Product Data: 8 Channel Multiplexer
Product Data: 8 Channel Multiplexer
Product Data: 8 Channel Multiplexer
type 2811
8 Channel Multiplexer
FEATURES: n Frequency response 2 Hz to 200 kHz t 0,5dB
Dual 8-channel system (Main and Subsidiary n Crosstalk less than -8OdB up to 20 kHz, less than
Multiplexers) -6OdB up to 200 kHz
Scanning of Main Multiplexer under manual,
automatic or external control
Both multiplexers controllable from IEC 625-l/
IEEE-488 bus interface n Building acoustics measurements with the
Building Acoustics Analyzer Type 4418
By-passing or selection of individual channels
n Sound power measurements with the Digital
Standard 7-pin B & K microphone socket inputs
Frequency Analyzer Type 2131
Dual-function input/output sockets n Reverberation time measurements with the Digital
Choice of OV, 28V or 200V polarization voltages Frequency Analyzer Type 2131
Individual f 3dB channel sensitivity adjustment n Multi-channel noise monitoring
Dual LED tuning indicator for calibration with n Multi-channel sound, vibration and electrical
Pistonphone or Microphone Calibrator measurements
Description For manual scanning, a single “Re- An external clock and reset timing
set - Step” switch is provided. When generator can be connected to the
Scanning Characteristics pressed upwards this switch resets the “External Scanning” Input. When the
Scanning can be controlled manual- Multiplexer to the channel with the manual mode is selected, both the ex-
ly using the front-panel switches, or lowest number which is not inhibited. ternal clock generator and the “Reset
automatically using the built-in clock, When pressed downwards, it steps the _ Step” switch can control the scan-
external clock control or the IEC/ Multiplexer to the next (higher num- ning. If the external mode has been
IEEE interface. Each channel is pro- bered) channel which is not inhibited. selected, only the external clock gen-
vided with its own three-position “Se- erator can control the scanning. Typi-
lect - Inhibit” switch. The upper, The built-in clock generator pro- cal external clock generators include
spring-loaded setting enables the cor- vides 9 scan rates, with channel dwell the Building Acoustics Analyzer Type
responding channel to be selected (for times from 1/16s to 16s in a binary 4418 or another 2811 (“External Scan-
calibration, for example), overriding sequence. It may be stopped and reset ning” Out socket).
any scan which may be in progress. using the “Reset - Step” switch. When
The lower setting inhibits the corre- this switch is released again, the gen- The scan may also be controlled
sponding channel, causing it to be by- erator starts on a whole new dwell pe- through the digital interface of the
passed during a scan. riod with the channel selected. 2811, which conforms with the re-
BP 0007-l 3
quirements of IEC 625-l and is com-
patible with the IEEE488 interface
bus. A 5-digit switch on the rear panel Sensitivity
enables the device address to be se- Microphone Direct
Signal Characteristics
Microphone input to the 2811 is by
eight B & K standard 7-pin preampli-
fier sockets, which also carry power
supply lines for B&K microphone
preamplifiers (Types 2633, 2639 and
2645) and polarizing voltages for con- Fig. 2. Rear panel of the Type 2811
denser microphones. A single switch
on the rear panel selects polarizing
voltages of 0V, 28V or 200V. Each
channel is provided with a BNC Di-
rect Input/Output socket, which may
be used either for monitoring or re- Type 4220 or Sound Level Calibrator tiplexer signal output is present only
cording individual microphone out- Type 4230 when the Multiplexer is on the rear panel
puts, or as an input for non-acoustic being used in sound measurement sys-
signals (such as vibration or general tems. A two-LED Sensitivity Align- The maximum output level in both
instrumentation signals) to the multi- ment indicator permits easy adjust- multiplexers is 5V peak; when this is
plexer. ment of all eight channels. exceeded, an LED lights to indicate
overload. The input limits are from
Each channel input is provided with The Main Multiplexer has signal 3,5V to 7 V peak, depending on the
+ 3 dB sensitivity adjustment, for output connections on both the front Sensitivity Alignment setting. The ex-
easy calibration with Pistonphone and rear panels. The Subsidiary Mul- tended frequency response of the
Type 2811 - f 0,5dB from 2Hz to
200 kHz - allows its use with a wide Alphanumeric Printer
variety of transducers. Over the audio
frequency range of 20 Hz to 20 kHz, for
which it is primarily intended, the re-
sponse is flat within ? 0,l dB.
