Towards A Digitised and Flexible Future:: Understanding Asia'S Rapidly Evolving Recruitment Trends
Towards A Digitised and Flexible Future:: Understanding Asia'S Rapidly Evolving Recruitment Trends
Towards A Digitised and Flexible Future:: Understanding Asia'S Rapidly Evolving Recruitment Trends
Introduction 3
Salary Information 18
Accountancy & Finance/Audit, Risk & Compliance 19
Banking & Financial Services 33
Construction & Engineering 43
Digital Technology 46
Education 53
Finance Technology 55
Human Resources 64
Information Technology 68
Insurance 76
Legal 81
Life Sciences 84
Manufacturing & Operations 89
Marketing & Digital 97
Office Professionals 101
Procurement & Supply Chain 104
Property 108
Sales 110
Employers 113
Employees 114
Thank you
We would like to express our gratitude to all organisations which have participated in the collection of data for this year’s
guide. Your contribution has ensured that we can produce an informative publication to help support your business decisions.
Disclaimer: The Hays Salary Guide is representative of a value-added service to our clients and candidates. Whilst every care is taken in the collection and
compilation of data, the guide is interpretive and indicative, not conclusive. Therefore, information should be used as a guideline only and should not be
reproduced in whole or by section without written permission from Hays.
2019 may have taken little conservatism when approaching recruitment, too much
prevarication and the deal is often left undone.
an unexpected turn
Whilst candidates may be a more cautious in their approach
into uncertainty; as a to seeking new opportunities, their expectations in from
result organisations employment remain undimmed. They are still driving for
may want to ensure better pay packages, and seeking new challenges, always
on the lookout for a way to improve their career trajectory.
that in 2020, their This optimism is inspiring and sends a strong message to
focus is very much on businesses looking for the best talent in the market. At the
those things they can same time, the rapid pace of change, particularly within the
realm of digital transformation, will undoubtedly push more
control and determine. candidates to give their skillset a good hard look and
examine their relevancy and potential to upskill.
One of the greatest things about my three years as The third trend that stood out to me is the growing
Managing Director of Hays Asia, has been watching the acknowledgement of skill gaps, as well as awareness of its
constant evolution of recruitment in this vibrant region. impact on innovation. Unsurprisingly, digital skills such as
The last year has been a real exercise in expect the data analytics have topped the list of priorities for
unexpected, reminding organisations and candidates that employers, but soft skills such as problem solving and
they can never truly take their finger off the pulse. This is communication are catching up very quickly. Interestingly,
evident by the distinctly positive note on which 2018 many employers look to contracting or temporary workers
ended, and the more measured, deliberate tone that hiring to bring these highly sought-after skills to an organisation,
has taken this year as economies slow. marking an interesting shift in Asia as they start
A few interesting trends stood out to me in this year’s understanding the value of alternative recruitment models.
guide. The first is the growing caution from employers as Flexible recruitment solutions are certainly dynamics that
they prepare in response to less certain market conditions. both candidates and employers would do well to keep an
What has been interesting is that hiring activity in terms of eye on as this approach gains in popularity and adoption.
job volumes has remained fairly constant, processes are We hope the research in this report will interest you and
now taking longer which can present some challenges for help you find the direction you need, as Asia marches
both employees and employers. Candidate sentiment is also firmly towards yet another year of change.
a little more cautious, and where both parties approach the
hiring process with caution, the risk is that both Richard Eardley – Managing Director Asia
subsequently miss out. Whilst it makes sense to practice a
Survey highlights
Employers Employees
Despite optimistic projections, 2019 meted out Interestingly, the primary drivers for candidates looking out for
market uncertainties that had some industries new roles have remained unchanged for four years now: ‘salary
or benefit packages’ (62 per cent), followed by ‘seeking new
bracing for impact. Marked by continued digital challenges’ (48 per cent) and ‘lack of career progression’ (45 per
innovation and a slowing global economy, 2020 cent). This makes clear that companies must continue to deliver
is expected to be a period of measured hiring on pay packages and provide their employees with challenges and
and compensation where candidates must prove opportunities for growth if they are to attract the best talent. In
addition to these, the top reason why candidates stay with their
their worth and companies must match growing current employers is work-life balance (43 per cent), followed by
expectations to attract and retain them. salary or benefit package (40 per cent), and finally management
style and company culture (33 per cent). These drivers are a
continued trend from last year, making it obvious to employers what
Organisations gear for uncertainty areas they must focus on if they are to retain their best talent.
While 2018 was a promising year for hiring and compensation While most candidates are satisfied/very satisfied with their
in Asia, the ripple effect of global geopolitics across industries current level of compensation (59 per cent), this number has
and economies in 2019 has seeded uncertainty within the region. dropped from last year (62 per cent). Hong Kong had the highest
This is most evident by the majority of employers in the region number of employees who successfully asked for and received
(42 per cent) expecting a softening general outlook for their a pay raise (36 per cent), while the highest number of those
local economy in 2020. While employers have always been who asked but did not receive was in Malaysia (24 per cent)
conservative in their response to this question, having voted for and Singapore (19 per cent). Most candidates are unperturbed,
a ‘static’ outlook consecutively for the last three years, this is the however, and still remain steady in their expectations for
first time our results have effectively fallen on this side of the coin. increments in the coming year. While 45 per cent of candidates
However, such an outlook will necessitate transformation, both across Asia are in line with employee expectations of raises
in organisational structures and skillsets, bringing with it new job between 3-6 per cent, 41 per cent still expect increases between
roles and opportunities for development. 6-10 per cent or above. This could possibly lead to an influx of
This is evident by most organisations still expecting increased mismatched salary expectations in the coming year.
business activity in 2020 (59 per cent). Most organisations still Impact of skill gaps becomes increasingly inevitable
report their permanent staff count to have increased in the
last year as well (43 per cent), and expect these numbers to While the majority of candidates believe their skills will continue to
continue increasing through 2020 (43 per cent). Of all the Asian be relevant in the next five years (64 per cent), more are unsure of
regions, Japan is expecting the highest increase in staff levels this (27 per cent) as compared to last year (24 per cent). This may
(52 per cent), as is evident by its tight labour market and falling be a result of the economic uncertainty combined with the rapid
unemployment numbers. digitalisation that continues to transform job markets across the
region, resulting in a pressure to upskill.
Increments and bonuses show increasingly conservative movement
Organisations are also increasingly aware of the impact skill
When asked if employee salaries had increased in the last year, shortages may have in the coming year. Just above half of all
most organisations reported moderate increments of 3-6 per cent organisations (51 per cent) believe they have the talent needed to
(64 per cent) and expect to keep this range in the year to come. achieve their current business objectives, with Malaysia being the
A concerning trend for employees, however, is the gradual decline most confident (62 per cent) and Japan being the least (31 per
of increments between 6-10 per cent or above, that have steadily cent). The majority are also aware that skill shortages will hamper
dropped from 25 per cent in 2016 to 19 per cent in 2019. The country their business operations to some extent in 2020 (53 per cent),
most willing to offer these higher ranges of increments is China (28 particularly productivity (62 per cent) and business development
per cent), while the least willing is Japan (six per cent). Another (45 per cent). While this is in line with last year’s findings, a new
concern is that an increasing number of companies expect to give entrant onto this list is innovation and creativity (44 per cent),
no increments to their employees in 2020, a number that climbed perhaps linked to ongoing digital transformation. China scored
from six per cent in 2017 to 17 per cent in 2019. Of these, Malaysian highest in this respect (58 per cent), while Hong Kong valued this
employers are most unlikely to offer any increments (20 per cent), the least (33 per cent). The majority of organisations also agree that
closely followed by Singaporean employers (19 per cent). a lack of training and professional development is the leading cause
Trends within bonuses have also showed an increasing amount for such shortages in their industry (46 per cent).
of selectiveness among employers. While most employers still A little over half the organisations believe teachable or technical
award all staff bonuses (60 per cent), an increasing number have hard skills to be the most sought after (54 per cent), with project
changed their stance to ‘yes, but only for some staff ’. This number management (58 per cent) and statistical analysis and data
has gone up from 26 per cent in 2018 to 30 per cent in 2019. And mining (55 per cent) at the top of this list. Among soft skills,
while most employers still plan to award more than 50 per cent problem solving (83 per cent), team work (75 per cent) and verbal
of their staff with bonuses (44 per cent), more employers also communication (70 per cent) remain top priority for employers.
plan on giving no bonuses in the coming year (14 per cent), as More employers are also hiring contracting/temporary staff
compared to last year (11 per cent). to meet peaks in demand (44 per cent), primarily those with
However, the majority of employers still offer benefits in addition technical or digital skills (37 per cent), tied with communication
to their compensation (81 per cent), with the most common (37 per cent).
benefits offered being health/medical (75 per cent) and life As our research shows, 2020 may be a challenging year ahead
assurance (29 per cent). Interestingly, health and wellness (27 per for employers and employees alike. But such market conditions
cent) knocked last year’s ‘pension’ out for third place, a change present opportunities as well. Candidates with the flexibility
that can arguably be attributed to the rise of ageing populations to adapt or upskill in areas that will help organisations feel
and retirement ages across Asia. more equipped to face change will benefit the most. Similarly,
Candidates remain determined in their search for better organisations who can belay their fear and provide candidates with
packages, career progression and work-life balance a conducive culture and generous compensation and benefits will
attract the right candidates to their door and retain them for good.
While the uncertain economic climate may have shook organisations,
candidates seem as determined as ever in their search for greener
working pastures. More candidates are actively looking (36 per cent)
as compared to last year (31 per cent) with Malaysian candidates
being the most open to new roles (52 per cent) and those from Hong
Kong being the most closed (24 per cent).
29% 35% 13%
Up to 3% From 3% to 6% From 6% to 10%
More than 10%
34% 34% 11%
Up to 3% From 3% to 6% From 6% to 10%
More than 10%
Last 12 Next 12 Last 12 Next 12 Last 12 Next 12 Last 12 Next 12 Last 12 Next 12
months months months months months months months months months months
Nil 12% 14% 16% 20% 16% 21% 20% 19% 20%
Up to 3% 12% 15% 28% 38% 48% 54% 22% 24% 35% 42%
From 3% to 6% 42% 44% 37% 35% 23% 25% 37% 39% 35% 29%
From 6% to 10% 27% 23% 11% 7% 5% 3% 15% 13% 7% 8%
More than 10% 7% 6% 10% 4% 4% 2% 5% 4% 4% 1%
Other benefits nominated include a day off for your birthday, car/car allowance, housing allowance,
club/gym membership, children’s education, hardship allowance, tax equalisation and private expenses.
*More than one answer provided
14% 19% 13% 10% 44%
Nil Up to 10% From 10% From 20% More than 50%
to 20% to 50%
42% Increased
22% Decreased
18% Decrease
In the next 12 months, do you expect your use of temporary/contract staff to...
24% Increase
17% Decrease
Other reasons nominated include difficulty finding suitable permanent workers, cover extra workload and other.
Term-time working hours
Home or remote working
Part-time employment
Compressed hours
Phased retirement
Job sharing
When recruiting new staff in 2020, which of these soft skills are important to you?*
When recruiting new staff in 2020, which of these hard skills are important to you?*
Other negative impacts highlighted include employee moral, revenue/profit, customer/client service, absenteeism due to
Other causes include time required to complete necessary qualifications/training, cost of qualifications and lack of
awareness of opportunities in schools/universities.
