Bump Test
Bump Test
Bump Test
A Bump Test (Resonance Test) is used to determine a machine component or structure natural resonant vibration
frequency. Specially designed Modal Hammers can be used for this purpose, but a properly conducted Bump Test
can be equally effective in most instances.
IMPORTANT: Soft rubber mallets are recommended for performing a Bump Test. DO NOT use a metal hammer.
Metal Hammers generate their own resonant frequency upon impact, which may affect indicated resonant vibration
NOTE: Depending on the interface (2-channel or 4-channel) and how many sensors are placed in other directions,
additional channels can be simultaneously collected:
1-877-223-4606 international toll-free
Select the time for the recording (in this example 5 seconds) and select the Trigger recording mode.
- Analysis column may immediately display ambient vibrations where the Channel 1 sensor is placed.
- Graphics in time-domain waveform and FFT may immediately display low-amplitude ambient
- The counter (showing how many seconds are left to finish recording) should remain inactive. A
recording should not begin until the Trigger vibration threshold is exceeded. Ideally, when the
component or structure is intentionally struck to Trigger a resonance.
1-877-223-4606 international toll-free
Strike the component or structure in a rapid movement with the rubber mallet, then let the vibration
attenuate until it stops:
The component or structure resonant frequency is 1332.53 CPM (right click on FFT graph to show markers):
1-877-223-4606 international toll-free