Risk Management of Banking Sector: A Critique Review: Wael Moustafa Hassan Mohamed, PHD, Mba
Risk Management of Banking Sector: A Critique Review: Wael Moustafa Hassan Mohamed, PHD, Mba
Risk Management of Banking Sector: A Critique Review: Wael Moustafa Hassan Mohamed, PHD, Mba
3; June 2016
The main purpose of this article is to provide a critique review of banks risk management practices. The criticism
pointed to Basel Accord could be consider as a corner stone for more development in risk management practices
.Also , The practices used by banks’ senior executives to understand and monitor risks has been presented and
critically evaluated to build a comprehensive view of an efficient and an integrated risk management approach.
Keywords: Risk Management, Banking, Basel Accord, Integrated Risk Approach.
Banks cannot operate in a separated environment. Actually, there is no guarantee about the future volatility and to
what extend the stability of financial institution may survive. Accordingly, Risk is considered as one of the most
vital element that should be treated in a very comprehensive manner. Several partners should involve in risk
management starting from regulator passing through the financial institution and their staff and finally, ending
with the awareness of the end users of financial institutions’ services “this including clients and brokers”.
The recent financial crisis had a negative impact on the financial stability of international banks. Thus the
importance of understanding the main reasons of causing this crisis and trying to enhance the protection technique
may help to strength the financial stability of banks and could absorb financial shocks without interrupting their
regular operations.
An appropriate definition of risk management could be presented as a systematic approach towards the
identification, assessment and analysis, prioritizing, monitoring, control and communication of risks that are
involved in the transactions and operations of a bank function or process necessary to ensure that the level of risks
are mitigated and at the same time opportunities involved are maximized. Management of risk thus, should be
presented to address and present all possible risks involved in the environment of the organization from a
historical, current and future perspective. (Hassan,2014).
It is requisite for operators in the banking industry to accept and manage these financial risks especially in their
position as financial intermediaries. The entire process is highly valued as it is a core representation of the banks
levels of discipline as it involves all transactions and activities in addition to the portfolios that the bank adopts as
they are bound to affect their risk profile.
2. Literature Review
2.1. Categories of Risk Management
Merton (1989) argues that the bundling and unbundling of risks identifies a key element within the integration of
a franchise pertaining to the financial institutions. However, the firm is not subject to all the risks identified within
the market as some of the risks may be traded and consequently transferred while other may be eradicated from
the entire process. This necessitates the integration of a process that enhances the defragmentation of potential
risks within the activities and assets into three main subgroups in relation to their nature to enhance the adoption
and consequent mitigation of the viable strategies.
Oldfield and Santomero (1995) identify the potential risk relating to financial institutions may be segmented into
three separate categories through the integration and consequent utilization of a management perspective. The
ISSN 2325-4149 (Print), 2325-4165 (Online) ©Center for Promoting Ideas, USA www.aijssnet.com
identified risks may be eliminated through the integration of simple business practices through the consequent
transfer of the risks to other participants to enhance active management of the risk at the firm level. The
integration of strategies and processes that enhance the avoidance of risk limit the identification of several risks
by the banks that are not essential to the provided services. This is realized through the integration of several
services including underwriting standards, diversification, hedging, reinsurance and due diligence investigation
aimed at reducing the possible chances of incurring high loses through the elimination of the risks deemed
unnecessary to the bans purpose. Once this is achieved, the managers seek to minimise the remaining systematic
and operational risks together with the communication of the identified risk levels and elimination processes to
the stakeholders. This is necessary as the measures integrated to minimize the identified risks limit the possibility
of further risks, but reduce the profitability levels experienced by the business. In the event that a risk does not
hold any value-added properties or any levels of competitive advantage attributed to their absorption and
consumption, the risk may be transferred by the bank to other parties capable of managing the risk.
However, there exist several risks which are absorbed and consequently managed by the originating bank as they
pose viable profits through the utilisation of the available resources within their management. In the event that the
risk identified is complex and limits the identification of the necessary non-firm interests, the bank manages the
identified levels of risk. For example, banks with complex illiquid and proprietary assets may identify the
communication of the nature of the assets complex in comparison to hedging the underlying risk. In addition, the
provision of revealing information to the customers and clients may provide the competitors with an added
advantage. Internal management of some of the identified risks is paramount to the firms as it enhances proper
management of the bank’s operations from an internal base. These events identify that risk management activities
necessitate effective monitoring of business activity risk and returns within the overall management processes.