*More than one answer provided
Up-skilled Improved Transferred Recruited contract/ Recruited workers No action taken Other
current workforce attraction strategy employees temporary workers from overseas
different functions
*More than one answer provided
57% 43%
Yes No
61% 39%
Yes No
Very confident
49% 40% 4%
Confident Not very confident Not at all confident
30% 9% 31% 21% 13%
30% 26% 44% 46% 42%
Weakening 40% 65% 25% 33% 45%
Up to 3%
24% 19%
From 3% to 6% From 6% to 10%
More than 10%
Do you currently use any of the Which of the following flexible working options
following flexible working options?* if you were looking for a new job would be
important to you when considering a new role?*
5% Part-time working 7%
26% Flexi-time 52%
3% Job sharing 7%
31% Home or mobile working 57%
3% Compressed hours 27%
2% Term-time working 7%
2% Annual hours 8%
16% Informal flexible working 28%
1% Phased retirement 5%
66% 34%
Yes No
64% 9%
Yes No
Not sure
Very satisfied
55% 36% 5%
Satisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied
If yes, why are you looking for a If you aren’t looking to move, what makes you
new employer?* want to stay with your current employer?*
• Please note all salaries are representative of the total package value
CHINA candidates with merger & acquisition bringing companies forward through
standardisation strategy. Thus, the provisions and telework options along will be multiple job opportunities for both
demand for financial planning & analysis with a rise in salary. As Japanese technical and commercially minded
(FP&A) and finance business partnering companies continue to grow and expand accountants.
candidates is currently higher in the Hong overseas, there is also an increasing
Kong market. shortage of bilingual CPAs (certified public
accountants) who can be allocated to
international projects at Big Four Malaysia remains the Asian hub for shared
JAPAN companies. service centres and although these often
BUOYANT MARKET CONTINUES FOR lead to a reduction in overall global
ACCOUNTING & FINANCE finance headcount, the concentration of
PROFESSIONALS; SOFT SKILLS IN finance personnel into Kuala Lumpur and
DEMAND Petaling Jaya will result in further
Compliance was one of the hottest areas increases of both opportunity and salary
Accountants of all levels continue to be high
for banking, securities and asset for AP (accounts payable), AR (accounts
in demand in the Japan market. As their
management in 2019. Cracking the receivable) and GL (general ledger)
skills are easily transferrable, these openings
Financial Services Agency (FSA) and Bank professionals. Salaries in these spaces saw
tend to be filled up quickly, sometimes
of Japan (BOJ) are relatively difficult for rises throughout 2019 and are expected to
taking only a couple of days to be closed.
international FinTech and crypto firms continue rising into 2020 as more MNCs
Financial controllers and FP&A (financial trying to establish themselves in Japan, set up functions in Malaysia.
planning & analysis) analysts/managers with leading to a high demand for veteran
strong commercial acumen also continue to compliance experts. As a consequence,
be sought after in the market. But while attractive salary packages will be offered
many candidates have the required to entice quality candidates to switch roles.
qualifications and controlling and analysis
It is also worth noting that while financial
skills, they may lack hard-to-train soft skills
like good communication. As many global
risk management functions can be off- ‘The Big Four in
shored to cheaper locations (as commonly
companies expect finance leaders in Japan
to advise management on key decisions,
seen in recent years after the financial Japan are embracing
crisis), compliance and non-financial risk
those with business partnering skills can
expect competitive packages. Often there
functions are required to be permanently flexible working
located in Japan. Due to this, as well as its
are only a handful of such candidates
available in the market, leading companies
regulatory nature, compliance remains a conditions in a bid to
Japanese-dominated area, with over 90%
to offer sign-on bonuses or special
of compliance experts at both domestic attract more talent.’
• Salaries are represented in local currencies • SME - Small to medium enterprise
• MID - Medium to large
• MNC - Multinational companies
• Salaries are represented in local currencies • SME - Small to medium enterprise
• MID - Medium to large
• MNC - Multinational companies
China N/A N/A 600 - 1,300
Hong Kong SAR 840 - 1,080 960 - 1,200 1,200 - 2,000
Japan N/A 12 - 16 12 - 18
Singapore 110 - 150 130 - 220 220 - 340
• Salaries are represented in local currencies • SME - Small to medium enterprise
• MID - Medium to large
• MNC - Multinational companies
Head of Shared
SHARED SERVICE CENTRE Team Lead Assistant Manager Manager Service Centre
China 250 - 400 400 - 600 600 - 800 800 - 1,500
Hong Kong SAR 300 - 520 520 - 660 572 - 750 1,000 - 1,500
Malaysia 90 - 120 105 - 168 180 - 300 240 - 550
Singapore 50 - 75 65 - 90 90 - 150 150 - 250
• Salaries are represented in local currencies • SME - Small to medium enterprise
• MID - Medium to large
• MNC - Multinational companies
Finance Financial Senior Finance Finance Assistant
FINANCIAL SERVICES Director/CFO Controller Manager Manager Finance Manager
Japan 20 - 30 14 - 24 12 - 20 10 - 16 8 - 12
Malaysia 360 - 720 240 - 360 168 - 240 108 - 168 84 - 108
Senior Tax
IFRS 17 Project Manager Tax Manager Tax Accountant
Japan N/A 12 - 18 8 - 13 5-8
Malaysia 216 - 300 120 - 144 96 - 120 72 - 96
Credit Control
Credit Control Assistant Accounts Accounts
Manager Manager Credit Control Receivable Payable
Japan 12 - 16 8 - 14 8 - 12 5-8 5-8
Malaysia 96 - 120 36 - 66 36 - 66 34 - 66 34 - 66
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
Product Controller Treasury Manager Treasury Accountant Treasury Manager
China 650 - 900 700 - 1,000 350 - 650 150 - 350
Hong Kong SAR 500 - 800 1,100 - 1,500 800 - 1,100 420 - 550
Japan 10 - 14 14 - 18 10 - 15 7 - 10
Malaysia 84 - 160 216 - 350 120 - 216 72 - 120
Singapore 90 - 150 180 - 300 140 - 180 80 - 130
Receivable Accounts Payable Credit Control
China 60 - 120 60 - 120 200 - 500
Hong Kong SAR 200 - 300 200 - 300 200 - 320
Japan 5-8 5-8 8 - 15
Malaysia 34 - 66 34 - 66 36 - 66
Singapore 40 - 65 40 - 65 40 - 65
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
MARKET RISK Analyst Associate Vice President Vice President Director
China 120 - 240 240 - 360 360 - 600 600 - 960 960 +
Hong Kong SAR 180 - 360 360 - 480 480 - 660 660 - 960 1,080 +
Japan 6-9 8 - 12 11 - 14 13 - 20 20 +
Malaysia 48 - 72 72 - 116 120 - 156 180 - 240 300 - 360
Singapore 60 - 90 90 - 110 110 - 150 150 - 230 230 +
OPERATIONAL RISK Analyst Associate Vice President Vice President Director
China 120 - 240 240 - 360 360 - 600 600 - 1,080 1,080 +
Hong Kong SAR 260 - 480 480 - 660 660 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,400 1,400 - 2,000
Japan 6.5 - 8 8 - 10 11 - 14 15 - 20 20 +
Malaysia 48 - 72 72 - 90 108 - 180 192 - 240 240 - 300
Singapore 50 - 80 80 - 100 100 - 135 135 - 220 220 +
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
Executive/ Assistant
Senior Executive Manager Manager Senior Manager Director
China 180 - 250 200 - 360 300 - 500 400 - 700 700 +
Hong Kong SAR 300 - 360 380 - 520 540 - 660 720 - 900 960 - 1,300
Japan 5-7 7-9 9 - 12 12 - 17 18 +
Malaysia 48 - 72 72 - 96 96 - 144 144 - 204 216 +
Singapore 40 - 60 60 - 80 80 - 120 120 - 200 200 +
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
Officer/ Assistant
Senior Officer Manager Manager Senior Manager Director
China 150 - 250 250 - 400 400 - 600 600 - 800 1,500 +
Hong Kong SAR 300 - 360 420 - 540 600 - 780 780 - 900 980 - 1,600
Japan 5-8 6 - 10 8 - 12 13 - 18 15 - 18
Malaysia 51 - 96 72 - 108 108 - 180 180 - 222 222 - 492
Singapore 35 - 65 65 - 90 90 - 150 150 - 200 200 - 350
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
CONTINUE EXPANDING INVESTMENT ROLES The US-China trade war will continue Compliance and risk candidates continue to
negatively impacting the corporate be in high demand, with KYC and AML skills
The Chinese government’s Belt and Road banking business for both state-owned in particular warranting competitive salaries.
initiative will bring plenty of opportunities enterprises (SOE) and private owned Experienced local credit risk candidates who
to Asian and foreign banks in 2020. This enterprises (POE), as well as the can balance business development and risk
will increase hiring for structure export international trade finance business in management are currently in short supply
finance managers, project finance global banks. This has led to banks shifting but in high demand.
managers and corporate and institutional their focus to MNC/FIE clients and cash
banking relationship managers (RMs), with management instead. This is most evident
client resources in industries such as EPC in the rise of digital banking, that will
(Engineering Procurement Construction), capitalise on commercial banking’s strong VIRTUAL BANKING WILL DRIVE NEED
infrastructure and green energy. Due to global network, diversified non-lending FOR TECHNICAL CANDIDATES
the urgent need for and shortage of products and advanced IT systems.
candidates in these spaces, those with The granting of virtual banking licences
demonstrated experience can expect to STIMULUS POLICY FOR WFOE took the industry by storm, resulting in the
INVESTORS BRINGS IN NEW HIRING creation of new head counts and more
HIRING BUT FLAT PAY RISES most in demand are product managers
divisions), asset management, risk and developers with strong knowledge of
Recruitment in Malaysia’s banking &
management, finance, compliance, internal payments, AI, Blockchain and API. MAS
financial services industry remained active
audit and other middle office functions, issuance of up to five digital banking
throughout 2019 despite more companies
replacement hiring continues to offer licenses in 2020 has opened up avenues
driving cost reduction projects to downsize
significantly competitive salary packages. for technology and non-banking firms to
and encourage efficiency. This has resulted
Bilingual talent in particular stand to see challenge traditional lenders. In general,
in relatively flat year-on-year salary
increased compensation in these areas. salary increments for front and middle
increments and bonuses across companies.
For risk functions, restrictions on new office candidates with skillsets that
But while hiring volumes have dropped,
headcounts have led to a focus on hiring straddle both finance and technology were
front liners and niche professionals such as
individuals who can make workloads significant in the last year and are
relationship managers in both corporate
more manageable for smaller teams by anticipated to rise even higher in 2020.
and retail segments, as well as audit, risk &
automating and streamlining processes. compliance professionals are still in demand ‘HUNTER’ PROFILES AND PREMIUM
This trend is expected to continue into due to regulatory and market requirements. BANKING SKILLS IN DEMAND
2020 across multiple quantitative functions, As a result, strong performers will still be
Regarding front office relationship
eventually leading to consolidation of able to command premium packages.
managers, we witnessed an increasing
functions and teams – as is already planned
FINANCE PROFESSIONALS WITH TECH demand from clients for experienced
at most major Japanese banks.
