QP 10-11 Q-Computer Science-XI-P.M.
QP 10-11 Q-Computer Science-XI-P.M.
QP 10-11 Q-Computer Science-XI-P.M.
Time Allowed : 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks : 70
General Instructions :
(i) All the questions are compulsory.
(ii) The paper contains 7 questions.
(iii) Programming language used : C++
(iv) 15 minutes time has been allotted to read this question paper. During this time, the
student will read the question paper only, he/she will not write any answer on the
answer book during this period.
CSc 1
(f) What is the purpose of indentation ? Indent the following program : 2
# include <iostream.h>
void main()
{int i; for (i=0; i<20; i++){ cout <<i; cout << endl;} }
(g) Differentiate between syntax errors and run time errors. Explain 2
giving one example each.
3. (a) Suppose x1 and x2 are two integer type variables. Add x1 and x2 and 1
assign to a long type variable. Construct a C++ statement for doing
the same.
(b) How many bytes of memory is allocated to a and b, if a and b are 1
declared as below :
signed int a;
long b;
(c) Differentiate between : 1
int val = 10; and const int val = 10;
(d) What is the difference between x=3 and x = = 3 ? 1
(e) Name the header files to which the following functions belong : 2
(i) strlen ( )
(ii) setw ( )
(iii) sqrt ( )
(iv) tolower ( )
(f) Why is main function special ? What would happen if main
function is not present in the program ? 2
(g) What is Explicit type casting ? Explain giving example. 2
(h) Evaluate the following expressions : 2
(i) 4 * 5 + 7 * 2 – 8 % 3 + 4
(ii) (x>=y) & & (x + y) > x if x=9 and y=9
(i) Give output of the following program segments : 3
(i) int time, rate;
cin >> time;
rate=time>2 ? 7 : 6 ;
cout <<rate;
assume time given as input is 5 years
(ii) char ch = ‘B’ ;
int x = ch;
cout << x << ‘\n’ << ch;
(iii) int a = 10 , b = 1.5, c;
c = (a++) * b + a;
cout << “c=”<<c<<endl ;
cout << “a=”<<a ;
CSc 2
4. (a) Topshop offers incentive to its members in the form of special discount. 3
Discount is offered on the basis of bill amount as per the following
criteria :
Bill Amount Discount
Less than 2000 5%
>=2000 and <4000 10%
>=4000 and <6000 15%
6000 and above 20%
Write a program/function which accepts bill amount and membership
number as input and calculates amount payable i.e.,
(Bill Amount – discount) and prints it.
(b) Give the output of the following program segment : 2
char Iname [50] = “CommonWealth2010” ;
for (int i=0; i <strlen (Iname) ; i +=2)
{ if (isalpha (Iname [i] ) )
Iname [i] = toupper ( Iname [i] ) ;
else Iname [i] = Iname [i] + 1 ;
puts (Iname) ;
(c) Consider the following program code. Select the expected output from the options
(i) to (iv). Also justify your answer. 2
# include <iostream.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
void main ( )
{ randomize () ;
int x;
x = random (3) + 1;
for (int i = 0 ; i<=x ; ++i)
cout << i << “ ” ;
(i) 0 1 2 3 4 (ii) 1 2 3 4 5
(iii) 2 3 4 5 (iv) 0 1 2 3
(d) Write a function that takes an integer type variable as parameter and prints
the pattern as shown in the example : 3
Example Input : 5
Output : 1
CSc 3
5. (a) Give the output of the following program : 2
#include <iostream.h>
int x=10;
void change (int a, int & b, int c)
{ a=a+b;
cout << a << ‘\t’ << b << ‘\t’ << c;
void main ()
int x = 5, y = 10;
change (x, y, : : x) ;
cout << ‘\n’ <<: :x<<‘\t’ <<x<<‘\t’ <<y;
(b) Write a function odd_product () that takes array – list and its 4
size as parameter and prints the product of all odd values
present in the array.
Example : Input : Array is 3 4 6 12 6 7 5 2 6
size is 9
Output : Product of 3 7 5 = 105
(c) Write a function in C++ to print the sum of all the elements except 3
left diagonal elements of 3 × 3 matrix.
Input : Array is 3 4 6
1 5 7
2 4 8
Output : Sum of matrix except left diagonal elements is 24
(i.e., 4+6+1+7+2+4=24)
CSc 4
void main()
cout<<area(5+2)<<endl; // Statement 1
cout<< AREA(5+2)<<endl // Statement 2
What will be the difference between output from statement 1
and statement 2 ? Explain.
(b) Rewrite the following program after correcting the error(s), if 2
any. Also underline the corrections made.
# include<iostream.h>
void Assign (int , int) ;
int main ( )
{ present=25, past=35 ;
Assign (present ; past) ;
Assign (past) ;
getch () ;
void Assign (int argl, int arg2=20)
{ argl=argl + arg2
cout << arg1>>arg2 ;
(c) Rewrite the following code using switch – case statement : 3
char code ;
int x, y, z ;
if (code= =‘A’)
cout<< “Accountant” ;
else if (code= = ‘C’ || code= = ‘G’)
cout <<“Grade IV” ;
else if (code = = ‘F’ )
cout<<“Financial Adviser”<<endl;
else cout <<“Wrong code” ;
(d) Rewrite the following using while loop 3
int n=15, sume=0 ;
for (int i=2 ; i<=n ; i=i+2)
{ if (i % 3 == 0)
sume + = i ;
CSc 5
7. (a) What will be the output of the following code : 2
struct Item
int I_ no ;
char I_name [20] ;
float I_price ;
int I_qty ;
void main ()
Item S [4] = { {1, “Bread”, 11.0, 20} ,
{2, “Butter”, 25.0, 40} ,
{3, “Cream”, 65, 15} ,
{4, “Jam”, 95.5, 20} } ;
cout<<S [0] . I_no ;
cout<<S [1] . I_name [3] ;
cout<<S [2] . I_qty ;
cout<<S [3] . I_name ;
(b) Declare a structure time that contains two members- hours and 4
minutes of type integer. Write a function add_time( ) that takes
two time as parameters and displays the sum of time (total time).
Input : time1 Hrs=2 Minutes = 54
Input : time2 Hrs=5 Minutes = 20
Output : Total Time : 8 hrs 14 minutes
Note : Assuming minutes given as input are less than 60 as shown
in the example.
CSc 6