ME 554 Problem Set-04 Nozzle Theory-Part-2

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ME 554 Rocket Propulsion

Problem Set – 4: Nozzle Theory – Part 2

18. The actual conditions for an optimum expansion nozzle operating at sea level are: mass flow
rate = 3.7 kg/s, chamber pressure = 2.1 Mpa, chamber temperature = 2585 K, molecular
mass = 18 kg/kg-mol, and specific heat ratio = 1.3. Calculate the thrust coefficient, exhaust
velocity, and exhaust temperature. [1.394, 2282 m/s, 1284 K]
19. An upper stage of a launch vehicle propulsion unit fails to meet expectations during sea-level
testing. This unit consists of chamber at 4.052 Mpa feeding hot propellant to a supersonic
nozzle of area ratio 20. The local atmospheric pressure at the design condition is 20 kPa. The
propellant has a specific heat ratio of 1.2 and the throat diameter of the nozzle is 9 cm.
Calculate the idea thrust at (a) the design condition, and at (b) the sea-level condition.
[45.3 kN, 34.9 kN]

20. A rocket motor with a specific impulse of 270 seconds is test-fired. The motor is designed
with an optimal nozzle that allows full expansion at sea-level. The test verifies that the rocket
motor has an average chamber pressure of 8.0 MPa. The rocket uses propellants which
produce combustion products that have a ratio of specific heats of 1.3 and a molecular weight
of 21.3 kg/kg-mole. The atmospheric pressure at sea-level is 101.325 kPa. Calculate (a) the
ideal thrust coefficient, (b) the characteristic velocity, (c) the effective exhaust velocity, and (d)
the combustion chamber temperature. [1.56, 1692 m/s, 2648 m/s, 3265 K]

21. A rocket motor uses the liquid bipropellants: nitrogen tetroxide (N2O4) and Aerozine 50 (A-
50). Assume that the rocket motor is ideal with a nozzle expansion ratio of 49.0, chamber
pressure of 5.6 MPa, and chamber temperature of 3,400K. The exhausted gaseous products of
combustion have a ratio of specific heats of 1.3 and gas constant of 390.4 J/kg.K.
(a) Determine the altitude at which the nozzle is designed for optimal (full) expansion,
(b) If the nozzle exit diameter is 1.6 m, determine the nozzle throat diameter, mass flow, and
the ideal thrust at the optimal altitude. [19.5 km, 0.228 m, 132.9 kg/s, 401.8 kN]

22. What is the maximum velocity if the nozzle in Problem –12 (in Problem Set–3), was designed
to expand into a vacuum? What is the maximum velocity if the expansion ratio was 2000?
[2580 m/s, 2490 m/s]
23. For the rocket unit given in Problem – 12 (in Problem Set–3), compute the exhaust velocity if
the nozzle is cut off and the exit area is arbitrarily decreased by 50%. Estimate the losses in
kinetic energy and thrust and express them as a percentage of the original kinetic energy and
the original thrust. [–28.82%, – 8.41%]
24. For the Problem – 12 (in Problem Set–3), determine (a) the actual thrust, (b) the actual exhaust
velocity, (c) the actual specific impulse, and (d) the velocity correction factor. Assume that the
thrust correction factor is 0.985, and the discharge correction factor is 1.050.
[1800 N, 1714 m/s, 175 sec, 0.939]
25. Design a rocket nozzle to conform to the following conditions:
Chamber pressure 20.4 atm = 2.068 Mpa
Atmospheric pressure 1.0 atm
Chamber temperature 2861 K
Mean molecular mass of gases 21.87 kg/kg-mol
Ideal specific impulse 230 sec
Specific heat ratio 1.229
Desired thrust 1300 N
Find nozzle throat and exit areas, respective diameters, actual exhaust velocity, and actual
specific impulse. [4.66 cm2; 2.43 cm; 15.9 cm2; 4.5 cm; 2074 m/s; 212 sec]

 Draw self-explanatory diagrams of (a) cone-shaped, (b) bell-shaped (contoured), and (c) two-
step nozzles?
 What are the principal losses in the case of real nozzles?
 Define the term ‘energy conversion efficiency’.
 Write down the expressions for (a) velocity correction factor, (b) discharge correction factor,
and (c) thrust correction factor.
 How do you achieve ‘variable thrust’ in rockets?

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