IEC/IEEE Interface
The 2811’s interface commands se-
lect output of individual channels or
the extension input in the main and
subsidiary multiplexers; “Reset” and
“Step” of the main multiplexer; and a
Start/Stop logic signal on the External
Scanning Control connector.
Building Insulation Fig. 3. A typical arrangement for building acoustics analysis, showing two Type 2811’s in
Measurements use with a Type 4418 Building Acoustics Analyzer and two Type 4224 Sound
For investigations into noise trans- Sources. The Type 4418 provides all the necessary remote control signals to the
mission paths in large buildings, one Multiplexers and to the other instruments in the set-up to make this a fully
automatic system for sound power and reverberation time measurement
or two Type 2811 Multiplexers can be
connected directly to the Type 4418
Building Acoustics Analyzer (or the
earlier Type 4417) to facilitate mea-
surements of sound pressure levels in
different parts of the structure. Up to
three more Type 2811’s can be cascad-
ed with those connected directly to
the 4418 allowing up to 32 micro-
phones to be used for each of the
4418’s two input channels.
are used in both source and receiving Fig. 4. Use of the Type 2811 in frequency analysis or sound power measurement, showing
rooms to obtain spatial averaging of control of up to four 2811s from a single IEC/IEEE bus address
sound pressure level and measure re-
Up to 8 Preamplifiers 2639 Digital Frequency Analyzer
with 1/2-in mlcrophones 1)1 H
feeding each 2811 up to 4
Noise Generator 8 Channel
Loudspeaker Multiplexers
L_______--____---------- __;’
Remote Control External Scanning “In”
ceiving room reverberation time. The Sound Power Determination to a Digital Frequency Analyzer Type
Type 4418 sends “Reset” and “Step” Up to four 2811’s multiplexing up to 2131.
signals to the External Scanning Con- 32 microphones can be used in a bus-
trol sockets on the rear panels of the based system for sound power deter- Reverberation Time
Multiplexers and controls the output mination as shown in Fig. 4. A pro- Measurements
of the Type 42224 Sound Source to grammable desk-top calculator is used The 2811 may be combined with a
provide a fully automatic measure- to control scanning in the multiplex- Real Time Analyzer and a calculator
ment set-up. ers, and the multiplexed output is fed for automated reverberation time
measurements, as shown in Fig. 5.
Specifications 2811
PREAMPLlFIER INPUTS: ‘In” interfaces fully to the Type 4418 Building TEMPERATURE RANGE:
6 8 K standard 7-pin Microphone Preamplifier Acoustics Analyzer, and may be used for oth- Operating: 5°C to 40°C (41°F to 104°F)
socket, mates with Plug JP0715. Adaptor er combinations (open-collector TTL-com- Storage: -25’C to 70°C (-13°F to 158°F)
DB2609 is supplied to allow use with Pream- patible)
plifiers fitted with the earlier, longer Plug Both “In” and “Out” carry a signal (pin 5) HUMIDITY RANGE:
JP 0701 which may be set (low) and reset (high) via the 0 to 90% relative humidity, non-condensing at
Input Impedance: (Signal line) 300kg in par- Interface Bus 30°C
allel with 5OpF
Power Supplies: +6,3V DC heater supply INTERFACE BUS (IEC): DIMENSIONS:
and +12,6V DC supply (each supply 480mA Connector: 25-pin connector accepting Ca- Height: 132,6mm (5.22in)
total for all eight sockets); +15OV DC (2mA) bles AO0184, A00194 and A00264. Con- Width: 430mm (16,9in)
supply; and choice of 0, +28V or +2OOV DC forms to IEC 625-1, compatible with IEEE Std. Depth: 200 mm (7,87 in)
polarization voltage 488/ANSI MCI.1
Maximum signal: 3,5 V to 7 V Peak depend- Functions Implemented: WEIGHT:
ing on setting of Sensitivity Alignment Acceptor Handshake - AH1 6,5 kg (14,3lb)
Listener - L2
Standard BNC sockets, mating with Plug All other functions - no capability Supplied as model A (light-weight metal cabi-
JP 0035 Main Multiplexer Facilities: Selection of a net), B (mahogany cabinet), or C (as A, with
