Mosaik Documentation: Release 2.5.2

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mosaik Documentation

Release 2.5.2

Stefan Scherfke

Feb 26, 2020


1 Quickstart 3

2 Installation 5
2.1 Linux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 OS X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3 Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3 Overview 11
3.1 What’s mosaik supposed to do? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.2 Mosaik’s main components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

4 Modular Design 15
4.1 Odysseus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

5 Tutorials 19
5.1 Integrating a simulation model into the mosaik ecosystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.2 Creating and running simple simulation scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5.3 Adding a control mechanism to a scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
5.4 Integrating a control mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
5.5 Cyclic data-flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
5.6 Connecting mosaik and Odysseus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
5.7 Using Odysseus to process, visualize and store simulation data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
5.8 Integrating a Model in Java . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

6 The mosaik API 47

6.1 How mosaik communicates with a simulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
6.2 The low-level API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
6.3 The high-level API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

7 Scenario definition 67
7.1 The setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
7.2 Starting simulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
7.3 Instantiating simulation models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
7.4 Connecting entities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
7.5 Running the simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
7.6 How to achieve bi-directional data-flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
7.7 How to filter entity sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
7.8 How to create user-defined connection rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
7.9 How to retrieve static data from entities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

7.10 How to access topology and data-flow information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
7.11 How to destroy a world . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
7.12 How to do real-time simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
7.13 How to call extra methods of a simulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

8 The simulator manager 75

9 Scheduling and simulation execution 79

9.1 Anatomy of a step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
9.2 Synchronization and data-flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
9.3 Cyclic data-flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
9.4 Stepping and simulation duration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

10 FAQ 85
10.1 General questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
10.2 Coupling models with mosaik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
10.3 The mosaik demo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

11 Developer’s Documentation 87
11.1 Design and Achitecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
11.2 Development setup and tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
11.3 Release Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
11.4 Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
11.5 Discussion of design decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
11.6 Logo and corporate identity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

12 API Reference 115

12.1 mosaik — The ende-user API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
12.2 mosaik.exceptions — mosaik specific error types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
12.3 mosaik.scenario — Classes related to the scenario creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
12.4 mosaik.scheduler — Coordinate and execute simulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
12.5 mosaik.simmanager — Management of external processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
12.6 mosaik.util — Utility classes and functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

13 About mosaik 123

13.1 Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
13.2 The history of mosaik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

14 Privacy Policies 129

15 Legals 131

16 Datenschutz 133

17 Impressum 137

18 Glossary 139

19 Indices and tables 141

Python Module Index 143

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2


Contents 1
mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

2 Contents


This guide assumes that you are somewhat proficient with Python and know what pip and virtualenv is. Else, you
should follow the detailed instructions.
Mosaik runs on Linux, OS X and Windows. It requires Python 3.3 or higher. To install everything, you need the
package manager Pip which is bundled with Python 3.4 and above.
We also strongly recommend you to install everything into a virtualenv.
You can then install mosaik with pip:
$ pip install mosaik

This provides you with the mosaik framework. There is also a simple demo scenario which may help you to get
started. Please refer to our detailed instructions for installation.

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

4 Chapter 1. Quickstart


This guide contains detailed installation instructions for Linux, OS X and Windows.
It covers the installation of the mosaik framework followed by the instructions to install the demo.

2.1 Linux

This guide is based on (K)ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver, 64bit.

Mosaik and the demo scenario require Python >= 3.3, which should be fine for any recent linux distribution. Note that
we test mosaik only for the most (typically three) recent python versions though.
1. We also need pip, a package manager for Python packages, and virtualenv, which can create isolated Python
environments for different projects:
$ wget
$ sudo python
$ sudo pip install -U virtualenv

2. Now we need to create a virtual environment for mosaik and its dependencies. The common location for venvs
is under ~/.virtualenvs/:
$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 ~/.virtualenvs/mosaik
$ source ~/.virtualenvs/mosaik/bin/activate

Your command line prompt should now start with “(mosaik)” and roughly look like this:
3. The final step is to install mosaik:
(mosaik)$ pip install mosaik

Mosaik should now be installed successfully.

2.1.1 Running the demo

Mosaik alone is not very useful (because it needs other simulators to perform a simulation), so we also provide a small
demo scenario and some simple simulators as well as a mosaik binding for PYPOWER.
1. PYPOWER requires NumPy and SciPy. We also need to install the revision control tool git. You can use the
packages shipped with Ubuntu. We use apt-get to install NumPy, SciPy, and h5py as well as git. By default,

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

venvs are isolated from globally installed packages. To make them visible, we also have to recreate the venv and
set the --system-site-packages flag:
$ sudo apt-get install git python3-numpy python3-scipy python3-h5py
$ rm -rf ~/.virtualenvs/mosaik
$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 --system-site-packages ~/.virtualenvs/mosaik
$ source ~/.virtualenvs/mosaik/bin/activate

2. You can now clone the mosaik-demo repository into a folder where you store all your code and repositories
(we’ll use ~/Code/):
(mosaik)$ mkdir ~/Code
(mosaik)$ git clone ~/Code/mosaik-demo

3. Now we only need to install all requirements (mosaik and the simulators) and can finally run the demo:
(mosaik)$ cd ~/Code/mosaik-demo/
(mosaik)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
(mosaik)$ python

If no errors occur, the last command will start the demo. The web visualisation shows the demo in your browser:
http://localhost:8000. You can click the nodes of the topology graph to show a time series of their values. You
can also drag them around to rearrange them.
You can cancel the simulation by pressing Ctrl-C.

2.2 OS X

This guide is based on OS X 10.11 El Capitan.

1. Mosaik and the demo scenario require Python >= 3.3. OS X only ships with some outdated versions of Python,
so we need to install a recent Python 2 and 3 first. The recommended way of doing this is with the packet
manager homebrew. To install homebrew, we need to open a Terminal and execute the following command:
$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

The homebrew installer asks you to install the command line developer tools for “xcode-select”. Install them.
When you are done, go back to the terminal and press Enter so that the installer continues.
If this doesn’t work for you, you’ll find more detailed instructions in the homebrew wiki.
Once the installation is successful, we can install python and python3:
$ brew install python python3

This will also install the Python package manager pip.

2. Next, we need virtualenv which can create isolated Python environments for different projects:
$ pip install -U virtualenv

3. Now we need to create a virtual environment for mosaik and its dependencies. The common location for venvs
is under ~/.virtualenvs/:
$ virtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python3 ~/.virtualenvs/mosaik
$ source ~/.virtualenvs/mosaik/bin/activate

Your command line prompt should now start with “(mosaik)” and roughly look like this:

6 Chapter 2. Installation
mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

4. The final step is to install mosaik:

(mosaik)$ pip install mosaik

Mosaik should now be installed successfully.

2.2.1 Running the demo

Mosaik alone is not very useful (because it needs other simulators to perform a simulation), so we also provide a small
demo scenario and some simple simulators as well as a mosaik binding for PYPOWER.
1. To clone the demo repository, we need to install git. In order to compile NumPy, SciPy and h5py (which are
required by PYPOWER and the database adapter) we also need to install gfortran which is included in gcc. You
should deactivate the venv for this:
(mosaik)$ deactivate
$ brew install git gcc hdf5
$ source ~/.virtualenvs/mosaik/bin/activate

2. For NumPy and SciPy we build binary wheel packages that we can later reuse without re-compiling everything.
We’ll store these wheels in ~/wheelhouse/:
(mosaik)$ pip install wheel
(mosaik)$ pip wheel numpy
(mosaik)$ pip install wheelhouse/numpy-1.10.1-cp35-cp35m-macosx_10_6_intel.macosx_10_9_intel.mac
(mosaik)$ pip wheel scipy
(mosaik)$ pip install wheelhouse/scipy-0.16.0-cp35-cp35m-macosx_10_6_intel.macosx_10_9_intel.mac
(mosaik)$ pip wheel h5py
(mosaik)$ pip install wheelhouse/h5py-2.5.0-cp35-cp35m-macosx_10_6_intel.macosx_10_9_intel.macos

Note: The file names of the wheels (*.whl-files) may change when version-numbers change. Please check the output
of pip install or the directory ~/wheelhouse/ for the exact file names.

2. You can now clone the mosaik-demo repository into a folder where you store all your code and repositories
(we’ll use ~/Code/):
(mosaik)$ mkdir ~/Code
(mosaik)$ git clone ~/Code/mosaik-demo

3. Now we only need to install all requirements (mosaik and the simulators) and can finally run the demo:
(mosaik)$ cd ~/Code/mosaik-demo/
(mosaik)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
(mosaik)$ python

If no errors occur, the last command will start the demo. The web visualisation shows the demo in your browser:
http://localhost:8000. You can click the nodes of the topology graph to show a time series of their values. You
can also drag them around to rearrange them.
You can cancel the simulation by pressing Ctrl-C.

2.3 Windows

2.3. Windows 7
mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

Note: Installer for mosaik including the demo are available for 32bit and 64bit Windows-systems and different
Python-versions. You can find them on our website here. The following instructions are for those who want to go
through installation process step-by-step.

This guide is based on Windows 7 or 8, 64bit.

1. Mosaik and the demo scenario require Python >= 3.3. By default, it will offer you a 32bit installer. You can find
the Windows x86-64 MSI installer here.
(a) When the download finished, double-click the installer.
(b) Select Install for all users and click Next >.
(c) The default installation path is okay. Click Next >.
(d) In the Customize Python page, click on the Python node and select Entire feature will be installed on local
hard drive. Make sure that Add python.exe to Path is enabled. Click Next >.
(e) When Windows asks you to allow the installation, allow the installation. Wait. Click Finish.
This also install the Python package manager pip.
2. We also need virtualenv which can create isolated Python environments for different projects.
Open a terminal window: Press the Windows key (or click on the start menu) and enter cmd. Press Enter.
Your terminal prompt should look like C:\Users\yourname>. Execute the following command to install
C:\Users\yourname> pip install -U virtualenv

Note: If your Windows account type is Standard User, you need to open the terminal with administarator
privileges (right-click the Terminal icon, then open as Administrator). Make then sure that you are in your user
C:\Windows\system32> cd \Users\yourname

3. Now we need to create a virtual environment for mosaik and its dependencies. The common location for venvs
is under Envs/ in your users directory:
C:\Users\yourname> virtualenv -p C:\Python34\python.exe Envs\mosaik
C:\Users\yourname> Envs\mosaik\Scripts\activate.bat

Your command line prompt should now start with “(mosaik)” and roughly look like this: (mosaik)
4. The final step is to install mosaik:
(mosaik) C:\Users\yourname> pip install mosaik

Mosaik should now be installed successfully.

2.3.1 Running the demo

Mosaik alone is not very useful (because it needs other simulators to perform a simulation), so we also provide a small
demo scenario and some simple simulators as well as a mosaik binding for PYPOWER.

8 Chapter 2. Installation
mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

1. PYPOWER requires NumPy and SciPy and the database adapter requires h5py. Christoph Gohlke provides
installers for them (NumPy, SciPy, h5py). Select the appropriate files for your Python installation (32bit or 64bit,
Python version), e.g., numpy-1.9.2+mkl-cp34-none-win_amd64.whl, scipy-0.15.1-cp34-none-win_amd64.whl,

Note: Run python -c "import sys; print(sys.version)" from the command prompt in order
to get the system architecture and Python version.
If you have a 64bit Windows, but installed a 32bit Python, also use the 32bit versions of NumPy etc.

Download them into your downloads folder and install them via the following commands:
(mosaik) C:\Users\yourname> pip install Downloads\numpy-1.9.2+mkl-cp34-none-win_amd64.whl
(mosaik) C:\Users\yourname> pip install Downloads\scipy-0.15.1-cp34-none-win_amd64.whl
(mosaik) C:\Users\yourname> pip install Downloads\h5py-2.5.0-cp34-none-win_amd64.whl

2. Download and install git.

Restart the command prompt (as Admin if necessary and make sure you are in the right directory again) and
activate the virtualenv again:
C:\Users\yourname> Envs\mosaik\Scripts\activate.bat

2. Clone the demo repository:

(mosaik)C:\Users\yourname> git clone

3. Now we only need to install all requirements (mosaik and the simulators) and can finally run the demo:
(mosaik)C:\Users\yourname> cd mosaik-demo
(mosaik)C:\Users\yourname\mosaik-demo> pip install -r requirements.txt
(mosaik)C:\Users\yourname\mosaik-demo> python

An exception may be raised at the end of the installation, but as long as before that exception there was the
output Successfully installed PYPOWER mosaik-csv mosaik-householdsim ..., everything is okay.
The web visualisation shows the demo in your browser: http://localhost:8000. You can click the nodes of the
topology graph to show a timeline of their values. You can also drag them around to rearrange them.
You can cancel the simulation by pressing Ctrl-C. More exceptions may be raised. No problem. :-)

2.3. Windows 9
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10 Chapter 2. Installation


This section describes how mosaik works without going into too much detail. After reading this, you should have a
general understanding of what mosaik does and how to proceed in order to implement the mosaik API or to create a
simulation scenario.

3.1 What’s mosaik supposed to do?

Mosaik’s main goal is to use existing simulators in a common context in order to perform a coordinated simulation of
a given (Smart Grid) scenario.
That means that all simulators (or other tools and hardware-in-the-loop) involved in a simulation usually run in their
own process with their own event loop. Mosaik just tries to synchronize these processes and manages the exchange of
data between them.
To allow this, mosaik
1. provides an API for simulators to communicate with mosaik,
2. implements handlers for different kinds of simulator processes,
3. allows the modelling of simulation scenarios involving the different simulators, and
4. schedules the step-wise execution of the different simulators and manages the exchange of data (data-flows)
between them.
Although mosaik is written in Python 3, its simulator API completely language agnostic. It doesn’t matter if your
simulator is written in Python 2, Java, C, matlab or anything else.

3.1.1 A simple example

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

We have simulators for households (blue icon) and for photovoltaics (green). We’re also gonna use a load flow analysis
tool (grey), and a monitoring and analysis tool (yellow).
First, we have to implement the mosaik API for each of these “simulators”. When we are done with this, we can create
a scenario where we connect the households to nodes in the power grid. Some of the households will also get a PV
module. The monitoring / analysis tool will be connected to the power grid’s transformer node. When we connect all
these entities, we also tell mosaik about the data-flows between them (e.g., active power feed-in from the PV modules
to a grid node).
When we finally start the simulation, mosaik requests the simulators to perform simulation steps and exchanges data
between them according to the data-flows described in the scenario. For our simple example, that would roughly look
like this:
1. The household and PV simulator perform a simulation step for an interval [0, t[.
2. Mosaik gets the values for, e.g., P and Q (active and reactive power) for every household and every PV module.
3. Mosaik sets the values P and Q for every node of the power grid based on the data it collected in step 2. The
load flow simulator performs a simulation step for [0, t[ based on these inputs.
4. Mosaik collects data from the load flow simulator, sends it to the monitoring tool and lets it also perform a
simulation step for [0, t[.
5. Now the whole process is repeated for [t, t+i[ and so forth until the simulation ends.
In this example, all simulators had the same step size t, but this is not necessary. Every simulator can have its one step
size (which may even vary during the simulation). It is also possible that a simulator (e.g., a control strategy) can set
input values (e.g., a schedule) to another simulator (e.g., for “intelligent” consumers).

3.2 Mosaik’s main components

Mosaik consists of four main components that implement the different aspects of a co-simulation framework:
1. The mosaik Sim API defines the communication protocol between simulators and mosaik.
Mosaik uses plain network sockets and JSON encoded messages to communicate with the simulators. We call
this the low-level API. For some programming languages there also exists a high-level API that implements
everything networking related and offers an abstract base class. You then only have to write a subclass and
implement a few methods.
Read more . . .
2. The Scenario API provides a simple API that allows you to create your simulation scenarios in pure Python
(yes, no graphical modelling!).
The scenario API allows you to start simulators and instantiate models from them. This will give you entity sets
(sets of entities). You can then connect the entities with each other in order to establish data-flows between the
Mosaik allows you both, connecting one entity at a time as well as connecting whole entity sets with each other.
Read more . . .
3. The Simulator Manager (or shorter, SimManager) is responsible for handling the simulator processes and
communicating with them.
It is able to a) start new simulator processes, b) connect to already running process instances, and c) import a
simulator module and execute it in-process if it’s written in Python 3.
The in-process execution has some benefits: it reduces the amount of memory required (because less processes
need to be started) and it avoids the overhead of (de)serializing and sending messages over the network.

12 Chapter 3. Overview
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External processes, however, can be executed in parallel which is not possible with in-process simulators.
Read more . . .
4. Mosaik’s simulator uses the event-discrete simulation library SimPy for the coordinated simulation of a sce-
Mosaik is able to handle simulators with different step sizes. A simulator may even vary its step size during the
Mosaik is able to track the dependencies between the simulators and only lets them perform a simulation step
if necessary (e.g., because its data is needed by another simulator). It is also able to let multiple simulators
perform their simulation step in parallel if they don’t depend on each other’s data.
Read more . . .

3.2. Mosaik’s main components 13

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14 Chapter 3. Overview

Modular Design

Mosaik as a co-simulation tool organizes the data exchange between simulators and coordinates the execution of the
connected simulaters. This part is called mosaik-core.

Fig. 4.1: Mosaik is a co-simulation library. The components and tools form the mosaik ecosystem.

Mosaik-core without any connected simulators doesn’t do much. This is why we provide some simple and free
simulators so that it is possible to start with a working Smart-Grid simulation. These simulators belong to a part of
mosaik’s ecosystem called mosaik-components.
Mosaik is developed following the “lean and mean” principle. That means that we try to keep the software as simple
as possible in order to keep it efficient and easy to maintain. In order to make it easier to set up and run experiments
with mosaik we provide some tools that help building scenarios, connecting simulators or to visualize and analyze the
simulation results. These tools are located in the mosaik-tools-library.

Elements of the mosaik ecosystem:


mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

4.1 Odysseus

Odysseus is a framework for in-memory data stream management that is designed for online processing of big data.
Large volumes of data such as continuously occurring events or sensor data can be processed in real time. In combi-
nation with mosaik Odysseus can be used to process, visualise and store the results of mosaik during a simulation.

4.1.1 Process data

Odysseus allows to process data streams with different operators. For instance, the operators SELECT and PROJECT
can be used to filter the data, aggregations for specific periods of time can be calculated and key-value data can be
transformed in relational data and the other way round. Multiple operators are connected with each other, to form
so-called operator-graphs. An example of such a graph is shown below:

The query for this graph can be found in the tutorial.

4.1.2 Visualise data

All data can be visualised in lists, tables or graphs. For more complex visualisation, dashboards can be created and
individually customised:

16 Chapter 4. Modular Design

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4.1.3 Store data

Odysseus also offers connectors to transform data to different formats and databases, which makes it suitable to store
simulation data.
Further information about how to install Odysseus and how to use it with mosaik can be found in the tutorial.

4.1. Odysseus 17
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18 Chapter 4. Modular Design



In the basic tutorial you’ll learn how you can integrate simulators and control strategy into the mosaik ecosystem as
well as how you create simulation scenarios and execute them.
In the first part, we’ll implement the Sim API for a simple example simulator. We’ll also create a simulation scenario
in which that simulator will send its data to mosaik-hdf5 which will store it in an HDF5 database.
In the second part, we’ll also integrate a simple control mechanism into mosaik. We’ll then create a scenario in which
that control mechanism controls the example simulator from part one.
The Odysseus tutorial you’ll learn how to connect the data-stream-management-tool Odysseus to mosaik. The second
part shows some examples on how to use Odysseus. This tutorial may also be of some use when you want to connect
any other component via ZeroMQ.
The Java API tutorial shows you how to use the Java API. This API is intended to connect simulators written in
Java to mosaik. You can use the Java-API also as a RCP-Server if you want to run your Java-simulator on a separate
Basic tutorial

5.1 Integrating a simulation model into the mosaik ecosystem

In this section we’ll first implement a simple example simulator. We’ll then implement mosaik’s SimAPI step-by-step

5.1.1 The simulator

We want to implement a simulator for a very simple model with a discrete step size of 1. Our model will have the
following behavior:
• val0 = init_val
• vali = vali 1 + delta for i N, i > 0, delta Z
That simply means our model has a value val to which we add some delta (which is a positive or negative integer)
at every simulation step. Our model has the (optional) input delta which can be used by control mechanisms to alter
the behavior of the model. It has the output val which is its current value. Here is a possible implementation of that
simulation model in Python:
This module contains a simple example simulator.

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

Fig. 5.1: Schematic diagram of our example model. You can change the delta input and collect the val output.


class Model:
"""Simple model that increases its value *val* with some *delta* every

You can optionally set the initial value *init_val*. It defaults to ``0``.

def __init__(self, init_val=0):
self.val = init_val = 1

def step(self):
"""Perform a simulation step by adding *delta* to *val*."""
self.val +=

class Simulator(object):
"""Simulates a number of ``Model`` models and collects some data."""
def __init__(self):
self.models = [] = []

def add_model(self, init_val):

"""Create an instances of ``Model`` with *init_val*."""
model = Model(init_val)
self.models.append(model)[]) # Add list for simulation data

def step(self, deltas=None):

"""Set new model inputs from *deltas* to the models and perform a
simulatino step.

