Catalog of Apollo Experiment Operations

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Catalog of Apollo Experiment


Thomas A. Sullivan
NASA - Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas

National Aeronautics and

Space Administration

The accomplishments of the Apollo missions to the Moon unfolded on the TV screens of America
almost as a given. While there were certainly moments when things did not go as planned, for the
most part it looked easy. Walking and driving on the lunar surface, laying out experiment pack-
ages, and collecting samples all seemed as natural as the many science fiction stories we had been
reading for years.

Of course, it wasn't that easy. Years of planning, training, rethinking, and improvement had gone
into those operations. Carrying out useful work from inside a pressure suit required a great deal of
compromise on the part of experiment designers and mission planners. Even then, many tasks
which were accomplished turned out to be extremely difficult. The lunar environment, especially
its dust, low gravity, and vacuum, made it difficult to perform many operations. The need for a
pressure suit lowered the productivity of an individual, making it a constant struggle to even
merely grip something.

Someday we will be going back to the Moon and even onward to Mars. Many of the things we
want to do there will be similar to those we have already done. True, the instruments will be better
and may be used for different purposes, but the tasks required of an astronaut and the design
problems faced by the engineers will largely be the same. I hope to capture, with this document,
some of the knowledge from the Apollo era to make the jobs of those future designers and opera-
tors of lunar experiments somewhat more productive.

The original motivation for this database came from the Astronaut Office, Science Support Group,
which wanted to document the experience of the astronaut/experiment interface from the operations
perspective. Beyond that, I hope to retain some of the "lessons learned" from the Apollo experi-
ence so that future astronauts, principle investigators, design engineers, and trainers will not need
to make many of the same mistakes in operation and design of instruments and tools created for
use by a crew in an extravehicular mobility unit with time constraints, on a planet with low gravity.

In addition to the usual meaning of the term "experiment," I have included some pieces of equip-
ment and hardware, such as the lunar rover and some of the tools the crew had available. Also
included in this database are a few experiments performed in the command module during trans-
lunar and trans-Earth coasts that were precursors to some Skylab experiments. While we have
come a long way since then, some of the problems we still have in microgravity today were first
seen in the Apollo command module.

The progress made in the late '60s and early '70s was not as well documented as one might have
hoped. We were operating at such a rapid pace that no one had the time to write it all down. The
present effort was started by reviewing relevant documents, such as Apollo mission reports, pre-
liminary science reports, technical crew debriefings, lunar surface operations plans, and various
lunar experiment documents, and then collecting general and operation-specific information by
experiment. After this, the crews who actually dealt with these experiments on the Moon were
consulted for their input with 20+ years of hindsight. The anecdotes some of them shared con-
ceming the deployment and operation of these units is probably the most valuable information in
this document.

Thomas A. Sullivan
Solar System Exploration Division
NASA - Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center



This document was started at the request of Dr. Bonnie Dunbar, without whose foresight I would
not have had the opportunity to uncover so much of our past. It would not have been possible
without the help of Joey Kuhlman and Janet Kovacevich in the JSC History Office. They were
able to find information in the archives that I did not know existed. Likewise, Annie Platoff pro-
vided access to documents which had long since been kept on anyone's shelf. Eric Jones was also
very helpful in providing anecdotes related to him by the crews. Of course, the twelve astronauts
that did the actual work on the Moon and allowed us to increase our knowledge of our solar system
are owed a great debt, as are the teams of scientists and engineers who helped make it happen. I
also need to thank John Young, Thornton Page, and Jack Sevier for their help and time discussing
those experiments on which they worked. Mike Foale's review of what I had hoped was the final
draft helped me to realize that more comparison of planned and actual timelines would be instruc-
tive to future EVA planners. Finally, my thanks go to several people in the Solar System Explo-
ration Division who talked with me in the hallways and gave me tips about who to talk to and what
really happened back when I was just a kid in high school.

Table of Contents

Section Page

PREFACE ...................................................................................... iii

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................... iv
CONTENTS .................................................................................. v
ACRONYMS ................................................................................. viii
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................ x

Part I Lunar Surface Experiment Operations During Apollo Extravehicular

Activities (EVAs)

Active Seismic Experiment .................................................................. 1

Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) - General Information ........ 5
Cameras - General Information ............................................................. 11
Charged Particle Lunar Environment Experiment ........................................ 15
Cold Cathode Gauge Experiment ........................................................... 19
Cosmic Ray Detector Experiment/Lunar Surface Cosmic Ray Experiment ............ 23
Dust Detector Experiment .................................................................... 29
Early Apollo Surface Experiments Package (EASEP) - General Information ......... 33
Far Ultraviolet (UV) Camera/Spectrograph ............................................... 37
Gravimeter, Lunar Surface .................................................................. 41
Gravimeter, Traverse ......................................................................... 45
Heat Flow Experiment ....................................................................... 49
Laser Ranging Retroreflector ................................................................ 53
Lunar Atmosphere Composition Experiment .............................................. 57
Lunar Ejecta and Meteorites Experiment ................................................... 61
Lunar Geology Experiment - General Information ....................................... 65
Lunar Geology Experiment - Tools ........................................................ 71
Lunar Neutron Probe Experiment .......................................................... 75
Lunar Rover Vehicle - General Information ............................................... 79
Lunar Seismic Profiling Experiment ....................................................... 85
Magnetometer, Lunar Surface ............................................................... 89
Magnetometer, Portable ...................................................................... 93
Miscellaneous Tools and Equipment ....................................................... 97
Passive Seismic Experiment (Package) .................................................... 103
Soil Mechanics Experiment .................................................................. 109
Solar Wind Composition Experiment ...................................................... 113
Solar Wind Spectrometer Experiment ...................................................... 117
Suprathermal Ion Detector Experiment ..................................................... 121
Surface Electrical Properties Experiment .................................................. 125
Surveyor 3 Retrieval ......................................................................... 129
Thermal Degradation Sample ................................................................ 133

Table of Contents


Section Page

Part II Experiment Operations at Microgravity During Trans-Lunar and

Trans-Earth Coast

Composite Casting Demonstration, Apollo 14 ............................................ 137

Electrophoresis Demonstration, Apollo 14 ................................................ 139
Electrophoresis Demonstration, Apollo 16 ................................................ 143
Heat Flow and Convection Demonstration, Apollo 14 ................................... 147
Heat Flow and Convection Demonstration, Apollo 17 ................................... 149
Light Flashes Experiment .................................................................... 153
Liquid Transfer Demonstration, Apollo 14 ................................................. 157

Part III Summary of Lessons Learned and Guidelines for Future

Experiments ................................................................... 159

Appendix A - Apollo Experiments and Missions .......................................... A-1

Appendix B Bibliography .................................................................. B-1

Table of Contents


Figures Page

1 Mortar package assembly ........................................................... 4

2 ALSEP central station from Apollo 14 ............................................ 10
3 CPLEE deployed at Apollo 14 ALSEP site ....................................... 17
4 CCIG, SIDE at Apollo 14 ALSEP site ............................................ 22
5 CRD ......... °.°,°°°,,,,,o,o ........................ ********************* .... .o, ....... 26
6 LSCRE ................................................................................ 27
7 DTREM schematic ................................................................... 31
8 EASEP, containing PSEP and LRRR ............................................. 35
9 Far UV camera ....................................................................... 40
10 LSG deployed at Apollo 17 ALSEP site .......................................... 44
11 TGE experiment ..................................................................... 48
12 HFE on Apollo 15 ................................................................... 52
13 LR 3 on Apollo 14 .................................................................... 55
14 LACE at Apollo 17 ALSEP site .................................................... 59
15 LEAM at Apollo 17 ALSEP site ................................................... 63
16 Apollo 12 astronaut using tongs ................................................... 70
17 Astronaut using rake ................................................................ 74
18 Astronaut emplacing core tube into ground ....................................... 74
19 Lunar neutron probe ................................................................. 78
20 LRV on Apollo 16 ................................................................... 83
21 Explosive package used for the LSPE ............................................ 87
22 LSM deployed at Apollo 16 ALSEP site .......................................... 91
23 LPM on Apollo 16 ................................................................... 95
24 MET .... °°°,°°°°°°°° ....................... ° ........................................... 101
25 Erectable antenna on Apollo 14 .................................................... 101
26 RTG deployed for Apollo 14 ALSEP ............................................. 102
27 Fuel cask on Apollo 12 ............................................................. 102
28 PSEP deployed on Apollo 11 ...................................................... 106
29 PSE, with shroud deployed ........................................................ 107
3O Trench dug for soil mechanics investigation ..................................... 112
31 SWC foil deployed on Apollo 11 .................................................. 115
32 SWC foil on Apollo 16 ............................................................. 116
33 SWS deployed on Apollo 15 ....................................................... 119
34 SIDE deployed on Apollo 14 ....................................................... 124
35 SIDE deployed at Apollo 15 ALSEP site ......................................... 124
36 SEP transmitter deployed near Apollo 17 landing site .......................... 128
37 SEP receiving antenna on Apollo 17 LRV ........................................ 128
38 Astronaut Alan Bean and two U.S. spacecraft on surface of Moon ........... 131
39 Panels 1 to 6 of TDS 1002 ......................................................... 135
40 Electrophoresis demonstration on Apollo 16 ..................................... 145
41 Electrophoresis demonstration - left side view ................................... 146
42 Panel face of Apollo 17 heat flow and convection apparatus ................... 151
43 Interior view of ALFMED device .................................................. 155
44 ALFMED device worn during investigation ...................................... 156


A Apollo (as in A-14)

ALCC Apollo Lunar Closeup (Stereoscopic) Camera
ALFMED Apollo Light Flashes Moving Emulsion Detector
ALHT Apollo Lunar Hand Tools
ALSD Apollo Lunar Surface Drill
ALSEP Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package
ALSRC Apollo lunar-sample return containers
ASE Active Seismic Experiment
ASP Apollo Simple Penetrometer

CCIG Cold Cathode Ion Gauge

CCG(E) Cold Cathode Gauge (Experiment)
CDR Commander
CM Command Module
CMP Command Module Pilot
CPLEE Charged Particle Lunar Environment Experiment
CRD(E) Cosmic Ray Detector (Experiment)
CSM Command/Service Module

DAC Data acquisition camera

DRT Dome Removal Tool
DSEA Data storage electronics assembly
DTREM Dust, Thermal, & Radiation Engineering Measurements

EASEP Early Apollo Scientific Experiment Package

EMI Electromagnetic Interference
EMU Extravehicular Mobility Unit
EOS Electrophoresis Operations in Space
ETB Equipment Transfer Bag
eV Electron Volts
EVA Extravehicular Activity

FOV Field of View

FTI" Fuel Transfer Tool

HFC Heat Flow and Convection

HFE Heat Flow Experiment

IVA Intravehicular Activity

JPL Jet Propulsion Lab

JSC Johnson Space Center

LACE Lunar Atmosphere Composition Experiment

LCRU Lunar Communications Relay Unit
LDD Lunar Dust Detector
LDEF Long-Duration Exposure Facility
LEAM Lunar Ejecta and Meteorites
LEC Lunar Equipment Conveyor
LM Lunar Module



LMP Lunar Module Pilot

LMS Lunar Mass Spectrometer
LNPE Lunar Neutron Probe Experiment
LPM Lunar Portable Magnetometer
LRRR, LR 3 Laser Ranging Retroreflector
LRV Lunar Rover Vehicle
LSCRE Lunar Surface Cosmic Ray Experiment
LSG Lunar Surface Gravimeter
LSM Lunar Surface Magnetometer
LSPE Lunar Seismic Profiling Experiment
LSUC Lunar Surface Ultraviolet Camera
LTD Liquid Transfer Demonstration

MCC Mission Control Center

MESA Modularized Equipment Stowage Assembly
MEt Modularized Equipment Transporter
MPA Mortar Package Assembly
MSC Manned Spacecraft Center

PI Principal Investigator
PLSS Portable Life Support System
PSE(P) Passive Seismic Experiment (Package)

RTG Radioisotope Thermal Generator

SEB Scientific Equipment Bay

SEP Surface Electrical Properties Experiment
SIDE Suprathermal Ion Detector Experiment
SIVB Saturn launch vehicle 3rd stage
SNAP-27 System for Nuclear Auxiliary Power
SM Service Module
SRC Sample Return Containers
SRP Self-Recording Penetrometer
SWC Solar Wind Composition
SWS Solar Wind Spectrometer

TDS Thermal Degradation Samples

TGE Traverse Gravimeter Experiment

UHT Universal Handling Tool

UV Ultraviolet
UVC Ultraviolet Camera


This catalog is organized by discrete experiments and selected pieces of equipment used or
emplaced by an astronaut during the Apollo program. Part I consists of experiments performed on
the lunar surface. Each of the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package (ALSEP) experiments is
described individually in addition to being addressed in a general ALSEP section. The many other
experiments performed on the surface are likewise listed under their own rifle. Certain tools or
pieces of equipment which were critical to experiment operations are also listed, since they were
key to the successful performance of the task.

There are also seven experiments which were performed at microgravity during the trans-lunar or
trans-Earth coasts. These are collected in Part II.

Within each experiment, general information about the principal investigator (PI) and other con-
tacts, experiment mass and dimensions, manufacturer, and the mission(s) it flew on is provided.
The Apollo experiment number is listed, an attempt to classify it into a discipline of study is made,
and a description of the hardware and purpose is provided. After this, a general set of questions
that are operational in nature is applied to the experiment so that the interaction of the crew with the
experiment or hardware can be understood. Not all questions make sense for each experiment, but
a standard battery of questions was applied to all with the idea that it might trigger the recollection
of some unique aspect of that operation. Many experiments flew on more than one mission, and
improvements were made for the follow-on flights based on the difficulties experienced. A cross
reference to other similar experiments from Apollo or other efforts is also provided. Some disci-
plines which continue to be studied on the Space Shuttle today are listed as a discipline code. This
code is relevant to an on-line database of shuttle experiments prepared by the Flight Crew Opera-
tions Directorate at JSC.

Part HI attempts to summarize some of the general problems encountered on the lunar surface and
provides guidelines for the design of future experiments to enable easier operation. Parts I and 1I
are intended to also be incorporated into an electronic database that can be searched using many
different query types. This remains a task for the near future.
Part I: Lunar Surface Experiment Operations
During Apollo EVAs

Active Seismic Experiment

Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) - General

Cameras - General Information

Charged Particle Lunar Environment Experiment

Cold Cathode Gauge Experiment

Cosmic Ray Detector Experiment/Lunar Surface Cosmic Ray Experiment

Lunar Dust Detector Experiment

Early Apollo Surface Experiments Package (EASEP) - General

Far UV Camera/Spectrograph
Gravimeter, Lunar Surface

Gravimeter, Traverse

Heat Flow Experiment

Laser Ranging Retroreflector

Lunar Atmosphere Composition Experiment

Lunar Ejecta and Meteorites Experiment

Lunar Geology Experiment - General

Lunar Geology Experiment - Tools

Lunar Neutron Probe Experiment

Lunar Rover Vehicle - General Information

Lunar Seismic Prof'fling Experiment

Magnetometer, Lunar Surface

Magnetometer, Portable

Miscellaneous Tools and Equipment

Passive Seismic Experiment (Package)

Soil Mechanics Experiment

Solar Wind Composition Experiment

Solar Wind Spectrometer Experiment

Suprathermal Ion Detector Experiment

Surface Electrical Properties Experiment

Surveyor 3 Retrieval

Thermal Degradation Sample

Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: ASE Experiment: Active Seismic Experiment

PI/Engineer: Robert L. Kovack/ Other Contacts: Tom Landers/Stanford

Stanford University Joel S. WatkinsAJniversity of NC

Apollo Flight Nos.: 14, 16 Discipline: Lunar Seismology

Weight: 11.2 kg Dimensions: See ALSEP Flight System

Familiarization Manual,
p. 2-152 for data on all the
ASE subsystems
Manufacturer: Bendix (grenade launcher Apollo Experiment No.: S 033
made by Space Ordinance
Systems, Inc.)

Description/Purpose--A string of three geophones was emplaced by Apollo 14 (A-14) and A-16.
This allowed profiling of the internal structure of the Moon to a depth of ~460 m. Two seismic
sources were included: an astronaut-activated thumper device containing 21 small explosive initia-
tors, and a rocket grenade launcher that was capable of launching four grenades at known times and
distances (150, 300, 900, and 1500 m) from the seismometer. High frequency natural seismic activ-
ity was monitored with the geophones. Electronics for the experiment were within the Apollo Lunar
Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) central station.
The astronaut-activated thumper was a short staff used to detonate small explosive charges--
single bridgewire Apollo standard initiators. Twenty-one initiators were mounted perpendicular to
the base plate at the lower end of the staff. This flat base plate was driven down against the surface to
provide a known energy pulse. A pressure switch in the plate detected the instant of initiation. An
arm/fire switch and an initiator/selector switch were located at the upper end of the staff. A cable
connected the thumper to the central station to transmit real-time event data. The thumper also stored
the three geophones and connecting cable until deployment.
The three identical geophones were miniature moving coil-magnet seismometers. They were an-
chored into the surface by short spikes as they were unreeled from the thumper/geophone assembly.
They were emplaced 46 m apart and were sensitive to signals with frequencies in the range of 3 to
250 Hz.
The mortar package assembly (MPA) comprised a mortar box, a grenade launch tube assembly,
and interconnecting cables. A two-axis inclinometer provided pitch and roll angle data. Many safe-
guards existed on arming, launching, and detonating the grenades, all of which were done from Earth
after crew departure. The A-16 MPA was modified to have a more stable base than the one on A-14.

Unloading from the lunar module (LM)--As part of the ALSEP.

Transporting by foot or modularized equipment transporter (MET)--As part of the ALSEP.

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on lunar rover vehicle (LRV)-- NA

Site selection--As part of the ALSEP.

Deploying experiment--The geophones deployed very easily on A-14. They went into the soft sur-
face readily and were then stepped on to implant them. However, the loose soil gave little resistance
to hold them in place, and in moving the cable Edgar Mitchell pulled the second geophone out of the
soil and it had to be replaced. While deploying the ASE electronics package on A-16, the cable be-
came taut and pulled on the central station. The crewman had to go back and adjust the central
station. Before unreeling the geophone cable, it was staked in place (with the aid of an extension
handle)througha loop in the cablesothatthelunarmodulepilot (LMP) wouldnot dragthecentral
stationbehindhim whilelayingout the geophone line. Thefoot padson the mortarpackrotatedout
of the properposition,andthepackagehadto bepickedupandthepadsrotatedto a positionin
whichtheywouldrestproperlyagainstthesurface.ForA-14,therewasa craterattheoptimalloca-
tion of themortarpackage,andit wasthuslocatedcloserto thecentralstationthandesired.The
timelinefor A-16 allotted-18 minutesfor the geophones to be deployedby the commander (CDR)
and-12 minutesof assistance by theLMP. Deployingthe mortarwasallottedanother-16 minutes
of the CDR'stime. Thetargetingareaof themortarwasto befreeof cratersandridges.
OnA-16,the mortarboxcablewaslengthened from3 m to 15.2m for greaterseparation dis-
tancefromthecentralstation. Also,a subpalletwasaddedfor themortarbox to providegreater
stabilityduringfiringsandfor easeof alignmentwhenerectingthe experiment.Thedeploymentof
thepackagewassuccessful, althoughonly threeof the four stakescouldbeemplaced.Therelease
pin for the fourthstakewasbentandjammedsothatit couldnot bepulledout. Thecrewreported
thefeelingthat,with a pairof tweezers, theycouldhaveremovedthepin, butwith a pressure suit
gloveit wasnot possible.Althoughtestsperformedduringthedevelopment of theMPA showedthat
threedeployedstakeswereadequate to providestability,thismayhaveallowedtheassemblyto tip
overafterthethird shot,althoughit is alsopossiblethatthesensorfailed. Also onA-16,theLMP
followedtheCDRwhilehedeployedthegeophone line andstakedthe cablein placeandimplanted
two of the threegeophones to preventthemfromshifting. TheCDRimplantedthethird.
Checkoutof experiment--OnA-16, neartheendof thethirdextravehicular
MPAroll sensorwasobserved(by telemetry)to bereadingoff-scale.A TV panorama verifiedthatit
thattheroll sensorwasinoperative.Norepairwas
Operation of experiment---On A-14, the LMP was able to fire 13 thumper shots into the ground
during EVA 1. Several of these required an extraordinary amount of force to fire them. The thump-
er failed to fire after several attempts at several initiator positions, and several firing positions (marked
as white marks on the geophone line) were skipped to gain EVA time. Three initiators were deliber-
ately not fired. Post-flight investigations showed that a malfunction occurred because lunar soil got
into the arm/fire switch mechanism and the initiator/selector switch was not properly seated in the
detents. The total time spent on thumping operations was 28 minutes, within allowable EVA con-
straints. The LMP was instructed to stand still for 20 seconds before and 5 seconds after each shot.
On A-16 this was changed to 10 seconds before and after. The A-16 timeline allotted ~25 minutes to
this activity.
Several thumper shots were fired while the CDR was moving on the surface near the ALSEP
central station. His movements generated seismic energy that was recorded by the geophones, and his
movements had to be restricted during the remaining thumper operations. In the future, it may be
possible to conduct thumper operations and allow the second astronaut to move about, provided that
he is sufficiently far removed from the central station and geophone line.
On A-14, the geophone/thumper anchor was used as a penetrometer (see Soil Mechanics - Apollo
Simple Penetrometer [ASP]) to obtain three two-stage penetrations into the lunar surface. This device
(figure 4-11 in the A-14 Preliminary Science Report) had black and white stripes 2 cm long to
provide a depth scale. After completion of these tests, the device was used to anchor the geophone
cable when the cable was placed in position for the ASE.
The grenades were not launched after departure of the A-14 crew for fear that dust would land on
the other ALSEP experiments. (The off-nominal deployment was necessitated because of a crater at
the optimum mortar package deployment location. Post-flight tests showed that the central station
would at least suffer thermal degradation and perhaps be damaged if the grenades were launched.)
There was consideration of firing the mortars near the end of the life of this ALSEP, but up-link
capability was lost and the arming capacitors would not charge after the long surface interval, so none
of them were ever fired. Also, continued use of the lunar ranging retroreflector (LRRR) required that
no dust be kicked up on its reflectors. On A-16, the first two grenades were fired successfully, but
after the third was fired, the pitch/angle sensor on the mortar package went off-scale in a high direc-
tion. Consequently,
its positionwasuncertainandthefiring of the fourth grenade was never
On A-16, 19 thumper shots were successfully fired by the CDR (although the thumper had 21
shots). This took 14 minutes. For safety and experimental needs of quiet before firing, it needed to
be armed for five seconds before it would fire.

Repairs to experiment--On A-14, upon reaching position 11 (at the middle geophone) the LMP
observed that this geophone had pulled out of the ground, apparently because of the effects of set or
elastic memory of the cable. After repositioning the geophone, he resumed operations. Even though
geophone 2 was resting on its side during the first five firings, usable seismic data was obtained.

Recovery/takedown of experiment--NA

Stowing experiment for return--NA

Loading/unloading samples on LRV--NA

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM--NA

Stowing of package once in the LM--NA

Sampling operations (soil, rocks)--NA




Navigating/recognizing landmarks--NA

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e., hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--The
mortar in A-14 was to lob four explosive charges whose shocks would be recorded on the seismome-
ter. However, it was placed so close to the central station that experimenters feared that firing it would
cover the central station with dust, so the experiment was not performed. There was also a hand-held
"thumper" unit that contained small explosive charges. Several safeguards existed on both these
On A-16, three grenades were launched. Because the pitch position sensor then went off-scale,
the decision was made not to launch the fourth.

Was lighting a problem?--No.

Were the results visible to the crew?--No.

Would you recommend any design changes?--For A-16, the thumper was modified to improve the
switch dust seals and to increase the torque required to move the selector switch from one detent to
the next. Also, a longer cable to the MPA was provided to ensure adequate deployment.

Were any special tools required?--Thumper, universal handling tool (UHT). On A-16, the LRV
was used to provide a guideline for laying out the geophone line along a heading of 290.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--The geo-
phone array was laid out in a linear fashion. There were little flags to assist in this alignment. There
was a 7° constraint on their deployment, most likely on their horizontal orientation, but it is unclear
from reading the literature. The orientation of this array was set by driving the LRV along the re-
quired heading for 100 m to lay out a track in the regolith to be followed in deploying the line. The
targeting area of the mortar was to be free of craters and ridges.

Was the experiment successful?--Yes.

Werethere relatedexperimentson otherflights?--SeeS 203 - Lunar Seismic Profiling Experiment
(LSPE). See also S 031 - Passive Seismic Experiment package (PSEP).

Where was it stored during flight?--Part of ALSEP.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--No.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early
recovery?--None noted.

What was different between training and actual EVA?---Cable memory allowed the very light cable
to stick up in the low gravity.

What problems were due to the suit rather than the experiment?--No comments by crew.

Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--NA


Preliminary Science Report for A-14

Mission Report for A-14
Apollo Scientific Experiments Data Handbook, JSC-09166, NASA TM X-58131, August 1974, in
JSC History Office
Apollo Program Summary Report, section 3.2.10, Active Seismic Experiment, JSC-09423, April 1975
Apollo 16 Final Lunar Surface Procedures, March 16, 1972, MSC
ALSEP Termination Report, NASA Reference Publication 1036, April 1979
Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) Flight System Familiarization Manual, Bendix
Aerospace Division, Contract No. NAS9-5829, 1 August 1967, in JSC History Office
Apollo 16 Technical Crew Debriefing, 5 May 1972, in JSC History Office

Figure 1: The MPA deployed at the Apollo 16 ALSEP site. Note the stable base which was
an improvement over the Apollo 14 mortar (AS-16-113-18376). See figure 2 for the MPA
on A-14. See also figure 29 for the flags which mark the geophones of the ASE array.
Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: ALSEP Experiment: Apollo Lunar Surface

Experiments Package

PI/Engineer: Several PIs for individual Other Contacts: See individual experiments

Apollo Flight No.: 12, 14, 15, 16, 17 Discipline: Several

Weight: Varied, see individual missions Dimensions: Several packages spread

out on the lunar surface, connected by
cables (which caused some problems)

Manufacturer: Bendix (subcontractors Apollo Experiment No.: (contained several

had individual instruments) experiments)
A-12 included PSE, SIDE, SWS,
A-13 was to have had PSE, CCG, HFE,
A-14 included PSE, ASE, SIDE,
A-15 included PSE, SIDE, SWS, LDD,
A-16 included PSE, ASE, LSM, & HFE
(HFE damaged during deployment)
A-17 included HFE, LEAM, LSG, LACE, LSP

Description/Purpose--A combination of experiments taken to a site sufficiently far from the LM was
collectively called the ALSEP. There was a central processing station to which all of the peripheral
experiments and the radioisotope thermal generator (RTG) were attached. It provided power distri-
bution, communications with Earth, etc. The rest of the experiments connected to this station by
cables. Power for all of the experiments was provided by the RTG. Each experiment was assigned its
own name and number and is considered separately in this database. With several of the packages in
place on the Moon, networks provided more information than any one could provide. For example,
the seismometer network provided from ALSEPs emplaced by A-12, 14, 15, and 16 enabled the lo-
cation of impacts and moonquakes to be determined. The network of three lunar surface magneto-
meters (LSMs) enabled the study of solar wind plasma movement by detection of its contained
magnetic field. The ALSEP on A-17 carried different instruments since the networks had been
established by earlier flights.

Unloading from the LM--The ALSEP was stored in the Scientific Equipment Bay (SEn) during
flight. There were booms of some sort to prevent the crew from becoming unbalanced when remov-
ing the equipment, but these were not needed on A-15, perhaps because of the slope on which they
landed. Lanyards were used to release the packages and allow them to swing free and then be low-
ered by pulley to the surface. The pulleys were removed for A-17 since the crew felt they were not
needed. The height of the pallets was at the limit for easy manual deployment on level terrain, and
unloading the pallets was hindered by a small crater 8 to 10 feet to the rear of the LM. However,
sufficient working area was available in which to place a pallet and conduct fueling operations. The
mission timelines show unloading as a coordinated activity and allowed 8 to 9 minutes from both

Transporting by foot--It was packaged on two major subpallets in the LM which were removed and
then attached by a "barbell" (which later became the antenna mast) to enable carrying. On the A-12
ALSEP,thewholepallettendedto rotate,especiallythepalletcontainingtheRTG. Thecrewcom-
mentedthathavingto grip thecarrybartightly wastiringto the hands.OnA-14,Mitchellcomment-
edthatthe bouncingsubpalletsat theendof the barbellmadeit verydifficult to carryandthathe
endedup carryingit acrosshis arms.It wasconsiderably heavierthanheanticipated sincethe 1/6thg
lightweightmock-updid not respondin the sameway. OnA-15,Irwin decidedto carryit in the
crookof his elbowandhadaneasytimecarryingit to thedeployment site. Evenoncethe LRV was
available,theLMP carriedtheALSEPwhilethe CDRdroveto thedeploymentsite. OntheA-16
ALSEPdeployment traverse,the RTGfell off the subpallet.Lunardirt in thesubpackage sockethad
preventedtheflangedendof thecarrybarfrom slidingall thewayinto placeso thatthepin could
lock. TheLMP knockedthe dirt out of the socketandre-attached the package.After reachingthe
deploymentsite,theLMP hadto rest. It took 275seconds to reachthesite,duringwhichhis meta-
bolic ratewasashigh as2300BTU/hr. He rested for three minutes afterward, while also describing
the site. The total mass of the A-16 ALSEP was -250 lbs, or 41.5 lbs moon weight. The A-17 LMP
has commented that after just a short time on this long traverse, his total attention was on how much
his arms hurt from holding onto the ALSEP. The total mass for this ALSEP was -360 lbs, or 60 lbs
force on the Moon.

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on LRV--Even on A-15 through A-17, the LMP carried the
ALSEP subpallets to the site while the CDR drove the LRV.

Site seleetion--A level site was desired. Generally, 100 m to the west of the LM (but not in its shadow
at sunrise) was seen as adequate. Craters and slopes were avoided since they would degrade the
thermal control of the unit. A-14 had some trouble finding such a site. Also, a location far enough
away from the LM to avoid the dust and debris of ascent and the seismic disturbance of the venting
propellant tanks and thermally creaking structure was desired. Since, in addition to this, a reasonable
straight and level area for a geophone line (on those missions with ASE or LSPE) and a clear area for
mortar firings (for ASE) was needed, a perfect site was difficult to find.

Deploying experiment--See individual experiments. The central station (mass, 25 kg; stowed vol-
ume, 3.48 m3) was deployed and connected to the RTG and the separate experiments. Thirty min-
utes was allotted for this on the A-16 timeline. A-14 allotted ~20 minutes, A-17 allotted 17 minutes.
Most, if not all, crews had difficulty erecting the sunshade on the central station due to its lightweight,
flimsy nature.
On A-12, the fuel element for the RTG would not come out of its cask easily and several minutes
were spent working with the delicate element before it was removed satisfactorily. They had to hit the
cask with a hammer while pulling on the element to coax it out. Also, the crew commented that there
seemed to be no way to avoid getting dust on the experiment during unloading, transport, and de-
ployment, and that this should be considered during the design.
A-14 had difficulty releasing one of the Boyd bolts on an ALSEP subpallet when the guide cup
became full of dirt. The crew commented that there seemed to be no way to avoid getting the experi-
ments dirty during transport and deployment. Also, there was always at least one side of the central
station in the shade, which made seeing the bolts difficult. On the traverse to the deployment site, the
pallets on either side of the antenna mast (barbell) oscillated vertically and the mast flexed, making
the assembly rather difficult to carry. However, they believed the barbell arrangement to be suitable
for traverses of as much as 150 meters. When erecting the central station the sunshield did not lock
in the "up" position, but the scientists in the support room at JSC noticed it and had the crew return
to fix it. The communication between these scientists and the crew on the surface was, by some
accounts, too "filtered" to have good interaction under the tight timelines that existed.
A-15 and A-16 crewmembers reported no particular problems deploying ALSEP (but see A-16
Heat Flow Experiment (HFE). Some cords which were to release pins on the central station of A-15
broke and the pins had to be released by hand. A-16 deployment took 134 minutes, including travel
preparation and obtaining a documented sample at the end (25 minutes).
The A-17 crew had trouble removing the dome from the fuel cask. The chisel end of the geo-
logical hammer was used to pry the dome off the cask. The remainder of the operation went
nominally. They also had difficulty leveling the central station and antenna gimbal. The leveling
wasaccomplished by workingtheedgeof the stationdownto a levelbelowthe looseuppersoiland
placinga large,flat rock underthecomer. In doingthis,-30%of the uppersurfaceof the station
sunshieldwascoveredwith a thin layerof dust,andno attemptwasmadeto removethisdust. Also,
soil became banked against the edge of the station. Later, upon request from ground personnel, this
soil was removed by clearing a 15-20-cm-wide moat around that edge of the station. Some dust and
soil still adhered to the sides of the station, but the white thermal coating was visible through most of
the dust.
During antenna gimbal leveling, both the N-S and E-W level bubbles appeared to be sticky and
prevented precise leveling of the antenna gimbal. The N-S bubble eventually became free-floating,
but the E-W remained at the E end of the fluid tube. Precise antenna pointing was not verified, but
ground personnel reported that the signal strength appeared to be adequate. The time deficit
resulting from these activities was compensated for by relocating the first traverse station to an area
near the rim of Steno Crater.

Checkout of experiment--See individual experiments.

Operation of experiment--See individual experiments. The central station had five switches oper-
able by the astronaut, all of which interfaced with the UHT. Two were for backup operation only and
would allow the crew to make ALSEP work despite certain possible failures. Also, the experiments
were operated after crew departure from JSC via the ALSEP Command System. The commands took
the form of an octal number which was entered manually via a thumbwheel and sent by pushing
another button. On most days, tens to hundreds of commands were sent. Many would be routine
commands for leveling experiments after terminator crossing or flipping magnetic field sensors, but
many were at the request of the PIs for particular studies. A number of engineering tests of the
ALSEP hardware and electronics were also performed. An ALSEP Termination Report (NASA
Reference Publication 1036, April 1979) is available that lists these operations and tests.

Repairs to experiment--During A-14 EVA 2, the crew was able to adjust the alignment of the central
station antenna in an effort to strengthen the signal received at Earth. Photos show that the antenna-
aiming mechanism was not properly seated on the antenna mount and, despite the fact that the correct
settings were used in aiming the antenna, it was pointed -8 ° off nominal.
During erection of the central station on A-15, the rear-curtain retainer removal lanyard broke,
requiring the LMP to remove the pins by hand.

Recovery/takedown of experiment--See individual experiments, but nothing was returned from the
ALSEP itself.

Stowing experiment for return--See individual experiments.

Loading/unloading samples on LRV---Even after the LRV was available, the ALSEP pallets were
carried by hand to the deployment location -100 meters from the LM.

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM--NA

Stowing of package once in the LM--NA

Sampling operations (soil, rocks)--NA



Drilling--Drilling was required for the emplacement of the HFE. Some drill cores were also taken
near the ALSEP site and helped to characterize the area, which was helpful for interpretation of the
seismic experiments. The Apollo Lunar Surface Drill (ALSD) was developed for these tasks and was
considered, by some, as part of the ALSEP package.

Navigating/recognizing landmarks--NA
Werethereany hazardsin the experiment,i.e.hazardousmaterials(explosive,radioactive,
toxic),sharpobjects,high voltages,massive/bulkyobjects,tripping hazards,temperatures?--All
the ALSEPS had SNAP-27 RTGs to generate power. The fuel capsules for these were kept in a
separate cask for safety (they were at 500 ° C and radioactive) until the astronaut on the surface
removed it and placed it into the thermocouple assembly with the fuel transfer tool. The cask was
mounted outside the descent stage of the LM. Redesign of the package or revision of procedures was
necessary after the critical design review with the astronauts. The A-12 crew commented that the fuel
cask guard was not needed and commented that heat radiating from the fuel element was noticeable
through the gloves and during the walk to the deployment site, but was never objectionable.
The ASE had small explosive charges in the "thumper" (see previous experiment). The LSPE
had explosive charges which were deployed by the crew but not set off until after departure. See
individual experiments for safety aspects.

Was lighting a problem?--No.

Were the results visible to the crew?--Silver and black decals were difficult to read in bright
sunlight. A needle was not visible on a current meter on the A-12 RTG or central station--it was
possible that the shorting plug had been depressed before the intended time.

Would you recommend any design changes?--The A-12 crew commented that some sort of over-
the-neck strap might be advantageous for deployment distances beyond 100 m. Also, the RTG fuel
element was redesigned with looser tolerances for later flights.

Were any special tools required?--The Apollo Lunar Hand Tools (ALHTs) were considered by
some as part of the ALSEP package, but they were mostly used in the geological field work. The
geological hand tool carrier was carried for 3 flights, A-12 to 14.
Two UHTs were included to help carry and level many of the individual units on the surface.
These were usually discarded after ALSEP activation, but on A-17 one was used as a handle for the
LRV soil sampler. Also, a fuel transfer tool (FTT) was used to remove the fuel elements from their
casks on the outside of the LM descent stage and place them in the RTG. A dome removal tool
(DRT) was also included, to operate the fuel cask dome. A-14 required several attempts to lock the
DRT onto the dome. The A-17 crew also had trouble with the fuel cask dome. The A-12 crew
commented that the tools should have been 2 to 5 inches longer. The change was made for later
flights. The difficulty in fitting and locking both tools in most of the experiment receptacles was
frustrating and time-consuming. Looser tolerances would probably have eliminated the problem.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--The central
station and most, if not all, of the individual experiments needed to be leveled to within 5 ° of vertical
and oriented with respect to the Sun. The central station was aligned within 5 ° of the E-W line using
the partial compass rose and its gnomon, for proper thermal control. See individual experiments.

Was the experiment successful?--Yes.

Were there related experiments on other flights? Apollo? Other?--All landed missions had an
ALSEP except for A-11, which had EASEP.

Where was it stored during flight?--A-11 through A-14 used the LM Modularized Equipment
Stowage Area (MESA). A-15, 16, and 17 list the SEB Quad II as the storage area.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--No. A chart of desired photos of the
ALSEP area was provided to the crew to document all orientations of the instruments. This task took
N20 to 25 minutes.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early
recovery?_The radioisotope fuel capsule needed cooling before launch because the temperature of
its fuel cask would be above the ignition temperature of some of the fuels used on the spacecraft if
this cooling were not provided.
Whatwasdifferentbetweentraining andactualEVA?--Installationof theRTG power cable
connector to the central station was more difficult than it had been in training. The A-14 crew said
that, by the end of training, they were consistently ahead of the timeline by 25 to 30 minutes, and felt
that this would be adequate to take care of the extra time that they would use on the surface in being
more careful, and to allow for problems. As it turned out, it wasn't enough. "The fact is that you're
just a bit more careful with the actual flight equipment." They recommended a 25% to 30% pad.
The Apollo 16 Time and Motion Study looked at the ratio of time to perform tasks related to ALSEP
deployment on the lunar surface on A-15 and A-16 vs. the time the crew took on their third 1-g
training session. This ratio ranged from 1.16 for simple tasks to 2.18 for more complex ones. The
average ratio on A-15 was 1.41, and that on A-16 was 1.66. The difference is not statistically signifi-
cant. This suggests that tasks take about 50% longer to perform under the lunar EVA constraints
than in training.

