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ROB521 Assignment 3

1006631432 Kuan-Ting Lee

The above images are the result I got from this assignment. One thing to note is
that after RANSAC manipulation, we can see that outliers (red lines in the above image)
tend to be far from the camera. In contrast, the inliers (green lines in the above image)
are mostly on the ground and, therefore, closer to the robot. The cause of this result
might be the uncertainties in stereo triangulation. The further the points are away from
the camera, the more uncertainty those data will have.
Another thing to note is that for the “motion of camera frame” plot, we have to
add view(0,0) in the plotting section code to achieve the same viewing perspective as
the example solution.
The code is attached in below:
% ======
% ass3.m
% ======
% This assignment will introduce you to the idea of
estimating the motion
% of a mobile robot using stereo visual odometry. It
uses a real image
% dataset gathered in the Canadian High Arctic in 2009.
% There is only one question to complete (10):
% Question: code the least-squares motion solution
based on two
% pointclouds
% Fill in the required sections of this script with
your code, run it to
% generate the requested plots, then paste the plots
into a short report
% that includes a few comments about what you've
observed. Append your
% version of this script to the report. Hand in the
report as a PDF file.
% requires: basic Matlab, 'matches.mat', directory of
% T D Barfoot, February 2016

function vo()

clear all;

% watch the included video,

load matches.mat;
imax = size(matches,2);

% stereo camera parameters

b = 0.239977002; % baseline [m]
f = 387.599884033; % focal length [pixel]
cu = 253.755615234; % horiz image centre [pixel]
cv = 185.114852905; % vert image centre [pixel]

% global transform to camera (starts as identity)

T = eye(4);

% distance travelled (starts at zero)

d(1) = sqrt(T(1:3,4)'*T(1:3,4));

% initialize some figures

h1 = figure(1); clf;
h2 = figure(2); clf;

% loop over the stereo pairs

for i=1:imax

% get number of feature matches

npoints = size( matches{i}, 1);

% use the inverse stereo camera model to turn

the first stereo pair into a pointcloud
uL1 = matches{i}(:,1);
vL1 = matches{i}(:,2);
uR1 = matches{i}(:,3);
vR1 = matches{i}(:,4);
p1 = [ b*( 0.5*(uL1 + uR1) - cu ) ./ (uL1 -
uR1) ...
b*( 0.5*(vL1 + vR1) - cv ) ./ (uL1 -
uR1) ...
b*f*ones(size(uL1)) ./ (uL1 - uR1) ]';

% use the inverse stereo camera model to turn

the first stereo pair into a pointcloud
uL2 = matches{i}(:,5);
vL2 = matches{i}(:,6);
uR2 = matches{i}(:,7);
vR2 = matches{i}(:,8);
p2 = [ b*( 0.5*(uL2 + uR2) - cu ) ./ (uL2 -
uR2) ...
b*( 0.5*(vL2 + vR2) - cv ) ./ (uL2 -
uR2) ...
b*f*ones(size(uL2)) ./ (uL2 - uR2) ]';

maxinliers = 0;
bestinliers = [];
p1inliers = [];
p2inliers = [];
itermax = 1000;
iter = 0;
while iter < itermax && maxinliers < 50

iter = iter + 1;

% shuffle the points into a random order

pointorder = randperm(npoints);
% use the first 3 points to propose a
motion for the camera
[C,r] =
compute_motion( p1(:,pointorder(1:3)),
p2(:,pointorder(1:3)) );

% compute the Euclidean error on all points

and threshold to
% count inliers
e = p2 - C*(p1 - r*ones(1,npoints));
reproj = sum(e.*e,1);
inliers = find(reproj < 0.01);
ninliers = size(inliers,2);
if ninliers > maxinliers
maxinliers = ninliers;
bestinliers = inliers;
p1inliers = p1(:,inliers);
p2inliers = p2(:,inliers);


% recompute the incremental motion using all

the inliers from the
% best motion hypothesis
[C,r] = compute_motion(p1inliers,p2inliers);

% update global transform

T = [ C -C*r; 0 0 0 1]*T;

% update distance travelled

d(i+1) = sqrt(T(1:3,4)'*T(1:3,4));

% this figure shows the feature tracks that

were identified as
% inliers (green) and outliers (red)
IL1 = imread(['images/grey-rectified-left-'
num2str(i,'%06i') '.pgm'], 'pgm');
hold on;
for k=1:npoints
set(plot( [uL1(k) uL2(k)], [vL1(k) vL2(k)],
'r-' ), 'LineWidth', 2);
for k=1:maxinliers
set(plot( [uL1(bestinliers(k))
uL2(bestinliers(k))], [vL1(bestinliers(k))
vL2(bestinliers(k))], 'g-' ), 'LineWidth', 2);

% this figure plots the camera reference frame

as it moves through
% the world - try rotating in 3D to see the
full motion
hold on;
startaxis = [0.1 0 0 0; 0 0.1 0 0; 0 0 0.1 0; 1
1 1 1];
curraxis = inv(T)*startaxis;
plot3( [curraxis(1,1) curraxis(1,4)],
[curraxis(2,1) curraxis(2,4)], [curraxis(3,1)
curraxis(3,4)], 'r-' );
plot3( [curraxis(1,2) curraxis(1,4)],
[curraxis(2,2) curraxis(2,4)], [curraxis(3,2)
curraxis(3,4)], 'g-' );
plot3( [curraxis(1,3) curraxis(1,4)],
[curraxis(2,3) curraxis(2,4)], [curraxis(3,3)
curraxis(3,4)], 'b-' );
axis equal;


% finish off this figure

xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('z');
title('motion of camera frame');
print -dpng ass3_motion.png

% this figure simply looks at the total distance

travelled vs. image
% index
axis([0 105 0 21])
xlabel('image index');
ylabel('distance travelled [m]');
title('distance estimated by visual odometry');
print -dpng ass3_distance.png


% this is the core function that computes motion from

two pointclouds
function [C, r] = compute_motion( p1, p2 )

% ------insert your motion-from-two-pointclouds

algorithm here------
n = size(p1,2);
p1_cen = sum(p1')'/n;
p2_cen = sum(p2')'/n;

W = 0;
for i = 1:n
W = W + (p1(:,i) - p1_cen) * (p2(:,i) -

[U, S, V] = svd(W);

C = V * [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 det(V)*det(U)] * U';
r = -C' * p2_cen + p1_cen;

% C = eye(3); % temporary to make script run

% r = zeros(3,1); % temporary to make script run

% ------end of your motion-from-two-pointclouds



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