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A Theory of Procedure

Article in California Law Review · May 1978

DOI: 10.2307/3480099


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2 authors, including:

Laurens Walker
University of Virginia


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California Law Review
Volume 66 | Issue 3 Article 2


A Theory of Procedure
John Thibaut

Laurens Walker

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John Thibaut and Laurens Walker, A Theory of Procedure, 66 Cal. L. Rev. 541 (1978).
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A Theory of Procedure
John Thibautt
Laurens Walkert

The searchfor the most effective conflict resolutionprocedure requires

identffcation of the primary objective in resolving dfferent kinds of dis-
putes. This 4rticlefocuses on the kind of disputes consideredin the legal
system and draws on the results of the authors' empiricalstudies to de-
velop a general theory ofprocedurefor attainingthe objectives of "truth"
and "ftstice"in situationsof cognitive conflict, conflict of interest, andin
"mixed" disputes.
In this Article, we propose a general theory of procedure for
resolving conflicts, with special attention to disputes dealt with in the
legal process. For a number of years we have applied the theories and
methods of social psychology in our research to examine and compare
the characteristics of various procedural systems incorporated in the
legal process.1 Until now we have published only the reports of particu-
lar projects, with occasional speculation about more general issues. But
now we have developed the body of our research sufficiently to make a
more comprehensive statement. In this Article we propose a general
framework for analyzing and classifying all conflict resolution proce-
dures, including, of course, all procedures employed in the legal proc-
The initial step in stating a theory of procedure is to recognize the
fundamental dichotomy between the potential dispute resolution objec-
tives of "truth" and "justice." This dichotomy, we suggest, is the neces-
sary result of differences in the type of conflict involved in the dispute.
In conflicts about the most accurate view of reality, such as scientific
disputes, the objective is to determine the truth according to a standard.
We suggest that an autocratic procedure is most likely to attain this
objective. Conflicts about the apportionment of outcomes, such as in-
t Alumni Distinguished Professor of Psychology, University of North Carolina at Chapel
* Professor of Law, University of Virginia.
The research for this Article was supported in part by National Science Foundation grants
GS 40601 and SOC 76-15767.
1. Much of this research is summarized in J.THIBAUT & L. WALKER, PROCEDURAL JUS-
TICE (1975). Later work is reported in LaTour, Houlden, Walker, & Thibaut, Procedure: Transna-
tional Perspectives andPreferences, 86 YALE L.J. 258 (1976) and in Houlden, LaTour, Walker, &
Thibaut, PreferenceforModes ofDispute Resolution as a Function ofProcessandDecision Control,
14 J.EXPERIMENTAL Soc. PSYCH. 13 (1978) [hereinafter cited as Process and Decision Control].

consistent claims to the division of assets or losses, are best resolved

with the aim of achieving distributive justice. The main business of the
legal process, our special interest, is the apportionment of outcomes;
hence the appropriate goal of legal procedure is the achievement of
justice. It is widely agreed 2 that distributive justice is attained when the
ultimate outcomes are distributed to contending parties in proportion
to their respective contributions or inputs to the transaction underlying
the dispute; hence, we argue that the procedure most likely to produce
justice is that procedure which facilitates the fullest possible report of
inputs prior to determination of the distribution. In the remainder of
the Article we will describe and support our proposal in detail, furnish
illustrations of its application, and briefly explore the implications of
our theory for legal rulemaking. We conclude with an analysis of the
relatively small but important category of "mixed" disputes, which in-
cludes strong elements of both truth and justice claims, and we tenta-
tively propose a two-stage procedure for resolving such disputes.
We wish to emphasize that our proposal is general in the.sense that
it is intended to apply to all instances of interpersonal conflict. In the
realm of the law, we have intentionally disregarded such traditional
subject matter categories as "civil procedure," "criminal procedure,"
and "administrative procedure." We believe that our proposal is the
first effort to state a theory of procedure intended for application
throughout the legal process.' The proposal is largely derived from sys-
tematically collected empirical evidence; we use the results of prior
studies to build a theory in much the same way that legal practitioners
and scholars use appellate opinions to develop arguments. The use of
2. See notes 18-20 and accompanying text, infra.
3. Surprisingly little has been written about procedural theory. In the area of civil proce-
dure, Millar is the only person in American legal scholarship offering a theoretical methodology.
Millar, The FormativePrinciples fCivilProcedure, 18 ILL. L. REv. pt. I, at 1; pt. 11, at 94; pt. III,
at 150 (1923), revised andreprintedin A. ENGELMANN, HISTORY OF CONTINENTAL CIVIL PROCE-
DURE 3-81 (Continental Legal History Series, vol. 7, 1927). See also Scott, Two Models of the Civil
Process, 27 STAN. L. REv. 937 (1975). In criminal procedure more attention has been paid to
conceptual materials. The seminal theorist is Packer, who proposed the examination of polar theo.
retical models. See H. PACKER, THE LIMrrs OF THE CIUMINAL SANCTION, pt. 2 (1968); Packer,
Two Models ofthe CriminalProcess, 113 U. PA. L. REV. 1 (1964). The Packer proposal was fol-
lowed by several noteworthy statements about theory in criminal procedure-all of which con-
tinue the emphasis on theoretical models. See Damaska, Structures fAuthority and Comparative
CriminalProcedure,84 YALE L.J. 480 (1975); Goldstein, Reflections on Two Models: Inquisitorial
Themes in American CriminalProcedure,26 STAN. L. REV. 1009 (1974); and Griffiths, Ideology In
CriminalProcedureor .4 Third "Model" ofthe CriminalProcess,79 YALE L.J. 359 (1970). In the
administrative procedure area there has been very little development of theory. Verkuil stands as
the first scholar to propose "the beginning of a theory" to evaluate informal adjudication proce-
dures in particular situations. See Verkuil, .4 Stud, of InformalAdjudication Procedures, 43 U.
CHI. L. REv.739 (1976). See also Mashaw, The Supreme Court'rDue ProcessCalculus/orAdminis-
trativeAdjudication in Mathews v. Eldridge: Three Factorsin Search of a Theory of Value, 44 U.
CHI. L. REv. 28 (1976).

this empirical "case method" to state a theory of procedure also ap-

pears to be original.

The theory begins with the distinction between the two conflict
resolution objectives of "justice" and "truth." We contend that in most
instances one or the other of these objectives is dictated by the subject
matter of the dispute, or more specifically by the outcome relationship
that exists between the individual parties to the conflict.
At one extreme, the relationship of the parties may be such that
one resolution of the dispute will uniformly enhance the outcomes of
all interested parties, while a different resolution will uniformly reduce
these outcomes. ('Will this path lead us out of the forest, or that one?")
In this situation, it may be said that the interests of the parties are coin-
cident, and if any dispute arises it will entail simply a "cognitive" con-
flict 4-a dispute as to which resolution is to the common advantage.
Everyone's objective will be to find that jointly preferred solution. Con-
flicts of this sort will often be very easy to resolve, especially where
there is no strongly held prior commitment to a particular view of real-
ity. Here there may be virtually no process, as such, of dispute resolu-
tion, and agreement may be spontaneously achieved as soon as a
solution is proposed, particularly if the disputants have at hand a stan-
dard-a meter stick, a dictionary, a map-for measuring the proposed
Disputes that develop in scientific inquiry are the prototype of
cognitive conflict in a setting of common interest.' Scientists are social-
ized in an ethic of disinterestedness in the pursuit of widening and
deepening their commonly held store of knowledge and understanding.
This ethic serves to suppress conflicts of personal or material interest in
furtherance of a common stake in the scientific enterprise. In principle,
as long as scientists adhere to this idealized role, their conflicts are
purely cognitive; competing hypotheses are entertained for the purpose
of ascertaining the truth. Typically, in "normar' science,6 the validity
or relative adequacy of rival hypotheses is determined by submitting
4. See Hammond, Todd, Wilkins, & Mitchell, Cognitive Conflict between Persons:Applica-
lion of the "Lens Model"Paradigm,2 J. EXPERIMENTAL SOC. PSYCH. 343 (1966). See also Rappo-
port, Interpersonal Conflict in Cooperative and Uncertain Situations, I J. EXPERIMENTAL SOC.
PSYCH. 323 (1965).
5. For an amusing account of how scientists might resolve a disagreement about the length
of one edge of a cubical block, see G. HOLTON, INTRODUCTION TO CONCEPTS AND THEORIES IN
PHYSICAL SCIENCE at 221-22 (1952).
6. See T. Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (2d ed. 1970). By Kuhn's analysis
most of the business of science is conducted within normal science, in which the scientific commu-
nity holds in common and implicitly accepts a conceptual and instrumental framework, a "para-

