Notes For The Teacher: Chapter 3: Money and Credit

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Money is a fascinating subject and full of a collage of the major areas where people use
curiosities. It is important to capture this digital and cash transactions which are
element for the students. The history of legitimate and legal. They can also discuss the
money and how various forms were used at transactions which are legal and why. It is also
different times is an interesting story. At this important to intimate students that different
stage the purpose is to allow students to types of plastic cards are used in place of cash
realise the social situation in which these transactions but not all of them money per se.
forms were used. Modern forms of money are
Credit is a crucial element in economic
linked to the banking system. This is the
life and it is, therefore, important to first
central idea of the first part of the chapter.
understand this in a conceptual manner.
The present situation in India, where What are the aspects that one looks at in
newer forms of money are slowly spreading any credit arrangement and how this affects
with computerisation of the banking system, people is the main focus of the second part
offers many opportunities to students to of the chapter. The world around us offers a
explore on their own. We need not get into a tremendous variety of such arrangements
formal discussion of the ‘functions of money’ and it would be ideal to explain these
but let it come up as questions. There are aspects of credit from situations that are
certain areas that are not covered, such as familiar to your students. The other crucial
‘creation of money’ (money multiplier) or the issue of credit is its availability to all,
backing of the modern system that may be especially the poor, and on reasonable
discussed if you desire. terms. We need to emphasise that this is a
As you would see in the chapter, the stock right of the people and without which a large
of money consists of currency held by the section of them would be kept out of the
public and the demand deposits that they hold development process. There are many
with the banks. This is the money that people innovative interventions, such as that of
can use as they wish and the government has Grameen Bank, of which students may be
to ensure that the system works smoothy. made familiar with but it is important to
What would happen when the government realise that we don’t have answers to all
declares that some of the currency notes used questions. We need to find new ways and
by people would be made invalid and would be this is one of the social challenges that
replaced by new currency? In India, during developing countries face.
November 2016, currency notes in the Sources for Information
denomination of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1,000 were
declared invalid. People were asked to The data on formal and informal sector credit
surrender these notes to the bank by a specific used in this chapter is drawn from the
period and receive new Rs. 500, Rs. 2,000 or survey on rural debt by the National Sample
Survey Organisation (All India Debt and
other currency notes. This is known as
Investment Survey, 70 t h Round 2013,
‘demonetisation’. Since then, people were also
conducted by NSSO) now known as National
encouraged to use their bank deposits rather
Statistical Office (NSO). The information and
than cash for transactions. Hence, digital
data on Grameen Bank is taken from
transactions started by using bank-to-bank newspaper reports and websites. In order
transfer through the internet or mobile to get the details of bank-related statistics
phones, cheques, ATM cards, credit cards, or a particular detail of a bank, you can log
and Point of Sale (POS) swipe machines at on to the websites of the Reserve Bank of
shops. This is promoted to reduce the India ( and the concerned
requirement of cash for transactions and also banks. Data on self-help groups is provided
control corruption. Students could be asked on the website of the National Bank for
to debate on the process and the impact of Agriculture and Rural Development
demonetisation. They can be guided to make (NABARD) (





The use of money spans a very large difficult it would be if the shoe
part of our everyday life. Look around manufacturer had to directly
you and you would easily be able to exchange shoes for wheat without the
identify several transactions involving use of money. He would have to look
money in any single day. Can you for a wheat growing farmer who not I DON’T NEED
make a list of these? In many of these only wants to sell wheat SHOES. I NEED
transactions, goods are being bought YOU SHOES but also wants to buy the CLOTHES.
and sold with the use of money. In FOR YOUR shoes in exchange.
some of these transactions, services WHEAT. That is, both parties
are being exchanged with money. For have to agree to
some, there might not be any actual sell and buy each
transfer of money taking place now others commodities.
but a promise to pay money later. This is known as
double coincidence
Have you ever wondered why
of wants. What a person
transactions are made in I WANT SHOES.
desires to sell is exactly what the
money? The reason is simple. BUT I DON’T HAVE
other wishes to buy. In a barter WHEAT.
A person holding money can easily
system where goods are directly
exchange it for any commodity or
exchanged without the use of money,
service that he or she might want.
double coincidence of wants is an
Thus everyone prefers to receive
essential feature.
payments in money and then
exchange the money for things that In contrast, in an economy where
they want. Take the case of a shoe money is in use, money by providing
manufacturer. He wants to sell shoes the crucial intermediate step
in the market and buy wheat. The eliminates the need for double
shoe manufacturer will first exchange coincidence of wants. It is no longer
shoes that he has produced for necessary for the shoe manufacturer
money, and then exchange the money to look for a farmer who will buy his
for wheat. Imagine how much more shoes and at the same time sell him

