Analyzing A Research Paper 1

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This paper is a requirement to fulfill the course assignment


Desi Puspitasari, M. Pd

Class:TBI C
Name: Febri Susanti( 204180092)



(the source& the date of publication)
1. Background of the research
Learning English starts since elementary school in Indonesia.There are four
basic skill learnt by students in writing,,listening,and reading.Helgezen in a book
entitled “Active Learning”says that many students find listening to be the one of
the most difficult skills in English.Rost (1994:2) says listening involves both
social and cognitive process- that is our relationship with people and the way we
structure our internal knowledge.In this sense,we see that much of input to the
listener – that is,from those parts of the brain that have to do with interests,
beliefs,values,opinions,attitudes,motives,and background knowledge.Moreover,
Rost says listening in cross cultural discourse is often challenging because of both
linguistic difficulties in conventional style.
Habit in listening to English song can be practice for students in listening
skill.When listening to English songs becomes a habit of the students,they will
feel unfamiliar of the new words they hear because they probably ever listen to the
word in the song.As the students listen to the songs,they tend to follow the lyrics
and the rhythm.It helps student catch the word in English easily because as Griffee
(1994:4) mention sensitivity in rhythm is a basic and necessary first step in
learning language.
Furthermore,vocabulary mastery has an important role in achieving the
listening skill and other skill in English.According to Langan ,(2001:56) a
command of many words will make people become a better writer,listener,and
reader.Mastering vocabulary helps students in communication whether as the
listener or speaker.In listening,students who have rich vocabulary will have less
difficulty in catching new word or phrase.
To improve listening skill,students are required to have habits in listening to
English songs and master the vocabulary too.Based on idea above,the writer is
interested in studying correlation on habit in listening to English
songs,Vocabulary Mastery,and listening skill.

1. Research questions

Write the research questions of the study.

a. What is the correlation between habit in listening to English Songs,

vocabulary mastery and listening skill

2. Research objectives

Write the research objectives of the study.

A correlation study between habit in listening to English Songs,vocabulary

mastery,and listening skill.

3. Theoritical Framework (take the relevant theories)

Write the most relevant theories in this study.


Listening can be seen (primarily) the active

use of language to acces other people meaning
(Cameron,2001:4).In line with Cameron,Helgessen
(2003:4)states listening is an active,purposeful pro-
cessing of making sense of what we hear.In order to
listen ,there is complex process to it.As River (1978)
mention “listening is a complex operation
integrating the distinct components of perception
and linguistic knowledge in ways which are at
present poorly understood”.Furthermore,Rost argues
successful listening involves an integration of those
component skills (1991:4).The integration of this
perception skills,analysis skill,and synthesis skill is
what we call a person’s listening ability.Based on the
theorizes above,it can be concluded that listening is
an active process to get people’s meaning which

involves understanding speaker’s pronounciation,
context,and meaning.


Watson,as behaviorism psychologist defines

habit as a regular behavior (1924).This idea
supported by Butler (1995:61) who believes that
habit are automatic routine behavior that is repeated
regularly with thinking.Similarly,Wood and Neal
defines habit as psychological disposition to repeat
past behavior.They are acquired gradually as people
repeatedly respond in recurring context (2007).

Listening is the activity of paying attention to

and trying to get meaning from something that we
hear (Underwood:p.1).Cameron (2001:40)argues that
listening is seen as (primarly) active use of language
to access other people’s meaning.Therefore,we may
conclude that habit in listening to English songs is
the routine and automatic activity of paying attention
to get meaning by listening songs which have words,
melody,rhytm sung by a singer in English words by
person in daily.


Hatch and Brown (1995:1)define vocabulary

is a list or a set of word for particular language or a
list or a set of words that individual speakers of
language might use.According to Linse (2005:121),
vocabulary is the collection of words that an
individual knows.Furthermore,McCharty in Burns
and Joyce (2001) states that vocabulary consist of
word,freestanding items of language.

A. Research method

a. Research design

Explain the research design used in this study.

This research use correlation research is a type of research design where

the researcher seek to understand what a kind of relationship naturally
occurring variables have with one other

b. Subjects of the study & how to get the subjects

Write the subjects of this study in this study. Explain on
how the researcher gets the subjects.
c. Instruments of the study

Write the instruments used in the study.

The data are collected by using test and questionare.The test

are used to collect vocabulary mastery data (in the form of multiple
choices test which consist of 50 items) and listening skill (in the form
of multiple choices and essay which consist of 45 items),while the
questionare is used to collect the data of habit in listening to English
songs (which consist of 25 items having four alternatives positives
and negatives items).In this study,the validity tedt is using Product
Moment Formula and the reliability test is using Kuder-Richardson
for multiple choice instrument (the discrete score) and Alpha
Croanbach for questionare instrument (continuum score)

d. Data collection techniques

Explain on how the researcher gathered the data.

The technique which is used to analyze the data was Linear

Regression Analysis Statistic by using SPSS 17.The researcher tests the
hypothesis using Product Moment and Multiple Linear Regression
Formula.Product Moment Formula is used to describe the strength of
relationship between two variables (single correlation),while Multiple
Linear Regression is used to describe the strength between several
independents variables and one independent variable (multiple

correlation).Before entering Linear Regression Analysis,there is major
pre-requirement analysis for the data.They are normality test using
Liliefors formula,homogeneity test using using Barlett formula,linearity
and significance using Anova test.

B. Findings
Explain the findings/results of the study.
One Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
X1 X2 Y
N 30 30 30
Normal Mean 67.6667 77.6000 74.0333
Std.Deviation 7.82716 12.07334 9.77147
Most Absolute .116 .147 .146
Positive .116 .087 .097
Negative -.082 -.147 -.146
Kolmograv Sminov Z .636 .807 .802
Asymp Sig (2 failed .636 .807 .802
a. Test distribution is normal
b. Calculated from data

C. Data analysis
Explain on how the researcher analyzes the data gathered.
the researcher using Linear Regression Analysis Statistic by using SPSS

D. Conclusion

Write the conclusion of the study.

From the study,it can be concluded that there is a positive correlation

between habit in listening to English songs and vocabulary mastery toward
listening skill,bot partially and simultaneously when in every one score increase
from habit in listening to English song (X 1) together with vocabulary mastery
(X2) it increases 0.795 of listening skill (Y) in the constant score of 4.804.It also
means that habit in listening to English song and vocabulary mastery constribute
to listening skill;with the effective contribution 63,29% in which 17,23 from
habit in listening to English songs and 46,06% from vocabulary mastery.

Considering habit in listening to English songs and vocabulary mastery
contribute to listening skill,it is useful for the teacher to increase students habit in
listening to English song and improve the students vocabulary order
to increase the students habitt in listening to English songs,teacher should also
using song in classroom to teach listening.While to improve student vocabulary
mastery ,teacher should improve their profesionalskill,especially in vocabulary.
It can be through formal education/informal education.

Your comments about the research

Write your comments about the research which you’ve analyzed.
The research is about correlation between listening skill, song,habit in listening skill,
and vocabulary mastery

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