SPE Paper - Waterflood Surveillance
SPE Paper - Waterflood Surveillance
SPE Paper - Waterflood Surveillance
Water-Quality Malntenance4%44
If water quality is not maintained, higher in-
jection pressures are required to sustain
desired injection rates. Also, corrosion prob-
lems increase with time when lower-quality
water is used. It is important to protect the
injection system against corrosion to.
Flg:l-fleservolr management approach,
preserweits physical integrity and to prevent
the generation of corrosion products.
oil recovery. Simple reservoir modeling volume treatments are not generally desi r-
Ideally, the water quality should be such
work can be of great help. For example. able. The Iattcr condition may sometimes
that the reservoir dots not plug and injec-
Thomas and Driscoll so concluded that in have a significant negative effect on sweep
tivity is not lost during the life of the flood,
the Slaughter field significant amounts of oil efficiency. Note that these conditions do not
However, cost considerations often prohibit
would be trapped in a poorly swept area if preclude a successti,ilwaterflood but require
the use of such high-quality water, The ex-
no changes were made in the producer/injec- more concentrated efforts in surveillance.
pense of obtaining and preserving good-
tor configuration. 3. Injection well tes!ing. These tests are
quality water must be balanced against the
~10. Produced-water analysis. 31-33Injec- conducted to optimize waterflood perform- ioss of income incurred as a result of de-
ted-water breakthrough can be detected by ance by maximizing pressure differential,
minimizing skin damage, ensuring proper creased oil rccovcry and increased workover
monitoring the chloride content of the pro- and remedial operations requirements, JS
duced water if there is a significant differ- distribution of water, and monitoring the ex-
tent of fracturing. 36 Questions are often asked about the de-
ence in the salinities. termination of acceptable wa!er quality:
11. Injectionprojile surveys. Periodic sur- 4. Qaalir? of producers. Poor producers
make poor rejectors. Tighter formations require better-quality
veys of injection-well fluid-entry profiles water. Sometimes poor-quality water can be
can detect formation phrgging, injection out 5. Convening producers. Producers are
converted and high gas producers are shut injected above parting pressures. but injec-
of the target zone, thief zones, and under- tion through fractures could reduce sweep
in to accelerate fill-up time.
injected zones. Allocation of injection
6. Backpressure. If the producing wells efficiency,
volumes with data obtained from the pro- Although it is impossible to predict quan-
are not pumped off. a backpressure is ap-
file surveys allows tracking of waterflood
plied to cause crossflow. As a result, the titatively the minimum water quality re-
histories of each zone. quired for injection water into a given
low-pressure zones may not produce.
7. Changing injection projiles. 37 This formation, some authors~c have attempted
Welts.34J5 can be done with selective injection equip- to define injection water-quality requirc-
1. Problem ureas. Formation plugging, ment, selective perforating, low pressure merrtsfrom on-site testing. Table 3 and Fig.
injection out of the target zone, and non- squeeze cementing, acidizing, and thief zone 8 describe other considerations regarding
uniform injection profile caused by stratifi- blockage through polymer treatments. 38-$1 water systems.
cation are all problem areas, They cause 8. Regular well cleanouts. It is interesting to note that incompatible
major problems in waterflood operations and 9. Completion and workover techniques barium and sulfate waters were injected into
low vertical sweep efficiency. Thin, high- (wellbore “cleanout, completion and work- the Baylor County Waterflood Unit No.
permeability layers serve as highIy conduc- over fluids, perforating and perforation 1.JT Produced and makeup waters were not
tive streaks for the injected water. , , cleaning, packers40). mixed; instead, they”were injectqi through
2. Well completion. Condition of the 10. Tubing selection and corrosion two separate systems and into separate
casing and/or cement bond plays an impor- coatings. wells. Roebuck and Crairr47 reported that
tant role in waterflood surveillance. Because 11. Scale removal and inhibition. no problems were encountered through mix-
of poor cement, water flow can occur be- 12. Specific recommendations for injec- ing and precipitation in the reservoir, nor
hind the casing. Also, openhole injectors and tion/production well, water-source well, and were any problems in the producing system
producers, and fractured wells with large wellheads. experienced.
1182 October 1991 ● JPT
Hydrocarbon Transport ]
I !T ‘“’O’”O”s
Production Facilities (~[ Disposal “eil.s !
II I!@zE=J
I -1
Ievel testing; repeat formation, buildup/fall- arrival of flood fronts at producers) per-
off, andstep-rate tests; fieldwide pressure Water System. formed by annual pressure-falloff tests in
● Presence of corrosive dissolved gases each injector and computer balancing
surveys to determine pressure gradient for
use on ba!ancing injectiordprochrctionrates), (C02, H2S, 02); minerals; bacterial grOWih; programs.
dissolved solids; suspended solids, concen- ● Production/injection monitoring.
● Rate (oil, water, gas, water-cut, GOR,
tration and composition; ion analysis; pi+. ● Data acquisition and monitoring.
welt testing-prcductiorthjection rdlccation).
● Pattern balancing (voidage control, . Corrosivity (corrosion coups and cor- ● Pattern performance monitoring to max-
areaUverticd sweep efficiency using stream- rosion rate monitoring), oil content (dis- imize oil recovery and flood efficiency by
tuhe models). persed or emulsified oil ip water), and iron evaluating and optimizing the performance
● Waterflood pattern realignment.
sulfide, of each pattern.
● On-site or laboratory analysis, ● Optimization (it must be dynamic and
● Observation/monitoring wells.
● Data gathering at the water-source well, sensitive to changes in performance, tech-
● Reservoir sweep and bypassed oil.
● Friicture communications.
water-injection wells, and several points in nology, and txonomics).
● Thief zones and channels.
the injection system. ● Vertical conformance monitoring to op-
Flg. 3-Geologic coneept8.
- I
AcknowIodgnmnt8 I
I express my appreciation to Chevron
U.S.A. Inc. for permission to publish this
paper. I thank my colleagues within
I *
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Water source
aourc4 well, ----
. .