What problems were due to the suit rather than the experiment?--If the fuel element of the RTG
were to brush against the suit, it would have damaged it.

Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--At the end
of the last EVA, surface procedures called for a crewman to police the area around the LM, especially
in the direction of the ALSEP, for material and loose equipment which could be blown by the ascent
stage engine into the experiments. This loose gear and trash, much of which was brought out of the
LM at the beginning of each EVA, was to be kicked underneath the descent stage.


Preliminary Science Reports, A-12, 14, 15, 16, 17

Mission Reports, A-12, 14, 15, 16, 17

"Alignment, Leveling, and Deployment Constraints for A-15 Lunar Scientific Experiments,"
document in JSC History Office
Memorandum from FC93/Head, Lunar Surface Section, 7 October 1971, re: Apollo 14 ALSEP 4
Post-mission Report

The thermal control designs of 8 of the experiments and the central station are discussed in Apollo
Experience Report # 17 - "Thermal Design of Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package"

Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package - Apollo 17 ALSEP (Array E) Familiarization Course -
Handout for class of 1 September 1972, in JSC History Office

Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package - ALSEP Familiarization Course - Handout for class of
15 January 1968, in JSC History Office

Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) Flight System Familiarization Manual, at JSC
History Office

Final Systems Mission Rules for Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package - ALSEP 3, March 23,

Apollo Scientific Experiments Data Handbook, JSC-09166, NASA TM X-58131, August 1974, in
JSC History Office
Apollo Program Summary Report, JCS-09423, section 3.2, Lunar Surface Science, April 1975

Apollo 15 Technical Crew Debriefing, 14 August 1971, in JSC History Office

Apollo 14 Technical Crew Debriefing, 17 February 1971, in JSC History Office

Personal communication with Herb Zook, 1 April 1993, re: ALSEP command procedures

ALSEP Termination Report, NASA Reference Publication 1036, April 1979

Personalcommunicationwith JimBates,21April, 1993,re: ALSEPs
Apollo 16Time andMotionStudy(FinalMissionReport),NASA,MannedSpacecraft
Houston,TX, July 1972

Figure2: ALSEPcentralstationfrom Apollo 14. Note the mortar box for the active seismic
experiment in the background to the right. The antenna mast was used as the "barbell" for
carrying the two subpallets to the deployment site. (AS-14-67-9378)

Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: Several Experiment: Cameras - General


PI/Engineer: Several PIs for individual Other Contacts: Image Sciences Division/JL

Apollo Flight No.: 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17 Discipline: Used to document experiments
in several disciplines

Weight: Dimensions:

Manufacturer: Apollo Experiment No.: Supported

several experiments

Description/Purpose--Cameras of several types were used to document the activities during the
Apollo missions. Scientifically useful information about the situation of a rock or soil about to be
sampled was obtained, and post-sampling photos further documented the process. Photos were also
used to document the orientation of the experiments that were deployed on the surface, specifically
by noting the sun compass shadows and level bubbles. A gnomon (see geological tools) was used to
record local vertical, and its shadow provided other geometrical data on slope and orientation. One
leg of the gnomon had a color or gray scale on it.
One particular type of camera was carried which was called the Apollo Lunar Stereoscopic
Closeup Camera (ALCC). This was used for very close-up pictures of the soil to document its mor-
phology in place for the soil mechanics investigation. It was also used to document the thermal
degradation samples (TDS) experiment.

Unloading from the LM--The cameras and film magazines were transferred from the LM cabin to
the surface using an equipment transfer bag (ETB). After the CDR began to exit the cabin, the LMP
would hand it to him.

Transporting by foot or MET--A bracket on the chest-mounted remote control for the portable life
support system (PLSS) held a camera.

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on LRV--A TV camera and data acquisition camera were

carried on the LRV. The TV camera was remotely operable from Earth.
Site selection--NA

Deploying experiment--NA

Checkout of experiment--NA

Operation of experiment--The A-12 crew commented that both cameras became extremely dusty.
It was believed that some dirt was on the lens, but was hard to detect because the lenses were recessed.
Cleaning the lens was not possible until A-17, when a lens brush was included. The dust brush had
been used before that in an attempt to clean it. Toward the end of the second EVA on A-12, the
fluted thumbwheel on the screw that attached the camera to the mounting bracket (on the front of the
suit) worked free from the screw. The camera could no longer be mounted to the suit and was not
used for the remainder of the EVA.
The film was not to be exposed to vacuum for more than 8 hours and was to be kept in the range
of 50 ° to 100 ° F. The Lunar Surface Procedures documents include general photo requirements for
panoramas, ALSEP documentation, the LRV "grand prix," polarimetric surveys, and other standard

Repairs to experiment--On A-15, the LMP's camera did not advance film properly near the end of
EVA 2. It failed again on EVA 3 after only six pictures had been taken. Inspection in the LM cabin
revealed excessive lunar material on the film drive. Also on A-15, the polarizing filter for the Hassel-
blad electric data camera could not be installed because of excessive dust in the bayonet fitting. A
lens brush was used to clean the cameras during EVA. On A-17, the mounting mechanism on the
remote control unit (RCU) of the LMP came loose on EVA 2, forcing Jack Schmitt to hold the
camera by hand. At station 2, the CDR repaired the mount and the camera could again be mounted.

Recovery/takedown of experiment--NA

Stowing experiment for return--Most cameras were left on the surface; only the film was returned.
Some were bootlegged back to the command module (CM) to document the EVA by the CMP dur-
ing the trans-Earth coast (TEC) for recovery of the film cartridges (per Schmitt).

Loading/unloading samples on LRV--NA

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM--Cameras and film magazines were loaded into the
ETB for transfer to the LM.

Stowing of package once in the LM--No comments by crew.

Sampling operations (soil, rocks)--The photographic techniques used for documented samples and
for documenting core tube samples were: The CDR took a cross-sun stereo pair from 7 feet before
sampling while the LMP took a down-sun photo from 11 feet. The CDR then took an after photo
cross-sun from 7 feet and the LMP took a cross-sun location photo from 15 feet with the LRV in the
background. This procedure assumed that a photo panorama was taken at each science site, showing
the position of the LRV. To document a core tube sample, a cross-sun stereo pair from 7 feet and a
location photo from 15 feet were taken after the core tube was embedded in the surface. This docu-
mentation amounted to -10% "overhead" in the timeline (guesstimate from Schmitt). The estimate
from J. Young was higher, perhaps 20% of the time during geological sampling, depending on the

Trenching--See Geology - General Information.

Raking--See Geology - General Information.

Drilling--See Geology - General Information.

Navigating/recognizing landmarks--Landmarks such as the LRV, LM, or other landmarks were

used to document the location of samples.

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e., hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--No.

Was lighting a problem?--For the 70-mm camera, the recommended settings were f/5.6 for shots
into the Sun and -80 ° to either side of the Sun; f/8 for 80 ° to nearly down-sun; and f/11 within ~10 °
of down-sun. Several different types and speeds of film were used for the several cameras. These are
summarized in a photographic summary section in each Preliminary Science Report.
Were the results visible to the crew?--A frame counter was available. Some comments were made
that the crew knew the film magazines were not advancing. Dust was a problem in seeing the settings.

Would you recommend any design changes?--The A-15 crew commented that, since the camera
was at the same height as the area in which one rolls up the sample bags, dirt got in the camera. They
thought Beta booties on the top of the camera might help. Young suggested that a helmet-mounted
TV camera might be used to totally document the entire scene and operation without specifically
requiring any action by the crew, thus saving the overhead operation time of photodocumentation.

Were any special tools required?--A lens brush was used to remove dust.

Wasthe orientationof the experiment(i.e.horizontal/vertical)important? Difficult?--A chartof
desiredphotosof theALSEPareawas provided to the crews to document the orientation of the in-

Was the experiment successful?--Yes.

Were there related experiments on other flights? Apollo? Other?--All flights have photos.

Where was it stored during flight?--In the LM and the CM.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--NA

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early
recovery?--None reported.

What was different between training and actual EVA?--No comments by crew.

What problems were due to the suit rather than the experiment?--No comments by crew.

Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--No

comments by crew.


Preliminary Science Reports have tables of the cameras flown on that mission in a chapter which
discusses the photography on the mission.

Apollo Experience Report # 37 - Photographic Equipment and Operations During Manned

Spaceflight Programs

Apollo 17 Final Lunar Surface Procedures, Vol. 1: Nominal Plans, MSC, 11/6/72

Apollo 15 Final Lunar Surface Procedures, JSC, July 9, 1971

Apollo 15 Technical Crew Debriefing, 14 August 1971, in JSC History Office

Personal communication with John Young, 1 April 1993

Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: CPLEE Experiment: Charged Particle Lunar

Environment Experiment

PI/Engineer: D. L. Reasoner/ Other Contacts: Brian J. O'Brien/

Rice University University of Sydney

Apollo Flight No.: 14 Discipline: Solar wind - charged particles


Weight: 2.5 kg Dimensions: 28.7 x 21.6 x 11.4 cm,

stowed 46 cm high, deployed
Manufacturer: Bendix Apollo Experiment No.: S 038

Description/Purpose--This experiment was designed to measure the ambient fluxes of charged

particles, both electrons and ions, with energies in the range of 50 to 50,000 eV. One of the most
stable features observed was the presence of low-energy electrons whenever the site is illuminated by
the Sun. The variation during the lunar eclipse provided strong evidence that these were photo-
electrons liberated from the lunar surface.
The CPLEE consists of a box supported by legs. It contains two similar physical charged-particle
analyzers oriented in different directions for minimum exposure to the ecliptic path of the Sun. Each
detector package had six particle detectors (five provided information about particle energy distribu-
tion, and the sixth provided high sensitivity at low particle fluxes), two different programmable high-
voltage power supplies, and other circuitry.

Unloading from the LM--As part of ALSEP.

Transporting by foot or MET--As part of ALSEP.

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on LRV--NA

Site selection--As part of ALSEP.

Deploying experiment--Accomplished without difficulty. Alignment and leveling were within 2°

and 2.5 °, respectively, by using a Sun compass and bubble level. Timeline shows N5 minutes allotted
for deploying the unit.

Checkout of experiment--Calibration was enabled by a 63Ni radioactive source placed on the under-
side of the dust cover, which was not removed until after LM ascent. More extensive calibration
occurred on Earth before launch.

Operation of experiment--From JSC via the ALSEP command system. The dust cover was not re-
moved until after LM ascent. A brief functional test of 5 minutes' duration was done during EVA 1.

Repairs to experiment--None required.

Recovery/takedown of experiment--NA

Stowing experiment for return--NA

Loading/unloading samples on LRV--NA

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM_NA

Stowing of package once in the LM--NA

Sampling operations (soil, rocks)--NA


Navigating/recognizing landmarks--NA

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e., hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--High
voltages were not turned on until the unit was activated by Earth command. A 63Ni radioactive
source was placed on the underside of the dust cover for calibration, but its dose was not high enough
to be a major concern.

Was lighting a problem?--No.

Were the results visible to the crew?--Just alignment and level.

Would you recommend any design changes?--No comments by crew.

Were any special tools required?--UHT for deployment and alignment.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--It had to be
level within 2.5 ° and aligned within 2 ° of the E-W Sun line. It was aligned using the shadow of the
UHT while in the carrying socket and alignment marks on the experiment.

Was the experiment successful?--Yes.

Were there related experiments on other flights? Apollo? Other?--See Suprathermal ion detector
experiment (SIDE) (S036).

Where was it stored during flight?--As part of ALSEP.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--No.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early
recovery?--None reported.

What was different between training and actual EVA?--No comments by crew.

What problems were due to the suit rather than the experiment?--No comments by crew.

Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--No

comments by crew.


A-14 Preliminary Science Report

Apollo Scientific Experiments Data Handbook, JSC-09166, NASA TM X-58131, August 1974, in
JSC History Office

Apollo 14 Final Lunar Surface Procedures, JSC, December 31, 1970

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 3.2.20, Charged-Particle Lunar Environment Experiment,
JSC-09423, April 1975

ALSEP Termination Report, NASA Reference Publication 1036, April 1979

Figure 3: CPLEE deployed on the surface at the Apollo 14 ALSEP site. Note the leveling
bubble and the arrow pointing to the east (AS-14-67°9364). The dust cover is still in place.

Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: CCG (CCIG, CCGE) Experiment: Cold Cathode Gauge

(a.k.a. Cold Cathode Ion Gauge,
a.k.a. Cold Cathode Gauge Experiment,
a.k.a. Lunar Atmosphere Detector)

PI/Engineer: Francis S. Johnson/ Other Contacts: Dallas E. Evans/JSC

University of Texas at Dallas J. M. Carroll/UT-Dallas

Apollo Flight No.: 12, 14, 15 Discipline: Lunar atmosphere

Weight: 5.7 kg Dimensions: 34.0 x 11.7 x 30.5 cm

Manufacturer: The Norton Co., Apollo Experiment No.: S 058

Time Zero Corp.

Description/Purpose--The purpose of the instrument is to measure the tenuous lunar atmosphere.

Only the amount of gas can be measured with this unit, not its composition. Pressures between 10-6
and 10-12 torr could be measured. The basic sensing unit consists of a coaxial electrode arrange-
ment. As gas is ionized in the instrument, the resulting current is a measure of the gas density in the
gauge. The gauge was sealed for deployment, and opened by a squib charge.

Unloading from the LM--As part of the SIDE which is part of the ALSEP.

Transporting by foot or MET--As part of ALSEP.

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on LRV--NA

Site selection--As part of ALSEP and near the SIDE, to which it was attached by a 1.5-m cable. It
was deployed away from the ground screen of the SIDE. It had a strong magnet, and thus needed to
be placed at least 25 meters away from the LSM.

Deploying experiment--Some of the electronics for the CCIG were contained in the SIDE, which
provided the command and data-handling systems. It was stored in the SIDE for transport. The
CCIG was then separated from the SIDE and connected to it by a cable -1.5 meter long. It was
intended that the gauge opening would be oriented horizontally and would face the pole, generally
away from the LM. See the SIDE experiment for deployment details. A typical timeline from A-15
shows -10 minutes for deploying the SIDE, including the CCIG.
On A-12, the gauge tended to undeploy itself, but they finally got it to lie down while pointing
upward at N60 °. The problem was caused by the cable, which was cold and stiff and which kept
pulling back on the instrument and causing it to face in a generally upward direction. The mission
report stated that the tape wrap would be eliminated from future experiment packages to avoid this
On A-14, considerable difficulty was experienced with the stiffness of the interconnecting cable
between the CCIG and the SIDE. Whenever an attempt was made to move the CCIG, the cable caused
the SIDE to tip over. After several minutes of readjusting the experiments, the crew managed to
deploy them successfully.
On A-15, the connection to the SIDE was redesigned to be an "extended leg" based on the
above experience. It sat N33 cm from the SIDE.

Checkout of experiment--Calibration cycles were included in the instrument operation.


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PAGE Ti-,.
Operation of experiment---Operated from JSC via the ALSEP command system. There was some
confusion during the early operation of the A-14 CCIG until the correct range setting was decided

Repairs to experiment--On A-12, the crew needed to rework the cable to get it to deploy properly.

Recovery/takedown of experiment--NA

Stowing experiment for return--NA

Loading/unloading samples on LRV--NA

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM--NA

Stowing of package once in the LM--NA

Sampling operations (soil, rocks)--NA




Navigating/recognizing landmarks--NA

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e., hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--A
squib was used to remove the dust cover. High voltage was not turned on until after the unit was
deployed. There was a strong magnet that would have interfered with LSM if it was not at least 25 m
away from it.

Was lighting a problem?--NA

Were the results visible to the crew?--NA

Would you recommend any design changes?--After A-12, the Mylar tape wrap was eliminated,
reducing the cable stiffness by 70%. The connection to the SIDE was redesigned to be an "extended
leg" for A-15 because of the high latitude of the site - it needed to point at the zenith. Also, the
original design was for the CCIG to be totally included in the SIDE package, but its magnetic field
interfered with the SIDE instrument and the two packages needed to be separated.

Were any special tools required?--No.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--See

deploying, above. It was desirable that the orifice be pointed in a particular direction. Different
missions looked in different directions so that, as a network, greater understanding of the lunar
atmosphere was obtained. It was to have a clear view away from all other ALSEP subsystems and the
LM. An arrow decal placed on the unit was to point north.

Was the experiment successful?--Yes, but the unit at the A-12 site failed after N14 hours of opera-
tion when the 4500 V power supply shut off. This may have been due to dust getting into the unit
when it continually tipped over during deployment.

Were there related experiments on other flights? Apollo? Other?--The lunar atmosphere com-
position experiment (LACE) (S 205) was an improved atmospheric detector (mass spectrometer)
developed later in the program. There was also a mass spectrometer in the Scientific Instrumentation
Module (SIM) Bay of A-15 & 16 to measure the atmosphere at higher altitudes.

Where was it stored during flight?--In the SIDE, as part of the ALSEP.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--No.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early
recovery?--None reported.

What was different between training and actual EVA?--No comments by crew.

What problems were due to the suit rather than the experiment?--No comments by crew.

Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--Venting of

the LM for EVA, and even the approach of an astronaut, could be measured due to the gasses
released. Exhaust gasses from liftoff could be detected.


Preliminary Science Reports for Apollo 12, 14, 15

Personal conversation with Dallas Evans/JSC, 25 March 1993

"Alignment, Leveling, and Deployment Constraints for A-15 Lunar Scientific Experiments," in JSC
History Office

Apollo Scientific Experiments Data Handbook, JSC-09166, NASA TM X-58131, August 1974, in
JSC History Office

Final Apollo 12 Lunar Surface Operations Plan, JSC, October 23, 1969

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 3.2.23, Suprathermal Ion Detector and Cold-Cathode
Gage Experiments, JSC-09423, April 1975

ALSEP Termination Report, NASA Reference Publication 1036, April 1979

Figure4: TheCCIGis thesmallunitin thebackgroundto theleft of the SIDEattheApollo
14ALSEPsite. The cableis lessstiff thanthe oneflown onApollo 12. Notethe lunardust
adheringto theverticalsurfaceof theSIDEdueto its beingtippedoverduringdeployment
(AS-14-67-9369).Themainribboncableto the centralstationis visibleto the right.

Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: CRD (A-16) Experiment: Cosmic Ray Detector

(CRE, CRDE) a.k.a. Cosmic Ray Experiment
a.k.a. Cosmic Ray Detector Experiment

LSCRE (A-17) Lunar Surface Cosmic Ray Experiment

PI/Engineer: R. L. Fleischer/ Other Contacts: Buford Price/U. C./Berkeley

General Electric R&D Lab, Robert M. Walker, E. Zinner/
Schenectady, NY Washington Univ./St. Louis

Apollo Flight No.: (11) 16, 17 Discipline: Radiation, solar; radiation, cosmic;
solar wind

Weight: 163 g (LSCRE) Dimensions: 22.5 x 6.3 x 1.1 cm (LSCRE)

5 x 18.4 x 30 cm (CRD, folded for return)

Manufacturer: General Electric Apollo Experiment No.: S 152 (S 151 on A-11)

Description/Purpose--The CRD on A-16 consisted of a four-panel array of passive particle track

detectors to observe cosmic ray and solar wind nuclei and thermal neutrons, and also included metal
foils to trap light solar wind gasses. As the particles passed through the materials, they left tracks
which could be observed after preferential chemical attack, allowing the particles to be identified and
A new set of smaller detectors was carried to the surface on the A-17 mission. Two sets were
exposed, one set facing the Sun and one set in the shade facing away. On A-11, the CRD was entirely
passive and was limited to post-mission analysis of the flight helmets.

Unloading from the LM--On A-16, it was mounted to the LM before launch and first exposed to
space just after trans-lunar injection when the LM was withdrawn from the adapter. It was left in
place during EVA 1, but moved to a shadowed foot pad during EVA 2 because of high temperatures.
On A-17, a two-part experiment was performed, one in the Sun and one in the shade. Neither was
exposed until the first EVA on the surface, when they were hung on the descent stage of the LM. To
avoid contamination, the LSCRE was transported to the Moon in a plastic bag inside the LM cabin in
storage area A5.

Transporting by foot or MET--NA

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on LRV--NA

Site selection--NA

Deploying experiment--On A-16, it was to be deployed by pulling a lanyard on the unit. It broke.
The crew had never seen the experiment deployed and could not tell whether the lanyard broke at the
end of its normal travel or at an intermediate point. In fact, it was only partially deployed due to
incorrectly installed screws which interfered with the travel of the plates. This degraded portions of
the experiment.
On A-17, the LSCRE was deployed by first pulling the slide cover off while in the shade of the
LM and hanging the cover on a hook attached to the side of the LM. The cover remained in the
shade, with the detectors pointed toward space, for 45.5 hours. After deployment of the cover, the
box portion of the LSCRE was carried into sunlight and hung on the strut of the LM using the Velcro
strap attached to the end ring. Deployment was nominal and was completed early in EVA 1. It was
intended to have the Sun half be perpendicular to the rays of the Sun. This was accomplished, based

on photoswith no visibleshadeonthe detector.Theexperimentwasterminatedatthebeginningof
EVA 3.
Checkoutof experiment--OnA-16,by the beginningof EVA 2, thetemperaturelabelsindicatedthat
theexperimentwasreachingitsupperlimit. TheexperimentwasremovedfromtheLM andwas
placedonthe -Y footpadsothatit facedawayfromtheSun. Thecrewfelt thattheexperimentmay
havereachedthis temperature
beforelandingdueto theextrathreerevolutionsbeforedescent.
Operationof experiment--Thepanelswerealignedto a newposition(to allowidentificationof
tracksby co-alignmentin the newposition)by pulling a lanyard.
Repairsto experiment--At theendof EVA 1on A-16, the experiment was moved for thermal con-
trol. Although the clean equipment should not have overheated, a deposit of as much as 10% cover
of dust would have produced excessive heating. Temperature labels, designed to sense the approach
to the permitted upper limit, were located on the outboard face of the frame. At the end of EVA 1,
all of these labels had been affected, showing the temperature had exceeded 318 K; therefore, the
contingency procedure was followed. It is not known if the "dust" covering was from lunar dust
from landing or a residue from engine exhaust emplaced during transposition and docking.

Recovery/takedown of experiment--On A-16, the experiment was terminated at the end of EVA 3.
The panels were hung up inside the frame. After pulling so hard that the nylon strap broke, it was
necessary to use a pair of pliers to get sufficient grip on the panels to free them for stowage. They
were bagged for return with the help of the LMP. On A-17, the array was pulled out of its frame at
the beginning of EVA 3, after 45.5 hours of exposure, and folded into a compact 5 x 18.4 x 30-cm
package for return to Earth. First, the Sun half was taken down, then the LMP walked into the shade
and mated it with the shade half. Thus, the shade half was never exposed to the Sun. The exposure
time was cut from the original plan (through the end of EVA 3) because Houston expected a small
solar flare. The LMP was instructed to place the LSCRE in a Beta cloth bag near the LM for retrieval
at the end of the EVA.

Stowing experiment for return--On A-16 the unit was placed into a plastic bag for return to Earth.
The A-17 LSCRE was stored inside a bag in interim stowage assembly F6 in stowage area A3 for LM

Loading/unloading samples on LRV--NA

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM--No comment by crew.

Stowing of package once in the LM--No comment by crew.

Sampling operations (soil, rocks)--NA




Navigating/recognizing landmarks--NA

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e., hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--No,
but the array was hot to the touch, even through the gloves, when recovered.

Was lighting a problem?---For A-16, only in a thermal sense. The array was to be kept below
328 K. For A-17, there were two portions to the experiment; one to be kept in the shade and one
exposed in the sunlight. There was no problem seeing in the shade, however.

Were the results visible to the crew?--Temperature labels were visible on the outside.

Would you recommend any design changes?--A mistake in the final assembly caused the panels to
be only partially deployed. The experiment for A-17 was redesigned.

Were any special tools required?--Not nominally, although a pair of pliers was used on A-16
during recovery.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--On A-17,
one half of the experiment was in the shade and the other half was exposed to sunlight, relatively
perpendicular to the solar incidence.

Was the experiment successful?--Partially.

Were there related experiments on other flights? Apollo? Other?--Analysis of the filter glass of
Surveyor III (brought back by A-12). Sounding rockets have been used to launch detectors during
solar flares. Also, the window of the A-12 spacecraft was analyzed for cosmic ray tracks. One helmet
on A-8 and three worn on A-12 were used as heavy-particle dosimeters. A control helmet was also
exposed to cosmic rays at a balloon altitude of 41 km. The lunar neutron probe experiment (LNPE)
on A-17 measured thermal neutron fluence. The experiments were supported by Sun monitoring
stations during the experimental period. In particular, Vela and ATS-1 were mentioned.

Where was it stored during flight?--For A-16, on the LM descent stage. For A-17, inside the LM in
storage area A5 (aft, left side, near floor).

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--No.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early
recovery?--The temperature was controlled below 328 K during trans-lunar coast (and supposedly
while on the surface) by covering with a perforated thermal control material.

What was different between training and actual EVA?--The experiment used in training was not
functional, and the flight unit could not be cycled. The crew commented after return that they
should operate a functional replica of every experiment during training.

What problems were due to the suit rather than the experiment?--None.

Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--No.


A-16 &17 Preliminary Science Reports

A-16 &17 Mission Reports

Apollo Scientific Experiments Data Handbook, JSC-09166, NASA TM X-58131, August 1974, in
JSC History Office

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 3.2.24, Cosmic Ray Detector Experiment, JSC-09423,
April 1975

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 3.3.8, Cosmic Ray Detector (Helmets), JSC-09423, April

Apollo 17 Final Lunar Surface Procedures, Vol. 1: Nominal Plans, MSC, 11/6/72

Apollo 16 Technical Crew Debriefing, 5 May 1972, in JSC History Office

Personal communication with John Young, 1 April 1993

Apollo Stowage List - Apollo 17, MSC, 12 December 1972

Figure5: TheCRDasrelocatedon the-Y footpadof theLM, lookingdown-sun,whereit was
placedon EVA 1 (AS-16-107-17442). Also visiblein the backgroundis the tilted cask
the fuel elementwhichpoweredthe RTG.


Figure 6: The portion of the LSCRE which was located in the Sun hanging from the landing
strut of the Apollo 17 LM (AS-17-140-21382).


Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: DTREM, (LDD) Experiment: Dust, Thermal, & Radiation

Engineering Measurements Package
(a.k.a. Lunar Dust Detector)

PI/Engineer: James R. Bates/JSC Other Contacts: S. C. Freden, B. J. O'Brien

Apollo Flight No.: (11), 12, 14, 15 Discipline: Lunar dust

Weight: 0.27 kg Dimensions:

Manufacturer: MSC (JSC) Apollo Experiment No.: M515

Description/Purpose--This engineering measurement was included on the central station of the

ALSEPs to record the then-anticipated heavy dust accumulation from LM ascent or from any long-
term cause. Subsequent findings showed the dust layer and resultant blowing of the dust to be less
than expected, so the original configuration was expanded to include the effect of radiation degrada-
tion of the solar cells and their resultant drop in voltage output. It merely measured the power
generation from solar cells as their illumination varied through the day/light cycle and due to dust
coverage. It consisted of three different solar cells attached atop the structure and three temperature
sensors (internal, cell, and external infrared temperatures). Three different types of solar cells were
used: a bare cell without cover glass; a cell with 0.15 mm cover glass; and a cell with a cover glass
which was also pre-irradiated with lx1015 electrons of 1 MeV energy. The short circuit current was
measured due to its direct dependence on illumination. This was considered an engineering experi-
ment rather than a science experiment, hence the M designation rather than S.

Unloading from the LM--It was part of the ALSEP central stations.

Transporting by foot or MET--See ALSEP - General Information.

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on LRV--NA

Site selection--As part of the central station of the ALSEP.

Deploying experiment--No action required separate from deploying the central station.

Checkout of experiment--The data was received on Earth to verify operation.

Operation of experiment--There was no real operation of the experiment, since it was passive, but
data was collected by telemetry at JSC. The A-14 instrument yielded data from 2/71 to 2/76. The A-
15 instrument yielded data from 7/71 to 2/76. Although the data continued to be received for an
additional 19 months, it was not processed due to budget cutbacks and these data are not retrievable.

Repairs to experiment--NA

Recovery/takedown of experiment--NA

Stowing experiment for return--NA

Loading/unloading samples on LRV--NA

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM--NA

Stowing of package once in the LM--NA

Sampling operations (soil, rocks)--NA


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Werethere anyhazardsin the experiment,i.e.,hazardousmaterials(explosive,radioactive,
toxic),sharpobjects,high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--No.
Was lighting a problem?--No. But, as described below, on-orbit observations of A-17 used the
Moon to occult the Sun and provide the necessary lighting conditions to view the corona, zodiacal
light, and possible lunar dust at high altitude.

Were the results visible to the crew?--No.

Would you recommend any design changes?--None made by crew.

Were any special tools required?--No.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--No.

Was the experiment successful?--Yes.

Were there related experiments on other fUghts?--The power generated by the A-11 PSEP solar
panels may have provided similar information, but the lifetime of the experiment was limited and the
power output curves are not retrievable. On-orbit sketches from the A-17 crew (and others) were
made of the lunar horizon before orbital sunrise. This was intended to look at the solar corona and
zodiacal light. A glow along the horizon has been interpreted as evidence of lunar dust at high
altitude (~10 km) that was caused by expulsion from the surface by photoelectric charging of the soil
near the terminator. Also, one of the Lunakhod rovers had a UV/visible photometer which looked
vertically and registered a glow for at least two hours after local sunset. This was interpreted as a dust
cloud at least 200 m above the surface. Finally, Surveyor cameras registered a "horizon glow" after
sunset that was deduced to be only several tens of centimeters above the surface. The lunar ejecta and
meteorites (LEAM) provided data consistent with the detection of the transport of lunar surface fines.

Where was it stored during flight?--With the ALSEP.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--No, but the high altitude dust described
from orbit on A-17 did not register on film.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early

What was different between training and actual EVA?--See ALSEP - General Information.

What problems were due to the suit rather than the experiment?--None.

Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--No.


Preliminary Science Report for A-11, 14, 15

Apollo Scientific Experiments Data Handbook, JSC-09166, NASA TM X-58131, August 1974, in
JSC History Office
Personal communication, J. R. Bates/JSC
H. A. Zook and J. E. McCoy, Large Scale Lunar Horizon Glow and a High Altitude Lunar Dust
Exosphere, Geophys. Res. Let., Vol. 18, No. 1, 2117-2120, 1991
Criswell, D. R., Lunar dust motion, in: Proc. 3rd Lunar Sci. Conf., The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA,
2671-2680, 1972

Rennilson, J. J. and D. R. Criswell, Surveyor observations of lunar horizon glow, The Moon 10, 121-
142, 1974

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 3.2.27 Lunar Dust Detector Experiment, JSC-09423, April

ALSEP Termination Report, NASA Reference Publication 1036, April 1979

Cell 2C_

Cell 1 __.__- DTREM Cell Temperature

- Inner Temperature

II_ IIllS _ _ Super Insula_tiOnoute r

____1'[__'_,_ _ Temperature

Cdenpla;Sd_tion West

Cell 1 No filter
Cell 2 Irradiater cell, 6 mil blue filter
Cell 3 6 mil blue filter

Figure 7. DTREM schematic.

Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: EASEP Experiment: Early Apollo Scientific

Experiment Package

PI/Engineer: See individual experiments Other Contacts: See individual experiments

Apollo Flight No.: 11 Discipline: Several

Weight: See individual experiments Dimensions: See individual experiments

Manufacturer: Bendix Apollo Experiment No.: Included S 031, S 078

Description/Purpose--This name was given to the combination of the PSEP and the LRRR. It was
two separate units that were merely carried out to the same site together. Little reason (other than
ALSEP program delay) exists for combining them together under one name - EASEP was put
together when it was apparent that the ALSEP program was running behind and would not be ready
for the first landing. Furthermore, the margins needed for the first landing would almost certainly
have "bumped" a heavier unit such as a full ALSEP, and the EVA time available on the first landing
would probably not have been adequate to deploy one.

Unloading from the LM--No comments by crew.

Transporting by foot or MET--Carried by hand, suitcase style.

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on LRV--NA

Site selection--The two experiments were to be placed away from the LM on a generally level area.
The operational limit on A-11 constrained the deployment distance somewhat.

Deploying experiment--See individual experiments.

Checkout of experiment--See individual experiments.

Operation of experiment--See individual experiments.

Repairs to experiment--See individual experiments.

Recovery/takedown of experiment--NA

Stowing experiment for return--NA

Loading/unloading samples on LRV--NA

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM--NA

Stowing of package once in the LM--NA

Sampling operations (soil, rocks)--NA




Navigating/recognizing landmarks--NA

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e. hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--No.

Was lighting a problem?--No

Plq[l_l_ PA',_I: E_LA;at_NLYt I:_i.MED
Were the results visible to the crew?--Just level and alignment.

Would you recommend any design changes?--None made by crew.

Were any special tools required?--No.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difflcult?--The level-
ing device did not function properly on the PSEP; a metal ball (BB) in a concave cup rolled too
much to be useful in leveling.

Was the experiment successful?--Yes.

Were there related experiments on other flights? Apollo? Other?--See ALSEP - General

Where was it stored during flight?--LM SEB.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--No.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early
recovery?--None reported.

What was different between training and actual EVA?--No comments by crew.

What problems were due to the suit rather than the experiment?--No comments by crew.

Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--No.


A-11 Preliminary Science Report

The thermal control designs of EASEP are discussed in Apollo Experience Report # 17 - Thermal
Design of Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package.

Apollo Scientific Experiments Data Handbook, JSC-09166, NASA TM X-58131, August 1974, in
JSC History Office

Figure8: BuzzAldrin carryingthetwo packages
thatmadeup the EASEPon Apollo 11. Onthe left
is thePSEPandon theright is theLRRR(AS-11-40-5942).

81ACK AND V,/H;]E Pi_,.)TO_c;APH

Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: UVC (LSUC) Experiment: Far UV Camera/Spectrograph

(a.k.a. Lunar Surface Ultraviolet

PI/Engineer: G. R. CarruthersAIurlburt Other Contacts: Thornton Page/JSC

Center for Space Research,
Naval Research Lab, Wash. D.C.

Apollo Flight No.: 16 Discipline: Astronomy, UV; Earth atmosphere,


Weight: 22 kg Dimensions: 1 x 0.5 x 0.5 m (in zipped bag)

Manufacturer: Naval Research Lab, Apollo Experiment No.: S 201

Applied Physics Lab (spectrometer)

Description/Purpose--A miniature observatory that acquired imagery and spectra in the far-UV
range (below 1600/_). An advantage of the electronographic technique used was that it was com-
pletely insensitive to visible and near-UV light. The unit was supported between two vertical stan-
chions on a table so that it could swing vertically from 0 ° to 90 °. This table was supported by a
tripod and could rotate 360 ° horizontally. The main instrument was an f/1.0 Schmidt camera of 7.5
cm aperture. It had a 20 ° field of view (FOV) in the imaging mode, 0.5 ° x 20 ° in the spectrographic
mode. Either of two corrector plates (LiF or CaF2) could be selected for different bands of UV.
The goals of the experiment were to 1) determine composition and structure of the upper atmo-
sphere of Earth from its spectra; 2) determine the structure of the geocorona and study day and night
airglow and polar aurorae; 3) obtain direct evidence of intergalactic hydrogen in distant galaxy
clusters; 4) obtain spectra and imagery of the solar wind and other gas clouds in the solar system;
5) detect gasses in the lunar atmosphere, including volcanic gasses, if any; 6) obtain spectra and
colors of external galaxies in the far UV; 7) obtain spectra and colors of stars and nebulae in the
Milky Way; and 8) evaluate the lunar surface as a site for future astronomical observatories.

Unloading from the LM--John Young opened the plastic bag and removed it from the pallet in the
SEB, and carried it to the shadow of the LM. There was no difficulty with this.

Transporting by foot--Much easier than had been anticipated from 1 g training.

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on LRV--NA

Site selection--Placed in the shadow of the LM for proper thermal conditions and to eliminate direct
sunlight. Because of the delayed landing and EVAs, and the fact that the LM landed on a slope, the
shadowed area behind the LM was considerably smaller than anticipated and the camera was located
closer to the LM than originally planned. Hence, its field of view was somewhat restricted. It was
moved even closer for EVA 2 and again for EVA 3 after the Sun rose high enough to shine on it,
thus eliminating two of the planned targets due to occultation by the LM. Once back in the shadow,
there was no residual adverse affect from having been heated.

Deploying experiment--A checklist was attached to the camera. The CDR deployed it successfully
in the shadow per the checklist. The three legs were unfolded and locked to form a tripod under a
leveled table. The only way to level it on the slope, however, was to step down on two of the three
legs, pushing them out of sight into the regolith. The battery was placed in the Sun, for its optimal
thermal conditions, but it was moved to the shade at the beginning of EVA 3. The cable lines did not
lay flat and tangled up in the CDR's legs almost every time he approached the camera. Fortunately,
the battery moved rather than the camera. He had to level the unit and point it down-sun to zero the

PAGE __ INT_ _tO",.._L..Y

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azimuth. Pointing was accomplished by using two sets of graduated circles (in degrees) on an alti-
tude-azimuth telescope mount. Pointing at Earth was accomplished by eye with a sighting tube. The
A-16 timeline allotted -8 minutes to offload and deploy the unit and another -7 minutes to align it.

Checkout of experiment--For the first sequence, he pushed the "power on" switch.

Operation of experiment--The CDR repointed the UVC three times during EVA 1, four times
during EVA 2, and three during EVA 3. Each time he had to press the "reset" switch, as planned.
Actual exposures were controlled by an electronic sequencer. Aiming the unit was more difficult
than had been anticipated. Because of high friction in the azimuth adjustment (the lubricant was a
poor choice for the cold conditions since it became waxy below 10 ° C), the camera often needed re-
leveling after a new target was selected. The condition degraded with each adjustment. Because of
this friction, the uneven and sloping surface, and the occasional camera moves to keep the camera in
the LM shadow, it used more EVA time than anticipated. On the last EVA, some shots were aligned
by eye. The first target was very bright relative to later targets and manual operation of the unit was
used to get several short exposures. Inadequate film advance caused the first seven exposures to be
overlapped by adjacent frames (he was supposed to wait three seconds between shots but did not).
The overlapping did not adversely affect the science.
Once each operation was accomplished, the astronaut was to leave the vicinity of the camera as
soon as possible due to the venting of waste gasses from the PLSS which could increase the local
ambient pressure, thus causing the camera to stop operating, and/or contaminate the optics.

