CMP-142 OOP Course Outline

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Course Outline

Course Title Object Oriented Programming

Course Code CMP-142

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Instructor Muhammad Nadeem

Teacher Assistant(s) TBA


Credit Hours 3
Weight 3 Cr. hrs.
Lectures: 2
Duration: 1.5 hrs.

Prerequisite Course CMP-140 Programming Fundamentals

CMP-141 Programming Fundamentals Laboratory

Prerequisite o Strong understanding of how to attack a bigger task by dividing it into

Skill/Knowledge/Un smaller tasks.
derstanding o Student should know the concept of passing/returning objects (struct)
to/from functions by knowing the pitfalls that come across while doing
o Understanding the real spirit/cause of data driven programming.
o Good concepts of Type Casting.
o Student should be familiar with debugging process.

Follow Up CMP-210 Data Structures and Algorithms

CMP-211 Data Structures and Algorithms Laboratory

Program Name BS Computer Science

Aims and Objectives o To equip the learner with the philosophy and necessary skills to
formulate solutions of real world problems using object oriented
o Justify the philosophy of object-oriented design and the concepts of
encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism.
o Strong concepts of object manipulation and dynamic memory allocation
within classes

Syllabus Topics: Object Oriented Concepts, Terminology and Features,

Class/ADT/UDT, Data Abstraction and Encapsulation, Special Methods,
Constructor and Destructor; Modifier const; Array and Pointer of ADT,
Composition; this Pointer, friend Function and Class, Modifier static,
Operator Overloading, Class Templates, Inheritance, its types, and related
Terminology, Overriding: static & dynamic/Polymorphism; Stream I/O, File
Processing; Exception Handling

Text Book(s) A. H. M. Deitel “C++ How to Program”, 5th Ed., Prentice Hall, 2005. ISBN
B. Schaum Programming With C++
C. Lafore - Object-Oriented Programming in C++ (4th Edition).pdf

Reference Material R1. Handouts.

R2. Victor Shtern, “Core C++ A Software Engineering Approach”, 1st Ed.,
Prentice Hall PTR, 2000. ISBN: 0-13-085729-7,
R3. Stephen Parata, “C++ Primer Plus”, 5th Ed., Sams Publishing, 2005.
ISBN 0-672-32697-3
R4. Bjarne Stroustrup, “The C++ Programming Language”, 3rd Ed., Addison
Wesley, 1997. ISBN 0201889544
R5. D.S. Malik, “C++ Programming –Program Design Including Data
Structures”, 5th Ed., 2011 Course Technology, Cengage Learning. ISBN

Assessment Criteria Sessional ………………… 25% Mid ……… 35% Final ……… 40%
Quizzes 8-10
Written Exam Written Exam
Assignments …………………35 …………………40

25 35 40

Lecture Breakdown

Week Lecture Topic Source

1 1 Course Introduction R1: Reading Material

Overview of Structured Programming: Focus (Pointer,
Arrays, Dynamic Memory Allocation, Structures)

2 Overview of Structured Programming Continued R1-( Reading Material)

2 3 Intro to Object Oriented Concepts and Terminology: R2-(Ch-1 – Remedy-3)

Real world examples R2-(Ch-8)

4 Define a class A-(Ch-3 (3.1~3.6))

Access Specifiers: private and public only;
First Member function;
Data Abstraction through Encapsulation;
Setter/Mutator and Getter/Accessor methods;
How the function knows which object invoked him?
Answer will be given in lecture-6.

3 5 Revision of Function Overloading & Default A-(Ch-3 (3.7~3.11))

Arguments; A-(Chapter-9)
Two Special Method: Constructor & Destructor;
Constructor with No argument (Default Constructor);
Constructor with Default arguments; Constructor with
one argument (Type-cast Constructor)
Calling sequence of Constructor & Destructor for
multiple objects;
Why Destructors: Answer will be given in next lecture

6 Pointer as data member A-(Chapter-10.5, 10.6)

Importance of destructors
Pointer /Reference to objects,
Passing objects to functions by reference
Pointer this

4 7 Passing objects to functions by value, R1-Reading Material

Default Member-wise copy (Assignment & Initialization),
Problem of Member-wise copy & its solution: Copy
Calling sequence of Constructor & Destructor: when
objects are passed by value/reference

8 Preventing changes in data members from a A-(Chapter 10.2, 10.7)

method: const method;
Constant data members
Static functions
Static data members
constant and static objects
Calling sequence of Constructor & Destructor for
constant and static objects

5 9 Object as data member (Composition), Aggregation; A-(Chapter 10.3)

Cascading calls with and without this pointer. R2-(Chapter 12)
Nameless objects
Array of objects;

10 Operator Overloading; A-(Chapter 11.7)

Binary Operator receiving Instance of class as 1st

6 11 Overloading Unary Operator: as member, as non- A-(Chapter 11.11)

Unusual Operators: ++, --,

12 [ ] (set & get, both versions), type-cast, A-(Chapter 11.8, 11.9)


7 13 Friend functions (efficient but shake the concept of A-(Chapter 10.4)

Declaring a global function as friend of a class;
Declaring member function of a class as friend of
another class
Friend class (an easy but more un-secure way);

14 Operator NOT receiving Instance of class as 1st operand A-(Chapter 11.5)

Overloading Binary Operators (Stream
Insertion/Extraction) for I/O stream

8 15 Other unusual operators:, comma, arrow, new, delete, R1-Reading Material

delete[] etc.

16 Review of the course for Mid Term Exam

Mid Term Examination

9 17 In theory what is inheritance A-(Chapter 12.1~12.4)

is-A Relationship: Public Inheritance R2-(Chapter 14)
Protected data member
protected, private inheritance

18 Multilevel Inheritance: Direct and Indirect Base Class A-(Chapter 12.5, 12.6)
Calling of Constructor and Destructor for Derived Class Case Study-A
Explicit call to the constructor of Base class from
Derived class;

10 19 Review of Simple Inheritance, Multi Level Inheritance, A-(Chapter 12)

Multiple Inheritance Case Study-B
A review of OO relationships terminologies:
Aggregation, composition, generalization (is-A),

20 Polymorphism: Overriding base-class members in A-(Chapter 13)

derived class; Virtual functions and Dynamic binding; R1-Reading Material
Concept of v-Pointer and v-Table Case Study-B

11 21 Pure virtual functions and abstract class; R1-Reading Material

Defining a pure virtual destructor

22 Detail discussion on v-table structure, virtual R1-Reading Material

constructor, object cloning

12 23 Some tricky things in pointer type casting and applying R1-Reading Material
them on different topics studied so far.

24 Diamond inheritance R1-Reading Material

Virtual inheritance

13 25 R1-Reading Material
C++ Streams, Members and Manipulators of Streams; A-(Chapter Chapter-15)
File Handling using Streams

26 Access Techniques: Sequential, Direct, and Random R1-Reading Material

Access Files; A-(Chapter Chapter-17)
Input/Output of Object from/to File (binary/ text

14 27 Function Template; A-(Chapter 14.2,14.3)

Overloading of Function Template;
Specialized of Template Function

28 Class Template; A-(Chapter 14.4, 14.5)

Specialized method of Template Class;
Complete Specialized Template Class

15 29 Friendship and Inheritance with Templates A-(Chapter 14.6, 14.7,


30 What is Exception? Error vs. Exception; A-(Chapter 16)

Evolution of Exception Handling: exit, abort, assert,
try, catch, throw

16 31 Unhandled Exception; A-(Chapter 16)

Propagation of Exception and its advantage

32 Overall Review of Course for Final Exam

Final Term Examination

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