Believe Belong Bui LD Beco Me: (TFWS #2016)

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May 3, 2020 *Thanksgiving Praise: “Glorify Thy Name” v1
4th Sunday of Easter (TFWS #2016)
Believe Belong UNISON READING:
Bui The Apostles Creed, Ecumenical Version (UMH 882)
Welcome! We’re happy to have you with us today.
ld I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and
earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who
was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,
MINISTRY suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was
buried; He descended to the dead. On the third day He rose
again, He ascended into heaven, is seated at the right hand of
*CALL TO WORSHIP the Father and will come again to judge the living and the
L: Brothers and sisters, boys and girls— dead.
P: Come and worship! I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the
L: Even if you’re tired and worn out— communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection
P: Come and worship! of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.
L: Lay down the heavy things you are carrying— *HYMN “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” (UMH #110)
P: Come and worship!
L: Listen to what Jesus wants to tell you— PRAYERS FOR THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S
P: Come and worship! PRAYER (UMH #895)
L: See if you can discover how Jesus wants to use you—
P: Come and worship! SCRIPTURE LESSON Exodus 2:1-10
L: For Jesus is humble and gentle, and He will give us MESSAGE: “To Loose Is To Gain” ~ Pastor Tim
everything we need to follow Him. (Matthew 11:28-30)
A: Miraculous God, come to us now, even as Your Son HOLY COMMUNION
came to those first disciples on the shores of Galilee.
Speak Your Peace to our hearts. Touch us with Your *HYMN “Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty”
Holy Spirit. Reveal Your Word, that we may hear Your (UMH #64)
message this day, and live as Your disciples in the days BENEDICTION PRAISE
and years to come. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen. “God Be with You till We Meet Again”
WORSHIP FOR YOUNG DISCIPLES verse 1, verse only (UMH #672)




Believe Belong
Become Build Exodus 2:1-10


Important NV Food Pantry News Update

Due to the Covid 19 Virus there are families in Newark Valley

experiencing food shortage so the pantry will be open regular
hours of 3 to 4 on Tuesdays & Thursdays ; *Senior Pantry will
take place on the second Wednesday of the month from 9-10
a.m. If you are not able to come during those hours, please
call 642-3339 and someone will meet you at the pantry at the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
time you request. We are here for you so don't hesitate to call. N EWARK VALLEY 1ST UNITED METHODIST
Open to all residents of the 13811 zip code. Thank you! 70 S. MAIN ST.,
*Sandy has child-sized masks. Please contact her through Pastor
Office: (607) 642-8811 Website:
Tim if you are in need of them. Email:
Like us on Facebook:
Rev. Timothy Middleton
Parsonage: (607) 642-3630 affected by natural disasters, including storm concerns, wildfires,
Email: tornados, earthquakes, relief workers & their families; Those starting
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ new jobs; Unspoken Prayers; Victims of hate crimes; Young Disciples’
Church; World peace;

People to Remember in Prayer Each Day

For Encouragement: Wilma Ace; Caregivers; Davis, Heath & Neal
Missionary Families; Macella Dean; Jessica Dunham; Pastor Gary
Freeland; Lillian Gregrow; Dorene Hill; Valerie Hogan; Rob Dunham &
family; Sheryl Jones; Flora Kouf; “Linda”; Tim & Connie Middleton;
Shuba & Morrissey families; Bonnie Snapp; President Trump; UCC
Church; Bishop Mark Webb;
Health Related Issues: “Amy”; Jerry Adams; Larry Baird; Mark
Basham; Baby Princess Warrior Bristol; Bob Abbott; Carol Bazzeghin;
Pete Brennan; Carol Carey; Jackie Carlin; Donald Cornwell; Tony
DeCaro; Wendy Dunham; Mary Harper Edsall; Mary Edsall; “Franklin”
(1 ½ yr.-old); Bob Giblin; Linda Hendrickson; “Jordan”; Jim Kavalesky;
“Kerry”; Rosie Kessler; MaryAnn Kinsey; Marylou Kinsey; Sue Kinsey;
Paula Komarek; Anna Kuntzelman; “Larry” (MaryJo Carey’s Brother);
Autumn Lavine; Taffy Lefkowitz; “Lisa”; “Luke” (Wendy Dunham’s
grandson) & others with RSV; Terry McKinney; Shirley Mincher; Tammy
Mounts, & protection for daughter, Madison; Sharon Newton; Kerry
Peterson; Chet & Peggy Pierce; Dick Pnd; Teri Remaley; Residents, staff
& families of Hilltop & Elderwood Communities; Ron Riecke; “Debbie”
(Arlene Ronk’s daughter); Bill Roop; Ginger (Kinsey) Roth; “Sharon”
(Nellie Snapp’s sister); Jackie Sparks; Amelia Sprague; Heather
Stamper; Jean Stevens; Craig Tirrell; Josh Tomazin; Those down with
the flu; Those in harm’s way of contracting “Covid19”: food pantry
volunteers, school and store employees helping to make food and
groceries available, and those with the virus; Twins, Cassidy & Siena
Lourie; Doug Wandall; Donald Williams (MaryJo Carey’s Dad);
Our Shut Ins: Sharon Brown; Varina Henson; Darlene Hill; Mary Kay
Johnson; Jean Stevens; Brandon Swisher; Tarraha Whittemore
In Sympathy & Comfort: All those who continue mourning the loss of
a loved one along with the families & friends of Gladys Saddlemire; Kathy
Scheidt; Amy Toner; the Tornatore family; the families & friends of those
who have died from COVID-19
Unknown/Other Concerns: All Churches in the area; All Countries
affected by terrorism; All those affected by mass shootings & stabbings;
Church family; Families whose loved ones are struggling with addiction;
Gabby Dunham; Getting masks, ventilators & other supplies to all who
need them in the fight against COVID-19; Healthcare workers &
providers; Law enforcement officers & their families; Our country’s
leaders; Our Congregation; Congress; Our Military Troops; Our Small
Groups; Our vision; Our Youth; Persecuted Christians; Police Forces,
Sanitation workers, Scientists working on vaccines & cures: Nursing
Home Workers; Refugees & others in the midst of moves; Sunday
School classes; The People of the Mid. East; The Unemployed; those

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