Repairs to experiment--None.

Recovery/takedown of experiment---Only the film was recovered.

Stowing experiment for return--Only the film cassette was returned.

Loading/unloading samples on LRV--NA

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM--The film was retrieved and stowed in the LM at the
end of EVA 3.

Stowing of package once in the LM--Camera not returned. The film magazines were transferred to
the LM via the ETB.

Sampling operations--178 frames were obtained, including data on the airglow and polar auroral
zones of Earth and the geocorona, and over 550 stars, nebulae, or galaxies.




Navigating/recognizing landmarks--There was a planned set of targets with altitude and azimuth
settings for the camera. These had to be modified for the later EVAs.

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e., hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--
There was a strong magnet in the camera which was shown not to affect the watches worn by the crew.

Was lighting a problem?_The unit was deployed in the shadow of the LM. Since the landing was
delayed, and thus the sun angle increased, it was placed closer to the LM than originally planned, thus
restricting its field of view. Reflected light was adequate to view the settings on the altitude and
azimuth adjustments.

Were the results visible to the crew?--No. Alignment devices were visible. The crew had received
training with the qualification unit a week before launch and had discovered that the camera mode

changesproducednoiseon theVHF radio. Therewasno otherapparentelectromagnetic
enceresultingfrom thepowersupplyoperation.
Would you recommend any design changes?--New lubricant for azimuth bearing ring. Also,
include this during tests of the instrument in environment chamber.
The backup unit to A-16 was flown on Skylab 4. The unit was modified by removing the tripod
and sealing it so that the internal atmosphere would not coat the optics. The mirror was also coated
with AI + MgF2 rather than rhenium, as on the A-16 model. A clamp was added so that it could be
mounted to the Apollo Telescope Mount while on EVA. Images of the comet Kohoutek were thus
obtained. For this operation it was pointed by eye. This experiment was called S201K. It was also
used by placing it in the scientific airlock, during which there were mirrors used (articulated mirror
system) to enable pointing the FOV at the targets. During this general operation it was called S201G.
After some time, the mirrors got clouded by contamination from Skylab.
In the spectrographic mode, the PI recommended that future instruments include a coarse,
venetian-blind collimator (a few degrees FWHM) ahead of the grid collimator.

Were any special tools required?--No.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--It was
important and very difficult. Setting the azimuth on EVA 3 moved the camera off level because of
the torque force required. In several realignments, it was impossible to move the leveling bubble to
the center of the ring because of the geometry of the three camera legs on the slopes and the time
available for releveling.

Was the experiment successful?--Yes.

Were there related experiments on other flights? Apollo? Other?--UV telescopes have flown in
Earth orbit. One example was the Orbiting Astronomical Observatory. Hand-held photography of
the Earth and Moon was performed during many of the Apollo flights. On A-17 a far UV spec-
trometer in the SIM Bay of the service module, which was primarily used to study lunar atmospheric
density and composition while in lunar orbit, was also used during TEC to observe Earth's atmo-
sphere, zodiacal light, and galactic and extragalactic sources. As mentioned under "design changes"
above, the backup unit to A-16 was flown on Skylab 4. An extreme UV survey experiment flew on
the Apollo-Soyuz test flight.

Where was it stored during flight?---Quad III of the LM, SEB.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--No. Photos clearly show the unit de-
ployed on the surface. Some scattering of far UV light in the photos of the Magellanic cloud was at-
tributed to lunar dust electrostatically suspended above the surface. See also "Lunar Dust Detector -

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early
recovery?--A major requirement was to avoid gas contamination of the photocathode. The unit was
placed into a bag. The bag was then purged with dry nitrogen continuously until 72 hours before
launch to keep out moisture while on the launch pad. The bag must have vented upon launch. The
mass of this bag is included in the 22 kg.

What was different between training and actual EVA?--The Sun angle was different than planned
and trained under.

What problems were due to the suit rather than the experiment?--No.

Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--No.


A-16 Preliminary Science Report, NASA SP-315, 1972

A-16 MissionReport
NASA TM X-58131,August1974,in
Page,T. andG. R. Carruthers,
$201FarUltravioletAtlasof the LargeMagellanicCloud,NRL Report
GeorgeR. Carruthers,
"Apollo 16Far-UltravioletCamera/Spectrograph:
AppliedOptics,"Vol. 12,p. 2501- 2508,Oct.1973
with ThomasSullivan
ThorntonPage,"$201Far-UltravioletPhotographs of CometKohoutekFromSkylab4 (SL4),
PreliminaryReport,"in Comet Kohoutek, Proceedings of a Workshop held at MSFC, June 13-14,
1974, pp. 37-75

Apollo 16 Final Lunar Surface Procedures, March 16, 1972, MSC

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 3.2.31 Far-Ultraviolet Camera/Spectrograph, JSC-09423,

April 1975

Apollo 16 Technical Crew Debriefing, 5 May 1972, in JSC History Office

Figure 9: Far UV camera deployed in the LM shadow (AS-16-114-18439).

Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: LSG Experiment: Lunar Surface Gravimeter

a.k.a. Lunar Tidal Gravimeter

PI/Engineer: Joseph Weber/ Other Contacts: John. J. Giganti, J. V. Larsen

University of Maryland J. P. Richard/University of Maryland

Apollo Flight No.: 17 Discipline: Space physics, lunar geology,

lunar gravimetry

Weight: 12.7 kg Dimensions: 27.7 x 25.4 x 38.4 cm, stowed

plus a 7.6 cm (dia.) cable reel

Manufacturer: Univ./Maryland & Bendix Apollo ExperimentNo.: S 207

Description/Purpose--This was designed to make very accurate (1 part in 1011) measurements of the
lunar gravity and of its variation with time. It was essentially a sensitive spring balance, and also
functioned as a one-axis seismometer. It was considered part of the ALSEP. Its intent was to mea-
sure gravity waves by using the Moon as an antenna and also investigate tidal distortions of the shape
of the Moon. Following deployment of the gravimeter, problems occurred in trying to balance the
beam. These problems were caused by a mathematical error in the sensor mass weights. Several
reconfigurations of the instrument were made during the previous year.

Unloading from the LM--As part of ALSEP.

Transporting by foot or MET--As part of ALSEP.

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on LRV--NA

Site selection--Part of ALSEP, ~8 m from the central station.

Deploying experiment--As part of ALSEP on EVA 1. After releasing it from the subpallet with the
UHT, it was carried (using the UHT) to its site. The crew had to raise and tilt a sunshade, set the
instrument on a firm surface with approximate orientation, level and align it using a bubble and
shadowgraph, perform initial uncaging, and report level and alignment. It was planned to take
-3 minutes. There were no known anomalies in the deployment of the LSG that would account for
the problems encountered upon the commanded activation of the experiment.

Checkout of experiment--It was discovered on EVA 2 that the sensor beam of the LSG could not be
nulled (using the micrometer screw adjustment of the instrument), even though the LMP reverified
that the instrument was level and the gimbal was free. Later analysis showed a design (arithmetic)
error of the sensor mass weights. They were -2% lighter than the proper nominal weight for 1/6 g
operation of the flight unit. The sensor mechanism allowed up to only 1.5% adjustment from the
nominal for possible inaccuracies. The error was made in the conversion calculations from 1 g to
1/6 g for the flight unit by including an erroneous value in the calculations from the uncorrected
calculations for the qualification unit.

Operation of experiment--From JSC via the ALSEP command system. After determining the design
error in the instrument, it was reconfigured to obtain long-term seismic and free-mode science data.
However, the sensitivity of the system was considerably reduced.

Repairs to experiment--Attempted on EVA 2 and 3, but unsuccessful due to design error. The LMP
rapped the exposed top plate on the gimbal; rocked the experiment in all directions; releveled the
instrument, working the base well against the surface; and verified the sunshade tilt. These actions
were taken to free a mass assembly or a sensor beam that was suspected of being caught or bound,

but no changewasapparent.Theproblemwasat leastpartlyovercomeby applyingpressure
on the
beam with the mass-changing mechanism beyond the design point by addition of all included masses
so that it contacted the beam. Much valuable EVA time (-30 minutes) was spent on the attempt.

Recovery/takedown of experiment--NA

Stowing experiment for return--NA

Loading/unloading samples on LRV--NA

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM--NA

Stowing of package once in the LM--NA

Sampling operations (soil, rocks)--NA




Navigating/recognizing landmarks---NA

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e., hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--No.

Was lighting a problem?--NA

Were the results visible to the crew?--Instrument level and gimbal release were visible.

Would you recommend any design changes?--Yes. The PI considered his experiment proprietary
and was able to bypass NASA reviews and supply his experiment as a "black box." Perhaps the
design error would have been caught in the proper reviews if they focused on the technical aspects of
the device, but not if they only looked for hazards.

Were any special tools required?--The UHT was used during deployment. It was also used later to
attempt to jar the gimbal loose during a repair attempt.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--The unit
needed to be leveled.

Was the experiment successful?--No, but the signals received were processed and analyzed for
seismic, free mode, and gravity wave information.

Were there related experiments on other flights? Apollo? Other?_There was also a traverse
gravimeter (S 199) on A-17 which took 7 measurements on the 1st EVA, 7 on the 2nd, and 9 on the
3rd. Orbital measurements of mascons were made in several orbital missions, both manned and
unmanned. There were also seismic experiments (S 031 and S 033) performed on landed missions.

Where was it stored during flight?--As part of the ALSEP.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--No.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early

What was different between training and actual EVA?--No comments by crew.

What problems were due to the suit rather than the experiment?--No comments by crew.

Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--No.


A-17 Preliminary Science Report

Apollo 17 Mission Report

Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package - Apollo 17 ALSEP (Array E) Familiarization Course -
Handout for class of 1 September 1972, in JSC History Office

Apollo Scientific Experiments Data Handbook, JSC-09166, NASA TM X-58131, August 1974, in
JSC History Office

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 3.2.15 Lunar Surface Gravimeter Experiment, JSC-09423,
April 1975

Apollo 17 Final Lunar Surface Procedures, Vol. 1: Nominal Plans, MSC, 11/6/72

ALSEP Array E Critical Design Review Presentation Material, NASA/MSC - Bendix Aerospace
Systems Division, NAS9-5829, 14 - 18 June 1971, at JSC History Office

ALSEP Termination Report, NASA Reference Publication 1036, April 1979

Figure 10: The LSG deployed at the Apollo 17 ALSEP site. The sunshield is tipped appro-
priately for the latitude of the site. The central station, RTG, and LM are visible in the back-
ground (AS-17-134-20501).

Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: TGE Experiment: Traverse Gravimeter Experiment

PI/Engineer: Manik Talwani/ Other Contacts: George Thompson, Brian Dent

Columbia University Stanford University

Apollo Flight No.: 17 Discipline: Space physics, lunar geology,

lunar gravimetry

Weight: 14.6 kg Dimensions: 50.8H x 27.9W x 24.8 cm deep

Manufacturer: MIT/Draper Lab Apollo Experiment No.: S 199

Description/Purpose--The primary goal of the TGE was to make relative gravity measurements at a
number of locations in the A-17 landing area and to use these to obtain information about the geo-
logical substructure. A secondary goal was to obtain the value of the gravity at the landing site rela-
tive to an accurately known value on Earth. The gravity sensor used was a Bosch Arma D4E vibrat-
ing string accelerometer. It was a double-stringed instrument. The sensor was mounted on a
gimbaled frame. Two vertical pendulums mounted on the frame sensed departures from vertical
through comparator circuits, which drove motors to level the unit--up to 20 seconds was required in
the normal mode and between 90 - 130 seconds in the bias mode (instrument inverted). The TGE
could be leveled only if it was initially placed in a position less than 15 ° from level. The entire unit
was housed in a cylindrical box with a flat rear surface. The battery powered unit had three feet, a
handle for carrying, and a cover over the display/control panel.

Unloading from the LM--With ALSEP pallets.

Transporting by foot or MET--NA

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on LRV It rode on the geopallet at the back of the LRV.
Between EVA periods, the unit was placed in the shade with the radiator open.

Site selection--The field geology stations on the planned traverses were used to obtain the TGE mea-
surements. Several measurements around the LM were also made.

Deploying experiment--Measurements were made both with the TGE mounted on the LRV and with
it placed on the surface. One reading was made at the start and end of each EVA.

Checkout of experiment--Several runs near LM, and on and off the LRV, were performed to check
the operation of the instrument.

Operation of experiment--A network of gravity measurements at 12 sites spread across the valley
floor (and one gravimeter bias measurement) were obtained during EVAs on A-17. Six measure-
ments (and the bias) were made on EVA 1, seven on EVA 2, and four on EVA 3, spread out among
several stations and near the LM (some were duplicates). A measurement was initiated by depressing
the "GRAV" button. The cycle started by leveling, then went into the measurement mode. To ob-
tain the bias measurement, a separate button was pushed, and a similar sequence ensued. It had to be
left undisturbed during its operating cycle. The reading was displayed on the display and stayed on
for 20 seconds. It could be redisplayed by pushing the "READ" button once the crewman had time
to read it. A toggle switch selected ON or STANDBY for power conservation.
The TGE team strongly wanted to impose a constraint which would not allow the LRV TV camera
to be aimed during the gravimeter's operating cycle because of vibrations. The geology team was

just asstronglyopposedtonot beingableto seewhatthecrewwasdoingeveryminuteata station,or
not beingableto seesomepotentiallyinterestingrock anddirectingthecrew'sattentionto it. The
gravimeterteamwashardpressedto specifyexactlywhatconstitutedan"unacceptable" vibration
level. A greatdealof analyticalworkwentintotryingto provewhatthevibrationlevelswouldbe,
andit wasfinally necessary to instrumentanengineeringmodelof theLRV with accelerometers in
the vacuumchamber.Thevibrationfromthe movingcameraprovedto benegligibleandthe
"constraint"went away.
Repairsto experiment---None required.Notethatthepalleton whichtheTGEsatin theLRV swung
openbeforemeasurement 25 andthe resultantbangingof thepalletmayhavecausedproblemsre-
suitingin an erroneousreading.
of experiment--Leftonthesurface.
Stowing experiment for return--NA

Loading/unloading samples on LRV--It was mounted on a pallet. There was a folding handle on
top of the unit. Cam latches on the sides of the handles secured it to the LRV pallet when the handle
was pressed down toward the rear of the unit.

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM---NA

Stowing of package once in the LM---NA

Sampling operations (soil, rocks)--NA




Navigating/recognizing landmarks--NA

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e., hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?-
Power was supplied by a 7.5 V battery.

Was lighting a problem?--No.

Were the results visible to the crew?--Yes. A display panel read out gravity and oven temperature

Would you recommend any design changes?--No comments by crew.

Were any special tools required?--No.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--Yes, level
was important, but the astronaut only had to have it level to 15 °, the instrument did the rest.

Was the experiment successful?--Yes.

Were there related experiments on other flights? Apollo? Other?--There was a stationary LSG
(S 207) on A-17. Also, orbital measurements of mascons were made during several manned and
unmanned missions. The accelerometers of all LMs which landed measured a value of lunar g after

Where was it stored during flight?--LM Quad III, experiment pallet.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--No.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early
recovery?--None reported.

What was different between training and actual EVA?--No comments by crew.

What problems were due to the suit rather than the experiment?---Operating the unit on the surface,
as opposed to on the LRV, was difficult because it was very low and the suit made it hard to lean over
and press the buttons. Gene Cernan tended to put it down near the LRV so that he could lean on it to
reach the experiment, or if on a slope, stand down-slope. Leaning on a scoop might have worked,

Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--No.


A-17 Preliminary Science Report

A-17 Mission Report

Apollo Scientific Experiments Data Handbook, JSC-09166, NASA TM X-58131, August 1974, in
JSC History Office

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 3.2.16 Traverse Gravimeter Experiment, JSC-09423, April

Apollo 17 Technical Crew Debriefing, 4 January 1973, in JSC History Office

Apollo Stowage List - Apollo 17, MSC, 12 December 1972

Glenn Mamon, "A Traverse Gravimeter for the Lunar Surface," MIT Draper Labs, Cambridge, MA,
August 1971, in the JSC History Office

Personal communication, Jack Sevier to Thomas Sullivan, 5/93

Figure11: TheTGEexperimentasoperatedon thesurface(AS-17-142-21730). Theunit is
sitting on the surfacedirectly"above"thegeologicalscoop,whichis in the foreground.It
wasalsooperatedwithoutremovingit fromtheLRV. Seealsofigure37for theTGEmount-
edon the LRV.


Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: HFE Experiment: Heat Flow Experiment

PI/Engineer: Marcus G. Langseth/ Other Contacts: Sydney P. Clark, Jr./Yale

Columbia University J.L. Chute, Jr., S. J. Keihm/
Lamont-Doherty Geological

Apollo Flight No.: 15, (16), 17 Discipline: Lunar geology, heat flow

Weight: 9.9 kg, total; Dimensions: Probes - 4 x 50 cm segments

4.6 kg, electronics box (stowed 8.6 x 11.4 x 64.8 cm);
electronics box 28 x 25 x 24 cm

Manufacturer: Columbia University, Apollo Experiment No.: S 037

Arthur D. Little, Martin-Marietta

Description/Purpose--This experiment was designed to make temperature and thermal-property

measurements in the lunar subsurface in order to determine the rate at which heat flows out of the
interior of the Moon. This heat loss is directly related to the rate of internal heat production and to
the internal temperature profile; hence the measurements resulted in information about the abun-
dances of long-lived radioisotopes within the Moon and increased the understanding of the thermal
evolution of the body.
The essential measurements were made by two slender temperature-sensing probes that were
placed in pre-drilled holes in the subsurface (the borestems were left in the ground, as well), spaced
~10 m apart. Each probe consisted of two nearly identical 50-cm-long sections. Each section of
each heat flow probe had two accurate (+/-0.001 K) differential thermometers that measured temp-
erature differences between points separated by 47 and 28 cm. The probe segments also contained
heaters which provided heat to measure the thermal conductivity. The electronics were contained in a
separate box which rested on the lunar surface and was connected to the ALSEP central station.

Unloading from the LM--As part of the ALSEP.

Transporting by foot or MET--As part of the ALSEP.

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on LRV--NA

Site selection--The electronics package was placed 7.6 to 9.1 m north of the central station, at least 3
m from all other experiments, and at least 6 m from the PSE. Two holes needed to be drilled for
emplacement of the probes below the surface. These were located 4.6 - 5.8 m from the electronics
package and N7.6 m from the RTG. Also, the holes/probes needed to be at least 60 m from fresh
craters with surrounding stones and at least 5 diameters from large isolated boulders > 0.7 m across
exposed at the surface.
A third constraint on the placement of the probes (although it may not have ever been docu-
mented) was that they not be deployed within one crater radius of large old craters. A few weeks be-
fore the mission, the PI worried that the official target point for the landing was too close to the crater
Camelot and that the effects of the crater topography would cause the heat flow data to be skewed.
Although one can correct for topography, it adds uncertainty to the data that could be avoided. A
change in the landing coordinates (stored in the computer) at that late date was unheard of. The PI
did let his concerns be known at NASA Headquarters and it eventually made its way to Ceman whose
reaction was, "No problem, I'll simply redesignate a little short if necessary to stay one crater radius
short of the rim of Camelot." The important thing, as far as the crew was concerned, was to get the
very best data possible for this experiment on the last opportunity to do so. They did, indeed, land
short by the necessary distance, although it is unclear whether it was necessary to redesignate.

general operation involved assembling the first two bore stems, inserting
them into the drill chuck, and drilling into the surface until about one-third of a section protruded
above the surface. Using a wrench, the chuck was released and the drill was removed. A second pair
of bore stems was assembled and attached to those already emplaced in the surface. The drill chuck
was reset and the drill placed atop the new bore stem sections and the total bore stem assembly was
drilled further until again about one-third of a section remained above the surface. The procedure
was repeated for a third pair of bore stems until ~15 cm remained above the surface. The drill was
then removed and the HFE probe was inserted as far as possible into the bore stem using the emplace-
ment tool. The depth of penetration was indicated by markings on the tool. The drill and rack were
carried to the second probe site and the entire procedure was repeated. The timeline for A-15
planned -61 minutes for the entire activity. A-16 allotted 64 minutes.
On A-15, drilling the holes to emplace the probes was more difficult than had been expected.
The resistant nature of the subsurface or the poor bore stem design prevented penetration to the
planned depth of 3 m. Instead, at the probe 1 site, the bore stem penetrated 1.62 m; and, at probe
site 2, the borestem penetrated 1.60 m. An obstruction, probably a break in the stem at a depth of 1
m, prevented probe 2 from passing to the bottom of the borestem. This "break" may have been
caused by pulling up on the bore stem, causing a decoupling of the segments. Because of the very
large temperature differences over the upper section, no valid temperature measurements were
obtained by the upper section of this probe. Probe 1 was inserted 140 cm into the bore stem. The
crew had to report probe depth, stem height, and thermal shield depth during the activities.
On A-16, the first hole was drilled and the probe inserted successfully, but the cable connecting
the electronics package to the central station was then inadvertently pulled loose from the connector
on the central station when the CDR caught his foot in the loose cable. The cable had looped and
become snagged on a boot. This rendered the experiment useless and drilling of the second hole was
eliminated. The CDR did not know that the cable had broken because pressure suit mobility is re-
strictive and he could not normally see his lower legs or feet. The mission report pointed out that it
was well known that the ALSEP package cables had memory and stood off the surface in low g. This
condition required a crewman to jump clear of cables which he could not adequately see.
Both probes were successfully inserted to their full depth on A-17. Probe 1 went to 2.36 m and
probe 2 went to 2.3 m. A photo shows the CDR on his knees while inserting the probe into the hole
(although he needed a "prop" to kneel).

Checkout of experiment--From Earth.

Operation of experiment--From JSC via the ALSEP command system. Platinum resistors provided
heat, and the temperature rise at known distances from these heaters was measured via thermocouples.
With the heaters off, the diurnal temperature cycle was measured at known depths.

Repairs to experiment---See drilling. After the cable broke on A-16, it could not be repaired. The
incident precipitated the inclusion of strain relief in the cable connectors on the A-17 instruments. A
contingency plan existed to place the probes in a trench if the drilling was difficult, but this was not

Recovery/takedown of experiment--NA

Stowing experiment for return--NA

Loading/unloading samples on LRV--NA

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM--NA

Stowing of package once in the LM--NA

Sampling operations (soil, rocks)--NA



Drilling--During thedrilling,the borestemsweredrilledinto thesurfacein sections.After thefirst
wasdrilledin partway,a wrenchwasusedto releasethechuckfromthestem,the secondsectionwas
screwedintothelowersection,andthedrill attached to this upper section. This process was repeated
to attach the third section. The holes were to be within 15° of vertical, as visually determined by the
astronaut once the probes were inserted. The cores were left in place.
Drilling the second hole for the heat flow probe on A-15 proved difficult. Because of the high
torque levels on the chuck-stem interface, the drill chuck bound to the stem; in one case it was neces-
sary to destroy the stem to remove it from the chuck. A trick to make the operation easier involved
putting the wrench onto the stem which was in the ground and holding it in place with an ankle while
turning the drill handle to remove it from the bore stem.

Navigating/recognizing landmarks--NA

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e. hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?-
During deployment on A-16, the cable was pulled loose of the central station during deployment by
tripping. This was due to memory in the cable which did not allow it to lie flat, causing a tripping
hazard. This was evident during training but not corrected. On A-15, David Scott had also tripped
over one of the wires to the probe and moved the electrical box from its position. It had to be
realigned on the next EVA.

Was lighting a problem?--No

Were the results visible to the crew?--Other than the drilling effort and alignment, no.

Would you recommend any design changes?--The drill stem was redesigned based on the A-15
experience. The cable attachments were strengthened for the A-17 instruments so that even the
excessive force of tripping over the cable would not pull it loose.

Were any special tools required?--The ALSD. The bore stems had a solid-faced bit (so that a hole
would remain open, unlike the core samples where the drill stem filled with regolith) and were made
of boron filament reinforced epoxy rather than titanium, for low thermal conductivity. Also, a probe
emplacement tool (a.k.a. rammer) was packaged with the two probes in a box separate from the elec-
tronics package. It had marks to measure the depth of the probes. A type of Stillson wrench was
used to decouple the bore stems from the ALSD chuck.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--The elec-
tronics package was leveled to within 5° of vertical with the UHT. It was not difficult. Alignment was
accomplished with a shadowgraph, using the shadow of the UHT on a decal as a guide.

Was the experiment successful?--On A-15, partially. On A-16, one cable was broken and the hard-
ware became inoperative. On A-17 the experiment was successful.

Were there related experiments on other flights? Apollo? Other?--No.

Where was it stored during flight?--LM MESA.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--No.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early

What was different between training and actual EVA?--Drilling effort.

What problems were due to the suit rather than the experiment?--No comments by crew.

Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--No.


Preliminary Science Reports for A-15, 16, 17

Mission Reports for A-15, 16, 17

Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package - Apollo 17 ALSEP (Array E) Familiarization Course -
handout for class of 1 September 1972, in JSC History Office

Apollo Scientific Experiments Data Handbook, JSC-09166, NASA TM X-58131, August 1974, in
JSC History Office

Apollo 15 Final Lunar Surface Procedures, JSC, July 9, 1971

Apollo 16 Final Lunar Surface Procedures, March 16, 1972, MSC

Apollo 17 Final Lunar Surface Procedures, Vol. 1: Nominal Plans, MSC, 11/6/72

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 3.2.14 Heat Flow Experiment, JSC-09423, April 1975

Apollo 15 Technical Crew Debriefing, 14 August 1971, in JSC History Office

ALSEP Termination Report, NASA Reference Publication 1036, April 1979

"Lunar Sourcebook - A User's Guide to the Moon," G. Heiken, D. Vaniman, and B. French, Eds.,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991

Personal communication, Jack Sevier to Thomas Sullivan, May 1993

Figure 12: The HFE during emplacement on Apollo 15. The drill rack is in the foreground
and the ALSD is on the surface behind the borestem, which is emplaced in the ground. The
dark, two-segment rod in the left hand of the crewman is the heat probe. The white probe
emplacement tool is in his right hand (AS-15-92-12407).

Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: LRRR, LR3 Experiment: Laser Ranging Retroreflector

PI/Engineer: James E. Faller/ Other Contacts: C. O. Alley/University of Maryland

Wesleyan University

Apollo Flight No.: 11, 14, 15 Discipline: Earth/Moon system

Ht W-stwd W-dplyd Lngth

Weight: A-11 23.59 kg Dimensions: 29.2 cm 68.6 68.6 66.0
A-14 20.41 30.0 63.8 63.8 64.8
A-15 36.20 30.0 69.5 105.2 64.8

Manufacturer: Bendix Apollo Experiment No.: S 078

Description/Purpose--An optical comer reflector to measure lunar librations (both in latitude and
longitude), the recession of the moon from the Earth due to tidal dissipation, and the irregular motion
of the Earth, including the Chandler wobble of the poles. This is accomplished by using the tech-
nique of short-pulse laser ranging. The LRRR of A-14 differed in only main design aspects from
that on A-11. The LRRR on A-t5 was the largest, with 300 separate sub-reflectors--the previous two
had only 100. The A-15 array consisted of a hinged, two-panel assembly (204 and 94 reflectors)
mounted on a leg assembly, which was deployed by the astronaut. The larger array was to allow
smaller telescopes on Earth to receive signals from it, but a report on 31 July, 1971 showed that the
larger array was comparable, but not superior, to the smaller arrays.

Unloading from the LM--No comments by crew.

Transporting by foot or MET--Carried by hand on A-11 to balance the PSEP package in the other
hand. Also carried by hand on A-14 while pulling the MET.

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on LRV---On A-15 it was carried on the LMP's seat of the
LRV, held in place with the seat belt, and driven to the deployment site. The LMP was carrying the
ALSEP at the time.

Site selection---Generally flat and level area, 300 to 500 feet due W of the LM. Greater than 500 feet
was requested to minimize the dust from LM ascent.

Deploying experiment---Carried by hand (along with the PSEP on A-11) to the deployment site.
The leveling leg, deployed by the astronaut by pulling a pin, provided the proper elevation angle for
each site. It was tilted and then rested on the surface using the UHT. It was pointed towards the
Earth. The bubble used to level the device on A-11 showed it to be within 0.5 ° of level, with the
bubble oriented to the SW. A sun-compass allowed azimuthal alignment of the array with respect to
the Sun. After these steps, the dust cover was removed. There was no trouble deploying the A-14 or
15 LRRR, either. The operations sequence on A-15 was slightly different, but essentially the same
tasks were performed. A typical timeline from A-15 shows -6 minutes for deploying the experiment.

Checkout of experiment--Range measurements to the A-14 LRRR (from Earth) were successfully
accomplished on the day it was deployed. Measurements taken after LM liftoff indicate that the
ascent stage engine bum caused no serious degradation of the LRRR reflective properties.

Operation of experiment--None, it is passive.

Repairs to experiment--NA

Recovery/takedown of experiment--NA

Stowing experiment for return--NA

Loading/unloading samples on LRV--NA

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM--NA

Stowing of package once in the LM--NA

Sampling operations (soil, rocks)--NA




Navigating/recognizing landmarks--NA

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e. hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--No.

Was lighting a problem?--NA

Were the results visible to the crew?--The unit had a gnomon and bubble leveling device for the
astronaut to use during deployment. The results of the experiment were not visible to the crew.

Would you recommend any design changes?--The overall design for the A-14 and A-15 reflector
arrays was similar to that for A- 11 except that the half-angle taper of the reflector cavities was in-
creased so as to increase the array optical efficiency 20 to 30 percent for off-axis Earth positions.
The number of reflectors in the array was increased for A-15 to permit regular observations with
simpler ground equipment.

Were any special tools required?--UHT.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--Very

important, but not difficult. It was aimed at Earth and leveled to within 5 °. Alignment was reported
by noting where the shadow was cast on index marks by the gnomon. These marks were set for a
specific landing site and deployment date.

Was the experiment successful?--Yes.

Were there related experiments on other flights? Apollo?---A-11, 14, 15 all had LRRR. A French-
Russian array was carried on Luna 17. Two LAGEOS satellites were launched by the Shuttle (into
high orbits within the Van Allen belts?).

Where was it stored during flight?--On A-11 it was stored in LM SEB/Quad II. A-14 stored it in
Quad I. A-15 in Quad III.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--No.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early

What was different between training and actual EVA?--No comments by crew.

What problems were due to the suit rather than the experiment?--No comments by crew.

Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--No.


Preliminary Science Reports for A-11, 14, 15

Apollo Scientific Experiments Data Handbook, JSC-09166, NASA TM X-58131, August 1974, in
JSC History Office

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 3.2.19, Laser Ranging Retroreflector Experiment, JSC-
09423, April 1975

ALSEP Termination Report, NASA Reference Publication 1036, April 1979

Figure 13: The LRRR as deployed at the Apollo 14 site. Note the bubble level and the sha-
dow graph for orientation. These were set for the landing site location prior to launch (AS-
14-67-9385). See also figure 8 for a method of carrying the LRRR.

Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: LACE (LMS) Experiment: Lunar Atmospheric

Composition Experiment
(a.k.a. Lunar Mass Spectrometer)

PI/Engineer: John H. Hoffman/ Other Contacts: Dallas E. Evans/JSC

University of Texas/Dallas R.R. Hodges, Jr. &
F.S. Johnson/U. T./Dallas

Apollo Flight No.: 17 Discipline: Lunar atmosphere

Weight: 9.1 kg Dimensions: 33.7 x 16.5 x 31.8 cm

Manufacturer: Univ. of Texas/Dallas, Apollo Experiment No.: S 205


Description/Purpose--The LACE was a 3-channel mass spectrometer designed to identify the

composition of, and variation in, the lunar atmosphere. Its mass range was from 1-to-110 amu. It
consisted of a magnetic deflection mass spectrometer, an electronics portion, and a dust cover
which was not commanded open until the last explosive charge of the LSPE was detonated, 6 days
after deployment.

Unloading from the LM--As part of ALSEP.

Transporting by foot or MET--As part of ALSEP - see ALSEP - General Information.

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on LRV--NA

Site selection--As part of ALSEP.

Deploying experiment--The crew had to open a vent valve, remove three fasteners, rotate the unit
upright, place it 45 feet NW of the central station, level it with a bubble, break the hermetic seal on the
sensor, and recheck the level. The entrance aperture was oriented upward to intercept and measure
the downward flux of gasses at the lunar surface--atoms and molecules have a ballistic trajectory
under lunar conditions. This was sealed by a ceramic cap until opened by the crew. An arrow
(Sun orientation) and bubble level aided deployment.

Checkout of experiment--From Earth.

Operation of experiment--From JSC via the ALSEP command system. It could not be operated in
the lunar daytime because the electronics could not take the heat.

Repairs to experiment--None required or attempted.

Recovery/takedown of experiment--NA

Stowing experiment for return--NA

Loading/unloading samples on LRV--NA

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM---NA

Stowing of package once in the LM--NA

Sampling operations (soil, rocks)--NA




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Navigating/recognizing landmarks--NA

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e. hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--High
voltages in the instrument were not turned on until after departure.

Was lighting a problem?--No.

Were the results visible to the crew?--Just level and alignment.

Would you recommend any design changes?--None made by crew.

Were any special tools required?--UHT for deployment.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--The

entrance aperture was oriented upward to intercept and measure the downward flux of gasses at the
lunar surface. It only needed to be within 15" of level. The bubble level made this easy. An arrow
aided the orientation of the instrument toward the Sun.

Was the experiment successful?--Yes, although an error in thermal design and temperature-sensitive
components limited its operation to temperatures <325 K, which precluded operation during elevated
lunar day temperatures when the atmosphere would have been most prevalent.

Were there related experiments on other flights? Apollo? Other?--The CCIG (S058) on A-12, 14,
& 15 was limited to total gas concentrations. The mass spectrometer (S-165) in the SIM bay of the
S M on A-15 & 16 also observed the lunar atmosphere at higher altitudes. Also, the Far Ultraviolet
Spectrometer Experiment (S 169) in the SIM Bay of the SM of A-17 was used to measure the lunar
atmosphere using resonance line scattering (none found except for a cloud just after LM descent.)

Where was it stored during flight?--As part of ALSEP.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--No.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early
recovery?--None reported.

What was different between training and actual EVA?--No comments by crew.

What problems were due to the suit rather than the experiment?--No comments by crew.

Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--No

comments by crew.


A-17 Preliminary Science Report

Personal conversation with Dallas Evans

Apollo 17 Mission Report

Apollo 17 Final Lunar Surface Procedures, Vol. 1: Nominal Plans, MSC, 11/6/72

Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package - Apollo 17 ALSEP (Array E) Familiarization Course -
handout for class of 1 September 1972, in JSC History Office

Apollo Scientific Experiments Data Handbook, JSC-09166, NASA TM X-58131, August 1974, in
JSC History Office

Apollo ProgramSummaryReport,section3.2.26,LunarAtmosphereCompositionExperiment,
JSC-09423, April 1975
ALSEPArrayE CriticalDesignReviewPresentation
Material,NASA/MSC- BendixAerospace
ALSEPTerminationReport,NASA Reference
Publication1036,April 1979

Figure14: TheLACE instrumentdeployedatthe Apollo 17ALSEP site. Thebubblelevel

andorientationarrowarevisible onthe top (AS-17-134-20498).

Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: LEAM Experiment" Lunar Ejecta and Meteorites

PI/Engineer: Otto E. Berg/ Other Contacts: F.F. Richardson, H. Burton/

Goddard Space Flight Center Goddard Space Flight Center

Apollo Flight No.: 17 Discipline: Lunar geology, cratering,


Weight: 7.4 kg Dimensions: 32.3 x 30.5 x 19.8 cm, stowed

Manufacturer: Bendix Apollo Experiment No.: S 202

Description/Purpose--The objectives of the LEAM experiment were to detect secondary particles that
had been ejected by meteorite impacts on the lunar surface and to detect primary micrometeorites
themselves. The three classes of particles encountered by the LEAM included lunar ejecta, interstellar
grains, and cometary debris, all of which can be considered under the title of cosmic dust. The exper-
iment measures particle speed, radiant direction, particle momentum, and particle kinetic energy. The
particle detectors of the instrument were multi-layered arrays that were capable of measuring the ve-
locity and energy of incident particles. It consisted of three sensors---east, west, and up. It stood on
four legs and was connected to the ALSEP central station by a cable.

Unloading from the LM--As part of ALSEP.

Transporting by foot or MET--As part of ALSEP.

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on LRV--NA

Site selection--As part of ALSEP.

Deploying experiment--As part of ALSEP. The crew had to connect a cable to the central station,
remove the instrument from the subpallet, locate it 25 feet SE of the central station, release the legs,
and place in on the surface within 5 ° of level and 5 ° of alignment, using a bubble and sun dial. As
requested, the east sensor was directed 25 ° north of east to accommodate interstellar grains. It was
protected by two dust covers that were removed by ground command using a redundant squib

Checkout of experiment--After deployment, it was commanded "on" from Earth for calibration,
then turned off until after LM ascent and detonation of the surface charges of the LSPE.

Operation of experiment--4)perated from JSC via the ALSEP command system. The dust covers
over the sensors were commanded to release in the lunar night, but did not, perhaps because of the
cold. They did release sometime during dawn of the second lunation.

Repairs to experiment--None required or attempted.

Recovery/takedown of experiment--NA

Stowing experiment for return--NA

Loading/unloading samples on LRV--NA

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM--NA

Stowing of package once in the LM--NA

Sampling operations (soil, rocks)--NA



Navigating/recognizing landmarks--NA

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e. hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--The
dust covers were removed by ground command using a redundant squib system. These were
adequately interlocked against misfiring. High voltages were used in the instrument, but were not
commanded on while the crew was nearby.

Was lighting a problem?--No.

Were the results visible to the crew?--Only alignment and level.

Would you recommend any design changes?_The thermal control provisions for the unit did not
maintain the operating temperature below the qualification test maximum level during the lunar day
because the thermal conditions at the A-17 site were different than those of the design site (level plain
at the equator). However, the unit operated during 100% of each lunar night and 30% of each lunar

Were any special tools required?--UHT for deployment.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--Orientation

was important so that the radian, or source direction, of the impacting particle could be determined.
This allowed differentiation between interstellar grains and other types of cosmic dust. A bubble
level and the shadow of a gnomon on a compass rose were used.

Was the experiment successful?--Yes, but unusual data events followed by laboratory investigations
with the spare LEAM unit indicated that the instrument was responding to the transport of lunar sur-
face fines.