the question at issue to empirical or formal tests by experiment or

mathematical analysis.7
At the other extreme of the subject matter continuum is the situa-
tion of maximum conflict of interest.8 In this case the respective inter-
ests of the parties are perfectly opposed because a particular solution
will maximize the outcome of one of the parties only at the expense of
the other. Here the ultimate test of any particular solution is the charac-
ter of the distribution of outcomes among the interested parties, and no
solution will ultimately be recognized as "correct" by all of them.
Hence, the objective of resolving conflicts of interest must frankly be
seen as something other than finding the "true" or scientifically valid
result.9 Form the time of Aristotle the objective in resolving this kind of
dispute has been characterized as "justice."' 0
The legal process is concerned, for the most part, with the resolu-
tion of conflicts of interest. This conclusion is readily apparent in most
civil litigation. The conflict of interest is patent in a dispute between
two parties as to the proper distribution between them of certain prop-
erty. Examples might include an action to determine the ownership of
land or a dispute about the distribution of assets comprising an estate
or trust. In these situations a distribution favoring one party will be
correspondingly unfavorable to the opposing party. Actions for per-
sonal injury or for breach of contract also involve a conflict of interest
relationship, for a distribution that favors one party will disfavor the
opposing party. One party receives an amount of money damages and
the other must pay this amount, or one party receives nothing and the
opposing party retains a benefit. Criminal litigation also involves a
conflict of interest, because the prosecutor (as surrogate for society) and
the defendant seek incompatible outcomes. 1
It is true, of course, that the legal process is often concerned with
resolving disputes about "facts," and factfmding can be determinative
when the conflicting justice claims are controlled by established legal
digm." See note 59 infra. It is the paradigm that provides the context and meaning to the
scientist's observations.
7. We realize that we are being simplistic in the foregoing characterization of science, but
we accept the risks in the interest of dramatizing a theoretical end-point on the substantive contin-
9. Our own research on this topic has shown that persons whose interests are in direct con-
flict place no value on the attainment of "truth" and, indeed, truth is not for them a salient or
relevant consideration. This contrasts sharply with the values of those whose interests are congru-
ent: for those people the attainment of truth is a major objective. See LaTour, Houlden, Walker,
& Thibaut, Some Determinantsof Preferencefor Modes of Conflict Resolution, 20 J. CONFLICT
RESOLUTION 319 (1976 [hereinafter cited as DeterminantsofPreference].
10. See text accompanying notes 18-21 infra.
11. See text following note 55 infra.

rules. But typically determinations of fact are subordinate to the justice

objective. The purpose of factfmding in the legal process contrasts
sharply with the purpose of factfimding in scientific inquiry. In science
the facts found have an enduring significance because they guide future
conduct. The facts found concerning the characteristics of objects in
flight are relied on by every airplane pilot; facts determined about the
effects of particular drugs guide physicians in treating patients. In con-
trast, the significance of factual determinations in a legal proceeding
generally ends with the division of outcomes and there is no future
reliance on the cognitive decision. In an action to determine the owner-
ship of land, a defense that the plaintiffs deed was not signed by the
grantor requires factfmding. But the facts relating to the execution of
the deed will have no significance after a decision is made determining
ownership. Similarly, in a criminal case the question of whether the
defendant fired the pistol has no significance after the determination of
guilt or innocence and the resulting distribution of outcomes.
In summary, where resolution of the conflict of interest is primary,
and the cognitive conflict has significance only in contributing to or
leading to a resolution of that interest conflict, the objective is "justice."
On the other hand, where resolution of the cognitive conflict has pri-
mary significance in its own right, the objective is "truth." It is impor-
tant to recognize that it is not necessary or even possible simply to
choose the truth objective or the justice objective. The goals are dic-
tated by the underlying character of the dispute and hence cannot be
established independently.

As we have defined them, both cognitive conflict and conflict of
interest involve at least two and often three parties: two disputants and
a third-party adviser or decisionmaker.1 According to our view, the
purpose of procedural rules is to define and maintain certain roles for
the parties involved in a conflict. Recognition of the two possible objec-
tives of conflict resolution establishes the appropriate starting point for
a consideration of procedure, since the efficacy of the rules necessarily
must be judged in terms of the objective of the process of conflict reso-
lution. Our theory proposes a general framework for analyzing proce-
dural alternatives in terms of these objectives.
12. We use the term "third party" to indicate some person other than a disputant who takes
part in resolving the conflict. In particular systems, the third party may be, for example, an arbi-
trator, mediator, judge, jury, or autocrat. For purposes of analysis, we make the simplifying as-
sumption that there are only two disputants, but the model can easily be extended to disputes
involving three or more parties.

The distribution of control among the procedural group partici-

pants is the most significant factor in characterizing a procedural sys-
tem. "Control" involves at least two elements: control over the decision
and control over the process. 3 Decision control is measured by the de-
gree to which any one of the participants may unilaterally determine
the outcome of the dispute. For example, where a third-party deci-
sionmaker alone may order a resolution to be imposed, the deci-
sionmaker has total decision control. Control over the process refers to
control over the development and selection of information that win
constitute the basis for resolving the dispute. Participants given author-
ity to conduct an investigation and to plan the presentation of evidence
may be said to exercise considerable process control. If one participant
has complete authority both to establish the evidence and to render a
decision, that participant exercises total control over the procedure.
The allocation of process control and decision control elements de-
termines the overall distribution of control among the participants; it
therefore determines the essential character of the procedures. All
changes in procedure may be measured according to their effects on
this central control relationship.
To illustrate possible control relationships, consider a simple set of
common procedural systems as one might view a series of tableaux
vivants. In the beginning there are only the disputing parties, and they
have complete control over the selection of information that will form
the basis of the decision and over the mode of presenting that informa-
tion. Furthermore, the disputants together exercise complete control
over the final outcome of the dispute. This procedure will be recog-
nized as bilateral bargaining and establishes the starting point of the
proposed perspective.
With the appearance of a third-party decisionmaker or adviser,
control inevitably begins to shift away from the disputants. In the next
procedure the third party is present, but the disputants retain most of
the process and decision control because they remain actively charged
with presenting information to each other and to the third party, while
the third party is only allowed to propose or recommend a settlement.
This procedure is generally known as mediation. The next scene may
be called the "moot." Power has drifted away from the disputants as
the third party has gained the authority to share in the decisionmaking
by exercising a veto. Here, all three participants in the group must
agree on a decision or on a particular outcome. Along with this shift in
decision control, some control over the process passes to the third party,
who acquires the authority to ask questions and thus to control to some
degree the nature of evidence and the mode of presentation.
13. See Processand Decision Control, supra note 1.