*deltas* is a dictionary that maps model indices to new delta values

for the model.

20 Chapter 5. Tutorials
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if deltas:
# Set new deltas to model instances
for idx, delta in deltas.items():
self.models[idx].delta = delta

# Step models and collect data

for i, model in enumerate(self.models):

if __name__ == '__main__':
# This is how the simulator could be used:
sim = Simulator()
for i in range(2):
sim.step({0: 23, 1: 42})
print('Simulation finished with data:')
for i, inst in enumerate(
print('%d: %s' % (i, inst))

If you run this script, you’ll get the following output:

Simulation finished with data:
0: [1, 24]
1: [1, 43]

5.1.2 Setup for the API implementation

So lets start implementing mosaik’s Sim API for this simulator. We can use the Python high-level API for this. This
package eases our workload, because it already implements everything necessary for communicating with mosaik. It
provides an abstract base class which we can sub-class. So we only need to implement four methods and we are done.
If you already installed mosaik and the demo, you already have this package installed in your mosaik virtualenv.
We start by creating a new and import the module containing the mosaik API as well as
our simulator:
Mosaik interface for the example simulator.

import mosaik_api

import simulator

5.1.3 Simulator meta data

Next, we prepare the meta data dictionary that tells mosaik which models our simulator implements and which pa-
rameters and attributes it has. Since this data is usually constant, we define this at module level (which improves

5.1. Integrating a simulation model into the mosaik ecosystem 21

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META = {
'models': {
'ExampleModel': {
'public': True,
'params': ['init_val'],
'attrs': ['delta', 'val'],

We added our “Model” model with the parameter init_val and the attributes delta and val. At this point we don’t care
if they are read-only or not. We just list everything we can read or write. The public flag should usually be True. You
can read more about it in the Sim API docs. From this information, mosaik deduces that our model could be used in
the following way:
# Model name and "params" are used for constructing instances:
model = ExampleModel(init_val=42)
# "attrs" are normal attributes:

5.1.4 The Simulator class

The package mosaik_api defines a base class Simulator for which we now need to write a sub-class:
class ExampleSim(mosaik_api.Simulator):
def __init__(self):
self.simulator = simulator.Simulator()
self.eid_prefix = 'Model_'
self.entities = {} # Maps EIDs to model indices in self.simulator

In our simulator’s __init__() method (the constructor) we need to call Simulator.__init__() and pass the
meta data dictionary to it. Simulator.__init__() will add some more information to the meta data and set it as
self.meta to our instance.
We also initialize our actual simulator class, set a prefix for our entity IDs and prepare a dictionary which will hold
some information about the entities that we gonna create.
We can now start to implement the four API calls init, create, step and get_data:

5.1.5 init()

This method will be called exactly once after the simulator has been started. It is used for additional initialization tasks
(e.g., it can handle parameters that you pass to a simulator in your scenario definition). It must return the meta data
dictionary self.meta:
def init(self, sid, eid_prefix=None):
if eid_prefix is not None:
self.eid_prefix = eid_prefix
return self.meta

The first argument is the ID that mosaik gave to that simulator instance. In addition to that, you can define further (op-
tional) parameters which you can later set in your scenario. In this case, we can optionally overwrite the eid_prefix
that we defined in __init__().

22 Chapter 5. Tutorials
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5.1.6 create()

create() is called in order to initialize a number of simulation model instances (entities) within that simulator. It
must return a list with some information about each entity created:
def create(self, num, model, init_val):
next_eid = len(self.entities)
entities = []

for i in range(next_eid, next_eid + num):

eid = '%s%d' % (self.eid_prefix, i)
self.entities[eid] = i
entities.append({'eid': eid, 'type': model})

return entities

The first two parameters tell you how many instances of which model you should create. As in init(), you can
specify additional parameters for your model. They must also appear in the params list in the simulator meta data or
mosaik will reject them. In this case, we allow setting the initial value init_val for the model instances.
For each entity, we create a new entity ID 1 and a model instance. We also create a mapping (self.entities)
from the entity ID to our model. For each entity we create we also add a dictionary containing its ID and type to the
entities list which is returned to mosaik. In this example, it has num entries for the model model, but it may get
more complicated if you have, e.g., hierarchical models.

5.1.7 step()

The step() method tells your simulator to perform a simulation step. It returns to mosaik the time at which it wants
to do its next step. It receives its current simulation time as well as a dictionary with input values from other simulators
(if there are any):
def step(self, time, inputs):
# Get inputs
deltas = {}
for eid, attrs in inputs.items():
for attr, values in attrs.items():
model_idx = self.entities[eid]
new_delta = sum(values.values())
deltas[model_idx] = new_delta

# Perform simulation step


return time + 60 # Step size is 1 minute

In this example, the inputs could be something like this:

'Model_0': {
'delta': {'src_eid_0': 23},
'delta': {'src_eid_1': 42},
1 Although entity IDs can be plain integers, it is advisable to use something more meaningful to ease debugging and analysis.

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The inner dictionaries containing the actual values may contain multiple entries if multiple source entities provide
input for another entity. The simulator receiving these inputs is responsible for aggregating them (e.g., by taking
their sum, minimum or maximum. Since we are not interested in the source’s IDs, we convert that dict to a list with
values.values() before we calculate the sum of all input values.
After we converted the inputs to something that our simulator can work with, we let it finally perform its next simula-
tion step.
The return value time + 60 tells mosaik that we wish to perform the next step in one minute (in simulation time).

5.1.8 get_data()

The get_data() call allows other simulators to get the values of the delta and val attributes of our models (the
attributes we listed in the simulator meta data):
def get_data(self, outputs):
models = self.simulator.models
data = {}
for eid, attrs in outputs.items():
model_idx = self.entities[eid]
data[eid] = {}
for attr in attrs:
if attr not in self.meta['models']['ExampleModel']['attrs']:
raise ValueError('Unknown output attribute: %s' % attr)

# Get model.val or

data[eid][attr] = getattr(models[model_idx], attr)

return data

The outputs parameter contains the query and may in our case look like this:
'Model_0': ['delta', 'value'],
'Model_1': ['value'],

The expected return value would then be:

'Model_0': {'delta': 1, 'value': 24},
'Model_1': {'value': 3},

In our implementation we loop over each entity ID for which data is requested. We then loop over all requested
attributes and check if they are valid. If so, we dynamically get the requested value from our model instance via
getattr(obj, ’attr’). We store all values in the data dictionary and return it when we are done.

5.1.9 Making it executable

The last step is adding a main() method to make our simulator executable (e.g., via python -m
simulator_mosaik HOST:PORT). The package mosaik_api contains the method start_simulation()
which creates a socket, connects to mosaik and listens for requests from it. You just call it in your main() and pass
an instance of your simulator class to it:
def main():
return mosaik_api.start_simulation(ExampleSim())

24 Chapter 5. Tutorials
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if __name__ == '__main__':

Simulators running on different nodes than the mosaik instance are supported explicitly with the mosaik Python-API
v2.4 upward via the remote flag. A simulator with the start_simulation() method in its main() can then be
called e.g. via
python simulator_mosaik -r HOST:PORT

in the command line. The mosaik scenario, started independently, can then connect to the simulator via the statement
connect: HOST:PORT in its “sim_config” ( Configuration). Note that it may make sense to introduce a short waiting
time into your scenario to give you enough time to start both processes. Alternatively, the remote connection of
simulators supports also a timeout (via the timeout flag, e.g. –t 60 in the command line call will cause your simulator
to wait for 60 seconds for an initial message from mosaik).

5.1.10 Summary

We have now implemented the mosaik Sim API for our simulator. The following listing combines all the bits explained
Mosaik interface for the example simulator.

import mosaik_api

import simulator

META = {
'models': {
'ExampleModel': {
'public': True,
'params': ['init_val'],
'attrs': ['delta', 'val'],

class ExampleSim(mosaik_api.Simulator):
def __init__(self):
self.simulator = simulator.Simulator()
self.eid_prefix = 'Model_'
self.entities = {} # Maps EIDs to model indices in self.simulator

def init(self, sid, eid_prefix=None):

if eid_prefix is not None:
self.eid_prefix = eid_prefix
return self.meta

def create(self, num, model, init_val):

next_eid = len(self.entities)

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entities = []

for i in range(next_eid, next_eid + num):

eid = '%s%d' % (self.eid_prefix, i)
self.entities[eid] = i
entities.append({'eid': eid, 'type': model})

return entities

def step(self, time, inputs):

# Get inputs
deltas = {}
for eid, attrs in inputs.items():
for attr, values in attrs.items():
model_idx = self.entities[eid]
new_delta = sum(values.values())
deltas[model_idx] = new_delta

# Perform simulation step


return time + 60 # Step size is 1 minute

def get_data(self, outputs):

models = self.simulator.models
data = {}
for eid, attrs in outputs.items():
model_idx = self.entities[eid]
data[eid] = {}
for attr in attrs:
if attr not in self.meta['models']['ExampleModel']['attrs']:
raise ValueError('Unknown output attribute: %s' % attr)

# Get model.val or

data[eid][attr] = getattr(models[model_idx], attr)

return data

def main():
return mosaik_api.start_simulation(ExampleSim())

if __name__ == '__main__':

We can now start to write our first scenario, which is exactly what the next section is about.

5.2 Creating and running simple simulation scenarios

We will now create a simple scenario with mosaik in which we use a simple data collector to get some nice output
from our simulation. That means, we will instantiate a few ExampleModels and a data monitor. We will then connect
the model instances to that monitor and simulate that for some time.

26 Chapter 5. Tutorials
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5.2.1 Configuration

You should define the most important configuration values for your simulation as “constants” on top of your scenario
file. This makes it easier to see what’s going on and change the parameter values.
Two of the most important parameters that you need in almost every simulation are the simulator configuration and
the duration of your simulation:
# Sim config. and other parameters
'ExampleSim': {
'python': 'simulator_mosaik:ExampleSim',
'Collector': {
'cmd': 'python %(addr)s',
END = 10 * 60 # 10 minutes

The sim config specifies which simulators are available and how to start them. In the example above, we list our
ExampleSim as well as Collector (the names are arbitrarily chosen). For each simulator listed, we also specify how to
start it.
Since our example simulator is, like mosaik, written in Python 3, mosaik can just import it and execute it in-
process. The line ’python’: ’simulator_mosaik:ExampleSim’ tells mosaik to import the package
simulator_mosaik and instantiate the class ExampleSim from it.
The data collector will be started as external process which will communicate with mosaik via sockets. The line
’cmd’: ’python %(addr)s’ tells mosaik to start the simulator by executing the command
python Beforehand, mosaik replaces the placeholder %(addr)s with its actual socket address
HOSTNAME:PORT so that the simulator knows where to connect to.
The section about the Sim Manager explains all this in detail.
Here is the complete file of the data collector:
A simple data collector that prints all data when the simulation finishes.

import collections
import pprint

import mosaik_api

META = {
'models': {
'Monitor': {
'public': True,
'any_inputs': True,
'params': [],
'attrs': [],

class Collector(mosaik_api.Simulator):

5.2. Creating and running simple simulation scenarios 27

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def __init__(self):
self.eid = None = collections.defaultdict(lambda:
self.step_size = None

def init(self, sid, step_size):

self.step_size = step_size
return self.meta

def create(self, num, model):

if num > 1 or self.eid is not None:
raise RuntimeError('Can only create one instance of Monitor.')

self.eid = 'Monitor'
return [{'eid': self.eid, 'type': model}]

def step(self, time, inputs):

data = inputs[self.eid]
for attr, values in data.items():
for src, value in values.items():[src][attr].append(value)

return time + self.step_size

def finalize(self):
print('Collected data:')
for sim, sim_data in sorted(
print('- %s:' % sim)
for attr, values in sorted(sim_data.items()):
print(' - %s: %s' % (attr, values))

if __name__ == '__main__':

5.2.2 The World

The next thing we do is instantiating a World object. This object will hold all simulation state. It knows which
simulators are available and started, which entities exist and how they are connected. It also provides most of the
functionality that you need for modelling your scenario:
import mosaik

world = mosaik.World(SIM_CONFIG)

5.2.3 The scenario

Before we can instantiate any simulation models, we first need to start the respective simulators. This can be done
by calling World.start(). It takes the name of the simulator to start and, optionally, some simulator parameters
which will be passed to the simulators init() method. So lets start the example simulator and the HDF5 database

28 Chapter 5. Tutorials
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examplesim = world.start('ExampleSim', eid_prefix='Model_')

collector = world.start('Collector', step_size=60)

We also set the eid_prefix for our example simulator and some configuration values for the database. It will collect
data every minute until the simulation ends. What gets returned by World.start() is called a model factory.
We can use this factory object to create model instances within the respective simulator. In your scenario, such an
instance is represented as an Entity. The model factory presents the available models as if they were classes within
the factory’s namespace. So this is how we can create one instance of our example model and one database instance:
model = examplesim.ExampleModel(init_val=2)
monitor = collector.Monitor()

The init_val parameter that we passed to ExampleModel is the same as in the create() method of our Sim API
implementation. Similarly, the database has a parameter for its filename.
Now, we need to connect the example model to the monitor. That’s how we tell mosaik to send the outputs of the
example model to the monitor.
world.connect(model, monitor, 'val', 'delta')

The method World.connect() takes one entity pair – the source and the destination entity, as well as a list of
attributes or attribute tuples. If you only provide single attribute names, mosaik assumes that the source and destination
use the same attribute name. If they differ, you can instead pass a tuple like (’val_out’, ’val_in’).
Usually, you will neither create single entities nor connect single entity pairs, but work with large(r) sets of entities.
Mosaik allows you to easily create multiple entities with the same parameters at once. It also provides some utility
functions for connecting sets of entities with each other. So lets create two more entities and connect them to our
import mosaik.util

more_models = examplesim.ExampleModel.create(2, init_val=3)

mosaik.util.connect_many_to_one(world, more_models, monitor, 'val', 'delta')

Instead of instantiating the example model directly, we called its static method create() and passed the
number of instances to it. It returns a list of entities (nine in this case). We used the utility function
mosaik.util.connect_many_to_one() to connect all of them to the database. This function has a simi-
lar signature as World.connect(), but the first two parameters are a world instance and a set (or list) of entities
that are all connected to the dest_entity.
Mosaik also provides the function mosaik.util.connect_randomly(). This method randomly connects one
set of entities to another set. These two methods should cover most use cases. For more special ones, you can
implement custom functions based on the primitive World.connect().

5.2.4 The simulation

In order to start the simulation, we call and specify for how long we want our simulation to run:

Executing the scenario script will then give us the following output:

5.2. Creating and running simple simulation scenarios 29

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Starting "ExampleSim" as "ExampleSim-0" ...

Starting "Collector" as "Collector-0" ...
Starting simulation.
Progress: 5.00%
Progress: 10.00%
Progress: 15.00%
Progress: 20.00%
Progress: 25.00%
Progress: 30.00%
- delta: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
- val: [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]
- ExampleSim-0.Model_2:
- delta: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
- val: [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]

5.2.5 Summary

This section introduced you to the basic of scenario creation in mosaik. For more details you can check the guide to
For your convenience, here is the complete scenario that we created in this tutorial. You can use this for some more
experiments before continuing with this tutorial:
import mosaik
import mosaik.util

# Sim config. and other parameters

'ExampleSim': {
'python': 'simulator_mosaik:ExampleSim',
'Collector': {
'cmd': 'python %(addr)s',
END = 10 * 60 # 10 minutes

# Create World
world = mosaik.World(SIM_CONFIG)

# Start simulators
examplesim = world.start('ExampleSim', eid_prefix='Model_')
collector = world.start('Collector', step_size=60)

# Instantiate models
model = examplesim.ExampleModel(init_val=2)
monitor = collector.Monitor()

# Connect entities
world.connect(model, monitor, 'val', 'delta')

# Create more entities

more_models = examplesim.ExampleModel.create(2, init_val=3)
mosaik.util.connect_many_to_one(world, more_models, monitor, 'val', 'delta')

30 Chapter 5. Tutorials
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# Run simulation

The next part of the tutorial will be about integrating control mechanisms into a simulation.

5.3 Adding a control mechanism to a scenario

Now that we integrated our first simulator into mosaik and tested it in a simple scenario, we should implement a control
mechanism and mess around with our example simulator a little bit.
As you remember, our example models had a value to which they added something in each step. Eventually, their
value will end up beeing very high. We’ll use a multi-agent system to keep the values of our models in [-3, 3]. The
agents will monitor the current value of their respective models and when it reaches -3/3, they will set delta to 1/-1 for
their model.
Implementing the Sim API for control strategies is very similar to implementing it for normal simulators. We start
again by importing the mosaik_api package and defining the simulator meta data:
A simple demo controller.

import mosaik_api

META = {
'models': {
'Agent': {
'public': True,
'params': [],
'attrs': ['val_in'],

Our control mechanism will use agents to control other entities. The agent has no parameters and only one attribute
for incoming values.
Lets continue and implement mosaik_api.Simulator:
class Controller(mosaik_api.Simulator):
def __init__(self):
self.agents = []

Again, nothing special is going on here. We pass our meta data dictionary to our super class and set an empty list for
our agents.
Since our agent doesn’t have any parameters, we don’t need to implement init(). The default implementation will
return the meta data, so there’s nothing we need to do in this case.
Implementing create() is also straight forward:
def create(self, num, model):
n_agents = len(self.agents)
entities = []
for i in range(n_agents, n_agents + num):

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eid = 'Agent_%d' % i
entities.append({'eid': eid, 'type': model})

return entities

Every agent gets an ID like “Agent_*<num>*”. Because there might be multiple create() calls, we need to keep
track of how many agents we already created in order to generate correct entity IDs. We also create a list of {‘eid’:
‘Agent_<num>’, ‘type’: ‘Agent’} dictionaries for mosaik.
You may have noticed that we, in contrast to our example simulator, did not actually instantiate any real simulation
models this time. We just pretend to do it. This okay, since we’ll implement the agent’s “intelligence” directly in
def step(self, time, inputs):
commands = {}
for agent_eid, attrs in inputs.items():
values = attrs.get('val_in', {})

The commands dict will contain the commands that our control mechanism is going to send to the example simulator.
We’ll fill this dict in the following loop. In that loop, we iterate over all inputs and extract the input values for each
agent; so values is a dict containing the current values of all models connected to that agent, e.g., values ==
{‘Model_0’: 1}
We now check every input value:
for model_eid, value in values.items():

if value >= 3:
delta = -1
elif value <= -3:
delta = 1

If the value is -3 or 3, we have to set a new delta value. Else, we don’t need to do anything and can continue with a
new iteration of the loop.
If we have a new delta, we add it to the commands dict:

if agent_eid not in commands:

commands[agent_eid] = {}
if model_eid not in commands[agent_eid]:
commands[agent_eid][model_eid] = {}
commands[agent_eid][model_eid]['delta'] = delta

After finishing the loop, the commands dict may look like this:
'Agent_0': {'Model_0': {'delta': 1}},
'Agent_2': {'Model_2': {'delta': -1}},

Agent_0 sets for Model_0 the new delta = 1. Agent_2 sets for Model_2 the new delta = -1. Agent_1 did not set a new
So now that we created all commands – how do they get to the example simulator? The way via get_data() is
not possible since it would require a circular data-flow like connect(model, agent); connect(agent,
model) which mosaik cannot resolve (You can read the details if you are curious why).

32 Chapter 5. Tutorials
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Instead, we use one of the asynchronous requests that you can perform within step(), namely set_data(). The
Simulator makes these requests available via the mosaik attribute:

yield self.mosaik.set_data(commands)

# this works only for Python versions >=3.3.

The set_data() actively sends the commands to mosaik which will pass them to the example simulator in its next

Note: yield??? If you are new to Python and don’t know what the yield keyword does: Don’t worry! In this case,
it will just block the execution of step() until all commands are sent to mosaik. After that, the method will normally
continue its execution.

When all commands were sent to mosaik, we are done with our step and return the time for our next one (which should
be in one minute).
That’s it. Since there’s no data to be retrieved, we don’t need to implement get_data(). The default implementation
will raise an error for us if it should be called accidentally.
Here is the complete code for our (very simple) controller / mutli-agent system:
A simple demo controller.

import mosaik_api

META = {
'models': {
'Agent': {
'public': True,
'params': [],
'attrs': ['val_in'],

class Controller(mosaik_api.Simulator):
def __init__(self):
self.agents = []

def create(self, num, model):

n_agents = len(self.agents)
entities = []
for i in range(n_agents, n_agents + num):
eid = 'Agent_%d' % i
entities.append({'eid': eid, 'type': model})

return entities

def step(self, time, inputs):

5.3. Adding a control mechanism to a scenario 33

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commands = {}
for agent_eid, attrs in inputs.items():
values = attrs.get('val_in', {})
for model_eid, value in values.items():

if value >= 3:
delta = -1
elif value <= -3:
delta = 1

if agent_eid not in commands:

commands[agent_eid] = {}
if model_eid not in commands[agent_eid]:
commands[agent_eid][model_eid] = {}
commands[agent_eid][model_eid]['delta'] = delta

yield self.mosaik.set_data(commands)

# this works only for Python versions >=3.3.

# For older versions use: raise StopIteration(time + 60)
return time + 60

def main():
return mosaik_api.start_simulation(Controller())

if __name__ == '__main__':

Next, we’ll create a new scenario to test our controller.