wheat. All he has to do is find a buyer
for his shoes. Once he has exchanged
his shoes for money, he can purchase
wheat or any other commodity in the
market. Since money acts as an
intermediate in the exchange process,
it is called a medium of exchange.


1. How does the use of money make it easier to exchange things?
2. Can you think of some examples of goods / services being exchanged or wages being
paid through barter?


We have seen that money is organisation is allowed to issue
something that can act as a medium currency. Moreover, the law legalises
of exchange in transactions. Before the use of rupee as a medium of
Early punch- the introduction of coins, a variety of payment that cannot be refused in
marked coins objects was used as money. For settling transactions in India. No
(may be 2500 example, since the very early ages, individual in India can legally refuse
years old)
Indians used grains and cattle as a payment made in rupees. Hence,
money. Thereafter came the use of the rupee is widely accepted as a
metallic coins — gold, silver, copper medium of exchange.
coins — a phase which continued well
into the last century. Deposits with Banks
The other form in which people hold
Currency money is as deposits with banks. At
Modern forms of money include a point of time, people need only some
currency — paper notes and coins. currency for their day-to-day needs.
Unlike the things that were used as For instance, workers who receive
money earlier, modern currency is not their salaries at the end of each month
made of precious metal such as gold, have extra cash at the beginning of
Tughlaq silver and copper. And unlike grain the month. What do people do with
and cattle, they are neither of this extra cash? They deposit it with
everyday use. The modern currency the banks by opening a bank
is without any use of its own. account in their name. Banks accept
Mohar the deposits and also pay an amount
Then, why is it accepted as a
as interest on the deposits. In this way
Akbar’s medium of exchange? It is accepted
reign people’s money is safe with the
as a medium of exchange because the
banks and it earns an amount as
currency is authorised by the
interest. People also have the
government of the country.
provision to withdraw the money as
In India, the Reserve Bank of India and when they require. Since the
issues currency notes on behalf of the deposits in the bank accounts can be
central government. As per Indian withdrawn on demand, these
law, no other individual or deposits are called demand deposits.
Modern coin



Demand deposits offer another made by cheques instead of cash.
interesting facility. It is this facility For payment through cheque, the
which lends it the essential payer who has an account with the
characteristics of money (that of a bank, makes out a cheque for a
medium of exchange). You would specific amount. A cheque is a
have heard of payments being paper instructing the bank to pay
a specific amount from the
person’s account to the person in
UNDERSTAND whose name the cheque has been

Cheque Payments
A shoe manufacturer, M. Salim has to make a payment to the leather supplier and writes
a cheque for a specific amount. This means that the shoe manufacturer instructs his
bank to pay this amount to the leather supplier. The leather supplier takes this cheque,
and deposits it in his own account in the bank. The money is transferred from one bank
account to another bank account in a couple of days. The transaction is complete without
any payment of cash.

Account number

Bank branch

Cheque number Coding used by banks

Thus we see that demand deposits You must remember the role that
share the essential features of money. the banks play here. But for the
The facility of cheques against demand banks, there would be no demand
deposits makes it possible to directly deposits and no payments by
settle payments without the use of cash. cheques against these deposits. The
Since demand deposits are accepted modern forms of money — currency
widely as a means of payment, along and deposits — are closely linked to
with currency, they constitute money the working of the modern banking
in the modern economy. system.


