Golden Peacock
Golden Peacock
Golden Peacock
The Award
The Golden Peacock National Quality Award, named after India's national bird the
"Peacock", is awarded every year. Each category has two awards - the Winner and the
Runners up. Each winner and runners up receives a trophy together with a certificate. The
award winners may use the Golden Peacock National Quality Award logo on their printed
and promotional material. Selected organisations may be given a commendation card. The
Golden Peacock National Quality Award would be given separately for manufacturing and
service sector organisations, under the following categories :
Normal Categories
Special Categories
Names of applicants, commentary and scoring information developed during the review of
applications are regarded as proprietary by IOD and are kept confidential. Such information
is available only to those individuals directly involved in the assessment and administrative
IOD will take all reasonable action to ensure that applications and information therein are
treated in strict confidence. However, in no way can IOD be held responsible for any loss of
confidentiality to a third party. Moreover, IOD cannot be held liable for any damage (to
goods, or persons, financial loss or consequential) incurred through the breach of
confidentiality or otherwise by the applicants or any third party.
IOD reserves the right, prior to or subsequent to the Award Presentation, to publish and
made public the salient details of the Quality improvement schemes of the Award Winners,
as a step towards sharing of knowledge in the national interest.
All applicants for Golden Peacock National Quality Award scheme will receive a feed back
assessment report.
The Application should be submitted in duplicate neatly typed (minimum font size 10 pt.)
only on one side of A-4 size paper in English covering the following:
1. Table of contents
2. Basic Information
3 Business Overview
4. Self-Appraisal Report
a) This report will be based on GPNQA model and criteria guidelines given under the title
criteria description (as per annexure-3 attached). The guidelines consists of a set of
questions which when answered, duly supported by the objective evidence, would help in
appreciating the extent of excellence achieved by the applicant.
b) Support material:- Support material may have been derived from self-assessment of the
organisation's activities. This information must be closely aligned with the nine Award
assessment criterias. The criteria are carefully and deliberately phrased in non-prescriptive
terms, to allow you the freedom to present self-assessment information which is relevant to
your specific situation.