AND DIGITAL EXPERIENCE IN DEMAND “hunters”, or candidates with a strong
DISAPPOINTING PERFORMANCE BRINGS track record and network to leverage upon,
There has been an increased demand for
COST CUTTING AND COMPETITORS TO particularly within the ASEAN region. Both
tech and digital experience within the
THE FOREFRONT regional and global banks based in
financial services space. This is evident in the
Lower revenues and the subsequent increase Singapore are vying to grow their trade
mushrooming of fintech companies looking
in cost-cutting initiatives have led to reduced footprint in the buoyant ASEAN region
to disrupt traditional processes, with special
bonuses when compared to previous years. which houses ten nations and a population
attention to P2P lending, transaction
However, initiatives to improve work-life of 650 million. Given the SINO-American
banking and investment functions.
balance, particularly among Japanese banks, economic conflict, ASEAN will continue to
Candidates with relevant tech and digital
are providing employees with more flexibility be a “safe haven” for banks to propel the
expertise are currently in short supply and
than ever before. growth of their Corporate and Investment
are likely to attract competitive salary offers.
banking businesses. The key sectors in
focus are TMT (technology, media and
telecom), Healthcare and FMCG.
Prospective hiring of
graduates by Japan’s top Within retail and consumer banking, there is
banks in April 2020 is an increasing demand for personal bankers,
expected to be 27% down particularly experienced premium bankers.
year on year. Salary levels have remained competitive as
banks are also competing with emerging
peer-to-peer lending platforms in the race
Source: Nikkei Asian Review to attract the best talent.
ASSET MANAGEMENT Sales Senior Sales Head of Sales Junior Trader Trader
China 240 - 360 360 - 700 700 - 1,000 400 - 600 600 - 800
Hong Kong SAR 600 - 900 900 - 1,500 1,500 + 360 - 600 600 +
Japan 6 - 10 10 - 15 15 - 20 7.5 - 11 11.5 - 16
Malaysia 48 - 84 96 - 180 144 - 276 48 - 84 84 +
Singapore 50 - 70 75 - 110 120 - 180 65 - 90 95 +
Vice Managing
PRIVATE EQUITY Analyst Associate President Director Director
China 250 - 360 360 - 800 650 - 1,500 1,500 - 2,000 1,800 +
Hong Kong SAR 420 - 600 600 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,400 1,400 - 1,800 1,800 +
Japan 8 - 13 10 - 15 15 - 25 20 - 30 30 +
Malaysia 42 - 64 64 - 96 96 - 192 192 - 360 360 +
Singapore 70 - 100 100 - 150 150 - 180 180 - 250 250 +
Assistant Fund
HEDGE FUND - INVESTMENT Analyst Associate VP Fund Manager Manager
China 250 - 360 360 - 650 600 - 900 650 - 900 1,000 +
Hong Kong SAR 500 - 700 700 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,350 1,200 - 1,500 1,500 - 3,000
Japan 8 - 13 13 - 16 16 - 26 10 - 15 20 +
Malaysia 40 - 54 54 - 108 108 - 156 156 - 228 228 - 264
Singapore 80 - 110 110 - 140 140 - 180 180 - 250 250 +
• Salaries are annual and represented in local currencies
Quantitative Quantitative
GLOBAL MARKETS Junior Trader Trader Senior Trader Desk Head Analyst VP
China 250 - 400 400 - 800 800 - 1,500 1,500 + 300 - 500 500 - 800
Hong Kong SAR 300 - 540 600 - 1,200 1,200 - 1,900 1,500 + 600 + 850 +
Japan 8 - 11.5 12 - 20 20 - 30 30 - 40 8 - 12 11 - 21
Malaysia 90 - 150 150 - 276 240 - 360 360 + 60 - 90 90 - 190
Singapore 60 - 85 100 - 170 175 - 250 250 + 130 - 150 150 - 220
• Salaries are annual and represented in local currencies
Assistant Senior
Relationship Relationship Relationship Department
COMMERCIAL BANKING Manager Manager Manager Team Head Head
China 180 - 240 240 - 420 420 - 720 600 - 850 850 +
Hong Kong SAR 220 - 400 300 - 600 600 - 800 720 - 950 1,000 +
Japan 5-7 8 - 12 13 - 15 15 - 20 20 +
Malaysia 48 - 84 84 - 156 156 - 216 216 - 300 300 +
Singapore 50 - 70 70 - 120 120 - 150 150 - 200 200 +
Assistant Senior
Relationship Relationship Relationship Department
SME BANKING Manager Manager Manager Team Head Head
China 80 - 180 180 - 360 360 - 480 420 - 800 800 +
Hong Kong SAR 200 - 300 300 - 540 540 - 700 650 - 850 900 +
Japan 5-8 7 - 11 11 - 15 14 - 18 19 +
Malaysia 39 - 60 60 - 108 108 - 192 192 - 228 228 +
Singapore 50 - 70 70 - 120 120 - 150 150 - 200 200 +
Assistant Senior
Relationship Relationship Relationship Department
FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS BANKING Manager Manager Manager Team Head Head
China 180 - 240 240 - 500 480 - 1,000 900 - 1,320 1,320 +
Hong Kong SAR 250 - 400 400 - 600 600 - 960 960 - 1,350 1,350 +
Japan 6-9 10 - 14 15 - 18 18 - 22 22 +
Malaysia 48 - 84 84 - 156 156 - 216 216 - 300 300 +
Singapore 60 - 85 90 - 130 130 - 200 200 - 250 250 +
• Salaries are annual and represented in local currencies
• Salaries are annual and represented in local currencies
CLIENT VALUATIONS Analyst Associate AVP Vice President Director
China 180 - 250 240 - 420 420 - 600 600 - 840 840 +
Hong Kong SAR 150 - 300 300 - 500 500 - 700 700 - 900 900 +
Japan 6-8 8 - 10 10 - 14 15 - 20 20 +
Malaysia 60 - 72 72 - 120 120 - 156 156 - 216 216 +
Singapore 50 - 70 70 - 90 90 - 130 130 - 200 200 +
• Salaries are annual and represented in local currencies
CLIENT SERVICE Officer Associate AVP Vice President Director
China 120 - 240 240 - 360 360 - 600 600 - 800 660 +
Hong Kong SAR 180 - 300 300 - 420 420 - 540 540 - 660 660 +
Japan 6 - 7.5 8 - 10 10 - 13 13 - 18 18 +
Malaysia 48 - 78 80 - 120 120 - 150 150 - 216 216 - 340
Singapore 50 - 60 60 - 90 90 - 130 130 - 180 180 +
IMPLEMENTATION Officer Associate AVP Vice President Director
China 180 - 240 240 - 360 360 - 600 600 - 800 800 +
Hong Kong SAR 240 - 300 300 - 420 420 - 600 600 - 800 800 - 1,050
Japan 6 - 7.5 8 - 10 11 - 13 14 - 18 18 +
Malaysia 48 - 60 60 - 108 108 - 180 180 - 240 240 +
Singapore 50 - 70 80 - 110 120 - 150 160 - 220 250 +
Senior Associate/
PRODUCT MANAGEMENT Analyst Associate Manager
China 220 - 320 300 - 360 360 - 480
Hong Kong SAR 260 - 360 360 - 840 840 +
Japan 6-7 8 - 10 10 - 11
Malaysia 60 - 84 84 - 156 144 - 204
Singapore 55 - 85 80 - 100 100 - 160
• Salaries are annual and represented in local currencies
(TREASURY OPS, MM, FX) Officer Associate AVP VP Director
China 120 - 180 180 - 300 300 - 480 480 - 700 700 +
Hong Kong SAR 150 - 240 240 - 360 340 - 500 500 - 700 700 +
Japan 6 - 7.5 8 - 10 10 - 13 13 - 17 18 +
Malaysia 54 - 60 60 - 96 96 - 150 150 - 264 240 +
Singapore 40 - 60 60 - 85 80 - 120 120 - 180 200 +
FUND OPERATIONS Administrator Administrator Manager VP Director
China 120 - 180 180 - 300 300 - 480 480 - 700 700 +
Hong Kong SAR 250 - 350 380 - 480 480 - 840 800 - 1,100 1,000 - 1,400
Japan 6-8 8 - 10 10 - 12 8 - 12 15 +
Malaysia 54 - 72 72 - 96 96 - 156 110 - 216 216 +
Singapore 40 - 55 55 - 80 80 - 120 120 - 200 200 +
• Salaries are annual and represented in local currencies
INSURANCE AND INVESTMENT Specialist Senior Specialist Team Head Region Head
China 120 - 240 240 - 300 300 - 600 600 +
Hong Kong SAR 180 - 280 360 - 500 700 - 850 1,000 +
Japan 4-6 6-9 9 - 12 13 +
Malaysia 54 - 66 66 - 96 96 - 144 144 - 243
Singapore 50 - 75 80 - 100 120 - 150 180 +
• Salaries are annual and represented in local currencies
Project Design
CONSTRUCTION BUILDING Foreperson Site Engineer Engineer Manager
China N/A 100 - 180 150 - 300 350 - 600
Singapore 55 - 75 60 - 75 70 - 90 100 - 125
Business Business
Development Project Development Development
CONSTRUCTION DEVELOPMENT Manager Manager Manager Director
China 300 - 500 300 - 500 300 - 600 1,000 - 1,500
Singapore N/A 115 - 170 120 - 180 N/A
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
robotic process automation (RPA), IoT, AI, increments. For the same reason.
Blockchain and Machine Learning. The companies that are willing to train and
same shift will lead to higher salary develop new joiners will be able to cut
expectations as well, and employers may their time to hire dramatically. The
need to prepare extra budget when demand in this space has also made it
setting up or investing in an emerging more common for candidates to move
technologies team. companies after just 1-2 years in their
current role. This has also driven salaries
Taking a broader look, we have observed
up as candidates still expect 10-15%
increased investment in digital tech
increments at every jump. A
projects across a range of traditional
recommended strategy to help
industries in an effort to increase
organisations combat this is to hire from
innovation. This can be seen in sectors like
overseas. While language skills may be an
payments, agriculture, transport, food and
issue in this case, the strong technical
hospitality which were not tech-driven
knowledge such candidates can bring will
previously. But with the rise of IoT and AI,
be immensely beneficial to the projects
there has been a significant surge in
currently happening in Hong Kong.
emerging-tech related jobs that will
undoubtedly provide exciting DATA PROFESSIONALS IN HIGH DEMAND;
opportunities and projects in these areas. SALARIES & INCREMENTS AT A HIGH
Source: Alice Yip, KPMG China partner and head
RETAIL INDUSTRY UNDERGOES MAJOR of consumer & industrial markets (Hong Kong) With the announcement of several virtual
SHIFT TO OMNI-CHANNEL RETAIL banking licenses, an increasing demand
for data scientists and data governance
Digitalisation has led to a massive
professionals will be expected to help
transformation in China’s retail industry.
these businesses set up their data
Retailers are reconsidering the way they go
framework and business models. Outside
to market and the impact of customer
of virtual banking, another trend being
experience on attracting and retaining
seen in the market is the setting up of
shoppers. Omni-channel retail has thus
‘innovation labs’. Some progressive firms
become a top priority for most businesses as
are taking it even further and creating new
it presents opportunities to be competitive,
start-up companies internally that, similar
capture new market opportunities and grow
to virtual banks, will leverage the
their top line.