5.4 Integrating a control mechanism

The scenario that we’re going to create in this last part of the tutorial will be similar to the one we created before but
incorporate the control mechanism that we just created.
Again, we start by setting some configuration values and creating a simulation world:
import mosaik
import mosaik.util

# Sim config. and other parameters

'ExampleSim': {
'python': 'simulator_mosaik:ExampleSim',
'ExampleCtrl': {
'python': 'controller:Controller',
'Collector': {
'cmd': 'python %(addr)s',

34 Chapter 5. Tutorials
mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

END = 10 * 60 # 10 minutes

# Create World
world = mosaik.World(SIM_CONFIG)

We added ExampleCtrl to the sim config and let all simulators be executed in-process with mosaik.
We can now start one instance of each simulator:
# Start simulators
examplesim = world.start('ExampleSim', eid_prefix='Model_')
examplectrl = world.start('ExampleCtrl')
collector = world.start('Collector', step_size=60)

We’ll create three model instances and one agent, and one database:
# Instantiate models
models = [examplesim.ExampleModel(init_val=i) for i in range(-2, 3, 2)]
agents = examplectrl.Agent.create(len(models))
monitor = collector.Monitor()

We use a list comprehension to create three model instances with individual initial values (-2, 0 and 2). For instantiating
the same amount of agent instances we use create() which does the same as a list comprehension but is a bit shorter.
We finally connect each model to an agent (one-to-one):
# Connect entities
for model, agent in zip(models, agents):
world.connect(model, agent, ('val', 'val_in'), async_requests=True)

The important thing here is the async_requests=True argument that we pass to connect(). This tells mosaik
that our control mechanism may do async. requests (e.g., setting data to the models).
Finally, we can connect the models to the monitor and run the simulation:
mosaik.util.connect_many_to_one(world, models, monitor, 'val', 'delta')

# Run simulation

In the output, you can clearly see the effect of our control mechanism:
Starting "ExampleSim" as "ExampleSim-0" ...
Starting "ExampleCtrl" as "ExampleCtrl-0" ...
Starting "Collector" as "Collector-0" ...
Starting simulation.
Progress: 3.33%
Progress: 6.67%
Progress: 10.00%
Progress: 13.33%
Progress: 16.67%
Progress: 20.00%
- delta: [1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1]
- val: [1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -2]
- ExampleSim-0.Model_2:
- delta: [1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1]
- val: [3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -2, -1, 0]

This is the complete scenario:

5.4. Integrating a control mechanism 35

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

import mosaik
import mosaik.util

# Sim config. and other parameters

'ExampleSim': {
'python': 'simulator_mosaik:ExampleSim',
'ExampleCtrl': {
'python': 'controller:Controller',
'Collector': {
'cmd': 'python %(addr)s',
END = 10 * 60 # 10 minutes

# Create World
world = mosaik.World(SIM_CONFIG)

# Start simulators
examplesim = world.start('ExampleSim', eid_prefix='Model_')
examplectrl = world.start('ExampleCtrl')
collector = world.start('Collector', step_size=60)

# Instantiate models
models = [examplesim.ExampleModel(init_val=i) for i in range(-2, 3, 2)]
agents = examplectrl.Agent.create(len(models))
monitor = collector.Monitor()

# Connect entities
for model, agent in zip(models, agents):
world.connect(model, agent, ('val', 'val_in'), async_requests=True)

mosaik.util.connect_many_to_one(world, models, monitor, 'val', 'delta')

# Run simulation

Congratulations, you have mastered the mosaik tutorial. The following sections provide a more detailed description
of everything you learned so far.

5.5 Cyclic data-flow

Sometimes the simulated system requires cyclic data-flows between components without any control mechanisms
involved. In such a case using async_requests reduces the scenario flexibility since it forces you to specify data
exchange within a simulator’s interface (via set_data).
With version 2.5.0 mosaik provides an alternative way to establish cyclic data-flows between simulators. This is done
via time_shifted connections. They are functionally similar to the async_request concept, but require no adjustment of
simulator interfaces. Furthermore, they can work with cyclic data-flows involving any number of simulators (not just
cyclic interactions between two simulators). As an example, take three simulators A, B and C that are to be connected
in the way A B, B C, C A. After establishing the first two connections, mosaik will prohibit the third one since it might
lead to deadlocks. It is allowed, however, when established via

36 Chapter 5. Tutorials
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world.connect(src, dest, (‘c_out’, ‘a_in’), time_shifted=True, initial_data={‘c_out’: 0})

This connection will always be handled after all other connections and provide data to A only for its next time step.
This way, deadlocks are avoided. However, input data for the initial step of A has to be provided. This is done via the
initial_data argument. In this case, the initial data for ‘a_in’ is 0.
Odysseus tutorial

5.6 Connecting mosaik and Odysseus

In this first part of the tutorial we cover the two ways to connect mosaik and Odysseus, the second part is about how
to use Odysseus to process, visualize and store simulation data.
You can choose between two different solutions to connect mosaik and Odysseus. Both have their advantages and
disadvantages and therefore, the right choice depends on your use case. We recommend to use the SimAPI version for
No matter which connection we use, we first have to download Odysseus Server and Studio Client. For the first start
of Odysseus Studio the default user “System” and password “manager” have to be used, the tenant can be left empty.

5.6.1 Connecting via mosaik protocol handler

The easiest way to connect to mosaik is to use the mosaik protocol handler in Odysseus, which is available as installable
feature in Odysseus Studio. It uses the mosaik API through remote procedure calls (RPC) and offers a close coupling
of mosaik and Odysseus. With this, a blocked simulation in mosaik or a blocked processing in Odysseus will block
the other system as well. If this is a problem in your use case, you should look in the section Connecting via ZeroMQ.
First we have to install the mosaik feature from the incubcation site in odysseus, which can be found in the Odysseus
Wrapper Plugins.
After installing the feature we create a new Odysseus project and in the project a new Odysseus script file (more
information on Odysseus projects and script files can be found in this tutorial). To use mosaik as source we can use the
mosaik operator which contains a standard configuration of mandatory parameters. The script-code in the Odysseus
query language PQL looks like this:
#METADATA TimeInterval
mosaikCon := MOSAIK({SOURCE = 'mosaik', type='simapi'})

This is for the standard configuration. If you want to change something, for example to use another port, you need a
more detailed configuration:
#METADATA TimeInterval
mosaikCon1 := ACCESS({TRANSPORT = 'TCPServer',
PROTOCOL = 'mosaik',
SOURCE = 'mosaik',
DATAHANDLER = 'KeyValueObject',
WRAPPER = 'GenericPush',
['port', '5555'],
['mosaikPort', '5554'],
['byteorder', 'LITTLE_ENDIAN']

5.6. Connecting mosaik and Odysseus 37

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

As we can see the protocol ‘mosaik’ is chosen. When the query is started, the mosaik protocol handler in Odysseus
opens a TCP server for receiving data from mosaik.
Before we can receive data, we have to adapt our mosaik scenario. Here we take the mosaik-demo as an example.
The Odysseus simulator is treated just like any other component in mosaik. It has to be added to the SIM_CONFIG
parameter. For the connection to the simulator the connect command is used and the IP address and port of Odysseus
have to be specified:
sim_config = {
'Odysseus': {
'connect': '',

After that, we have to initialize the simulator and connect it to all components whose data we want to revceive in
Odysseus. For the mosaik-demo, we have to add the following lines of code to the scenario definition:
# Start simulators
odysseusModel = world.start('Odysseus', step_size=60*15)

# Instantiate models
odysseus = odysseusModel.Odysseus.create(1)
ody = odysseus[0]

# Connect entities
connect_many_to_one(world, nodes, ody, 'P', 'Vm')
connect_many_to_one(world, houses, ody, 'P_out')
connect_many_to_one(world, pvs, ody, 'P')

Now we have set up everything to receive mosaiks data in Odysseus. To begin transfering data we have to start first
the query in Odysseus and then the simulation in mosaik.
For more information on how to use Odysseus visit part two.

5.6.2 Connecting via ZeroMQ

In contrast to the close coupling via mosaik protocol handler the coupling via ZeroMQ is more loose. Mosaik sends
all data as data stream with ZeroMQ and Odysseus can even be closed and restarted during the simulation without
affecting mosaik. This behaviour holds the risk of loosing data so it should only be used if this doesn’t cause problems.
First we have to install the following features for Odysseus from incubation site:
• Odysseus Wrapper Plugins / Zero MQ
• Odysseus Wrapper Plugins / mosaik (only if you want to use the mosaik operator)
And from the update site:
• Odysseus Odysseus_core Plugins / Json Wrapper
After installing the features we create a new Odysseus project and in the project a new Odysseus script file. The
messages sent by mosaik are formatted in JSON format and sent via ZeroMQ. So we have to choose the corresponding
ZeroMQ transport handler and JSON protocol handler:
#METADATA TimeInterval
mosaikCon3 := ACCESS({TRANSPORT = 'ZeroMQ',
SOURCE = 'mosaik',
DATAHANDLER = 'KeyValueObject',

38 Chapter 5. Tutorials
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WRAPPER = 'GenericPush',
['host', ''],
['readport', '5558'],
['writeport', '5559'],
['byteorder', 'LITTLE_ENDIAN']

If you use the standard configurtion you can use the short version (feature “wrapper / mosaik” has to be installed):
#METADATA TimeInterval
mosaikCon2 := MOSAIK({SOURCE = 'mosaik', type='zeromq'})

After setting up Odysseus we have to install the mosaik-zmq adapter in our mosaik virtualenv. It is available on
bitbucket and PyPI. To install it we have to activate our mosaik virtualenv and execute (if there are errors during
installation have a look in the readme):
pip install mosaik-zmq

The mosaik-zmq adapter is treated in mosaik like any other component of the simulation. If we use the mosaik demo,
we have to add the new simulator to the SIM_CONFIG parameter:
sim_config = {
'ZMQ': {
'cmd': 'mosaik-zmq %(addr)s',

Also we have to initialize the ZeroMQ simulator and connect it to other components:
# Start simulators
zmqModel = world.start('ZMQ', step_size=15*60, duration=END)

# Instantiate models
zmq = zmqModel.Socket(host='tcp://*:', port=5558, socket_type='PUB')

# Connect entities
connect_many_to_one(world, nodes, zmq, 'P', 'Vm')
connect_many_to_one(world, houses, zmq, 'P_out')
connect_many_to_one(world, pvs, zmq, 'P')

For more information on how to use Odysseus visit part two.

5.7 Using Odysseus to process, visualize and store simulation data

This tutorial will give some examples on how you can use Odysseus to process, visualize and store the data from
mosaik. More information about connecting mosaik and Odysseus can be found in the first part of the tutorial and
more about Odysseus in general can be found in its documentation. If you have no experience with Odysseus you
should first visit the tutorials in its documentation. Simple query processing and selection, projection and map should
explain the basics.

5.7.1 Processing

Mosaik sends data in JSON format and so the key-value-object has to be used as datatype for receiving in Odysseus.
But most operators in Odysseus are based on relational tuples with a fixed schema, so it can be useful to transform

5.7. Using Odysseus to process, visualize and store simulation data 39

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

arriving key-value objects to relational tuples. For this the totuple operator can be used. It creates relational tuples
with the given attributes and omitts all data, which is not included in the schema:
tuples = TOTUPLE({
['odysseus_0.Vm.PyPower-0.0-tr_sec', 'Double'],
['odysseus_0.Vm.PyPower-0.0-node_b1', 'Double'],
['odysseus_0.Vm.PyPower-0.0-node_b2', 'Double'],
['odysseus_0.Vm.PyPower-0.0-node_b3', 'Double'],
['odysseus_0.Vm.PyPower-0.0-node_b4', 'Double'],
['timestamp', 'STARTTIMESTAMP']
TYPE = 'mosaik'},

For better handling we can rename the attributes with the rename operator:
renamedTuples = RENAME({aliases =
['tr_sec_Vm', 'node1_Vm', 'node2_Vm', 'node3_Vm', 'node4_Vm', 'timestamp']
}, tuples)

We can also add computations to the data with a map operator. The expressions parameter contains first the computa-
tion and second the new name for every attribute. In this example the deviation of voltage to the nominal voltage of
230 V is calculated (more information about the offered functions can be found here):
voltageDeviation = MAP({EXPRESSIONS = [
['abs(230 - tr_sec_Vm)', 'dev_tr_sec_Vm'],
['abs(230 - Node1_Vm)', 'dev_Node1_Vm'],
['abs(230 - Node2_Vm)', 'dev_Node2_Vm'],
['abs(230 - Node3_Vm)', 'dev_Node3_Vm'],
['abs(230 - Node4_Vm)', 'dev_Node4_Vm']
]}, renamedTuples)

By using the aggregate operator we are able to calculate e.g. the average values. We have to add an timewindow
operator first to have the right timestamps for aggregating.
windowedTuples = TIMEWINDOW({SIZE = [5, 'MINUTES']}, voltageDeviation)
aggregatedTuples = AGGREGATE({
['AVG', 'dev_tr_sec_Vm', 'AVG_dev_tr_sec_P'],
['AVG', 'dev_Node1_Vm', 'AVG_dev_Node1_P'],
['AVG', 'dev_Node2_Vm', 'AVG_dev_Node2_P'],
['AVG', 'dev_Node3_Vm', 'AVG_dev_Node3_P'],
['AVG', 'dev_Node4_Vm', 'AVG_dev_Node4_P']

5.7.2 Visualisation

To visualize data in Odysseus dashboards can be used, which can contain different graphs. For the data stream shown
in the section above an exemplary dashboard could look like the following picture:

More information about dashboards in Odysseus can be found in the documentation.

40 Chapter 5. Tutorials
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5.7.3 Storing

If we want to save the results of our Odysseus query, we can use the sender operator to export it, e.g. to a csv file:
send = SENDER({
]}, aggregatedTuples)

Odysseus also offers adapters to store the processed data to different databases (e.g. mysql, postgres and oracle). More
details can be found here.
Java API tutorial

5.8 Integrating a Model in Java

What do we do if we want to connect a simulator to mosaik which ist written in Java? In this tutorial we will describe
how to create a simple model in Java and integrate it into mosaik using the mosaik-Java high level API. We will do
this with the help of our simple model from the Python tutorial, i. e. we will try to replicate the first part of the Python
tutorial as close as possible.

5.8.1 Getting the Java API

First you have to get the sources of the mosaik-API for Java which is provided on Bitbucket. Clone it and put it in the
development environment of your choice.

5.8.2 Creating the model

Next we create a Java class for our model. Our example model has exact the same behaviour as our simple model in
the Python tutorial. To distinguish it from the Python-model we call it JModel. The only difference to the Python-
model is that in Java we need two constructors (with and without init value) and getter and setter methods to access
the variables val and delta.
class JModel {
private float val;
private float delta = 1;

public JModel() {
this.val = 0;

public JModel(float initVal) {

this.val = initVal;

public float get_val() {

return this.val;

5.8. Integrating a Model in Java 41

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public float get_delta() {


public void set_delta(float delta) { = delta;

public void step() {

this.val +=;

5.8.3 Creating the simulator

A simulator provides the functionality that is necessary to manages instances of our model and to execute the models.
We need a method addModel to create instances of our model and an ArrayList models to store them. The step method
executes a simulation for each model instance. To access the values and deltas we need getter and setter methods. In
our example the class implementing these functionalities is called JSimulator.
class JSimulator {
private final ArrayList<JModel> models;

public JSimulator() {
this.models = new ArrayList<JModel>();

public void add_model(Number init_val) {

JModel model;
if (init_val == null) {
model = new JModel();
} else {
model = new JModel(init_val.floatValue());

public void step() {

for (int i = 0; i < this.models.size(); i++) {
JModel model = this.models.get(i);

public float get_val(int idx) {

JModel model = this.models.get(idx);
return model.get_val();

public float get_delta(int idx) {

JModel model = this.models.get(idx);
return model.get_delta();

public void set_delta(int idx, float delta) {

JModel model = this.models.get(idx);

42 Chapter 5. Tutorials
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5.8.4 Implementing the mosaik API

Finally we need to implement the mosaik-API methods. In our example this is done in a class called JExampleSim.
This class has to extent the abstract class Simulator from mosaik-java-api which is the Java-equivalent to the Sim-
ulator class in Python. The class Simulator provides the four mosaik-API-calls init(), create(), step(),
and getData() which we have to implement. For a more detailed explanation of the API-calls see the API-
But first we have to put together the meta-data containing information about models, attributes, and parameters of our
simulator. ‘models’ are all models our simulator provides. In our case this is only JModel. ‘public’: true tells mosaik
that it is allowed to create models of this class. ‘params’ are parameter that are passed during initialisation, in our case
this is init_val. ‘attrs’ is a list of values that can be exchanged.
private static final JSONObject meta = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(("{"
+ " 'api_version': " + Simulator.API_VERSION + ","
+ " 'models': {"
+ " 'JModel': {"
+ " 'public': true,"
+ " 'params': ['init_val'],"
+ " 'attrs': ['val', 'delta']"
+ " }"
+ " }"
+ "}").replace("'", "\""));

First method is init() that returns the meta data. In addition it is possible to pass arguments for initialization. In our
case there is eid_prefix which will be used to name instances of the models:
public Map<String, Object> init(String sid, Map<String, Object> simParams) {
if (simParams.containsKey("eid_prefix")) {
this.eid_prefix = simParams.get("eid_prefix").toString();
return JExampleSim.meta;

create() creates new instances of the model JModel by calling the add_model-method of JSimulator. It also assigns
ID (eid) to the models, so that it is able to keep track of them. It has to return a list with the name (eid) and type of the
models. You can find more details about the return object in the API-documentation.
public List<Map<String, Object>> create(int num, String model,
Map<String, Object> modelParams) {
JSONArray entities = new JSONArray();
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
String eid = this.eid_prefix + (this.idCounter + i);
if (modelParams.containsKey("init_val")) {
Number init_val = (Number) modelParams.get("init_val");
JSONObject entity = new JSONObject();
entity.put("eid", eid);
entity.put("type", model);
entity.put("rel", new JSONArray());
this.entities.put(eid, this.idCounter + i);

5.8. Integrating a Model in Java 43

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this.idCounter += num;
return entities;

step() tells the simulator to perform a simulation step. It passes the time, the current simulation time, and inputs,
a JSON data object with input data from preceding simulators. The structure of inputs is explained in the API-
documentation. If there are new delta-values in inputs they are set in the appropriate model instance. Finally it calls
the simulator’s step()-method which, on its part, calls the step()-methods of the individual model-instances.
public long step(long time, Map<String, Object> inputs) {
//go through entities in inputs
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entity : inputs.entrySet()) {
//get attrs from entity
Map<String, Object> attrs = (Map<String, Object>) entity.getValue();
//go through attrs of the entity
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> attr : attrs.entrySet()) {
//check if there is a new delta
String attrName = attr.getKey();
if (attrName.equals("delta")) {
//sum up deltas from different sources
Object[] values = ((Map<String, Object>) attr.getValue()).values().toArray();
float value = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
value += ((Number) values[i]).floatValue();
//set delta
String eid = entity.getKey();
int idx = this.entities.get(eid);
this.simulator.set_delta(idx, value);
//call step-method

return time + this.stepSize;


getData() gets the simulator’s output data from the last simulation step. It passes outputs, a JSON data object that
describes which parameters are requested. getData() goes through outputs, retrieves the requested values from the
appropriate instances of JModel and puts it in data. The structure of outputs and data is explained in the API-
public Map<String, Object> getData(Map<String, List<String>> outputs) {
Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();
//*outputs* lists the models and the output values that are requested
//go through entities in outputs
for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entity : outputs.entrySet()) {
String eid = entity.getKey();
List<String> attrs = entity.getValue();
HashMap<String, Object> values = new HashMap<String, Object>();
int idx = this.entities.get(eid);
//go through attrs of the entity
for (String attr : attrs) {
if (attr.equals("val")) {
values.put(attr, this.simulator.get_val(idx));

44 Chapter 5. Tutorials
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else if (attr.equals("delta")) {
values.put(attr, this.simulator.get_delta(idx));
data.put(eid, values);
return data;

5.8.5 Connecting the simulator to mosaik

We use the same scenario as in our Python example demo1. The only thing we have to change is the way we connect
our simulator to mosaik. There are two ways to do this:
• cmd: mosaik calls the Java API by executing the command given in cmd. Mosaik starts the Java-API in a new
process and connects it to mosaik. This works only if your simulator runs on the same machine as mosaik.
• connect: mosaik connects to the Java-API which runs as a TCP server. This works also if mosaik and the
simulator are running on different machines.
For more details about how to connect simulators to mosaik see the section about the Sim Manager in the mosaik-

Connecting the simulator using cmd

We have to give mosaik the command how to start our Java simulator. This is done in SIM_CONFIG. The marked
lines show the differences to our Python simulator.
# Sim config. and other parameters
'JExampleSim': {
'cmd': 'java -cp JExampleSim.jar de.offis.mosaik.api.JExampleSim %(addr)s',
'Collector': {
'cmd': 'python %(addr)s',
END = 10 * 60 # 10 minutes

The placeholder %(addr)s is later replaced with IP address and port by mosaik. If we now execute we get
the same output as in our Python-example.