As control continues to shift away from the disputants, the third-

party decisionmaker gains the authority to impose a decision after lis-
tening to evidence presented by the parties. We use the term "arbitra-
tion" for this procedural model, which conforms in a basic way to the
adversary process which is traditional in American civil and criminal
litigation. In the final tableau, the decisionmaker not only holds the
power to impose an outcome, but, in contrast to arbitration, the deci-
sionmaker also has complete authority over the development and pres-
entation of evidence. The shift of control away from the parties has
been fully realized and the progression from bargaining to autocratic
decisionmaking is complete.14

We have so far described the objectives of social conflict resolution
(truth or justice) and a framework for analysis that provides a general
scheme for understanding the range of choice of procedure. We now
turn to the core of our concern, the relationship between systems of
procedure and the objectives of conflict resolution.
We consider first, and briefly, the optimal procedure for determin-
ing truth. In terms of our procedural continuum, an autocratic system
delegating both process and decision control to a disinterested third
party is most likely to produce truth. 15 Giving the decisionmaker com-
plete process control permits the creation of a single "selection strat-
egy" that will generate information appropriate to the inquiry,11 unlike
14. It will be noted that certain familiar figures have not appeared in the tableau. There were
no representatives or attorneys for the disputants, and there were no assistants or investigators for
the decisionmaker. These participants are not necessary to describe the basic framework but may
be seen as elements whose presence tends to enhance the process control of either the disputants or
the decisionmaker, according to the role assignment given the additional participants. For exam-
ple, if the disputants are assigned representatives in any one of the basic models, these representa-
tives, usually expert in their work, increase the process control of the disputing parties over the
small group relationship and, therefore, tend to move any model toward the bargaining end of the
continuum. Substantial confirmation of this proposal is found in the report of Popkin, The Effect
of Representation in NonadversaryProceedings-A Study of Three DisabilityPrograms, 62 COR-
NELL L. REv. 989, 1030 (1977) ("There is no doubt that represented claimants are more likely than
unrepresented claimants to insist on procedural safeguards."). Similarly, when expert assistants in
the role of investigators are added to a particular model, these additions tend to enhance the
process control of the decisionmaker and, hence, move the character of the procedure in the direc-
tion of the autocratic model. Furthermore, when any established fourth party role is modified by
shifting allegiance toward either the disputants or the decisionmaker, the character of the model is
15. See Lind, Thibaut, & Walker, Discovery and Presentation of Evidence in Adversary and
Nonadversary Proceedings,71 MICH. L. REv. 1129 (1973), where it is shown that the evidence
presented and assembled for decisionmaking by autocratic processes represents the discovered
evidence more accurately than does that presented by adversary processes.
16. J.S. BRUNER, J. GOoDNOW, & G. AUSTIN, A STUDY OF THINKING (1956). See also Kel-
ley, Attribution Theory in Social Psychology, 15 NEB. SYMP. MOTIVATION192 (1967).
[Vol. 66:541

a control relationship in which the decisionmaker merely assesses in-

formation presented by the disputants. Such a selection strategy in-
creases the likelihood of obtaining the relevant information, reduces
the strain of assimilating and tracking information, and minimizes the
risk of failing to reach the correct solution within a limited number of
attempts. Furthermore, disputants with congruent interests and an
agreed upon standard (e.g., a meter stick or a particular level of statisti-
cal significance) for resolving cognitive conflict can comfortably dele-
gate both
process and decision control to a properly trained third

A. The Achievement of DistributiveJustice

The special concern of this Article is with the justice objective, be-
cause it is necessarily the primary objective of the legal process. Ho-
mans, who (along with Adams I8 ) has been a major influence 19 in
stimulating contemporary social science research and theory on distrib-
utive justice (or, as it is sometimes called, equity theory), recently char-
acterized the study of distributive justice as being concerned with the
relationship between the rewards received by the parties involved and
the contributions they have made to the transaction. "When the ratio of
their rewards is equal, as perceived by all the parties, to the ratio of
their contributions, then the distribution of reward is said to be fair,
just, or equitable." 0 This conception of distributive justice is empirical
and relativistic; it is not a philosophical ethic. It is grounded in the
perceptions that justice has or has not been done, according to the cul-
tural or subcultural standards that define the values of contributions or
inputs and of rewards21 or outcomes.
As applied to litigation, whether civil or criminal, distributive jus-
tice generally takes the form of evaluating the relative weight of each
party's claims for a favorable distribution of the outcomes and then
17. See DeterminantsofPreference, supra note 9. Indeed, though it is common practice to
check the logic, observations, and computations of the investigator and often to replicate the entire
procedure, these measures are intended to eliminate information processing errors before the in.
vestigator's conclusions enter into the public domain of science; they are in no sense intended to
evaluate the 'Justice" or "fairness" of his conclusions. Justice and fairness, or responsibility to
social concerns, are of course involved in the allocation of scarce resources to scientific projects
and in the selection of problems for applied research in science.
18. See Adams, Inequity in SocialExchange,in 2 ADVANCES IN EXPERIMENTAL SOC. PSYCH.
267 (1965).
19. See G. HoMANs, SOCIAL BEHAVIOR: ITS ELEMENTARY FORMas (1961), especially at 232-
20. Homans, Commentary, in 9 ADVANCES IN EXPERIMENTAL Soc. PSYCH. 231, 231-32
(1976) (emphasis in original). Comprehensive reviews of behavioral research on distributive jus-
tice are contained in G. LEVENTHAL, FAIRNESS IN SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS (1976) and E. WAL-
21. We conceive of "reward" here in a broad sense to include the possibility of negative
rewards or costs.

rendering an allocative decision that reflects these relative weights.

These claims are primarily arguments designed to maximize the party's
perceived causal responsibility for, or contribution to, "good" conse-
quences (such as a potential heir's claim of a causal role in improving
the value of property that is about to be divided) or to minimize the
party's attributed responsibility for a charge of "bad" consequences
(such as a claim of extenuating circumstances by a defendant charged
with homicide).
A procedural system designed to achieve distributive justice as
thus defined will function best if process control is assigned to the dis-
putants. This is the optimum control relationship because the disputing
parties themselves are best qualified to describe their respective inputs
or contributions to a transaction.
First, the disputing parties typically have more information than
does a third party about their respective inputs and, therefore, can bet-
ter plan the reporting of this information. Lacking direct knowledge of
the feelings or intentions behind the participants' actions, a third party
must always consider the participants' experience from a normative
perspective grounded in the third party's own history. It seems almost
inevitable that third parties will bias contextual information about a
dispute by asking questions and developing information that conforms
to a model formed by their own experiences, rather than the experience
of the participants in the dispute. Therefore, where substantial process
control is given to third parties, information developed about particular
cases will tend in important ways to conform to the normative or stere-
otypic expectations of the investigator or decisionmaker.
Recent psychological research into the process by which persons
make attributions about causality 22 suggests a second reason for believ-
ing that participants are best qualified to develop and present informa-
tion. Third-party decisionmakers interpret and evaluate the behavior of
the disputants differently than do the disputants themselves, and these
differences will affect their conclusions as to causality. The research
suggests that even if both the observer and the actor had the same in-
formation available, they would adopt different perspectives toward
the act.2 3 For the observer the actor's behavior itself is obtrusively sali-
OF THE CAUSES OF BEHAVIOR (1971). See also Hansen & Lowe, Distinctiveness and Consensus
The Influence ofBehavloralInformation on Actors' and Observers'Attributions,34 J. PERSONALITY
& SOC. PSYCH. 425 (1976); Hansen & Donoghue, The Power of Consensus: Information Derived
from One's Own and Others' Behavior, 35 J. PERSONALITY & SOC. PSYCH. 294 (1977); Storms,
Videotape and the Attribution Process: ReversingActors' and Observers' Points of View, 27 J. PER-
SONALrrY & SOC. PSYCH. 165 (1973). For application to actors and observer in a planned bur-