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
Data Scientist
(Machine Learning Business Analytics
ANALYTICS & BIG DATA & AI) (Insights & Analytics) Data Analyst
Japan 6 - 10 8 - 10 5-8
Singapore 60 - 180 72 - 150 42 - 72
Machine Learning
ANALYTICS & BIG DATA Data Engineer Engineer Business Intelligence
Japan 5-8 6 - 10 8 - 10
Singapore 60 - 120 60 - 150 60 - 120
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
Professional Business
Development Development Publishing Licensing General
PUBLISHING HOUSES Managers Chief Editor Manager Manager Manager Manager
China 300 - 450 750 - 900 250 - 400 400 - 600 450 - 650 800 - 1,200
Admissions/ Director Development Marketing Curriculum/ Education
Recruitment of Sales & Manager/ Manager/ Product Solutions
EDUCATION SERVICE PROVIDERS Manager Marketing Director Director Development Managers
China 280 - 450 750 - 1200 250 - 800 350 - 800 400 - 800 600 - 800
Regional Business
Heads Owners
China 800 - 1,500 1,000 - 2,000
• Salaries are represented in local currency
Hiring is thus expected to continue on a there is still a shortage of experienced In addition, technical full stack
healthy trajectory for both domestic and talent within this space, as developers are professionals with the ability to translate
international companies. In a similar vein to still transitioning to these skillsets. business problems to technical terms and
banking, developers, business analysts, and solutions, and the ability to articulate this
project managers are in demand. However, REGULATORY SKILLS INCREASINGLY to stakeholders will be increasingly desired
the majority of the market remains IMPORTANT TO SUPPORT CYBER in Singapore.
domestic and the need of bilingual SECURITY
professionals is still limited to only senior IT security in 2020 is no longer going to be WILL BE TOP PRIORITY FOR BUSINESSES
managerial levels at global companies. purely about protecting sensitive data and
keeping hackers out of systems. Managing Building on from 2019, companies are
MALAYSIA technological risk has become crucial for gearing towards optimising their digital
financial institutions across Malaysia, and technologies and increasing their return on
TRADITIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES investment. For the financial giants, this
INDUSTRY OPENS UP TO FINTECH will require both cyber security and
preventative regulation to protect sensitive involves creating a data strategy and
As fintech in Malaysia continues to be driven data and privacy. The ongoing skill building their data ‘brain’ capabilities to
by new technology, innovations and shortages in these areas has created high leverage on real-time data and serve
regulatory changes, we have observed more demand for information security and consumers in a personalised manner. The
job opportunities being created for technology risk candidates. Thus, the hiring demand for data and machine learning
candidates in mobile & web development, strategy for most of employers in the engineers will spike, alongside cloud
emerging technologies and data analytics space will be increasing their salary offers computing skills which traditional banks are
space. While the financial services industry and also their salary benchmarks to retain also looking to leverage on. Cyber security
has historically been selective in its hiring their top talent in 2020. continues be the grounding base for fintech
process, the last year has seen Malaysia’s efforts, and talent in this space will be in
fintech arena attempting to attract BLOCKCHAIN EXPECTED TO ENTER great demand from a preventive and
candidates from other fields, including those MAINSTREAM IN 2020 on-going maintenance perspective.
from non IT backgrounds. The deployment of blockchain applications
As the conservative financial industry in with sustainable commercial value is
Malaysia becomes increasingly open to expected to speed up in the coming year.
developments in fintech, rapid growth is to More blockchain applications are likely to
be expected in this area. Companies will be seen in our daily lives, powering
use technology in the coming year to shift services like cross-border remittances,
from conventional business practices to supply-chain financing and electronic
Infrastructure Development
MANAGEMENT Manager Manager IT Director CIO
China 400 - 800 600 - 900 800 - 1,800 1,200 - 2,500
Hong Kong SAR 1,100 - 1,800 1,100 - 1,800 1,500 - 2,000 1,500 - 2,200
Japan 12 - 15 12 - 18 20 - 35 30 - 80
Malaysia 162 - 300 150 - 310 250 - 540 480 - 780
Singapore 150 - 300 150 - 300 200 - 400 350 - 600
Quantitative IT Security/
OTHER Analyst IT Risk IT Audit BCP Manager
China 400 - 600 400 - 800 400 - 700 400 - 700
Hong Kong SAR 720 - 1,500 600 - 1,000 570 - 900 800 - 1,000
Japan 12 - 18 12 - 20 12 - 18 8 - 14
Malaysia 150 - 240 180 - 480 180 - 360 180 - 300
Singapore 100 - 250 100 - 350 80 - 360 100 - 300
Project Service
Co-ordinators/PMO Delivery Manager Tester Test Manager
China 250 - 500 450 - 750 250 - 350 400 - 600
Hong Kong SAR 550 - 820 750 - 1,160 450 - 780 720 - 1,200
Japan 6-8 8 - 12 8 - 12 12 - 14
Malaysia 120 - 180 180 - 300 80 - 192 120 - 240
Singapore 80 - 130 120 - 220 84 - 150 150 - 250
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
Non-Officer AVP
ELECTRONIC TRADING (Associate) Senior Associate VP ED MD
China 250 - 380 400 - 500 550 - 800 1,000 - 1,300 1,300 - 1,600
Hong Kong SAR 600 - 860 720 - 1,200 1,000 - 1,500 1,600 - 2,200 2,200 - 3,600
Japan 8 - 12 12 - 16 16 - 20 20 - 35 35 +
Malaysia 96 - 144 130 - 192 168 - 240 N/A N/A
Singapore 90 - 120 120 - 150 150 - 240 N/A N/A
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
Non-Officer AVP
ELECTRONIC TRADING (Associate) Senior Associate VP ED MD
China 150 - 250 300 - 450 450 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,300 1,300 - 1,600
Hong Kong SAR 600 - 860 720 - 1,200 1,000 - 1,500 1,500 - 2,200 2,200 - 3,600
Japan 8 - 12 12 - 16 16 - 22 22 - 40 40 +
Malaysia N/A 140 - 180 180 - 300 240 - 336 350 +
Singapore N/A 110 - 150 160 - 250 250 - 400 400 +
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
Non-Officer AVP
ELECTRONIC TRADING (Associate) Senior Associate VP ED MD
China 150 - 250 300 - 450 500 - 800 1,000 - 1,300 1,300 - 1,600
Hong Kong SAR 450 - 670 700 - 1,000 950 - 1,500 1,500 - 2,000 2,000 +
Japan 8 - 12 12 - 16 16 - 20 20 - 50 40 +
Malaysia 80 - 100 110 - 150 160 - 240 240 - 320 320 +
Singapore 80 - 100 100 - 140 175 - 220 220 - 300 280 +
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
Non-Officer AVP
ELECTRONIC TRADING (Associate) Senior Associate VP ED MD
China 150 - 250 300 - 450 450 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,300 1,300 - 1,600
Hong Kong SAR 420 - 800 750 - 1,200 1,000 - 1,500 1,500 - 1,850 1,800 - 2,000
Japan 8 - 12 12 - 16 16 - 20 20 - 50 40 +
Malaysia 90 - 110 110 - 150 160 - 250 240 - 330 320 +
Singapore 80 - 100 100 - 140 175 - 220 220 - 300 280 +
(ALL ASSET CLASSES) (Associate) Senior Associate VP ED MD
China 150 - 250 300 - 450 450 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,300 1,300 - 1,600
Hong Kong SAR 450 - 700 850 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,500 1,500 - 1,800 1,800 - 2,000
Japan 8 - 12 12 - 16 16 - 20 20 - 50 40 +
Malaysia 80 - 110 110 - 150 160 - 230 240 - 360 N/A
Singapore 60 - 90 90 - 150 150 - 220 220 - 300 N/A
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
Non-Officer AVP
ELECTRONIC TRADING (Associate) Senior Associate VP ED MD
China 150 - 250 300 - 450 450 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,300 1,300 - 1,600
Hong Kong SAR 450 - 750 850 - 1,200 1,000 - 1,500 1,500 - 1,800 1,800 +
Japan 8 - 12 12 - 16 16 - 20 20 - 50 45 +
Malaysia 90 - 120 110 - 160 170 - 240 240 - 350 350 +
Singapore 80 - 100 100 - 140 150 - 220 220 - 300 300 +
Non-Officer AVP
COBOL (Associate) Senior Associate VP
Hong Kong SAR 360 - 450 400 - 500 500 - 650
Malaysia 70 - 90 100 - 150 150 - 240
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
Excel/Visual Architect/
APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT C++/Java/ Basic Database Lead Development Main Frame
- MIDDLE/BACK OFFICE C# Developer Developer Developer Developer Manager Developer
Japan 8 - 12 8 - 12 8 - 12 12 - 15 14 - 20 7 - 14
Malaysia 60 - 144 60 - 120 60 - 120 144 - 240 144 - 216 72 - 144
Business Business
Analyst Analyst IT Security/IT
OTHERS (Front Office) (Back Office) Risk IT Audit BCP Manager
Japan 10 - 16 10 - 16 12 - 18 12 - 20 10 - 18
Malaysia 96 - 156 96 - 144 180 - 480 180 - 360 180 - 300
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
like TMT (technology, media and telecom). The ongoing talent shortage of HR of August 2019 and saw sales soar 40%
More hiring is also being seen from specialists in the area of compensation and
industries like insurance and education benefits as well as learning, talent and
that are currently undergoing major organisational development is expected to
changes and improvements to efficiency. drive premium packages as companies
Candidates with demonstrated compete to attract and retain such talent.
organisational development (OD) HIRING MAY BE CONSERVATIVE BUT
experience are in high demand to help COMPENSATION REMAINS HIGH
drive these changes.
However, organisations will be more
LOCAL COMPETITION FUELS ATTRACTIVE conservative in their general HR hiring in
SALARY PACKAGES the coming year owing to uncertainties
While the global economic slowdown has caused by business expansion. The focus
caused employers to be cautious in their will then shift to maintaining and retaining
existing talent in the business. The Guardian
hiring and offers, most employers are still
willing to pay premium packages for the But regardless of the uncertainties, the
right candidates. This is especially the case overall packages on offer for HR talents,
with local firms that are currently very be it HR generalists or HR specialists,
competitive in their bid to attract talent remain competitive as the market is still HYBRID HR POSITIONS IN DEMAND
with relatively good packages. driven by candidates. Hybrid HR positions including training and
organisational development, HRBP and
HONG KONG SAR JAPAN talent management and/or compensation
CHINESE COMPANIES INCREASINGLY and benefits, have become more common
NEW POLICY PUSHES EMPLOYERS in the market and are likely to remain in
REMUNERATION high demand. As the job scopes of these
REMUNERATION roles expand, overall compensation
2019 saw an increasing presence of Following the implementation of the packages are expected to increase as well.