This seeks to identify that the identification of unique risks identify the bank’s unique operating capacity within
the market thus providing the firm with a competitive edge over the competitors within the market (Allen and
Santomero, 1996, Oldfield and Santomero, 1995).
2.2. Banks’ Risks
Banking services include different types of risks, which remain dependent upon the type of service rendered. This
has enhanced the development of several categories pertaining to the risks including the credit risk, market risks
(that integrate liquidity risk, interest rate risk and foreign exchange risk), operational risks that also integrate legal
risk, and strategic risk.
2.2.1. Credit Risk
According to Greuning and Bratanovic (2009), credit risk refers to the situation whereby the issuer of the
financial instrument does not repay the principal together with other incurred investment –related cash flows as
per the stipulated terms within the credit agreement. This seeks to identify that credit risk refers to a situation
whereby the payment may be delayed or remain unpaid, which may limits effective cash flow thus limiting the
identified level of liquidity experienced by the bank. Credit-risk management seeks to highly utilise the provided
risk-adjusted rate-of-return by the bank through the maintenance of credit-risk exposure within the provided and
recommended parameters. This is pertinent as 70 percent or more of a bank’s balance sheet is related to credit risk
and is identified as the principal cause of losses and bank failures. Limited integration of activities that enhance
bank diversification influence the majority of bank failures experienced. This influenced by the development of a
highly lucrative opportunity for the banks through the provision of loans, which enhances the development of the
bank’s market within the geographic and industrial sectors. Credit risk is inclusive of the risk provided by the
counterparty in the event that they fail in servicing the debt or the consequent decrease identified within the credit
capacity of the counterparty.
2.2.2. Interest Rate Risk
Interest rate risk refers to the developed projections pertaining to alterations within the interest rates aimed that
may reduce the identified earnings and value by a bank. The majority of loans and receivables generated from
bank balance sheets together with term and saving deposits generate revenues that are influenced by interest rates,
which are identified as unstable thus identified as earnings. Interest rate risk are highly experienced by borrowers
and lenders incorporating variable rates. However, transactions involving fixed rate transactions are not exempt
from interest rate risks as they enhance immense market movements attributed to the variable rates extended to
the borrowers and leaders (Bessis, 2010).
American International Journal of Social Science Vol. 5, No. 3; June 2016
The management of interest rate risk has been growing due to a combination of several elements including the
existence of a volatile interest rate environment, deregulation, and a developing array of on and off-balance-sheet
products. The introduction of interest rate derivatives including financial futures and interest rate swaps can
enhance the management of interest rates through their consequent reduction to exposure identified rampant
within the industry. This has led to increased importance of risk management among banks in relation to the
evaluation of bank interest, which has been enhanced by the recommendations developed by the Basel Committee
relating to the implementation of market risk– based capital charges.
2.2.3. Market Risk
Market risks are generally defined as the risk attached to the value of a portfolio which could either be of an
investment nature or a trading nature that as a result of changes in the values of the market risk elements the value
of that portfolio is altered on a diminishing scale. According to Pyle, (2007), market risk is generally the change
in the net asset value brought about by changes in the economy such as the commodity prices, exchange rates in
the market, and alterations to the interest rates among others. In the banking environment three common risk
factors likely to affect this environment are those of a liquidity nature, interest rates as well as alterations to the
foreign exchange rates.
2.2.4. Liquidity Risk
As described by Greuning and Bratanovic, (2009) banks are likely to encounter liquidity risks when they lack the
capability to cater to recover deposits and other liabilities as well as that ability to cover funding increments in
their loan and investment portfolios. Further, they present that banks are considered as being sufficiently liquid
only when they are able to gather required funds by increasing their liability capability through the securitization
or sale of assets in a fast manner at a reasonable price. In June 2008, the Basel Committee on Bank supervision
presented liquidity as the ability of a bank to be able to easily cater to increases in assets as well as other
obligations as they mature without incurring significant losses.
Liquidity in the banking sector is crucial as it provides an opportunity for the institutions to be ready to counter
expected as well as unexpected fluctuations in the balance sheets as well as meet funds necessary for future
growth (Greuning and Bratanovic, 2009).