Were there related experiments on other flights? Apollo? Other?--Pioneer 8 and 9, which mea-
sured cosmic dust and micrometeorites in Earth orbit, were forerunners of the LEAM experiment.
The dust particle flux striking the LEAM experiment increased dramatically some tens of hours
before sunrise. It was argued that this was due to electrostatically transported dust. See also "Lunar
Dust Detector - DTREM."

Where was it stored during flight?--As part of ALSEP.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--No.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early
rccovery?--None reported.

What was different between training and actual EVA?--No comments by crew.

What problems were due to the suit rather than the experiment?--No comments by crew.

Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--No

comments by crew.


A-17 Preliminary Science Report

A-17 Mission Report

Apollo 17 Final Lunar Surface Procedures, Vol. 1: Nominal Plans, MSC, 11/6/72

Apollo LunarSurfaceExperiments
Package- Apollo 17ALSEP(ArrayE) FamiliarizationCourse-
handoutfor classof 1 September
1972,in JSCHistoryOffice
NASA TM X-58131,August1974,in
Berg,O. E., H. Wolf, andJ.Rhee,Lunarsoil movement registered by theApollo 17cosmicdust
experiment, in: Interplanetary Dust and Zodiacal Light, H. Elsasser and H. Fechtig, eds.,
Springer-Verlag, New York, 233-237, 1976

Berg, O. E., F. F. Richardson, J. W. Rhee, and S. Auer, Preliminary results of a cosmic dust
experiment on the Moon, Geophy. Res. Lett. 1,289-290, 1974

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 3.2.25 Lunar Ejecta and Meteorites Experiment, JSC-
09423, April 1975

ALSEP Termination Report, NASA Reference Publication 1036, April 1979

Figure 15: The LEAM instrument as deployed at the Apollo 17 ALSEP site (AS-17-134-
20500). The central station is directly behind it, the RTG to the right of that, and the LSG to
the left of the central station. Discarded pallets and trash are also visible.

Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: None Experiment: Lunar Geology -

General Information

PI/Engineer: See below Other Contacts: See below

Apollo Flight No.: 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17 Discipline: Lunar geosciences

Weight: NA - See Lunar Geology - Tools Dimensions: NA

Manufacturer: NA Apollo Experiment No.: S 059

Description/Purpose--The geological field work at the six Apollo sites was rigorously planned--
some say too well orchestrated with no time for human thought, although this improved in the later
"J" missions. The efforts behind the site selections and scientific objectives are beyond the scope of
this database. A large body of documentation exists on this subject. Several tasks were repeated at
many stations, and average times are available. The first task was generally a geological description
of the area, which took ~5 minutes, including photography. Additional tasks are discussed below.

Unloading from the LM--NA

Transporting by foot or MET--The few tools used on A-11 were carried by hand. The EMU had
attach points for sample bags. The A-12 crew had a small rack which held their tools. This was
carried by hand. On A-14, the MET (see Miscellaneous Tools and Equipment) was used to transport
the tool rack (the same as on A-12) and other equipment during longer traverses. On A-12 and most
later flights a clip on a cable, which rolled up on a reel which was strapped to hoses on the front of
the extravehicular mobility unit (EMU), was used to which several tools could be attached. This was
known as a "yo-yo."

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on LRV--On A-15, 16, & 17, the tools for the geological
traverses were carried on a rack at the rear of the LRV. This rack could swing out to expose both
sides of it. The sample return containers also attached to this rack so that the samples could be easily
stowed. See Lunar Geology - Tools.

Site selection--Performed before launch by a site selection committee on the basis of scientific goals
within operational (landing, orbital mechanics, etc.) constraints. Several stations were selected in
advance for each traverse, with operations at each station carefully planned.

Deploying experiment--NA

Checkout of experiment--NA

Operation of experiment--NA

Repairs to experiment--NA

Recovery/takedown of experiment--NA

Stowing experiment for return--The samples were bagged and placed in the Apollo lunar sample
return containers (ALSRC) for return.

Loading/unloading samples on LRV--Once the LRV was available, the sample collection bags were
attached to a tool rack which was attached to the LRV. The bagged samples were placed in these for
eventual placement into the "rock boxes" (ALSRC) and loading into the LM.

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM--A lunar equipment conveyor (LEC) was included on
the early flights for loading the sample return boxes into the LM. It was more trouble than it was
worth, and later crews merely carried the boxes up the ladder by hand.
Stowing of package once in the LMwThe A- 11 crew weighed the rock boxes outside, but the other
crews carried them directly inside. After getting the samples into the LM and repressurizing, the
boxes were weighed. The A-16 crew had to do some shuffling of rocks between boxes to keep them
below 45 pounds each for weight and balance concerns. They also had to report the weights to Earth
and wait to see if they could bring all the samples home. If not, the excess would have been tossed
onto the surface before ascent. On A-12, this scale broke due to a loose nut.
A study indicated that, because of the temperature on the Moon's surface, lunar samples would
cool the LM cabin when placed in the rock box inside the cabin, apparently because of the "dawn"
sampling. An anecdote from John Young tells of his hand freezing to a rock which he had let cool in
the shadow of the LM after he had brought it inside. After ~5 seconds it came loose. In the future,
hot rocks could heat the area in which they were stored and be a burn hazard.

Sampling operations (soil, rocks)--The heart of the geology "experiment" was in the collection of
samples while on traverses. The EVA on A-11 was limited to within 200 m of the LM. On A-12,
walking traverses up to 500 m from the LM were performed. The Apollo 14 crew had the MET to
carry their tools and went nearly 1.4 km from the LM. Once the LRV was available, traverses of up
to 20 km, lasting up to 7.5 hours were possible, with stops at several geologically interesting stations.
These were limited by the walk-back time to the LM (in the event of an LRV failure) vs. PLSS
A-11 had difficulty collecting the bulk sample. Difficulty scooping up the material without
throwing it out as the scoop came free created some problem. It was almost impossible to collect a
full scoop of material, and the task required double the planned time. The fact that the MESA was in
shadow made the operation difficult, and they recommended a yaw maneuver just before touchdown
to put this area into the sunlight.
During solo attempts to sample soil, an astronaut would have to hold the end of the loaded scoop
in one hand, an open sample bag in the other, and then, with both arms extended, try to pour the soil
into the bag. Some crew developed the ability to do solo sampling with relative ease by "walking" a
hand down the handle of a shovel until it was close to the actual scoop, then bagging the sample
closer to the chest. For two people, soil sampling was easier: one person manipulated the scoop, the
other the bag.
A-12 crew comments indicate that geological operations on the Moon are more difficult than on
Earth because the color cues are not there. The lunar geologist has to look for texture, fracture, and
luster, among other things, to aid in determining differences in rocks and minerals. Color differences
were very slight. The samples were extensively photographed (usually) in-place before sampling, and
the sampled area was photographed again post-sampling. A protocol was developed for documenta-
tion. The Preliminary Science Reports cross reference samples with photographs, sample numbers,
and mission timeline.
The A-14 crew commented that they had a difficult time getting a single sample bag. When
reaching for one, 2 or 3 would come loose. They would use one and the rest would fall to the
ground. It was too difficult to recover them.
The A-15 crew emphasized their impression that their ability to identify rock types at the time of
their collection seemed equal to their ability to do so during the many terrestrial field exercises of the
training period. They felt basically unhampered (although somewhat slowed physically) by the
bulky equipment. (Perhaps their impression--different from the A-12 crew--reflects a greater
amount of pre-flight training--Ed.)
Documented samples, those with extensive photographic coverage, took -3 minutes each on
A-16. It was a two-person activity. Activities included: CDR - describe sample and place gnomon
down-sun with pointer leg at sample and color chart at 45 ° to Sun; take stereo pair cross-sun at f/8,
1/250, 7 feet; collect sample; take "after" photo cross-sun at f/8, 1/250, 7 feet; describe area of
sample; pick up gnomon; proceed to next sample; LMP - describe sample, take down-Sun photo at
f/11, 1/250, 11 feet; prepare sample bag and report bag number; seal sample bag and place in col-
lection bag; take locator photo using LRV in background cross-sun at f/8, 1/250, 15 feet. Special
samples included deep drill cores, CSSD (Contact Soil Sampling Device), skim sample, and scoop
sample. The A-16 crew had a lot of difficulty with their 20-bag dispensers falling off, which slowed

downthesamplingoperations.Also,sinceeachcrewmanhadto placehis samplesinto the bagwhich
hungonthePLSSof the othercrewman,theirproximityto eachotherwasnecessarily close. Future
samplingoperationsmightbenefitfrom allowinga crewmanto placesamplesin a baghangingon his
ownPLSS(requiringhigh flexibility in the suit)or perhapsfromusinga sackthatcanreston the
groundwith a handlethatcanbereachedfor carryinglike a shoppingbag(perJ. Young).
Trenching--Trenchingwasusedto obtainsub-surface samplesaswell asto observesoil mechanics
behavior.A deeptrench(upto 60cm) wasdugonA-14. It took threeminutesto dig a shallow
trenchonA-16. Thesoil mechanics studiesaddedto this time,10minuteswasallowedfor sucha
trenchonA-15 timelines.It wasa two-personactivity,but wasdonesoloby theLMP (Irwin) dueto
timelineproblemscausedby thevisewith thecoretubesample.Plannedactivitiesincluded:LMP -
takelocatorphotowith LRV in background, crosssun,f/8 1/250,15feet; usescoopto dig trench
3 - 8 inchesdeep20° off sun-line;take"after" photodown-sunf/11, 1/250,11feet; CDR - select
areato besampled,placegnomon;take"after" photos,stereopaircross-sun f/8, 1/250,7 feet.
Raking--Therakewasdesigned to providea technique to obtainsamplesof smallrocks,1-to-5cm,
whichwouldotherwisebeveryhardto obtainoperationally.Because of themobilityof the suit,it
waspossibleto operateit with onehand.OnA-16,it took 8 minutesto geta rakesamplewith soil. It
wasa two-person activity. Activitiesincluded:CDR- selectareafor optimumrockdistributionand
placegnomon;describeareaandrelateto surroundingterrain;takecross-sun stereopair f/8, 1/250,7
feet;useraketo collect1 kg of rocks(-1 samplebagfull); getsamplebagready,reportnumber,hold
for LMPto fill; closesamplebagcontainingfines(seebelow);sealandstowin samplecollectionbag
(onLMPPLSS);take"after"shot,cross-sun, f/8, 1/250,7 feet;LMP - removerakeandextension
handlefromLRV; handraketo CDR;take"before"photodown-sunf/11, 1/250,11feet; make
readysamplebag,reportnumber;hold bagfor CDRto fill; closeandsealsamplebagcontaining
rocks(seeabove);stowin SCB(onCDRPLSS);collect1 kg fines(1 bagfull) froma pristinearea;
takelocatorshot,LRV or landmarkin background, f/8, 1/250,15feet;stowrakeonthe LRV.
CoreTubes--Threegenerations of coretubesexisted.Earlytubesweresometimes hardto driveinto
the compactlunarregolithanddidnot alwaysretainthecorewhenremoved.By A-15 new,thin-
coretubesweredesignedandworkedwell. OnA-16,it took5 minutesto get
a singlecoretube,11minutesfor a doublecoretube. A coresamplevacuumcontainerwith single
coretook9 minutes.It wasa two-personactivity. Activitiesincluded:CDR- placegnomonnearby;
removehammerfromLMP PLSStool cartier;takestereopaircross-sun atf/8, 1/250,7 feet;photo-
graphtubeandLRV f/8, 1/250,15feet(locatorphoto);obtaincoretubecapfromLMP PLSSand
captube;removecoretubefromextensionhandle;pull followerpin; getcoretubetool andseatcore
followeragainstcore;stowcorein collectionbag;stowcoretubetool andhammer;pick up gnomon;
proceedto next sample;LMP - removecoretubefromCDR'ssamplebag;assemble coretube/exten-
sionhandle;reportnumber;holdcoretubeuprighton surfaceandpressinto surfaceby hand;drive
tubeintosurface,commentondifficulty; removecorefrom surface;assistCDR;getextensionhandle
fromCDRandinstallscoop;proceedto nextsample.Doublecoretubeprocedures weresimilar
exceptthatthe capof the lowertubemustberemovedto matethelowertubeto theuppertube. The
capswerereplacedwhenthetubesweredisassembled andthefolloweroneachtubewasseatedwith
tool. Thedoublecorewasrammedasa unit beforethetubesweredisassembled.
Drilling--A-15 wasthe first missionwith theALSD. Drilling thesecondholefor theheatflow probe
on A-15proveddifficult. Because of the hightorquelevelson thechuck-stem interface,the drill
chuckboundto thestems;in onecaseit wasnecessary to destroythe stemitselfto removeit fromthe
chuck. Thedrill stemwashardto removefromthehole. It wasleft in whiletheothertaskswere
completed.At theendof the secondEVA it tookbothastronauts workingatthelimit of their com-
binedstrengths to pull upthe drill stem. It wasphysicallyexhausting.Redesign for the lasttwo
flightswasaccomplished.The"treadle"wasdeveloped for removalof drill stemsonthe lasttwo
flights. Also,the corestemswereredesigned to allowclearingthedensesoilfromthehole. The
A-16crewhadlittle difficulty in drilling or extractingthedeepcore. Very little soilwaslost during

cappingof the corestems.A typicaltimelinefromA-15 shows-26 minutesfor drilling thedeep
andcappingthe coresegments.
Navigating/recognizinglandmarks--On foot,navigationappears to havebeenthemostdifficult
problemencountered duringlunar surfaceactivities(A-14 MissionReport). Unexpected terrain
features,ascompared to relief maps,werethesourceof navigational problems.Theridgesand
valleyshadanaveragechangein elevationof -3 to 5 m. Thelandmarksthatwereclearlyapparent
on themapswerenot at all apparenton thesurface.Evenwhenthecrewmenclimbedto a ridge,the
landmarkoftenwasnot clearlyin sight.
LatercrewsusedtheLRV, whichhadexcellentnavigation.A totalof 5 hourswasspentat
traversestationstopsonA-15, andthe astronauts transmittedexcellentdescriptions
of thelunar
surfacewhile in transitbetweenstations.Also,muchusefulinformationwasobtainedfromtheTV
cameraon theLRV at 8 of the 12stations.
Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e. hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--The
act of obtaining a sample without a tool can be very awkward, but falling in lunar gravity is so slow as
to give plenty of time to act. Glove protectors were worn when working with the drill cores.

Was lighting a problem?--Generally not. Driving down-sun was difficult at first, but the crew
adapted. The human eye could see into the shadowed areas very well. Operation in Earthshine seems
very reasonable. Distance perception was difficult because the airless body did not provide the visual
cue of haze.

Were the results visible to the crew?--NA

Would you recommend any design changes?--More time for investigation. Crew and PIs alike
recommend that field geology be given less of a time line and more freedom to explore and think
while investigating. Whether they would settle for fewer samples in trade is an open question.

Were any special tools required?--See Lunar Geology - Tools. See also Miscellaneous Tools and
Equipment and Lunar Rover Vehicle - General Information.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--"The

absence of any natural vertical features, coupled with the poor definition of the horizon and the weak
gravity...causes difficulty in identification of level areas"...(This) "is further complicated by the fact
that when...wearing a spacesuit, the center of higher and farther back than normal..." (A-11)

Was the experiment suceessful?--Yes.

Were there related experiments on other flights? Apollo? Other?--NA

Where was it stored during flight?--NA

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--A protocol of documenting samples
while on traverses was developed that eventually worked quite well. When pressed for time, however,
this was sometimes skipped.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early
recovery?--None reported.

What was different between training and actual EVA?--See other comments above.
Trainers and PIs - Dave McKay/SN (early effort & general training for A-11 &12)
Ted Foss (A-11 & 12, retired in early 70s)
Gary Lofgren/SN4 (some on A-12, mostly 13 & 15)
Bill Phinney/SN4 (branch chief for last 3)
Fred Horz/SN4 (A- 16)
Don Morrison/SN4 (A-17)
Mike McEwen (A-14, now retired)

GordonA. Swann(PI for A-14 & 15,Centerof
WilliamR. Muehlberger (PI for A-16& 17,Univ. of TX)
JohnDietrich(A-13, 14,nowretired)
E. M. Shoemaker (PI for A-12 - Calif. Inst.of Tech.)
JeffWarner(nowatChevronResearch, LaHaba,CA)
LeonSilver(Cal.Tech.- generalApolloprogramadvisor
andPh.D.advisorfor Mike Duke& JackSchmitt)
Uel Clanton- retired
ElbertKing - earlygeneraltraining1963-69.Professorof
GeologyattheUniversityof Houston/Downtown
RayG. Zedekar,LunarSurfaceOperations Office,nowretired
What problemsweredueto the suit rather thanthe experiment?--Suitstiffnessproducedsevere
forearmfatigue. Any movementor positioningof a leg, arm,hand,or finger awayfrom the"rest"
configurationof the pressurized suitrequiredconstantmuscletension.JackSchmittdescribedthe
problemas"like squeezing a tennisball repetitively.Withina halfhouror so,the forearmmuscles
weresufficientlyfatiguedto acheandyoureacheda muchlowerlevelof productivityusingyour
handsthanwhenyoustarted.Eventually,by pacingyourself,youreacheda constantlevelof fore-
armpainsuchthatyoucouldtolerateit andstill do thejob andnot dropthingsandstill applysuffi-
cientgripto work,andthatthenwenton for therestof the EVA."
Therewasalsophysicaltraumathatresultedfromrepeated reachingwith the gloves.According
to Schmitt,"asyoureachedin thesuit andjust got a little bit of scrapingfromthe rubberbladder,it
grabbedatyourfingernailand,eventually,lifted the nail right off thequick. It wasa problemwe
knewaboutbeforethe mission,because othershadexperienced it. Knowingthat,I woresomenylon
liners. I still hadtheproblem,butnot asrapidlyasGeneCernan,whodidn't wearanyliners. Ulti-
mately,all mynailswerelifted off thequick. And thatwasjust continuous, traumaticsoreness
fadedinto the backgroundandyou didn't worry aboutit. I don't recall havingroughor damaged
fingertips,but I think Geneanda lot of theotherguysdid."
Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--No
comments by crew.


Preliminary Science Reports for all landed missions

"Moon Trip - A Personal Account of the Apollo Program and its Science," Bert King, University of
Houston, Houston, TX, 1989. Good general reference on training.

Apollo Scientific Experiments Data Handbook, JSC-09166, NASA TM X-58131, August 1974, in
JSC History Office

Eric M. Jones, Working on the Moon: in: Proceedings of Space '90, ASCE, pp 1423 - 1432, 1990

Apollo 17 Final Lunar Surface Procedures, Vol. 1: Nominal Plans, MSC, 11/6/72

Apollo Program Summary Report, JSC-09423, April 1975

Personal communication with J. Young, 1 April 1993

Apollo 14 Technical Crew Debriefing, 17 February 1971, in the JSC History Office

Don E. Wilhelms, "To a Rocky Moon, A Geologist's History of Lunar Exploration," University of
Arizona Press, Tucson, 1993

The personalfiles of Shoemaker
andMasurskyre lunartraverseplanningandtrainingareat the
NationalArchivesbranchatLagunaNiguel,CA. Personalcommunication from Dr. JosephN.
Tatarewiczto ThomasSullivan.
A greatdealmoreinformationis availableconcerninggeologytrainingin theJSCHistoryOffice
from thepersonalfiles of R. Parker.

Figure16: Apollo 12astronautwith thetongsusedto grabsmallrockswithoutbendingover

(AS-12-48-7148).Seealsofigure 11for the scoop.

Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym:Several for individual tools Experiment: Lunar Geology - Tools

Also see - Lunar Geology - General
and Soil Mechanics

PI/Engineer: See Lunar Geology - Other Contacts: Solar System Exploration Div.
General Information

Apollo Flight No.: 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17 Discipline: Lunar geosciences

Weight: See reference catalog & below Dimensions: See reference catalog

Manufacturer: JSC, unless noted Apollo Experiment No.: S 059 and S 200

Description/Purpose--The tools used in geological field work are well documented in various pho-
tos, reports, and the reference catalog below.

Unloading from the LM--No problems reported removing tools from bays within LM.

Transporting by foot or MET--A hand tool carrier was used to carry the tools on A-12. It was also
carried, with its tools, on the MET for A-14.

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on LRV--The tools could fit in a rack on the back of the
LRV. See reference catalog.

Site selection--NA

Deploying experiment--NA

Checkout of experiment--NA

Operation of experiment--Operation of the tools was, for the most part, nominal. The hammer
became very hard to grip against the pressurized glove, however. A larger diameter handle would
have alleviated the problem. The other tools did not seen to present this problem since they were not
used as frequently nor for as long a time.

Repairs to experiment--A vise on the A-15 LRV, which was to be used to separate drill core stems
segments, was designed incorrectly on Earth. Its jaws, similar to a pipe wrench, could only be used to
tighten the cores, not loosen them. The Earth trainer had been installed backwards and so worked
properly, but the flight tool was installed as per the drawings, and cost Scott and Irwin both time and

Recovery/takedown of experiment--NA

Stowing experiment for return--Tools were left at the landing site. Two ALSRCs per flight were
used to return the sample bags. These were to maintain the samples in lunar vacuum for their return,
but 4 of the 12 had a substantial leak. On A-15, it was very hard to close at least one of these con-
tainers because a bag was caught in the rear hinge. This caused problems in stowing the SRC in the
LM, the pins would not engage, and they finally taped it in place for ascent. Extra sample bags were
exposed to the cabin and Earth's atmosphere.

Loading/unloading samples on LRV--Sample collection bags could be attached to the tool carrier
rack at the back of the LRV.

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM--See Geology - General Information.

Stowing of package once in the LM--NA. The tools were left on the Moon.

Samplingoperations(soil, rocks)--Thescoopwas used to sample soil. Tongs were available to grab
larger rock samples. Very large boulders were sampled using the chisel end of the hammer to break
off a piece.

Trenching--The long handle scoop was used for digging trenches.

Raking--The rake was developed as a way to obtain many rock samples of > 1 cm easily.

Drilling--The ALSD, manufactured by Martin Marietta, was considered by some as part of the
ALSEP package, although it was also used to obtain deep core samples. It had a rotary-percussive
action. It was 13.4 kg, total, and 57.7 x 24.4 x 17.8 cm, not including the drill string and caps. It
took 5 to 15 minutes to drill a hole, depending on the material. The core stems came in sections.
After the first two sections were assembled and drilled in so that -15 cm remained above the surface,
the drill was removed from the core with a wrench and the second pair of core stems were assembled
and attached. Then the drill was attached to this new section and the drilling continued until the third
and fourth pairs had to be attached in like fashion. Drilling the second hole for the heat flow probe
on A-15 proved difficult. Because of the high torque levels on the chuck-stem interface, the drill
chuck bound to the stems; in one case it was necessary to destroy the stem itself to remove it from the
chuck. For the A-15 deep core, the drill stem was hard to remove from the hole. It was left in while
the other tasks were completed. At the end of the second EVA it took both astronauts working at the
limit of their combined strengths to pull up the drill stem. It was physically exhausting. Its removal
took an extra 15 minutes of EVA time and caused a severe shoulder sprain in Scott. This is why the
jack was developed for removal of drill stems on the last two flights. Also, the core stems were
redesigned to allow clearing the dense soil from the hole by operation at constant depth to bring soil
to the surface. The A-16 crew had little difficulty in drilling or extracting the deep core. Very little
soil was lost during capping of the core stems.
A rack was supplied which held the bore stems for the HFE off the ground and made them easy
for a suited crewman to reach. The core stems for the deep core were stored on the hand tool carrier
on the back of the LRV.

Coring_The core tubes were redesigned twice from the early missions to make them easier to drive
into the soil. The bevel in the early design compacted the soil and made it difficult to drive into the
soil. See tool catalog. The hammer used to pound the core tubes had a small striking area and its
side was used to drive the tubes because of the inaccuracy of arm motion in the EMU.

Navigating/recognizing landmarks---See LRV.

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e. hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--The
tools could be considered hazardous in a number of ways. The drill was capable of high torque and
could have damaged any cords or hoses that got entangled in it. Glove protectors were available
while operating it, but these restrained hand movements even further. The hammer had a "chisel"
end which could have damaged a suit, and any pieces of rock that flew off during sampling may have
scratched a visor. The thin metallic coating on the hammer fractured and flew off during normal
hammering operations on A-12.

Was lighting a problem?--Generally not. Some samples were to be taken from permanently shad-
owed areas, however.

Were the results visible to the crew?--Yes.

Would you recommend any design changes?--Changes were made as the missions progressed and
experience developed. Extension handles got longer. The LRV sampler was developed for A-17 to
get samples from areas between stations.

Were any special tools required?--The ALHTs were considered by some as part of the ALSEP
package, but they were mostly used in the geological field work. The materials from which the tools
were made were limited to special choices so as not to contaminate the samples. These included

Teflon, stainless steel, and aluminum. See the reference catalog. Total weights of geological tools
per mission were as follows: A-11, 22.9 kg; A-12, 29.2 kg; A-14, 34.1 kg; A-15, 50.3 kg; A-16, 53.0
kg; A-17, 45.7 kg.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--NA

Was the experiment successful?--See Geology - General Information.

Were there related experiments on other flights? Apollo? Other?--Samples of the Moon were
also obtained by three robotic Lunakhod flights.

Where was it stored during flight?--On some flights, the tools were packed with the ALSEP.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--A protocol of photodocumentation was
developed to document samples. Tools were often used for scale.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early

What was different between training and actual EVA?--Scott (A-15) commented that it seemed
more difficult to screw the sections of the drill stems together during EVA than it was in training.
Charles Duke (A-16) and Cernan (A-17) concurred, and suggested a small work bench would have

What problems were due to the suit rather than the experiment?--No comments by crew.

Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--No.


Catalog of Apollo Lunar Surface Geological Sampling Tools and Containers, JSC-23454

Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package - Apollo 17 ALSEP (Array E) Familiarization Course -
handout for class of 1 September 1972, in JSC History Office

Apollo Scientific Experiments Data Handbook, JSC-09166, NASA TM X-58131, August 1974, in
JSC History Office

Eric M. Jones, Working on the Moon: in: Proceedings of Space '90, ASCE, p 1423 - 1432, 1990

Apollo Program Summary Report, JSC-09423, section 3.2.7, Geology and Soil Mechanics
Equipment, April 1975

Apollo 15 Technical Crew Debriefing, 14 August 1971, in JSC History Office

Figure17: The rakewasdeveloped to obtaina greaternumberof small
rock samplesthancouldbeobtainedusingthe tongs(AS-17-134-20425).
Notethe samplebagsattachedto thePLSSof thecrewman.Sincehe
couldnot reachhis ownsamplebags,eachcrewmanhadto placesamples
in theotherperson'ssamplebags.Seealsofigure 37for the rakeand
scoopmountedon thepalletatthe rearof the LRV.

Figure18: This viewfromApollo 12showsthehandtool carrieranda

coretube,attachedto theextensionhandle,beingemplaced into the soil
(AS-12-49-7243).Numberedsamplebagsareheld in the handtool
carrier. Additionalcoretubesarevisiblein the carrier. Seealsofigure30
for a viewof thegnomonwhichprovideda referencetovertical,scale,

Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: LNPE (NFE) Experiment: Lunar Neutron Probe

Experiment (a.k.a. Neutron Flux

PI/Engineer: D. S. Burnett/California Other Contacts: Dorothy S. Woolum, C. A.

Institute of Technology Bauman/Cal. Tech.

Apollo Flight No.: 17 Discipline: Lunar dust, radiation, attenuation by


Weight: 2.27 kg, total; only 1.86 kg probe Dimensions: 2.35 m long, deployed;
and 0.4 kg container returned 1.23 m long, stowed; 2 cm dia. nom.,
4.5 cm dia. at top

Manufacturer: Calif. Inst. of Tech. Apollo Experiment No.: S 229

Description/Purpose--Time-integrated fluxes of thermal neutrons as a function of depth in the rego-

lith were measured using targets of boron-10 and uranium-235 placed at intervals along a 2-m rod
that was inserted into the hole left by the deep drill core. Cellulose triacetate plastic detectors were
used in conjunction with the B-10 targets, and mica detectors were used in conjunction with the
U-235 targets. Some information on the energy distribution of the equilibrium flux was also ob-
tained by including two cadmium absorbers and three KBr capsules at different depths on the probe.
Temperature indicators were included at four points along the length of the probe to record its ther-
mal history. This information has geological relevance to the speed of regolith turnover. It is also
important for the understanding of radiation protection required for longer human occupancy of the
Moon. For stowage, the probe was fabricated in two 1-m-long sections.

Unloading from the LM--Nominal, from LM MESA. It was stored inside its thermal bag.

Transporting by foot or MET--NA

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on LRV--At beginning of EVA 1. To prevent overheating,

the two sections of the LNPE were kept in a thermal bag during the EVA before actual deployment.

Site selection--The deep drill core stem sample was acquired at a site N38 m north of the ALSEP
central station and the RTG. The site was in a shallow depression and behind a meter-sized rock,
which should have provided additional shielding from the RTG neutrons.

Deploying experiment--Deployed during EVA 1 on A-17. The probe was inserted into the hole left
behind after obtaining the deep drill core, and recovered at the very end of EVA 3, after 49 hours of
exposure. After deployment of ALSEP and recovery of the deep core, the two LNPE sections were
removed from the thermal bags, activated, coupled, and emplaced in the hole. Nominal insertion by
hand was made after first passing the probe through the hole in the treadle used for recovering the
deep core because, in retrieving the core, the top of the hole had been widened; thus, the possibility
existed that the probe would drop too far into the hole to be retrieved. Backup procedures for em-
placing the probe by hammering or with the ALSD existed. To prevent overheating, the top of the
probe protruding above the surface was covered with the thermal bag during exposure.
Before insertion into the hole, the probe was activated by twisting the unit, thus aligning the
neutron targets with their particle track detectors. Deactivation was accomplished by again twisting
the unit to move the particle track detectors away from the neutron capture targets.
Each segment of the probe could be activated separately. The upper section was activated by
depressing a bar on the large handle at the upper end and rotating 180 °. The lower section was
activated by removing the dust cap at its upper end and using it as a tool to rotate the central rod,

which was spring-loaded to snap into one of two configurations 180 ° apart. The two sections could
then be coupled for deployment by simply screwing them together.
This activation/deactivation sequence was necessary to prevent the accumulation of background
events from neutrons produced by cosmic ray interactions in the spacecraft and by the plutonium-
238 power source for the ALSEP package.

Checkout of experiment---Correct activation was verified after return to Earth by inspection of alpha
particle tracks from the U-238 sources.

Operation of experiment--Activated, inserted, retrieved, and deactivated probe without difficulty.

Otherwise passive. It had a total activated exposure period of 49 hours.

Repairs to experiment--NA

Recovery/takedown of experiment--Recovered probe on EVA 3. The core jacking mechanism

(treadle) was used to remove it from the hole. The two probe segments were separated by unscrewing
for storage and then deactivated by twisting within a minute or two after withdrawal from the hole.
The experiment was placed in the shade of the LM within -3 minutes.

Stowing experiment for return_The probe was placed in a return container on top of a core stem
return container in storage area A5 of the LM.

Loading/unloading samples on LRV--NA

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM--No comments by crew.

Stowing of package once in the LM--No comments by crew,

Sampling operations (soil, rocks)--NA



Drilling--Drilling the hole for the deep core presented some problems during the extraction, but all
sections of the core were obtained, and the hole did not collapse, therefore allowing the insertion of
the probe. The treadle was left in place to support the probe and not allow it to fall too far into the
hole. Without this treadle to mark the location, the hole would have been very hard to find again
after walking away to get the probe due to the shadows from random bumps on the ground.

Navigating/recognizing landmarks--NA

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e. hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--
There was U-235 as a neutron absorber target which would fission and release more neutrons, which
was what was actually detected by the mica. There were also U-238 point sources which verified
correct activation and deactivation.

Was lighting a problem?--No.

Were the results visible to the crew?--No.

Would you recommend any design changes?--None made by crew.

Were any special tools required?--ALSD required to provide hole. The dust cap of the lower seg-
ment served as a tool for its activation.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--Needed to be

subsurface. Hole should be vertical so that depth of regolith is known.

Was the experiment successful?--Yes.

Werethere relatedexperiments on other flights? Apollo? Other?--Thermal neutrons were to be
measured as part of the cosmic ray/regolith interaction on the CRD (S 152) on A-16. Analysis of the
returned lunar samples from all the flights used thermal neutron capture to explain certain isotopic

Where was it stored during flight?--LM MESA in Quad IV.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--No.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early
recovery?--Did not want the probes to get above 333 K.

What was different between training and actual EVA?--No comments by crew.

What problems were due to the suit rather than the experiment?--No comments by crew.

Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--No

comments by crew.


A-17 Preliminary Science Report

Apollo Scientific Experiments Data Handbook, JSC-09166, NASA TM X-58131, August 1974, in
JSC History Office

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 3.2.18, Lunar Neutron Probe Experiment, JSC-09423,
April 1975

Apollo 17 Final Lunar Surface Procedures, Vol. 1: Nominal Plans, MSC, 11/6/72

Apollo Stowage List - Apollo 17, MSC, 12 December 1972

Figure 19. The assembled flight unit of the lunar neutron probe. The
upper section, with the probe handle at the top, is on the right. The
lower section with its removable dust cap is on the left. Coupling of the
two sections was accomplished by screwing the lower and upper units
together after removing the dust cap. Each section was approximately
1 m long.

Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: LRV Experiment: Lunar Rover Vehicle

PI/Engineer: NA Other Contacts:

Apollo Flight No.: 15, 16, 17 Discipline: Rovers

Weight: 200 kg; Could carry 490 kg of payload, Dimensions: 3.1 m long, 1.83 m wide,
including 2 astronauts, PLSSs, tools, equip- 1.14 m high, 2.3 m wheelbase
ment, & 27 kg of lunar samples each trip

Manufacturer: Boeing Apollo Experiment No.: NA

Description/Purpose--This rover was used to extend the range of the astronauts so that a greater var-
iety of terrain could be visited. It had a 90-inch wheelbase, was 81 inches wide, and weighed 455 lbs
empty. Its gross operational weight was 1535 pounds with crew, equipment, and payload. Power was
supplied by two 36V silver zinc batteries with sufficient power for a range of 65 km at speeds up to
17 km/h, although a top speed of 22 km/h was obtained on A-16. If either battery failed the other
could carry the entire load. Four separate motors, one at each wheel, drove the vehicle, but any wheel
could be cut out to "free-wheel" if its drive mechanism developed problems. All the driving func-
tions were controlled by a T-handle mounted between the seats. The vehicle had four-wheel, double
Ackerman steering. It could climb over obstacles 30 cm high, climb and descend slopes of 25 de-
grees, and park on slopes of up to 35 degrees. Speeds of l0 kph were attained within three vehicle
lengths. Going in reverse was possible with one dismounted crewmember confirming the general
condition of the surface to be covered, but this was not often done.

Unloading from the LM--For deployment, some thermal blankets needed to be removed from the
LM and one of the crew had to climb the ladder to pull a "D-ring," then descend the ladder. Both
crewmembers then had to apply a steady pull on deploy cables and tapes until the wheels were on the
ground. After it was on the ground, the crew actually picked it up and turned it 90 °. The fenders,
seats, seat belts, and console then had to be deployed on it. On A-15 there were some problems with
deployment and checkout, but they were quickly solved. It took 26.5 minutes rather than the 17
planned. A-16 also had to lock some pins to complete deployment.
On A-15, during the first traverse the front steering did not work, but the rear steering allowed
them to complete the EVA without problems. While going downhill with any speed and the front
wheels locked in the straight ahead position they did a "180" turn when they tried to maneuver. On
the second and third EVA, the front steering became operable. This rover covered 27.9 km by its
odometer, corresponding to a map distance of-25.3 km. Its average speed was 9.6 km/hr, and
speeds up to 12 km/hr were attained over level terrain. The A-16 LRV covered 27 km. The A-17
LRV covered -35 km. The longest traverse was on A-17, where it covered 19.5 km during EVA 2.

Transporting by foot or MET--NA

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on LRV--A loading and unloading time was allotted for
putting tools and equipment on the LRV. Checklists existed for these procedures.

Site selection--An operational constraint on the use of the LRV was that the astronauts must be able
to walk back to the LM if the LRV were to fail at any time during the EVA. Thus, the traverses were
limited in the distance they could go at the start and at any time later in the EVA. Therefore, they
went to the furthest point away from the LM and worked their way back to it so that, as the life sup-
port consumables were depleted, their remaining walk back distance was equally diminished. A
Buddy Secondary Life Support System was carried on the LRV to share cooling water from one
PLSS to the other if one failed.

Deploying experiment--See above.

Checkout of experiment--The CDR took the LRV for a test spin around the LM to the vicinity of the
MESA after deployment. The tools and other equipment needed on the EVA were loaded from the
MESA and Quad III onto the LRV.

Operation of experiment--On A-15, the seat belts were difficult to fasten. Pre-launch adjustments did
not properly account for the reduced gravity in combination with the pressurized suits, and the belts
were too short. This was corrected for A-16 & 17 by measuring the settings on the KC-135. Detailed
procedures for offloading, setup, power-up, navigation alignment, stopping at traverse sites, navigation
updates, malfunctions, and closeouts are provided in the Final Surface Procedures documents.

Repairs to experiment--The rear fender extension on the A-16 LRV was lost during EVA 2 at sta-
tion 8 when Young bumped into it while going to assist Duke. The dust thrown up from the wheel
covered the crew, the console, and the communications equipment. High battery temperatures and
resulting high power consumption ensued. No repair attempt was mentioned. The fender extension
on the A-17 LRV broke when accidentally bumped by the CDR with a hammer handle. The crew
taped the extension back in place, but because of the dusty surfaces, the tape did not adhere and the
extension was lost after about 1 hour of driving, allowing the astronauts to be covered with dust. For
the second EVA, a replacement "fender" was made with some EVA maps, duct tape, and a pair of
clamps from inside the LM - nominally used for the moveable overhead light. This repair was later
undone so that the clamps could be brought back inside for launch. The maps were brought back
and are now on display at the National Air and Space Museum. The abrasion from the dust is evident
on some portions of the makeshift fender.

Recovery/takedown of experiment--NA

Stowing experiment for return--NA

Loading/unloading samples on LRV--Sample containers and tools were attached at the rear of the

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM--NA

Stowing of package once in the LM--NA

Sampling operations (soil, rocks)---Some of the tools and SCBs (see Lunar Geology - Tools)
attached to a tool carrier which attached to the back of the LRV to aid in sampling. Also, on A-17
only, there was a new sampling device (LRV soil sampler, see Geology - Tools) that allowed for the
collection of samples while seated in the LRV. Thus, A-17 is the only LRV-aided mission with
samples collected between stations.