Chinese organisations in Hong Kong, a government’s “work style reform” policy,
trend that is likely to continue into 2020. Japan’s HR market has steadily adapted to
As a result, HR professionals are now more
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
Payroll Manager Payroll Officer Shared Services Development
(8+ yrs) (3+ yrs) Manager (8+ yrs) Manager (10 + yrs)
China 300 - 600 100 - 180 400 - 1,000 500 - 1,500
Hong Kong SAR 480 - 720 216 - 336 480 - 720 660 - 900
Japan 9 - 14 5-9 10 - 15 12 - 18
Malaysia 120 - 180 54 - 90 120 - 216 144 - 300
Singapore 90 - 175 50 - 90 90 - 220 120 - 250
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
CHINA look to safeguard their businesses from speaking candidates, who can thus adjust
malicious attacks. The current shortage of more easily to working in Hong Kong.
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IS TOP these skills in the market is good news for While there is probably still a one in ten
PRIORITY FOR BUSINESSES experienced candidates, who can expect chance that people will be hired using this
Amidst growing geopolitical tensions and more choice and attractive remuneration strategy, the impact would be most visible
a cooling down of economic growth in packages when searching for new roles. in the normalisation of salary increments
China, businesses are placing less focus on to what they were before due to the new
traditional IT projects and allocating a supply of talent.
much larger proportion of their budgets MORE COMPANIES TURN CAUTIOUS ON
towards digital transformation. Overall, we expect salaries for IT
employees to remain stable within the next
Other key areas within IT that businesses year across China. But considering the Within the commercial or non-financial
will continue to spend on include cloud expected decrease in traditional IT jobs, sector, we have observed more companies
migration, IT security, wireless networking companies may be more cautious in their undertaking caution with hiring owing to
and telecommunications. China also hiring and spending. While this may impact geopolitics. As a result, while headcounts
recently outlined a national IT development a candidate’s leverage in the market, those are still active, some roles have been
strategy that aims to improve its IT from emerging technologies and key areas pushed into the later months of 2020 as
infrastructure over the next 5-10 years and such as security, risk and networks can companies wait to observe impacts to the
bring it up to global standard. expect a very positive year ahead in terms economy before committing to hiring plans.
5G NETWORK ROLLOUT EXPECTED TO of both hiring and remuneration.
The largest and most significant of these HONG KONG SAR RISING TREND OF HIRING IN EMBEDDED
networks. China sees this as a national COMPOUNDS TALENT SHORTAGE IN SHORT SUPPLY
priority, as well as an effective way to
promote the consumption of electronics The entry of virtual banks into the market As manufacturing companies, industrial
and vehicles that depend on 5G and new has rendered qualified IT talent in software firms and the automotive
energy technologies. From a candidate exceedingly short supply. As such, it is not industry continue to enhance their
point of view, there will likely be a number uncommon for companies to wait for hardware and software capabilities, there
of new jobs created across various several months before they are able to hire is an increasing demand for embedded
industries to support the rollout. staff within the information technology developers and testers that is expected to
space. At the same time, due to demand, continue into 2020. This is especially the
The commercial launch of 5G in it is not uncommon for candidates to case for the automotive industry as new
China in November 2019 was at the expect salary increments between vehicle models continue to offer more
time, the largest commercial 30-40%. This is a result of more employers features and connectivity year-by-year.
5G network in the world. being willing to wait for candidates with The space is also seeing a skill shortage in
specific experience. When they are finally Japan which is pushing up salaries for
found, it is almost required for employers suitable technical candidates, and even
to consider higher than normal increments more so if they are bilingual.
to attract and close the hire.
It should be noted, however, that such
increments generally apply to candidates
at manager-level and below, with such
increments being less common at director
level and above.
Source: Due to the ongoing talent shortage,
‘Hong Kong’s push for
another trend being observed is that Hong
Kong-based companies are now becoming
digital banking will
TO RAISE PAY PACKAGES more open to hiring candidates from the
Guangdong province. The assumption
continue contributing
IT security jobs have seen a sharp rise in
the last year, a trend that is expected to
behind this trend is that searching for
candidates in close geographical proximity
to the ongoing talent
continue throughout 2020 as IT Leaders is likely to render more Cantonese shortage in 2020.’
Development Development
MANAGEMENT ROLES Team Leader Manager
China 450 - 750 750 - 1,000
Hong Kong SAR 720 - 1,050 900 - 1,500
Japan 9 - 16 16 - 18
Malaysia 120 - 198 180 - 264
Singapore 105 - 156 132 - 200
Senior Test
SOFTWARE TESTING Test Analyst Analyst QA Manager QA Director
China 150 - 250 300 - 500 420 - 630 580 - 850
Hong Kong SAR 420 - 800 600 - 1,000 600 - 850 700 - 1,100
Japan 6-8 8 - 10 8 - 14 10 - 16
Malaysia 75 - 90 108 - 156 180 - 240 264 - 330
Singapore 55 - 80 70 - 105 80 - 110 165 - 225
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
Sybase/ Windows
Oracle/MS Storage Voice Network (Wintel)
SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATION Unix Admin SQL DBA Engineer Engineer Engineer Admin
China 280 - 450 350 - 580 280 - 380 200 - 280 200 - 350 150 - 300
Hong Kong SAR 500 - 900 470 - 800 460 - 860 660 - 950 480 - 860 420 - 800
Japan 7 - 10 8 - 12 8 - 12 8 - 12 8 - 12 8 - 12
Malaysia 84 - 180 96 - 216 96 - 180 96 - 216 96 - 216 60 - 180
Singapore 70 - 120 70 - 150 75 - 125 45 - 100 65 - 130 55 - 90
Helpdesk Network
MANAGEMENT ROLES Manager Manager IT Manager
China 280 - 480 300 - 500 400 - 800
Hong Kong SAR 480 - 920 600 - 1,000 760 - 1,200
Japan 10 - 12 10 - 14 12 - 16
Malaysia 96 - 180 120 - 240 120 - 240
Singapore 85 - 140 100 - 160 90 - 190
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
Project Manager Program Director IT Audit
China 320 - 600 550 - 1,200 400 - 800
Hong Kong SAR 580 - 950 900 - 1,400 600 - 1,000
Japan 8 - 14 12 - 16 8 - 14
Malaysia 120 - 240 216 - 360 96 - 180
Singapore 120 - 190 190 - 280 90 - 175
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
Technical Sales
Presales Consultant Presales Manager Manager Industry Consultant
China 300 - 900 600 - 1,200 600 - 900 300 - 600
Hong Kong SAR 550 - 900 620 - 900 1,400 - 1,800 N/A
Japan 12 - 18 14 - 20 N/A N/A
Malaysia 100 - 200 144 - 300 216 - 350 300 - 480
Singapore 130 - 215 170 - 250 170 - 250 320 - 550
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
CRM Development Integration Support Architect Business Manager
Japan 7 - 10 6-8 5-8 8 - 12 8 - 12 8 - 12
Malaysia 90 - 150 90 - 150 60 - 120 130 - 220 110 - 180 130 - 220
Singapore 85 - 140 95 - 160 70 - 130 120 - 200 100 - 160 120 - 210
SDP Development Integration Support Architect Business Manager
Japan 7 - 10 6-8 5-8 8 - 12 8 - 12 8 - 12
Malaysia 80 - 150 90 - 150 70 - 120 120 - 220 100 - 160 120 - 210
Singapore 80 - 140 90 - 150 80 - 120 100 - 170 90 - 150 90 - 170
OSS Development Integration Support Architect Business Manager
Japan 7 - 10 6-8 5-8 8 - 12 10 - 14 10 - 14
Malaysia 80 - 140 80 - 140 60 - 120 120 - 220 100 - 160 120 - 200
Singapore 80 - 140 75 - 130 70 - 130 110 - 180 90 - 150 110 - 190
BSS Development Integration Support Architect Business Manager
Japan 7 - 10 6-8 5-8 8 - 12 10 - 14 10 - 14
Malaysia 80 - 120 80 - 120 60 - 120 120 - 220 100 - 160 120 - 200
Singapore 90 - 130 75 - 130 60 - 120 110 - 180 90 - 150 105 - 170
VAS Development Integration Support Architect Business Manager
Japan 7 - 10 6-8 5-8 8 - 12 8 - 12 8 - 12
Malaysia 80 - 130 70 - 120 70 - 130 120 - 220 80 - 145 100 - 190
Singapore 85 - 125 75 - 120 70 - 120 100 - 170 75 - 130 90 - 170
EAI Development Integration Support Architect Business Manager
Japan 7-9 6-8 5-7 8 - 12 8 - 12 8 - 12
Malaysia 80 - 130 80 - 130 60 - 110 120 - 220 90 - 150 120 - 190
Singapore 95 - 140 85 - 140 72 - 120 120 - 190 110 - 160 110 - 180
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
FIXED & MOBILE NETWORK Engineer Integration Support Architect Presales Manager
Japan 6 - 10 6 - 10 6-8 8 - 14 10 - 16 10 - 18
Malaysia 70 - 120 75 - 110 60 - 110 120 - 200 140 - 210 120 - 180
Singapore 65 - 125 70 - 100 65 - 110 110 - 190 130 - 200 110 - 180
Business Project Project/Program
ANALYSIS & PROJECT Transformation Manager Director
Japan 8 - 12 8 - 12 10 - 16
Malaysia 180 - 300 120 - 240 240 - 720
Singapore 140 - 250 130 - 200 190 - 300
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
HONG KONG SAR Therefore, the most in-demand skill This year’s key focuses for the industry in
amongst hiring employers currently is the Japan include the creation of new
INSURANCE REMAINS A CANDIDATE ability to adopt digitalisation within the platforms where customers can buy
DRIVEN MARKET; INCREMENTS business. Be it business development, insurance products and get relevant
INCREASINGLY NECESSARY TO RETAIN underwriting or compliance, a common skill advice; more personalised solutions that
TALENT that employers will be looking for in their fit individual customer needs; new
The Hong Kong insurance industry is set new hires is the ability to understand and products that mirror the challenges faced
to undergo massive transformation and integrate technology in their daily roles. by businesses today; and speeding up
change in 2020. In 2019, we observed sales and claims processes.
numerous initiatives, from the inception of This has created a high demand for
pure online insurers to increased More than 80 per cent of customers are
willing to use digital methods including experts in largescale transformation
digitisation, regulatory standardisation and email, mobile apps, video or phone projects and new business development,
strategic growth plans within the Greater instead of interacting with insurers via as well as experts in business innovation,
Bay Area. From a recruitment perspective, agents or brokers, a report by strategy and alliance. Specialists in these
insurance remains largely a candidate consultancy EY shows. fields, including programme and project
driven market, where a shortage of managers, are likely to continue seeing
qualified candidates has led employers to more competitive salary increases in the
fiercely compete for the best talent. coming year. Both consulting companies
We expect this candidate-short market to and insurance companies will also be
continue across the year, with the core looking for professionals who can
functions affected being risk, operations, augment their solid business knowledge
digital, technology, distribution, actuarial with the ability to think outside of the
and finance. Given the economic usual solutions and create hybrid products
landscape, organisations that are not able for customers.