2.2.5. Foreign Exchange Risk
According to Bessis (2010), foreign-exchange risk refers to a situation whereby losses are incurred due to the
changes identified within the exchange rates. The identified loss earnings may be attributed to the existence of a
mismatch between the asset value and the value of capital and liabilities in different currencies. In addition, this
may be attributed to a mismatch among the foreign receivables and payables identified within the domestic
currency. Greuning and Bratanovic (2009) identify that foreign exchange risk remains speculative and may be
identified as a gain or loss, which is dependent upon the foreign currency’s strength. The fluctuations identified
within the value of domestic currency that enhance the development of currency risk are developed from long-
term macroeconomic factors including changes within the foreign and domestic interest-rates together with the
volume and direction of the country’s trade and capital flows. Short-term factors include expected or unexpected
political events, changing expectations among the market participants, together with developed speculation
relating to currency trading, which influences the identification of foreign exchange changes. These factors
influence the supply and demand for a currency together with the daily operations relating to exchange rates
within the currency markets. Foreign exchange risk integrates transaction risk, economic risk and revaluation risk.
ISSN 2325-4149 (Print), 2325-4165 (Online) ©Center for Promoting Ideas, USA www.aijssnet.com
Strategic risk is considered a function of the compatibility of an organisation‘s strategic goals, the business
strategies developed to achieve the goals, the resources deployed against these goals, and the quality of
implementation process.
3. Risk Management
According to Schmidt and Roth (1990), risk management refers to the integration of activities aimed at
minimizing the negative effects attributed to uncertainty pertaining to potential loses. Risk management is also
identified as a systematic process utilised to identify and evaluate the level of pure loss exposure subjected to a
firm or individual, which will develop the basis for the selection and consequent integration of the relevant
techniques necessary in attending to the identified levels of exposure. The process integrates several steps
including the identification, measurement and consequent management of the identified risk. (Hassan,2012).
Bessis (2010) identifies that risk management integrates a set of tools and models utilized in the measurement and
control of the identified and potential risk levels. According to Fatemi and Glaum (2000), risk management
incorporates several objectives. These include the minimization of foreign exchange losses, the reduction of
volatile cash flow, protection of earnings fluctuations, increasing profitability together with the integrate of
several measures aimed at enhancing the firm’s survival. To enhance effective bank operations within an effective
risk-management environment through the maintenance of low uncertainty and loss levels, managers continually
integrate reliable risk measures aimed at investing within activities with high-reward ratios. This necessitates the
identification of the potential loss-estimates to ensure that the measures remain within the identified levels by the
regulators. This necessitates the integration of several mechanisms aimed at monitoring the identified positions
together with the development of several incentives aimed at maintaining limited levels of risks undertaken by the
firms and individuals.
Pyle (1997) defines risk management as the process that enhances the satisfaction of the identified needs by the
managers through the identification of the key risks through the development of consistent and operational risk
measures. This enhances the identification of the risks to be reduced or increase through the development of the
necessary procedures aimed at monitoring the potential risk positions. Bessis (2010) identifies that risk
management seeks to ensure proper measurement of risks to enhance the consequent monitoring and control to
enhance the provision of other bank services together with the direct financial function. These functions and
services include incorporating assistance processes relating to the integration of the bank’s strategy through the
provision of a profitable future. This enhances the definition of the necessary business policies that enhance the
development of competitive advantages through the integration of several calculations relating to the pricing
together with the development of several differentiation strategies that develop their basis upon the customers’
risk profiles.
Santomero (1995) espouses that effective banking firm management places emphasis upon the integration of
several steps aimed at enhancing the integration of a viable risk management system. The steps integrate four
main elements including standards and reports, position limits or rules, investment guidelines or strategies,
incentive contracts and compensation. These tools enhance the measurement of exposure through the definition of
the necessary procedures necessary in managing the identified levels of exposure, which enhances the limitation
of the individual positions to the recommended levels. The tools enhance the risk-management decision-making
process as it maintains consistency in the achievement of firm goals and objectives.
4. Risk Management in Banks: A Rational Perspective
The functioning of the bank system places emphasis upon the maximization of the expected profit through the
analysis of the potential risks pertaining to the process. This enhances the integration of an active risk-
management process to enhance the achievement of the projected and desired results.
Te integration of the risk management process incorporates an operation system that seeks to regulate the
volatility level identified in relation to profit in an effort to limit the lowering of shareholder’s wealth. Stulz
(1984), Smith et al (1990) and Froot et al (1993) argue that managers should integrate highly active risk
management processes within the organisations to enhance effective identification of the projected profits.
