MCF VTU Question Bank

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RAKSHITH M, Assistant Professor



Department of ME, CIT-NC. Page 1

RAKSHITH M, Assistant Professor


Subject Code: 18ME35A/45A IA Marks: 40

Number of Lecture Hours/Week: 03 Exam Marks: 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours: 50 Exam Hours: 3

Module 1:

Introduction to Metal cutting: Orthogonal and oblique cutting. Classification of cutting

tools: single, and multipoint; tool signature for single point cutting tool. Mechanics of
orthogonal cutting; chip formation, shear angle and its significance, Merchant circle diagram.
Numerical problems. Cutting tool materials and applications. Introduction to basic metal
cutting machine tools: Lathe- Parts of lathe machine, accessories of lathe machine, and
various operations carried out on lathe. Kinematics of lathe. Turret and Capstan lathe.


1. Define Chip. Explain chip formation and different types of chips with neat
sketches. (17Jan 19) (15Jan17/18)
2. Differentiate between Orthogonal and Oblique cutting. (17Jan19)(15Jan17/18)
3. List the operations performed on a lathe and explain any four operations with
neat sketch. (17Jan 19) (15Jan17/18)
4. Briefly explain the desirable properties of cutting tool materials? List the types
of cutting tool materials. (17Jan 19) (15Jan17/18)
5. Classify lathes. Briefly explain various parts of lathe with neat sketch. (17Jan 19)
6. Derive an equation for shear angle φ=tan-1(𝟏−𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒏𝜶). (17Jan 19) (15Jan17)
7. Explain some of the cutting fluids with their applications and also cutting fluids
properties. (15Jan17/18)
8. With a neat sketch explain geometry of single point cutting tool. (17Jan 19)
9. Using Merchant’s circle. Deduce the equation Fns=FR sin (φ+β-α).(17Jan 19)
10. A tube 35mm outside diameter is turned orthogonally on a lathe. The following
data is available. Rake angle=350,cutting speed=15m/min, Feed=0.10mm/rev,
Length of continuous chip is one revolution=50.72mm,cutting force=200N,Feed
force=80N.Calculate the coefficient of friction, shear plane angle, velocity of chip
along tool face and chip thickness. (17Jan 19)
11. Define cutting fluid and explain the functions of cutting fluid. (17Jan 19)
12. Give the concept of tool geometry and related importance of different angles of
cutting tools. (15Jan17)
13. Derive Ernst Merchant equation. (15Jan17)

Module 2:

Milling: Various Milling operations, classification of milling machines, Vertical &

Horizontal milling, up milling & down milling. Indexing: need of indexing, simple,
compound & differential indexing. Drilling: Difference between drilling, boring & reaming,
types of drilling machines. Boring operations & boring machines. Shaping, Planing and

Department of ME, CIT-NC. Page 2

RAKSHITH M, Assistant Professor

Slotting machines-machining operations and operating parameters. Grinding: Grinding

operation, classification of grinding processes: cylindrical, surface &centerless grinding


1. With neat sketch explain centerless grinding machine.(17Jan 19) (15Jan18)

2. Define milling. Differentiate between up milling and down milling with neat
sketches.(17Jan 19) (15Jan18)
3. With a neat sketch, explain principal parts of sensitive drilling machine.(17Jan
4. What is indexing? Briefly explain simple indexing with an example. (17Jan 19)
5. Define drilling .Explain radial drilling machine with a neat sketch.(15Jan17/18)
6. Write short notes on (17Jan 19)
a. Reaming(15Jan17/18)
b. Boring(15Jan17)
7. Define machining of a tool. Explain with a neat sketch of following operations:
a. Broaching(15Jan17)
b. Turning(15Jan17)
c. Shopping(15Jan17)
d. Grinding(15Jan17)
e. Countersinking(15Jan17)
f. Counter boring(15Jan18)
g. Gang milling (15Jan18)
h. Saw milling(15Jan18)
i. Gear milling(15Jan18)
j. Thread milling(15Jan18)
8. Define broaching. With a neat sketch explain continuous broaching machine.
(17Jan 19)
9. What is machining? With neat sketch explain relative motion of tool and work
piece in grinding.(17Jan 19)
10. Explain the constructional features of Planing machine with a neat sketch.
11. List out the differences between shaper and planer. (15Jan18)
12. What is grinding. With a neat sketch describe vertical spindle grinding machine
with reciprocating table. (15Jan18)
13. Draw and explain the driving mechanisms of a bench drilling machine. (15Jan18)

Module 3:

Introduction to tool wear, tool wear mechanisms, tool life equations, effect of process
parameters on tool life, machinability. Cutting fluid-types and applications, surface finish,
effect of machining parameters on surface finish. Economics of machining process, choice of
cutting speed and feed, tool life for minimum cost and production time. Numerical problems.