ent; it stands out as figure against ground, "it tends to engulf the
field."'2 4 Thus, for the observer the proximal cause of action is the actor
himself. In contrast, the actor's attention is focused outward, toward
factors in the environment that he interprets as placing constraints,
pressures, and demands on him. For the actor the situational cues and
forces in the environment are the proximal cause.
The observer's perspective leads him to attribute the behavior to
stable characteristics of the actor 25 such as "laziness," "bad character,"
or "carelessness," or to "virtue" or "competence." Research has shown
many instances where the observer's interpretation of behavior is sim-
ply wrong.26 26 A legal setting where a normative
standard directs the
decisionmaker in how to evaluate behavior will institutionally curb the
observer's bias toward attributing behavior to the actor's disposition or
character. Still, the decisionmaker's special perspective will color the
judgment of whether the actor's behavior meets the normative stan-
Thus, this actor-observer attribution research suggests that the dis-
puting parties themselves ought to control the description of their re-
spective inputs. They can be relied on to describe possibly important
contextual factors relating to the dispute that are likely to be over-
looked when information is developed from the narrower perspective
of the decisionmaker.28
glary, see West, Gunn, & Chernicky, Ubiquitous Watergate: An AttributionalAnalysis, 32 J.
PERSONALITY & SOC. PSYCH. 55 (1975). For a somewhat different view, see Monson and Snyder,
Actors, Observers, and the Attribution Process, 13 J. EXPERIMENTAL Soc. PSYCH. 89 (1977).
24. F. HEIDER, supra note 22, at 54.
25. Hansen & Donoghue, supra note 23, show this effect to be strongest when the actor's
behavior is different from what the observer knows his own behavior to be.
26. See, e.g., B. LATANt & J. DARLEY, THE UNRESPONSIVE BYSTANDER (1970); Jones &
Harris, TheAttribution ofAttitudes, 3 J. EXPERIMENTAL SOC. PSYCH. 1 (1967); Nisbett, Legant, &
Maracek, The Causes of Behavior as Seen by Actor and Observer (1971) (unpublished manu-
script, Yale University). The actor's interpretation may be wrong, too. See Nisbett & Wilson,
Telling More Than We Can Know: Verbal Reports on Thought Processes, 84 PSYCH. REV. 231
27. See, e.g., Landy & Aronson, The Influence of the Characterofthe CriminalandHis Victim
on the Decision of SimulatedJurors,5 J. EXPERIMENTAL SOC. PSYCH. 141 (1969); Sigall & Landy,
Effects of the Defendant's Character and Suffering on Juridic Judgment: A Replication and
Clarfication,88 J. Soc. PSYCH. 149 (1972).
28. The attribution research also suggests the desirability of shared control in the procedural
group because disputants and decisionmakers bring different information and different informa-
tion processing techniques to the resolution of the dispute. The decisionmaker can be expected to
provide a normative evaluation of the behavior while the actor will bring attention to situational
factors unique to the particular case. These different perspectives parallel in some respects the
differences between the traditional concepts of "law" and "equity," at least to the extent that
equity tended to concern itself with qualifying or mitigating situational factors unique to the par-
ticular case, whereas law applied normative standards to reported or observed behavior. See
generally D. DOBBS, REMEDIES 24-134 (1973). Indeed, our research suggests that litigants who
have claims based on "equity" prefer (significantly more than do legally oriented litigants and

The assertion that the parties themselves are best able to describe
their own inputs might seem to imply, in terms of our analytic frame-
work, that bargaining is a procedure that is very likely to produce jus-
tice. Bargaining will prove unsuccessful in practice, however, because
in cases of high conflict of interest the disputing parties will not be able
to reach a settlement.2 9 Our research suggests the need, under condi-
tions of high conflict of interest, to adopt a procedural model which,
like bargaining, reserves virtually all process control to the disputants,
but which, unlike bargaining, assigns decision control to a third party.
These conditions are met at the point on the continuum we call "arbi-
tration."3 The distribution of control at this point affords the dispu-
tants an adequate opportunity to develop the presentation, yet
recognizes the necessity for insuring that the dispute be resolved in
spite of the severe conflict of interest.
The foregoing analysis demonstrates that the procedural model
best suited to the attainment of distributive justice in disputes entailing
high conflict of interest is arbitration, or more specifically in legal set-
tings, the Anglo-American adversary model. Most of the process con-
trol rests with the disputants, who are able to present their claims from
their own perspectives, with full particularities and contexts. The im-
partial decisionmaker hears the contending presentations, evaluates the
relative weights of the input claims, and renders the decision that dis-
tributes the outcomes. The freedom of the disputants to control the
statement of their claims constitutes the best assurance that they will
subsequently believe that justice has been done regardless of the ver-
dict.3 ' And though they must exercise this kind of process control, they
are in no position to evaluate the relative weights of the rival claims.
Decision control must, therefore, be in the hands of a third party who
applies a normative standard to the conflict between idiographic

third parties) procedures that retain high degrees of process control for the disputants. See Process
and Decision Control, supra note 1.
29. This conclusion is supported by our earlier empirical study of comparative pretrial con-
ference procedures. Walker & Thibaut, 4n Experimental Examination of PretrialConference
Techiniques, 55 MINN.L. REv.1113 (1971). This investigation of the effects of high versus low
conflict of interest (among other factors) on the course of conference showed that significantly
fewer cases were settled by disputants in the high conflict condition. This was true even though the
procedure employed in the conference contained some elements of mediation that gave assistance
to the disputants in attempting to agree on a settlement. See also Erickson, Holmes, Frey,
Walker, & Thibaut, Functionsof a ThirdParlyin the Resolution of Conflict: The Role ofa Judge in
Pre-TrialConferences, 30 J. PERSONALITY & Soc. PSYCH.293 (1974).
30. We use the term "arbitration" in a more general sense than its common usage to describe
a contractually agreed on means of dispute settlement in labor-management collective bargaining
31. Evidence for this is shown in Walker, LaTour, Lind, & Thibaut, Reactions of Partic7ants
and Observers to Modes of.4djuducation, 4 J. APPLIED Soc. PSYCH. 295 (1974). See also J.Tm-
BAUT & L. WALKER, supra note 1, at 81-96.

Our endorsement of the adversary model as likely to obtain dis-
tributive justice is strictly limited to our definition of that model as a
system of legal decisionmaking that assigns virtually all process control
to the disputing parties but that reserves decision control to the judge or
jury. This definition results from applying the terms of our theory to
observations of operating systems and is completely different from the
"combat" or "game" concept of the adversary system, which has been
the subject of occasional support 33 and much criticism.3 4 In one sense
the critics have been correct-it is foolish to claim that justice may be
done by conducting a modem courtroom version of the tournament of
knights. But in a more fundamental way the critics have been wrong
because they have failed to perceive that a particular distribution of
control is the essence of traditional Anglo-American procedure. Our
endorsement of the adversary model is based on this understanding
about control, an understanding that is derived from our empirical

B. Some PracticalConstraints
Our argument concerning the optimal distribution of process and
decision control in conflict resolution groups is meant to apply gener-
ally to the legal process, though we recognize limitations on its applica-
bility in certain situations. One such situation arises when the outcome
of a dispute is controlled by a precise substantive or normative rule. In
order for the disputants to maintain full process control, the rule of law
must be general, so that claims based on circumstance and context are
honored as relevant. Maximum disputant control may be realized
where a traditional or experiential law applies because the norms are
merely suggestive, and thus provide latitude for the expression of input
claims emphasizing special considerations. Thus, when a flexible com-
mon law standard of due care is displaced by a rigid statutory rule such
as a speed limit, the legislature is preempting process control and trans-
ferring it from the disputants to the decisionmaker. Though in recent
32. The preceding paragraph is a statement of the relationship between procedural justice
and distributive justice when conflict of interest is high. Distributive justice becomes progressively
less of an issue as outcome relationships move toward a harmony of interests. When commonality
of interest dominates the relationship, there is little temptation for either party to exploit the other,
because to hurt the other is to hurt oneself. Hence, inequity is unlikely to occur. See H. KELLEY &
press). Note also Aristotle's comment: "Where men are friends, there is no need of justice .
33. See, e.g., Wyzanski, .4 TrialJudge'rFreedom andResponsibilily, 7 REC. A. B. CITY N.Y.
280, 285 (1952).
34. See, e.g., J. FRANK, COURTS ON TRIAL 80-102 (1949); Pound, The Causes of Popular
Disatisaction with the Administration ofJustice, 29 REP. A.B.A., pt. 1, at 395, 404-06 (1906); A.