Raking--The rake was carried in the rear-mounted tool carrier.


Navigating/recognizing landmarks--The requirements for the rover were that it display vehicle
heading, bearing to the last point of initialization (usually the LM), speed (km/h), total distance trav-
eled (km), and distance to the LM (km). It did not need to have pitch, roll, X and Y coordinates, or
time, although a pitch indicator was present on all LRVs. At the start of a traverse the astronauts
oriented the system's navigational gyroscope with reference to the Sun. It took nearly two minutes
for the gyro to reach operating speed. The navigation system was said to be accurate to within 100 m
of range. At the end of EVA 1 on A-15 when the crew returned to the LM they estimated its bearing
at 15 °, but the navigation system said it was at 34 ° , indicating some drift, but the range accuracy may
still have been correct.
On A-15, dust was kicked up on acceleration of the LRV and when crossing the rims of soft
craters. Little of the dust impacted on the LRV itself or on the crew, and it did not cause any prob-

lemswith visibility or operationof the vehicle,althoughfrequentcleaningof the lunarcommunica-
tionsrelayunit (LCRU)wasrequiredto preventoverheating of the TV circuits. No dustaccumula-
tionwasnotedin thewirewheels,but a thin layerof dusteventuallycoveredmostof thevehicle.
Minoroperationalproblemswerecausedby thin layersof duston thecameralensesanddials,
gnomoncolorchart,navigationmaps,andLCRU mirror. Thedustwaseasilybrushedoff, but the
dustwassoprevalentthat,duringpartof themissionthecrewreportedthat,to setthelens,dusthadto
bewipedfromthecamerasettingseverytimetheytooka picture.
TheA-16crewcommented thatthe mapholderon theLRV wasworthlessandgotin the way.
Instead,they wedgeda mapin betweenthecameraanda staff. Themapsdid not reflectthetopogra-
phyverywell. Theyalsolosttheirnavigationunit duringthereturnof the secondEVA dueto inad-
vertentlyhittinga protectedswitch. Theygotit backfor thethird EVA.
mationfrom theLRV ontoa taperecorderfor analysisof its data. The navigationunit of the LRV
wasalsousedto orientthetransmittingantennas of theSEPon A-17 and to align the geophones of
the ASE on A-16 by leaving tracks along the proper direction.
On A-17, the crew got 7370 meters away from the LM on EVA 2, the farthest of any crew. The
CDR commented that, because of the inability to travel on a straight line for very long periods of
time, he primarily did not navigate on a heading. Rather, he navigated to points defined by bearing
and range, those points being the planned jogs in the traverse, or for samples, or LSPE charge
deploys, or stations. It worked well, and was why they never followed their tracks back to anywhere.
Because of the low pressure exerted by the wheels on the soil, the average depth of the tracks was
only ~11/4 cm, varying from near 0 to 5. On one occasion, because of its light weight, the LRV had a
tendency to slide sideways down a rather steep slope as soon as the A-15 crew stepped off the vehicle.
Maneuvering the vehicle on slopes did not present any serious problems. It was reported that the
vehicle could be controlled more easily upslope than downslope; and, when the vehicle was traversing
along slope contours, the wheels on the downslope side tended to displace to soil laterally and to sink
more than the wheels on the upslope side. On A-17, the bouncing from craters at times caused a
feeling of nearly overturning while traveling cross-slope, and the crew did reduce their speed some-
what as a result.
On A-16, the crew climbed slopes of up to 18 ° in the LRV and thought that it was approaching its
limit of slope-climbing ability. Tests on Earth predicted a maximum of 19 ° to 23 °. In general, they
had no serious operational problems on slopes.

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e., hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--Dust
kicked up by the wheels covered the astronauts, especially when the fender broke off. Both crewmen
on A-17 commented that the restraint system on the LRV was inadequate, especially on slopes.

Was lighting a problem?--Driving down-sun or into the Sun was difficult due to visibility problems.
The A-16 crew could go no faster than 4 or 5 kph and still ran right over some craters because they
could not see them until they were on top of them. Boulders could be seen and avoided.

Were the results visible to the crew?--NA

Would you recommend any design changes?_The seat belt design was changed for the later flights
to account for the lower g. The restraint system design could be improved further, especially for
driving on slopes. The A-15 crew recommended a bar, such as in a kiddie ride, which would lock in
place to restrain the crew, or push out of the way easily. This had been considered but not accepted
due to the weight penalty vs. seat belts. The time advantage vs. working the seat belts might be worth
it, however. For A-17, fender extension stops were added based on the loss of the fender extension
on A-16. The sighting device on the antenna could be improved by opening up the light passage
through it to improve the visibility of Earth.

Were any special tools required?--No

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--Driving on
slopes left the down-slope crew member feeling precarious. The LCRU, a high-gain antenna mount-
ed on the LRV, had to be oriented at each station for television transmission to Earth. TV was cut off
while moving, but voice communication was maintained over the low-gain antenna. The low-gain
antenna for A-17 had to be aimed at Earth due to the location of this landing site. This was done by
"dialing in" a reciprocal heading for antenna aiming from that being driven. The other sights were
more sub-Earth and could use a vertically pointing antenna. Orientation of the high-gain antenna
was accomplished with an optical sighting device, but this presented a very dim image of Earth which
was hampered by the helmet visor. The use of signal strength, as indicated on the AGC control meter,
was an acceptable backup alignment technique.

Was the experiment successful?--The LRV worked very well and extended the operable range of the
crew on EVA.

Were there related experiments on other flights? Apollo? Other?--NA

Where was it stored during flight?--LM quadrant I.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--The television camera on the LRV was
operable from Earth, allowing the ground to observe a "station" in panorama while the astronauts
were doing field work. The camera which was to film the "grand prix" on EVA 2 of A-15 did not
operate because the film magazine was faulty.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early
recovery?--None reported.

What was different between training and actual EVA?--The Earth trainer had rubber tires and could
support its own weight in 1 g. The flight article would have collapsed in 1 g if the crew sat on it.
Since the handling characteristics of the LRV could not be fully tested on Earth, a "grand prix" test
was performed by the CDR on A-15 & 16. The trainer provided adequate simulation, the major
difference was having to pay constant attention to the lunar terrain in order to have adequate warning
of obstacles, especially in adverse lighting situations. Braking required -2 x the 1 g distance. Steering
was not as responsive between 8 - 10 kph with hard-over inputs.

What problems were due to the suit rather than the experiment?--The suit used for the last three
flights was able to bend at the waist, allowing the astronaut to sit on the LRV. This also allowed them
to kneel, which assisted some experiment deployment and sample collection.

Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--NA


Mission Reports for Apollo 15, 16, and 17

Final Lunar Surface Procedures - Apollo 16, March 16, 1972, MSC

Final Lunar Surface Procedures - Apollo 17, November 6, 1972, MSC

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 4.8.2, Lunar Roving Vehicle, JSC-09423,

April 1975

Apollo 15 Technical Crew Debriefing, 14 August 1971, in JSC History Office

Apollo 16 Technical Crew Debriefing, 5 May 1972, in JSC History Office

Apollo 17 Technical Crew Debriefing, 4 January 1973, in JSC History Office

"Lunar Sourcebook - A User's Guide to the Moon," G. Heiken, D. Vaniman, and B. French, Eds.,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991

Personal communication from John Young, 1 April 1993

Personal communication from Jack Sevier, 18 May 1993

Personal communication from Eric Jones, 3 August 1993

Figure 20: This view of the LRV from Apollo 16 shows the crewman at the front and the tool carrier
at the left (AS-16-108-17729). See also figure 11 and figure 37 for other views of the LRV.
Compare the antenna on the LRV to the erectable antenna in figure 25.

Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: LSPE Experiment: Lunar Seismic Profiling Experiment

PI/Engineer: Robert L. Kovack Other Contacts: Joel S. Watkins/UT-Galveston

Stanford University Pradeep Talwani/Stanford

Apollo Flight No.: 17 Discipline: Lunar seismology

Weight: 25.1 kg, total; Dimensions: Several packages - see reference

7.1 kg geophones, 17.6 kg explosives

Manufacturer: Bendix Apollo Experiment No.: S 203

Description/Purpose--This is an extension of the ASE carried on A-14 and 16. The data were
planned to determine the internal characteristics of the lunar crust to a depth of several kilometers.
Eight explosive charges (containing from 57 to 2722 g of high explosive) were deployed at distances
between 100 m and 3.5 km from an array of four identical geophones. These charges were later
detonated by a timer after LM ascent stage lift-off, and seismic measurements were obtained. The
electronics for the experiment were one of the ALSEP packages. A whip antenna was deployed near
the HFE which sent the signals to these charges. For stability, the antenna was mounted to the subpal-
let to which the HFE had been mounted for transport.

Unloading from the LM--As part of the ALSEP packages.

Transporting by foot or MET--The geophones were carried as part of the ALSEP.

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on LRV--The explosive charges were carried on the traverses

for deployment at distant sites--see figure 37 for placement on the LRV. No particular hazards or
problems were encountered.

Site selection--The geophone array was part of the ALSEP on A-17. Explosive charges were placed
at distant locations while on field geology traverses. Charges deployed within line-of-site of the
ALSEP were deployed in shallow depressions.

Deploying experiment--Operations were spread out over the three EVAs. The ALSEP electronics
module containing the four geophones was deployed on EVA 1 without difficulty. The timeline
allotted 29 minutes to deploy and photograph them. Two explosive packages were also deployed on
EVA 1, three on EVA 2, and three on EVA 3. See "hazards" for arming sequence of the explosive
package. The packages needed to be in the Sun to ensure temperatures above 5 ° C before activation.
Also, each explosive package had to have a telescoping antenna pulled out.

Checkout of experiment--From Earth.

Operation of experiment--From JSC via the ALSEP command system. The explosive charges were
set off after the crew left. Also, the crash of the ascent stage of the LM was recorded. High and low
scan rates could be selected.

Repairs to experiment--NA

Recovery/takedown of experiment--NA

Stowing experiment for return--NA

Loading/unloading samples on LRV--There were temperature requirements on the timers in the

explosive packages that constrained LRV operations in the shade.

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM--NA

Stowing of package once in the LM--NA

Sampling operations (soil, rocks)--NA




Navigating/recognizing landmarks---NA

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e., hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--Ex-
plosive charges were used for active sounding. These were deployed by the crew while on traverses,
but not activated until after departure. All eight were fired. An explosive package was activated by
removing three pull pins. Removal of the first pin activated the SAFE/ARM slide timer, which was
preset at -90 hours (each one varied slightly). Removal of the second pull pin released the SAFE/
ARM slide from its constrained SAFE position. Removal of the third pin removed a constraint on the
firing pin and activated the thermal battery timer. The LSPE transmitter, which was located on the
ALSEP central station, transmitted a repetitive pulsed carrier signal. A series of three pulses properly
spaced in time was required to elicit a FIRE signal from the signal processor within the explosive
package and to detonate the explosives train. The thermal battery, activated by the timer, had a
minimum life of two minutes, ensuring that at least one firing pulse set was received while the explo-
sive package was energized electrically. One of the explosions was seen via TV by using the camera
of the LRV after departure of the crew.
There was concern late in the A-17 mission planning when someone raised the possibility that the
larger charges could conceivably throw debris to altitudes where the command/service module (CSM)
was still gathering orbital data two days later. Although it was a remote possibility, the idea of
"shooting down" the last mission after it had successfully landed and returned to orbit did not sit
well with NASA Headquarters. After a hastily convened group of explosive (Bureau of Mines, NRL,
and others) and cratering/impact experts met, it was calculated that the risk was in the range of 10-5 to
10-6, which was good enough to allow the experiment to proceed.

Was lighting a problem?--No.

Were the results visible to the crew?--No.

Would you recommend any design changes?--No comments by crew.

Were any special tools required?--No, although the LRV was used to deploy the charges.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--The

arrangement of the geophones was planned to gather seismic signals.

Was the experiment successful?--Yes

Were there related experiments on other flights?--See S 033, ASE on A-14 and A-16. See also
S 031, PSEP.

Where was it stored during flight?--Explosive packages stored in Quad III in two groups of four.
The rest of the unit was in Quad IV on the MESA.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--No.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early
recovery?--None reported.

What was different between training and actual EVA?--No comments by crew.

What problems were due to the suit rather than the experiment?--No comments by crew.

Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--No
comments by crew.


A-17 Preliminary Science Report

Apollo 17 Mission Report

Apollo 17 Final Lunar Surface Procedures, Vol. 1: Nominal Plans, MSC, 11/6/72

Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package - Apollo 17 ALSEP (Array E) Familiarization Course -
handout for class of 1 September 1972, in JSC History Office

Apollo Scientific Experiments Data Handbook, JSC-09166, NASA TM X-58131, August 1974, in
JSC History Office

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 3.2.11, Lunar Seismic Profiling Experiment, JSC-09423,
April 1975

ALSEP Array E Critical Design Review Presentation Material, NASA/MSC - Bendix Aerospace
Systems Division, NAS9-5829, 14 - 18 June 1971, in JSC History Office

Personal communication, Jack Sevier to Tom Sullivan, 18 May 1993

Receiving _ ring 3

antenna extends N_.

10 165 cm. _ Pull

1 _ II, ring2


Pull ring 1 - pulls one pin to

start SAFE/ARM slide timer

Pull ring 2 - swing up ring; rotate 90 degrees

counterclockwise; pull pin to release SAFE/
ARM plate

Pull ring 3 - pulls two pins to free firing

pin and start thermal battery timer

Figure 21: Explosive package used for the LSPE. Figure 37 shows four of the charges
mounted at the rear of the LRV while on a traverse.

Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: LSM Experiment: Lunar Surface Magnetometer

PI/Engineer: Palmer Dyal Other Contacts: Charles P. Sonett/

Ames Research Center Lunar & Planetary Lab/U of AZ

Apollo Flight No.: 12, 15, 16 Discipline: Lunar magnetometry

Weight: 8.6 kg Dimensions: 25 x 28 x 63 cm, stowed

Manufacturer: Naval Ordinance Lab & Apollo Experiment No.: S 034

NASA Ames Research Center;
Philco - Ford

Description/Purpose--The purpose of the magnetometer was to measure the magnetic field on the
lunar surface and to determine from these measurements some of the deep-interior electrical proper-
ties of the Moon. This experiment also helped to elucidate the interaction between the solar plasma
and the lunar surface. The Earth's magnetic field also extends to the Moon's orbit. Thus, as the
Moon passed through the "bow shock" of the Earth it was detected by the LSM.

Unloading from the LM--As part of the ALSEP pallet.

Transporting by foot or MET--See ALSEP - General Information.

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on LRV--NA

Site selection--As part of the ALSEP, 12.2 to 14.6 m NW of the central station, limited by a 15.2-m
cable, to minimize the electromagnetic interference effect on the sensors. Also a minimum of 24 m
from the CCIG, which contained a strong magnet. The instrument could measure its position with re-
spect to the lunar coordinate system, by the use of level sensor readings of two angles and a shadow-
graph reading taken by an astronaut to determine the azimuthal alignment of the magnetometer.
Large metallic bodies nearby would compromise the measurements.

Deploying experiment--The experiment was transported in a folded configuration. Once deployed,

each "arm" was directed at an angle of ~35 ° above the horizontal, each being orthogonal to the
other two. The CDR released the unit with the UHT, then removed and discarded a support bracket.
He then grasped a lift-off handle to lift it off the subpallet and carried it by hand -3 meters. After
repositioning the unit to the vertical position he placed it on the surface with the carry handle upright.
The LMP then took the LSM to the deployment site. He discarded a bracket, deployed three support
legs, rotated the unit so that a color-coded leg was oriented eastward, and put it on the surface. The
UHT was used to remove and discard foam packing, and to extend the three arms. A lanyard was
used to remove a cover. It was checked for any packing materials and pieces and to ensure the ther-
mal doors were open. It was azimuthally aligned along the ALSEP-to-Sun line by moving the in-
strument around until shadowgraph reading, as transmitted over the voice telemetry link, indicated
that it was within 0.5 ° of the instrument shadowgraph-to-Sun line. It was leveled with the UHT by ob-
serving a bubble level. A typical timeline from A-15 shows N15 minutes for deploying the experi-
ment. A-16 allotted 9 minutes. Two orthogonal level sensors indicated that the instrument changed
its orientation by -2 ° during the first lunar day during one of the missions. None of the mission
reports mentioned any difficulty in deployment.

Checkout of experiment--From Earth.

Operation of experiment--From JSC via the ALSEP command system.

Repairs to experiment--None required.

Recovery/takedown of experiment--NA
Stowing experiment for return--NA

Loading/unloading samples on LRV--NA

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM--NA

Stowing of package once in the LM--NA

Sampling operations (soil, rocks)--NA




Navigating/recognizing landmarks--NA

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e. hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--No.

Was lighting a problem?--No.

Were the results visible to the crew?---Only the level and shadowgraph.

Would you recommend any design changes?_The measurement ranges were halved from the A-12
instrument values for the later instruments. A curtain was also added over the electronics box to
improve thermal control (see figure 22).

Were any special tools required?--UHT.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficuit?--The astro-
naut aligned it to within 30 ° of the sun line and could read a shadowgraph to within 1°. He also lev-
eled it to within 3 ° using a bubble level. It was not difficult.

Was the experiment successful?--Yes, alone and in combination with the other magnetometer
readings at other landing sites.

Were there related experiments on other flights? Apollo? Other?--Lunar 2 & 10 and Explorer 35
made orbital measurements of the Moon's magnetic field. There was also a portable magnetometer
(S 198) on A-14 & 16 and a magnetometer on the A-15 & 16 subsatellite (S 174) that was launched
from the SM before trans-Earth injection.

Where was it stored during flight?--In the SEB of the LM as part of the ALSEP package.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--No.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early
recovery?--None reported.

What was different between training and actual EVA?--No comments by crew.

What problems were due to the suit rather than the experiment?--No comments by crew.

Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--No

comments by crew.


Instrument description and theory in A-12 Preliminary Science Report

Mission Reports for A-12, 14, 15, 16, 17

Apollo Scientific Experiments Data Handbook, JSC-09166, NASA TM X-58131, August 1974, in
JSC History Office

Final Apollo 12 Lunar Surface Operations Plans, JSC, October 23, 1969

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 3.2.12, Lunar Surface Magnetometer Experiment, JSC-
09423, April 1975

ALSEP Termination Report, NASA Reference Publication 1036, April 1979

Figure 22: The LSM deployed at the Apollo 16 ALSEP site (AS-16-113-18373).

Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: LPM Experiment: Lunar Portable Magnetometer

PI/Engineer: Palmer Dyal/Ames Other Contacts:

Research Center

Apollo Flight No.: 14, 16 Discipline: Lunar magnetometry

Weight: 4.6 kg (A-16) Dimensions: 56 x 15 x 14 cm, stowed.

The sensor block stood 75 cm above
the lunar surface when deployed.

Manufacturer: NASA - Ames Apollo Experiment No.: S 198

Description/Purpose--The instrument stood on a tripod and had a bubble level (with 1 ° annular
rings) and shadowgraph (with 3 ° markings) attached to the sensor block. It contained three orthogo-
nal flux-gate sensors. A separate electronics/battery box was connected by a 15-m-long cable and
reel. The long cable allowed the astronaut to take the readings far removed from the sensor, so as not
to perturb the measurement. It was used to measure the steady magnetic field at different locations at
the A-14 and A-16 sites. The discovery of the unexpectedly high field at the A-12 site resulted in the
concept of the LPM for A-14.

Unloading from the LM--Had been stored in the LM SEB. It took both crewman to unload it on

Transporting by foot or MET--On A-14, it was carried in special stowage areas on the MET for each
of the subassemblies (tripod with sensor, electronics box). It needed to be a minimum of 100 m from
the LM to eliminate it as an artificial field source. It also needed to be a minimum of 11 m from the
MET on A-14 or LRV on A-16.

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on LRV--On A-16, it was carried on the LRV.

Site selection--Used at two sites on A°14 and four sites on the A-16 traverses. (Along with the LSM
at A-16, five measurements were thus made at this landing area.)

Deploying experiment--Carried on EVA 2 of A-14 on the MET. The electronics were turned on
when first loaded to allow them to warm up and stabilize. Two measurements were made during the
traverse on A-14. The readings were relayed to Mission Control. They had trouble when attempting
to reel in the LPM cable. The set in the cable was such that, if the handle was released, the cable
would unwind three or four turns. They wound it in enough to keep it off the ground and proceeded
with the traverse. Later in that EVA they deployed the LPM again. After some difficulty in leveling
the instrument, they relayed the reading on the voice link. The LPM was discarded at the completion
of this reading.
On A-16, the deployment and operation of the LPM was normal in all respects and leveling, ori-
entation, positioning, and switching were accomplished without difficulty. Cable unwinding got
harder and harder, however, eventually giving the impression that the cable would break before it
completely unwound. Winding it up was not difficult. It was also easy to set up and operate, accord-
ing to this crew.

Checkout of experiment---No set procedure for checkout, but a zero offset measurement was made--
see below.

Operation of experiment--The instrument needed to be at least 35 feet (10.7 m) from the MET,
electronics box, and the PLSSs. A stripe on the cable indicated that 40 feet (12.2 m) of cable had
been reeled out. The astronaut had to select a range switch (high/low) as required by the readings on
the meter, and report it when reporting the readings. The astronaut had to wait 60 seconds for meter

..... '_ .... t:_J.,,,IK 93

stabilization before reporting the readings. At the first site only, two sets of additional readings were
taken with the sensor block rotated first 180 ° about a horizontal axis, then 180 ° about a vertical axis.
These allowed determination of a zero offset for each axis. Also on A-16, the magnetic field of a
rock was measured in situ by placing the rock on the instrument. This same rock (sample 331) was
returned to Earth as a sample for laboratory measurements. Also on A-16, to measure any fields that
may have been induced by the spacecraft or otherwise during TEC, a demagnetized sample from
A-12 was returned and its field measured there. The sample acquired a "soft" component of mag-
netism, indicating that the exposure to magnetic fields during trans-lunar coast accounted for at least
some of the field measured in samples returned to the Earth. After the last site measurement, the
astronaut had to turn it off and read the temperature indicator labels before disposing of the LPM.

Repairs to experiment--None required.

Recovery/takedown of experiment--Discarded after second reading on A-14. The cable was some-
what difficult to rewind after the first readings. Also discarded after use on A-16.

Stowing experiment for return--NA

Loading/unloading samples on LRV--NA

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM--NA

Stowing of package once in the LM--NA

Sampling operations (soil, rocks)--NA




Navigating/recognizing landmarks--NA

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e. hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--No.

Was lighting a problem?--No. It was even easy to read in the Sun. If necessary, a hand could pro-
vide any needed shade to allow the numbers to be read.

Were the results visible to the crew?--Yes.

Would you recommend any design changes?--Based on the A-14 experience with cable rewinding,
corrective action for A-16 consisted of adding a ratchet and pawl assembly for actuation with the
gloved hand, and providing a better grip for the reel and crank. See figure 14-32 in Mission Report.

Were any special tools required?--No.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--Yes. The
instrument had to be level within 5 ° using a leveling bubble. A sun compass was used to align it
within 3 ° of a sunline using a shadowgraph. Leveling was somewhat difficult for the second reading
of A-14.

Was the experiment successfui?--Yes.

Were there related experiments on other flights?--See LSM (S 034) on A-12, 15, and 16.

Where was it stored during flight?--LM Quad II SEB.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--No.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early
recovery?--None reported.

What was different between training and actual EVA?--No comments by crew.

What problems were due to the suit rather than the experiment? No comments by crew.

Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--No

comments by crew.


Preliminary Science Reports, A-14, 16

Apollo Scientific Experiments Data Handbook, JSC-09166, NASA TM X-58131, August 1974, in
JSC History Office

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 3.2.13 Lunar Portable Magnetometer Experiment, JSC-
09423, April 1975

Apollo 16 Technical Crew Debriefing, 5 May 1972, in JSC History Office


Figure 23: The LPM instrument in use during Apollo 16 (AS-16-116-18721). A small rock
has been placed on the instrument to measure its magnetic field. The smudge to the right of
the instrument is due to a damaged negative; this entire roll of film has roller marks running
vertically. See figure 24 for the LPM mounted on the MET during Apollo 14.

Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: MET Experiment: Miscellaneous Tools and Equipment -

UHT Includes Erectable S-Band Antenna, Modularized
DRT Equipment Transporter, TV stand, Flag, Universal
FTT Handling Tool, Dome Removal Tool, Fuel
RTG Transfer Tool, Radioisotope Thermal Generator,
LEC Lunar Equipment Conveyor

PI/Engineer: Several Other Contacts: Several

Apollo Flight No.: All Discipline: General equipment

Weight: Variable Dimensions: Variable

Manufacturer: RTG - Atomic Energy Apollo Experiment No.: NA

Commission, tools - JSC

Description/Purpose--The Modularized Equipment Transporter (MET) was a 2-wheeled, rickshaw

type vehicle with pneumatic tires which was used to carry instruments, geological tools, and photo-
graphic equipment. It was only used on A-14. It was stored under the MESA in Quad IV. Its mass
was 13.6 kg and it was capable of carrying up to 160 kg, but its actual load was much lighter. The
crew released the MET by pulling the upper pip-pins and allowing it and the thermal blanket to fall
to the surface. The low temperature limit (-56 ° C) to which the tires were designed required the use
of a special synthetic rubber for both the tires and tubes. The tires inflated as expected, and the MET
was loaded with equipment without difficulty. They reported that it performed very satisfactorily. It
was more stable than had been expected and could traverse the surface over a range of speeds without
loss of control. The tires were smooth and did not kick up much dust. No appreciable soil adhesion
was noticed on the tires or other structural components. The only difficulty encountered in pulling
the MET was while attempting to climb relatively steep grades. Near cone crater it was easier for both
astronauts to carry the MET than for one of them to pull it uphill alone. As it rolled on a level sur-
face or downhill at relatively high speeds, the MET bounced; however, bouncing on the Moon was
less than that observed on Earth in lunar-g simulations. Besides carrying more equipment than could
be carried by hand, it served as a mobile workbench. Since constant gripping of the handle against
the suit pressure would have tired the hand and arm of the crewmen, the handle was designed to
permit control of the MET without requiring constant gripping. A triangular shape was used. The
base of the triangle was long enough for insertion of the hand but the dimension perpendicular to the
base was shorter than the width of the hand. Rotation of the hand toward the shorter dimension
applied sufficient pressure for pulling and rotational control.

The erectable S-Band antenna used on A-12-14 was replaced with the antenna on the LRV for the
J-class missions. It was also mentioned in the A-11 Lunar Surface Operations Plan for the alternate
timeline, but was not emplaced. It was required only if the 210-foot dishes at Goldstone or Parkes
(Australia) were not available. The larger antenna allowed better reception and color television. It
was stored in Quad I. The A-12 Lunar Surface Operation Plan has four pages of activities on the
timeline for the CDR. The A-12 crew commented that it was easy to deploy on its tripod but difficult
to align. The entire unit tended to move about when the hand crank was used. The alignment sight
did not have a sufficient field of view and had to be precisely aligned to contain the Earth's image.
One-man deployment was satisfactory, but two were needed for alignment. On A-14, the antenna was
easily offloaded and presented no problems in deployment except that the netting which formed the
dish caught on the feed horn and had to be released manually. The antenna obstructed the work area
immediately around the MESA - a longer cable would have allowed deployment at a greater distance
from the LM. They agreed that erecting it was a one-man job, but aligning required two. The time-
line allowed 17 to 19 minutes for the entire task (depending on the mission), with coordination of two

_3 _ . _ : 97
crew members on the alignment. Once set up, the LMP re-entered the LM and moved the antenna
switch on the communication panel to "lunar stay" and monitored the signal meter. He also turned
the LM steerable antenna track mode switch "off."
The fully unstowed PLSS antenna physically interfered with the S-band antenna reflector during
alignment operations.
The maximum stable downward pitch of the reflector was 60 ° . The tripod design limit to terrain
slope which could be compensated for by manual adjustment was 5 °. Detailed procedures exist in the
Lunar Surface Operations Plans and the Lunar Surface Procedures documents.

On A-11, the TV system presented no major difficulty except that the cord was continually in the
way. At first, the white cord showed up well, but it soon became covered with dust and was therefore
difficult to see. The cable had a "set" from being coiled around the reel, and would not lie com-
pletely fiat. Even when it was flat, however, a foot could still slide under it, and the CDR became
entangled several times. The A-14 crew actually pulled the TV camera over one time after tripping
on the cable. A TV tripod flew on many, if not all, the Apollo missions. On A-14 & 15 it was stored
in the MESA.

The Radioisotope Thermal Generator (RTG) provided power to the ALSEPs and is discussed more
under the ALSEP - General Information section. It was 19.6 kg, 40.6 cm in diameter and 46.0 cm
long. The fuel element needed to be placed into the RTG from a fuel cask on the outside of the LM
descent stage, where it was stored during flight. This cask rotated to point slightly downward to allow
this operation upon pulling a lanyard. The DRT and FTT were used only for opening the fuel cask
and transferring the fuel element to the RTG, respectively. Both were then discarded. The DRT had
a temperature label on its shaft. The FTT had an engage/disengage knob and a temperature label on
its shaft.
On A-12 the fuel element for the RTG would not come out of its cask easily and several minutes
were spent working with the delicate element before it was removed satisfactorily. They had to hit the
cask with a hammer while pulling on the element to coax it out. The A-17 crew had trouble remov-
ing the dome from the fuel cask. The chisel end of the geological hammer was used to pry the dome
off the cask. The remainder of the operation went nominally.
Initial power output for A-12 on the lunar surface was 74 Watts (W) (66.5 W after 4 years), for A-
14 was 73 W (68 W after 3 years), for A-15 was 75 W (69.4 W after 3 years), for A-16 was 70.9 W
(69.5 W after 2 years), and for A-17 was 77.5 W (76.9 W after 1 year). The actual rate of decrease in
output (primarily the result of changes in the lead telluride material from time, temperature, and pres-
sure) for all five flight RTGs was considerably less than calculated predictions (about one-fourth the
design specification rate.)

The U. S. Flag was implanted at all Apollo sites. The flag kit, lunar surface, which had a mass of 1.2
kg for A-17 (not to be confused with a flag kit, standard, that was carried to the surface and returned,
which carried small flags for public relations purposes), was unstowed from the MESA, positioned at
"1:30" relative to the front of the LM and ~6 meters from it. The lower staff was hammered into the
soil, the upper portion was unfolded and then placed on the lower portion. Six to seven minutes were
required for one crewman.

The Universal Handling Tool (UHT) was a general purpose device similar to an elongated Allen
wrench. Two were included on ALSEP subpackage 2. The insertion end of the UHT was designed to
fit both the carry sockets on the ALSEP instruments and structural units and the Boyd bolt fasteners.
The head was equipped with a spring-loaded ball lock for positive retention in the carry sockets. A
trigger at the handle end was used to release the lock. There were two temperature labels on the
handle. The UHT was used to 1) handle and position the ALSEP units, 2) transport and emplace
experiment subsystems, 3) release Boyd bolt fasteners, 4) remove pull-pins and release Deutch
fasteners, and 5) actuate the auxiliary "astronaut" switches on the central station.

The Lunar Equipment Conveyor (LEC) was a device which the crew used during EVA to transfer
equipment to or from the ascent stage. It could also be used as a safety tether when going down the
ladder or as an aid in ascending the ladder. Initially, a pulley-like double strap conveyor was used to

raiseandlower equipment.It wasa thin, 60-footcontinuousloop of 1-inch-widestrapwhich looped
througha supportin the ascentstageandbackto the manon the surface.Theendof the loop was
closedby two hooks,attached together,whichprovideda wayto secureequipment to the LEC for
transfer.The persononthe surfacecouldtransferitemsto the ascentstageby pullingthe top strap
whichcausedequipmenthookedto the lowerstrapto go into the ascentstage.Althoughthe concept
wassimple,the actualoperationrequiredsignificanttime andeffort--moreif cautionwasnot ob-
servedin keepingthe strapsuntangledor if theproperprocedures werenot used.Up to five minutes
plusa restperiodwasrequired.TheA-11crewfoundthat,whenthe strapbecame coatedwith dust,
thedustfell onthe suitof thesurfacecrewmemberandwasalsodepositedin theLM cabin. The
dustultimatelyseemed to bindthepulleysothatconsiderable forcewasrequiredto operateit. A
one-strapconveyorwasusedfor A-12,but thecrewreportedthatthis alsocollecteddustanddepos-
ited it in the cabin. In lieuof a conveyor,theA-14crewreportedthatstabilityandmobility onthe
ladder,maintainedby usingonehandfor support,wasadequate to allowcarryingequipmentup the
ladder.The A-15crewagreed,andsuggested a wrist strapattachedto theitembeusedto leaveboth
hand-carried up the ladder,alleviatingthedustproblem. Theconveyorwasmodifiedto a single
shortstrapwhichretainedtheETBandwaseasilyhoistedby onehand.
Unloading from the LM--The UHT, FTT, and DRT were part of the ALSEP package and were re-
moved with the two subpallets.

Transporting by foot or MET--None of this equipment was placed on the MET. Carrying the
S-band antenna was not a problem.

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on LRV--There was a tool carrier on the back of the LRV.

Site selection--The RTG had to be 3 to 4 m from and +/- 20 ° east of the central station to minimize
the thermal load on it. A level site was desired for thermal view factors.

Deploying experiment--NA

Checkout of experiment--NA

Operation of experiment--NA

Repairs to experiment--NA

Recovery/takedown of experiment--NA

Stowing experiment for return--NA

Loading/unloading samples on LRV--NA

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM--NA

Stowing of package once in the LM--NA

Sampling operations (soil, rocks)--NA



Drilling--See ALSD in Geology - Tools.

Navigating/recognizing landmarks--The A-14 crew was never far enough from the LM, even with
the aid of the MET, to be concerned about return to it. Their maximum distance was 1.4 km. At
worst, they could follow its tracks back.

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e., hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--All
the ALSEPS had SNAP-27 RTGs to generate power. The fuel capsules for these were kept in a sepa-

ratecaskfor safety(theywereat 500 ° C and radioactive) until the astronaut on the surface removed it
and placed it into the thermocouple assembly with the FTT. The cask was mounted outside the de-
scent stage of the LM. The A-12 crew commented that the fuel cask guard was not needed and
commented that heat radiating from the fuel element was noticeable through the gloves and during
the walk to the deployment site, but was never objectionable.

Was lighting a problem?--NA

Were the results visible to the crew?--NA

Would you recommend any design changes?--No comments by crew.

Were any special tools required?--NA

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--The RTG
was to be deployed on a horizontal (+/- 10 °) site, but no provisions were provided to level it.

Was the experiment successful?--NA

Were there related experiments on other flights? Apollo? Other?--NA

Where was it stored during flight?--NA

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--No.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early
recovery?--None reported.

What was different between training and actual EVA?--No comments by crew.

What problems were due to the suit rather than the experiment?--No comments by crew.

Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--When the
hot-fire tests of the RCS on A-14 were performed before lift-off, the erectable S-band antenna blew


Final Apollo 12 Lunar Surface Operations Plan, JSC, October 23, 1969

Apollo 14 Final Lunar Surface Procedures, JSC, December 31, 1970

Apollo 11 Final Lunar Surface Operations Plan, JSC, June 27, 1969

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 4.8.1, Modular Equipment Transporter, JSC-09423, April

Apollo Program Summary Report, section, Lunar Surface Operations, JSC-09423, April 1975

Apollo 14 Technical Crew Debriefing, 17 February 1971, in JSC History Office

Apollo 15 Technical Crew Debriefing, 14 August 1971, in JSC History Office

ALSEP Termination Report, NASA Reference Publication 1036, April 1979

Apollo Stowage List - Apollo 17, MSC, 12 December 1972

Figure24: The MET wasloadedwith equipment usedduringthegeologytraverseof
thesecondEVA. The CDRworkswiththecoretubeandextensionhandle.The
ribboncableof the LPM is visibleto therearof the MET. (AS-14-68-9404)

Figure25: TheerectableantennaasdeployedattheApollo 14site. TheopenMESAis visible

ontheLM (AS-14-66-9256).The U. S.Flagis visiblebehindthedishof the antenna.

101 BLACK AND WHiii:.: Pi"iti, rOGRAPl-I'

Figure 26: The RTG as deployed for the Apollo 14 ALSEP. The
central station is visible in the background (AS-14-679366).

Figure 27: The fuel cask is visible in the upper right portion of
this photo after it has been tilted away from the Apollo 12 LM and
emptied of its fuel element for the RTG. The FIr and DRT (stiU
attached to the fuel cask dome) are visible on the surface (AS-12-
48-7034). See also figure 5 for the fuel cask on the Apollo 16

Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: PSE Experiment: Passive Seismic Experiment (Package)

(PSEP on A-11)

PI/Engineer: Gary V. Latham/Marine Other Contacts: Maurice Ewing, Frank Press

Biomedical Institute, Galveston, TX

Apollo Flight No.: 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 Discipline: Lunar seismometry

Weight: 11.5 kg (A-12, 14-16) Dimensions: 23 cm dia., 29 cm high,

47.7 kg (A-11) thermal skirt extended to 1.5 m dia.

Manufacturer: Teledyne, Bendix Apollo Experiment No.: S 031

Description/Purpose--The instrument consisted of a seismometer designed to detect moonquakes

and impacts. It was considered part of the EASEP on A-11. It contained three long-period seis-
mometers with resonant periods of-15 seconds, aligned orthogonally to measure surface motion in
three dimensions, and a single-axis, short-period seismometer sensitive to vertical motion at higher
frequencies (resonant period of -1 sec.) On later ALSEPs, the single vertical sensor frequency was
0.05 to 10 Hz and the 3 orthogonal sensors were sensitive to 0.004 to 3 Hz. It sat on a mounting
stool, which raised the unit off the surface. A Mylar skirt surrounded the unit to reduce thermally
induced tilts of the local surface around the apparatus. The A-11 instrument was powered by solar
panels, the rest by the ALSEP RTG.

Unloading from the LM--As part of ALSEP.

Transporting by foot or MET--Carried by hand (along with the LRRR on A-11) to deployment site.
When part of the ALSEP, two pallets were connected by a mast and the whole was carried "barbell

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on LRV--NA

Site selection--On A-11, PSEP was located behind a rock (relative to the LM) to shield it from the
effects of liftoff. It was learned that the LM is a source of seismic signals of unexpectedly large
amplitudes. Astronaut activities were also recorded by the instrument. Later missions located their
ALSEP packages further from the LM. Other ALSEPs had the PSE 2.4 to 2.7 m west of the central
station, limited by a 3-m cable and slack. A separation of 4.6 m from the RTG minimized heat input.
On A-12 the crew tried to prepare the surface for experiment emplacement by tamping the surface
with the ribbed soles of their boots. This did not seem to be effective--the total compaction achieved
was reported to be small. The A-15 crew did the same.