1. M. Salim wants to withdraw Rs 20,000 in cash for making payments. How would he
write a cheque to withdraw money?
2. Tick the correct answer.
After the transaction between Salim and Prem,
(i) Salim’s balance in his bank account increases, and Prem’s balance increases.
(ii) Salim’s balance in his bank account decreases and Prem’s balance increases.
(iii) Salim’s balance in his bank account increases and Prem’s balance decreases.
3. Why are demand deposits considered as money?


Let us take the story of banks further. huge demand for loans for various
What do the banks do with the economic activities. We shall read more
deposits which they accept from the about this in the following sections.
public? There is an interesting Banks make use of the deposits to
mechanism at work here. Banks keep meet the loan requirements of the
only a small proportion of their people. In this way, banks mediate
deposits as cash with themselves. For between those who have surplus
example, banks in India these days funds (the depositors) and those who
hold about 15 per cent of their are in need of these funds (the
deposits as cash. This is kept as borrowers). Banks charge a higher
provision to pay the depositors who interest rate on loans than what they
might come to withdraw money from offer on deposits. The difference
the bank on any given day. Since, on between what is charged from
any particular day, only some of its borrowers and what is paid to
many depositors come to withdraw depositors is their main source of
cash, the bank is able to manage with income.
this cash.
What do you think wo
uld happen
Banks use the major portion of the if all the depositors
went to ask
deposits to extend loans. There is a for their money at th
e same time?

People make People take
deposits loans

People make People repay

withdrawals and loans with
get interest interest



A large number of transactions in our day-to-day activities
involve credit in some form or the other. Credit (loan) refers to
an agreement in which the lender supplies the borrower with
money, goods or services in return for the promise of future
payment. Let us see how credit works through the following
two examples.

(1) Festival Season

It is festival season two months from now now and promises to pay him later.
and the shoe manufacturer, Salim, has Second, he obtains loan in cash from the
received an order from a large trader in large trader as advance payment for
town for 3,000 pairs of shoes to be 1000 pairs of shoes with a promise to
delivered in a month time. To complete deliver the whole order by the end of the
production on time, Salim has to hire a few month.
more workers for stitching and pasting
At the end of the month, Salim is able to
work. He has to purchase the raw
deliver the order, make a good profit, and
materials. To meet these expenses, Salim
repay the money that he had borrowed.
obtains loans from two sources. First, he
asks the leather supplier to supply leather

In this case, Salim obtains credit to meet the working

capital needs of production. The credit helps him to meet the
ongoing expenses of production, complete production on time,
and thereby increase his earnings. Credit therefore plays a
vital and positive role in this situation.

(2) Swapna’s Problem

Swapna, a small farmer, grows groundnut on her three
acres of land. She takes a loan from the moneylender
to meet the expenses of cultivation, hoping that her
harvest would help repay the loan. Midway through
the season the crop is hit by pests and the crop
fails. Though Swapna sprays her crops with
expensive pesticides, it makes little difference. She
is unable to repay the moneylender and the debt
grows over the year into a large amount. Next
year, Swapna takes a fresh loan for cultivation.
It is a normal crop this year. But the earnings
are not enough to cover the old loan.
She is caught in debt. She has to sell
a part of the land to pay off the debt.


In rural areas, the main demand In Swapna’s case, the failure of the
for credit is for crop production. Crop crop made loan repayment
production involves considerable impossible. She had to sell part of the
costs on seeds, fertilisers, pesticides, land to repay the loan. Credit, instead
water, electricity, repair of equipment, of helping Swapna improve her
etc. There is a minimum stretch of earnings, left her worse off. This is an
three to four months between the time example of what is commonly called
when the farmers buy these inputs debt-trap. Credit in this case pushes
and when they sell the crop. Farmers the borrower into a situation from
usually take crop loans at the which recovery is very painful.
beginning of the season and repay the
In one situation credit helps to
loan after harvest. Repayment of the
increase earnings and therefore the
loan is crucially dependent on the
person is better off than before. In
income from farming.
another situation, because of the
crop failure, credit
pushes the person into
LET’S WORK THESE OUT a debt trap. To repay
1. Fill the following table. her loan she has to sell
Salim Swapna
a portion of her land.
She is clearly much
Why did they need credit?
worse off than before.
What was the risk? Whether credit would
What was the outcome? be useful or not,
therefore, depends
2. Supposing Salim continues to get orders from traders. What would be on the risks in the
his position after 6 years? situation and whether
3. What are the reasons that make Swapna’s situation so risky? Discuss there is some support,
factors – pesticides; role of moneylenders; climate. in case of loss.