to provide salary increments this year are GROWING INSURTECH PRESENCE
likely to see a migration of talent who will Source: BRINGS RISK MANAGEMENT AND
easily be able to command a raise CUSTOMER CENTRICITY TO FOREFRONT
As more digital avenues and insurtech
With new requirements from the Insurance In 2019, we saw the launch of purely in-house risk professionals will be needed
Authority (IA) of Hong Kong as well as online based life insurers, a trend that is to liaise and negotiate with the FSA. Owing
changing global standards, we are seeing expected to continue into the coming year. to these market conditions, last year’s
an increasing demand for talent with Online distribution is still a relatively demand for risk consultants in professional
regulatory compliance, market conduct, untapped market as the majority of firms is likely to continue into 2020.
distribution compliance and AML products are still distributed through Organisations will also be looking to hire
experience. IA proposal of an enhanced agents, bancassurance and brokers. The professionals experienced in customer
ERM (Enterprise Risk Management) regime emergence of digital insurers will be a centricity, customer experience, and
as well as the new IFRS 17 standard has led long-term initiative, with some products increasing customer satisfaction through
both global and Chinese-based insurance still requiring consultation in person. The providing a better service and customer
firms to incorporate a stronger risk short to medium term strategy will be to journey.
management culture by strengthening better integrate technology within current
their audit and governance functions. sales teams, be it through lead generation, DEMAND FOR ACTUARIAL, CLAIMS AND
sales tools, presentation or performance SALES SPECIALISTS CONTINUES
monitoring. Most distribution professionals Actuarial skillsets, particularly at mid-level,
are now exploring how they can use remain in high demand and continue
2020 will see more innovations within technology to increase their client base.
operational and traditional functions such
as underwriting, claims and policy
administration becoming more automated
or streamlined. While technical authority BUSINESS TRANSFORMATION TO DRIVE
‘Insurers in Japan
and skillset remain most important,
insurers will be expected to integrate
will continue to
The insurance industry is going through a
automation into their daily operations,
transition the business into a center of
redefinition and evolution phase with the leverage the digital
goal of changing the way people think about
excellence, and overseeing policies and
cases on a macro level.
insurance and what they associate with it. wave in 2020.’
ACTUARIAL Chief Actuary Head Senior Manager Manager Associate
Hong Kong SAR 1,600 - 2,800 1,200 - 1,800 840 - 1,200 600 - 780 180 - 480
Japan 30 - 35 20 - 25 14 - 21 12 - 18 5-9
Malaysia 420 - 680 300 - 420 180 - 360 84 - 192 62 - 90
Singapore 260 - 440 180 - 340 140 - 180 120 - 150 50 - 90
ACTUARIAL - PRICING Head of Pricing Director Director
Hong Kong SAR 1,800 - 2,200 1,300 - 1,800 1,000 - 1,200
Senior Manager Manager Manager
Hong Kong SAR 720 - 900 540 - 660 360 - 480
Associate Assistant
ACTUARIAL - AUDIT Director Director Senior Manager Manager Manager
Hong Kong SAR 1,500 - 1,800 1,000 - 1,300 720 - 900 600 - 780 480 - 540
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
AGENCY Agency Director Senior Manager Manager Assistant Manager Agency Officer
Hong Kong SAR 1000 - 1,600 660 - 960 480 - 660 360 - 480 180 - 300
Japan 15 - 20 12 - 18 8 - 12 7 - 10 5-8
Malaysia 120 - 180 156 - 216 60 - 96 39 - 54 33 - 39
Singapore 140 - 190 140 - 180 110 - 140 70 - 100 40 - 60
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
Chief Assistant
UNDERWRITING LIFE Underwriter Director Senior Manager Manager Manager
Hong Kong SAR 1,000 - 1,800 900 - 1,200 696 - 900 540 - 780 420 - 540
Japan 18 - 25 15 - 18 10 - 15 8 - 12 6-8
Malaysia 300 - 540 216 - 300 180 - 228 84 - 180 60 - 80
Singapore 300 - 420 250 - 300 150 - 200 100 - 140 70 - 90
CLAIMS LIFE Head of Claims Senior Manager Manager Manager
Hong Kong SAR 800 - 1,200 650 - 780 504 - 660 360 - 540
Japan 15 - 20 12 - 15 8 - 10 6 - 10
Malaysia 204 - 300 132 - 192 70 - 132 54 - 78
Singapore 200 - 300 130 - 200 125 - 190 60 - 90
Head of Assistant
CLAIMS GENERAL Head of Claims Business Line Senior Manager Manager Manager
Hong Kong SAR 750 - 1,200 700 - 800 650 - 750 500 - 650 300 - 450
Japan 18 - 25 15 - 18 8 - 12 6 - 10 5-8
Malaysia 220 - 320 168 - 220 120 - 180 84 - 120 54 - 84
Singapore 200 - 300 170 - 210 130 - 200 125 - 190 80 - 100
Chief Strategy Director/
STRATEGIC Officer Director/AVP Senior Manager Manager Analyst
Hong Kong SAR 2,500 - 2,800 1,400 - 2,200 900 - 1,400 600 - 850 280 - 540
Japan 20 - 30 15 - 25 13 - 19 10 - 16 5 - 11
Malaysia 300 - 420 240 - 300 156 -240 84 - 156 56 - 120
Singapore 230 + 180 - 230 140 - 180 90 - 130 60 - 80
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
Senior Assistant
OPERATIONS COO Manager Manager Manager
Hong Kong SAR 1,800 - 2,500 700 - 950 540 - 720 420 - 540
Japan 15 - 30 12 - 18 8 - 12 6 - 10
Malaysia 420 + 180 - 288 120 - 216 72 - 120
Singapore 200 - 250 140 - 200 90 - 140 70 - 90
Head of
Compliance Compliance/ Compliance Senior Assistant
COMPLIANCE Officer AVP Director Manager Manager Manager
Hong Kong SAR 2,200 - 2,600 1,300 - 1,800 960 - 1,300 780 - 960 540 - 780 480 - 540
Head of Audit Senior Audit Audit Audit
AUDIT Chief Auditor Audit/AVP Director Manager Manager Manager
Hong Kong SAR 2,200 - 2,800 1,300 - 1,800 1,100 - 1,600 720 - 960 540 - 780 480 - 540
Head of
RISK - Operational Senior Risk Assistant
ENTERPRISE RISK/OPERATIONAL RISK Risk Risk Director Manager Risk Manager Risk Manager
Hong Kong SAR 1,600 - 2,200 960 - 1,400 780 - 1,020 600 - 840 456 - 540
Senior Assistant
CUSTOMER SERVICE Head of CS Manager Manager Manager
Hong Kong SAR 840 - 960 600 - 780 480 - 660 360 - 480
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
CHINA talents within MNCs are expected to be regional and local experience, 4-10 years
reasonable, but Chinese corporations are PQE (Post-Qualified Experience) and who
LOCAL CORPORATIONS AND LAW likely to be more willing to offer attractive are trilingual in English, Cantonese and
FIRMS TO CONTINUE EXPANSION- compensation for great candidates as part Mandarin will be the most sought-after.
FUELLED HIRING of their global footprint expansion.
Due to the inherent difficulty in finding
The outlook for China’s legal market exemplary talent, salaries have seen a
recruitment in 2020 is fairly stable, owing HONG KONG SAR general increase as companies offer
to the talent development of legal financial incentives to attract top talent to
candidates over the past few years by MARKET UNCERTAINTIES EXPECTED;
their organisations.
corporations (especially MNCs) who have TECH LAWYERS IN HIGH DEMAND
already established their legal teams Following a surprisingly strong
locally. However, for Chinese corporations, performance in 2019, Hong Kong’s legal
the bulk of legal hiring will consist of mid recruitment industry is set to have an BILINGUAL CANDIDATES IN HIGH DEMAND;
to senior legal experts who can assist in uncertain year in 2020. COMPANIES RECOMMENDED TO EXPAND
their global expansion plans by helping BUDGETS FOR THE RIGHT HIRE
them build international legal teams. With market conditions in the region being
Private practice recruitment has also rather unpredictable, the bulk of legal As more Japanese companies expand
stabilised in recent years, especially for hiring is expected to come from large overseas, so does the demand for fluent,
foreign law firms. However, it is likely that corporate organisations, major financial bilingual candidates in their legal
2020 will also see a number of locally institutions and growing Chinese departments. Most companies are
based international law firms continue companies that are continuing their recommended to and currently do
expanding, with additional headcounts to investment in expanding overseas. In compensate higher for the right talent that
capitalise on their success. terms of new areas for hiring, data privacy, can also meet their language requirements.
cyber security and TMT (technology,
HIRING ACTIVITY IN M&A, SPECIALIST media and telecoms) lawyers will see the
PRACTICE, LIKELY TO CONTINUE most demand as the region continues its
INTO 2020 After changes to its M&A guidelines
exciting growth in fintech. for the first time in more than a decade,
Corporate M&A lawyers were the most INTERNAL CORPORATE GOVERNANCE the Japanese market is readying itself
in-demand legal talent for 2019, a hiring for an expected spree of management
TAKES HIRING PRECEDENCE FOR THE buyouts and companies taking over
trend that is unlikely to change over the FIRST TIME
coming year. Corporate clients will still be listed subsidiaries.
seeking legal candidates with strong and 2019 saw the first ever major shift in the
relevant industry backgrounds, especially legal recruitment market where M&A legal
in life science, TMT and consumer roles did not dominate the market. Instead,
industries, to reduce hiring risk and ensure companies have been actively recruiting in
they easily fit into their new work privacy, payments, and compliance as
environments. For both private practice businesses turn their focus on internal
corporate governance. However, M&A
and corporations, the demand for talent
from specialty practices is highly sought lawyers still remain in high demand, as
after, including employment, e-commerce, always. Mid-level candidates who are
data privacy and compliance. trilingual and have M&A experience are
likely to find a job with ease.