Oldfield and Santomero (1995) present four main rationales pertaining to risk management. This includes
manager’s self-interest relating to the firm, which is influenced by their desire to protect their position and wealth
invested within the firm.
American International Journal of Social Science Vol. 5, No. 3; June 2016
This is influenced by the managers’ low capacity to diversify their investments within the firms thus limiting their
identified level of risk. This necessitates their desire to maintain the stability levels experienced relating to the
firm’s earnings as opposed to high levels of volatility as the maintenance of high levels of stability influences the
identification of high utility levels. The second rationale refers to the desire to maintain lower tax burden as this
enhances the identification of reduced volatility relating to the profits through the integration of risk management.
Through the integration of progressive tax schedules, the expected tax burden is reduced upon the identification of
higher income. This enhances the pursuing of activities that initiate a reduction within the volatility of the
reported taxable income in an effort to enhance the shareholder’s value.
The third rationale that seeks to encourage managers to engage more in risk management in an effort to reduce the
variability levels identified relating to profits is identified as the cost attached to possible financial distress. The
possibility of loss of earnings posses a large threat to firms as it may influence loss of stakeholder confidence
within the firm’s operations, which may trigger the loss of strategic position within the industry and consequent
withdrawal of the license or charter and consequent bankruptcy. The identified costs will influence managers to
integrate activities aimed at limiting the occurrence of possible low realisations. In addition, the majority of firms
integrate high levels of risk management in an effort to limit the identification of low profits, which may
necessitate the identification of eternal investment opportunities. This situation is avoided as it enhances the
development of suboptimal investments, which reduce the level of expected shareholders’ value as the cost
attached to external financing is higher that the internal funds due to the existence of capital markets
imperfections. This kind of undesired outcome influences managers to integrate volatility reducing strategies that
seek to reduce the variability levels identified in relation to the earnings. The above identified rationales are
identified sufficient in motivating management to develop better knowledge pertaining to risk management
together with integration of an assessment process that analyzes the potential level of risk associated with the
financial product through the identification of the necessary risk mitigation techniques.
5. Basel Accord: A Criticism Perspective
5.1. Basel I
Basel I Accord was introduced in 1988 to the member of Basel to agreed upon application of capital adequacy
ratio that stabilize banks based on four pillars .The First pillar is to introduce Tier one and Tier two capital which
are summarized as follows :
The main function of Tier one capital is to absorb any financial shock that may interrupt the banks from
continuing their banking operation. This tier one capital consists of Banks’ ordinary shares or what so called
Bank’s equity excluding revaluation of bank’s reserves.
Tier two capital is providing another protection that helps banks to absorb shocks in the market in case of
bank’s liquidation .However, Tier two capitals is offering a low level of defense for depositors and creditors.
Tier two capital consist of the revaluation of reserves and provisions.
The Second Pillar is the risk weighted system which composes the integrated procedure to allocate weight across
different banks’ assets .It pointed out five classes of assets that cover all banks assets in their balance sheets from
zero to five points range. The description of each class depends on the valuation of each country’s central bank.
The Third pillar is an aimed standard ratio for capital adequacies that link pillar one and pillar two together to
present an agreeable standard to all banks. The minimum capital adequacy ratio (CAR) was 8% . This mean that
8% of total banks’ risk weighted assets have to be covered by both Tier one and Tier two capital .There is a
restriction four Tier one that it must cover at least 4% of total bank’s risk weighted assets. However If CAR is 8%
this doesn’t mean that the bank is fully safe. The four Pillar is the application of the above mentioned agreement
.It puts a road map and phases to implement the agreement and it required the central bank to have a strong and
significant oversight system to ensure the application of Basel Accord.
5.2. Criticism of Basel I
Basel I has been criticized in many aspects .One of the most significant criticism is its weighting system .As in
Basel-I the risk weighting system described as a subjective bucket and an arbitrary structure due to its broadness
.Also the risk weighting system missed the sensitivity to the distinctive types of risks related to each asset held by
the bank. Each bucket in the weighting system contains diverse assets with different risk level however all these
asset has been contained in one bucket because these assets share same business counterparty.