Every loan agreement specifies an repayment of the principal. In
interest rate which the borrower must addition, lenders may demand
pay to the lender along with the collateral (security) against loans.
Collateral is an asset that the
borrower owns (such as land,
building, vehicle, livestocks,
deposits with banks) and uses this
as a guarantee to a lender until
the loan is repaid. If the borrower
fails to repay the loan, the lender has
the right to sell the asset or collateral
to obtain payment. Property such as
land titles, deposits with banks,
livestock are some common examples
of collateral used for borrowing.

A House Loan
Megha has taken a loan of Rs 5 lakhs from the
bank to purchase a house. The annual interest
rate on the loan is 12 per cent and the loan is to
be repaid in 10 years in monthly instalments.
Megha had to submit to the bank, documents
showing her employment records and salary
before the bank agreed to give her the loan. The
bank retained as collateral the papers of the new
house, which will be returned to Megha only
when she repays the entire loan with interest.

Fill the following details of Megha’s housing loan.

Loan amount (in Rupees)
Duration of loan
Documents required
Interest rate
Mode of repayment

Interest rate, collateral and

documentation requirement, and the
mode of repayment together comprise
what is called the terms of credit. The
terms of credit vary substantially from
one credit arrangement to another.
They may vary depending on the
nature of the lender and the borrower.
The next section will provide examples
of the varying terms of credit in
different credit arrangements.


1. Why do lenders ask for collateral while lending?
2. Given that a large number of people in our country are poor, does it in any way
affect their capacity to borrow?
3. Fill in the blanks choosing the correct option from the brackets.
While taking a loan, borrowers look for easy terms of credit. This
means __________ (low/high) interest rate, ______________(easy/
tough) conditions for repayment, ___________(less/more) collateral
and documentation requirements.


Variety of Credit Arrangements
Example of a Village
Rohit and Ranjan had finished reading about the terms of credit in class.
They were eager to know the various credit arrangements that existed in
their area: who were the people who provided credit? Who were the
borrowers? What were the terms of credit? They decided to talk to some
people in their village. Read what they record...

15th Nov, 2019

. rm er s a n d
r th e fi el d s w h er e m o s t fa The fields
tl y fo e day.
W e h ea d d ir ec be working at this time of th hyamal, a small
ou ld ee t S
labourers w We first m
e plan ted w it h potato crops. d village.
ar te
er in S on pu r, a small irriga
farm We next meet Arun who is supervising the
work of one farm labourer. Arun has seven
Shyamal tells us that every season he needs acres of land. He is one of the few persons
loans for cultivation on his 1.5 acres of land. Till in Sonpur to receive bank loan for
a few years back, he would borrow money from cultivation. The interest rate on the loan
the village moneylender at an interest rate of is 8.5 per cent per annum, and can be repaid
five per cent per month (60% per annum). anytime in the next three years. Arun plans
For the last few years, Shyamal has been to repay the loan after harvest by selling a
borrowing from an agricultural trader in the part of the crop. He then intends to store
village at an interest rate of three per cent the rest of the potatoes in a cold storage
per month. At the beginning of the cropping and apply for a fresh loan from the bank
season, the trader supplies the farm inputs on against the cold storage receipt. The bank
credit, which is to be repaid when the crops offers this facility to farmers who have
are ready for harvest. taken crop loan from them.
Besides the interest charge on the loan, the
trader also makes the farmers promise to Rama is working in a neigh
sell the crop to him. This way the trader wo rks as an agricultural lab ng field. She
can ensure that the money is repaid several months in the ye ourer. There are
ar when Rama has
promptly. Also, since the crop prices are low no work, and needs credit
to meet the daily
after the harvest, the trader is able to expenses. Expenses on
sudden illnesses or
make a profit from buying the crop at a low functions in the family ar
e also met through
price from the farmers and then selling it loa ns. Rama has to depend
on her employer,
later when the price has risen. a medium landowner in
Sonpur, for credit.
The landowner charges
an interest rate of
5 per cent per month.
Rama repays the
money by working for th
e landowner. Most
of the time, Rama has to
take a fresh loan,
before the previous loa
n has been repaid.
At pr es en t, sh e ow es
th e lan do wn er
Rs 5,000. Though the
landowner doesn’t
treat her well, she continu
es to work for him
since she can get loans
from him when in
need. Rama tells us that
credit for the landless pe e only source of
ople in Sonpur are
the landowner-employers.