Deploying experiment--The surface was first "packed down" to prevent it from sinking. The
mounting stool did not provide sufficient protection against inadvertent contact of the bottom of the
unit with the surface. To overcome this, the crewman dug a small hole with his boot--a procedure
which was time-consuming and imprecise. Leveling the unit on A-12 was simple using the bubble;
however, the metal ball leveling device was useless because of the lack of adequate damping of ball
motion. There was no difficulty on A-14, 15, or 16, although A-14 was unable to make the ribbon
cable lie flat on the surface under the thermal shroud skirt. A timeline from A-15 shows -11 minutes
for deploying the unit, but A-16 allotted only N6 minutes.
The Mylar skirt thermal shroud was not deployed until late in ALSEP deployment so that dust
would not accumulate on it. On A-12, it would not lie flat; it was believed that it had been folded for
so long that it had "elastic memory." It could also have been due to electrical effects. It was re-
solved by putting lunar soil and bolts along the skirt edges (which affected the skirt's function.)
Before removing the girdle, the astronaut had to align the PSE within 20 ° of the sunline by
pointing the arrow on the girdle at the Sun. Fine alignment was done after removing the girdle and

spreading the thermal shroud. The astronaut read and reported, to the nearest degree, where the
shadow of the gnomon fell on the compass rose.
During transport, the sensitive sensors were held in place with expanded bellows, which were
deflated for "uncaging" the experiment by means of a small explosive device.

Checkout of experiment--Calibration signals were inherent in the experiment. Also, the signals pro-
duced by firing the LM reaction control system (RCS) and ascent engine provided a check on the
compressional velocity of the local soil. Impacts of the two PLSSs after ejection from the LM were
also observed. These sources caused signals which were smaller than those from the PSEP on A- 11
by a factor of 80 due to the greater separation of the PSE and the LM.

Operation of experiment--From JSC via the ALSEP command system. PSEP on A-11 worked for
21 days. It got hotter than expected (perhaps because of dust coverage), and no longer accepted
commands after near-noon of the second lunar day. Since it was powered by solar cells it did not
operate at night, but it did have an isotope heater for critical components. Leveling motors were op-
erated from Earth to level the low frequency sensors to within 2 seconds of arc. On the ALSEP de-
sign, a set of 15 commands governed operation. These worked much longer and operated during the
night, but were not without their problems. More detail is available in the scientific literature. There
was no astronaut operation other than deployment. The PSE on the A-16 ALSEP got warmer than
planned. This was likely due to dust that was inadvertently kicked onto the skirt after deployment.

Repairs to experiment--Deployment of the solar panels on the A-11 PSEP was not nominal. One of
the two retaining structures that should have fallen away when the package was righted failed. The
LMP reached down with his finger and flicked it loose. After initial deployment on A-11, an attempt
was made to level it more by pushing one side down into the soil more. This did not work. He had
to slide it back and forth to scrape away the excess material. Placement of the shroud on A-12 re-
quired some weights to hold it down. Later shrouds had weights built in and the shroud was stitched
to prevent layer separation.

Recovery/takedown of experiment--NA

Stowing experiment for return--NA

Loading/unloading samples on LRV--NA

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM--NA

Stowing of package once in the LM--NA

Sampling operations (soil, rocks)--NA




Navigating/recognizing iandmarks--NA

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e., hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--
There were small explosive devices on the bellows (used to lock the experiment for transport) which
were activated to "uncage" the instrument.

Was lighting a problem?--No.

Were the results visible to the crew?--There was a leveling bubble and a Sun gnomon on the

Would you recommend any design changes?--The thermal shroud was redesigned after A-12 to
include some weights at its circumference and to spot-sew the laminations together. This resulted in

better thermal control and the leveling commands required from Earth were less frequent. The metal
ball in the bowl-leveling indicator rolled all over the place for A-11 PSEP and also on the A-12 PSE.
The bubble level was added for the A-12 PSE and it worked very well. The "BB" was never used

Were any special tools required?--UHT.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--Level was
very important, but was not difficult. It was leveled within 5* of vertical by the astronaut using a
bubble level. The automatic, fine-leveling gimbal system corrected the rest.

Was the experiment successful?--Yes, alone and as a network of four seismometers. However, sev-
eral of the stations exhibited thermal control problems. For collection of tidal data, limiting the in-
strument operation temperature to a band of N 1.1 K was desirable. This limitation was not achieved,
partly because of problems with deployment of the thermal shroud. Corrective actions included the
addition of weights to the outer edges of the shroud, the use of a Teflon layer as the outer shroud
covering, and stitching of the shroud to prevent layer separation. Even so, an optimum shroud de-
ployment was not achieved. Thus, the heat loss during lunar night and the solar input incurred dur-
ing the lunar day was greater than desired.

Were there related experiments on other flights?--See ASE (S 033) and LSPE ($203). See also
LSG ($207).

Where was it stored during flight?--As part of ALSEP.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--No.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early
recovery?--None reported.

What was different between training and actual EVA?--The skirt would not stay down.

What problems were due to the suit rather than the experiment?--No comments by crew.

Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--The PSE
was sensitive enough to detect the activities of the astronauts, the hot-fire tests of the RCS jets, the
liftoff, and the thermal "noises" of the LM after departure. There were also signals that were inter-
preted as the venting of propellants from the tanks on the descent stage. Several spent S4B and LM
ascent stages were crashed into the moon to provide seismic signals that the seismometers detected.
Even though the A-17 ALSEP did not include a PSE, it did crash the S4B and the LM into the Moon
to participate in the experiment using those instruments.


Preliminary Science Reports for A-11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17

Mission Reports for A-11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17

Apollo Scientific Experiments Data Handbook, JSC-09166, NASA TM X-58131, August 1974, in
JSC History Office

Apollo 14 Final Lunar Surface Procedures, JSC, December 31, 1970

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 3.2.9, Passive Seismic Experiment, JSC-09423, April 1975

ALSEP Termination Report, NASA Reference Publication 1036, April 1979

Figure28: A close-upof thePSEPasdeployed by the Apollo 11 crew
(AS-11-40-5953). See also figure 8 for method of carrying PSEP.

Figure 29: The aluminum colored Mylar shroud covers and protects the PSE, which is de-
ployed north of the central station. Some dirt was unavoidably kicked onto the shroud. The
red flag visible behind and to the right of the PSE is at the end of the ASE geophone line.
The RTG is behind and to the left of the central station (AS-16-113-18347). The tendency
for cables to stay off the surface due to "set" and low gravity is evident.

Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: None for experiment Experiment: Soil Mechanics

ASP Apollo Simple Penetrometer (A-14)
SRP Self-Recording Penetrometer (A-15 & 16)

PI/Engineer: James K. Mitchell/ Other Contacts: W. David Carrier, III/JSC

University of Calif./Berkeley R. F. Scott, N. C. Costes/MSFC

Apollo Flight No.: 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17 Discipline: Soil mechanics

Weight: 2.3 kg for SRP Dimensions: NA

Manufacturer: NA (ASP) Apollo Experiment No.: S 200

Murdock Engineering (SRP)

Description/Purpose--Broad objectives: (1) To enhance the scientific understanding of the nature

and origin of the materials, and the mechanisms and processes responsible for the present morphol-
ogy and consistency of the lunar surface. (2) To provide engineering data on the interaction of
crewed systems and operations with the lunar surface, thereby aiding in the evaluation of the mission,
and in the planning of future lunar surface scientific investigations and related engineering tasks
supporting these activities.
Specific scientific objectives: (1) To verify lunar soil models previously formulated from Earth-
based observations and lab investigations and from lunar orbiting and unmanned lunar landing
missions. (2) To determine the extent of variability in lunar soil properties with depth and lateral
position. (3) To aid in the interpretation of geological observations, sampling, and general
documentation of features.
Specific engineering objectives: (1) To obtain information relating to the interaction of the LM
with the lunar surface during landing and to lunar soil erosion caused by the spacecraft engine ex-
haust. (2) To provide a basis for altering mission plans because of unexpected conditions. (3) To
assess the effect of lunar soil properties on astronaut and surface vehicle mobility. (4) To obtain at
least qualitative information needed for the deployment, installation, operation, and maintenance of
scientific and engineering stations and equipment to be used in extended lunar exploration.
The Soil Mechanics Investigation was included at a late phase of the Apollo 11 mission planning;
consequently, no special soil mechanics testing or sampling devices were to be added to the hardware
already planned for that mission. The main sources from which data could be extracted included (1)
real-time astronaut observations; (2) television; (3) cameras; (4) flight mechanics telemetry; and (5)
various objects of known geometry and dead weight that came in contact with the lunar surface, in-
cluding the LM, astronauts, EASEP, hand tools, and various poles and shafts inserted into the lunar
surface (contingency sampler handle, solar wind composition [SWC], flagpole, and core tubes).
Simple observation of tasks such as walking, the interaction of the wheels of the MET, the effect
of the LM descent engine on the soil, the depth of the LM footpads, and other phenomena provided a
good qualitative to semi-quantitative estimate of many geotechnical properties of the regolith.
When a firm decision was made to build a rover (around the time of A-12), it was decided that
more quantitative data was needed to design it and predict its performance. The ASP and SRP were
approved and became part of the timeline. This was at a time when there were to be several "H"
missions in which to gather the data. Subsequently, the delay after the A-13 problem allowed the
hardware enhancements for the "J" missions to be ready by Apollo 15. It turned out that the first
substantial soil mechanics measurements (presumably justified on the basis of input to the LRV
design) flew on the same mission as the first rover. They also stayed in the timelines for A-16 and
17, despite the efforts of some to have them removed.

,_..¢,:_a,,. NO't- Fh.I_ED

Operation of experiment--The A-15 timeline presents these coordinated activities: LMP - Unstow
penetrometer from pallet, attach to extension handle; attach cone or plate to penetrometer; index
penetrometer drum to next position; move reference plane to the tip (fully extended) position; posi-
tion penetrometer vertically on surface; press tip into surface with downward force on extension
handle (if cone penetration, attempt 1 inch per second penetration rate); withdraw penetrometer from
surface and move reference plane full up; restow penetrometer on pallet; proceed to next sample;
CDR - select area for penetrometer test and place gnomon; take locator photo using prominent
feature - cross-sun, f/8, 1/250, 15 feet; take "after" stereo pair cross-sun, f/8, 1/250, 7 feet, when
penetrometer removed; retrieve gnomon.

Were any special tools required?--On A-14, the geophone/thumper anchor was used as a penetro-
meter to obtain three two-stage penetrations into the lunar surface. This device (figure 4-11 in the
A-14 Preliminary Science Report) was a 68-cm-long aluminum shaft which was 0.95 cm in diameter
and had black and white stripes 2 cm long to provide a depth scale. It had a 30 ° cone tip (apex
angle) on one end and a connection for the extension handle on the other. When so used, it was
referred to as the ASP. After completion of these tests, the device was used to anchor the geophone
cable when the cable was placed in position for the ASE.
On A-15 four new data sources were available for the first time. These included new, larger
diameter, thin-walled core tubes, an SRP, the LRV, and the ALSD. The SRP could penetrate to a
maximum of 76 cm with a penetration force of up to 111 Newtons. The record of each penetration
was scribed on a recording drum contained in the upper housing. The lunar surface reference plane,
which folded for storage, rested on the surface during a measurement and served as datum for mea-
surement of penetration depth. Three penetrating cones, each of 30 ° apex angle and base areas of
1.29, 3.22, and 6.45 cm2, were available for attachment to the shaft, as well as a 2.54-by-12.7 cm
bearing plate.
The middle cone and the bearing plate were used for a series of six measurements at station 8 on
A-15. The records were scribed on the data drum, which was returned for analysis. The surface-ref-
erence pad tended to ride up on the shaft when the SRP was vibrated, however, and it is therefore
difficult to determine precisely the depth of penetration from four of the tests.
On A-16, eleven SRP tests were performed during the EVA 2. The lunar-reference plane (zero-
point) was repositioned after each test back to the zero-point, but while moving to the next test station
this plate moved up the shaft slightly. Also, placing the SRP onto the surface while holding it by the
housing could have led to some penetration (because of inertia) without recording the accompanying
force. An improved procedure might eliminate these two sources of error. Also, test 5 at station 10
did not record on the SRP drum, probably because the LMP placed his left hand around the upper
housing in such a manner that the indexing lever was depressed, thus locking the recording drum and
preventing inscription of the data (this based on viewing the films). Design with greater sensitivity to
operation could have prevented this. At station 4 on the 2nd EVA, the 1.29 cm2 cone fell off the
penetrometer but was recovered. Once set up properly, the test was performed but a steady push was
not easy to provide. Once the crewman leaned on it he lost his balance and came up off it. When it
would "give," it would go fast enough to allow the spring to back off. Spiked readings on the
recording drum resulted.

Trenching--Vertical walls on trenches were observed. On A-14, a trench dug by Alan Shepard col-
lapsed at a shallower depth than predicted, evidently because of lessened soil cohesion--as small as
10% of the values calculated for soils at previous landing sites. This was on the rim of a crater, how-
ever. Also at this trench site, the crew was to step onto the pile dug out of the trench to observe the
uncompacted behavior of regolith. On A-15, Irwin dug a trench with the small scoop attached to the
extension handle (see Lunar Geology - Tools) on EVA 2. This went smoothly and without difficulty
until a much harder layer was reached. After this, further excavation required chipping out material.
The trenched was caused to fail by inducing a load at the top with the SRP, although forces beyond
its range were required. Collapse was sudden and complete. The pre-mission timeline allowed 10
minutes for this soil mechanics trench study.

Coring--On A-14, bothcoretubesdriveninto thesoilin the vicinityof thesolarwindcomposition
experiment(SWC)wereeasilypushedto a depthof 3 to 5 inches,butfurtherpenetrationof -2 inches
requiredhammeringasvigorouslyaspossible--tothe degreethatthehammerdentedtheextension
handleattachedto the coretube. In general,coretubeholesremainedintactafterremovalof the
OnA-15,thinner-walled, largerdiametercoretubeswereusedsoasto reducesampledisturbance,
thesizeof the sample,andfacilitateeaseof samplingby thecrew. Operationally, thisnew
coretuberequiredthe astronautto inserta "rammer-jammer" rod into the coretubeafterit had
beendriveninto the soil to pusha "keeper"downuntil it cameinto contactwith the soil. This then
heldthesamplein placewhile it wasextracted.OnA-17,the lunardrill deepcoreholeremained
open,aspredicted,for theinsertionof theLunarNeutronFlux Probe.
Werethererelatedexperimentson otherflights?--All landingsitesincludedsomeelementof soil
mechanicsinvestigations.Lunokhod1 & 2 bothcarriedconepenetrometers.
Whatwasdifferentbetweentraining andactualEVA?--No comments
by crew.

ThePreliminaryScienceReportsof all landedmissionsincludea chapteron soil mechanics

gationsbasedon a varietyof observations.
Engineeringon theMoon,documentfromthe PlanetSurfaceSystemsOffice,NASA -
MemofromLeonT. Silverto Membersof theSWPSubpanelon SoilMechanicsExperiment
(S-200),November30, 1971,in JSCHistoryOffice
Apollo 14FinalLunarSurfaceProcedures,
JSC,December31, 1970
Apollo 15FinalLunarSurfaceProcedures,
JSC,July9, 1971
Apollo ScientificExperimentsDataHandbook,
NASA TM X-58131,August1974,in
Apollo ProgramSummaryReport,JSC-09423, section3.2.7,GeologyandSoilMechanics
Equipment,April 1975
Apollo 16TechnicalCrewDebriefing,5 May 1972,in JSCHistoryOffice
"LunarSourcebook - A User'sGuideto theMoon," G. Heiken,D. Vaniman,andB. French,Eds.,
Cambridge UniversityPress,Cambridge,1991
Seealso- LunarGeology- Tools.

Figure30: This trenchwasdug as part of the soil mechanics investigation. The gnomon
provides local vertical, Sun orientation, scale, and color (AS-17-142-21724).


Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: SWC Experiment: Solar Wind Composition

PI/Engineer: J. Geiss/University of Bern Other Contacts: P. Signer, F. Buehler,

J. Meister, P. Eberhardt

Apollo Flight No.: 11, 12, 14, 15, & 16 Discipline: Solar wind, solar physics

Weight: Total 430 g Dimensions: Foil Sheet 30 cm x 140 cm

Foil 130 g (130 cm exposed), 15 _tm thick;
450 g on A-16 Pole 4 cm dia., 40 cm long, stowed,
1.5 m long, deployed

Manufacturer: University of Bern, Apollo Experiment No.: S 080

Swiss Nat'l Science Foundation

Description/Purpose--The SWC experiment consisted of an aluminum metal foil which was de-
ployed to trap the solar wind so as to measure the ion types and energies of the solar wind on the
lunar surface. The area of the foil was 4000 cm 2. It was deployed on a five-section telescopic pole
and unrolled. The reel of foil was stored inside the collapsed pole. Purity of the foil was critical to
avoid contamination of the lunar samples and background contamination of the experiment itself.
The A-16 experiment was composed of both aluminum and platinum foils. The platinum foil
allowed for treatment with dilute hydrofluoric acid before sample analysis on Earth to remove dust
contamination and the resulting uncertainties.

Unloading from the LM--No comments by crew.

Transporting by foot or MET---Hand carried.

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on LRV--NA

Site selection---Near the LM, in the Sun.

Deploying experiment--The telescopic pole was extended and the five sections locked automatically.
The reel was then pulled out, and the foil was unrolled and fastened to a hook near the lower end of
the pole. The pole was pressed upright into the ground, but it did not necessarily have to be perfectly
vertical. Pictures from A-12 clearly show it leaning -10 °, perhaps to provide more area perpendicu-
lar to the Sun. Pictures from A-14, 15, and 16 show it to be within a few degrees of vertical. On
A-11, it was possible to penetrate the lunar surface only N4 or 5 inches with the pole. One side of the
foil was marked with the word SUN, which was pointed at the Sun. A typical timeline from A-15
shows N7 minutes for deploying the experiment.

Checkout of experiment--None required.

Operation of experiment--Exposed for 77 minutes on A- 11; 18 hours, 42 minutes on A- 12;

21 hours on A-14; 41 hours, 8 minutes on A-15; and 45 hours, 5 minutes on A-16.

Repairs to experiment--See recovery/takedown.

Recovery/takedown of experiment--The reel was spring-loaded to facilitate rewinding of the foil. It

was detached from the telescopic pole, placed in a Teflon bag, and placed in an SRC. The pole was
not returned. A typical timeline from A-15 shows N4 minutes for retrieving the foil and placing it in
the bag.
On A-12, the foil roiled up the first ~1.5 ft. After that, it would crinkle rather than roll. Using
great care, they tried to roll up the foil, but on the fifth attempt a crack appeared in the crinkle area.
They finally used their hands to roll it, and as a result the foil was soiled by the dirt adhering to their
gloves. After it was rolled, they discovered that it was too big to fit into the container that was to be

usedto returnit, andhadto crushit withtheirhands.UponinspectionduringEVA 2, theydecided
thatthefoil tendedto "set" andthatit wouldnot roll up because
the setwasstrongerthanthe
tensionof theroller.
OnA-14, abouthalf the foil rolledup automatically,
foil wasrolledmanuallywhenit failedto roll mechanically.Therewasno reporteddifficulty recov-
eringthe A-16 foil.
Stowingexperimentfor return--Placedin a Teflonbag,thenintotheSRC. OnA-15,it wastrans-
ferredto the LM via the ETB (still in its Teflonbag)andmayhavebeenkeptseparate
samplesto minimizedustcontamination.
Loading/unloading samples on LRV--NA

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM--With the SRC.

Stowing of package once in the LM--Within the SRC.

Sampling operations The foil had to be ultrasonically cleaned before analysis on Earth. Part of the
sheet was then melted in an ultra-high vacuum system and the gasses released were analyzed with a
mass spectrometer. The platinum portions of the A-16 foil were cleaned with aqueous HF before



Driiling--Emptacing the shaft into the ground by hammering was difficult due to the compacted
nature of the subsurface.

Navigating/recognizing iandmarks--NA

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e., hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--No.

Was lighting a problem?--No.

Were the results visible to the crew?--No.

Would you recommend any design changes?--No comments by crew. The foil was changed for
A-16 to include a platinum section to determine whether HF acid could be used to remove any dust
from the surface before analysis.

Were any special tools required?--A hammer was sometimes required to drive the shaft into the

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--The metal
foil needed to be oriented perpendicular to the Sun so as to capture the solar wind most efficiently.
On A-14, 15, and 16, the reel handle was color coded to give the exact angular position during expo-
sure of the reel and the portion of the foil rolled around it to yield the angular distribution of the ar-
riving solar wind.

Was the experiment suceessful?--Yes.

Were there related experiments on other flights?--Yes. Some satellite measurements of solar wind
and plasma and magnetic field strengths are relevant, i.e. Explorer 35, Vela 3A and 3B. See also
S 035, Solar Wind Spectrometer (SWS). On A-17, there was a greatly scaled-down version of the
aluminum and platinum foils included as part of the LSCRE. Also, the lunar regolith itself has
trapped the solar wind over the eons, but is an uncertain "instrument." Still, analysis of volatiles
released upon heating of the regolith is used to provide insight into the solar wind.

Where was it stored during flight?--LM MESA in Quad IV.

Werethere any problems photographing the experiment?--No.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early

What was different between training and actual EVA?--No comments by crew.

What problems were due to the suit rather than the experiment?--No comments by crew.

Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--No

comments by crew.


Preliminary Science Reports for A-11, 12, 14, 15, & 16

Mission Reports for A-11, 12, 14, 15, 16

Apollo Scientific Experiments Data Handbook, JSC-09166, NASA TM X-58131, August 1974, in
JSC History Office

Final Apollo 11 Lunar Surface Operations Plan, JSC, June 27, 1969

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 3.2.22 Solar Wind Composition Experiment, JSC-09423,
April 1975

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 3.2.29, Particle Implantation Studies, JSC-09423, April

Figure 31: The SWC foil deployed on Apollo 11. Notice the identifica-
tion of which side should be in the shade at the bottom of the foil (AS-11-

~ •

Figure 32: The SWC foil on Apollo 16 had some sections of platinum,
which allowed for easier cleaning operations on Earth. Note the identity
of the Sun side near the bottom (AS-16-117-18849).

Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: SWS (SWE) Experiment: Solar Wind Spectrometer

(a.k.a. Medium Energy Solar Wind

PI/Engineer: Conway W. Snyder/ Other Contacts: Douglas R. Clay/JPL

Jet Propulsion Lab Marcia Neugebauer/JPL

Apollo Flight No.: 12, 15 Discipline: Solar wind, solar physics,

Earth sciences-magnetosphere

Weight: 5.3 kg Dimensions: 27.9 x 22.9 x 10.2 cm, stowed;

35.6 x 22.9 x 43.2 cm, deployed

Manufacturer: JPL/Electro-Optical Systems Apollo Experiment No.: S 035

Pasadena, CA (Bendix -
Integration into ALSEP)

Description/Purpose--The sensor in the SWS is a Faraday cup that measures the charged-particle
flux entering the cup. An array of seven cups was used to be sensitive in any direction and to ascer-
tain the angular distribution---one pointed vertically and the others arrayed around it at 60 ° off-
vertical and to each other.
The purpose was (1) to compare the solar wind properties at the lunar surface with those mea-
sured in space near the moon; (2) to determine whether there were any subtle effects of the Moon on
the solar wind properties, and to relate these to properties of the Moon; (3) to study the motion of
waves or discontinuities in the solar wind by measuring the time intervals between the observation of
changes in plasma properties at the Moon and at the Earth; (4) to make inferences as to the length,
breadth, and structure of the magnetospheric tail of the Earth from continuous measurements made
for four or five days around the time of full Moon.

Unloading from the LM--As part of ALSEP.

Transporting by foot or MET--As part of ALSEP.

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on LRV--NA

Site selection--As part of ALSEP, 12 to 15 feet north of the central station.

Deploying experiment--Four Boyd bolts were turned with the UHT to release it from the ALSEP
subpallet. It was then carried with the UHT 4 m to the north. Four legs were then extended and
locked, then the unit was placed on the surface and aligned using the shadow cast on the sensor head.
The crewman checked that the thermal door was open and facing away from the central station. It
was deployed without difficulty on A-12 and 15, although the Boyd bolt fasteners that held it to the
subpallet were hard to remove on A-15. The covers were left on and were removed after LM ascent
on command from Earth. The louvered side was oriented north for thermal control. A typical time-
line from A-15 shows -4 minutes for deploying the experiment.

Checkout of experiment--From Earth.

Operation of experiment---From JSC via the ALSEP command system.

Repairs to experiment--NA

Recovery/takedown of experiment--NA

Stowing experiment for return--NA

Loading/unloading samples on LRV--NA

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM--NA

Stowing of package once in the LM---NA

Sampling operations (soil, rocks)--NA




Navigating/recognizing landmarks---NA

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e., hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--No.

Was lighting a problem?--No.

Were the results visible to the crew?--No.

Would you recommend any design changes?--None made by crew.

Were any special tools required?--UHT.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?_The astro-
naut had to level it to within 5 ° of horizontal about the N-S axis. He also had to align the unit about
the vertical axis so that the shadow cast by the N edge of the sensors ran parallel to the edge of the
sun shield. Post-flight photos were used to determine that the A-12 orientation was less than 3° off
level and off N-S alignment, which was said to be within tolerance. It was self-leveling about the E-W
axis. By touching the bottom of the unit with the UHT, the astronaut could see that it hung free.

Was the experiment successful?--Yes.

Were there related experiments on other flights? Apollo? Other?--The SWC experiment (S 080)
was flown on all Apollo landing missions except A-17.

Where was it stored during flight?--With ALSEP subpallets.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--No.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early
recovery?--None reported.

What was different between training and actual EVA?--No comments by crew.

What problems were due to the suit rather than the experiment?--No comments by crew.

Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--No

comments by crew.


Preliminary Science Reports for A-12, 15

Apollo Scientific Experiments Data Handbook, JSC-09166, NASA TM X-58131, August 1974, in
JSC History Office

Final Apollo 12 Lunar Surface Operations Plan, JSC, October 23, 1969

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 3.2.21, Solar Wind Spectrometer Experiment, JSC-09423,
April 1975

Figure 33: The SWS as deployed on Apollo 15. The dust covers are still in place, to be
removed after LM ascent by command from Earth. The louvered side was oriented
north (on the side not visible in this view) for thermal control (AS-15-86-11593).

BLACK A,_ \'.'-_i]E _ F_--;(Of©GPAPM

Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: SIDE Experiment: Suprathermal Ion Detector Experiment

(aka Lunar Ionosphere Detector)

PI/Engineer: John W. Freeman/ Other Contacts: H. Balsiger/Rice University; H.K Hills/

Rice University Rice Univ.; Dallas E. Evans/JSC

Apollo Flight No.: 12, 14, 15 Discipline: Lunar atmosphere, solar wind, radiation,
radiation, lunar vulcanology, Earth
Sciences - magnetosphere, human
environmental impact on the Moon

Weight: 8.5 - 8.8 kg Dimensions: 38.9 x 33.0 x 11.4 cm. When deployed,
the top surface stood 51 cm above the
lunar surface.

Manufacturer: Time Zero Corp. Apollo Experiment No.: S 036

(formerly Marshal Laboratories)

Description/Purpose--The SIDE consisted of two positive ion detectors. The first, the mass analyzer,
was provided with a velocity filter and a curved plate electrostatic energy-per-unit-charge filter in
tandem in the ion flight path. The second, the total ion detector, employed only a curved plate elec-
trostatic energy-per-unit-charge filter. The only major difference between the instruments on A-12,
14, & 15 was the mass range they covered.
The purpose was to (1) provide information on the energy and mass spectra of the positive ions
close to the lunar surface that result from solar-UV or solar-wind ionization of gasses from any of the
following sources: residual primordial atmosphere of heavy gasses, sporadic out-gassing such as vol-
canic activity, evaporation of solar-wind gasses accreted on the lunar surface, and exhaust gasses from
the lunar module descent and ascent motors and the astronauts' PLSSs; (2) measure the flux and en-
ergy spectrum of positive ions in the Earth's magnetotail and magnetosheath during those periods
when the Moon passes through the magnetic tail of the Earth; (3) provide data on the plasma interac-
tion between the solar wind and the Moon; and (4) determine a preliminary value for the electric
potential of the lunar surface. By having more than one instrument on the surface, discrimination is
possible between moving ion clouds and temporal fluctuations of the overall ion distribution.

Unloading from the LM--As part of the ALSEP.

Transporting by foot or MET--See ALSEP - General Information. On A-12, the SIDE was carried
separately from the rest of the ALSEP package. Once at the ALSEP site it was carried with the UHT.

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on LRV--NA

Site selection--As part of ALSEP. The SIDE was deployed 15 to 18 m NE of the central station,
limited by an 18-m cable. The site was smooth and allowed emplacement of the ground screen.

Deploying experiment--Its three legs had to be unfolded and a cable connected to the central
station. The instrument was grounded to the surface via a screen. The CCIG was stored inside the
SIDE for transport, then separated from it before deployment (but it remained connected by a cable
-1 meter long).
It was carried to its site with the UHT. The UHT was then used to release the ground screen,
which was then emplaced on the surface. The CCIG (see CCIG experiment ) cover Deutsch fastener
was then released with the UHT and the entire SIDE/CCIG package was lifted using the UHT. The
CCIG cover was removed and discarded. The CCIG was removed from its stowage cavity and the
SIDE was replaced on the surface on its ground screen. A lanyard was used to lower the CCIG to the
surface. The CCIG orifice was oriented properly. The SIDE was leveled and aligned by observing
theshadowon the side of the unit. A typical timeline from A-15 shows ~10 minutes for deploying
the experiment, including the CCIG.
On A-12, the protective lid, designed to be released by ground command, opened accidentally
three times during deployment and had to be re-closed. It was left open the last time since the exper-
iment was already deployed. It took both crewmembers working together to orient both the SIDE
and the CCIG due to the force of the cable between them. The CCIG was not placed as far from the
SIDE as it should have been because the force of the cable disallowed it.
On A-14, considerable difficulty was experienced with the stiffness of the interconnecting cable
between the CCIG and the SIDE. Whenever an attempt was made to move the CCIG, the cable caused
the SIDE to tip over. It tipped over three times. After several minutes of readjusting the experiments,
they managed to deploy them successfully, although a large amount of dust adhered to one end of
the package. A similar problem was seen on A-12 which caused the CCIG to be deployed at an angle
(see CCIG.) On A-15, the connection to the SIDE was redesigned to be an "extended leg" based on
the above experience and because of the high latitude of the site vs. its intended field of view.
Also on A-14, 10 minutes were required to release the SIDE from its subpallet since dust had
piled up against it and into the hidden Boyd bolt, which had to be reached blind by passing the UHT
through a channel. The three experiment components were difficult to handle simultaneously, and
were not sufficiently stable to prevent the SIDE from turning over several times during deployment.
On A-15, there was some difficulty in interfacing the UHT with the experiment receptacle and, as
a result, the instrument was dropped, apparently with no harm.

Checkout of experiment--From Earth.

Operation of experiment--From JSC via the ALSEP command system. On A-14, the high voltages
were not operated when the instrument was above 25 ° C on the first lunar day of deployment, 45 ° C
on the second lunar day, 55 ° C on the third, working up by 10 ° C each lunar day until full-time
operation was reached. This protocol was based on observations of high gas levels near lunar noon
on the A-12 instrument and was controlled from Earth. Dust in the A-12 instrument from deploy-
ment by the LMP may also have been a cause of the problems.

Repairs to experiment--See deployment. On A-14, the crew had to turn the unit upside down to
knock the dust out and be able to release the Boyd bolt. On A-15, connection of the SIDE to the
central station was very difficult. It required the LMP to use both hands and all the weight that he
could bring to bear on the locking collar.

Recovery/takedown of experiment--NA

Stowing experiment for return--NA

Loading/unloading samples on LRV--NA

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM--NA

Stowing of package once in the LM--NA

Sampling operations (soil, rocks)--NA




Navigating/recognizing landmarks--NA

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e., hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?_The
high voltage of the instrument was not activated until after deployment.

Was lighting a problem?mNo.

Werethe resultsvisibleto the crew?--No.
Would you recommend any design changes?--The original design was for the CCIG to be totally
included in the SIDE package, but its magnetic field interfered with the SIDE instrument and the two
packages needed to be separated. The A-12 crew commented that the three legs were too close
together, which made it prone to tipping over. They also had a hard time with the spring-loaded
ground screen, recommending that the spring-loading be left out. The A-14 crew suggested leaving
the blind Boyd bolt off to ease release from the subpallet.

Were any special tools required?--UHT.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--Difficult,

due to the interconnecting cable to the CCIG. The orientation of the instruments was to align the
"look" direction with the direction of the magnetosheath around the Earth as the moon entered and
left this region each month. The "look" directions of A-12, 14, and 15 were oriented differently to
cover a wide range and allow study of the directional characteristics of ion fluxes. The astronaut
leveled the unit to within 5 ° of vertical using a bubble level. It also needed to be within 5 ° of E-W
alignment by pointing an arrow at the Sun and then aligning a shadow with the side of the unit.

Was the experiment successful?--Yes, alone and in coordination with the other sights.

Were there related experiments on other flights? Apollo? Other?---See CPLEE (S038).

Where was it stored during flight?--With the ALSEP subpallet. The CCIG experiment used some of
the electronics of the SIDE experiment.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--No.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early
recovery?--None reported.

What was different between training and actual EVA?--Low g allowed the units to tip over.

What problems were due to the suit rather than the experiment?--Hard to manipulate the CCIG
and SIDE and the ground screen all at once in the EMU.

Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--The

exhaust gasses of the LM descent and ascent engines and the PLSSs were detected by the SIDE.
Venting of the LM cabin oxygen before the second EVA provided a convenient calibration of the
mass analyzer detector.


Preliminary Science Reports, A-12, 14, 15

Mission Reports, A-12, 14, 15

Apollo Scientific Experiments Data Handbook, JSC-09166, NASA TM X-58131, August 1974, in
JSC History Office

Final Apollo 12 Lunar Surface Operations Plan, JSC, October 23, 1969

Apollo 14 Final Lunar Surface Procedures, JSC, December 31, 1970

Apollo 15 Final Lunar Surface Procedures, JSC, July 9, 1971

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 3.2.23, Suprathermal Ion Detector and Cold-Cathode
Gage Experiments, JSC-09423, April 1975

Apollo 14 Technical Crew Debriefing, 17 February 1971

ALSEP Termination Report, NASA Reference Publication 1036, April 1979

Figure34: TheApollo 14SIDEafterdeployment.Notethedustadheringto
thevertical surface of the unit (AS-14-67-9371). The ground screen is visible
below the unit. The bubble level and Sun orientation arrow are also visible on
the top at the right side. See figure 4 for attachment of the CCIG to the SIDE.

Figure 35: The SIDE instrument deployed at the Apollo 15 ALSEP

site. Its greater tilt is due to the higher latitude of the Apollo 15
landing site (AS-15-86-11595).

Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: SEP Experiment: Surface Electrical Properties

PI/Engineer: M. Gene Simmons/MIT Other Contacts:

David W. Strangway/
University of Toronto

Apollo Flight No.: 17 Discipline: Lunar geology, geochemistry

Weight: 16 kg Dimensions: receiver box = 23 cm 3" Transmitter stood

(1 kg recorder returned) knee high on its legs, plus the solar
panels that faced the Sun -60 x 25 cm,
unfolded from trifold stowed position

Manufacturer: Raytheon, MIT/ Apollo Experiment No.: S 204

Center for Space Research

Description/Purpose--This experiment measured the dielectric constant and loss tangent of the lunar
regolith in situ and also provided information on the subsurface structure (electrical layering, discrete
scattering bodies, and the possible presence of water) in the region covered by the geology traverses.
Electromagnetic radiation at six frequencies from 1 to 32.1 MHz was transmitted from a fixed
crossed-dipole antenna and received through an antenna attached to the LRV. The basic principal of
the unit was interferometry, with reflected waves and "free space" creating an interference pattern.
Useful data was received only during the traverse from the SEP site to station 2. During passes of the
CSM overhead, the Lunar Sounder Experiment antenna also took measurements with the SEP on and
The experiment consisted of a crossed-dipole antenna that was laid on the ground, a transmitter
unit (which stood on four legs, needed to be leveled, and had solar panels for power) which generated
the signal, and a receiver and receiving antenna (-2.5 m high) on the LRV. The two 70-m-long wires
which made up the transmitting antenna stretched 35 m in four directions, crossing at the SEP central
unit, and were operated sequentially.

Unloading from the LM--No comments by crew. The Data Storage Electronics Assembly (DSEA)
recorder was transported to the moon inside the LM in stowage area A2. The rest was stowed in the
descent stage.

Transporting by foot or MET--NA

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on LRV--The receiver and receiving antenna were placed on

the back of the LRV during EVA 1 for thermal control and operational convenience even though
they were not used until EVA 2. A cable for position information was connected to the navigation
unit of the LRV.

Site selection--A fiat area was found for the transmitting antenna N100 meters east of the LM. The
receiving site was wherever the LRV went on its traverses. Information on the location of the LRV,
obtained from its navigation system, was recorded on the DSEA.
Stereographic photos were used to obtain the location of the starting point of the SEP experiment
profiles to within 1 m. The LRV, with its navigation system, was used to mark straight, orthogonal
lines to be used as guides for deploying the transmitting antenna.

Deploying experiment--The transmitting antenna was deployed ~100 m east of the LM on EVA 1.
The cables were stored on reels until deployed. During the deployment of the transmitter antennas,
the two sets of dipoles were reversed from the planned orientation (due to the reels being dropped),
but this was corrected in the data reduction process with no loss of data. Also, a problem was

encountered in keepingthesolarpanelsopenbecause of memoryin thepanelwiringharness.The
A-17timelineallotted21minutesof coordinatedactivityof bothcrewmento deploythe transmitter
in additionto thetimeto driveto the site.
Checkout of experiment--Calibration and synchronization pulses were transmitted.

Operation of experiment--Nominal during EVA 1. During the rest period between EVA 1 and 2,
however, the temperature of the receiver increased. This was due to dust kicked up by the LRV com-
pounded by inadequate dust protection for the SEP radiators. (The LRV had a broken fender on
EVA 1, but it was repaired before the 2nd EVA. The adhesive on the beta cloth cover for the radiator
failed, allowing dust onto the radiator. There was an earlier adhesive failure in the program, but since
that experiment was not scheduled for reflight no corrective action was taken.) Overheating ham-
pered the operation until the DSEA recorder was removed in the middle of EVA 3 to prevent loss of
data that had already been recorded. Despite the efforts of the crew to control the temperature, the
receiver became too hot and was turned off by a thermally operated switch. The transmitter operated
nominally throughout the mission. Data was obtained during EVA 2 on the traverses from the SEP
transmitter site toward station 2 and from station 4 towards the transmitter. Data was not obtained
during the early part of EVA 3 because the receiver switch was in the standby position rather than
"on" as requested by Mission Control.