Note: The command how to start the Java simulator may differ depending on your operating system. If the command
is complex, e. g. if it contains several libraries, it is usually better to put it in a script and than call the script in cmd.

Connecting the simulator using connect

In this case the Java API acts as TCP server and listens at the given address and port. Let’s say the simulator runs on
a computer with the IP-address We can now choose a port that is not assigned by default. In our example
we choose port 5678. Make sure that IP-address and port is accessible from the computer that hosts mosaik (firewalls

5.8. Integrating a Model in Java 45

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Note: Of course you can run mosaik and your simulator on the same machine by using (local-
host). You may want to do this for testing and experimenting. Apart from that the connection with cmd (see above) is
usually the better alternative because you don’t have to start the Java part separately.

We have to tell mosaik how to connect to the simulator. This is done in SIM_CONFIG in our scenario (demo1):
# Sim config. and other parameters
'JExampleSim': {
'connect': '',
'Collector': {
'cmd': 'python %(addr)s',
END = 10 * 60 # 10 minutes

The marked lines show the differences to our Python simulator. Our simulator is now called JExampleSim and we
need to give the simulator’s address and port after the connect key word.
Now we start JExampleSim. To tell the mosaik-Java-API to run as TCP-server is done by starting it with “server” as
second argument. The first command line argument is IP-address and port. The command line in our example looks
like this:
java -cp JExampleSim.jar de.offis.mosaik.api.JExampleSim server

If we now execute we get the same output as in our Python-example.

Note: You can find the source code used in this tutorial in the mosaik-source-files in the folder

46 Chapter 5. Tutorials

The mosaik API

The mosaik API defines the communication protocol between mosaik and the simulators it couples. We differentiate
between a low-level and a high-level version of the API.
The low-level API uses plain network sockets to exchange JSON encoded messages.
The high-level API is an implementation of the low-level API in a specific programming language. It encapsulates all
parts related to networking (socket handling, an event loop, message (de)serialization) and provides an abstract base
class with a few methods that have to be implemented in a subclass. A high-level API implementation is currently
available for Python and Java. Implementations for other languages will be added when needed.
The figure below depicts the differences between the two API levels.

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2


6.1 How mosaik communicates with a simulator

This section provides a general overview which API calls exists and when mosaik calls them. The following sections
will go into more detail.
When the connection between a simulator and mosaik is established, mosaik will first call init(), optionally passing
some global parameters to the simulator. The simulators returns some meta data describing itself.
Following this, mosaik may call create() multiple times in order to instantiate one of the models that the simulator
implements. The return value contains information describing the entities created.
The end of create phase and the beginning of the step (or simulation) phase is marked by a call to setup_done().

48 Chapter 6. The mosaik API

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At this point, all entities are created and all relations between them are established.
When the simulation has been started, mosaik repeatedly calls step(). This allows the simulator to step forward in
time. It returns the time at which it wants to perform its next step.
Finally, mosaik sends a stop() message to every simulator to request its shut-down.
The following figure depicts the sequence of these messages:

After create() or step() have been called, there may be an arbitrary amount of get_data() calls where
mosaik requests the current values of some entities’ attributes:

6.1. How mosaik communicates with a simulator 49

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

These methods are usually sufficient to connect simple simulators to mosaik. However, control strategies, visual-
izations or database adapters may need to actively query mosaik for additional data. Thus, while a simulator is
executing a simulation step, it may make asynchronous requests to mosaik. It can get the current simulation progress
(get_progress()), collect information about the simulated topology (get_related_entities()), query
other entities for data (get_data()) and set data for other entities (set_data()).

50 Chapter 6. The mosaik API

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The next two section explain the low-level API and the Python high-level API in more detail.

6.2 The low-level API

The low-level API uses standard TCP sockets. If mosaik starts a simulator, that simulator needs to connect to mosaik.
If mosaik connects to a running instance of a simulator, that simulator obviously needs to provide a server socket that
mosaik can connect to.
Network messages consists of a four bytes long header and a payload of arbitrary length. The header is an unsigned
integer (uint32) in network byte order (big-endian) and stores the number of bytes in the payload. The payload itself
is a UTF-8 encoded JSON list containing the message type, a message ID and the actual content:

6.2. The low-level API 51

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

Messages send between mosaik and a simulator must follow the request-reply pattern. That means, that every request
that one party makes must be responded by the other party. Request use the message type 0, replies uses 1 for success
or 2 to indicate a failure. The message ID is an integer that is unique for every request that a network socket makes.
Replies (no matter if successful or failed) need to use the message ID of the corresponding request.
The content of a request roughly map to a Python function call:
[function, [arg0, arg1, ...], {kwarg0: val0, kwar1: val1}]

Thereby, function is always a string. The type of the arguments and keyword arguments may vary depending on the
The content of replies is either the return value of the request, or an error message or stack trace. Error messages and
stack traces should always be strings. The return value for successful requests depends on the function.

6.2.1 Example

We want to perform the following function call on the remote site: my_func(’hello’, ’world’,
times=23) --> ’the return value’. This would map to the following message payload:
[0, 1, ["my_func", ["hello", "world"], {"times": 23}]]

Our message is a request (message type 0), the message ID is 1 and the content is a JSON list containing the function
name as well as its arguments and keyword arguments.
The complete message sent via the network will be:
\x00\x00\x00\x36[1, 1, ["my_func", ["hello", "world"], {"times": 23}]]

In case of success, the reply’s payload to this request could look like this:
[1, 1, "the return value"]

In case of error, this could be the reply’s payload:

[2, 1, "Error in your code line 23: ..."]

The actual network messages would be:

\x00\x00\x00\x1a[1, 1, "the return value"]
\x00\x00\x00\x29[2, 1, "Error in your code line 23: ..."]

All commands that mosaik may send to a simulator are described in-depth in the next section. All asynchronous
requests that a simulator may make are described in Asynchronous requests.
API calls:
• init

52 Chapter 6. The mosaik API

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

• create
• setup_done
• step
• get_data
• stop
Async. requests:
• get_progress
• get_related_entities
• get_data
• set_data

6.2.2 API calls

This section decribes the API calls init(), create(), setup_done(), step(), get_data() and stop().
In addition to these, a simulator may optionally expose additonal functions (referred to as extra methods). These
methods can be called at composition time (when you create your scenario).


["init", [sim_id], {**sim_params}] -> meta

The init call is made once to initialize the simulator. It has one positional argument, the simulator ID, and an
arbitrary amount of keyword arguments (sim_params).
The return value meta is an object with meta data about the simulator:
"api_version": "x.y",
"models": {
"ModelName": {
"public": true|false,
"params": ["param_1", ...],
"attrs": ["attr_1", ...],
"any_inputs": true|false,
"extra_methods": [

The api_version is a string that defines which version of the mosaik API the simulator implements. Since mosaik API
version 2.2, the simulator’s major version (“x”, in the snippet above) has to be equal to mosaik’s. Mosaik will cancel
the simulation if a version mismatch occurs.
models is an object describing the models provided by this simulator. The entry public determines whether a model
can be instantiated by a user (true) or if it is a sub-model that cannot be created directly (false). params is a list of
parameter names that can be passed to the model when creating it. attrs is a list of attribute names that can be accessed
(reading or writing). If the optional any_inputs flag is set to true, any attributes can be connected to the model, even

6.2. The low-level API 53

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

if they are not attrs. This may, for example, be useful for databases that don’t know in advance which attributes of an
entity they’ll receive.
extra_methods is an optional list of methods that a simulator provides in addition to the standard API calls (init(),
create() and so on). These methods can be called while the scenario is being created and can be used for operations
that don’t really belong into init() or create().


["init", ["PowerGridSim-0"], {"step_size": 60}]

"api_version": "2.2",
"models": {
"Grid": {
"public": true,
"params": ["topology_file"],
"attrs": []
"Node": {
"public": false,
"params": [],
"attrs": ["P", "Q"]
"Branch": {
"public": false,
"params": [],
"attrs": ["I", "I_max"]


["create", [num, model], {**model_params}] -> entity_list

Create num instances of model using the provided model_params

num is an integer for the number of model instances to create.
model needs to be a public entry in the simulator’s meta[’models’] (see init).
model_params is an object mapping parameters (from meta[’models’][model][’params’], see init) to their
Return a (nested) list of objects describing the created model instances (entities). The root list must contain exactly
num elements. The number of objects in sub-lists is not constrained:
"eid": "eid_1",
"type": "model_name",
"rel": ["eid_2", ...],
"children": <entity_list>,

54 Chapter 6. The mosaik API

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2


The entity ID (eid) of an object must be unique within a simulator instance. For entities in the root list, type
must be the same as the model parameter. The type for objects in sub-lists may be anything that can be found in
meta[’models’] (see init). rel is an optional list of related entities; “related” means that two entities are some-
how connect within the simulator, either logically or via a real data-flow (e.g., grid nodes are related to their adjacent
branches). The children entry is optional and may contain a sub-list of entities.


["create", [1, "Grid"], {"topology_file": "data/grid.json"}]

"eid": "Grid_1",
"type": "Grid",
"rel": [],
"children": [
"eid": "node_0",
"type": "Node",
"eid": "node_1",
"type": "Node",
"eid": "branch_0",
"type": "Branch",
"rel": ["node_0", "node_1"]


["setup_done", [], {}] -> null

Callback that indicates that the scenario setup is done and the actual simulation is about to start.
At this point, all entities and all connections between them are know but no simulator has been stepped yet.
Implementing this method is optional.
Added in mosaik API version 2.2.



6.2. The low-level API 55

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

["setup_done", [], {}]



["step", [time, inputs], {}] -> time_next_step

Perform the next simulation step from time time using input values from inputs and return the new simulation time
(the time at which step should be called again).
time and the time returned are integers. Their unit is seconds (counted from simulation start).
inputs is a dict of dicts mapping entity IDs to attributes and dicts of values (each simulator has to decide on its own
how to reduce the values (e.g., as its sum, average or maximum):
"eid_1": {
"attr_1": {'src_full_id_1': val_1_1, 'src_full_id_2': val_1_2, ...},
"attr_2": {'src_full_id_1': val_2_1, 'src_full_id_2': val_2_2, ...},


"node_1": {"P": [20, 3.14], "Q": [3, -2.5]},
"node_2": {"P": [42], "Q": [-23.2]},



["get_data", [outputs], {}] -> data

Return the data for the requested attributes in outputs

outputs is an object mapping entity IDs to lists of attribute names whose values are requested:

56 Chapter 6. The mosaik API

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

"eid_1": ["attr_1", "attr_2", ...],

The return value needs to be an object of objects mapping entity IDs and attribute names to their values:
"eid_1: {
"attr_1": "val_1",
"attr_2": "val_2",


["get_data", [{"branch_0": ["I"]}], {}]

"branch_0": {
"I": 42.5


["stop", [], {}] -> null

Immediately stop the simulation and terminate.

This call has no parameters and no reply is required.


["stop", [], {}]

no reply required

6.2.3 Asynchronous requests


["get_progress", [], {}] -> progress

Return the current overall simulation progress in percent.

6.2. The low-level API 57

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2


["get_progress", [], {}]



["get_related_entities", [entities], {}] -> related_entities

Return information about the related entities of entities.

If entitites omitted (or null), return the complete entity graph, e.g.:
"nodes": {
"sid_0.eid_0": {"type": "A"},
"sid_0.eid_1": {"type": "B"},
"sid_1.eid_0": {"type": "C"},
"edges": [
["sid_0.eid_0", "sid_1.eid0", {}],
["sid_0.eid_1", "sid_1.eid0", {}],

If entities is a single string (e.g., sid_1.eid_0), return an object containing all entities related to that entity:
"sid_0.eid_0": {"type": "A"},
"sid_0.eid_1": {"type": "B"},

If entities is a list of entity IDs (e.g., ["sid_0.eid_0", "sid_0.eid_1"]), return an object mapping each
entity to an object of related entities:
"sid_0.eid_0": {
"sid_1.eid_0": {"type": "B"},
"sid_0.eid_1": {
"sid_1.eid_1": {"type": "B"},


["get_related_entities", [["grid_sim_0.node_0", "grid_sim_0.node_1"]] {}]


58 Chapter 6. The mosaik API

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

"grid_sim_0.node_0": {
"grid_sim_0.branch_0": {"type": "Branch"},
"pv_sim_0.pv_0": {"type": "PV"}
"grid_sim_0.node_1": {
"grid_sim_0.branch_0": {"type": "Branch"}


["get_data", [attrs], {}] -> data

Get the data for the requested attributes in attrs.

attrs is an object of (fully qualified) entity IDs mapping to lists of attribute names:
"sim_id.eid_1": ["attr_1", "attr_2", ...],

The return value is an object mapping the input entity IDs to data objects mapping attribute names to there respective
"sim_id.eid_1: {
"attr_1": "val_1",
"attr_2": "val_2",


["get_data", [{"grid_sim_0.branch_0": ["I"]}], {}]

"grid_sim_0.branch_0": {
"I": 42.5


["set_data", [data], {}] -> null

Set data as input data for all affected simulators.

6.2. The low-level API 59

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

data is an object mapping source entity IDs to objects which in turn map destination entity IDs to objects
of attributes and values ({"src_full_id": {"dest_full_id": {"attr1": "val1", "attr2":


"mas_0.agent_0": {"pvsim_0.pv_0": {"P_target": 20,
"Q_target": 3.14}},
"mas_0.agent_1": {"pvsim_0.pv_1": {"P_target": 21,
"Q_target": 2.718}}


6.3 The high-level API

Currently, there are high-level API for Python and Java. Implementations for C# and MatLab will be available soon.

6.3.1 Installation

The Python implementation of the mosaik API is available as a separate package an can easily be installed via pip:
pip install mosaik-api

It supports Python 2.7, >= 3.3 and PyPy.

For the use of the Java-API please refer to the Java-tutorial.

6.3.2 Usage

You create a subclass of mosaik_api.Simulator which implements the four API calls init(), create(),
step() and get_data(). You can optionally override configure() and finalize(). The former allows
you to handle additional command line arguments that your simulator may need. The latter is called just before the
simulator terminates and allows you to perform some clean-up.
You then call mosaik_api.start_simulation() from your main() function to get everything set-up and run-
ning. That function handles the networking as well as serialization and de-serialization of messages. Commands from
the low-level API are translated to simple function calls. The return value of these functions is used for the reply.
For example, the message
["create", [2, "Model", {"param1": 15, "param2": "spam"}]

will result in a call

60 Chapter 6. The mosaik API

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

create(2, 'Model', param1=15, param2='spam')

API calls

class mosaik_api.Simulator(meta)
This is the base class that you need to inherit from and implement the API calls.
Meta data describing the simulator (the same that is returned by init()).
'api_version': 'x.y',
'models': {
'ModelName': {
'public': True|False,
'params': ['param_1', ...],
'attrs': ['attr_1', ...],
'any_inputs': True|False,
'extra_methods': [

The api_version is a string that defines which version of the mosaik API the simulator implements. Since
mosaik API version 2.3, the simulator’s major version (“x”, in the snippet above) has to be equal to
mosaik’s. Mosaik will cancel the simulation if a version mismatch occurs.
models is a dictionary describing the models provided by this simulator. The entry public determines
whether a model can be instantiated by a user (True) or if it is a sub-model that cannot be created directly
(False). params is a list of parameter names that can be passed to the model when creating it. attrs is
a list of attribute names that can be accessed (reading or writing). If the optional any_inputs flag is set to
true, any attributes can be connected to the model, even if they are not attrs. This may, for example, be
useful for databases that don’t know in advance which attributes of an entity they’ll receive.
extra_methods is an optional list of methods that a simulator provides in addition to the standard API calls
(init(), create() and so on). These methods can be called while the scenario is being created and
can be used for operations that don’t really belong into init() or create().
An RPC proxy to mosaik.
init(sid, **sim_params)
Initialize the simulator with the ID sid and apply additional parameters (sim_params) sent by mosaik.
Return the meta data meta.
If your simulator has no sim_params, you don’t need to override this method.
create(num, model, **model_params)
Create num instances of model using the provided model_params.
num is an integer for the number of model instances to create.
model needs to be a public entry in the simulator’s meta[’models’].
model_params is a dictionary mapping parameters (from meta[’models’][model][’params’])
to their values.

6.3. The high-level API 61

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

Return a (nested) list of dictionaries describing the created model instances (entities). The root list must
contain exactly num elements. The number of objects in sub-lists is not constrained:
'eid': 'eid_1',
'type': 'model_name',
'rel': ['eid_2', ...],
'children': [
{'eid': 'child_1', 'type': 'child'},

The entity ID (eid) of an object must be unique within a simulator instance. For entities in the root list,
type must be the same as the model parameter. The type for objects in sub-lists may be anything that can
be found in meta[’models’]. rel is an optional list of related entities; “related” means that two entities
are somehow connect within the simulator, either logically or via a real data-flow (e.g., grid nodes are
related to their adjacent branches). The children entry is optional and may contain a sub-list of entities.
Callback that indicates that the scenario setup is done and the actual simulation is about to start.
At this point, all entities and all connections between them are know but no simulator has been stepped
Implementing this method is optional.
Added in mosaik API version 2.3
step(time, inputs)
Perform the next simulation step from time time using input values from inputs and return the new simu-
lation time (the time at which step() should be called again).
time and the time retuned are integers. Their unit is seconds (from simulation start).
inputs is a dict of dicts mapping entity IDs to attributes and dicts of values (each simulator has do decide
on its own how to reduce the values (e.g., as its sum, average or maximum):
'dest_eid': {
'attr': {'src_fullid': val, ...},

Return the data for the requested attributes in outputs
outputs is a dict mapping entity IDs to lists of attribute names whose values are requested:
'eid_1': ['attr_1', 'attr_2', ...],

The return value needs to be a dict of dicts mapping entity IDs and attribute names to their values:

62 Chapter 6. The mosaik API

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

'eid_1: {
'attr_1': 'val_1',
'attr_2': 'val_2',

configure(args, backend, env)

This method can be overridden to configure the simulation with the command line args as created by
backend and env are the backend and environment used for networking. You can use them to start
extra processes (e.g., a web server).
The default implementation simply ignores them.
This method can be overridden to do some clean-up operations after the simulation finished (e.g., shutting
down external processes).
The mosaik-api package provides an example simulator that demonstrates how the API can be implemented.

Asynchronous requests

The asynchronous requests can be called via the MosaikRemote proxy self.mosaik from within step(). They
don’t return the actual results but an event (similar to a future of deferred). The event will eventually hold the actual
result. To wait for that result to arrive, you simply yield the event, e.g.:
def step(self, time, inputs):
progress = yield self.mosaik.get_progress()
# ...

Return the current simulation progress from sim_progress.
Return information about the related entities of entities.
If entities omitted (or None), return the complete entity graph, e.g.:
'nodes': {
'sid_0.eid_0': {'type': 'A'},
'sid_0.eid_1': {'type': 'B'},
'sid_1.eid_0': {'type': 'C'},
'edges': [
['sid_0.eid_0', 'sid_1.eid0', {}],
['sid_0.eid_1', 'sid_1.eid0', {}],

If entities is a single string (e.g., sid_1.eid_0), return a dict containing all entities related to that entity:
'sid_0.eid_0': {'type': 'A'},
'sid_0.eid_1': {'type': 'B'},

6.3. The high-level API 63

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

If entities is a list of entity IDs (e.g., [’sid_0.eid_0’, ’sid_0.eid_1’]), return a dict mapping each
entity to a dict of related entities:
'sid_0.eid_0': {
'sid_1.eid_0': {'type': 'B'},
'sid_0.eid_1': {
'sid_1.eid_1': {'type': 'B'},

Return the data for the requested attributes attrs.
attrs is a dict of (fully qualified) entity IDs mapping to lists of attribute names ({’sid/eid’: [’attr1’,
The return value is a dictionary, which maps the input entity IDs to data dictionaries, which in turn map attribute
names to their respective values: ({’sid/eid’: {’attr1’: val1, ’attr2’: val2}}).
Set data as input data for all affected simulators.
data is a dictionary mapping source entity IDs to destination entity IDs with dictionaries of attributes
and values ({’src_full_id’: {’dest_full_id’: {’attr1’: ’val1’, ’attr2’:
The mosaik-api package provides an example “multi-agent system” that demonstrates how to perform asynchronous
requests can be implemented.