Loans from Cooperatives
Besides banks, the other major source of cheap credit
in rural areas are the cooperative societies (or
cooperatives). Members of a cooperative pool their
resources for cooperation in certain areas. There are
several types of cooperatives possible such as
far mers cooperatives, weavers cooperatives,
industrial workers cooperatives, etc. Krishak
Cooperative functions in a village not very far away
from Sonpur. It has 2300 farmers as members. It
accepts deposits from its members. With these
deposits as collateral, the Cooperative has obtained
a large loan from the bank. These funds are used to
provide loans to members. Once these loans are
repaid, another round of lending can take place.
Krishak Cooperative provides loans for the purchase
of agricultural implements, loans for cultivation
and agricultural trade, fishery loans, loans for
construction of houses and for a variety of other


1. List the various sources of credit in Sonpur.
2. Underline the various uses of credit in Sonpur in the above passages.
3. Compare the terms of credit for the small farmer, the medium farmer and the landless
agricultural worker in Sonpur.
4. Why will Arun have a higher income from cultivation compared to Shyamal?
5. Can everyone in Sonpur get credit at a cheap rate? Who are the people who can?
6. Tick the correct answer.
(i) Over the years, Rama’s debt
· will rise.
· will remain constant.
· will decline.
(ii) Arun is one of the few people in Sonpur to take a bank loan because
· other people in the village prefer to borrow from the moneylenders.
· banks demand collateral which everyone cannot provide.
· interest rate on bank loans is same as the interest rate charged by
the traders.
7. Talk to some people to find out the credit arrangements that exist in your area. Record
your conversation. Note the differences in the terms of credit across people.


We have seen in the
above examples that Graph 1 : Sources of Credit per Rs 1000
people obtain loans from of Rural Households in India in 2012
various sources. The
Other non
various types of loans Institutional Government 1%
can be conveniently Agencies 2%

grouped as formal Relatives and

sector loans and Friends 8% Cooperative
informal sector loans. Society/Banks 25%
Among the former
are loans from banks Money Lender
and cooperatives. The 33%
informal lenders include Commercial
Banks 25%
moneylenders, traders,
employers, relatives and
friends, etc. In Graph 1 Landlords 1%
Other Institutional
you can see the various Agencies 5%
sources of credit to rural
households in India. Is more credit the RBI sees that the banks give loans
coming from the formal sector or the not just to profit-making businesses
informal sector? and traders but also to small
cultivators, small scale industries, to
The Reserve Bank of India
small borrowers etc. Periodically,
supervises the functioning of formal
banks have to submit information to
sources of loans. For instance, we
the RBI on how much they are
have seen that the banks maintain a
lending, to whom, at what interest
minimum cash balance out of the
rate, etc.
deposits they receive. The RBI
monitors the banks in actually There is no organisation which
maintaining cash balance. Similarly, supervises the credit activities of
lenders in the informal sector. They
BUT WHY SHOULD can lend at whatever interest rate they

