Long Quiz in Imagery
Long Quiz in Imagery
Long Quiz in Imagery
A. On the blank before the number, write the predominant sensory image found in each of the following.
Choose from the box below.
sight sound smell taste touch motion
B. Encircle the letter of the phrase that does NOT appeal to the same sense as that of the boldfaced
1. continuous as the stars that shine
a. moon’s wet silver pool
b. sapphires gleaming brightly
c. pine-scented grass
d. flickering firefiles
2. the gurgle of the water in the fountain
a. the patter of little feet
b. the full blast of moonlight
c. the melody of rain
d. the squeak of spinning wheel
3. gentle swaying of the bamboo
a. rain pouring down from the roof
b. candlelight flickering the casting shadow
c. curls of smoke rising lazily from the chimney
d. the widespread glow of sunset
4. chocolate, ice cream and apple pie
a. many sweet thoughts and sugared suppositions
b. tang of salt spray
c. green mangoes with bagoong
d. ice cold orange juice, newly mixed
5. the baby’s breath was warm on my face
a. dampness of the ground
b. a nipping breeze blew from the sea
c. smoke which stung her eyes
d. warm and eloquent speech
6. perfume, roses and baking bread
a. burning flesh filling the air
b. smoke of their cooking
c. apple blossoms filled the air
d. barbecue and roast a-roasting
7. amusement rippling beneath her tones
a. the horses neighing in the far-off hills
b. the robins chirping in the chinaberry tree
c. the papers screaming disaster
d. the truck groaning as it labors up the serpentine trail
8. wet grass between my toes
a. the gentle and healing peace of place
b. the scorching flame
c. the piercing rays of the noonday sun
d. light wind upon my face
9. leaves glimmering in the heat haze
a. a host of golden daffodils
b. fields streaked with long bars of sand
c. the plumed sierras of lofty pines
d. the lambent tolling of the bells
10. scurry to-and-fro
a. vast ridges of forests sinking smoothly towards the valley
b. rain pouring down the tin roof in swift squirting stream
c. tiny human figures laboring in the distant fields
d. flowers nodding their sleepy heads
11. the murmuring of the bees
a. the droning of the plane
b. the singing of the birds
c. the trusting look of her brown eyes
d. the swashing wind among the branches
12. the asphalted road… soft and moist against the feet
a. burning bank of sand
b. her soft and foolished heart
c. blustering wind from the lake
d. stake sharp at the tip
13. the grating of cartwheels on the pebbles
a. the murmuring haunt of flies
b. the crackling of the fire
c. the eternal note of sadness
d. the moaninf of the bar
14. long lances gleamed in the bright sun
a. wit sparkled and bubbled
b. feet caked with mud
c. eyes flashed in great anger
d. cataracts and rapids sparkled
15. ugh! ugh! ugh!
a. a cry of tossing trees
b. disarray of old fashioned things
c. splashing silver seas
d. lowing of the herd