years there has been considerable codification in American law, the

influence of the common law heritage remains dominant, so that cir-
cumstance and context remain generally relevant. Even in the case of
claims created by statute, the main body of normative law is often ex-
periential in nature. One excellent example of the persistence of the
common law tradition is the case by case development of federal secu-
rities law stemming from the enactment of section 10(b) of the Securi-
ties Act of 1934 (and from rule l0b-5).35
When rules of law do become highly differentiated and particular-
ized, such considerations as circumstance and context lose their rele-
vance in the courtroom or other decisionmaking forum. They are
already categorically incorporated in the codification of the rules,
which then need only be consulted for a specification of the decision.
Not only does this reduce the disputants' process control, but it also
transforms the nature of the third party's decision control. The deci-
sionmaker becomes a scholar of the code, a sophisticated factfinder
whose task is to match the disputants' actions with the relevant statu-
tory provision. 36 The decisionmaker's function is directed less toward
justice and more toward truth.37
Of course, specificity in rules may enhance perceptions of the fair-
ness of the legal system to the extent that it increases evenhandedness
in the administration of justice. Furthermore, in elaborating rules of
law and making them more specific, the interest of legislators is at least
in part to advise and possibly to deter the potential violator.38 Some
erosion of justice in the courts may be viewed as a necessary trade-off
against the benefits of codification as caveat.39
The substitution of legislative judgments for case by case determi-
nations of distributive justice in the courts will hinder the achievement
of justice unless the legislative process compensates the disputants for
the loss of process control in the courts. While legislatures assuredly
can neither anticipate nor accommodate the idiographic detail of all
future disputes, they can adopt procedures that protect the process con-
trol of representatives of classes of potential disputants. This scheme
35. See generall, 2 A. BROMBERG, SECURITIES LAW: FRAUD (1967, updated through 1977).
36. Decisions made by juries would moderate this tendency. See Sewell, Law-Courts and
Dreams, in THE LoGIc OF PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE 179, 183 (1961).
37. The mere availability of a standard shifts the preferences of all three parties towards an
"autocratic" procedure, largely because they believe it most likely to determine the "truth." See
Determinantsof Preference, supra note 9.
38. The greater effectiveness of highly specific rules as a deterrent is documented in Thibaut,
Friedland, & Walker, Compliance with Rules: Some Social Determinants,30 J. PERSONALITY &
SOC. PSYCH. 792 (1974).
39. Legislators may view criminal violations as a greater danger to society than civil offenses
and, therefore, might be more strongly motivated to attempt deterrence of crime through codifica-
tion. The consequence would seem to be a sharper restriction of disputant process control (with a
concomitantly larger shift to truth finding) in criminal than in civil procedures.

would require that all sides be represented at legislative hearings con-

ducted in an adversarial format, a process radically different from the
autocratic model now employed by legislative committees.40 Present
legislative procedures, however, are likely to produce the highly speci-
fied codification of law that we have argued diminishes justice.
Even radical change in the legislative process could not, as a prac-
tical matter, prevent considerable diminution in the overall perception
of justice. The inherent problems in anticipating circumstance and con-
text in future disputes about the distribution of outcomes suggest that
citizen process control in the legislature cannot be an adequate substi-
tute for disputant process control in the decisionmaking forum.4 1
A second limitation on our argument arises when the disputants
have insufficient resources to present their input claims fully. In our
ideal model, disputants are assumed to be uniquely capable of guiding
the presentation of their own claims. As a practical matter, however,
their resources are often inadequate to communicate this unique per-
spective effectively. Our model of a procedure for attaining justice,
therefore, suggests that disputants who would otherwise be unable to
exercise effective process control should be provided assistance.
The argument also suggests that resources available to improve the
court system-or any agency for resolving conflicts of interest-ought
to be applied first to assist disputants in the presentation of their claims
and only secondarily to improve the decisionmaking function. Such a
plan of allocating limited resources would maximize the quality of jus-
tice that limited funds could provide.42


We have stated our theory in quite general terms so that it will be

useful to policymakers in a wide variety of situations where it is neces-
sary to choose among conflict resolution procedures. The theory can be
used to assess the likely impact of systems of procedure, or parts of
The professional lobbyist provides a degree of vicarious participation in the legislative proc-
ess, but many concerned persons will not be able to afford this kind of representation and will not
otherwise be able to exercise process control.
41. Insofar as codification leads to the use of adversarial procedures in legislative hearings
and autocratic procedures in the courtroom, decisionmakers in both settings tend to deal with the
justice and truth questions separately. For a discussion of the form that such a two-stage proce-
dure might take, see text accompanying notes 68-80 infra.
42. Compare this conclusion with the suggestion that judicial assistance in the development
of evidence be introduced through the parties and their attorneys rather than directly. Saltzburg,
The Unnecessarily ExpandingRole of the American Trial Judge, 64 VA. L. REv. 1 (1978).

systems, on the appropriate resolution objectives for particular con-


A. The Unsuitability of the Scientific Methodfor the Legal System

A number of modem American legal writers have recommended
that the scientific method be imported into the legal process. These
writers have perhaps been inspired by the ideal of the dispassionate
scientific researcher persistently seeking full information in the quest
for truth. One group of theorists has expressly called for the use of the
scientific method in legal decisionmaking (as well as in other areas);
another group has spoken more generally of centralized judicial control
in all facets of the trial, championing in essence the means of the scien-
tific method without employing its terminology.
Perhaps the most extreme statement of the first viewpoint is to be
found in the work of Beutel,43 who advocates an experimental jurispru-
dence based on the scientific method. Beutel argues that the adversary
method does not produce social justice because it rests on the false pro-
position that truth can be demonstrated by argument, while the modem
scientific understanding is that truth can be shown only by repeated
applications of the experimental method.
Brett is only slightly more restrained in calling for the use of scien-
tific method in legal decisionmaking. 4 He proposes that the judge
work in the same manner as the scientist, initially formulating an hy-
pothesis and then proceeding to test it vigorously by examining all ex-
isting cases as well as considering the impact of the hypothesis on
future disputes. Like Beutel, Brett sees little merit in the adversary sys-
tem, calling it more nearly a battle between the parties than a search for
truth. In his view, party control of evidence and the concomitant re-
strictions on the court's activism in developing information offer little
hope that truth will emerge from an adversary proceeding. Brett sug-
gests that the adversary system be replaced by an inquisitorial method,
which more closely approximates a scientific investigation.45
Others have argued for reforms that incorporate most of the signif-
icant procedural characteristics of the scientific method into legal deci-
sionmaking, although they have not expressly referred to science in
their proposals.46
45. Brett, The Implicationsof Sciencefor the Law, 18 MCGILL L.J. 170 (1972).
46. See, eg., J. FRANK, supra note 34; A. VANDERBILT, MEN AND MEASURES IN THE LAW
(1949). These are by no means isolated examples of discontent but are representative of a signifi-
cant jurisprudential movement. See also Geny, JudicialFreedom of Decision: Its Necessity and