choose. There is no one to stop them Formal and Informal Credit:
from using unfair means to get their Who gets what?
money back.
Graph 2 shows the importance of
Compared to the formal lenders, formal and informal sources of credit
most of the informal lenders charge a
for people in urban areas. The people
much higher interest on loans. Thus, are divided into four groups, from
the cost to the borrower of informal poor to rich, as shown in the figure.
loans is much higher. You can see that 85 per cent of the
Higher cost of borrowing means a loans taken by poor households in the
larger part of the earnings of the urban areas are from informal
borrowers is used to repay the loan. sources. Compare this with the rich
Hence, borrowers have less income urban households. What do you
left for themselves (as we saw for find? Only 10 per cent of their loans
Shyamal in Sonpur). In certain are from informal sources, while 90
cases, the high interest rate for per cent are from formal sources. A
borrowing can mean that the amount similar pattern is also found in rural
to be repaid is greater than the areas. The rich households are
income of the borrower. This could availing cheap credit from formal
lead to increasing debt (as we saw for lenders whereas the poor households
Rama in Sonpur) and debt trap. Also, have to pay a large amount for
people who might wish to start an borrowing.
enterprise by borrowing may not do What does all this suggest? First,
so because of the high cost of the formal sector still meets only about
borrowing. half of the total credit needs of the
For these reasons, banks and rural people. The remaining credit
cooperative societies need to lend needs are met from informal sources.
more. This would lead
to higher incomes Graph 2 : Of all the loans taken by urban housholds, what
and many people percentage was formal and what percentage was informal?
could then borrow
cheaply for a variety
of needs. They 15% 10%
could grow crops, do 28%
business, set up 53% 47%
85% 72% 90%
small-scale industries
etc. They could set up
new industries or poor households well-off rich
trade in goods. Cheap housholds with few assets households households
and affordable credit
is crucial for the
BLUE : Per cent of loans from the INFORMAL sector
country’s develop-
ment. PURPLE : Per cent of loans from the FORMAL sector


Most loans from informal lenders Secondly, while formal sector
carry a very high interest rate and do loans need to expand, it is also
little to increase the income of the necessary that everyone receives
borrowers. Thus, it is necessary these loans. At present, it is the richer
that banks and cooperatives households who receive formal credit
increase their lending particularly whereas the poor have to depend on
in the rural areas, so that the the informal sources. It is important
dependence on informal sources that the formal credit is distributed
of credit reduces. more equally so that the poor can
benefit from the cheaper loans.


1. What are the differences between formal and informal sources of credit?
2. Why should credit at reasonable rates be available for all?
3. Should there be a supervisor, such as the Reserve Bank of India, that looks into the
loan activities of informal lenders? Why would its task be quite difficult?
4. Why do you think that the share of formal sector credit is higher for the richer households
compared to the poorer households?
A worker
stitching a quilt




In the previous section we have seen documents and collateral. Absence of
that poor households are still collateral is one of the major reasons
dependent on informal sources of which prevents the poor from getting
credit. Why is it so? Banks are not bank loans. Informal lenders such as
present everywhere in rural India. moneylenders, on the other hand,
Even when they are present, getting a know the borrowers personally and
loan from a bank is much more hence are often willing to give a
difficult than taking a loan from loan without collateral. The borrowers
informal sources. As we saw for can, if necessary, approach the
Megha, bank loans require proper moneylenders even without repaying



their earlier loans. However, the to be granted — the purpose, amount,
moneylenders charge very high rates interest to be charged, repayment
of interest, keep no records of the schedule etc. Also, it is the group
transactions and harass the poor which is responsible for the repayment
borrowers. of the loan. Any case of non-
repayment of loan by any one
In recent years, people have tried
member is followed up seriously by
out some newer ways of providing
other members in the group. Because
loans to the poor. The idea is to
of this feature, banks are willing to
organise rural poor, in particular
lend to the poor women when
women, into small Self Help Groups
organised in SHGs, even though they
(SHGs) and pool (collect) their
have no collateral as such.
savings. A typical SHG has 15-20
members, usually belonging to one Thus, the SHGs help borrowers
neighbourhood, who meet and save overcome the problem of lack of
regularly. Saving per member varies collateral. They can get timely loans
from Rs 25 to Rs 100 or more, for a variety of purposes and at a
depending on the ability of the people reasonable interest rate. Moreover,
to save. Members can take small loans SHGs are the building blocks of
from the group itself to meet their organisation of the rural poor. Not
needs. The group charges interest on only does it help women to become
these loans but this is still less than financially self-reliant, the regular
what the moneylender charges. After meetings of the group provide a
a year or two, if the group is regular platform to discuss and act on a
in savings, it becomes eligible for variety of social issues such as health,
availing loan from the bank. nutrition, domestic violence, etc.
Loan is sanctioned in the
name of the group and is A women’s self-help group
meeting in Gujarat
meant to create self-
employment opportunities
for the members. For
instance, small loans are
provided to the members for
releasing mortgaged land,
for meeting working capital
needs (e.g. buying seeds,
fertilisers, raw materials
like bamboo and cloth), for
housing materials, for
acquiring assets like sewing
machine, handlooms, cattle,
Most of the important
decisions regarding the
savings and loan activities
are taken by the group
members. The group
decides as regards the loans