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In the weighting system of Basel I all commercial loans are risk weighted for 100%. This weighting system is not
logic and missed the reality of classifying commercial loan risk and its application. As if the bank grant a
commercial loan to a company with a very strong financial position the risk in this situation should be totally
different when the bank grant a commercial loan to a newly established company. Another criticism based on the
shortcoming in Basel I is that the bank will select to grant loans to startup company due to its higher expected
interest, Accordingly from profitability aspect , granting loan to newly established company is much riskier and
much profitable than granting loans to a well established company . This gives the bank the chance no to well
diversify its loan portfolio as the risk of all commercial loans are equal in the risk weighting system of Basel I.
Some banks might prefer to deal only with the well established company as these companies are more stable and
less risky than the newly established companies are.
Accordingly based on the conservativeness of some banks they may select to grant loans to the well established
companies to guarantee its stability and avoid insolvency. The main critic here is that, these banks will not
support the economy especially the small and medium enterprises which requires a significant financial leverage
at the first stage in their business life cycle. The above two different cases revealed the main criticism of the
Basel-I, as although there are different risk profile of the well established company and the newly established
company .However , all commercial loans granted to them are treated equally form risk weighting system point of
view and accordingly have the same impact from capital adequacy aspect. Based on the criticism of Basel-I ,
Banks couldn’t properly calculate the sufficient amount of capital due to the shortcoming and drawbacks of the
risk weighting system which wasn’t linked to the actual and real risk classification of the assets held by the bank
.Accordingly Basel II which known as “ Three pillar approached “ has been introduced to revise Basel I .
5.3. Basel II
The above mentioned criticism to Basel Accord I incentives Basel Committee to re-evaluate the recommended
procedures to ensure adequate capital adequacy ratio. It introduced the using of external agencies rating system
and internal risk rating system to grade banks’ assets. For instance, the risk weight of debt rated from A+ to BB+
is 50% while the risk weight of debts below B- is 150%. Pillar I is not covering credit risk only but other types of
risks such as market based assets for example currency risk , shares and commodity trading risks.
5.4. Criticism of Basel II
Rating of the risky assets is based on external rating agencies. The main concern here is that banks are paying
fees for the agencies which rated them .Accordingly the main critic issue is the conflict of interest between the
external agencies which get paid directly from the bank and the rated banks which paying the bill of rating
agencies . Another criticism of the Basel II and also related to external rating agencies is that ,these agencies used
a fault methodology to assess and rate the risky assets such as securitized assets which lead to wrong and
inappropriate risk weighting and accordingly insufficient capital. The obvious example which supports this
criticism is the high rating granted to securitized asset classes of some banks before the recent financial crisis and
accordingly because a failure in calculating the sufficient capital and the bank couldn’t absorb the financial shock
happened during the financial crisis and cause a spread of instability and insolvency among global financial
A further critic related to the standardized approach is that Basel II grant the banks a free hand to select any rating
agencies without any constrain or predetermined conditions. Accordingly, a bank may select one rating agency
which will give the bank high rate of securitized assets which will lead to the problem of insufficient capital
estimation. Also, the same criticism of Basel I has been pointed to standardized approach of Basel II as the
weighting system contain different types of assets that associated with different levels of risk , However based on
the standardized approach all asset under that same bucket were equally treated with regard to risk weighting
regardless of diverse risk types associated with each asset classes.
An additional criticism has been pointed to the internal rating based approach of Basel II this critic related to
different methodology used internally by the banks for internal rating . Although there is some advantages of
using internal rating based approaches such as ability to produce a large scale of risk weightings starting from
Zero on Up .Accordingly , having risk weighting that preciously related to each type of asset classes held by the
bank .However , The main critic here is that from theoretical point of view it seems that internal rating based
approach could provide an improvement over Basel I and the bucket approaches but from practical point of view
the risk appraisals are generated internally .
American International Journal of Social Science Vol. 5, No. 3; June 2016
Particularly the internal evaluation components which raised the problem of inconsistency among all banks as
different banks use different methodology for internal rating this mean that two banks may generate two different
rating for the same asset class.
5.5. Basel III
Based on Basel II framework, The Basel III accord has been introduced by Basel Committee and focused mainly
on three main critical issues namely: Capital requirements, Leverage Ratio and Liquidity requirements. With
regard to Capital requirements, The Basel Accord introduced two new capital requirements as follows:
An obligatory capital Conversion ratio for 2.5% from risk weighted asset.
And another 2.5 % as a counter cycle ratio that permit the national regulators to ask banks to fulfill these
additional capital requirements in case of high growth of credit supply.