Application of our theory shows that the proposals of the scientific

jurisprudents are, for the most part, unwise and inappropriate. The root
of their error appears to be in the misconception that the fundamental
objective of the legal process is the discovery of truth. This view sug-
gests that these writers believe that legal disputes are characterized by
high cognitive conflict and low conflict of interest. To the contrary, our
theory demonstrates that legal institutions are mainly concerned with
disputes involving low cognitive conflict and high conflict of interest.
Therefore, the primary goal of the legal process must be the attainment
of distributive justice between the parties rather than the realization of
the most accurate view of reality. The theory further suggests that the
justice objective will best be served by a procedure that assigns maxi-
mum process control to the disputants while assigning decision control
to a third party. It is conceivable that use of the scientific method in
legal decisionmaking would result in a more accurate view of a particu-
lar empirical reality, but the information attained would be of little or
no significance, while the cost of attaining it would be significant dimi-
nution in the perceived fairness of the outcome.47 Therefore, applica-
tion of the theory proves that the proposals to adopt an autocratic or
"scientific" model for the legal process are ill-considered.
On the other hand, an argument has been made for the use of legal
procedures to facilitate the attainment of truth in scientific inquiry. An
example of this position is Levine's plea for the application of adver-
sary procedures to the resolution of questions in field and clinical re-
search in the social sciences.48 Levine criticizes the scientific method for
its "lack of fit" to problems in applied research. The methods of science
so constrict the intelligence of the observer that they produce results of
dubious validity from which it is difficult to generalize. Levine recom-
mends that a fully adversarial method be adopted instead of or in addi-
tion to the usual scientific method.49
Method, in SCIENCE OF LEGAL METHOD I (Editorial Comm. AALS eds. 1977); 0. W. HOLMES,
Law in Science andScience in Law, in COLLECTED LEGAL PAPERS 210 (1920); B. CARDOZO, The
Hall ed. 1947); Cohen, Law andScientij/c Method, 6 AM. L. SCH. REv. 231 (1927); Cowan, Deci-
sion Theory in Law, Science and Technology, 17 RUTGERS L. REv. 499 (1963); Lavery, Sclentific
Method in the Law-Its Uses and Limitations,36 CHI. B. REC. 303 (1955); Loevinger, Law and
Science as Rival Systems, 8 JURiMETRiCS J. 63 (1966).
47. See text accompanying note 30 supra.
48. Levine, Scientfic Method and the Adversary Model: Some Preliminary Thoughts, 29 AM.
PSYCH. 661 (1974). Levine acknowledges that his proposal is not yet developed in detail and is
intended mainly to stimulate discussion. Idat 662.
49. His central recommendation is that for each field of clinical study an independent and
technically trained adversary be appointed who would have the function of "cross-examining all
evidence from the point of view of developing the rebuttal to whatever evidence is gathered and
introduced .... His objections, counterarguments, and evidence should be made a clear part of
the report of any study." Id at 674.

Application of our theory shows that an adversary system is no

more appropriate for purely scientific decisionmaking than is the scien-
tific method for legal decisionmaking. Disputes characterized by a high
degree of cognitive conflict and very little conflict of interest are best
resolved through an autocratic process. "Adversary arguments and
contentions are only incidental to science, not basic as they are in law.
In law, adversary arguments tend to settle differences. In science, ad-
versary arguments send the contenders back to investigative proce-
dures with which to prove themselves right--or wrong."5 We agree
and would add that Levine's critical assessment of field and clinical
techniques--methodologically the weakest part of psychological re-
search-implies a need for better science rather than for importing
methods better suited to the pursuit of justice.

B. An Analysis of Specific Legal Procedures

The theory may also be used to assess the advisability of specific
features of current legal systems. For example, in 1938 the federal
courts adopted the pretrial conference device in the form of Rule 16 of
the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.5 1 Since that time most states have
added some form of pretrial practice to their civil litigation systems.
The federal rule permits the court, at its discretion, to direct the attor-
neys for the parties to appear before it for a conference to consider the
simplification of the issues, amendments to the pleadings, admissions
of fact and documents, the number of expert witnesses, reference to a
master, and "such other matters as may aid in the disposition of the
action." Rule 16 further provides that the court shall make an order
reciting the action taken at the conference and that the order will con-
trol the subsequent course of the action. The chief academic proponent
of the pretrial conference was Sunderland, who in 1937 predicted that
pretrial examination of cases by judges and attorneys at informal hear-
ings "might do much to restore the confidence of the public in litigation
as a desirable method of settling disputes." 2 Today there is substantial
agreement that the pretrial conference mechanism has not lived up to
early expectations. 3
The generally poor functioning of the mechanism is not surprising
when it is analyzed in terms of our theory. Since the great bulk of civil
litigation involves slight to moderate cognitive conflict and a high de-
50. Youtz, Some Comments on "ScientficMethodand the Adversary Model," 29 AM. PYCH.
714, 715 (1974) (emphasis in original).
51. FED. R. Civ. P. 16.
52. Sunderland, The Theory and Practice ofPretrialProcedure,36 MICH. L. REV. 215, 226
53. See Probert, A Survey of Ohio PretrialPracticesandAchievements, 7 W. REs. L. REv.428
(1956); Pollack, PretrialConferences, 50 F.R.D. 449 (1970).

gree of conflict of interest, civil procedure should be primarily con-

cerned with the justice objective. The theory suggests this objective is
most likely to be achieved by a procedure which allows the disputants
to exercise maximum process control while assigning decision to con-
trol a third party. Adoption of rule 16 brought about a major shift of
process control from the parties and their representatives to the court.
The rule permits a trial judge to take a major role in defiming the issues
and selecting evidence to be heard in court. As a practical matter, it
even permits the judge to eliminate trial by compelling settlement. Our
analysis would predict that such a major shift of process control from
the disputants to the judge would diminish the justice of the outcome.
On the other hand, the theorypredicts success for a recent impor-
tant change in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure. In 1975 rule
16 was amended to broaden significantly the scope of criminal discov- 54
ery in the federal courts both for defendants and for the government.
The change was made against the background of a bitter policy debate
between some of the most distinguished figures in American jurispru-
dence.55 The fundamental issue is whether an increased exchange of
information among the parties is likely to facilitate attainment of the
objectives of the criminal process. Our analysis of this question begins
by recognizing that criminal litigation primarily involves a conflict of
interest. The prosecutor acts as surrogate for the public interest in seek-
ing an outcome that will protect the public from future harm at the
hands of a particular defendant and that will presumably deter future
harmful conduct by others as well. The defendant's interests are op-
posed to the interests represented by the prosecutor because the defend-
ant will incur a fine or loss of personal freedom if the prosecutor
prevails. Disputes about facts-cognitive disputes-are nearly always
subsidary to the conflict of interest between the defendant and the
prosecutor, and there is typically no future reliance on facts determined
in criminal litigation. Thus, justice is the necessary objective of the
process, and again the theory supports the use of procedures that tend
to increase disputants' control over the process yet leave decision con-
trol in the hands of a third person or persons (here the judge or jury).
The proper question to ask about the 1975 amendment of the rule is,
therefore, whether its general tendency is to strengthen the combined
process control of the disputants without diminishing the decision con-
trol of the decisionmaker. It seems apparent that the liberalizing
change has precisely this effect. The disputants have a greater ability to
develop information and to select evidence for presentation because
each has a better opportunity to use evidence originally developed by
54. Pub. L. No. 94-64, § 3 (20)-(28), 89 Stat. 374, 375 (codified as FED. R. CRIM. P. 16).
55. See Brennan, The CriminalProsecution SportingEvent or Questfor Truth?, 1963 WASH.
L.Q. 279. See also 1 C. WRIGHT, FEDERAL PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE 488-500 (1969).

the opposing party. Since the change increases the process control of
the disputants without affecting decision control, it is likely to serve the
justice objective.


A. The Nature of "Mixed"Disputes

In stating our theory we have relied heavily on the distinction be-
tween cognitive conflict and conflict of interest. We have also distin-
guished between high and low degrees of these two types of conflict.
Our main argument can be summarized as follows: When the degree of
conflict of interest is high and the element of cognitive conflict is low,
the goal of the dispute resolution process is to produce a just solution.
A procedure that leaves a high degree of process control in the hands of
the disputants and assigns decision control to a third party is most
likely to produce a just distribution of outcomes. On the other hand,
when the degree of cognitive conflict is high and there is little or no
conflict of interest, the objective is the determination of truth. A proce-
dure that places both process and decision control in the decisionmaker
is most likely to serve this goal. We have made the argument boldly
and with little qualification in order to be as clear and straightforward
as possible. Furthermore, we believe that in the great bulk of disputes
either conflict of interest or cognitive conflict predominates, and there-
fore, that this dichotomous statement of our proposal will be sufficient
to analyze most conflict situations. Nonetheless, the generalization im-
plicitly acknowledges the occasional existence of more complex conflict
conditions that require comment.
Figure 1 presents the distinctions in the form of a four cell table.
Thus far, we have used our theoretical proposal to analyze situations
located in the upper right (justice) cell and the lower left (truth) cell of
the figure. We can ignore the upper left cell where little or no conflict
exists. The remaining (mixed) cell represents the class of situations
characterized by a high degree of both cognitive and interest conflict.