PARTICULARLY FOR LOCAL HIRES Within private practice, we observed less
hiring in capital markets and corporate Source: Asian Legal Business
On the remuneration front, salaries within sectors but also growth in the disputes,
private practice will continue to have litigation and arbitration space. We
positive increases, particularly amongst strongly expect this trend to stay its
successful firms who are keen to course where conditions remain HIRING TRENDS POINT TO
discourage good talent from jumping to challenging, uncertain and unpredictable. RESTRUCTURING AHEAD
competitors or in-house roles. While Many Japanese companies ramped up
corporate companies may be less willing to FIERCE COMPETITION FOR TALENT WILL
RESULT IN INCREASED FINANCIAL their foreign investments in 2019, leading
offer competitive salaries due to cost to a reactive increase in demand for
controls, junior and mid-level talents are INCENTIVES
experienced M&A and cross-border
likely to be fielding numerous offers this Competition for good talent will likely be transaction lawyers across in-house and
year. For employers, this means competing fiercer than ever in 2020, as businesses will private practice sectors. Looking at this
for their preferred candidates with focus on being thorough and certain when trend, in addition to the increased
attractive offers. Increments for senior level they invest in new hires. Candidates with
PRIVATE PRACTICE Paralegal Newly qualified 1 year PQE 2 years PQE 3 years PQE
China (International Firm) 180 - 360 500 - 1,000 600 - 1,100 650 - 1,230 750 - 1,300
China (PRC Firm) 160 - 260 280 - 414 260 - 460 300 - 500 350 - 550
Hong Kong SAR (International Firm) 240 - 840 980 - 1,092 1,050 - 1,190 1,162 - 1,302 1,232 - 1,372
Hong Kong SAR (NY/US Firm) 350 - 980 2,028 2,303 2,385 2,574
Japan 4-8 5 - 10 6 - 12 7 - 13 8 - 14
Malaysia 38 - 60 48 - 60 55 - 65 52 - 70 60 - 81
Singapore 48 - 72 72 - 84 84 - 96 96 - 108 108 - 120
4 years PQE 5 years PQE 6 years PQE 7 years PQE 8 years PQE
China (International Firm) 800 - 1,410 900 - 1,530 1,000 - 1,620 1,100 - 1,710 1,200 - 1,840
China (PRC Firm) 400 - 600 520 - 700 600 - 750 650 - 900 700 - 1,000
Hong Kong SAR (International Firm) 1,260 - 1,540 1,344 - 1,680 1,512 - 1,820 1,610 - 1,890 1,750 - 2,170
Hong Kong SAR (NY/US Firm) 2,903 3,138 3,372 3,560 3,842
Japan 8 - 15 10 - 18 10 - 20 10 - 22 12 - 25
Malaysia 66 - 84 70 - 96 75 - 108 80 - 114 90 - 144
Singapore 120 - 132 120 - 144 132 - 156 132 - 180 180 +
Legal Counsel Legal Counsel Legal Counsel Senior Counsel General
COMMERCIAL IN-HOUSE Paralegal (0-3 PQE) (4-6 PQE) (7-10 + PQE) (10 + PQE) Counsel
China 140 - 250 200 - 400 350 - 750 650 - 1,200 750 - 1,500 1,200 - 4,000
Hong Kong SAR 180 - 840 500 - 1,120 950 - 1,750 1,150 - 1950 1,500 – 2,400 1,800 - 4,000
Japan 4-8 5 - 10 8 - 15 10 - 20 14 - 25 17 +
Malaysia 48 - 60 38 - 60 54 - 96 108 - 132 120 - 360 300 - 540
Singapore 46 - 65 58 - 91 117 - 136 130 - 156 156 - 250 350 - 500
Legal Counsel Legal Counsel Legal Counsel Senior Counsel General
FINANCIAL SERVICES IN-HOUSE Paralegal (0-3 PQE) (4-6 PQE) (7-10 + PQE) (10 + PQE) Counsel
China 150 - 300 280 - 600 500 - 860 800 - 1,500 1,000 - 2,000 1,500 - 3,000
Hong Kong SAR 300 - 900 750 - 1,395 1,100 - 1,950 1,500 - 2,400 1,850 - 3,000 2,550 - 6,000
Japan 4-8 6 - 14 9 - 18 15 - 20 15 - 32 22 - 40
Malaysia 30 - 54 42 - 72 54 - 96 90 - 180 180 - 300 600
Singapore 52 - 65 52 - 91 104 - 130 150 - 200 300 - 450 500 +
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
CHINA sequencing), CART (cardiac likely to cause a high volume of hiring for
resynchronisation therapy) and cell R&D scientists with strong academic
THE LIFE SCIENCES INDUSTRY WILL therapies. Roles in specific functions like qualifications. Diagnostics and life sciences
CONTINUE TO BENEFIT FROM biomarker scientists, clinical research medical device companies will also benefit
INVESTMENTS physicians and medical advisors are in from the growth of biotech start-ups,
Driven by an increasingly aging population huge demand and can command up to 15 which will create an ecosystem that can
and growing healthcare requirements from per cent increments to encourage trigger more potential business leads.
middle-class populations, life sciences in retainment. There is also fierce Sales & marketing talent in this area are
China is considered to be one of the most competition between MNCs and domestic likely to be required at a later stage.
promising industries by both employers companies to attract such candidates in
and employees alike. the market. This competition has been
further aggravated by an increasing
The life sciences talent market in China number of Chinese talent that is moving REGULATORY CHANGES, AGEING
will continue to benefit from significant out to take bigger roles in other parts of SOCIETY AND COST PRESSURES DRIVE
investments that are being made into the the Asian region. R&D STRATEGY
country’s innovative pharmaceutical
industry. However, new regulations are Alongside adapting the nation-wide drive to
HONG KONG SAR allow more flexibility in the workforce, this
expected to introduce an amount of
uncertainty and challenges in the Chinese COMPANIES WILL HIRE SALES AND year’s focus for Japan’s life sciences industry
pharmaceutical market. Consequently, MARKETING PROFESSIONALS TO will likely be around R&D in oncology, rare
2020 is likely to see high demand for BOLSTER EXPANSION diseases, gene therapy and RNA related
market access and regulatory/government therapies. This is partly due to changes in
The medical device market is expected to
affairs experts. Such candidates can the Japanese regulatory landscape around
continue hiring across all functions, while
expect more than the average pay scale, facilitating approvals for orphan drugs, but
the pharmaceutical market will likely
particularly those with experience in new also due to the ongoing context of an
remain stable in its recruitment needs.
drug applications in both domestic and ageing society that has put pressure on
Considering the fierce market competition
overseas markets like the U.S. companies to perform at lower costs.
currently, companies tend to hire more
field-based sales and marketing To justify the cost effectiveness of their
professionals who can help them secure treatments, companies will need to
At the time of writing in October 2019, more market share. Many medical device continue hiring health technology
China was the second-largest pharma companies in particular are still in early assessment (HTA) and pricing specialists,
market globally behind the U.S. as well as real world evidence (RWE)
Business Business
Development Development
Manager Director PR/Corp Comm
China 500 - 800 900 - 1,800 300 - 600
Hong Kong SAR 520 - 850 900 - 1,300 364 - 650
Japan 10 - 14 12 - 18 8 - 15
Malaysia 100 - 150 200 - 300 100 - 200
Singapore 90 - 140 180 - 250 70 - 150
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
Medical Affairs Medical Affairs Medical Affairs Drug Safety Drug Safety
Officer Manager Director Manager Senior Specialist
China 260 - 400 450 - 700 850 - 1,500 350 - 450 150 - 250
Hong Kong SAR 325 - 455 624 - 880 910 - 1,500 455 - 715 234 - 416
Japan 8 - 14 12 - 25 15 - 35 10 - 15 6-9
Malaysia N/A 120 - 180 210 - 290 N/A N/A
Singapore N/A 140 - 180 250 - 300 120 - 150 70 - 100
Management Data SAS BioStatistic
Specialist Manager Programmer Manager
China 120 - 200 240 - 500 150 - 400 400 - 700
Hong Kong SAR N/A N/A N/A N/A
Japan 6 - 10 10 - 12 6 - 10 9 - 12
Malaysia N/A N/A N/A N/A
Singapore 60 - 70 70 - 90 60 - 90 120 - 150
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
Technical HEOR/
Application Support MSL Market Access
Medical Writer Specialist Specialist (Scientific) Staff
China 200 - 400 100 - 200 100 - 300 150 - 350 250 - 400
Hong Kong SAR 325 - 650 300 - 550 180 - 336 338 - 598 390 - 585
Japan 6 - 12 5 - 10 4-8 7 - 15 7 - 10
Malaysia N/A 40 - 70 48 - 80 80 - 150 72 - 96
Singapore 70 - 90 39 - 78 52 - 85 75 - 180 130 - 230
Market Access Market Access CMC
Manager Director Specialist Lab Director Lab Manager
China 400 - 700 800 - 1,200 120 - 200 500 - 800 300 - 450
Hong Kong SAR 520 - 845 910 - 1,300 N/A 540 - 840 360 - 600
Japan 10 - 15 14 - 22 8 - 12 12 - 16 8 - 13
Malaysia 120 - 200 200 + N/A 102 - 145 78 - 102
Singapore 230 - 300 250 + 180 - 250 104 - 156 65 - 105
Biology Medicinal Translational Pharmacology
Lab Staff Scientist Chemist Services Scientist Scientist
China 100 - 300 200 - 400 100 - 300 200 - 400 200 - 400
Hong Kong SAR 180 - 336 350 - 600 360 - 600 N/A N/A
Japan 4-7 4-8 4-8 7 - 12 7 - 12
Malaysia 25 - 48 60 - 120 62 - 120 N/A N/A
Singapore 39 - 65 65 - 156 70 - 180 N/A 65 - 156
Field Service
Engineer Service Manager
China 150 - 350 350 - 700
Hong Kong SAR 180 - 540 390 - 715
Japan 6 - 10 10 - 14
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
The following supply chain management trends are expected to change manufacturing forever:
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
PRODUCTION Engineer Supervisor Manager Director
China 120 - 200 200 - 400 400 - 800 700 - 1,500
Malaysia 40 - 80 60 - 80 180 - 300 400 - 600
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
Supervisor Manager
SALES Engineer (Area Manager) (Regional Manager) Director Vice President
China 100 - 200 200 - 300 300 - 700 500 - 1,500 1,000 - 2,500
Japan 5-9 N/A 8 - 12 12 - 20 N/A
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
CHINA technology to better engage with their e-commerce sector and the new direction
customers. As more retail and financial for employers is to grow their digital and
HIRING TRENDS FROM LAST TWO YEARS market trends move from offline to online, e-commerce headcounts by investing in
EXPECTED TO CONTINUE IN 2020 many companies have significantly building their own in-house digital team.
Marketing & digital remains one of the increased their digital marketing budgets
Apart from this, demand for talent with
most key commercial functions for as compared to traditional marketing
knowledge of the Chinese e-commerce
businesses in China, who are likely to spend. This means that companies
market will continue. Considering the
maintain the same generous level of increasingly believe that digital marketing
explosive growth of the e-commerce
investment and talent budgeting for this is the way forward for better ROI. As
sector in China, companies can therefore
department as previous years. technology continues to develop
leverage on this advantage and make use
innovative ways to engage with audiences
Much like the last two years, 2020 is likely of the cross-border e-commerce platforms
in Hong Kong, the drive towards digital
to see companies invest more in digital to expand their businesses.
marketing will continue to rise in 2020.
and online marketing communications job HIRING ACTIVITY EXPECTED IN FINANCE,
functions like e-commerce and digital From a retail perspective, big data is key to
transformation as compared to offline the future of brand marketing as the
marketing roles like events and corporate amount of information gathered online on a In the highly competitive financial sector,
communications. Companies are daily basis can provide keen insights on marketing activities are expected to
increasingly choosing more digitalised how effective a campaign is. One of the remain active. Data driven marketing
methods that can replace older forms of major digital marketing trends in Hong strategies will be key to engaging
communication, particularly for internal Kong will continue to be the use of Key customers and enhancing their user
communication within big MNC’s. Opinion Leaders with analytics to support. experience. Both banks and insurance
The growing demand for analytics skills will companies are expected to increasingly
CANDIDATES WITH DATA MANAGEMENT also play a crucial role in identifying the welcome marketing professionals with
EXPERIENCE HIGHLY SOUGHT AFTER best fit for a brand. This is especially the different industry experience.