Starting the simulator

To start your simulator, you just need to create an instance of your Simulator sub-class and pass it to
mosaik_api.start_simulation(simulator, description=’‘, extra_options=None)
Start the simulation process for simulation.
simulation is the instance of your API implementation (see Simulator).
description may override the default description printed with the help on the command line.
extra_option may be a list of options for docopt (example: [’-e, --example Enable example
mode’]). Commandline arguments are passed to Simulator.configure() so that your API implemen-
tation can handle them.
Here is an example with a bit more context:
import mosaik_api

example_meta = {
'models' {
'A': {
'public': True,
'params': ['init_val'],
'attrs': ['val_out', 'dummy_out'],

64 Chapter 6. The mosaik API

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

class ExampleSim(mosaik_api.Simulator):
def __init__(self):

sim_name = 'ExampleSimulation'

def configure(self, args, backend, env):

# Here you could handle additional command line arguments

def init(self, sid):

# Initialize the simulator
return self.meta

# Implement the remaining methods (create, step, get_data, ...)

def main():
import sys

description = 'A simple example simulation for mosaik.'

extra_options = [
'--foo Enable foo',
'--bar BAR The bar parameter',

return mosaik_api.start_simulation(ExampleSim(), description, extra_options)

if __name__ == '__main__':

6.3. The high-level API 65

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

66 Chapter 6. The mosaik API


Scenario definition

Modeling or composing a scenario in mosaik comprises three steps:

1. Starting simulators,
2. Instantiating models within the simulators, and
3. Connecting the model instances of different simulators to establish the data flow between them.
This page will show you how to create simple scenarios in these three steps. It will also provide some recipes that
allow you to create more complex scenarios.

7.1 The setup

The central class for creating scenarios is mosaik.scenario.World (for your convenience, you can also import
World directly from mosaik). This class stores all data and state that belongs to your scenario and its simulation. It
also provides various methods that allow you to start simulators and establish the data flows between them.
In this tutorial, we’ll create a very simple scenario using the example simulation that is provided with the Python
implementation of the simulator API.
We start by importing the mosaik package and creating a World instance:
>>> import mosaik
>>> sim_config = {
... 'ExampleSim': {'python': 'example_sim.mosaik:ExampleSim'},
... }
>>> world = mosaik.World(sim_config)

As we start simulator instances by using world, it needs to know what simulators are available and how to start them.
This is called the sim config and is a dict that contains every simulator we want to use together with some information
on how to start it.
In our case, the only simulator is the ExampleSim. It will be started by importing the module
example_sim.mosaik and instantiating the class ExampleSim. This is only possible with simulators written in
Python 3. You can also let mosaik start simulator as external processes or let it connect to already running processes.
The simulator manager docs explain how this all works and give you some hints when to use which method of starting
a simulator.
In addition to the sim config you can optionally pass another dictionary to World in order to overwrite some general
parameters for mosaik (e.g., the host and port number for its network socket or timeouts). Usually, the defaults work
just well.

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

7.2 Starting simulators

Now that the basic set-up is done, we can start our simulators:
>>> simulator_0 = world.start('ExampleSim', step_size=2)
Starting "ExampleSim" as "ExampleSim-0" ...
>>> simulator_1 = world.start('ExampleSim')
Starting "ExampleSim" as "ExampleSim-1" ...

To start a simulator, we call World.start() and pass the name of the simulator. Mosaik looks up that name in its
sim config, starts the simulator for us and returns a ModelFactory. This factory allows us to instantiate simulation
models within that simulator.
In addition to the simulator name, you can pass further parameters for the simulators. These parameters are passed to
the simulator via the init() API call.

7.3 Instantiating simulation models

Simulators specify a set of public models in their meta data (see init() API call). These models can be accessed with
the ModelFactory that World.start() returns as if they were normal Python classes. So to create one instance
of ExampleSim’s model A we just write:
>>> a = simulator_0.A(init_val=0)

This will create one instance of the A simulation model and pass the model parameter init_val=0 to it (see create()
API call). Lets see what it is that gets returned to us:
>>> print(a)
Entity('ExampleSim-0', '0.0', 'ExampleSim', A)
>>> a.sid, a.eid, a.full_id
('ExampleSim-0', '0.0', 'ExampleSim-0.0.0')
>>> a.sim_name, a.type
('ExampleSim', 'A')
>>> a.children

A model instances is represented in your scenario as an Entity. The entity belongs to the simulator ExampleSim-0,
has the ID 0.0 and its type is A. The entity ID is unique within a simulator. To make it globally unique, we prepend it
with the simulator ID. This is called the entity’s full ID (see Entity.full_id). You can also get a list of its child
entities (which is empty in this case).
In order to instantiate multiple instances of a model, you can either use a simple list comprehension (or for loop) or
call the static method create() of the model:
>>> a_set = [simulator_0.A(init_val=i) for i in range(2)]
>>> b_set = simulator_1.B.create(3, init_val=1)

The list comprehension is more verbose but allows you to pass individual parameter values to each instance. Using
create() is more concise but all three instance will have the same value for init_val. In both cases you’ll get a list
of entities (aka entity sets).

7.4 Connecting entities

If we would now run our simulation, both, simulator_0 and simulator_1 would run in parallel and never exchange any
data. To change that, we need to connect the models providing input data to entities requiring this data. In our case,

68 Chapter 7. Scenario definition

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we will connect the val_out attribute of the A instances with the val_in attribute of the B instances:
>>> a_set.insert(0, a) # Put our first A instance to the others
>>> for a, b in zip(a_set, b_set):
... world.connect(a, b, ('val_out', 'val_in'))

The method World.connect() takes the source entity, the destination entity and an arbitrary amount of (source
attribute, dest. attribute) tuples. If the name of the source attributes equals that of the destination attribute, you can
alternatively just pass a single string (e.g., connect(a, b, ’attr’)).
You can only connect entities that belong to different simulators with each other (that’s why we created two instances
of the ExampleSim).
You are also not allowed to created circular dependencies (e.g., connect a to b and then connect b to a). To allow a
bidirectional exchange of data, which is required for things like control strategies, there is another mechanism that is
explained in one of the next sections (How to achieve bi-directional data-flows).

7.5 Running the simulation

When all simulators are started, models are instantiated and connected, we can finally run our simulation:
Starting simulation.
Simulation finished successfully.

This will execute the simulation from time 0 until we reach the time until (in simulated seconds). The scheduler
section explains in detail what happens when you call run().
To wrap it all up, this is how our small example scenario finally looks like:
# Setup
import mosaik

sim_config = {
'ExampleSim': {'python': 'example_sim.mosaik:ExampleSim'},

world = mosaik.World(sim_config)

# Start simulators
simulator_0 = world.start('ExampleSim', step_size=2)
simulator_1 = world.start('ExampleSim')

# Instantiate models
a_set = [simulator_0.A(init_val=i) for i in range(3)]
b_set = simulator_1.B.create(3, init_val=1)

# Connect entities
for a, b in zip(a_set, b_set):
world.connect(a, b, ('val_out', 'val_in'))

# Run simulation

7.5. Running the simulation 69

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7.6 How to achieve bi-directional data-flows

Bi-directional data-flows are important when you want to integrate, for example, control strategies. However, this
trivial approach is not allowed in mosaik:
# Send battery's active power value to the controller
world.connect(battery, controller, 'P')
# Controller sends back a schedule to the battery
world.connect(controller, battery, 'schedule')

The problem with this is that mosaik cannot know whether to compute battery.P or controller.schedule first.
To solve this problem, you only connect the battery’s P to the controller and let the control strategy set the new
schedule via the asynchronous request set_data. To indicate this in your scenario, you set the async_request flag of
World.connect() to True:
world.connect(battery, controller, 'P', async_requests=True)

This way, mosaik will push the value for P from the battery to the controller. It will then wait until the controller’s
step is done before the next step for the battery will be computed.
The step implementation of the controller could roughly look like this:
class Controller(Simulator):

def step(self, t, inputs):

schedule = self._get_schedule(inputs)
yield self.mosaik.set_data(schedule)
return t + self.step_size

7.7 How to filter entity sets

When you create large-scale scenarios, you often work with large sets of entities rather than single ones. This section
provides some examples how you can extract a sub-set of entities from a larger entity set based on arbitrary criteria.
Let’s assume that we have created a power grid with mosaik-pypower:
grid = pypower.Grid(gridfile='data/grid.json').children

Since mosaik-pypower’s Grid entity only serves as a container for the buses and branches of our power grid, we directly
bound its children to the name grid. So grid is now a list containing a RefBus entity and multiple Transformer, PQBus
and Branch entities.
So how do we get a list of all transformers? This way:
transformers = [e for e in grid if e.type == 'Transformer']

How do we get the single RefBus? This way:

refbus = [e for e in grid if e.type == 'RefBus'][0]

Our PQBus entities are named like Busbar_<i> and ConnectionPoint_<i> to indicate to which buses we can connect
consumers and producers and to which we shouldn’t connect anything. How do we get a list of all ConnectionPoint
buses? We might be tempted to do it this way:
conpoints = [e for e in grid if e.eid.startswith('ConnectionPoint_')]

70 Chapter 7. Scenario definition

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The problem in this particular case is, that mosaik-pypower prepends a “grid ID” to each entity ID, because it can han-
dle multiple grid instances at once. So our entity IDs are actually looking like this: <grid_idx>-ConnectionPoint_<i>.
Using regular expressions, we can get our list:
import re

regex_conpoint = re.compile(r'\d+-ConnectionPoint_\d+')

conpoints = [e for e in grid if regex_conpoint.match(e.eid)]

If we want to connect certain consumers or producers to defined nodes in our grid (e.g., your boss says: “This PV
module needs to be connected to ConnectionPoint_23!”), creating a dict instead of a list is a good idea:
remove_grididx = lambda e: e.eid.split('-', 1)[1] # Little helper function
cps_by_name = {remove_grididx(e): e for e in grid if regex_conpoint.match(e)}

This will create a mapping where the string ’ConnectionPoint_23’ maps to the corresponding Entity in-
This was just a small selection of how you can filter entity sets using list/dict comprehensions. Alternatively, you
can also use the filter() function or a normal for loop. You should also take at look at the itertools and
functools modules. You’ll find even more functionality in specialized packages like PyToolz.

7.8 How to create user-defined connection rules

The method World.connect() allows you to only connect one pair of entities with each other. When you work
with larger entity sets, you might not want to connect every entity manually, but use functions that take to sets of
entities and connect them with each other based on some criteria.
The most common case is that you want to randomly connect the entities of one set to another, for example, when you
distribute a number of PV modules over a power grid.
For this use case, mosaik provides mosaik.util.connect_randomly(). It takes two sets and connects them
either evenly or purely randomly:
world = mosaik.World(sim_config)

grid = pypower.Grid(gridfile=GRID_FILE).children
pq_buses = [e for e in grid if e.type == 'PQBus']
pvs = pvsim.PV.create(20)

# Assuming that len(pvs) < len(pq_buses), this will

# connect 0 or 1 PV module to each bus:
mosaik.util.connect_randomly(world, pvs, pq_buses, 'P')

# This will distribute the PV modules purely randomly, but every

# bus will have at most 3 modules connected to it.
mosaik.util.connect_randomly(world, pvs, pq_buses, 'P',
evenly=False, max_connects=3)

Another relatively common use case is connecting a set of entities to one other entity, e.g., when you want to connect
a number of controllable energy producers to a central scheduler:
from itertools import chain

def connect_many_to_one(world, src_set, dest_entity, *attrs,

for src_entity in src_set:

7.8. How to create user-defined connection rules 71

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world.connect(src_entity, dest_entity, *attrs,


pvs = pvsim.PV.create(30)
chps = chpsim.CHP.create(20)
controller = cs.Scheduler()

# Connect all producers to the controller, remember to set the

# "async_requests" flag.
connect_many_to_one(world, chain(pvs, chps), controller, 'P',

Connection rules are oftentimes highly specific for a project. connect_randomly() is currently the only function
that is useful and complicated enough to ship it with mosaik. But as you can see in the connect_many_to_one
example, writing your own connection method is not that hard.

7.9 How to retrieve static data from entities

Sometimes, the entities don’t contain all the information that you need in order to decide which entity connect to
which, but your simulation model could provide that data. An example for this might be the maximum amount of
active power that a producer is able to produce.
Mosaik allows you to query a simulator for that data during composition time via World.get_data():
>>> example_simulator = world.start('ExampleSim')
Starting "ExampleSim" as "ExampleSim-2" ...
>>> entities = example_simulator.A.create(3, init_val=42)
>>> data = world.get_data(entities, 'val_out')
>>> data[entities[0]]
{'val_out': 42}

The entities that you pass to this function don’t need to belong to the same simulator (instance) as long as they all can
provide the required attributes.

7.10 How to access topology and data-flow information

The World contains two networkx Graphs which hold information about the data-flows between simulators and the
simulation topology that you created in your scenario. You can use these graphs, for example, to export the simulation
topology that mosaik created into a custom data or file format.
World.df_graph is the directed dataflow graph for your scenarios. It contains a node for every simulator that
you started. The simulator ID is used to label the nodes. If you established a data-flow between two simulators
(by connecting at least two of their entities), a directed edge between two nodes is inserted. The edges contain the
async_requests flag (see How to achieve bi-directional data-flows) and a list of the data-flows.
The data-flow graph may, for example, look like this:
world.df_graph.node == {
'PvSim-0': {},
'PyPower-0': {},
world.df_graph.edge == {
'PvSim-0': {'PyPower-0': {
'async_requests': False,

72 Chapter 7. Scenario definition

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'dataflows': [
('PV_0', 'bus_0', ('P_out', 'P'), ('Q_out', 'Q')),
('PV_1', 'bus_1', ('P_out', 'P'), ('Q_out', 'Q')),

World.entity_graph is the undirected entity graph. It contains a node for every entity. The full entity ID
(’sim_id.entity_id’) is used as node label. Every node also stores the simulator name and entity type. An
edge between two entities is inserted
• if they are somehow related within a simulator (e.g., a PyPower branch is related to the two PyPower buses to
which it is adjacent) (see create); or
• if they are connected via World.connect().
The entity graph may, for example, look like this:
world.entity_graph.node == {
'PvSim_0.PV_0': {'sim': 'PvSim', 'type': 'PV'},
'PvSim_0.PV_1': {'sim': 'PvSim', 'type': 'PV'},
'PyPower_0.branch_0': {'sim': 'PyPower', 'type': 'Branch'},
'PyPower_0.bus_0': {'sim': 'PyPower', 'type': 'PQBus'},
'PyPower_0.bus_1': {'sim': 'PyPower', 'type': 'PQBus'},
world.entity_graph.edge == {
'PvSim_0.PV_0': {'PyPower_0.bus_0': {}},
'PvSim_0.PV_1': {'PyPower_0.bus_1': {}},
'PyPower_0.branch_0': {'PyPower_0.bus_0': {}, 'PyPower_0.bus_1': {}},
'PyPower_0.bus_0': {'PvSim_0.PV_0': {}, 'PyPower_0.branch_0': {}},
'PyPower_0.bus_1': {'PvSim_0.PV_1': {}, 'PyPower_0.branch_0': {}},

The get_related_entities API call also uses and returns (parts of) the entity graph. So you can access it in your scenario
definition as well as from with a simulator, control strategy or monitoring tool.
Please consult the networkx documentation for more details about working with graphs and directed graphs.

7.11 How to destroy a world

When you are done working with a world, you should shut it down properly:
>>> world.shutdown()

This will, for instance, close mosaik’s socket and allows new World instances to reuse the same port again. automatically calls World.shutdown() for you.

7.12 How to do real-time simulations

It is very easy to do real-time (or “wall-clock time”) simulations in mosaik. You just pass an rt_factor to to enable it:, rt_factor=1)

7.11. How to destroy a world 73

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A real-time factor of 1 means, that 1 simulation time unit (usually a simulation second) takes 1 second of real time.
Thus, if you set the real-time factor to 0.5, the simulation will run twice as fast as the real time. If you set it to 1/60,
one simulated minute will take one real-time second.
It may happen that the simulators are too slow for the real-time factor chosen. That means, they take longer than, e.g.,
one second to compute a step when a real-time factor of one second is set. If this happens, mosaik will by default
just print a warning message to stdout. However, you can also let your simulation crash in this case by setting the
parameter rt_strict to True. Mosaik will then raise a RuntimeError if your simulation is too slow:, rt_factor=1/60, rt_strict=True)

7.13 How to call extra methods of a simulator

A simulator may optionally define additional API methods (see init) that you can call from your scenario. These
methods can implement operations, like setting some static data to a simulator, which don’t really fit into init() or
These methods are exposed via the model factory that you get when you start a simulator. In the following example,
we’ll call the example_method() that the example simulator shipped with the mosaik Python API:
>>> world = mosaik.World({'ExampleSim': {
... 'python': 'example_sim.mosaik:ExampleSim'}})
>>> es = world.start('ExampleSim')
Starting "ExampleSim" as "ExampleSim-0" ...
>>> # Now brace yourself ...
>>> es.example_method(23)
>>> world.shutdown()

74 Chapter 7. Scenario definition


The simulator manager

The simulator manager (or just sim manager) is responsible for starting and handling the external simulator processes
involved in a simulation as well as for the communication with them.
Usually, these simulators will be started as separate sub-processes which will then connect to mosaik via network
sockets. This has two benefits:
1. Simulators can be written in any language.
2. Simulation steps can be performed in parallel, if two processes don’t depend on each others data.
Simulators written in Python 3 can, for performance reasons, be imported and executed like normal Python modules.
This way, all Sim API calls will be plain functions calls without the overhead of network communication and message
(de)serialization. However, since Python only runs in one thread at a time, this will also prevent parallel execution of
When a (Python 3) simulator is computationally inexpensive, running it in-process may give you good results. If
it performs a lot of expensive computations, it may be better to start separate processes which can then do these
computations in parallel. In practice, you should try and profile both ways in order to get the maximum performance
out of it.
Sometimes, both ways won’t work because you simply cannot start the simulator process by yourself. This might
be the reason for hardware-in-the-loop or if a simulator needs to run on a separate machine. In these cases, you can
simply let mosaik connect to a running instance of such a simulator.
Internally, all three kinds of simulator processes (in-process with mosaik, started by mosaik, connected to by mosaik)
are represented by SimProxy objects so that they all look the same to the other components of mosaik:

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

The sim manager gets its configuration via the World’s sim_config argument. The sim_config is a dictionary contain-
ing simulator names and description of how to start them:
>>> import mosaik
>>> sim_config = {
... 'SimA': {
... 'python': 'package.module:SimClass',
... },
... 'SimB': {
... 'cmd': 'java -jar simB.jar %(addr)s',
... 'cwd': 'simB/dist/',
... },
... 'SimC': {
... 'connect': 'localhost:5678',
... },
... }
>>> world = mosaik.World(sim_config)
>>> world.shutdown()

In the example above, we declare three different simulators. You can freely choose a name for a simulator. Its
configuration should either contain a python, cmd or connect entry:
Since mosaik 2.3.0 it is possible to pass environment variables to sub-processes. Using the key env in sim_config
allows you to set new environment variables. That could look like this:
>>> import mosaik
>>> sim_config = {
... 'SimA': {
... 'python': 'package.module:SimClass',
... 'env': {
... 'PYTHONPATH': 'src/',

76 Chapter 8. The simulator manager

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... },
... },
... }
>>> world = mosaik.World(sim_config)
>>> world.shutdown()

python This tells mosaik to run the simulator in process. As a value, you need to specify the module and class name of
the simulator separated by a colon. In the example, mosaik will import package.module and instantiate
sim = package.module.SimClass(). This only works for simulators written in Python 3.
cmd This tells mosaik to execute the specified command cmd in order to start a new sub-process for the simulator.
You can use the placeholder %(python)s to use the same Python interpreter and virtualenv that mosaik cur-
rently uses (see sys.executable).
In order to create a socket connection to mosaik the simulator needs to know the address of mosaik’s server
socket. Mosaik will pass this address (in the form host:port) as a command line argument, so you need to
include the placeholder %(addr)s in your command. Mosaik will replace this with the actual address.
You can optionally specify a current working directory (cwd). If it is present, mosaik will change to that directory
before executing cmd. Its default value is ’.’.
In our example, mosaik would execute:
$ cd simB/java
$ java -jar simB.jar localhost:5555

in order to start SimB.

Note: Please use for the cwd command and for paths in the cmd call only the UNIX/Linux path notation with slashes
even if you are using windows. Do not use backslashes or double backslashes.

connect This tells mosaik to establish a network connection to a running simulator instance. It will simply connect to
host:port – localhost:5678 for SimC

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78 Chapter 8. The simulator manager


Scheduling and simulation execution

When you defined your scenario and start the simulation, mosaik’s scheduler becomes active. It manages the execution
of all involved simulators, keeps them in sync and handles the data-flows between them.
Mosaik runs the simulation by stepping simulators through time. The time has internally no unit attached, but by
convention, seconds are used. If all simulators involved in your scenario agree on another unit (e.g., minutes or
milliseconds), this can be used as well.