Concerning the leverage ratio, Basel III introduced a new ratio called minimum liquidity ratio that calculated by
dividing Tier one capital by average total Bank’s Assets .Basel III sets 3% as a minimum leverage ratio to be
maintained by banks. However, the Federal Reserve Bank asked US financial institution including banks to
maintain 6% as minimum leverage ratios. The third concern of Basel III is liquidity requirement accordingly it
introduced two new mandatory liquidity ratios , the first one called liquidity coverage ratio which necessitates
banks to maintain adequate and enough high quality liquid asset to fulfill the requirement of its total net cash
outflow for thirty days . The Second Ratio called net stable funding ratio which requires banks to hold a sufficient
amount of liquid assets that enable banks to cover its liquidity requirement for excess of one year of extended
5.6. Criticism of Basel III
The main criticism to Basel III is all about capital adequacy ratio (minimum capital Level). As the minimum
accepted capital to be held by the bank. Has been increased from 8% to 13% after the failure of commercial banks
to absorb losses happened during the recent financial crisis and its critical consequences. The most critic issue
related to the minimum required level of Capital, is that as long as there is an increase in the capital level this
increase will lead to decrease in money supply in the market through commercial loans .In other words, Banks
will decrease the level of loans to lenders which will result in decrease in the business activity and will have a
negative impact from the macroeconomic point of view. In addition, the commercial banks may ask for high
interest rate in order to compensate the difference between loan volume based on minimum required capital of
Basel II and Basel III. Further criticism to the consequences of increasing capital level is that in order to
compensate the difference in loan volume, bank may select risky project to finance it in order to charge it a high
interest rate accordingly increasing the risk of the loan portfolio and affecting its stability in the future increase of
any prospect financial crisis or expected financial market losses.
The institute of international finance reports that the GDP will be affected negatively by approximately 3.1% for
each 1% increase in the minimum capital level required by Basel III. In the same perspective the Basel committee
issue another report stated that the decrease in GDP is expected to be 0.09% for each 1% raise in capital level
.Although there are differences between both report regarding the accurate figure that represent the decrease in
GDP but the only fact is that there is a negative impact is expected to be happened to country GDP. There is an
argument with regard to the effect on the profitability of the banks and the negative impact of GDP .This
argument regarding the time required to apply the new required level of capital. Basel III will not ask for full
implementation of the new capital requirement until 2019 .Accordingly , there is a room for gradual increase and
ongoing implementation until reaching the minimum required capital as per Basel III at 2019 . Additional critics
to Basel III from another point of view is that some scholars examined the banks that had the ability to absorb the
consequences and the financial shocks from the recent financial crisis The results show that the minimum capital
level of these banks vary from 15-20% .
Accordingly comparing the minimum requirement by Basel III and the calculated real capital adequacy ratio of
these bank , the result will confirm that the improvement required by Basel III concerning Banks’ Capital is not
sufficient enough to absorb any prospect shocks and financial losses that nay occur in the future . Another
criticism to Basel III is that it does not introduce any solution the problem of Basel II such as using external rating
agency to assess risk of banks’ assets in addition to no solution also has been introduced regarding standardization
of the methodology used by banks through internal rating based approaches.
ISSN 2325-4149 (Print), 2325-4165 (Online) ©Center for Promoting Ideas, USA www.aijssnet.com
ISSN 2325-4149 (Print), 2325-4165 (Online) ©Center for Promoting Ideas, USA www.aijssnet.com
However, there is a room for additional development and enhancement to minimize the probabilities of banks’
defaults. It is recommended that all members of staff of banks across all hierarchy levels to be aware of the
possible risks as a result of their activities to ensure that they are better placed to control the outcomes that may
result as a consequence. At the strategic level especially which comprises of the senior management, it is ideal
that all strategies and policies involved in the management of risk are set up facilitating for the risk outcomes to
remain at an unacceptable level attached with the ideal reward. At the macro level where middle level
management is concerned, risk management is applied at business level or across business lines.
At the micro level finally, that is inclusive of front office personnel, this is the level where the risks are created,
and also where the guidelines and policies established by the management are followed. Consequently, a better
understanding of the risks and their outcomes for the management of the bank results in the establishment of
better approaches to decisions made. Thus, through better understanding of the potential risks involved and their
outcomes assist the banks to better prepared in the event of uncertainties while at the same time attaining
organizational success while minimizing failure possibilities.
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