There is also more focus on speeding up case when considering social monitoring With the advent of virtual banks
MARKETING Creative Creative
- CREATIVE Director Director Art Director Copywriter
China 1,000 - 2,200 700 - 1,200 400 - 800 150 - 350
Hong Kong SAR 1,000 - 1,500 600 - 800 480 - 600 240 - 420
Japan 10 - 20 7 - 12 5-9 5-8
Malaysia 230 - 300 170 - 230 170 - 230 48 - 72
Singapore 150 - 180 100 - 150 100 - 130 40 - 80
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
DIGITAL Department
- CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE Head Director Senior Manager Manager CRM Manager
China 900 - 1,800 900 - 1,600 500 - 900 400 - 700 400 - 700
Hong Kong SAR 1,000 - 1,500 960 - 1200 720 - 900 480 - 600 480 - 600
Japan 10 - 20 8 - 15 8 - 10 5-8 6-8
Malaysia 240 - 360 180 - 240 120 - 180 96 - 120 70 - 140
Singapore 200 - 250 150 - 180 120 - 150 80 - 120 60 - 100
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
Project Head of
Coordinator Administration
China 70 - 140 500 - 1,000
Hong Kong SAR 360 - 720 600 - 1,200
Japan 4-7 12 - 20
Singapore 40 - 50 N/A
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
Personal Executive
Secretary Secretary Team Secretary Assistant/ Assistant
SECRETARIAL (up to 12 mths) (12+ mths) (3+ yrs) Team Assistant (for 1 person)
China 80 - 150 90 - 250 100 - 200 150 - 550 150 - 550
Hong Kong SAR 192 - 264 200 - 300 240 - 420 360 - 600 400 - 660
Japan 3-5 5-7 5-8 5-8 8 - 14
Singapore 28 - 32 30 - 45 42 - 65 45 - 75 60 - 100
BANKING & FINANCE SUPPORT Secretary Senior Secretary Personal Assistant Executive Assistant
China 130 - 240 240 - 360 180 - 350 300 - 650
Hong Kong SAR 192 - 264 360 - 480 360 - 660 360 - 660
Japan 6-8 7 - 11 8 - 12 8 - 14
Singapore 30 - 40 40 - 70 45 - 60 60 - 96
Project Contracts
PROPERTY & CONSTRUCTION Secretary/ Site Secretary/ Facilities Administrator Client Liaison
SUPPORT Administrator Administrator Administrator (Residential) (Residential)
Japan 4-6 4-6 4-6 N/A N/A
Singapore 35 - 50 40 - 50 30 - 40 40 - 55 40 - 45
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
CHINA supply chain job market impacted in terms in written and spoken Japanese is still a
of salary, job flows and turnover rate. minimum requirement which has limited the
US-CHINA TRADE WAR ACCELERATES number of eligible international candidates.
We expect this competition for talent to
continue well into 2020.
For supply chain businesses, the ambitious Due to the growing pressure and need for
The rise of AI, robotics and automation
‘Made in China 2025’ scheme launched by cost control, the demand for highly skilled
technologies has also made it increasingly
the Chinese government in 2015 has procurement and purchasing professionals
mandatory for supply chain candidates to
continued to open up requirements for a has increased, consequently driving up
be well versed in software like SAP.
new range of professionals. The initiative salaries to higher than years past,
Candidates with SAP knowledge as well as
aims to move production in the country particularly for procurement managers.
project management experience in supply
away from traditional outputs such as Ideal candidates for such roles are
chain transformation are among the most
fashion items and phones, and towards expected to have experience in third party
highly sought-after in the market.
new high-tech industries such as quantum risk management, global supplier
computing and self-driving cars. management and the ability to identify PROCUREMENT, PLANNING AND
costs down to BOM (bill of materials) level. WAREHOUSE AUTOMATION TO REMAIN
The ongoing US-China trade war has KEY AREAS FOR HIRING
only accelerated these efforts, resulting in JUNIOR CANDIDATES WANTED BUT IN
the massive decline of traditional supply SHORT SUPPLY Japan’s shrinking population and market
Operations Distribution Transport Warehouse
WAREHOUSING/DISTRIBUTION Manager Manager Manager Supervisor
China 300 - 600 350 - 500 300 - 420 150 - 300
Hong Kong SAR 420 - 600 420 - 600 360 - 520 300 - 420
Japan 8 - 10 7-9 7 - 10 5-7
Malaysia 108 - 300 117 - 264 195 - 200 55 - 96
Singapore 65 - 91 75 - 115 65 - 95 52 - 60
Warehouse Inventory
Manager Controller
China 200 - 400 144 - 200
Hong Kong SAR 360 - 560 240 - 300
Japan 8 - 10 5-7
Malaysia 96 - 200 65 - 91
Singapore 70 - 85 24 - 43
Operations Operations Freight Air Freight Key Account
THIRD PARTY LOGISTICS Executive Manager Manager Manager Manager
China 80 - 200 200 - 400 180 - 400 180 - 400 120 - 400
Hong Kong SAR 240 - 420 300 - 480 420 - 600 420 - 600 360 - 480
Japan 3.5 - 5 6.5 - 8 7 - 10 7 - 10 7 - 10
Malaysia 36 - 72 84 - 240 104 - 192 104 - 192 130 - 180
Singapore 33 - 55 65 - 90 60 - 90 60 - 90 65 - 130
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
Supply Chain
Demand Planner Materials Manager Logistics Manager Director
China 100 - 190 250 - 500 200 - 700 600 - 1,200
Hong Kong SAR 390 – 520 325 - 520 480 - 660 780 - 1,400
Japan 7.5 - 9.5 7 - 10 8 - 12 14 - 18
Malaysia 52 - 144 120 - 216 104 - 360 240 - 660
Singapore 48 - 72 72 - 96 70 - 100 150 - 240
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
The continuous escalation of the US-China In the corporate real estate and
trade war contributed to slower overall construction sectors, we have observed a
investment in the Chinese real estate continued interest within companies to
market in 2019. Additionally, real estate hire candidates with construction project
enterprises are also more difficult to management (PM) experience. The
finance due to continuous regulation and majority of these hires are taking place in
government control. The residential market the outsourced/consulting sector, with a
was most impacted by these, with some focus on candidates with PM experience in
small and medium-sized enterprises facing office fit-out work and space planning.
financial difficulties and even bankruptcy. Such candidates also require bilingual
fluency in English and Japanese, as hiring
Candidate expectations of salary are
companies tend to be large, international
expected to become more rational as an
corporations with operations in Japan.
abundance of candidates in the market has
This trend is expected to continue into
discouraged job-hopping. We have also
2020 and salary ranges for candidates
observed candidates willing to take salary
who fit this profile are likely to remain
cuts for exceptional platforms and roles.
competitive due to demand continuing to
There remains a shortage of bilingual
In the sector, the market has changed construction PMs in Japan who also have
from an incremental market to a stock experience in working with international
market and the ability to operate assets companies and using related software like
has become a new strategic focus for AutoCAD and/or Vectorworks. This lack of
current housing companies. Foreign funds supply will likely result in competitive
also continue to be active and make salary levels in 2020.
frequent acquisitions. Commercial and
retail assets in tier-one cities remain the
most in demand for investors, alongside
alternative asset investments such as While it is currently still early to accurately
logistics and data centres. predict, there may be scope for growth in
the opportunities available to experienced
In 2020, the commercial real estate sector is
facility managers (FM) in the coming year.
expected to continue improving its asset
Traditionally, the property sector has been
operation capabilities. As a result, candidates
slow to recognise the difference between
with excellent operational and asset
the lower technical requirements of office
management capabilities will be sought
management and general affairs positions,
after. Logistics real estate is also expected to
when compared to more strategic, senior
remain in the investment spotlight, bringing
level facility management and corporate
with it a demand for logistics and industrial
real estate roles. But there are signs that
investment candidates.
this perception may be changing in the
market, although such predictions have
been proven false in the past.
It was reported in
October 2019 that China’s
office market saw the
highest vacancy rate in a decade.
Centre Manager Centre Manager Facilities Mgr Facilities Mgr Facilities Mgr
- Retail - Retail - Soft Services - Soft Services - Soft Services
(5-10 yrs) (10 + yrs) (2-5 yrs) (5-10 yrs) (10 + yrs)
China 300 - 500 350 - 600 100 - 150 150 - 250 250 - 400
Japan N/A N/A 5-7 7 - 10 10 +
Acquisitions Acquisitions
Surveyor/ Surveyor/ Senior
Manager Manager Acquisitions Acquisitions
(2-5 yrs) (5-10 yrs) Surveyor/Manager Director
China 150 - 250 250 - 500 500 - 800 900 +
Japan 6 - 10 10 - 15 15 - 18 18 +
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
CHINA using modern technologies, data and talent is expected to be consistent over
customer engagement techniques, such as the next year.
TRADITIONAL SALES, E-COMMERCE automated retail stores and social
e-commerce on social network platforms.
Despite the global economic slowdown Budgets in 2020 will likely be geared
and market complexities, the last year saw Companies in the large consumer goods
towards attracting good new retail
no significant changes in the traditional sector have been freezing headcounts at
candidates with experience in the field or
sales job market in China. However, general sales management levels. With
with the relevant technical knowledge
e-commerce has continued to steadily greater cost controls measures in place,
needed. As the industry is relatively new, a
climb in its role as one of the most mid-management is expected to take up
shortage of sales professionals familiar
important channels for merchants in the role of general sales.
with this new sales model is expected. As
China, particularly for the consumer goods a consequence, salaries and benefits will Within consumer industries, many
industry. Hiring in this space has also be much higher for such candidates, as companies are relocating their regional
remained healthy. compared to those with traditional sales hubs from Hong Kong to Singapore or
SALARIES FOR E-COMMERCE or e-commerce experience. Shanghai. This is primarily a cost-cutting
PROFESSIONALS EXPECTED TO move as well as a way to escape the
MARKET CORRECT growing talent shortage in Hong Kong.
Unlike the e-commerce boom in 2019, E-COMMERCE AND DIGITAL SALES
which saw lucrative salaries and increases, POSITIONS MOST IN DEMAND
2020 will likely see salaries corrected by HIRING AT A HIGH BUT BILINGUAL
the market and pay increases becoming IT solutions and e-commerce skillsets are
smaller. Now that e-commerce platforms expected to be high in demand for the
and businesses are more established, coming year. This is driven by a Continuous growth is expected in the
companies are less willing to pay premium combination of market conditions, Japan sales market, particularly within the
for relevant candidates who are now more consumer preferences and Hong Kong’s tech sector.
easily found in the market. current economic conditions. With security However, there remains a significant gap
and privacy becoming important issues between opportunity demands and
across organisations, IT solutions are available candidates. Most companies are
geared for high demand, while rising real actively and aggressively hiring headcounts
China’s march to becoming the world’s estate costs and a growing preference for
first cashless society is boosted by the for sales but prefer native Japanese talent
online shopping has given more with English capability – a pool of talent
November 2019 announcement that
tourists to the country can now use prominence to e-commerce solutions. that remains scarce in Japan.
Alipay’s “Tour Pass” program. These will likely lend to a growing need for TECH-BASED SALES FUEL A
specialised sales professionals, especially for COMPETITIVE HIRING MARKET
IT solutions in large corporates.
Considering the ad-tech boom last year,
Another sector that is expected to grow in
• Salaries are represented in local currencies
current skill sets and its relevancy for the future; as well as
accordingly increasing their time spent upskilling to keep
pace with rapidly changing market conditions.
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