9.1 Anatomy of a step

When the simulation starts, all simulators are at time 0. Mosaik tracks the current simulation time for every simulator
individually. When it asks a simulator to perform its next step, it passes its current simulation time tnow to it. After
its step, the simulator returns the time at which it wants to perform its next step (tnext ). Thus, a simulator’s step size
doesn’t need to be constant but can vary during the simulation.
The data that a simulator computes during a step is valid for the right-open interval [tnow , tnext ) as shown in the
following figure.

Fig. 9.1: Schematic execution of a simulator A. tnow , tnext and the validity interval for its first step 0 are shown. The
figure also shows that the step size of a simulator may vary during the simulation.

9.2 Synchronization and data-flows

If there are data-flows between two simulators (because you connected some of their entities), a simulator can only
perform a step if all input data has been computed.

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

Let’s assume we created a data-flow from a simulator A to a simulator B and B wants to perform a step from tnow(B) .
Mosaik determines which simulators provide input data for B. This is only A in this example. In order to provide
data for B, A needs to step far enough to produce data for tnow(B) , that means tnext(A) > tnow(B) as the following figure

Fig. 9.2: (a) B cannot yet step because A has not progressed far enough yet (tnext(A) <= tnow(B) ).
(b) B can perform its next step, because A now has progressed far enough (tnext(A) > tnow(B) ).

If this condition is met for all simulators providing input for B, mosaik collects all input data for B that is valid at
tnow(B) (you could say it takes one snapshot of the global simulation state). It passes this data to B. Based upon this
(and only this) data, B performs its step [tnow(B) , tnext(B) ).
This is relatively easy to understand if A and B have the same step size, as the following figures shows:
If B had a larger step size then A, A would produce new data while B steps. B would still only use the data that was
valid at tnow(B) , because it only “measures” its inputs once at the beginning of its step:
On the other hand, if A had a larger step size then B, we would reuse the same data from A multiple times as long as it
is valid:
The last two examples may look like special cases, but they actually arise from the approach explained above.

80 Chapter 9. Scheduling and simulation execution

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Fig. 9.3: In this example, A and B have the same step size. Mosaik steps them in an alternating order starting with A,
because it provides the input data for B.

Fig. 9.4: In this example, B has a larger step size. It doesn’t consume all data that A produces, because it only gets
data once at the beginning of its step.

Fig. 9.5: In this example, A has a larger step size. B reuses the same data multiple times because it is still valid.

9.2. Synchronization and data-flows 81

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9.2.1 How data flows through mosaik

After a simulator is done with its step, mosaik determines, based on the data-flows that you created in your scenario,
which data other simulators need from it. It makes a get_data() API call to the simulator and stores the data that this
call returns in an internal buffer. It also memorizes for which period of time this data is valid.
Before a simulator steps, mosaik determines in a similar fashion what input data the simulator needs. Mosaik checks
its internal data buffer if input data from all simulators is available. If not, it waits until all simulators stepped far
enough to provide that data. All input data is then passed to the inputs parameter of the step() API call.
It is important to understand that simulators don’t talk to each other directly but that all data flows through mosaik
were it can be cached and managed.

9.3 Cyclic data-flows

Cyclic data-flows are necessary to model situations in which a control mechanism (C) controls another entity (E) based
on its state, e.g. by sending commands or a schedule.
It is not possible to perform both data-flows (the state from E to C and the commands/schedule from C to E) at the
same time because they depend on each other (yes, this is similar to the chicken or egg dilemma).
The cycle can be resolved by first stepping E (e.g., from t = 0 to t = 1). E’s state for that interval can then be used as
input for C ’s step for the same interval. The commands/schedule that C generates for E will then be used in E’s next

Fig. 9.6: In this example, a controlled entity E provides state data to the controller C. The commands or schedule
from C is used by E in its next step.

This resolution of the cycle makes sense if you think how this would work in real life. The controller would measure
the data from the controlled unit at a certain point t. It would then do some calculation which take a certain amount of
time ∆t which would be send to the controlled unit at t + ∆t.
However, mosaik is not able to automatically resolve that cycle. That’s why you are not allowed to connect(E, C)
and connect(C, E) in a scenario. Instead you have to connect(E, C, async_requests=True) and use
the asynchronous callback set_data() in C’s step() implementation in order to send the commands or schedule
from C to E.
You can take a look at our discussion of design decisions to learn why cyclic data-flows are handled this way.

82 Chapter 9. Scheduling and simulation execution

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9.4 Stepping and simulation duration

By now you should have a general idea of how mosaik handles data-flows between simulators. You should also have
the idea that simulators only perform a step when all required input data is available. But what if they don’t need any?
In this section you’ll learn about the algorithm that mosaik uses to determine whether a simulator can be stepped or
The general idea behind idea is laziness. A simulator will only step if it really needs to. This is usually, because
someone else needs its data. This becomes problematic if your simulator is the only one in the simulation (e.g., for
testing purposes) or at the end of a data-flow chain.
This is how it works:
1. Should there be a next step at all?
Yes: Go to step 2.
No: Stop the simulator.
We’ll explain how to answer this question below.
2. Are there simulators that need data from us?
Yes: Go to step 3.
No: Go to step 4.
3. Does a depending simulator require new data from us?
Yes: Go to step 4.
No: Wait until someone does. Then go to step 4.
4. Is all required input data from other simulators available?
Yes: Go to step 5.
No: Wait until all data is available. Then go step 5.
5. Collect all required input data.
6. Send collected input data to simulator, perform the simulation step and get the time for the next step.
7. Get all data from the simulator that other simulators need.
8. Notify simulators that already wait for that data.
So how do we determine whether a simulator must perform another step of it is done?
When we start the simulation, we pass a time unto which our simulation should run (
Usually a simulator is done if the time of its next step is larger then the value of until. This is, however, not true for all
simulators in a simulation. If no one needs the data of a simulator step, why perform this step?
So the actual algorithm is as follows:
If a simulator has no outgoing data-flows (no other simulator needs its data) it simulates until the condition tnext > tuntil
is met.
Else, if a simulator needs to provide data for other simulators, it keeps running until all of these simulators have
The algorithm explained above allows mosaik to perform as little simulation steps as possible and only perform theses
steps when necessary.

9.4. Stepping and simulation duration 83

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84 Chapter 9. Scheduling and simulation execution



This is a list of some questions we recently got. If you cannot find an answer for your questions here, you are welcome
to post it on our mailing list.

10.1 General questions

10.1.1 Are there graphical tools for scenario design?

Maverig, an environment for graphical analysis as well as scenario design has been developed and is currently in a
prototypical state. It may be used for demonstration purposes, but its maintenance and further development is not our
top priority right now. Please understand, if the installation guide is not up-to-date with the newest package versions.
However, we argue that graphical tools are not feasible for the design of large and complex scenarios. For most
applications the more flexible scenario design by code is advantageous.

10.1.2 Is there a mosaik-Wiki?

We like Wikis but consider them the wrong tool for documenting software (and we are not alone with that).
There are a lot of other resources, though:
• All documentation is concentrated here, at Read the Docs.
• Source code and issues are managed by Bitbucket.
• Discussion takes place in our mailing list.
• News are spread through our blog.
There’s not much that a wiki could add here.

10.2 Coupling models with mosaik

10.2.1 Can I use continuous models with mosaik?

Yes. Since mosaik 2 you can even use a variable step size for your simulator that can dynamically change during the

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

10.2.2 Can I use mosaik only with Python programs?

No, mosaik can be used with any language that provides network sockets and ways to (de)serialize JSON.
Since implementing network event loops and message (de)serialization is repetitive work and unnecessary overhead,
we provide so called high-level APIs for certain languages that provide a base class that you can inherit and just need
to implement a few methods representing the API calls.
Currently, high-level API are available for Python, JAVA, and C#, but an implementation for C++ will follow soon.

10.2.3 Can I use my MATLAB/Simulink models with mosaik? How do I do it?

Yes, you can. We will provide an example soon. In the end, if you manage to let your model communicate via sockets
and are capable of serializing/deserializing JSON data objects you can use it with mosaik (see Can I use mosaik only
with Python programs? for details).

10.3 The mosaik demo

10.3.1 I can only see active power values in the web visualization. Does mosaik
also support reactive power values with PyPower?

Of course, it only depends on your models. The basic models distributed with mosaik 2 only produce active power
outputs (cos phi = 1), so we don’t display reactive power.

10.3.2 What are the power grid’s parameters? How are the cables’/lines’ parame-
ters formatted?

Check under “input file format”. Typically, line values are given in R
per km and X per km.

10.3.3 Port 8000 on my local machine is already in use. How can I see the visuali-
sation with WebVis?

Port 8000 is used as default when using WebVis. You can overwrite the default value in
sim_config = {
'WebVis': {
'cmd': 'mosaik-web -s %(addr)s',

86 Chapter 10. FAQ


Developer’s Documentation


11.1 Design and Achitecture


11.1.1 Component Architecture

mosaik - simpy -

11.1.2 UML-Component-Diagrams

Component diagram: mosaik

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

Fig. 11.1: (click to enlarge)

Fig. 11.2: (click to enlarge)

11.1.3 UML-Class-Diagrams

These diagrams represent the object-oriented structure of mosaik. However, mosaik is not completely object-oriented,
so not all methods and global variables are listed. The same applies to simpy & which provides basic func-
tionality for mosaik.

Class-Diagram: mosaik

88 Chapter 11. Developer’s Documentation

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

Fig. 11.3: (click to enlarge)

11.1. Design and Achitecture 89

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

Class-Diagram: simpy +

Fig. 11.4: (click to enlarge)

Class-Diagram: mosaik + simpy +

Fig. 11.5: (click to enlarge)

90 Chapter 11. Developer’s Documentation

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

11.1.4 UML-Activity-Diagrams

The activity diagrams reflect the program flow within the individual methods, regardless of simple or object-oriented
declaration. The methods are displayed file-wise and not nested. To follow an integrated method call (possibly across
files), it is recommended to enlarge the correct image and use the search function of the respective browser. You can
find the symbol key of the diagrams here.

Activity-Diagram: mosaik -

Fig. 11.6: (click to enlarge)

Activity-Diagram: mosaik -

11.1. Design and Achitecture 91

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

Fig. 11.7: (click to enlarge)

92 Chapter 11. Developer’s Documentation

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

Activity-Diagram: mosaik -

Fig. 11.8: (click to enlarge)

Activity-Diagram: mosaik -

Activity-Diagram: mosaik -

11.1. Design and Achitecture 93

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

Fig. 11.9: (click to enlarge)

Fig. 11.10: (click to enlarge)

94 Chapter 11. Developer’s Documentation

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Activity-Diagram: mosaik -

Fig. 11.11: (click to enlarge)

Activity-Diagram: mosaik -

Fig. 11.12: (click to enlarge)

11.1. Design and Achitecture 95

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

Activity-Diagram: mosaik -

Fig. 11.13: (click to enlarge)

11.1.5 UML-Package-Diagrams

This diagrams describe the import relation between the modules (files) with directed arrows!

Package: mosaik

96 Chapter 11. Developer’s Documentation

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

Fig. 11.14: (click to enlarge)

Package: simpy +

Fig. 11.15: (click to enlarge)

Package: mosaik + simpy +

11.1. Design and Achitecture 97

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

Fig. 11.16: (click to enlarge)

11.1.6 Method-Call-Diagrams

These diagrams only represent method or function calls. They are sorted in classes or, if not object-oriented, in
function groups (including sub-functions). They provide a quick overview of where (line numbers) certain methods
are called. In the complete overview, the cross-file calls are also visible.

Method-Calls: mosaik - complete overview

Fig. 11.17: (click to enlarge)

Method-Calls: mosaik -

(No methods to call!)

98 Chapter 11. Developer’s Documentation

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

Method-Calls: mosaik -

Fig. 11.18: (click to enlarge)

Method-Calls: mosaik -

(No methods to call!)

Method-Calls: mosaik -

11.1. Design and Achitecture 99

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

Fig. 11.19: (click to enlarge)

Method-Calls: mosaik -

Fig. 11.20: (click to enlarge)

Method-Calls: mosaik -

Method-Calls: mosaik -

100 Chapter 11. Developer’s Documentation

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

Fig. 11.21: (click to enlarge)

Fig. 11.22: (click to enlarge)

Method-Calls: mosaik -

Fig. 11.23: (click to enlarge)

11.1. Design and Achitecture 101

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

11.2 Development setup and tests

This guide will show you how to set up a development environment for mosaik or components of its ecosystem (like
the Python API), how to run the tests, check the code coverage and quality, and build the documentation.

11.2.1 General advice

• You should use Linux or OS X as your main development platform – most tools are working much better there
than on Windows. However, you should still make sure that mosaik keeps working on Windows. ;-)
• You should create a separate virtualenv for each project, that you are going to work on (e.g., one for mosaik,
another one for mosaik-api-python and so forth). This will make it easier for you to track their dependencies.
• You should install and use virtualenvwrapper. It will make working with multiple virtualenvs much easier.
• You may need to change some absolute paths from the code blocks depending on you system.
• I’ll only explain the necessary steps for mosaik, because its the most complex project (e.g., mosaik-api-python
has no separate documentation).
• You should have worked through the general installation instructions and got the demo running. Afterwards
delete the virtualenv mosaik (rmvirtualenv mosaik) – you can later recreate it as moaik-demo.

11.2.2 Installation

Change to the directory where you keep your code and clone the mosaik-repository. Create a virtualenv with a Python
3 interpreter and install all development dependencies. Finally, install mosaik in editable mode:
$ cd ~/Code
$ git clone ssh://
$ cd mosaik
$ mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 mosaik
(mosaik)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
(mosaik)$ pip install -e . # Install mosaik in "editable"

An “editable” installation just means, that changes you introduce in the repository are automatically reflected in you
installation (and thus in your tests).

11.2.3 Tests and coverage

To run all tests, simply execute py.test:

$ py.test

It will automatically run all code examples in the docs/ as well as the actual tests from tests/. Pytest’s behavior
can be controlled via the [pytest] section in the setup.cfg file and via command line arguments (see its documen-
tation or py.test --help).
You should also regularly check the code/branch coverage:

102 Chapter 11. Developer’s Documentation

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

$ py.test --cov=mosaik

You can also generate HTML files from your source that highlight uncovered lines:
$ py.test --cov=mosaik --cov-report=html
$ [kde-]open htmlcov/index.html

Take a look at the docs of pytest-cov for more help.

Before making a release (and in between) you should make sure that the tests are passing on all supported Python
versions. You do this with tox. Tox’ config file tox.ini will show you which versions we support. Every interpreter
listed here (e.g., Python 3.3 or PyPy) should be installed on your system. Running tox is than very easy:
$ tox
_______ summary ________
py33: commands succeeded
py34: commands succeeded
congratulations :)

11.2.4 Coding style

Mosaik follows – as most Python projects – relatively strict coding standards.

• All source files are encoded with UTF-8
• LF (\n) is used to represent a new line (Unix style).
• Four spaces are used for indentation (three spaces for reStructuredText directives).
• Trailing whitespaces should always be stripped.
• Lines should be no longer than 79 characters.
• Python files should be formatted according to PEP 8 and PEP 257.
You should regularly run flake8 to perform PEP8 style checks and and run some analyses to find things like unused
$ flake8 mosaik

It takes its configuration from setup.cfg.

11.2.5 Build the documentation

We use Sphinx to create mosaik’s documentation:

$ cd docs/
$ make html

This will build the documentation to docs/_build/html.

When you push new revisions to mosaik’s main repo ( the official documen-
tation is automatically updated via a hook.

11.3 Release Process

This process describes the steps to execute in order to release a new version of mosaik.

11.3. Release Process 103

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

11.3.1 Preparations

1. Make a new release of mosaik-api-python if required. Use this guide as an orientation.

2. Close all tickets for the next version.
3. Check all dependencies for new versions and update the exact version of all entries in requirements.txt.
Update the minium required versions of dependencies in if (and only if) necessary.
4. Run tox from the project root. All tests for all supported versions must pass:
$ tox
________ summary ________
py33: commands succeeded
py34: commands succeeded
congratulations :)

5. Build the docs (HTML is enough). Make sure there are no errors and undefined references.
$ cd docs/
$ make clean html
$ cd ..

6. Check if all authors are listed in AUTHORS.txt.

7. Update the change logs (CHANGES.txt and docs/about/history.rst). Only keep changes for the
current major release in CHANGES.txt and reference the history page from there.
8. Commit all changes:
$ git commit -m 'Updated change log for the upcoming release.'

9. Update the version number in mosaik/, and docs/ and commit:
$ git commit -m 'Bump version from x.y.z to a.b.c'

Warning: Do not yet tag and push the changes so that you can safely do a rollback if one of the next step
fails and you need change something!

10. Write a draft for the announcement mail with a list of changes, acknowledgements and installation instructions.
Everyone in the team should agree with it.

11.3.2 Build and release

1. Test the release process. Build a source distribution and a wheel package and test them:
$ python sdist bdist_wheel
$ ls dist/
mosaik-a.b.c-py2.py3-none-any.whl mosaik-a.b.c.tar.gz

Try installing them:

$ rm -rf /tmp/mosaik-sdist # ensure clean state if ran repeatedly
$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 /tmp/mosaik-sdist
$ /tmp/mosaik-sdist/bin/pip install dist/mosaik-a.b.c.tar.gz
$ /tmp/mosaik-sdist/bin/python
>>> import mosaik # doctest: +SKIP
>>> mosaik.__version__ # doctest: +SKIP

104 Chapter 11. Developer’s Documentation

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$ rm -rf /tmp/mosaik-wheel # ensure clean state if ran repeatedly
$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 /tmp/mosaik-wheel
$ /tmp/mosaik-wheel/bin/pip install dist/mosaik-a.b.c-py2.py3-none-any.whl
$ /tmp/mosaik-wheel/bin/python
>>> import mosaik # doctest: +SKIP
>>> mosaik.__version__ # doctest: +SKIP

2. Create or check your accounts for the test server and PyPI. Update your ~/.pypirc with your current creden-
index-servers =

username: <your test user name goes here>
password: <your test password goes here>

username: <your production user name goes here>
password: <your production password goes here>

3. Upload the distributions for the new version to the test server and test the installation again:
$ twine upload -r test dist/mosaik*a.b.c*
$ pip install -i mosaik

4. Check if the package is displayed correctly:

5. Finally upload the package to PyPI and test its installation one last time:
$ twine upload -r pypi dist/mosaik*a.b.c*
$ pip install -U mosaik

6. Check if the package is displayed correctly:

11.3.3 Post release

1. Push your changes:

$ git tag a.b.c
$ git push ssh://

2. Remove the build/ directory:

$ rm -r build/

3. Activate the documentation build for the new version.

4. Make sure, the demo works with the new release.
5. Send the prepared email to the mailing list.
6. Create blog post for

11.3. Release Process 105

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

11.4 Requirements

This documents lists all requirements for mosaik’s development. The main goals are:
1. Couple existing simulators, schedule their (step-wise) execution and manage the data exchange between them.
These simulators may range from open-source software to closed-source and commercial software as well as
from simulators that can directly integrate the mosaik API to simulators that offer their own API and that cannot
be started or directly controlled by mosaik.
2. Allow easy creation and execution of large-scale simulation scenarios.
Large-scale means scenarios comprising thousands or ten thousands of simulated entities. As few lines of code
as possible should be required to describe a scenario and connect all entities involved.
Once a scenario is defined, it should be easy to run the simulation.
3. Maintainability is most important.
Developers will not be able to contribute to mosaik forever. New developers must be able to quickly understand
how mosaik works in order to fix things and add features.
Thus, the source code of mosaik must be as readable as possible. Everything should be documented (API docs
and guides describing the ideas and concepts behind the different parts of mosaik). There should also be as little
different technologies (and libraries to a certain point) involved as possible.
4. Runtime performance is important, too, but not as much as maintainability.
5. Stability and robustness: Large simulations (comprising thousands of entities over a period of several months
or a year of simulation time) may take a while. Mosaik should not crash in the middle of a simulation, so
everything needs to be tested as good as possible.
The following sections describe these requirements in more detail.

11.4.1 Types of simulators and models

1. Heterogeneous implementations: It must be possible to integrate simulators with different implementations (i.e.,
programming languages, frameworks, tools).
2. Different temporal resolutions: Mosaik must be able to compose simulations from models with differing tem-
poral resolutions.
3. Multiple paradigms: Mosaik must be able to compose simulation models that use different paradigms with
respect to the handling of time (e.g., discrete event or continuous).
4. Simulators written in Python (like mosaik) should be able to run in the same process as mosaik, so that no
networking is required in order to communicate with them.
5. Mosaik must be able to start and stop (open-source) simulators that can directly implement the mosaik API. It
should always use the fasted possible method to communicate with them; e.g., inter-process communication if
the simulator runs on the same machine or sockets if it runs on another machine.
6. COTS integration: It must be possible to write adapters that translate between the mosaik API and the API
provided by commercial or closed-source simulators.
Mosaik also needs to handle simulators that it cannot start itself but can only connect to a running instance of
7. Real-time simulators: Mosaik must be able to work with real-time (wall-clock) simulators; e.g., real-time power
grid simulators.