1. Define tool life. Explain parameters affecting tool life.(17Jan19)(15Jan17/18)

2. Write a note on: (i) Crater wear (1) Flank wear.(17Jan 19) (15Jan17/18)

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RAKSHITH M, Assistant Professor

3. Define Tool wear. Explain tool wear mechanisms.(17Jan19) (15Jan17)

4. Define surface finish. Explain the parameter affecting surface finish.(17Jan 19)
5. Write a short note on the following:(17Jan 19)
a. Choice of feed
b. Choice of cutting speed
c. Tool life for minimum cost
6. In a turning operation following data is observed: D = 100 mm, I= 400 mm,
cutting speed V = 500 mm/sec, feed f = 0.4 mm/rev. Calculate the machining
time. What will be effect on machining time if cutting speed is increased by
50%?(17Jan 19)
7. While turning a steel rod by a given cutting tool at a given machining condition
under a given environment, the tool life decreases from 80 min to 20 minutes due
to increase in cutting velocity from 50 m/min to 100 m/min. At what cutting
velocity the life of the same tool under the same condition and environment will
be 40 minutes. (17Jan 19)
8. Evaluate cutting speed and machining time for the plain (slab) milling operation
for the following data: (17Jan 19)
Diameter of milling cutter = 100 mm Cutter speed = 600 rpm
Depth of cut = 5 mm Table feed = 100 mm/min
Length of work piece = 50 cm Number of teeth in the cutter = 8
9. Define the following terms(15Jan18)
a. Cutting speed
b. Feed
c. Depth of cut
d. Machining time with equations for turning operations.

10. Write a short note on the following:

a. Minimum production time(15Jan17)
b. Tool tip for minimum cost(15Jan17)
11. Calculate the required rpm of workpiece of 100mm diameter to provide a cutting
speed to 50rpm.Also find machining time of length of work is 400mm and feed is
0.4mm/rev. (15Jan18)
12. A workpiece of diameter 38mm and length 400mm was turned on a lathe using a
suitable cutting tool. Determine the machining time to reduce the workpiece to
36.5mm diameter is one pass with cutting speed of 30rpm and forced 0.7mm/rev.
13. Why the cutting tool will lose its ability? Discuss it with suitable reasons.

Department of ME, CIT-NC. Page 4

RAKSHITH M, Assistant Professor

Module 4:


Introduction to metal forming processes & classification of metal forming processes. Hot
working & cold working of metals. Forging: Smith forging, drop forging & press forging.
Forging Equipment, Defects in forging.Rolling: Rolling process, Angle of bite, Types of
rolling mills, Variables of rolling process, Rolling defects. Drawing & Extrusion: Drawing of
wires, rods & pipes, Variables of drawing process. Difference between drawing & extrusion.
Various types of extrusion processes.


1. Explain the classification of metal working processes on the basis of force

applied with neat sketches.(15MQP) (15 Jan 2019) (15 Jul 2019)
2. Explain hot working and cold working. Mention the advantages, disadvantages
and effects of hot working.(15MQP) (15 Jan 2019)
3. Explain defects in extrusion. (15 Jan 2019) (15 Jul 2019)
4. Explain any two types of hammers used in forging. (15 Jan 2019)
5. Explain board drop hammer and steam hammer. (15 Jul 2019)
6. Explain any two types of rolling mills. (15 Jan 2019)
7. Explain cluster mill, tandem mill and three high mill. (15 Jul 2019)
8. With neat sketches, explain any three types of tube drawing process.(10 Jan
2017) (15 Jan 2019)
9. Give the classification of extrusion processes and explain hydrostatic extrusion
(10 Jan 2017) (15 Jul 2019)
10. Explain the manufacturer of seamless tube with neat sketches.(10 July17) (15 Jan
11. Explain different types of drawing variables. (15 Jan 2019)
12. Explain with a neat sketch tube drawing without mandrel. (15 Jul 2019)
13. Briefly explain any four forging defects.(15MQP)
14. Explain with neat sketches tandem mill and four high rolling mill. (15MQP)
15. Explain optimal cone angle and dead zone formation in drawing with sketches.
16. Explain with neat sketches the wire drawing and rod drawing operations.
17. Explain the defects in rolled products with neat sketches.(15MQP)
18. Explain any four extrusion process variables with sketch.(15MQP)
19. Explain with a neat sketch rod drawing operation.(10 Jan 2017)
20. Explain in detail the deformation equipments and.(10 Jan 2017)
21. Give the classification of extrusion processes and explain forward extrusion
process with neat sketch.(10 July17)
22. Write a note extrusion equipment and die design .(10 July17)

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RAKSHITH M, Assistant Professor

Module 5:

Sheet Metal Operations: Blanking, piercing, punching, drawing, draw ratio, drawing force,
variables in drawing, Trimming, and Shearing. Bending –– types of bending dies, Bending
force calculation, Embossing and coining. Types of dies: Progressive, compound and
combination dies.


1. Explain V-bending process. (15 Jan 2019) (15 Jul 2019)

2. List and explain any one type of die in sheet metal working process with neat
sketches. (15 Jan 2019)
3. Explain combination die and progressive die with neat sketches.(15MQP)
4. Explain the various operations performed on sheet metal component.(10 July17)
5. With neat sketches, explain rubber forming with respect to sheet metal forming
(10 Jan18)
6. Explain the following operations with neat sketches (10 Jan 17)
i) Deep drawing ii)Roll bending
7. Explain compound dies and progressive die with neat sketches. .(10 July17)

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