Grameen Bank of Bangladesh
Grameen Bank of Bangladesh is one of the
biggest success stories in reaching the poor to “If credit can be made available to
meet their credit needs at reasonable rates. the poor people on terms and
Started in the 1970s as a small project, conditions that are appropriate and
Grameen Bank in 2018 had over 9 million reasonable these millions of small
members in about 81,600 villages spread people with their millions of small
across Bangladesh. Almost all of the borrowers pursuits can add up to create the
are women and belong to poorest sections of biggest development wonder.”
the society. These borrowers have proved that Professor Muhammad Yunus,
not only are poor women reliable borrowers, but the founder of Grameen Bank,
that they can start and run a variety of small and recipient of 2006 Nobel Prize for Peace
income-generating activities successfully.

In this chapter we have looked at the credit vary substantially between
modern forms of money and how they formal and informal lenders. At
are linked with the banking system. present, it is the richer households
On one side are the depositors who who receive credit from formal sources
keep their money in the banks and on whereas the poor have to depend on
the other side are the borrowers who the informal sources. It is essential
take loans from these banks. Economic that the total formal sector credit
activities require loans or credit. Credit, increases so that the dependence on
as we saw can have a positive impact, the more expensive informal credit
or in certain situations make the becomes less. Also, the poor should
borrower worse off. get a much greater share of formal
Credit is available from a variety of loans from banks, cooperative
sources. These can be either formal societies etc. Both these steps are
sources or informal sources. Terms of important for development.

1. In situations with high risks, credit might create further problems for the borrower.
2. How does money solve the problem of double coincidence of wants? Explain with
an example of your own.
3. How do banks mediate between those who have surplus money and those who
need money?
4. Look at a 10 rupee note. What is written on top? Can you explain this statement?
5. Why do we need to expand formal sources of credit in India?
6. What is the basic idea behind the SHGs for the poor? Explain in your own words.
7. What are the reasons why the banks might not be willing to lend to certain borrowers?



8. In what ways does the Reserve Bank of India supervise the functioning of banks?
Why is this necessary?
9. Analyse the role of credit for development.
10. Manav needs a loan to set up a small business. On what basis will Manav decide
whether to borrow from the bank or the moneylender? Discuss.
11. In India, about 80 per cent of farmers are small farmers, who need credit for cultivation.
(a) Why might banks be unwilling to lend to small farmers?
(b) What are the other sources from which the small farmers can borrow?
(c) Explain with an example how the terms of credit can be unfavourable for the
small farmer.
(d) Suggest some ways by which small farmers can get cheap credit.
12. Fill in the blanks:
(i) Majority of the credit needs of the _________________households are met
from informal sources.
(ii) ___________________costs of borrowing increase the debt-burden.
(iii) __________________ issues currency notes on behalf of the Central
(iv) Banks charge a higher interest rate on loans than what they offer on
(v) _______________ is an asset that the borrower owns and uses as a guarantee
until the loan is repaid to the lender.
13. Choose the most appropriate answer.
(i) In a SHG most of the decisions regarding savings and loan activities are taken by
(a) Bank.
(b) Members.
(c) Non-government organisation.
(ii) Formal sources of credit does not include
(a) Banks.
(b) Cooperatives.
(c) Employers.


The following table shows people in a variety of occupations in urban areas. What
are the purposes for which the following people might need loans? Fill in the column.
Occupations Reason for needing a Loan
Construction worker
Graduate student who is computer literate
A person employed in government service
Migrant labourer in Delhi
Household maid
Small trader
Autorickshaw driver
A worker whose factory has closed down
Next, classify the people into two groups based on whom you think might get a bank
loan and those who might not. What is the criterion that you have used for classification?



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