106 Chapter 11. Developer’s Documentation

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11.4.2 Integrating simulators

1. Simulator self-description: Mosaik must provide a way for simulators do describe their capabilities, models,
inputs, outputs, and so on. This self-description will later be used for creating scenarios.
2. Mosaik API: There must be an (easy and well documented) API that simulators can implement in order to
communicate with mosaik.
3. Control strategies (like multi-agent systems) should use the same API as simulators.

11.4.3 Scenario definition

1. Defining scenarios should happen directly in Python to not introduce another technology that has to be main-
tained and because Python syntax is as easy as an arbitrary DSL. Furthermore, Python is much more flexible
and powerful than a simple DSL.
2. Connecting entities: On the lowest level, mosaik must be able to connect two single entities. On a higher level,
mosaik must be able to automatically connect two sets of entities based on their inputs and outputs. For example,
PV modules with a P and Q output can be connected to power grid nodes with a P and Q input.
3. Filtering of entity sets: Mosaik must also offer means to automatically filter sets of entities based on their
attributes or on existing connections to other entities.
4. Cyclic Data-flow Support: mosaik must offer a way to deal with cyclic data flows, e.g. between a controllable
energy producer and a control strategy which generates schedules based on the current feed-in.
5. Physical Topology Access: mosaik must allow the control strategies and simulators to query/traverse the phys-
ical topology created during the composition process.
6. Intra-Model Topology Access: a simulator must offer the possibility to get access to the relations between the
entities of a model (e.g., how nodes and lines in a power grid are interconnected) for building the complete
physical topology.
7. Moving entities: Mosaik must support the specification of scenarios with moving resources like electric vehicles
which may be connected to varying nodes in the power grid based on their current state.
8. Scenario variants: Mosaik must offer means to easily create scenario variants to e.g., simulate a scenario for
summer and winter months.

11.4.4 Execution

1. Mosaik must be able to report the progress of a simulation.

2. Data logging: mosaik must log data that is provided by the simulators for later evaluation. It must also be
possible to filter what goes into the database when creating a scenario. Otherwise, the database might grow too
large and contain mostly irrelevant data for the research question at hand.
3. It should be possible to distribute the simulator instances over multiple processes on the same machine and over
multiple different machines or servers.
4. Mosaik should be usable as a library. That means, that the user who creates a scenario makes calls to mosaik’s
functionality to execute their scenario. This will allow them to easily test the scenario and hook into mosaik
e.g., for debugging purposes.
5. Mosaik should be able to run as a framework. That means that a mosaik process loads a scenario and executes a
defined entry point (the scenario’s main method). This allows to start a mosaik master process that manages the
execution of multiple scenarios in parallel and that offers a weg GUI to monitor these simulations.

11.4. Requirements 107

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

6. Configure log messages for every component independently: Simulation developers, scenario experts and mo-
saik core developers usually are interested in different kinds of debug output. It should thus be possible to
change log levels for mosaik’s various components independently.

11.5 Discussion of design decisions

On this page, we discuss some of the design decisions that we made. This should explain why some features are (not)
present and why they work the way that they work.

Note: For the sake of readability, some concepts are simplified in the following sections. For example, the snippet
connect(A, B) means we’e connecting some entities of a simulator A to some entities of simulator B; simula-
tor and entity are used as if they were the same concept; A.step() means, that mosaik calls the step() function of
simulator/entity A.

11.5.1 Circular data-flows

Circular data-flows were one of the harder problems to solve.

When you connect the entities of two simulators with each other, mosaik tracks the new dependency between these
connect(A, B)

A would now provide input data for B. When mosaik runs the simulation, the step for a certain time t would first be
computed for A and then for B with the inputs of A.
In order to connect control strategies (like multi-agent systems) with to-be-controlled entities, you usually need a
circular data-flow. The entity provides state information for the controller which in turn sends new commands or
schedules to the controlled entity. The naïve way of doing this would be:
connect(A, B, 'state')
connect(B, A, 'schedule')

A would receive schedules via the inputs of A.step(). In A.step(), it would compute new state information which
mosaik would get via A.get_data(). Mosaik would forward this to the inputs of B.step(). B.step() would calculate
some schedules, which mosaik would again get via B.get_data() and pass to A.step() . . .
The question that arise here is: Which simulator do we step first – A or B? Mosaik has no clue. You could say that A
needs to step first, because the data-flow from A to B was established first. However, if you re-arrange your code and
(accidentally) flip both lines, you would get a different behavior and a very hard to find bug.
What do we learn from that? We need to explicitly tell mosaik how to resolve these cycles and prohibit normal circular
data-flows as in the snippet above.
If you remember mosaik 1, your next approach would be as follows:
connect(A, B, 'state')
connect(B, A, 'schedule', delay=True)

This would tell mosaik how to resolve the cycle and throw an error if you accidentally flip both lines.
Theoretically, we could be done here. But we aren’t. The data-flows in the example above are passive, meaning that A
and B compute data hoping that someone will use them. This abstraction works reasonably well for normal simulation
models, but control mechanism usually have an active roll. They actively decide whether or not to send commands to
the entities they control.

108 Chapter 11. Developer’s Documentation

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Accordingly, mosaik provides ways for control mechanisms and monitoring tools to actively collect more data from
the simulation and set data to other entities. These means are implemented as asyncronous requests that a simulator
can perform during its step. Similar to the cyclic data-flows, this requires you to tell mosaik about it to prevent some
scheduling problems:
connect(A, B, async_requests=True)

This prevents A from stepping too far into the future so that B can get additional data from or set new data to A in
Since you can set data via an asynchronous request, you can implement cyclic data-flows with it:
connect(A, B, 'state', async_requests=True)

The implementation of A.step() and A.get_data() would be the same. In B.step() you would still receive the state
information from A and compute the schedules. However, you wouldn’t store them somewhere so that B.get_data()
can return them. Instead, you would just pass them actively to set_data(). Mosaik stores that data in a special
input_buffer of A which will be added to the input of A‘s next step.
So to wrap this up, there would be two possibilities to achieve cyclic data-flows:
1. Passive controller:
connect(A, B, 'state')
connect(B, A, 'schedules', delay=True)

B.step() computes schedules and caches them somewhere. Mosaik gets these schedules via B.get_data() and
sends them to A.
If you forget to set the delay=True flag, mosaik will raise an error at composition time.
If you forget the second connect(), nothing will happen with the schedules. You may not notice this for a while.
2. Active controller:
connect(A, B, 'state', async_requests=True)

B.step() computes schedules and immediately passes them to set_data(). Mosaik sends them to A.
If you forget to set the async_requests=True flag, mosaik will raise an error at simulation time.
So, two ways to achieve basically the same thing. What does the Zen of Python say to this?
“There should be one– and preferably only one –obvious way to do it.”
Since the asynchronous requests can be used for other purposes as well and thus, cannot simply be stripped away, we
chose the second way and excluded the first possibility.

11.6 Logo and corporate identity

This page contains download links to the mosaik logos and lists the official mosaik colors.

11.6.1 Normal logo

This is the large version of the logo.

11.6. Logo and corporate identity 109

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

PNG, 1920 × 1052 px, with transparency

SVG for the web

Letters converted to objects so that it nicely renders on all devices.

SVG for Inkscape

This is the Inkscape master file for the logo. In order to edit it in Inkscape, you need to install the Aller font.

11.6.2 Simple logo

The simple variant of the logo should be used when the display size for the logo is so small, that the icons would not
be recognizable very well, e.g. in the headers of letters or papers.

110 Chapter 11. Developer’s Documentation

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PNG, 512 × 280 px, with transparency

SVG for the web

Letters converted to objects so that it nicely renders on all devices.

SVG for Inkscape

This is the Inkscape master file for the logo. In order to edit it in Inkscape, you need to install the Aller font.

11.6.3 Icon

This version should be used for (program) Icons.

11.6. Logo and corporate identity 111

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

PNG, 512 × 512 px, with transparency


11.6.4 Colors

Value ranges RGB: [0-255] [0-255] [0-255]

Value ranges HSB/HSL: [0-359]° [0-100]% [0-100]%

mosaik logo

These colors are usually only used in the logo.

Mod. Green Orange Red Purple Blue Gray
CMYK 28 0 70 49 0 35 75 15 0 85 85 28 0 60 0 43 70 21 0 12 0 0 0 72
RGB 94 130 39 217 141 54 184 28 28 145 58 145 59 154 196 72 72 72
LAB 50 -27 43 65 22 56 40 59 42 40 48 -31 60 -14 -30 31 0 0
HSB 84 70 51 32 75 85 0 85 72 300 60 57 198 70 77 0 0 28
HSL 84 54 33 32 68 53 0 74 42 300 43 30 198 54 50 0 0 28
HEX #5E8227 #D98D36 #B81C1C #913A91 #3B9AC4 #484848

mosaik dark

These colors are usually used for figures, diagrams and in presentations.

112 Chapter 11. Developer’s Documentation

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Mod. Green Orange Red Purple Blue Gray

CMYK 28 0 70 49 0 37 81 34 0 80 80 29 0 60 0 43 70 21 0 50 0 0 0 72
RGB 94 130 39 168 105 32 181 36 36 145 58 145 38 101 128 72 72 72
LAB 50 -27 43 50 19 49 40 56 38 40 48 -31 40 -11 -21 31 0 0
HSB 84 70 51 32 81 66 0 80 71 300 60 57 198 70 50 0 0 28
HSL 84 54 33 32 68 39 0 67 43 300 43 30 198 54 33 0 0 28
HEX #5E8227 #A86920 #B52424 #913A91 #266580 #484848

11.6. Logo and corporate identity 113

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

114 Chapter 11. Developer’s Documentation


API Reference

The API reference provides detailed descriptions of mosaik’s classes and functions. It should be helpful if you plan to
extend mosaik with custom components.

12.1 mosaik — The ende-user API

This module provides convenient access to all classes and functions required to create scenarios and run simulations.
Currently, this is only mosaik.scenario.World.

12.2 mosaik.exceptions — mosaik specific error types

This module provides mosaik specific exception types.

class mosaik.exceptions.ScenarioError
This exception is raised if something fails during the creation of a scenario.
class mosaik.exceptions.SimulationError(msg, exc=None)
This exception is raised if a simulator cannot be started or if a problem arises during the execution of a simula-

12.3 mosaik.scenario — Classes related to the scenario creation

This module provides the interface for users to create simulation scenarios for mosaik.
The World holds all necessary data for the simulation and allows the user to start simulators. It provides a
ModelFactory (and a ModelMock) via which the user can instantiate model instances (entities). The method finally starts the simulation.
class mosaik.scenario.World(sim_config, mosaik_config=None, debug=False)
The world holds all data required to specify and run the scenario.
It provides a method to start a simulator process (start()) and manages the simulator instances.
You have to provide a sim_config which tells the world which simulators are available and how to start them.
See mosaik.simmanager.start() for more details.
mosaik_config can be a dict or list of key-value pairs to set addional parameters overriding the defaults:

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

'addr': ('', 5555),
'start_timeout': 2, # seconds
'stop_timeout': 2, # seconds

Here, addr is the network address that mosaik will bind its socket to. start_timeout and stop_timeout specifiy a
timeout (in seconds) for starting/stopping external simulator processes.
If execution_graph is set to True, an execution graph will be created during the simulation. This may be useful
for debugging and testing. Note, that this increases the memory consumption and simulation time.
sim_config = None
The config dictionary that tells mosaik how to start a simulator.
config = None
The config dictionary for general mosaik settings.
sims = None
A dictionary of already started simulators instances.
env = None
The networking Environment.
srv_sock = None
Mosaik’s server socket.
df_graph = None
The directed data-flow graph for this scenario.
shifted_graph = None
A second directed data-flow graph for flows that are shifted in time to enable cyclic data dependencies.
entity_graph = None
The graph of related entities. Nodes are (sid, eid) tuples. Each note has an attribute entity with an
sim_progress = None
Progress of the current simulation.
start(sim_name, **sim_params)
Start the simulator named sim_name and return a ModelFactory for it.
connect(src, dest, *attr_pairs, *, async_requests=False, time_shifted=False, initial_data=None)
Connect the src entity to dest entity.
Establish a data-flow for each (src_attr, dest_attr) tuple in attr_pairs. If src_attr and dest_attr
have the same name, you you can optionally only pass one of them as a single string.
Raise a ScenarioError if both entities share the same simulator instance, if at least one (src. or dest.)
attribute in attr_pairs does not exist, or if the connection would introduce a cycle in the data-flow (e.g., A
→ B → C → A).
If the dest simulator may make asynchronous requests to mosaik to query data from src (or set data to it),
async_requests should be set to True so that the src simulator stays in sync with dest.
An alternative to asynchronous requests are time-shifted connections. Their data flow is always resolved
after normal connections so that cycles in the data-flow can be realized without introducing deadlocks. For
such a connection time_shifted should be set to True and initial_data should contain a dict with input
data for the first simulation step of the receiving simulator.

116 Chapter 12. API Reference

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

An alternative to using async_requests to realize cyclic data-flow is given by the time_shifted kwarg. If set
to True it marks the connection as cycle-closing (e.g. C → A). It must always be used with initial_data
specifying a dict with the data sent to the destination simulator at the first step (e.g. {‘src_attr’: value}).
get_data(entity_set, *attributes)
Get and return the values of all attributes for each entity of an entity_set.
The return value is a dict mapping the entities of entity_set to dicts containing the values of each attribute
in attributes:
Entity(...): {
'attr_1': 'val_1',
'attr_2': 'val_2',

run(until, rt_factor=None, rt_strict=False)

Start the simulation until the simulation time until is reached.
In order to perform real-time simulations, you can set rt_factor to a number > 0. An rt-factor of 1 means
that 1 simulation time unit (usually a second) takes 1 second in real-time. An rt-factor 0f 0.5 will let the
simulation run twice as fast as real-time.
If the simulators are too slow for the rt-factor you chose, mosaik prints by default only a warning. In order
to raise a RuntimeError, you can set rt_strict to True.
Before this method returns, it stops all simulators and closes mosaik’s server socket. So this method should
only be called once.
Shut-down all simulators and close the server socket.
class mosaik.scenario.ModelFactory(world, sim)
This is a facade for a simulator sim that allows the user to create new model instances (entities) within that
For every model that a simulator publicly exposes, the ModelFactory provides a ModelMock attribute that
actually creates the entities.
If you access an attribute that is not a model or if the model is not marked as public, an ScenarioError is
class mosaik.scenario.ModelMock(world, name, sim)
Instances of this class are exposed as attributes of ModelFactory and allow the instantiation of simulator
You can call an instance of this class to create exactly one entiy: sim.ModelName(x=23). Alterna-
tively, you can use the create() method to create multiple entities with the same set of parameters at once:
sim.ModelName.create(3, x=23).
create(num, **model_params)
Create num entities with the specified model_params and return a list with the entity dicts.
The returned list of entities is the same as returned by mosaik_api.Simulator.create(), but the
simulator is prepended to every entity ID to make them globally unique.
class mosaik.scenario.Entity(sid, eid, sim_name, type, children, sim)
An entity represents an instance of a simulation model within mosaik.

12.3. mosaik.scenario — Classes related to the scenario creation 117

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

The ID of the simulator this entity belongs to.
The entity’s ID.
The entity’s simulator name.
The entity’s type (or class).
An entity set containing subordinate entities.
The SimProxy containing the entity.
Full, globally unique entity id sid.eid.

12.4 mosaik.scheduler — Coordinate and execute simulators

This module is responsible for performing the simulation of a scenario., until, rt_factor=None, rt_strict=False)
Run the simulation for a World until the simulation time until has been reached.
Return the final simulation time.
See for a detailed description of the rt_factor and rt_strict arguments.
mosaik.scheduler.sim_process(world, sim, until, rt_factor, rt_strict)
SimPy simulation process for a certain simulator sim.
mosaik.scheduler.step_required(world, sim)
Return an Event that is triggered when sim needs to perform its next step.
The event will already be triggered if the simulator is a “sink” (no other simulator depends on its outputs) or if
another simulator is already waiting for it.
world is a mosaik World.
mosaik.scheduler.wait_for_dependencies(world, sim)
Return an event ( that is triggered when all dependencies can provide input data for
Also notify any simulator that is already waiting to perform its next step.
world is a mosaik World.
mosaik.scheduler.get_input_data(world, sim)
Return a dictionary with the input data for sim.
The dict will look like:
'eid': {
'attrname': {'src_eid_0': val_0, ... 'src_eid_n': val_n},

118 Chapter 12. API Reference

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2


For every entity, there is an entry in the dict and each entry is itself a dict with attributes and a list of values.
This is, because we may have inputs from multiple simulators (e.g., different consumers that provide loads for a
node in a power grid) and cannot know how to aggregate that data (sum, max, ...?).
world is a mosaik World.
mosaik.scheduler.step(world, sim, inputs)
Advance (step) a simulator sim with the given inputs. Return an event that is triggered when the step was
inputs is a dictionary, that maps entity IDs to data dictionaries which map attribute names to lists of values (see
mosaik.scheduler.get_outputs(world, sim)
Get all required output data from a simulator sim, notify all simulators that are waiting for that data and prune
the data flow cache. Return an event that is triggered when all output data is received.
world is a mosaik World.
mosaik.scheduler.get_progress(sims, until)
Return the current progress of the simulation in percent.

12.5 mosaik.simmanager — Management of external processes

The simulation manager is responsible for starting simulation processes and shutting them down. It also manages the
communication between mosaik and the processes.
It is able to start pure Python simulators in-process (by importing and instantiating them), to start external simulation
processes and to connect to already running simulators and manage access to them.
mosaik.simmanager.start(world, sim_name, sim_id, sim_params)
Start the simulator sim_name based on the configuration im world.sim_config, give it the ID sim_id and pass the
parameters of the dict sim_params to it.
The sim config is a dictionary with one entry for every simulator. The entry itself tells mosaik how to start the
'ExampleSimA': {
'python': 'example_sim.mosaik:ExampleSim',
'ExampleSimB': {
'cmd': 'example_sim %(addr)s',
'cwd': '.',
'ExampleSimC': {
'connect': 'host:port',

ExampleSimA is a pure Python simulator. Mosaik will import the module example_sim.mosaik and in-
stantiate the class ExampleSim to start the simulator.
ExampleSimB would be started by executing the command example_sim and passing the network address of
mosaik das command line argument. You can optionally specify a current working directory. It defaults to ..
ExampleSimC can not be started by mosaik, so mosaik tries to connect to it.

12.5. mosaik.simmanager — Management of external processes 119

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

The function returns a mosaik_api.Simulator instance.

It raises a SimulationError if the simulator could not be started.
Return a SimProxy instance.
mosaik.simmanager.start_inproc(world, sim_name, sim_config, sim_id, sim_params)
Import and instantiate the Python simulator sim_name based on its config entry sim_config.
Return a LocalProcess instance.
Raise a ScenarioError if the simulator cannot be instantiated.
mosaik.simmanager.start_proc(world, sim_name, sim_config, sim_id, sim_params)
Start a new process for simulator sim_name based on its config entry sim_config.
Return a RemoteProcess instance.
Raise a ScenarioError if the simulator cannot be instantiated.
mosaik.simmanager.start_connect(world, sim_name, sim_config, sim_id, sim_params)
Connect to the already running simulator sim_name based on its config entry sim_config.
Return a RemoteProcess instance.
Raise a ScenarioError if the simulator cannot be instantiated.
class mosaik.simmanager.SimProxy(name, sid, meta, world)
Handler for an external simulator.
It stores its simulation state and own the proxy object to the external simulator.
Stop the simulator behind the proxy.
The default implementation does nothing.
class mosaik.simmanager.LocalProcess(name, sid, meta, inst, world)
Proxy for internal simulators.
Yield a triggered event but do nothing else.
class mosaik.simmanager.RemoteProcess(name, sid, meta, proc, rpc_con, world)
Proxy for external simulator processes.
Send a stop message to the process represented by this proxy and wait for it to terminate.
class mosaik.simmanager.MosaikRemote(world, sim_id)
This class provides an RPC interface for remote processes to query mosaik and other processes (simulators) for
data while they are executing a step() command.
Return the current simulation progress from sim_progress.
Return information about the related entities of entities.
If entities omitted (or None), return the complete entity graph, e.g.:
'nodes': {
'sid_0.eid_0': {'type': 'A'},
'sid_0.eid_1': {'type': 'B'},
'sid_1.eid_0': {'type': 'C'},

120 Chapter 12. API Reference

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

'edges': [
['sid_0.eid_0', 'sid_1.eid0', {}],
['sid_0.eid_1', 'sid_1.eid0', {}],

If entities is a single string (e.g., sid_1.eid_0), return a dict containing all entities related to that entity:
'sid_0.eid_0': {'type': 'A'},
'sid_0.eid_1': {'type': 'B'},

If entities is a list of entity IDs (e.g., [’sid_0.eid_0’, ’sid_0.eid_1’]), return a dict mapping
each entity to a dict of related entities:
'sid_0.eid_0': {
'sid_1.eid_0': {'type': 'B'},
'sid_0.eid_1': {
'sid_1.eid_1': {'type': 'B'},

Return the data for the requested attributes attrs.
attrs is a dict of (fully qualified) entity IDs mapping to lists of attribute names ({’sid/eid’:
[’attr1’, ’attr2’]}).
The return value is a dictionary, which maps the input entity IDs to data dictionaries, which in turn
map attribute names to their respective values: ({’sid/eid’: {’attr1’: val1, ’attr2’:
Set data as input data for all affected simulators.
data is a dictionary mapping source entity IDs to destination entity IDs with dictionaries of attributes
and values ({’src_full_id’: {’dest_full_id’: {’attr1’: ’val1’, ’attr2’:

12.6 mosaik.util — Utility classes and functions

This module contains some utility functions and classes.

mosaik.util.sync_process(generator, world, *, errback=None, ignore_errors=False)
Synchronously execute a SimPy process defined by the generator object generator.
A world instance is required to run the event loop.
You can optionally provide a errback (error callback) which will be called with no arguments if an error occurs.
If ignore_errors is set to True, no errors will be printed.
mosaik.util.sync_call(sim, funcname, args, kwargs)
Start a SimPy process to make the func() call to a simulator behave like it was synchronous.
Return the result of the func() call.