Input Impedance: 300kg in parallel with specified channel, Selection of “From Exten- flanges for standard 19 in. rack mounting)
5OpF, as for Preamplifier Inputs (correspond- sion” input. Step to next channel, Reset to
ing sockets are wired in parallel) first channel POWER SUPPLY:
Output Impedance: Corresponds to the out- Subsidiary Multiplexer Facilities: Selection 100,115,127,200,220,240 V single phase AC
put impedance of the Preamplifier used of a specified channel (1 to E), Selection of mains 50/60Hz. Approximate power ratings
“From Extension” input are 13VA alone, 21 VA with 6 Microphone
“FROM EXTENSION” INPUTS: Start/Stop instructions: Commands to an- Preamplifiers Type 2639, and 28VA with 8
Standard BNC sockets, mating with Plug other instrument via External Scanning sock- Microphone Preamplifiers Type 2645
JP 0035 ets (pin 5) Complies with Safety Class II of IEC Publica-
Impedance: Matches Multiplexer “Output” tion 348, and with requirements for U.S. FCC
Maximum Signal: 5V Peak SIGNAL CHARACTERISTICS: Class B Computing Device in respect of elec-
Frequency Response: 2Hz to POOkHz tromagnetic compatibility
MULTIPLEXER OUTPUTS: t0,5dB, 20Hz to 20kHz rO,ldB
Front Panel: (Main Multiplexer only) B&K Max. Total Harmonic Distortion: ACCESSORIES INCLUDED:
standard coaxial socket, mating with Plug 1 mains cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AN . . 0020
JPOlOl 4 BNC plugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JPO035
Rear Panel: (Main and Subsidiary Multiplex- 1 B & K coaxial plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .JPOl 01
er) Standard BNC connectors, mating with 21 2 E-pin DIN plug _...................................... JPO802
Plug JP 0035 2 lOOmA fuses .._..................................... VFOO26
Output Impedance: Less than 20% 3 200mA fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._.................... VFO012
Output Loading: Minimum resistive load, 2 4 mm banana plugs . . . . . ..___._................. JBOO02
5 kg; maximum capacitive load, 1 nF rsa9zeL%l
1 IEC Bus connector kit (25-pin)........ UA0793
Maximum signal: 5 V Peak Maximum Crosstalk: -6OdB. 2 Hz to 20 kHz; 8 Preamp. Input adaptors (long
-60 dB, 2 Hz to 200 kHz (with 50 s2 source im- plug/short socket) .._._______._..._................ DB2609
AUTOMATIC SCANNING CONTROL: pedance at all inputs) 1 screwdriver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._......................... QA 0001
9 switch-selectable dwell times, 1116s to 16s. Maximum Broadband Noise: 12AV, 2Hz to
Accuracy t 1% 20 ktiz; 30AV, 2 Hz to 200 kHz ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE:
Interference Rejection: lOOA/m magnetic Control cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AQ 0034
MANUAL SCANNING CONTROLS: field increases broadband noise in the audio IEC 625-l interface cable (2m) . . . A00194
Facilities: Selection of any channel, inhibi- range (20 Hz to 20 kHz) to not more than 20 pV Adaptor to convert IEEE-486 in-
tion of any channel during scanning, stepwise strument to IEC 625-l (25 pin) . . . . A0 0195
scanning, reset to beginning CALIBRATION (Sensitivity Alignment): IEC 625-l (25 pin) to IEEE-488
Individual, channel-by-channel gain adjust- interface cable (2 m) . . . . . . . .._.._..__........... A00264
EXTERNAL SCANNING “IN” AND “OUT”: ment BNC signal cable (06 m) . . ..______............ A0 0133
Pair of standard 8-pin DIN sockets accepting Range, each channel: + 3dB BNC signal cable (1.2 m) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A0 0087
Plug JPO802 and Cable AQ0034, for cascade Alignment Accuracy, channel-to-channel: BNC signal cable (3 m) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A0 . 0142
interconnection of up to four 2611’s. carrying ~0.1 dB Coaxial screened cable in free
all scanning control signals Absolute Accuracy: +0,25dB (not including length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AC0002
errors in calibration source) Screened 7-core cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AC 3029