Systems and Political Development in Malaysia
Systems and Political Development in Malaysia
Systems and Political Development in Malaysia
Malaysia is a country in Southeast Asia with an area of 329 758 km2 and a population in 2007
amounted to 27.17 million. Of the total population in 2007, 60% are ethnic Malay
“Bumiputera”, 26% ethnic Chinese, 8% Indians, 5% other ethnic Bumiputera, and 1% other
ethnic groups such as Arabic, Sinhalese, Eurasian and Europe.1 Under the constitution, Malays
are Malaysian citizens who practice a traditional Malay, Melayu Language, and Muslim.
Approximately 25% of the Malaysian population is Chinese, and 7% is made up of India.
Almost 85% of the races Indians in Malaysia are Tamil community. More than half the
population of Sarawak and Sabah 66% of the population consists of non-Malay indigenous
people. The entry of another race to some extent reduce the percentage of indigenous
population in the two states. In addition, Malaysia also has a population that comes out of
Europe and the Middle East. Malaysia's population density is not distributed evenly, with 17
million of the 25 million people living in Peninsula Malaysia.
Keywords: Malaysia, Politic, Constitutional.
Malaysia is a constitutional monarchy that parliamentary democracies, and the prime
minister and the prime minister elected by the people through elections that take place
regularly every five years. YDPA currently the 12th since Malaysia's independence on August
31, 1957.
When a newly independent Malaysia consists of 11 states part 1 and called
Persekutuan Tanah Melayu (Federation of Malaya). Then in 1963 the state of Sarawak and
Sabah joined the Federation of Malaysia. Malaysia is known as a multi-ethnic country and rich
cultural treasure that has approximately 30 groups ethnic. 2 Less than 8 percent of the
population were below the poverty line before the economic crisis of 1997; literacy rate of
Barbara Watson Andaya and Leonard Andaya, 1983, History of Malaysia, Petaling Jaya: Macmillan Publishers, p.
Ibid. p.10
Muallim, M. H., Gunarto, G., & Mashdurohatun, A. (2017). RECONSTRUCTION OF THE WASTE MANAGEMENT
LAW BASED ON WELFARE VALUE. The 2nd Proceeding “Indonesia Clean of Corruption in 2020". P.616.
4, accessed on 06 September 2018.
Fadilah Zaini and Thukiman Kassim, 2008, Ethnic Relations in Malaysia, Johor Bharu: Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia, p.57
1. Party In Malaysia
a. Malay Party (UMNO) Of 1946
The birth of UMNO is the result of the merging of Malay organizations with
various schools of philosophy and opinion but agreed to take collective action to
advance and fight invaders Malay people. People are united to form the Malay
UMNO as a bulwark against the threat hah-rights of the Malays By Malayan Union
in 1946. The establishment of UMNO on May 11, 1946, by Dato 'Onn bin Ja'far as
the first leader who can be regarded as movement Malays in Malaya to prevent
them from sinking under the political and economic developments were so swift
and favorable other clans are more advanced.
The first is the UMNO struggle against the Malayan Union. Through the
newspapers and for the expected voice Malay people can be known by the Malayan
Union. UMNO leaders managed to persuade the Sultan of Malay to not attend the
Adam, Ramlah, 2000, Dr Burhanuddin Al-Hemyi: A Political Crisis, Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka,
Ministry of Education Malaysia, p. 22
Gunarto, 2018, Fair Consumer Protection, Balanced And Proportional In A Fixed E-Commerce Agreement Based
On Justice Value, Scholars Journal Of Arts, Humanities And Social Sciences, India, p.63
Purcell, Victor, 1967, The Chinese in Tanah Melayu, Oxford: Oxford University Press, p.8
Bustamam, Ahmad, 1972, Leads The Way Summit, Kuala Lumpur: Pustaka Pagi Publishing, p. 19
Ibid. p.21
Anis Mashdurohatun, 2017, Hukum Kontrak, Ekonomi Syari’ah Dan Etika, Undip Press, Semarang, p.26
Sri Endah Wahyuningsih, 2014, Restorative Justice System-Di Tingkat Penyidikan Tindak Pidana Lalu Lintas,
Tunas Puitika Publishing, Brebes, p.31
Jaafar, Kamaruddin, 1980, Dr. Burhanuddin al-Helmy: Islam and Malay Ethnicity, Kuala Lumpur: Publisher
Your Foundation, p. 64
Malaysia Kita: Guide and Reference To An Empire, 2003, Petaling Jaya: International Law Book Services, p.
Mohamad Mahathir, 1995, The Early Years 1947-1972, Kuala Lumpur: News Publishing Sdn Bhd., p. 32
Adam, Ramlah,op.cit, p.87
9. Malaysian Politics
In simple terms we can explain a little about Malaysia's political system, the
country is a constitutional monarchy. Malaysia is headed by a king who was commonly
known as the Yang di-Pertuan Agung elected by and from 9 sultan state-led Malaysian
state sultan to serve for five years in rotation. This system is based on the
Westminster because Malaysia is a former British Colony. More power is held by the
executive branch than the legislative. Regular elections are held every five years20.
Mohamad Mahathir, op.cit., p.62
Parliament consists of the People's Council and the Council of State. The State
Council has 70 senators (call given to members of the State Council). Election of the
members can be divided in two:
1. 26 members elected by the Council of State as a representative Invitation 13 states
(each state is represented by two members).
2. 44 members are appointed by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong on the advice of the
Prime Minister, including two members of Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, and
one member each from Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan and Putrajaya. People's
Council has 222 members, and each member represents a constituency. They were
selected on the basis of support of many parties through the election. Every
member of the People's Council hold office for five years, after which new elections
will be held. Judicial power is shared between the government and the state
government alliance. Political power in Malaysia is very important to fight for the
issues and rights. The power thus plays a very important role in making a change.
Adam, Ramlah, 2000, Dr Burhanuddin Al-Hemyi: A Political Crisis, Kuala Lumpur: Dewan
Bahasa Dan Pustaka, Ministry of Education Malaysia
Anis Mashdurohatun, 2017, Hukum Kontrak, Ekonomi Syari’ah Dan Etika, Undip Press,
Barbara Watson Andaya and Leonard Andaya, 1983, History of Malaysia, Petaling Jaya:
Macmillan Publishers
Bustamam, Ahmad, 1972, Leads The Way Summit, Kuala Lumpur: Pustaka Pagi Publishing
Jaafar, Kamaruddin, 1980, Dr. Burhanuddin al-Helmy: Islam and Malay Ethnicity, Kuala
Lumpur: Publisher Your Foundation
Malaysia Kita: Guide and Reference To An Empire, 2003, Petaling Jaya: International Law
Book Services
Mohamad Mahathir, 1995, The Early Years 1947-1972, Kuala Lumpur: News Publishing Sdn
Sri Endah Wahyuningsih, 2014, Restorative Justice System-Di Tingkat Penyidikan Tindak
Pidana Lalu Lintas, Tunas Puitika Publishing, Brebes.