Conflict of Interest
Low High

Low "justice"
Cognitive Lo

High "truth" "mixed"

Figure 1. Two moderately simple situations and a complex one.

Perhaps there is some mixture of the two kinds of conflict in all

disputes. Many, if not most, legal disputes involve questions of fact,
and many scientific disputes involve conflicts of personal interests or
values.56 While in most situations one conflict component or the other
will dominate, in the mixed disputes of the lower right cell both are
strong enough that it is difficult to identify either as dominant. In these
relatively few instances, both the distribution of outcomes and the reso-
lution of cognitive disputes are important, and the facts determined by
the process not only resolve the conflict of interest but also guide the
future conduct of the disputants and others.
A number of these mixed disputes have their origins in the justice
cell. Disputes that commence from conflicts of interest, when they are
intense and protracted, can generate strong ideological positions as jus-
tifications for claims based on self-interest." The resolution of such
intense conflict of interest disputes may come to turn on a factual deter-
mination that will influence the future conduct of persons not contend-
ing over the immediate distribution of outcomes.
In recent times these disputes, although relatively few in number,
have grown in public significance because of increasing technical and
social complexity. An example is a dispute between owners of a river-
side resort and a utility company that proposes to locate a hydroelectric
generating plant on adjacent property. 58 The construction of the plant
56. See text accompanying notes 4-10 supra. Aubert distinguishes between conflict of interest
and value conflict or "value dissensus," but proceeds to argue that in practice they rapidly become
intertwined. Aubert, Competition andDissensus: Two Types of Conflictandof ConflictResolution, 7
J. CONFLICT RESOLUTION 26 (1963). For our present purposes, both will be treated as interest
57. This is, of course, the view of Karl Marx. For suggestive empirical evidence, see Rabbie
& Horwitz, Arousaloflngroup-OutgroupBias By Chance Win or Loss, 13 J. PERSONALITY & SOC.
PSYCH. 269 (1969).
58. The example is suggested by William Tucker's account of the dispute concerning the

on the selected property will benefit the company financially but will
diminish the value of the adjoining property. In opposing the construc-
tion, the landowners assert that the normal operation of this type of
plant will result in massive fish kills, and the utility disputes this asser-
tion. The outcome of the conflict of interest between the parties will
turn on the resolution of the cognitive conflict about the best way to
protect the marine life in the river. The facts found will certainly influ-
ence the conduct of persons living along the river and will probably
influence future planning for the location and construction of hydro-
electric power plants.
Similarly, disputes based initially on cognitive conflict may esca-
late into thoroughly mixed disputes as the parties develop counterposed
interests. Complications are particularly likely when the cognitive con-
flict arises from an intractable difference of opinion-as when scientists
working from two incompatible paradigms59 disagree about the inter-
pretation of a given set of observations-and when there is strong pres-
sure to resolve the dispute.
A dispute that developed during the 1960's over safe levels of lead
concentration in the environment provides an example.6" A group of
experimentally-oriented physical scientists, mainly geochemists,
strongly disputed estimates by industrial toxicologists, scientists trained
in a paradigm of clinical medicine. The two groups differed in their
basic assumptions as well as in their measurement techniques; hence,
there was no basis for reaching a common understanding. Nevertheless,
policy decision awaited a resolution of the issue. The debate degener-
ated into attempts to discredit the competence of the rival group and to
establish the unique authority of one's own group to preside over this
environmental problem. 6

B. ProceduralDfficulties
Resolution of these mixed disputes presents particularly difficult
problems. When disputes involve an admixture of intense conflicts of
interest and strongly divergent claims about matters of fact, neither an
autocratic nor an unrestrainedly adversarial procedure is satisfactory.
proposal by Consolidated Edison of New York to build a pumped-storage electric power plant at
Storm King Mountain on the Hudson River. See Environmentalism and the Leisure Class,
HARPER'S, December 1977, at 49.
59. See T. KuHN, supra note 6. Taking liberties with Kuhn, a paradigm may be taken to
mean a conceptual and instrumental framework-an organized way of viewing part of the
world-that is fully accepted by a given scientific community, discipline or subdiscipline. The
paradigm provides a context for and gives meaning to the "factual" observations made within it.
60. See Robbins & Johnston, The Role of Cognitive and OccupationalDfferentiationin Scien-
tibic Controversies,6 Soc. STU. Sci. 349 (1976).
61. Hardly less bitter are some of the debates over radiation levels between polarized coali-
tions. See Mazur, Disputes Between Experts, 11 MINERVA 243, 258-60 (1973).

Two examples from British experience illustrate the problems with

each approach.62
In the first example, the Minister of Housing and Local Govern-
ment used an autocratic procedure in inquiries made under the Town
and Country Planning Act of 1968.63 The Minister was to decide
whether to build a new town and, if so, to designate its site and certain
other features. Two of the inquiries have been evaluated recently;6
both involved cognitive conflict as well as conflict of interest. Determi-
nation of the necessary size of the new development depended on em-
pirical questions involving the rate of population growth in the
neighboring areas and how best to estimate it. Conflict of interest arose
from the differing preferences among residents, farmers, and business-
men about aspects of the plan.
The procedure adopted for the inquiries gives the Minister a very
high degree of decision control as well as substantial process control.
The Minister and his staff collect information and publish a proposal.
If there are objections, the Minister must hold a public inquiry. At the
inquiry objecting parties may introduce evidence, but the Minister is
not required to present evidence in support of the proposal. Inasmuch
as the objecting parties cannot cross-examine the Minister's planning
consultants, the process control of interested parties other than the
Minister is significantly limited. After the inquiry, the same Minister
has decision control over whether to proceed. Not surprisingly, the
evaluation of these inquiries reports widespread public criticism and
dissatisfaction, and one may wonder whether the procedure produces
very much of either truth or justice.
The second example illustrates the difficulties with using an adver-
sarial procedure to resolve a mixed dispute. It is derived from a report
of the proceedings at a public inquiry to decide whether to permit the
construction of a very large shopping center at the Brighton Marina. A
university-based theoretical physicist who testified as an expert witness
at the inquiry made the report. 65 The dispute concerned the impact of
the proposed center on other shopping centers and markets in the area
as well as the implications of the proposal for traffic congestion in East
Sussex. The issues evoked powerful conflicts of both interest and belief
62. Both of the examples are drawn from proceedings within the public inquiry system of the
United Kingdom, a system that provides differing procedures depending on which ministry has
jurisdiction and on the nature of the hearing. See R. WRAITH & G. LAMB, PUBLIC INQUIRIES AS
63. Town & Country Planning Act, 1968, c. 72.
64. Levin, The PlanningInquiryFarce, 14 NEw SocIETY 17 (1969).
65. Dombey, Experts at PublicInquiries, 61 THE PLANNER 299 (1975). For replies from plan-
ning consultants criticized by Dombey, see letters by Turner and by Simpson in 61 THE PLANNER
at 351 & 352 (1975). Dombey's view is supported by a letter from Cole, 61 THE PLANNER 387

at the hearing. The report indicates that the adversarial procedure em- 66
ployed was unsatisfactory as a means of resolving the cognitive issues,
in part because of insufficient process control in the Inspector who pre-
sided. Moreover, according to the physicist's report, the Inspector, who
was untrained in the technological questions in dispute, was not always
able to evaluate technical claims. The Inspector's lack of background
inevitably would make the factfinding less accurate.67