Repairs to experiment--See Operation, above, for temperature control attempts. The crew resolved
the solar panel problem by taping the panel fully open.

Recovery/takedown of experiment--Terminated at the end of EVA 3. The tape recorder was re-
moved from the receiver at station 9 and stowed under the LRV seat (for thermal protection) until
it was transferred into the ETB and ultimately into the LM cabin.

Stowing experiment for return_The DSEA was returned to the LM in an ETB and then placed in
storage locker AlL for ascent.

Loading/unloading samples on LRV--NA

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM--NA

Stowing of package once in the LM--NA

Sampling operations (soil, rocks)--NA




Navigating/recognizing landmarks--The navigational information of the LRV was recorded in the

DSEA tape recorder. This included odometer pulses at 0.5-m increments, computed range to the
SEP transmitter in 100-m increments, and the computed bearing to the SEP transmitter in 1o incre-
ments. The data is approximate because of wheel slippage and was later improved by additional data
on the LRV location based on photographs, crew comments, and long baseline interferometry.

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e., hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--No.

Was lighting a problem?--No.

Were the results visible to the crew?--No. But the receiver did contain a thermometer that was
visible to the crew.

Would you recommend any design changes?--None made by crew. Choice of adhesive for the beta
cloth cover for the radiator, or new radiator design, would be wise.

Were any special tools required?--The LRV was used to align the antenna during deployment.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--The

transmitting antenna had one dipole oriented N-S, the other E-W. It was especially important that the
arms of the transmitting antenna were laid out straight and at right angles to each other for analysis of
the data - see site selection.

Was the experiment successful?--Partially.

Were there related experiments on other flights? Apollo? Other?--The Bistatic-Radar Investiga-
tion on A-14, 15, and 16, and the Lunar Sounder Experiment of A-17, all orbital radar investigations
and not included in this database, were influenced by the dielectric constant of the regolith. The
Lunar Sounder Experiment penetrated deeper into the subsurface than the SEP experiment.

Where was it stored during flight?--LM Quad III.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--No.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early
recovery?--None reported.

What was different between training and actual EVA?--No comments by crew.

What problems were due to the suit rather than the experiment?--No comments by crew.

Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--No.


A-17 Preliminary Science Report

Apollo 17 Mission Report

Apollo Scientific Experiments Data Handbook, JSC-09166, NASA TM X-58131, August 1974, in
JSC History Office

Apollo 17 Final Lunar Surface Procedures, Vol. 1: Nominal Plans, MSC, 11/6/72
Apollo 17 Technical Crew Debriefing, 4 January 1973, in JSC History Office

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 3.2.17, Surface Electrical Properties Experiment, JSC-
09423, April 1975
Apollo Stowage List - Apollo 17, MSC, 12 December 1972

Personal communication with Eric Jones, 3 August 1993

Figure36: TheSEPtransmitterasdeployednearthe Apollo 17landing
site. Notethetapeholdingthe solarpanelsopen(AS-17-135-20543).

Figure37: TheSEPreceivingantennaon theApollo 17LRV. Also

visibleis theTGE,geologicaltools,andsamplereturnbagmountedonthe
rear(AS-17-141-21511). Betweenthe astronautandthe toolscanbe seen
a palletof four explosivechargesfor theLSPE.

Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: None Experiment: Surveyor 3 retrieval

PI/Engineer: R. E. Benson, JSC Other Contacts: B. G. Cour-Palais, JSC

Apollo Flight No.: 12 Discipline: Materials of Construction

Weight: NA Dimensions: NA

Manufacturer: NA Apollo Experiment No.: None

Description/Purpose---After a 30-month exposure of Surveyor 3 on the surface, the A-12 crew

inspected the spacecraft and retrieved key parts from it for further analysis on Earth...sort of a long
duration exposure facility (LDEF) of the Moon. The effects of the A-12 LM blast ejecta, microme-
teroid effects on electronics (TV camera), cables, metal structure, mirrors, etc., analysis of the sampler
scoop, effect of a low temperature oxygen plasma on the coatings, induced radioactivity, and microbe
survival in the lunar environment, were a few of the studies conducted. It also allowed verification of
the original remote analyses performed by the alpha-backscatter instrument on Surveyor.

Unloading from the LM--NA

Transporting by foot or MET--A "Surveyor parts bag" was attached to the CDR's PLSS by the
LMP. The cutting tool was in the bag.

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on LRV--NA

Site selection--The precision landing needed to land near the $3 site was required, but once accom-
plished, there was no astronaut site selection. The crew actually saw Surveyor crater during the de-
scent. The LM landed -163 m from the spacecraft, just outside the radius of 150 m which was to be
avoided to minimize contamination of the Surveyor vehicle by LM exhaust and dust. A geology
traverse was part of the trip to and from the spacecraft.

Deploying experiment--NA

Checkout of experiment--The crew visited the spacecraft on the second EVA. Photography of
specific parts was planned, including vernier engines, klystron, foot pads, power supplies, solar panels,
and others. Also, photography of some of the same scenes viewed by the $3 TV camera provided a
comparison of trenches and other scenes over time.

Operation of experiment--As the CDR cut specific parts off of $3 the LMP caught the samples. A
cable sample (-10 cm) was caught in the special environment sample container. There were pockets
in the parts bag for each item returned. Some surfaces were wiped and then photographed to docu-
ment any dust accumulation.

Repairs to experiment--NA

Recovery/takedown of experiment--NA

Stowing experiment for return--The parts were stored in a bag for return.

Loading/unloading samples on LRV--NA

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM--Nominal.

Stowing of package once in the LM_The storage of the Surveyor parts bag and its components in
the LM was completely satisfactory.

Sampling operations (soil, rocks)--The crew retrieved a painted tube, an unpainted tube, the TV
camera, a cable, and the scoop. Some soil that was in the scoop was returned, as well.

Werethere any hazardsin the experiment,i.e.,hazardousmaterials(explosive,radioactive,
toxic),sharpobjects,high voltages,massive/bulkyobjects,tripping hazards, temperatures?--
Concern existed before the mission about operating on the inner slope of the crater (Surveyor crater)
where $3 had landed. A 10-m tether was provided in case stability was questionable.

Was lighting a problem?--No.

Were the results visible to the crew?--Some discoloration was evident to the crew.

Would you recommend any design changes?--NA

Were any special tools required?--A cutting tool was used to remove the TV camera and tubes. A
30-foot (9. l-m) tether was included in case the steepness of the slope made operation difficult, but it
was not needed. The crew recommended that a 100-foot (30-m) tether would be ideal for determin-
ing whether or not a specific crater wall with steep sides was adequate for descent to obtain samples
inside it. This was flown on A-13 and 14, but never used.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--The space-
craft was on a 12 ° slope, but there was no feeling that it was likely to slide downhill nor was there a
problem maintaining balance.

Was the experiment successful?--Yes.

Were there related experiments on other flights? Apollo? Other?--The TDS experiment consid-
ered the degradation of thermal properties of coatings after exposure to the lunar dust. The LDEF
was placed in low Earth orbit (LEO) for six years to investigate the effects of the LEO environment
on various materials. A "long-term surface exposure experiment" was begun on A-17. Selected
hardware was photographically documented and left on the Moon during the mission. Samples of
similar material were set aside for long-term storage on Earth, to allow comparison of the materials at
some future time. The long-term effect of the lunar environment on the materials thus can be evalu-
ated if the A-17 site is revisited. The hardware comprised items which would be flown on A-17 any-
way, such as the LEAM experiment, the mirror surface on the LRV batteries, TV, communications
unit, and thermal blankets on the ALSEP central station.

Where was it stored during flight?--NA

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--Some shadows may have been a

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early

What was different between training and actual EVA?--The aluminum tubing seemed to be more
brittle and easier to cut than the tubes used in training. The insulation had become very hard and

What problems were due to the suit rather than the experiment?--No comments by crew.

Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--No.


"Analysis of Surveyor 3 Material and Photographs Returned by Apollo 12," NASA SP-284, 1972

Apollo 12 Preliminary Science Report and Apollo 12 Mission Report

Final Apollo 12 Lunar Surface Operations Plan, JSC, October 23, 1969

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 3.2.28, Surveyor III Analysis, JSC-09423, April 1975

Figure 38: Astronaut Alan Bean and two U. S. spacecraft on the surface of the Moon. This pho-
tograph shows how close Charles Conrad landed the LM to its target point (AS-12-48-7135).

Experiment Operations During Apollo EVAs

Acronym: TDS Experiment: Thermal Degradation Sample

PI/Engineer: Unknown Other Contacts: Unknown

Apollo Flight No.: 14 Discipline: Engineering-materials of construction

Weight: 180 g each array, x 2 Dimensions:

Manufacturer: Probably JSC Apollo Experiment No.: None

Description/Purpose--To evaluate the effect of lunar dust on the optical properties (absorptivity and
emissivity) of 12 candidate thermal coatings. Two duplicate arrays, each containing samples of the
12 coatings, were taken to the Moon. After covering them with dust, one was tapped to remove the
dust and the other was cleaned with a nylon-bristle brush.

Unloading from the LM--It was stowed inside the LM in the interim stowage assembly in front of the
center instrument panel. It was brought to the surface in an ETB.

Transporting by foot or MET--Carried on the MET to the first geological station.

Loading/unloading tools/experiments on LRV--NA

Site selection--Performed at the first geological station while the LMP performed the LPM experi-

Deploying experiment---On the SRC table of the MET.

Checkout of experiment--NA

Operation of experiment--The CDR opened one array and placed it on the sample return container
table on the MET. He photographed it with the ALCC. He then scooped up some lunar material with
the small scoop and placed it on the array. He then shook off the dust and took more pictures. He
then brushed the array with a nylon brush and again took photos. He folded and stowed this array.
After taking out the second TDS, he put soil on this array and again tapped it clean, and photo-
graphed it. It was not brushed clean. A series of seven stereopairs of the arrays were obtained (using
the ALCC) for three conditions: when the arrays were pristine, when the arrays were dusted with
lunar soil, and after the lunar dust had been brushed or tapped off. The arrays were then packaged in
a closed, but not vacuum sealed, container (the hand tool carrier pouch) and returned to Earth.
Shepard commented that he was surprised by the low adherence of the dust to the array.

Repairs to experiment--None required.

Reeovery/takedown of experiment--Once brushed off or tapped clean, they were folded and pack-
aged for return to Earth for extensive evaluation of their thermal properties.

Stowing experiment for return--Placed in its bag.

Loading/unloading samples on LRV--NA

Loading of experiment/samples into the LM--No comments by crew.

Stowing of package once in the LM--Stowed in its bag in the interim stowage assembly over the
ascent stage engine cover.

Sampling operations (soil, rocks)--NA


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Navigating/recognizing iandmarks--NA

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e., hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--No.

Was lighting a problem?--NA

Were the results visible to the crew?--Yes.

Would you recommend any design changes?--No.

Were any special tools required?--ALCC, nylon-bristle brush, sampling scoop.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficuit?--No.

Was the experiment successful?--Yes.

Were there related experiments on other flights? Apollo? Other?--A-12 sampled parts of the
Surveyor 3 spacecraft after 31 months of exposure. LDEF was left in Earth orbit for -six years to
determine materials' ability to withstand the LEO environment.

Where was it stored during flight?--Uncertain.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--No.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early

What was different between training and actual EVA?--No comments by crew.

What problems were due to the suit rather than the experiment?--The astronauts could have picked
up a static charge while on EVA and transferred this charge to the test articles. This charge would
have attracted the dust. It is unknown if this was a factor.

Any experiences inside the LM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--No.


A-14 Preliminary Science Report, p 91,244-246

S. Jacobs, R. E. Durkee, and R. S. Harris, Jr., Lunar Dust Deposition Effects on the Solar Absorptance
of Thermal Control Materials, AIAA paper 71-459, AIAA 6th Thermophysics Conference,
Tullahoma, TN, April 26-28, 1971

Apollo 14 Final Lunar Surface Procedures, JSC, December 31, 1970

Apollo 14 Technical Crew Debriefing, 17 February 1971, in the JSC History Office

Apollo Stowage List - Apollo 14, MSC, 9 February 1971

Figure 39: Panels 1 to 6 of TDS 1002 covered with soil (AS14-77-10362). This
photo was taken with the Apollo Lunar Closeup Camera.

Part II: Experiment Operations at Microgravity

During Apollo Trans-Lunar and Trans-Earth Coasts

Composite Casting Demonstration, Apollo 14

Electrophoresis Demonstration, Apollo 14

Electrophoresis Demonstration, Apollo 16

Heat Flow and Convection Demonstration, Apollo 14

Heat Flow and Convection Demonstration, Apollo 17

Light Flashes Experiment

Liquid Transfer Demonstration, Apollo 14

Experiment Operation During Apollo IVA at Zero-g

Acronym: Experiment: Composite Casting Demonstration

PI/Engineer: I. C. Yates, Jr. Other Contacts:

Apollo Flight No.: 14 Discipline: Materials Science - Composites (2660)

Weight: 3.5 kg Dimensions: Roughly 10 x 10 x 21 cm

Manufacturer: Process Engineering Lab, Apollo Experiment No.: None

Marshall SFC

Description/Purpose_The apparatus consisted of an electrical heater, a storage box for the heater
which also served as a heat sink for cooling the samples to touch temperature before removal, and 18
samples contained in hermetically sealed metal capsules. A beta cloth bag resembling a cartridge belt
was used to store the sample capsules.
Eleven samples of various immiscible compositions were heated, mixed by shaking (some had
been premixed), and allowed to solidify by cooling in 0-g. Specimens were processed in a small
heating chamber (figure 5-4 in Mission Report) and returned for examination and testing. Lab
analysis, including X-ray, indicated that more homogeneous mixing was achieved than is possible
with similar samples on Earth.

Site selection--The experiment was mounted in the docking tunnel via a spring during operation.

Deploying experiment--The experiment was deployed by opening its storage box, attaching a power
cable, mounting the unit in the docking tunnel with a spring, and installing an extractor pin.

Checkout of experiment--NA

Operation of experiment--After setup of the unit, procedures called for inserting each capsule into
the heater, heating for a prescribed time to melt the contents of the capsule, shaking in some cases to
mix the materials, and cooling by placing the heater and capsule onto the heat sink. The right half of
the storage box was a massive section of aluminum with an integrally machined heat sink pin which
made contact with the specimen capsule.
The unit was plugged into the 28-VDC utility receptacle using the Data Acquisition Camera
(DAC) power cable, and a switch on the panel was used to turn the heater on and off. The shaking
procedure, when required, involved bumping each end of the heater against the heel of the hand four
times to dislodge any particles trapped in the ends of the capsule; three cycles of alternately shaking
the heater axially 10 times, oscillating in a rotary motion 15 times; and finishing by oscillating 10
times going from a vigorous motion to very slow.
No problems with the equipment or procedures were noted. The CSM needed to be out of the
passive thermal control (barbecue) mode in order to perform this demonstration. Only 11 of 18
samples were completed because there was not sufficient time while out of this mode. The last sample
had a few small RCS firings about halfway through the cooling cycle.

Repairs to experiment--Sample 10 was heated at least twice because RCS firings occurred during the
first cooling cycle. Several RCS firings occurred at ~15 minutes into the cooling cycle on sample 12,
hut mission constraints prevented reheating.

Recovery/takedown of experiment--No comments by crew.

Stowing experiment for return--No comments by crew.

Stowing of package once in the LM--NA

Sampling operations (soil, rocks)--NA

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e., hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--The
experiment design was dictated by maximum touch temperature, toxicity, flammability, and other
safety factors in addition to the standard mass, etc. The materials used were not that useful them-
selves, but were intended to model the reduced gravity effects which would be expected to occur in
other more directly useful materials. Redundant thermal switches were installed to ensure that the
outside surfaces of the heater did not exceed 40* C.

Was lighting a problem?--No.

Were the results visible to the crew?--No.

Would you recommend any design changes?--No comments by crew.

Were any special tools required?---An extractor pin was used to remove specimens from the heater.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--NA

Was the experiment successful?--Yes. Qualitative results in a very limited range of materials and
under processing conditions that were not instrumented or closely controlled were obtained.

Were there related experiments on other flights? Apollo? Other?--See Skylab and Shuttle
database. This experiment was scheduled to fly again on A-15 but was canceled due to a hardware

Where was it stored during flight?--Storage lockers listed for timer - A5, power cable - B3, speci-
men and heater box - A8.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--Not attempted since capsules were not

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early
recovery?--None reported.

What was different between training and actual operation?--No comments by crew.

Any experiences inside the CM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--

Performed on trans-lunar and TEC (TEC with live color television during a press conference).


A-14 Mission Report

TM X-64641, "Apollo 14 Composite Casting Demonstration Final Report," I. C. Yates, Jr.,

October, 1971

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 3.6, Inflight Demonstrations, JSC-09423, April 1975

Apollo 14 Technical Crew Debriefing 17 February 1971, in the JSC History Office

Apollo Stowage List - Apollo 14, MSC, 9 February 1971

Experiment Operation During Apollo IVA at Zero-g

Acronym: None Experiment: Electrophoresis or Electrophoretic


PI/Engineer: R. N. Griffin/GE Other Contacts: E. C. McKannan/MSFC

L. R. McCreight/GE A. C. Krupnick/MSFC

Apollo Flight No.: 14 Discipline: Materials science - organics/proteins (2680)

Weight: 2.3 kg Dimensions: 10 x 12.7 x 18 cm

Manufacturer: Marshall SFC Apollo Experiment No.: None

(Possibly with General

Description/Purpose--Many organic molecules, when placed in water solutions, will migrate if an

electric field is applied. Molecules of different substances move at different speeds; thus, they will
separate. Gravity and thermal convection tend to diminish this separation if solution density changes
upon concentration of these species. A small unit was used to demonstrate the separations obtained
with three sample mixtures having widely different molecular weights: 1) a mix of red and blue or-
ganic dyes, 2) human hemoglobin, and 3) DNA from salmon sperm.
The experiment consisted of four subsystems. First, a metal case for safety and containment with
a window N5 x 7.6 cm. Second, a pump to circulate the electrolytic fluid (that which flowed over the
electrodes - not the fluid in which the separation occurred since it was a static separation), a fluores-
cent light for viewing the action in the tubes, and a voltage doubler/rectifier. Third, the electrophore-
sis cells were in a polycarbonate block, 12.7 x 7.6 x 1.27 cm with three holes drilled through the long
dimension to provide the 0.63-cm-diameter test tubes. The fluid in the cells did not flow and was
enclosed at the ends by cellulose membranes with a pore size of 4 to 5 microns. Hence, the elec-
trodes at each end of the tubes were separated from the specimens in their solution. The fourth sub-
system provided circulation of electrolyte through the six electrode compartments. In operation, the
electrodes were continuously flushed by the flowing electrolyte which had the same composition as
the solvent, which maintained constant pH in the electrode compartments by being interchanged
between the anode and cathode ends. It also removed gaseous products from the vicinity of the

Site selection--NA

Deploying experiment--No comments by crew.

Checkout of experiment--No comments by crew.

Operation of experiment--The unit had two switches on it: one for power (on/off) and one to con-
trol the lighting (off/whiteAJV). Samples were released into the tubes by operating a slide valve. Data
on the progress of electrophoresis was collected by taking a sequence of photographs at intervals of
2.5 to 5 minutes of the action in the tubes through the window of the case with a 70-mm Hasselblad.
The total time required to demonstrate the separations was 57 minutes. The color bands were so faint
that they were difficult to see by eye. The crew was doubtful as to whether they would show up on
film, but they did. The other two experiments did not appear to work at all according to the crew
Post-mission review of the filmed data reveals that the red and blue organic dyes separated better
and sharper than on Earth, as expected; however, separation of the hemoglobin and DNA could not
be detected. Post-flight examination of the apparatus indicated that the samples were not released ef-
fectively (due to injection problems caused by the slide valve) to permit good separation, causing the
dyes to streak. The hemoglobin and DNA samples did not separate because they contained bacteria
that consumed the organic molecules prior to activation of the apparatus.

Repairs to experiment--None attempted.

Recovery/takedown of experiment--The apparatus was returned after 60 days of quarantine at the

lunar receiving lab. The photos were obtained shortly after splashdown.

Stowing experiment for return--No comments by crew.

Loading/unloading samples--The samples were injected into the tubes through a slide valve. It did
not operate properly and the samples were placed in a region of maximum electro-osmotic shear,
which degraded the separation.

Sampling operations--NA

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e., hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--The
electrical system produced 270 VDC for the electrodes for separation. The crew was protected from

Was lighting a problem?--No.

Were the results visible to the crew?--Yes.

Would you recommend any design changes?--The slide valve, allowing for the release of the sam-
ples, did not fully open due to misalignment between the cell block and the case. This was corrected
for A-16. A means of measuring the distance of the camera to the experiment might have helped the
focus. A tripod was added to the A-16 unit to allow the camera to be held more steadily and at a
fixed distance and two M-21 Hasselblad lens extension tubes were included to take close-up pictures
with the correct range and focus. The window was enlarged so that the electrodes could also be seen.
Time, temperature and current measurement capabilities were also added and were visible in the win-
dow for A-16. Markings 1 cm apart were added to the tubes for aid in measurements. The anode
was identified by yellow paint. Nondegradable samples (polystyrene spheres) were used for A-16.

Were any special tools required?--Camera for filming.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?---No.

Was the experiment successful?_The red and blue dyes did separate, but the DNA and hemoglobin
was not verified to be separated. Bacterial contamination followed by digestion of the material was
suspected. Nevertheless, the dye separation successfully demonstrated the process.

Were there related experiments on other flights?--Apollo 16, Skylab, Shuttle middeck electropho-
resis operations in space (EOS), Spacelab(?).

Where was it stored during flight?--CM aft bulkhead locker A8.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--No, but some of the photos were out of
focus. The experiment was performed on TEC with live color television during a press conference.
It was also filmed.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early
recovery?_The photos were recovered upon splashdown. The apparatus itself had to go through
the Lunar Receiving Lab quarantine. The unit might have performed better if last minute loading of
the electrolytic fluids and samples, to minimize the opportunity for bacterial growth, had been

What was different between training and actual operation?--No comments by crew.

Any experiences inside the CM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--No

comments by crew.


A-14 Mission Report

A-16 Mission Report

NASA TM X-64611, Electrophoresis Separation in Space - Apollo 14, 1971

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 3.6, Inflight Demonstrations, JSC-09423, April 1975

Apollo 14 Technical Crew Debriefing 17 February 1971, in the JSC History Office

Apollo Stowage List - Apollo 14, MSC, 9 February 1971

Experiment Operation During Apollo IVA at Zero-g

Acronym: None Experiment: Electrophoresis or Electrophoretic


PI/Engineer: Richard N. Griffin/MSFC Other Contacts: R. S. Snyder/MSFC

Apollo Flight No.: 16 Discipline: Materials science - organics/

proteins (2680)

Weight: 3.4 kg Dimensions: 10 x 12.7 x 18 cm

Manufacturer: General Electric Apollo Experiment No.: None

(with Marshall SFC)

Description/Purpose--The A-16 experiment demonstrated the electrophoresis of large, dense, non-

biological particles in order to evaluate the potential for separation of biological particles such as liv-
ing cells. The apparatus contained three separation columns: one column containing a mixture of
mono-disperse polystyrene latex particles of 0.2-and 0.8-micron diameter and, in the other two
columns, particles of each diameter were run separately to provide comparative data. The apparatus
had the same dimensions and comparable weight as the A-14 unit, but several modifications were
made to obtain more data. The particles were retained at the membrane closest to the cathode by a
Kapton film. The disk-shaped sample containers had a smaller diameter than the tubes so that the
initial insertion of the particles and subsequent electrophoresis would take place down the center of
the cells and away from the walls. Photographs were taken every 20 seconds during the separation

Site selection--NA

Deploying experiment--On one of the stowage lockers.

Checkout of experiment--As soon as the command module pilot (CMP), T.K. Mattingly, pulled the
closing Mylar out of the way with the knob he got "a spurt of stuff that came out and hit on the face
of the glass on the box."

Operation of experiment--Performed by the CMP. One hour was planned, but it was run three times
in ~30 minutes. The CMP tapped and shook the unit to try to displace some bubbles, then had to
wait for it to settle down. They did not move. The Kapton film was slowly pulled across the sample/
buffer interface of each chamber simultaneously. Pictures were taken automatically every 20 sec-
onds. The A-16 unit also had a reversal switch which would reverse the polarity of the voltage. On
A-16, the CMP made extensive observations and transmitted them to the ground (transcript in TM
X-64724) The rest was similar to the operation of the A-14 experiment.

Repairs to experiment--None required. Some taps on the unit were needed to displace bubbles.

Recovery/takedown of experiment--No comments by crew.

Stowing experiment for return_The apparatus was jettisoned in the LM so that additional storage
could be provided in the CM for lunar material.

Loading/unloading samples--The samples were released by sliding a membrane.

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e., hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--The
electrical system produced 300 VDC for the electrodes for separation. The crew was protected from
this. The entire unit consumed 32 W of power.

Was lighting a problem?--No.

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Were the results visible to the crew?--Yes.

Would you recommend any design changes?--Many were made from the A-14 experiment (see
previous experiment).

Were any special tools required?--Camera and tripod, included.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--No.

Was the experiment suecessful?--Yes.

Were there related experiments on other flights?--Apollo 14, Skylab, Shuttle middeck (EOS),

Where was it stored during flight?--Uncertain.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--No.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early
recovery?--None reported.

What was different between training and actual operation?--Some bubbles were present in the
tubes which expanded during flight due to the lower pressure in the CM.

Any experiences inside the CM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--Performed

on trans-lunar coast the day after launch. The apparatus was then jettisoned along with the LM so
that additional storage could be provided in the CM for lunar material.


A- 16 Mission Report

NASA TM X-64724, Electrophoresis Separation in Space - Apollo 16, 1972

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 3.6. Inflight Demonstrations, JSC-09423, April 1975

Apollo 16 Technical Crew Debriefing, 5 May 1972, in JSC History Office

Power Switch

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Figure 40: Electrophoresis demonstration - left side view.

Figure 41 : The electrophoresis demonstration as photographed on Apollo 16 (AS- 16-104-
17011). A thermometer and watch are included along with the three separation tubes. The
other three dials are ammeters for the individual tubes.

Experiment Operation During Apollo IVA at Zero-g

Acronym: HFC Experiment: Heat Flow and Convection

PI/Engineer: Tommy C. Bannister/MSFC Other Contacts:

Apollo Flight No.: 14 Discipline: Fluid Dynamics (1700)

Materials Science - Fluids (2610)

Weight: 3.2 kg Dimensions: 23 x 23 x 9.6 cm

Manufacturer: Marshall SFC Apollo Experiment No.: None

(with Lockheed Missiles
and Space Co.?)

Description/Purpose--Three different types of test cells--radial, flow pattern, and zone--were used
to detect convection directly, or detect convective effects by measurement of heat flow rates in fluids.
Each cell contained a small electric heater, powered by the spacecraft 28-VDC system. Seven tests
were made, each requiring 10 to 15 min. The data was recorded by the 16-mm DAC. The heat flow
rates were visually displayed by color-sensitive, liquid crystal thermal strips and the color changes
filmed with the DAC. It was demonstrated that surface tension can produce Benard cells in a liquid,
independently of gravity-induced convection. Zone heating of liquid samples produced an unex-
pected cyclic heat-flow pattern. See figure 5-3 in Mission Report for photo.
The radial cell was a circular cell filled with CO2 used to test radial heat flow. The cell, a cylindri-
cal dish with a small heater in the center, was covered by a plastic film coated with a liquid crystal that
indicated the temperature changes.
The flow pattern cell was designed to test the convective flow pattern induced in an oil layer by
thermal changes in surface tension. It was a shallow aluminum dish which was uniformly heated
from the bottom. Thin layers of Krytox (containing aluminum flakes for visibility) were open to the
spacecraft atmosphere and were thus unconfined.
The zone cells were composed of two transparent cylinders with heaters in the center. One con-
tained water and the other a sugar solution. Liquid crystal strips located along the central axis of
each cylinder and on the surface allowed the convection to be viewed on the basis of color maps,
signifying heat flow.

Site selection--In the lower equipment bay during operation.

Deploying experiment--The box had two doors which opened. The DAC was attached via a short

Checkout of experiment--No comments by crew.

Operation of experiment--No operations document was found, but the experiment drawing shows an
on/off switch, a cell selector/heater level select switch, and some knobs for the introduction and re-
moval of the Krytox oil. Seven experiments were performed, each requiring 10 to 15 minutes. The
crew commented that the procedures and equipment were in good shape and that it was easy to
accomplish the experiment.

Repairs to experiment--When filling the cup with Krytox fluid it did not flow evenly over the bot-
tom. The crew used a finger to try to push the fluid to the bottom, over the heating element, and
some of it did stay, but they never visually saw Benard cells as they expected.

Reeovery/takedown of experiment---No comments by crew.

Stowing experiment for return--No comments by crew.

Loading/unloading samples--Krytox was added to the flow pattern cell from a reservoir by turning a

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e., hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--No.

Was lighting a problem?--No.

Were the results visible to the crew?--Yes.

Would you recommend any design changes?--The experiment flew again on A-17.

Were any special tools required? The 16 mm DAC was used.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--No.

Was the experiment successful?--Yes.

Were there related experiments on other flights?--A-16. See Skylab, Shuttle, Spacelab databases.

Where was it stored during flight?--CM aft bulkhead storage locker A8.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--No.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early
recovery?--None reported.

What was different between training and actual operation?--No comments by crew.

Any experiences inside the CM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--Performed

on TEC with live color television during a press conference. It was also filmed.


A-14 Mission Report

NASA TM X-64735, Heat Flow and Convection Demonstration (Apollo 14), 1973

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 3.6, Inflight Demonstrations, JSC-09423, April 1975

Apollo 14 Technical Crew Debriefing 17 February 1971, in the JSC History Office

Apollo Stowage List - Apollo 14, MSC, 9 February 1971

Experiment Operation During Apollo IVA at Zero-g

Acronym: HFC Experiment: Heat Flow and Convection

PI/Engineer: T. C. Bannister/MSFC Other Contacts: B. R. Facemire/MSFC

Apollo Flight No.: 17 Discipline: Fluid Dynamics (1700)

Materials Science - Fluids (2610)

Weight: 3.2 kg Dimensions: 23 x 23 x 9.6 cm

Manufacturer: Marshall SFC Apollo Experiment No.: None

Description/Purpose--This was a modified version of the A-14 demonstration and contained three
separate experimental tests. Data was obtained with the DAC and from crew observations, both of
which were of excellent quality.
The first test was a flow pattern experiment to investigate convection caused by surface tension
gradients. The gradients result from heating a thin layer of liquid which generates cellular patterns
known as Benard Cells. The apparatus consisted of an open aluminum pan -7 cm in diameter with
electrical heaters attached to the bottom. There was no cover, thus an air/liquid interface existed. The
liquid was Krytox oil with -0.2% fine Al powder added for visibility, and the solution was released
into the pan by a valve and pump arrangement. Baffles around the inside periphery of the pan
maintained the liquid level at 2 and 4 mm in depth. The baffles were redesigned after the A-14 mis-
sion to ensure an even layer of oil across the bottom of the pan. On the A-14 demonstration, the
fluid tended to adhere to the walls of the pan. On the A-17 demonstration, the test was conducted
twice, once with a 2-mm fluid-depth, and once with a 4-mm depth.
The fluid contained bubbles which were not easily dissipated by stirring. At the 2-mm depth,
onset of convection occurred within a few seconds of heat application, whereas, on Earth, the average
onset time was -5 minutes. The fluid was contained by the baffles around the periphery and assumed
a convex shape, similar to a perfect lens. The surface was observed to be free of ripples and distor-
tion, and the center thickness was about twice the baffle height of 2 mm.
The Benard cells formed in the 2-mm depth were less orderly and symmetrical than the ground-
based patterns and they reached a steady state in -7 minutes. Cells formed in the 4-mm test were
more regular and larger than those in the 2-mm test, but the cells did not reach a steady-state condi-
tion during the 10-minute heating period.
The radial heating cell was to investigate heat flow and convection in a confined gas at low g
conditions. The experiment consisted of a cylinder which contained argon, and was -6 cm in diame-
ter and 2 cm in length. The initial internal pressure was -1 atmosphere. Heat was applied by a post
heater mounted in the center of the cell. Temperature changes and distribution were monitored by
liquid crystal strips which changed color as the temperature changed. Color changes indicated
proper operation.
The lineal heating cell unit was to investigate heat flow and convection in a confined liquid at low
g. The demonstration consisted of a cylindrical glass container -3 cm in diameter and 9 cm long,
containing Krytox oil. A disc-shaped heater was located at one end of the cylinder and the tempera-
ture changes were monitored by liquid crystal strips. The cell also contained a few magnesium parti-
cles to aid visibility. Color changes indicated proper operation.

Site selection--Uncertain, probably in docking tunnel or lower equipment bay of CM.

Deploying experiment--No comments by crew. The box had two doors which opened.

Checkout of experiment--No comments by crew.

Operation of experiment--During the trans-lunar coast. The first of two 40-minute demos was
begun at 00:33 GMT on 12/9/72. The second was begun 2 hours 20 minutes later. The pan was
filled with oil by turning a knob a prescribed number of turns. Because of the presence of bubbles,

additional oil had to be transferred by turning the knob more. This may have overfilled the pan and
formed a convex surface. As a result, fluid depth was not well known.

Repairs to experiment--None required, but see operation, above.

Recovery/takedown of experiment--No comments by crew.

Stowing experiment for return--No comments by crew.

Loading of experiment/samples in the CM--The pan was filled with oil by turning a knob a
prescribed number of turns.

Sampling operations---NA

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e., hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--No.

Was lighting a problem?--No.

Were the results visible to the crew?--Yes.

Would you recommend any design changes?--Some changes were made from the A-14 model to
this unit, as described above.

Were any special tools required?--DAC.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--Between the
two runs, the experiment was reoriented so that the radial experiment would point perpendicular to
the CM spacecraft x-axis rather than parallel to it. This should not have made much of a difference,
in any case.

Was the experiment successful?--Yes.

Were there related experiments on other flights? Apollo 14. Other?--See Skylab, Shuttle, and
Spacelab databases.

Where was it stored during flight?--CM stowage, uncertain.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--No.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early
recovery?--No comments by crew.

What was different between training and actual operation?--There were bubbles in the test fluid
reservoir which caused problems with the experiment.

Any experiences inside the CM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--Performed

on trans-lunar coast by Ron Evans. The mass of the A-17 craft, more fully fueled and with the LM
attached, was higher than the mass of the A-14 craft during the operation of the experiment on that
mission (during TEC without the LM). The g-jitter might thus have been lower.


The Apollo Spacecraft - A Chronology, NASA SP-4009, Vol. 4, p. 358

Apollo 17 Heat Flow and Convection Experiments-Final Data Analyses Results, NASA TM X-64772

Heat Flow and Convection Experiments Aboard Apollo 17, Science, vol. 187, 1975, pp. 165-167

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 3.6, Inflight Demonstrations, JSC-09423, April 1975

Apollo 17 Technical Crew Debriefing, 4 January 1973, in JSC History Office

Flow Pattern Cell
Flow Pattern
Fluid Inject Knob Flow Pattern Flow Valve

Radial Heating Lineal Heating Cell


Experiment Crystal
Selector Switch Tapes

Power Switch

Figure 42: Panel face of Apollo 17 heat flow and convection apparatus.

Experiment Operation During Apollo IVA at Zero-g

Acronym: None Experiment: Light Flashes Experiment

(ALFMED) (Apollo Light Flash Moving Emulsion

PI/Engineer: Richard E. Benson/JSC Other Contacts: Lawrence S. Pinsky/JSC

W. Zachary Osbom/Univ. of Houston
J. Vernon Bailey/JSC

Apollo Flight No.: 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17 Discipline: Life Sciences (2500),
Animal Biology/Medical - Eyes (2538),
Cosmic Radiation (2900)

Weight: 3.5 kg - ALFMED Dimensions:

Manufacturer: Uncertain Apollo Experiment No.: NA

Description/Purpose--All crews since A-11 (and perhaps some earlier) observed light flashes when
in the dark or when they closed their eyes, while in transit to and from the Moon, on the surface, and
in lunar orbit. On A-14 an observational schedule was first followed to test the various theories of the
origin of the flashes. Flashes could be seen with the eyes open or closed when the spacecraft was
dark. They discovered that it was not necessary to be dark adapted to see the flashes. This indicates
that Cerenkov radiation from energetic cosmic rays traversing the eyeball, which had been the most
widely accepted explanation for the light flashes, probably did not cause all or most of the flashes
because light from this source is quite faint. Some of the flashes observed in space may be caused by
direct ionization interactions of cosmic rays with the retina.
The ALFMED was an electromechanical device carried on A-16 & 17 that was worn on the head
somewhat like a helmet and supported cosmic-radiation-sensitive emulsions around the head of the
test subject. A physical record was provided of cosmic ray particles that passed through the emulsion
and, in turn, through the head. A fixed vs. moving emulsion comparison allowed time resolution to 1

Site selection--In the CM during coast periods. Casual observations from the LM were also made.

Deploying experiment_The ALFMED unit was donned like a helmet with a face shield.

Checkout of experiment--NA

Operation of experiment--The A-15 crew had observing sessions with eye shades on during the
trans-lunar coasts and TECs. They reported the flashes to Mission Control real-time. Also, the CMP
had an observing session in lunar orbit and the crew on the surface reported that they saw flashes
while in the LM. The LMP reported that the frequency of flashes was lower when he was lying on his
stomach in his hammock than when he was on his back. On A-16 & 17 two one-hour sessions were
conducted, one each during trans-lunar coasts and TECs. ALFMED was worn in the first session
only, eye shades were used for the second. The observation of flashes was reported to Mission
Control and was correlated with ALFMED results. The event rate was higher during trans-lunar coast
than TEC. Photography of the fundus of the eye before and after flight revealed no detectable
changes. The CMP never saw any flashes for the entire flight of A-16, but it is worth noting that he
has poor night vision.

Repairs to experiment--NA

Recovery/takedown of experiment--NA

Stowing experiment for return--NA

.... 153
Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e., hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--No.

Was lighting a problem?--Dark adaptation may have affected the results.

Were the results visible to the crew?--Yes, by definition.

Would you recommend any design changes?--No comments by crew.

