Modern Marketing Communication in Tourism
Modern Marketing Communication in Tourism
Modern Marketing Communication in Tourism
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1 author:
Lenka Švajdová
Hugh Scholl of Enterprineurship and Law, Prague, Czechia
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2016 Research Leap/Inovatus Services Ltd. Mass tourism is a significant contributor to the development not only of regional but also national
All rights reserved. economies and generally, it is presented by tourism destination. Despite certain tendencies in
preference for individual tourism, it is expected that mass tourism and mass tourism destination
DOI: 10.18775/jibrm.1849-8558.2015.42.3003 will continue to play a dominant role in the future. T he present paper is dedicated to the to pic of
URL: possible usage of modern tools of marketing communication in the management of mass tourism
8558.2015.42.3003 destination. Particular characteristics of its product are having an influence on the usage and
effectiveness of traditional forms of marketing communication (advertising, exhibitions, etc.) in
Keywords: the presentation of mass tourism destination and on the other hand, the possible preference of
Mass tourism, Modern marketing communication using new modern trends of marketing communication. The aim of this article is based on analysis
tools, Social media. of primary, secondary data and field observations to evaluate the possibility and critical factors
of usage of selected forms of modern tools of marketing communication like internet marketing,
social media, mobile marketing and the world of mouth marketing, etc. T he result will be the
evaluation of usage of modern marketing communication and its current state of the application
in the propagation of mass tourism destinations including a proposal of some recommendations
for their next application.
20 Journal of International Business Research and Marketing, vol. 4, issue 2, pp. 20-23, January 2019
21 Journal of International Business Research and Marketing
political changes in selected areas, were before the tourism was belonging to this group following types of communication: E-
the building stone of their economy (Egypt, Tunisia, etc.). mailing, World of mouth, Local related search. The second
group with QR codes, Micromarketing, HR branding is going
to disappear, and their use will go down. On the opposite side
are standing Guerilla marketing, marketing automation, Real-
time marketing, Social commerce, Social customer relationship
management, these are the trends with the predicted success.
Among the actual trends, the following tools of modern
marketing communication belongs: remarketing, social media,
viral marketing, mobile commerce, video marketing among the
For further analysis and to reach the aim of the present paper is
needed to define some of the tools as mentioned above. The
author will pay attention to World of mouth, QR codes, Real-
time marketing the main attention will be paid to social media
marketing. These tools of marketing communication were
Figure 1: Tourism Lifecycle chosen because respondents most frequently mentioned them in
Source: Butler, 2006 primary research.
One of the solutions to the problems mentioned above could be World of Mouth (WOM)
the use of the most appropriate tool of modern marketing Word-of-Mouth Marketing (abbreviated WOM) marketing is
communication. While choosing the “best” one, the focused on inducing the effect of the oral spread of
consideration of following limiting facts (but not only them) is "advertising" between customers themselves. Part of the
the must: marketing buzz. Generally, WOM raises new, surprising or
different topics. WOM can be positive or negative (Hennig-
The destination is an important part of a tourism product and Thurau, Gwinner, Walsh, & Gremler,2004).
could be described as a geographical area consisting of all
necessary services and infrastructure for the stay of a QR Codes (QRC)
specific tourist or tourism segment. Destinations are the In advertising and product, communication very frequently
competitive units of incoming tourism. This fact could limit used tool. They can refer to websites, coupons, and may include
the selected tool of marketing communication because that a complete electronic business card. The smartphone and
one must respect the character of the tourism destination. application is the must (Dou & Li, 2008).
The base of tourism destination, besides its attractiveness,
is providing tourism services and the peculiar Real-Time Marketing (RTM)
characteristics of services like intangibility, immaterialit y , Real-Time Marketing is marketing that is based on up to date
etc. could be limiting for using some modern tools of events. The difference between marketing and real-time
marketing communication. marketing is that instead of creating a marketing plan in
The fact that the destination is based on massive tourism advance, real-time marketing is creating a strategy focused on
(usually a broad spectrum of visitors with different current, relevant trends and immediate feedback from
preferences for marketing communication) is also the customers. Real-time marketing aims to connect consumers
limiting one. with the product or service that they need now, at the moment.
The world is getting "online.” (Kaplan, 2012)
Considering all this facts and characteristics of some traditional Social Media Marketing (SMM)
marketing communication tools like advertising, personal sale, Social media is one of the fastest growing communication
lobby, participation in fairs and exhibitions, sponsoring, sales technologies in the Internet environment. Social media
promotion and especially some new ones like direct marketing , marketing refers to Internet-based online media in which
public relation, internet marketing could lead to successful individuals with common interests, goals, and practices engage
marketing communication of massive tourist destination (Foret, in social interactions constructing personal profiles and sharing
2006). information and experiences. Social media represents a variety
In the last years, there could be seen incredible evolution as for of forms such as social networks (e.g., Facebook), photo
new tools of modern marketing communication that can be sharing sites (e.g., Flickr, Photobucket), video creating and
divided into four groups; the first one is called Fixed stars sharing sites (e.g., YouTube, Ustream), online communities ,
microblogging tools (e.g., Twitter), social tagging (e.g., Digg),
22 Journal of International Business Research and Marketing
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are not used very frequently. On the other hand, Social media opinion platforms: what motivates consumers to articulate
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counterproductive due to the characteristics of services they are
offering, when some clients are having feeling that their
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the fault of destination management. The article deals with just
few of all modern marketing tools, for better evaluation of its
effectiveness further survey dedicated to others modern
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