12.6. mosaik.util — Utility classes and functions 121

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

Raise an SimulationError if an exception occurs.

mosaik.util.connect_many_to_one(world, src_set, dest, *attrs, *, async_requests=False)
connect() each entity in src_set to dest.
See the connect() for more details.
mosaik.util.connect_randomly(world, src_set, dest_set, *attrs, *, evenly=True,
max_connects=inf )
Randomly connect() the entities from src_set to the entities from dest_set and return a subset of dest_set
containing all entities with a connection.
world is an instance of the World to which the entities belong.
src_set and dest_set are iterables containing Entity instances. src_set may be empty, dest_set must not be
empty. Each entity of src_set will be connected to an entity of dest_set, but not every entity of dest_set will
necessarily have a connection (e.g., if you connect a set of three entities to a set of four entities). A set of all
entities from dest_set, to which at least one entity from src_set was connected, will be returned.
attrs is a list of attribute names of pairs as in connect().
If the flag evenly is set to True, entities connections will be distributed as evenly as possible. That means if you
connect a set of three entities to a set of three entities, there will be three 1:1 connections; if you connect four
entities to three entities, there will be one 2:1 and two 1:1 connections. If evenly is set to False, connections
will be truly random. That means if you connect three entities to three entities, you may either have three 1:1
connections, one 2:1 and two 1:1 connections or just one 3:1 connection.
max_connects lets you set the maximum number of connections that an entity of dest_set may receive. This
argument is only taken into account if evenly is set to False.

122 Chapter 12. API Reference


About mosaik

The latest version of mosaik is 2.5.2 and it is licensed under LGPL.


13.1 Acknowledgments

A lot of people were involved in the creation of mosaik and mosaik wouldn’t be what it is today without any of them:
• Martin Tröschel and Astrid Nieße had the original idea for a tool that lets you integrate existing simulators to
perform large-scale Smart Grid simulations. They also accompanied mosaik’s development many years as group
and project leaders and provided the necessary time and resources for mosaik’s development.
• Steffen Schütte wrote his PhD around mosaik. He and Stefan Scherfke are the primary authors of mosaik 1.
• Ontje Lünsdorf not only contributed code to mosaik 1, but also a lot of ideas. He held countless discussions
with Steffen and Stefan whose results often greatly improved mosaik.
• Stefan Scherfke is the primary author of mosaik 2.0 and 2.1.
• Sebastian Rohjans and Sebastian Lehnhoff accompanied mosaik’s development as group and scientific leaders.
They also put lots of effort into making mosaik open-source software.
• Okko Nannen and Florian Schlögl joined the team in May / July 2014.
We’d also like to thank everyone who worked with mosaik and gave us feedback to make it better.

13.2 The history of mosaik

Our work on mosaik started on July 15th, 2010 – at least, the initial commit happened on that day. Since then, we’ve
come a long way . . .

13.2.1 2.5.2 - 2019-11-01

• [NEW] Special characters are now allowed in path names

• [NEW] Compatible to the new versions of networkx
• [CHANGE] python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 are currently supported, python 3.4 and 3.5 not anymore.
• [FIX] Various minor internal changes

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

• [FIX] Various documentation updates and fixes

13.2.2 2.5.1 - 2018-11-29

• [NEW] When calling the world.start() command for a simulator, users can now set a predefined value for the
posix flag (e.g. True) to prevent automatic detection of the operating system. This facilitates the creation of
some co-simulation cases across OS (e.g. Windows and Linux).

13.2.3 2.5.0 - 2018-09-05

• [NEW] Connection option “time_shifted” added as alternative to async_requests. This will make creating cyclic
data dependencies between simulators more usable since usage of set_data with an API implementation will no
longer be needed.

13.2.4 2.4.0 - 2017-12-06

• [NEW] Compatible to the new versions of networkx, simpy and

• [CHANGE] python 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 are currently supported python 3.3 is no longer supported
• [FIX] Various bug fixes

13.2.5 2.3.0 - 2016-04-26

• [NEW] Allow passing environment vars to sup processes

• [FIX] Fixed a bug in the version validation which raised an error when using a floating point for the version

13.2.6 2.2.0 - 2016-02-15

• [NEW] API version 2.2: Added an optional “setup_done()” method.

• [CHANGE] API version validation: The API version is no longer an integer but a “major.minor” string. The
major part has to math with mosaiks major version. The minor part may be lower or equal to mosaik’s minor
• [FIX] Various minor fixes and stability improvements.
• [FIX] Various docuentation updates and fixes.

13.2.7 2.1 – 2014-10-24

• [NEW] Mosaik can now perform real-time simulations. Before, this functionality needed to be implemented
by simulators. Now it’s just, rt_factor=y), where rt_factor defines the
simulation speed relative to the wall-clock time (issue #24).
• [NEW] Simulators can now expose extra methods via their API that can be called from a mosaik scenario.
This allows you to, e.g., store static data in a data base. These extra API methods need to be specified in the
simulator’s meta data (issue #26).
• [NEW] util.connect_many_to_one() helper function.
• [NEW] More and better documentation:

124 Chapter 13. About mosaik

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

– Tutorial for integrating simulators, control strategies and for creating scenarios.
– Sim API description
– Scenario API description
– Sim Manager documentation
– Scheduler documentation
– Discussion of design decisions
– Logo, colors, CI
• [NEW] Added util.sync_call() which eases calling proxied methods of a simulator synchronously.
• [CHANGE] The rel attribute in the entity description returned by create() is now optional.
• [CHANGE] Moved proxied methods from SimProxy to SimProxy.proxy in order to avoid potential name
clashes with other attributes.
• [CHANGE] Check a simulator’s models and extra API methods for potential name clashes with the built-in API
• [CHANGE] The argument execution_graph of World was renamed to debug. The execution graph now also
stores the time after a simulation step (in addition to the time before the step).
• [FIX] issue #22: The asynchronous requests get_data() and set_data() now check if the async_requests
flag was set in World.connect().
• [FIX] issue #23: finalize() is now called for in-process Python simulators.
• [FIX] issue #27: Dramatically improved simulation performance (30 times as fast in some cases) if simulators
use different step sizes (e.g. 1 minute and 1 hour) by improving some internal data structures.

13.2.8 2.0 – 2014-09-22

• [NEW] Updated documentation

• [CHANGE] Separated mosaik’s package and API version. The former stays a string with a semantic version
number; the later is now a simple integer (issue #17).
• [CHANGE] Start/stop timeout for simulators was raised from 2 to 10 seconds.
• [CHANGE] Updated the mosaik logo. It now uses the flat colors and has some improved icon graphics.
• [CHANGE] Renamed mosaik.simulator to mosaik.scheduler.
• [CHANGE] Entity and the World’s entity graph now store their simulator name.
• [FIX] issue #16: Mosaik now always prints the name of the simulator if it closes its socket.

13.2.9 2.0a4 – 2014-07-31

• [NEW] The model meta data may now contain the any_inputs which, if set to True, allows any attribute to
be connected to that model (useful for databases and alike).
• [CHANGE] The dictionary of input values in the API’s step() call now also contains the source of a particular
value. This is also usefull to for databases. This may break existing simulators.
• [CHANGE] ”.” is now used as separator in full entiy IDs instead of “/” (issue #19).

13.2. The history of mosaik 125

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

13.2.10 2.0a3 – 2014-06-26

• [NEW] Hierarchical entities: Entities can now have a list of child entities (issue #14).
• [NEW] The World class now has a get_data() method that allows you to get data from entities while
creating a scenario.
• [NEW] World.connect(a, b, (’X’, ’X’)) can now be simplified to World.connect(a, b,
• [NEW] Attribute Entity.full_id which uniquely identifies an entity: ’<sid>/<eid>’
• [NEW] Attribute ModelFactory.meta which is the meta data dictionary of a simulator.
• [NEW] World() now accepts a configuration dictionary which can, e.g., specify the network address for
• [NEW] Overview section for the docs
• [NEW] Description of the mosaik API in the docs
• [CHANGE] When you create entities, mosaik checks if the model parameters actually exists and raises an error
if not (issue #9).
• [CHANGE] The mosaik API’s init() function now receives the simulator ID as first argument (issue #15).
• [CHANGE] The behavior of the get_related_entities() RPC that simulators can perform has been
• [CHANGE] Various internal improvements
• [FIX] issue #18. Improved the error message if a Python simulator could not be imported.
• [REMOVED] Attribute Entity.rel.

13.2.11 2.0a2 – 2014-05-05

• [NEW] Preliminary documentation and installation instructions (

• [NEW] Simulators can now set data to other simulators using the asynchronous request set_data (issue #1).
• [NEW] There is now a start timeout for external processes (issue #11).
• [CHANGE] Mosaik now raises an error if a simulator uses the wrong API version (issue #4).
• [CHANGE] Mosaik prints everything to stdout instead of using the Python logging module (issue #7).
• [FIX] issue #2. Scheduling now works properly for processes using async. requests. New keyword argument
async_requests for World.connect().
• [FIX] issue #3. Local (in-process) Simulators can now also perform async. requests to mosaik (get_progress,
get_related_entities, get_data, set_data).
• [FIX] issue #8. Cleaned up the code a bit.
• [FIX] issue #10. Tests for the sim manager improved.

13.2.12 2.0a1 – 2014-03-26

• Mosaik 2 is a complete rewrite of mosaik 1 in order to improve its maintainability and flexibility. It is still an
early alpha version and neither feature complete nor bug free.
• Removed features:

126 Chapter 13. About mosaik

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

– The mosl DSL (including Eclipse xtext and Java) are now gone. Mosaik now only uses Python.
– Mosaik now longer has executables but is now used as a library.
– The platform manager is gone.
– Mosaik no longer includes a database.
– Mosaik no longer includes a web UI.
• Mosaik now consists of four core components with the following feature sets:
– mosaik API

* The API has bean cleaned up and simplified.

* Simulators and control strategies share the same API.
* There are only four calls from mosaik to a simulator: init, create, step and get_data.
* Simulators / processes can make asynchronous requests to mosaik during a step: get_progress,
get_related_entities, get_data.

* ZeroMQ with JSON is replaced by plain network sockets with JSON.

– Scenarios:

* Pure Python is now used to describe scenarios. This offers you more flexibility to create complex

* Scenario creation simplified: Start a simulator to get a model factory. Use the factory to create model
instances (entities). Connect entities. Run simulation.

* Connection rules are are no based on a primitive connect function that only connects two entities with
each other. On top of that, any connection strategy can be implemented.
– Simulation Manager:

* Simulators written in Python 3 can be executed in process.

* Simulators can be started as external processes.
* Mosaik can connect to an already running instance of a simulator. This can be used as a replacement
for the now gone platform manager.
– Simulation execution:

* The simulation is now event-based. No schedule and no synchronization points need to be computed.
* Simulators can have different and varying step sizes.
• Mosaik ecosystem:
– A high-level implementation of the mosaik 2 API currently only exists for Python. See https://bitbucket.
– mosaik-web is a simple visualization for mosaik simulations. See
– mosaik-pypower is an adapter for the PYPOWER load flow analysis library. See
mosaik/mosaik-pypower and
– mosaik-csv and mosaik-householdsim are simple demo simulators that you can use to “simulate” CSV data
sets and load-profile based households. See and https://bitbucket.
– There is a repository containing a simple demo scenario for mosaik. See

13.2. The history of mosaik 127

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

13.2.13 1.1 – 2013-10-25

• [NEW] New API for control strategies.

• [NEW] Mosaik can be configured via environment variables.
• [NEW] Various changes and improvements implemented during Steffen’s dissertation.

13.2.14 1.0 – 2013-01-25

Mosaik 1 was nearly a complete rewrite of the previous version and already incorporated many of the concepts and
features described in Steffen Schütte’s Phd thesis.
It used mosl, a DSL implemented with Eclipse and xtext, to describe simulators and scenarios. Interprocess commu-
nication was done with ZeroMQ and JSON encoded messages.

13.2.15 0.5 – 2011-08-22

This was the first actual version of mosaik that actually worked. However, the simulators we were using at that time
were hard coded into the simulation loop and we used XML-RPC to communicate with the simulators.

128 Chapter 13. About mosaik


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mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

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130 Chapter 14. Privacy Policies




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Prof. Dr. Sebastian Lehnhoff

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Registernumber VR 1956

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DE 811582102
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26121 Oldenburg

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132 Chapter 15. Legals



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Dr. Uwe Schläger

134 Chapter 16. Datenschutz

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datenschutz nord GmbH

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136 Chapter 16. Datenschutz




Escherweg 2
26121 Oldenburg
Telefon +49 441 9722-0
Fax +49 441 9722-102
E-Mail: institut [ A T ]

Vertretungsberechtigter Vorstand

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang H. Nebel (Vorsitzender)

Prof. Dr. techn. Susanne Boll-Westermann
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Hahn
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Hein
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Lehnhoff


Amtsgericht Oldenburg
Registernummer VR 1956

Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer (USt-IdNr.)
DE 811582102
Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gemäß § 55 RStV

Dr. Christoph Mayer (Bereichsleiter)


mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

Escherweg 2
26121 Oldenburg

Mehr zum Thema Datenschutz finden Sie hier.

138 Chapter 17. Impressum



Control strategy A program that is intended to observe and manipulate the state of objects (simulated or real) of a
power system or those that are somehow connected to the power system; for example a multi-agent system that
controls the feed-in of decentralized producers.
Co-simulation In co-simulation the different subsystems which form a coupled problem are modeled and simulated
in a distributed manner. The modeling is done on the subsystem level without having the coupled problem in
mind. The coupled simulation is carried out by running the subsystems in a black-box manner. During the
simulation the subsystems will exchange data. (source: Wikipedia)
Data-flow The exchange of data between two simulators or between the entities of two simulators.
Example: the (re)active power feed-in of a PV model that is sent to a node of a power system simulator.
Entity Represents an instance of a Model within a mosaik simulation. Entities can be connected to establish a
data-flow between them. Examples are the nodes and lines of a power grid or single electric vehicles.
Entity Set A set or list of entities.
Framework A software framework provides generic functionality that can be selectively changed and expanded by
additional user-written code.
Model A Model is a simplified representation of a real world object or system. It reproduces the relevant aspects of
that object or system for its systematic analysis.
Scenario Description of the system to be simulated. It includes the used models and their relations. It includes the
state of the models and their data base. In the mosaik-context it includes also the simulators.
Simulation The process of executing a scenario (and the simulation models).
Simulation Model The representation of a model in programming code..
Simulator A program that contains the implementation of one or more simulation models and is able to execute these
models (that is, to perform a simulation).
Sometimes, the term simulator also refers all kinds of processes that can talk to mosaik, including actual simu-
lators, control strategies, visualization servers, database adapters and so on.
Smart Grid An electric power system that utilizes information exchange and control technologies, distributed com-
puting and associated sensors and actuators, for purposes such as:
• to integrate the behaviour and actions of the network users and other stakeholders,
• to efficiently deliver sustainable, economic and secure electricity supplies.
(source: IEC)
Step Mosaik executes simulators in discrete time steps. The step size of a simulator can be an arbitrary integer. It
can also vary during the simulation.

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

Mosaik does not dictate a unit for the simulation time and step size. The convention is to use seconds, but it is
no problems if all simulators used minutes or milli seconds – as long as all of them assume the same unit.

140 Chapter 18. Glossary


Indices and tables

• genindex
• modindex
• search

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

142 Chapter 19. Indices and tables

Python Module Index

mosaik, 115
mosaik.exceptions, 115
mosaik.scenario, 115
mosaik.scheduler, 118
mosaik.simmanager, 119
mosaik.util, 121
mosaik_api, 61

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

144 Python Module Index


C get_related_entities() (mo-
children (mosaik.scenario.Entity attribute), 118 saik.simmanager.MosaikRemote method),
Co-simulation, 139 120
config (mosaik.scenario.World attribute), 116
configure() (mosaik_api.Simulator method), 63
connect() (mosaik.scenario.World method), 116 init() (mosaik_api.Simulator method), 61
connect_many_to_one() (in module mosaik.util), 122
connect_randomly() (in module mosaik.util), 122 L
Control strategy, 139 LocalProcess (class in mosaik.simmanager), 120
create() (mosaik.scenario.ModelMock method), 117
create() (mosaik_api.Simulator method), 61 M
meta (mosaik_api.Simulator attribute), 61
D Model, 139
Data-flow, 139 ModelFactory (class in mosaik.scenario), 117
df_graph (mosaik.scenario.World attribute), 116 ModelMock (class in mosaik.scenario), 117
mosaik (module), 115
E mosaik (mosaik_api.Simulator attribute), 61
eid (mosaik.scenario.Entity attribute), 118 mosaik.exceptions (module), 115
Entity, 139 mosaik.scenario (module), 115
Entity (class in mosaik.scenario), 117 mosaik.scheduler (module), 118
Entity Set, 139 mosaik.simmanager (module), 119
entity_graph (mosaik.scenario.World attribute), 116 mosaik.util (module), 121
env (mosaik.scenario.World attribute), 116 mosaik_api (module), 61
MosaikRemote (class in mosaik.simmanager), 120
finalize() (mosaik_api.Simulator method), 63
Framework, 139 RemoteProcess (class in mosaik.simmanager), 120
full_id (mosaik.scenario.Entity attribute), 118 run() (in module mosaik.scheduler), 118
run() (mosaik.scenario.World method), 117
get_data() (mosaik.scenario.World method), 117
get_data() (mosaik.simmanager.MosaikRemote method), Scenario, 139
121 ScenarioError (class in mosaik.exceptions), 115
get_data() (mosaik_api.Simulator method), 62 set_data() (mosaik.simmanager.MosaikRemote method),
get_input_data() (in module mosaik.scheduler), 118 121
get_outputs() (in module mosaik.scheduler), 119 setup_done() (mosaik_api.Simulator method), 62
get_progress() (in module mosaik.scheduler), 119 shifted_graph (mosaik.scenario.World attribute), 116
get_progress() (mosaik.simmanager.MosaikRemote shutdown() (mosaik.scenario.World method), 117
method), 120 sid (mosaik.scenario.Entity attribute), 117
sim (mosaik.scenario.Entity attribute), 118

mosaik Documentation, Release 2.5.2

sim_config (mosaik.scenario.World attribute), 116

sim_name (mosaik.scenario.Entity attribute), 118
sim_process() (in module mosaik.scheduler), 118
sim_progress (mosaik.scenario.World attribute), 116
SimProxy (class in mosaik.simmanager), 120
sims (mosaik.scenario.World attribute), 116
Simulation, 139
Simulation Model, 139
SimulationError (class in mosaik.exceptions), 115
Simulator, 139
Simulator (class in mosaik_api), 61
Smart Grid, 139
srv_sock (mosaik.scenario.World attribute), 116
start() (in module mosaik.simmanager), 119
start() (mosaik.scenario.World method), 116
start_connect() (in module mosaik.simmanager), 120
start_inproc() (in module mosaik.simmanager), 120
start_proc() (in module mosaik.simmanager), 120
start_simulation() (in module mosaik_api), 64
Step, 139
step() (in module mosaik.scheduler), 119
step() (mosaik_api.Simulator method), 62
step_required() (in module mosaik.scheduler), 118
stop() (mosaik.simmanager.LocalProcess method), 120
stop() (mosaik.simmanager.RemoteProcess method), 120
stop() (mosaik.simmanager.SimProxy method), 120
sync_call() (in module mosaik.util), 121
sync_process() (in module mosaik.util), 121

type (mosaik.scenario.Entity attribute), 118

wait_for_dependencies() (in module mosaik.scheduler),
World (class in mosaik.scenario), 115

146 Index

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