3 CO1 3 2
if (conditional
expression is true)
then {execute this
code} 1 CO1 1 3
d) undefined
3 CO1 3 1
typeof 1 CO1 2 2
d) Exception is
thrown 3 CO1 4 3
<javascript> 1 CO1 1 3
d) The first line
results in
a real boolean
value whereas
the second line
merely checks for
the existence of
the objects 3 CO1 3 4