Were any special tools required?--A-11, 12, and 13 crewmembers (ALFMED) merely reported
light flash observations during crew debriefings. A-14 and 15 crewmembers had a special one-hour
observation period and reported the flashes to Mission Control as they occurred. A-15 crewmembers
were the first to have special light-tight eye shades to provide a uniform and reproducible degree of
darkness. A-16 & 17 crewmembers wore special ALFMED headgear designed to document the
passage of cosmic rays.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--No.

Was the experiment successful?--Yes.

Were there related experiments on other flights? Apollo? Other?--Lab studies with humans
exposed to X-rays and several types of particulate radiation have been done and show that similar
light-flash sensations are observed.

Where was it stored during flight?---CM aft bulkhead locker A8 (for A-16).

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--The emulsions recorded the passage of
the cosmic rays through the film. Since one moved relative to another, coincidence of two tracks by
alignment of the plates defined the time of passage. This was correlated with the times of the obser-
vations of the crew to Mission Control.

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early
What was different between training and actual operation?--No comments by crew.

Any experiences inside the CM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--No.


Preliminary Science Reports

Apollo light flash investigations, in "Biomedical Results of Apollo," pp 355 - 365, NASA, Osborne,
W. Z., Pinsky, L. S., Bailey, J. V.

Apollo Program Summary Report, section, Visual light flash phenomenon, JSC-09423, April

Apollo 16 Technical Crew Debriefing, 5 May 1972, in JSC History Office

Apollo Stowage List - Apollo 16, MSC, 18 April 1972

Memorandum to Manager, Apollo Spacecraft Program, from Director of Medical Research and
Operations, re Visual Light Flash Phenomenon - Apollo 15 DTO Assessment Report, 18 October
1971, in JSC History Office

Figure43: Interiorview of ALFMEDdevice(S-71-39590).

BLACK +_i',.!D_"..',qirF- lz._OTOGRApF(

Figure44: The ALFMEDdeviceaswornduringlight flashesinvestigation(S-71-39591).

BLACK tgi'.;D '.'.'". , _....

Experiment Operation During Apollo IVA at Zero-g

Acronym: LTD Experiment: Liquid Transfer Demonstration

PI/Engineer: Kaleel L. Abdalla/LeRC Other Contacts: Edward W. Otto, Eugene P. Symons,

Donald A. Petrash/LeRC

Apollo Flight No.: 14 Discipline: Fluid Dynamics (1700)

Fluid Management (1710)
Materials Science - Fluids (2610)

Weight: 4.1 kg Dimensions: 25 x 15 x 3 cm (est.)

Manufacturer: Lewis RC Apollo Experiment No.: None

Description/Purpose--The demonstration had two sets of tanks, one set containing baffles and the
other without baffles. The unit was - 25 cm x 15 cm x 3 cm (estimated from photo), plus a small
hand pump and 2 plastic tubes. The tanks were 10.16 cm in diameter, and the fiat faces were sep-
arated by .635 cm. Each tank contained two ports positioned 180 ° apart. The flat sides were clear
for photographic purposes. The side which faced the light was frosted for diffuse lighting. The
pump was a screw-driven piston providing a positive pressure on one side while creating a suction on
the other side. It could be operated in either direction. By attaching tubing to the vent of each tank,
the system became closed. The tubing, sized for friction fit over pump and tank port connections,
could be easily switched to permit pumping between the baffled tank set or between the plain tank
Transfer of liquid between the unbaffled tanks was unsuccessful, as expected. Different flow rates
were obtained by different crank speeds on the pump. Transfer between the baffled tanks demon-
strated the effectiveness of two different baffle designs. The liquid transfer demonstration clearly
showed that suitable baffles inside a tank at zero-g permit positive expulsion of liquid contents, taking
advantage of the surface-tension properties of the liquid. Orderly inflow into the receiver tank with
no liquid loss through the gas vent was also successful.

Site selection--Unclear, probably on stowage lockers.

Deploying experiment--No comments by crew.

Checkout of experiment--No comments by crew.

Operation of experiment--One astronaut had to pump the liquid from one tank to the other with a
small hand-cranked pump. Another photographed the tanks either with a motion picture sequence
camera or with the onboard video camera. They did the experiment at least twice. The first time was
on television. During filming with the camera, there were more bubbles present than the first time.

Repairs to experiment--None required.

Recovery/takedown of experiment--No comments by crew.

Stowing experiment for return--NA

Loading/unloading samples--Samples were pumped using a hand crank pump.

Sampling operations--None.

Were there any hazards in the experiment, i.e., hazardous materials (explosive, radioactive,
toxic), sharp objects, high voltages, massive/bulky objects, tripping hazards, temperatures?--All
external plastic surfaces were covered with laminated safety glass and an overlay of thin fluoro-
plastic to ensure maximum crew safety. The liquid used in the tanks was an inert fluorochemical,

Its propertiessimulatedthecontactangleof mostpropellantson typical
Waslighting a problem?--A lighting frame, containing six incandescent lamps utilizing spacecraft
power, was provided for photographic purposes.
Were the results visible to the crew?--Yes.

Would you recommend any design changes?--No comments by crew.

Were any special tools required?--No.

Was the orientation of the experiment (i.e. horizontal/vertical) important? Difficult?--No.

Was the experiment successful?--Yes.

Were there related experiments on other flights? Apollo? Other?--STS-53 performed the Fluid
Acquisition and Resupply Equipment (FARE) experiment which moved fluids from one tank to
another in zero g. A successor to this flew on STS-57.

Where was it stored during flight?--Aft bulkhead lockers A8 and A10.

Were there any problems photographing the experiment?--Not attempted since capsules were not

What pre-launch and cruise requirements were there? Power, thermal, late access, early
recovery?--None noted.

What was different between training and actual operation?--No comments by crew.

Any experiences inside the CM of interest from the experiment/operations viewpoint?--

Performed on TEC with live color television during a press conference. It was also filmed and
photographed. A picture of the apparatus is in the Mission Report as figure 5-2.


A- 14 Mission Report

NASA TM X-2410, Liquid Transfer Demonstration On Board Apollo 14 During Trans-Earth Coast,

Apollo Program Summary Report, section 3.6, Inflight Demonstrations, JSC-09423, April 1975

Apollo 14 Technical Crew Debriefing, 17 February 1971, in the JSC History Office

Apollo Stowage List - Apollo 14, MSC, 9 February 1971

Part IIh Summary of Lessons Learned and
Guidelines for Future Experiments

The major question for planning operations on the lunar surface involves deciding which experi-
ments or tasks will be performed. Comments regarding overplanning of the Apollo timelines and
having little time to explore and think while performing an EVA are certainly ones that have been
voiced by the crews and some of the PIs of the era, but it is a complex question that must be traded
off against what one would have been willing to forego in order to do more "thinking and explor-
ing." How do we measure the improvement in sample selection vs. a greater number of samples, an
increased number of measurements, or an improved deployment of an instrument? How many sam-
ples are we willing to give up? How much poorer a documentation of the samples? How many fewer
magnetometer or gravimeter measurements? Each discipline would have a different set of answers.

The Apollo traverse planners tried to take these considerations into account by providing some time
at most of the stations for general observations and descriptions, and by trying to arrive at an overall
science consensus before the mission via the Science Working Panel, as to what was a reasonable bal-
ance of time allocations among the various experiments. Certainly, in the early missions the EVA
timelines were scheduled very tightly. In the later J missions, however, more EVA time, better train-
ing, and an emphasis on exploration resulted in a more relaxed approach to the field geology exper-
iment. It is questionable whether Apollo would be done any differently today if we were going back
to the Moon with the same constraints on time available at a given site. When we have a permanent
outpost and an opportunity to have longer visits to an area, this approach may change. It must be
realized, however, that this will not happen even in the first few years of an outpost. The number of
potentially interesting things to do near just about any site can quickly consume all possible EVA
time. Also, Apollo had months to plan and train for each mission. Similar Earth support for an
equivalent effort when EVAs happen daily is probably not realistic, so more "local" planning may
be essential. Add to this the consensus realized during Skylab 4, and practiced during Shuttle mis-
sions today, that some crew autonomy is necessary, and it is likely that an approach to the desired
"thinking and exploring time" may result, even if some loss of efficiency also arises.

Many of the problems dealt with on the lunar surface arose from just a few novel conditions that
manifested themselves in various nasty forms. Low gravity caused cables to stick up and get caught
on feet, and also made it easy for instruments to tip over. Dust was a constant problem and caused
abrasion, visibility, and thermal control difficulties. Operating in a pressure suit limited a person's
activity, especially in the hands and waist. From the operations described in this document, the
lessons learned are listed below.

Cables were used to carry power and commands from, and data to, the ALSEP central station. Rib-
bon-type cables were used, and these were tightly wound on spools weeks before launch and tended
to retain this "set." Normal round cables were used for other equipment, such as the television cam-
era and the S-band antenna. All the cables were constantly getting under foot since the low gravity
was not enough to cause them to lay flat. This was probably the biggest nuisance (and also a hazard)
during EVA operations on the Moon. After the HFE was damaged by pulling the cable loose from
the central station by tripping over it, the connections were strengthened and strain relief was added,
but the cables themselves were still a problem. Also, instruments with a high center of gravity, such as
the SIDE, were easily pulled over by the normal tension of the cables. Future missions might consid-
er including "tent stakes" to anchor cables or instruments. Also, using some other way of transmit-
ting data to (would optical pulses work in the bright lunar environment?) and power from (microwave

or laserbeaming?)a centralstationwouldavoidcables.If eachinstrumentwereindividuallypowered
by its ownsolarpanelsandreturneddatadirectlyto Earth,asthePSEPon Apollo 11,theproblem
woulddisappear.Of course,powerduringthenightis still requiredfor manyexperimentsandthe
benefitof a commonpowersourceis considerable.

Orientationof the experimentswasmostlydoneusinga bubblelevelandSuncompass.Levelingthe

experiments wasgenerallynot a problemsincefairly gentleslopeswereusuallyavailable.Thevery
sensitiveseismometers neededto bere-leveledfrequentlyby commandfromEarth,especiallyduring
terminatorcrossing.TheFarUV camerapresented something of a problemin leveling.Two of its
threefeetneededto pusheddeeplyinto thesoilto levelit. Mostlikely,levelingwill not bea major
problemin thefuture. It is anengineeringproblemthatis constrained by massavailableto the

SinceApollo missionsalwaysoccurredin the lunarmorning,andsincethemissionswereshortand

thegeometryof theSunat emplacement wasknown,theshadowtechniqueworkedwell for direc-
tionalorientation.Shadowpositionfor the plannedlandingsite wasmarkedon the instruments
beforeEarthlaunch. If EVAsfrom a future lunarbaseareperformedundervaryingSunangles,a
neworientationprocedurefor directionalpointingwill beneeded.This couldbeassimpleasusing
thesameSuncompassconceptwith updatedinformationfromMissionControl(exceptnearlunar
noon--duringwhich EVAsmayberestricteddueto thermalloadsanyway),or ascomplexashaving
theequivalentof a globalpositioningnetworkaroundtheMoon. EVAsperformedwith only Earth-
shineobviouslycannotuseSunorientationfor emplacement.

Dustgot everywhere.It evengot intothe areaswherethereleaseboltswerelocatedandmadeit

difficult to evendeploysomeexperiments.Futurethermalandmechanicaldesignsmustallowfor
this. Dustcoversthatencasetheentireinstrument,notjust a sampleport,mightbeincludedthatare
left on, andremovedonly wheneverythingis setup correctly.

Intricatemanipulationwasextremelydifficult with thepressuresuit gloveson. Evencarryingthe

ALSEPout to the deploymentsite,a taskwhichrequiredgripping,wasdifficult because of thecon-
stanteffortrequiredto closethe hand.Simpleoperations whichdonot rely on a closedhandwill be
easiestuntil glovedesignimproves.Bendingof thearmsandwrist wasalsodifficult. Tasksnearthe
chest,suchasputtinga sampleinto a bag,werethereforeawkwardandbecamea two-manoperation.
Bendingthe legswaseasy,but kneelingin thedustwouldcreatea housekeeping problemsupon
enteringa spacecraftor habitat.

WhiletheLRV workedverywell,negotiatingslopessidewisewasdifficultfor thedownhillcrewman

whofelt asif hecouldeasilyfall off despitetheseatbelt. Also,oncethemassof theLRV started
goingdownhill,steeringwasmarginalsincetheinertiawouldkeepit goingin a straightline. Perhaps
the suspensioncanbemadeto compensate for someamountof sideslope,andthe wheeldesigncan
grabthe surfacemore. Conewheelsseemto havesomeadvantages andwill probablybe usedinstead
of thewiremeshwheelsof theLRV. If theweightof thevehicleis increased by filling emptycon-
tainerswith regolith,wouldthatimprovetraction?Wouldthisalsoincrease thedownhillsteering
problemandpowerconsumption?Is thereoneoptimumor doesit dependon theparticularmission
on thatEVA?

Low gravityis the normon theMoon,thereforeequipment easilytippedoverif thecenterof gravity

wastoo high andcablespulledon them. Perhapsfutureexperiments couldinclude"tent stakes"or
pocketsfor weightto beaddedif this is a problem.Theuseof looseregolithasthe
weightcouldcreatea dustproblem,sorocks,sinteredsoil,or castbasaltmightbeusedastheballast.

Digginganddrilling wasverydifficult below the top few centimeters of the lunar regolith. The soil
very quickly becomes consolidated beyond any normal soil here on Earth. Core tubes and drill
stems were redesigned to work properly. To assist the removal of the long core tubes, the treadle and
jack were designed. While much of this is now understood, it would be wise to reconsider how these
operations can best be accomplished in the future.

Since each crewman had to place his geological samples into a bag which hung on the PLSS of the
other crewman, their proximity to each other was necessarily close. Future sampling operations
might benefit from allowing a crewman to place samples in a bag hanging on his own PLSS (requir-
ing high flexibility in the suit or tools) or perhaps from using a sack that can rest on the ground with
a handle that can be reached for carrying like a shopping bag. In general, teamwork which is
required only due to mobility and dexterity limitations should force consideration of other ways of
accomplishing the task. This could effectively double the sampling activity of an EVA team.

On foot, navigation appears to have been the most difficult problem encountered during lunar
surface activities. Unexpected terrain features, as compared to relief maps available from orbital
reconnaissance, were the source of these problems. The ridges and valleys had an average change in
elevation of -3 to 5 meters. Landmarks that were clearly apparent on the maps were not at all
apparent on the surface. Even when the crewmen climbed to a ridge, the landmark often was not
clearly in sight. During their short stay times, at least one landmark, the Sun, was always in sight and
always reliable. This will not be the case at a future outpost when long stay times are the norm.

Later crews used the LRV, which had excellent navigation aids. A total of 5 hours was spent at tra-
verse station stops on A-15, and the astronauts transmitted excellent descriptions of the lunar surface
while in transit between stations. A-16 and 17 improved upon this. While most future EVAs can also
expect to be supported by a rover, emergency walk-backs might need to be supported with better
navigational aids.

In a more general sense, the interaction of experiments during Apollo created a logistical quagmire
that had to be carefully considered. The magnets in the SIDE and CCG had to be a minimum dis-
tance from the magnetometer. The lunar neutron probe had to be emplaced a minimum distance
from the RTG. The vibrations of the LRV due to moving the TV camera were a concern to the tra-
verse gravimeter team. The layout of the ALSEP packages was driven by interactions of the instru-
ments and their various orientation requirements. While intermingling many experiments from both
a hardware and a timeline perspective may be necessary for efficiency, there is always a price to pay
in compromising the data or operations required.

During the Apollo EVAs, the planned timelines were carefully followed by teams of mission con-
trollers and science support people in the back rooms. Rarely were the crews "allowed" to get far
behind this timeline. Some tasks, such as deploying the rover or transferring the fuel rod to the RTG,
were critical, and whatever was needed to accomplish them was done. In these cases, something else
had to be sacrificed. That usually meant shortening the time at one of the stations on the geology
traverse, or eliminating the station altogether. Some special samples were eliminated or obtained at
alternate locations. It is doubtful that this much support will be provided to future crews when EVA
is a daily occurance. What is lost in efficiency will hopefully be made up for in sheer quantity of
time at the outpost.

As our experience with training for and performing lunar surface EVAs grew with later missions, our
ability to plan realistic timelines increased. The A-14 crew said that, by the end of training, they were

consistentlyaheadof thetimelineby 25to 30 minutes,andfelt thatthis wouldbeadequate
to take
careof theextratimethattheywoulduseon the surfacein beingmorecareful,andto allowfor
problems.As it turnedout,it wasn'tenough."Thefactis thatyou'rejust a bit morecarefulwith
the actualflight equipment."Theyrecommended a 25%to 30%pad.

An analysisof the three EVAs of Apollo 15 was performed and is documented in a series of charts
and tables on file at the JSC History Office under the title "Apollo 15 Realtime Lunar Surface Sum-
mary Timelines, Activity Completion Percentages Attached." It compares the actual time required to
complete all the tasks on the surface to the planned timelines. It also shows percentage of completion
of each task and has some comments on the comparisons. A similar document could not be found in
the Apollo Collection for the other missions. One would need to view the mission video and audio
tapes and compare them to the timelines to get this information.

The Apollo 16 Time and Motion Study looked at the ratio of time to perform tasks related to ALSEP
deployment on the lunar surface on A-15 and A-16 vs. the time the crew took on their third one-g
training session. This ratio ranged from 1.16 for simple tasks to 2.18 for more complex ones. The
average ratio on A-15 was 1.41, and that on A-16 was 1.66. The difference is not statistically signifi-
cant. This suggests that tasks take about 50% longer to perform under the lunar EVA constraints
than in training.

A number of factors can be proposed to explain the differences in lunar EVA and one-g training
comparisons. The more obvious of these are rooted in the differences associated with lunar and
Earth-bound conditions--g level, differences in soil and terrain, visibility, etc. There are also attitudi-
nal influences which are important. Central to these is the attitude of care or carefulness. The equip-
ment was not indestructible and the crew had very limited repair capability. During lunar EVA the
astronaut had no one to correct mistakes or to help in difficult situations, in contrast to a training
session where numerous individuals were available to check experiment deployment. The simulated
lunar surface at KSC was not only smoother than the actual lunar terrain, but was also more familiar
and created no problems relative to site selection for experiment deployment. When on the Moon,
the astronaut was keenly aware of the fact that he had only one chance to complete his task, that his
performance must be efficient, and that he was being intently observed by a large portion of the
world population. In short, lunar EVA induced an attitude of great care in the execution of the
allotted tasks.

There are also the matters of rest and pacing. During training, it is not possible to continue working
for very long in the suited condition. Work periods are shorter and astronauts tend to mobilize their
energies for swift but effective performance. Training time, then, would tend to be shorter.

A future lunar program will have to learn from its mistakes as well as its successes, just as the Apollo
missions did. It is important to build upon what we have already learned, however. This document
will hopefully help us to retain the corporate knowledge of Apollo operations until we get back to do
it even better next time.

Appendix A - Apollo Experiments and Missions

Surface Apollo Mission

Number Experiment 11 1__22 1__4_4 1_5_5 16 1_Z7

S 031 Passive Seismic X X X X X

S 033 Active Seismic X X
S 034 Lunar Surface Magnetometer X X X
S 035 Solar-Wind Spectrometer X X
S 036 Suprathermal Ion Detector X X X
S 037 Heat Flow X (1) X
S 038 Charged Particle X
S 058 Cold Cathode Gage X X X
S 059 Lunar Geology X X X X X X
S 078 Laser Ranging Retroreflector X X X
S 152 Cosmic Ray Detector X X
S 198 Portable Magnetometer X X
S 199 Traverse Gravimeter X
S 200 Soil Mechanics X X X X X X
S 201 Far UV Camera/Spectrograph X
S 202 Lunar Ejecta and Meteorites X
S 203 Lunar Seismic Profiling X
S 204 Surface Electrical Properties X
S 205 Lunar Atmospheric Composition X
S 207 Lunar Surface Gravimeter X
S 229 Neutron Probe X
M 515 Dust Detector X X X X

Time on Moon (hours) 22 32 33 67 71 75

Number of EVAs 1 2 2 3 3 3
Duration of EVAs (hours) 2.8 7.8 9.4 18.6 20.2 22.1
Total Traverse Length (km) 0.25 2.0 3.3 27.9 27.0 35.0

(1) Cable broken during deployment.

Microgravity Apollo Mission

Experiment 1__Z1 1__22 14 1___55 1_6_6 I_Z

Composite Casting Demonstration X

Electrophoresis Demonstration X X
Heat Flow and Convection Demonstration X X
Light Flashes Experiment X X X X X X
Liquid Transfer Demonstration X

Appendix B - Bibliography

Internal JSC documents only; archived at the JSC History_ Office

A-11 Final Lunar Surface Operations Plan, JSC, 27 June 1969.
A-12 Final Lunar Surface Operations Plan, JSC, 23 October 1969.
A-14 Final Lunar Surface Procedures, 31 December 1970.
A-15 Final Lunar Surface Procedures, 9 July 1971.
A-16 Final Lunar Surface Procedures, 16 March 1972, MSC.
A-17 Final Lunar Surface Procedures, Vol. 1: Nominal Plans, MSC, 6 November 1972.
A-11 Mission Report - MSC-00171, November 1969 (available from NASA as SP-238).
A- 12 Mission Report - MSC-01855, March 1970.
A-14 Mission Report - MSC-04112, May 1971.
A-15 Mission Report - MSC-05161, December 1971.
A-16 Mission Report - MSC-07230, August 1972.
A-17 Mission Report - JSC-07904, March 1973.
A-14 Stowage List, MSC, 9 February 1971.
A-16 Stowage List, MSC, 18 April 1972.
A-17 Stowage List, MSC, 12 December 1972.
A-14 Technical Crew Debriefing, 17 February 1971.
A-15 Technical Crew Debriefing, 14 August 1971.
A-16 Technical Crew Debriefing, 5 May 1972.
A-17 Technical Crew Debriefing, 4 January 1973.
ALSEP (Array E) Critical Design Review Presentation Material, NAS9-5829. NASA/MSC. Bendix
Aerospace Systems Division. 14-18 June 1971.
ALSEP (Array E) Apollo 17 Familiarization Course - Handout for class of 15 January 1968.
ALSEP (Array E) Apollo 17 Familiarization Course - Handout for class of 1 September 1972.
ALSEP Final Systems Mission Rules - ALSEP 3. 23 March 1970.
ALSEP Flight System Familiarization Manual, Bendix Aerospace Division, Contract No. NAS9-5829, 1
August 1967.
Alignment, Leveling, and Deployment Constraints for A-15 Lunar Scientific Experiments, document in
JSC History Office.
Apollo Experience Report #17 - Thermal Design of Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package.
Apollo Experience Report #37 - Photographic Equipment and Operations During Manned Spaceflight
Apollo 15 Realtime Lunar Surface Summary Timelines, Activity Completion Percentages Attached.
Apollo Program Summary Report, JSC-09423. April 1975.
Catalog of Apollo Lunar Surface Geological Sampling Tools and Containers, JSC-23454.
Geotechnical Engineering on the Moon, document from the Planet Surface Systems Office, JSC.
December 1990.
Memorandum from FC93/Head, Lunar Surface Section, 7 October 1971, re: Apollo 14 ALSEP 4 Post-
Mission Report.
Memorandum to Manager, Apollo Spacecraft Program, from Director of Medical Research and
Operations, re Visual Light Flash Phenomenon - Apollo 15 DTO Assessment Report. 18 October
Memorandum from Leon T. Silver to members of the SWP Subpanel on Soil Mechanics Experiment (S-
200). 30 November 1971.
Personal files of Col. R. Parker, available in JSC History Office.

NASA documents
A-11 Preliminary Science Report - NASA SP-214, 1969.
A-12 Preliminary Science Report - NASA SP235, 1970.
A-14 Preliminary Science Report - NASA SP 272, 1971.
A-15 Preliminary Science Report - NASA SP289, 1972.
A-16 Preliminary Science Report - NASA SP-315, 1972.
A-17 Preliminary Science Report - NASA SP-330, 1973.
ALSEP Termination Report, NASA RP 1036, April 1979.
Analysis of Surveyor 3 Material and Photographs Returned by Apollo 12, NASA SP-284. 1972.
Apollo 14 Composite Casting Demonstration Final Report, NASA TM X-61641. October 1971.

Appendix B - Bibliography

NASA documents (continued)

Apollo Scientific Experiments Data Handbook, JSC-09166, NASA TM X-58131, August 1974.
Apollo 17 Heat Flow and Convection Experiments - Final Data Analyses Results, NASA TM X-64772.
Electrophoresis Separation in Space - Apollo 14, NASA TM X-64611. 1971.
Electrophoresis Separation in Space - Apollo 16, NASA TM X-64724. 1972.
Heat Flow and Convection Demonstration (Apollo 14), NASA TM X-64735. 1973.
Liquid Transfer Demonstration Onboard Apollo 14 During Trans-Earth Coast, NASA TM X-2410.
November 1971.
The Apollo Spacecraft - A Chronology, NASA SP-4009, Vol. 4.

Technical Journal Articles and Books

"Heat Flow and Convection Experiments Aboard Apollo 17." Science. Vol. 187. pp. 165-167. 1975.
Berg, O. E., F. F. Richardson, J. W. Rhee, and S. Auer. "Preliminary Results of a Cosmic Dust
Experiment on the Moon." Geophy. Res. Lett. 1. pp. 289-290. 1974.
Berg, O. E., H. Wolf, and J. Rhee. "Lunar Soil Movement Registered by the Apollo 17 Cosmic Dust
Experiment," in Interplanetary Dust and Zodiacal Light, H. Elsasser and H. Fechtig, eds. Springer-
Verlag. New York. pp. 233-237. 1976.
Carruthers, George R. "Apollo 16 Far-Ultraviolet Camera/Spectrograph: Instrument and Operations,"
Applied Optics. Vol. 12, pp. 2501-2508. October 1973.
Criswell, D. R. "Lunar dust motion," in: Proc. 3rd Lunar Sci. Conf., The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA,
2671-2680. 1972.
Heiken, G., D. Vaniman, and B. French, Eds. Lunar Sourcebook - A User's Guide to the Moon.
Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, MA. 1991.
Jacobs, S., R. E. Durkee, and R. S. Harris, Jr. "Lunar Dust Deposition Effects on the Solar Absorptance
of Thermal Control Materials," AIAA paper. AIAA 6th Thermophysics Conference, Tullahoma, TN.
pp. 71-459. 26-28 April 1971.
Jones, Eric M. "Working on the Moon." Proceedings of Space '90, ASCE. pp. 1423-1432. 1990.
King, Bert. Moon Trip - A Personal Account of the Apollo Program and its Science. University of
Houston. Houston, TX. 1989.
Mamon, Glenn. A Traverse Gravimeter for the Lunar Surface. MIT Draper Labs. Cambridge, MA.
August 1971.
Osborne, W. Z., L. S. Pinsky, and J. V. Bailey. "Apollo Light Flash Investigations," in Biomedical
Results of Apollo. NASA. pp. 355-365.
Page, Thornton. "$201 Far-Ultraviolet Photograhs of Comet Kohoutek From Skylab 4 (SL4), Preliminary
Report," in: Comet Kohoutek, proceedings of a workshop held at MSFC. pp. 37-75. 13-14 June
Page, T. and G. R. Carruthers. NRL Report 8206:$201 Far Ultraviolet Atlas of the Large Megellanic
Cloud. 1978.
Rennilson, J. J. and D. R. Criswell. "Surveyor Observations of Lunar Horizon Glow," The Moon 10, pp.
121-142. 1974.
Wilhelms, Don E. To a Rocky Moon, A Geologist's History of Lunar Exploration. University of Arizona
Press. Tucson, AZ. 1993.
Zook, H. A. and J. E. McCoy. "Large Scale Lunar Horizon Glow and a High Altitude Lunar Dust
Exosphere." Geophys. Res. Let., Vol. 18, No. 1, 2117-2120. 1991.

Personal communications
Personal communication with Jim Bates, 21 April 1993, re: ALSEPs.
Personal commumcation with Dallas Evans/JSC, 25 March 1993.
Personal communication with Eric Jones, 3 August 1993.
Personal communication with Thornton Page.
Personal commumcation with Jack Sevier, 18 May 1993.
Personal commumcation with Joseph N. Tatarewicz.
Personal communication with John Young, 1 April 1993.
Personal commumcation with Herb Zook, 1 April 1993, re: ALSEP command procedures.


Active Seismic Experiment (ASE) 1, 5, 6, 8, 10, 81, 85, 105, A-1

Apollo Light Flash Moving Emulsion Detector (Light Flashes Experiment) (ALFMED)
153, 154, 155, 156, A-l, B-2
Apollo lunar hand tools (ALHTs) 8, 72
Apollo lunar sample return container (ALSRC) (also SRC) 65, 71
Apollo Lunar Stereoscopic Closeup Camera (ALCC) 11, 133, 134, 135
Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) 1, 2, 5-9, 11, 13, 15-17, 19, 20, 22,
29, 30, 34, 41, 42, 44, 45, 49, 50, 53, 57-59, 61, 62, 72, 73, 75, 76, 85, 86, 89, 90, 98, 99,
103, 104, 105, 117, 121-124, 130, 159-162, B-I, B-2
Apollo lunar surface drill (ALSD) 7, 51, 52, 67, 72, 75, 76, 99, 110
Apollo Simple Penetrometer (ASP) 2, 109
astronomy 37
aurora 37
barbell 5, 6, 10, 103
BB 34, 105
bore stems 50-52
Boyd bolts 6, 98, 117, 122, 123
cable 1, 2, 4, 9, 19, 20, 22, 37, 50, 51, 61, 65, 89, 93, 94, 97, 101, 103, 107, 110, 121, 122, 125,
129, 159
cameras 11, 12, 13, 37-39, 81, 109, 140, 144
central station 1-3, 6-10, 22, 29, 41, 49-51, 57, 61, 63, 66, 75, 86, 89, 102, 103, 107, 117, 121,
122, 130, 159, 160
Charged Particle Lunar Environment Experiment (CPLEE) 5, 15, 17, 123, A-1
Cold Cathode Gauge Experiment (CCG) (CCGE) (CCIG) 5, 19, 20, 22, 58, 89, 121, 123, 124,
161, A-1
Composite Casting Demonstration 137, A-l, B-1
core tube 67, 72, 74, 101, 109-111, 161
cosmic ray (radiation) 23, 25, 153
Cosmic Ray Detector (CRD) (CRDE) (CRE) (also Lunar Surface Cosmic Ray Experiment,
or LSCRE) 23, 26, 77, 114, A-1
cratering 61
Data Acquisition Camera (DAC) 11, 137, 147, 149, 150
Data Storage Electronics Assembly (DSEA) 125, 126
dome removal tool (DRT) 8, 97-99, 102
drill(ing) 7, 49, 50, 67, 68, 72, 76
dust (lunar) 2, 3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 24, 29, 30, 39, 62, 75, 80, 81, 97-99, 103, 104, 113, 114, 122,
124, 126, 129, 133, 159, 160, A-1
Dust, Thermal & Radiation Engineering Measurements (DTREM) (also Lunar Dust
Detector, or LDD) 29, 39, A-1
Early Apollo Scientific Experiment Package (EASEP) 8, 33, 35, 103, 109
Earth atmosphere 37, 39
Earth sciences-magnetosphere 117, 121
electrophoresis 139, 143, 145, A-l, B-1
equipment transfer bag (ETB) 11, 12, 38, 99, 114, 126, 133
erectable S-band antenna 97, 159
explosives 1, 57, 85, 86, 87, 104, 128
Far UV Camera/Spectrograph (UVC) 37, 38, 40, 160, A-I, B-2
flag 4, 97, 98, 101
fuel cask 6, 26, 102
fuel transfer tool (FTT) 8, 97-100, 102
geochemistry 125
geophones 1-4, 6, 85, 86, 107, 110


gnomon 8, 11, 54, 62, 66, 67, 74, 81, 104, 110, 112
grand prix 11, 82
gravimeter 41
grenades 1-3
hammer 6, 67, 71, 72, 75, 98, 111, 114
heat flow 49
Heat Flow and Convection Experiment (HFC) 147, 149, A-I, B-1
Heat Flow Experiment (HFE) 5, 6, 49, 50, 52, 72, 85, 159, A-1
Laser Ranging Retroreflector (LR 3) (LRRR) 2, 33, 35, 53-55, 103, A-1
Liquid Transfer Demonstration (LTD) 157, A-I, B-2
lunar atmosphere 19, 37, 57, 58, 121
Lunar Atmosphere Composition Experiment (LACE) 5, 20, 57, 59, A-1
lunar communications relay unit (LCRU) 81, 82
Lunar Dust Detector (LDD) (also DTREM) 5, 29, 62
Lunar Ejecta and Meteorites (LEAM) 5, 30, 61-63, 130, A-1
lunar equipment conveyor (LEC) 65, 97, 98
lunar geology 41, 45, 49, 61, 65, 125
lunar geosciences 65, 71
lunar gravimetry 41, 45
lunar magnetometry 89, 93
Lunar Mass Spectrometer (LMS) (also LACE) 57
Lunar Neutron Probe Experiment (LNPE) (also NFE) 25, 75, 78
lunar rover vehicle (LRV) 1, 3, 6, 8, 45-48, 53, 65, 66-68, 72, 74, 79-81, 83, 85, 87, 97, 99,
109, 110, 125, 126, 130, 160, 161
Lunar Seismic Profiling Experiment (LSPE) 4-6, 8, 57, 61, 81, 85-87, 105, 128, A-1
lunar seismology 1, 85
lunar seismometry 103
Lunar Surface Cosmic Ray Experiment (LSCRE) 23, 24, 26, 77, 114
Lunar Surface Gravimeter (LSG) 5, 41, 44, 46, 63, 105, A-1
Lunar Surface Magnetometer (LSM) 5, 19, 20, 89, 91, 93, 94, A-1
Lunar Surface Ultraviolet Camera (LSUC) (also UVC) 37
Lunar Tidal Gravimeter (also LSG) 41
Lunar Portable Magnetometer (LPM) 93-95, A-1
magnetosphere 117, 121
mass spectrometer 20, 57, 58, 114
micrometeorites 61, 62
Modularized Equipment Stowage Area (MESA) 8, 51, 66, 75, 77, 80, 86, 97, 98, 101, 114
Modularized Equipment Transporter (MET) 1, 53, 65, 66, 71, 93, 95, 97, 99, 101, 109, 133
mortar 1, 2, 4, 6, 10
mortar package assembly (MPA) 1, 2, 4
Neutron Flux Experiment (NFE) (also LNPE) 75, A-1
Passive Seismic Experiment (PSE) (PSEP) 4, 5, 30, 33-35, 49, 53, 103-106, 107, 160, A-1
penetrometer 2, 110, 111
portable life support system (PLSS) 11, 38, 66, 67, 74, 79, 93, 98, 104, 121, 123, 129, 161
probe emplacement tool 51, 52
radiation 15, 23, 75, 121
rake 67, 72, 74
rammer 51, 111
Radioisotope Thermal Generator (RTG) 5, 6, 8, 9, 26, 44, 49, 63, 75, 97, 99, 100, 102, 103,
107, 161
sample collection bags (see also SRC) 71
sample return container (bag) (SRC) (also ALSRC) 71, 113, 114, 128, 133


Scientific Equipment Bay (SEB) 5, 34, 37, 39, 54, 90, 93, 94
scoop 48, 66, 72
seismometer 1, 3, 5, 41, 103, 105, 160
Self-Recording Penetrometer (SRP) 109, 110
SNAP-27 (RTGs) 8, 99
Soil Mechanics 2, 11, 67, 71, 109-111, A-I, B-1
solar physics 113, 117
solar wind 5, 15, 23, 37, 109, 113, 114, 117, 121
Solar Wind Composition Experiment (SWC) 109, 111, 113, 115, 116, 118
Solar Wind Spectrometer Experiment (SWS) (SWE) 5, 114, 117, 119, A-1
space physics 41, 45
Suprathermal Ion Detector Experiment (SIDE) 5, 16, 19, 20, 22, 121-124, 159, 161, A-1
Surface Electrical Properties (SEP) Experiment 81, 125-128, A-1
Surveyor 3 (III) ($3) 25, 30, 129, 134
thermal degradation samples (TDS) 11, 130, 133
thumper 1, 2, 3, 8, 110
tongs 70, 72
traverse gravimeter 42, 161, B-2
Traverse Gravimeter Experiment (TGE) 45, 46, 48, 128, A-1
treadle 67, 75, 76, 161
trench(ing) 67, 72, 110, 112
TV (camera) 2, 11, 45, 68, 82, 97, 98, 109, 129, 130, 140, 148, 158, 159, 161
universal handling tool (UHT) 3, 7, 8, 16, 41, 42, 51, 53, 54, 58, 62, 89, 90, 97-99, 105, 117,
118, 121-123
UV 30, 37, 39
vise 71
yo-yo 65

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Jard94 Reference Publication
Catalog of Apollo Experiment Operations

Thomas A. Sullivan


Solar System Exploration Division REPORT NUMBERS
NASA Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas 77058


National Aeronautics and Space Administration AGENCY REPORT NUMBER
Washington, D.C. 20546-0001



Available from the NASA Center for Aerospace Information, 800 Elkridge Landing
Road, Linthicum Heights, MD 21090, (301) 621-0390

Subject Category: 54

13. ABSTRACT (Maxtmum2OOwords)

This catalog reviews Apollo mission rel_rts, preliminary science reports, technical crew dcbriefings, lunar surface operations
plans, and various relevant lunar experiment documents, collecting engineering- and operation-specific information by
experiment. It is organized by discrete experimental and equipment items emplaced or operated on the lunar surface or at zero
gravity during the Apollo missions. It also attempts to summarize some of the general problems encountered on the surface and
provides guidelines for the design of future lunar surface experiments with an eye toward operations.

Many of the problems dealt with on the lunar surface originated from just a few novel conditions that manifested themselves in
various nasty ways. Low gravity caused cables to stick up and get caught on feet, and also made it easy for instruments to tip
over. Dust was a problem and caused abrasion, visibility, and thermal control difficulties. Operating in a pressure suit limited a
person's activity, especially in the hands. I hope to capture with this document some of the lessons learned from the Apollo era
to make the jobs of future astronauts, principle investigators, engineers, and operators of lunar experiments more productive.


Apollo, Apollo Lunar SurfaceExperimentsPackage,Apollo Lunar ExperimentModule, reduced 182
gravity, manned lunar surface vehicles, lunar dust, lunar roving vehicles, lunar seismographs, 16. PRICE CODE
lunar soil, astronauts, lunar surface, lunar photographs, operations, tools
unclassified unclassified unclassified
NSN 7540-O1-280-5500 Standard Form 296 (Rev 2-89)
Prtasenbed by ANSI Std. 230-18

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