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Opt-1 Opt-2 Opt-3

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Question Opt-1 Opt-2 Opt-3

  JavaScript is a   JavaScript's syntax   They both

Why so JavaScript and Java have similar stripped-down is loosely based on originated on the
name? version of Java Java's island of Java
______ JavaScript is also called client-side
JavaScript.   Microsoft C.  LiveWire B.  Navigator

Which of the following is not a valid _first_and_last_name
JavaScript variable name?   2names s   FirstAndLast

<script type="text/javascript">var s =
"9123456 or 80000?";var pattern =
/\d{4}/;var output =
</script> 9123 91234 80000
<script language="javascript">function x()
{document.write(2+5+"8");}</script> 258 Error 7

High Level Assembly Level Machine level

Programming programming programming
Scripting language are language language language

write(x);</script>Output------? 44 8 4

To automatically open the console when a   user_pref(" user_pref("javascript user_pref("javascript
JavaScript error occurs which of the javascript.console.op .console.open_error .console.open_error
following is added to prefs.js? en_on_error", false); ", true); ", false);

_______ class provides an interface for

invoking JavaScript methods and examining
JavaScript properties.   ScriptObject   JSObject   JavaObject

  dateObjectName = dateObjectName.ne   dateObjectName :=
new w new
How to create a Date object in JavaScript? Date([parameters]) Date([parameters]) Date([parameters])

  var txt = new    var txt = new   var txt = new

Which is the correct way to write a Array(1:"tim",2:"kim", Array:1=("tim")2=("ki Array("tim","kim","ji
JavaScript array? 3:"jim") m")3=("jim") m")
What is the correct syntax for referring to   <script href="    <script name="
an external script called " abc.js"? abc.js"> abc.js">   <script src=" abjs">
What will be the output of the
following JavaScript code?<p
id="demo"></p><script>var x = 5;var
y = 2; var z = x %
).innerHTML = z;</script> a) 0 b) 1 c) 2
  if (conditional    if (conditional   if (conditional
expression is true) expression is expression is true)  
Which of the following is the structure of thenexecute this true)execute this {then execute this
an if statement? codeend if codeend if code>->}
What will be the output of the
following JavaScript code? <p
id="demo"></p><script> txt1 = “
1.    a) onetwo b) one two c) error
one”; txt1 += “two”;
nnerHTML = txt1; </script>
Which of the following is not considered a
JavaScript operator?   new   this   delete
What will be the output of the
following JavaScript statement?var c) 105 as an
grand_Total=eval("10*10+5"); a) 10*10+5 b) 105 as a string integer value
Will the following JavaScript code
work?var tensquared = (function(x) c) Exception will
{return x*x;}(10)); a) Yes, perfectly b) Error be thrown
Inside which HTML element do we put
the JavaScript?   <js>    <scripting>   <script>

What is the difference between the

two lines in the following JavaScript
a) Both the lines b) Both the lines c) Both the lines
code?!!(obj1 && obj2);(obj1 && obj2);
result in a result in a check just for the
boolean value boolean value existence of the
“True” “False” object alone
Complexit Blooms-
Opt-4 Opt-5 y CO-Level Level Answer

1 CO1 1 2

  Native 2 CO1 1 3

  None of the above 1 CO1 2 1

None of the above 3 CO1 4 1

78 3 CO1 4 4

  None of the above 1 CO1 1 1

Error output 3 CO1 3 1

ror", true); 2 CO1 3 4

  Jobject 2 CO1 2 2

Date([parameters]) 1 CO1 2 1

  var txt = new

m" 2 CO1 2 3

  None of the above 2 CO1 2 3

d) 5 3 CO1 3 2
  if (conditional
expression is true)
then {execute this
code} 1 CO1 1 3

d) undefined

3 CO1 3 1

  typeof 1 CO1 2 2

d) Exception is
thrown 3 CO1 4 3

d) Memory leak 2 CO1 3 1

  <javascript> 1 CO1 1 3
d) The first line
results in
a real boolean
value whereas
the second line
merely checks for
the existence of
the objects 3 CO1 3 4

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