C A Two-Tier Solution
These two examples of the class of mixed disputes are typical.
How can these intricately compounded disputes be properly resolved?
Application of straightforward autocratic methods is likely to violate
the concerns of justice, while the unfettered use of adversarial methods
will impede the attainment of truth. Although there appears to be no
ideal solution, our theory suggests that a two-stage procedure will best
reconcile the two objectives in such disputes. The first stage should re-
solve issues of fact with the objective of determining truth; the second
stage should resolve policy questions in a wholly separate procedure.68
Our proposal requires the separation of questions of fact from
those of justice or policy. Many difficulties are entailed in making this
separation. 69 Yet the distinction is clear enough in principle,70 and, in
psychological research, it has proved feasible to make the separation
both conceptually and empirically.7 1
Once the separation has been made, the next step is to determine
the appropriate procedure for resolving the issues of fact. Since this
procedure must be capable of yielding a provisional resolution of the
cognitive conflict in spite of a strong conflict of interest, it must allocate
total decision control to a third party. Furthermore, since the primary
66. "The Inspector's job was to listen to both sides, not to find out the real situation."
Dombey, supra note 65, at 301.
67. Furthermore, his inability to evaluate all of the rival claims may have reduced his deci-
sion control. See text accompanying notes 72 & 73 infra.
68. The policy decision, entailing questions of value and conflict of interest, would be dealt
with in a separate adversarial procedure or perhaps through the political process.
69. Some might deny the possibility. See, e.g., D. MACRAE, THE SOCIAL FuNcTION OF SO-
CIAL SCIENCE (1976); Wynne, The Rhetoric of Consensus Politics:.A CriticalReview of Technology
Assessment, 4 RESEARCH PoL'Y 108 (1975); Nelkin, Thoughts on the ProposedScience Court, 18
NEWSLETTER SCI., TECH. & HUMAN VALuEs 20 (1977); Robbins & Johnston, supra note 60.
70. And we have made it implicitly in our distinction between conflicts of interest and cogni-
tive conflicts.
71. Particularly in the measurement of attitudes, the separation of belief from value has been
clearly achieved. See, e.g., Fishbein & Raven, TheA Scales:.An OperationalDefinition ofBelief
and Attitude, 50 HuMAN REL. 35 (1962); Rosenberg, An 4nalysis of the Affective-Cognitive
Consistency, in ATrrrutE ORGANIZATION AND CHANGE 15 (C. Hovland & M. Rosenberg eds.
1960). Moreover, some basic differences between attribute judgments or perceptions of the proper-
ties of stimuli and preference judgments of the desirability or value of the stimuli have been
demonstrated. See C. CooMBs, A THEORY OF DATA (1964).

objective of the procedure at this stage is to determine the truth, it must

also allocate to the decisionmaker a degree of process control. Inevita-
bly, the conflict of interest inherent in the relationship between the dis-
putants remains as a latent force underlying the proceedings, even
though the only explicit aim at this point is to resolve the cognitive
elements of the truncated dispute. In deference to the real, if unofficial,
presence of the interest conflict, a measure of process control must be
retained by the disputants themselves. But the decisionmaker should
excise statements of the values, preferences, and special interests of the
disputants from the documents of the case and should proscribe all ref-
erences to them. In general, then, the procedure suggested for this fac-
tual dispute extracted from its context of conflicting interests lies
between the autocratic and the adversarial models.
According to this proposal, the decision control of the third party
must be strong. If questions of science and technology are at issue, the
decisionmaker should be a scientist (or a panel of scientists) who is
fully capable of evaluating the particular claims in dispute.72 If the cog-
nitive conflict derives in any part from contending "paradigms," 73 the
decisionmaker should be able to understand and assess them, and per-
haps to assist in translating each paradigm into terms that are under-
stood by the other side. Even if the scientist (or the panel) has the
authority to decide the dispute, a lack of understanding will impair ef-
fective decision control by forcing him to decide on the basis of consid-
erations other than the scientific merit of the claims. And even though
the nature of science and technology makes any such decision provi-
sional, an uninformed decision is unnecessarily inaccurate and thus
subject to immediate, and wasteful, revision.
We have suggested that the disputants should exercise less process
control, and the decisionmaker more, than in an adversarial model.
The disputants' process control could be reduced by requiring that the
contending representatives reach agreement in advance on the rules of
evidence to apply in the proceedings, including rules of relevance. The
representatives should be scientists, not lawyers. Therefore, the rules of
evidence would probably conform to the norms that constrain
presentations at a scientific meeting. A referee might be necessary to
monitor compliance with the agreed rules of procedure. This close con-
trol over the procedure would not only reduce the process control of the
disputants but would also increase the process control of the deci-
sionmaker, particularly if the referee worked closely with the deci-
sionmaker or if both functions were performed by a single judge.
72. Similarly, if cognitive issues in a social science field are at issue, then a social scientist
should be the decisionmaker. For example, certain antitrust disputes might fit the mixed category,
in which case an economist might be chosen as decisionmaker.
73. See note 59 supra.

The recommendation we have sketched is very similar to the re-

cently proposed plan for a Science Court for the United States.74 The
proposal has stirred lively controversy. It has gained numerous adher-
ents, 75 although some of them have explicit reservations. 76 Proponents
emphasize many of the points we have made in the foregoing
paragraphs. In addition, they urge that confusion among the public
would be reduced if technical adversaries publicly put forth their best
claims and their best challenges and responses to rival claims.7 7 The
proposals restrict the function of the Science Court to deciding factual
disputes. Questions involving social values would then be left to politi-
cal and policymaking procedures at the second stage of the process.
Critics of the proposal worry that decisions by the court may carry so
great a weight as to dictate subsequent policy decisions, thereby
politicizing scientists by providing them with substantial political con-
trol, while at the same time excluding the public from participation in
the processes of government. 7 Although we share the critics' concern
about these possibilities, we are not favorably impressed with any of
the alternative solutions thus far proposed, including maintaining the
status quo and educating the public in the understanding of science and
technology. 79 The analysis developed in the preceding pages suggests
that the proposal for the Science Court is the most promising method
for achieving the objectives of truth and just policy.80


There is a fundamental dichotomy between the dispute resolution

objectives of truth and justice. Conflict about the correct view of reality
must be resolved with the objective of determining truth, while conflict
74. Seegenerally Kantrowitz, ControllingTechnology Democratically, 63 AM. SCIENTIST 505
(1965); Kantrowitz, Proposalforan Institutionfor Scientific Judgment, 156 Sci. 763 (1967); Task
Force of the Presidential Advisory Group in Science and Technology, The Science Court Experi-
ment: An Interim Report, 193 Sci. 653 (1976).
75. See Boffey, Science Court: High Officials Back Test of ControversialConcept, 194 Sci.
167 (1976).
76. See, eg., Mazur, supra note 61.
77. On the other hand, it is just this appearance of an authoritative verdict, dispelling confu-
sion, that concerns some of the critics of the Science Court. See, e.g., Nelkin, supra note 69. See
alsoTask Force of the Presidential Advisory Group in Science and Technology, supra note 74.
78. See sources cited in note 69, supra.
79. Both Nelkin, supra note 69, and Wynne, supra note 69, recommend educational pro-
80. It should be emphasized that thq Science Court and its political sequel would constitute a
two-stage conflict resolution procedure. The sequence of the process reverses that described earlier
in our comments on the effects of codification of rules, where consideration of questions ofjustice
in the legislature precedes the determinations of fact in any given case. The Science Court is
designed to rule provisionally on questions of truth, the results of which would then be available
at the second stage to the electorate and to administrative agencies for collective decisionmaking
about policies to achieve justice.

about the apportionment of outcomes is necessarily resolved with the

objective of achieving justice. Our theory of procedure analyzes the
likelihood of attaining either the truth or justice objective as a function
of the distribution of control among the disputants and a third-party
decisionmaker. An autocratic procedure which delegates both process
and decision control to a disinterested third party seems most likely to
produce a correct view of reality and, hence, is appropriate for the reso-
lution of most scientific disputes. On the other hand, a system that as-
signs maximum process control to the disputants, but assigns decision
control to a third party, is most likely to result in distributive justice.
The latter hypothesis has important implications for the legal process,
because the essence of the adversary system of legal decisionmaking is
the distribution of maximum process control to the disputants and their
attorneys, with decision control assigned either to a judge or a jury.
This conception of legal procedure can be used to determine the impact
of very specific procedural rules on the overall justice of the legal sys-
tem. Finally, certain rare but important decisionmaking problems in-
volve both cognitive conflict and conflict of interest. For resolving
these disputes, we propose a two-staged procedure that separates ques-
tions of truth from questions of justice and employs an appropriate
process for each.

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