Group Action 1

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ON 29 JULY, 01 AUG, 02 AUG, 2012


Abstract. The notion of the action of a group on a set is a fundamental one, perhaps
even more so than that of a group itself: groups derive their interest from their actions.
We first define this notion and give some examples. The structure of an action can
be understood by means of orbits and stabilisers. We introduce these and make some
observations about them. While in themselves so elementary as to be self-evident, these
observations nevertheless lead to interesting consequences when combined effectively in
the right context.
After discussing Lagrange’s theorem in the language of group actions, we come to
the class equation, which is the main technical result in these notes. We apply the class
equation to derive some standard basic results in the theory of finite groups: that the
centre of a p-group is non-trivial, theorems of Cauchy and Sylow on the existence of
subgroups of prime power orders, and those of Sylow about the number and conjugacy
of subgroups named after him.

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Group actions on sets

Notation. Throughout these notes, G denotes a group and X, Y denote sets. We use
symbols g, g1 , g 0 , . . . to denote elements of G; similarly x, x1 , x0 , . . . , to denote elements
of X, and y, y1 , y 0 , . . . to denote elements of Y .
The basic definitions. An action of G on X is a map G × X → X denoted (g, x) 7→ gx
such that 1x = x and g(hx) = (gh)x for all x in X and g, h in G. Given an action of G
on X, we call X a G-set. A G-map between G-sets X and Y is a map f : X → Y of sets
that respects the G-action, meaning that, f (gx) = gf (x) for all x in X and g in G.
To give an action of G on X is equivalent to giving a group homomorphism from G to
the group of bijections of X.
Examples. Here are some examples:
• Trivial action: the prescription gx = x for all g and x defines a G-action on X.
• The defining action: Most groups come with a natural action that helps define them.
For example, the symmetric group SX is defined as the set of bijections from X to
itself, the multiplication being composition. By the very definition we have a map
SX × X → X, namely (f, x) 7→ f (x), that satisfies the axioms for an action.
• The group GL2 (R) of invertible 2 × 2 matrices with real entries acts on the vector
space of column matrices of size 2 × 1 with real entries: the action map is just the
usual matrix multiplication. More generally, the group GLn (R) of invertible n × n
matrices with real entries acts by usual matrix multiplication on the space of column
matrices of size n × 1 with real entries.
• The previous example is in fact properly thought of as a defining action. If V is a
vector space of finite dimension n over the real numbers, then GL(V ) is defined as the
group of vector space isomorphisms from V to itself (multiplication is composition).
So there is a defining action of GL(V ) on V . By the choice of a basis for V , we may
identify V with real column matrices of size n × 1 and GL(V ) with invertible real
matrices of size n × n. The action of GL(V ) on V is then identified as the action
by matrix multiplication of GLn (R) on real n × 1 column matrices.
• Left regular action: G acts on itself: putting X = G, it is readily checked that
the map G × G → G defining the multiplication operation of G satisfies the action
• Right regular action: Again put X = G. Define ρ : G × G → G by ρ(g, x) := xg −1 .
We have ρ(1, x) = x1−1 = x and ρ(g, ρ(h, x)) = (ρ(h, x))g −1 = (xh−1 )g −1 =
x(h−1 g −1 ) = x(hg)−1 = ρ(hg, x), so ρ defines an action.
• Conjugation action: Yet again put X = G. This time define G × G → G by
(g, x) 7→ g x := gxg −1 . It is easily checked that 1 x = x and g (h x) = (gh) x.
• Action on left cosets: Let H be a subgroup of G. The set G/H of left cosets is
naturally a G-set: G × G/H → G/H is given by (g, xH) 7→ gxH.
New G-sets from old. From a given G-set X, we may cook up other related G-sets. In
fact, any set obtained from X by a natural set operation is also naturally a G-set.1 Here
are some examples:
• the Cartesian square X × X with action being defined by g(x, x0 ) := (gx, gx0 ); more
generally, X n := X ×· · ·×X(n times) with G-action g(x1 , . . . , xn ) := (gx1 , . . . , gxn )
becomes a G-set.
• the power set 2X of X: for Y a subset of X, we let gY := {gy | y ∈ Y }.
• The set of all functions (say, complex valued) on X: if f is such a function and g
an element of G, define gf by (gf )(x) := f (g −1 x) for x in X.
1Although the words “natural” and “naturally” in this sentence have precise mathematical meanings, the
first time reader may want not to dwell too much upon them, preferring instead to take them in the sense
of everyday language.
• if Y is a G-set too, the set X Y of maps from Y to X is naturally also a G-set: given
f : Y → X and g ∈ G, we define gf by (gf )(y) := g(f (g −1 y)).
Restricting the action. The following remarks may seem innocuous but can be used to
good effect:
• if H is a subgroup of G, any G-set may be considered to be also a H-set by just
restricting the action to H.
• a subset Y of a G-set X is G-invariant if gy ∈ Y whenever y ∈ Y . A G-invariant
subset is naturally itself a G-set. G-invariant
Here are some examples of the use of the second item above: subset
• Consider the collection of all subsets of a given cardinality of a G-set X. Being a
G-invariant subset of the power set of X, this itself is a G-set.
• Consider the action of GL(V ) on a vector space V discussed above. The subspace of
linear functionals is a GL(V )-invariant in the space of all complex valued functions
on V , and so is a GL(V )-set.
• Let V be a vector space of finite dimension n (over some field). For an integer r, 0 ≤
r ≤ n, consider the collection denoted G(r, V ) of all linear subspaces of dimension r
of V . For example, G(0, V ) is a singleton whose only element is {0}; and G(1, V )
is the collection of all “lines through the origin” in V . Now, G(r, V ) is a GL(V )-
invariant subset of the power set of V , and so in its own right a GL(V )-set.
Notation. As already mentioned, G denotes a group throughout. In what follows, X de-
notes a G-set. Neither G nor X is assumed to be finite for now: finiteness assumptions will
be explicitly mentioned wherever imposed.
Orbits and their structure, stabilizers. For x an element of X, the orbit of x or the
orbit through x is the subset Gx := {gx | g ∈ G} of X. We have:
• x is in the orbit through x;
• if y is in the orbit through x, then x is in the orbit through y;
• if y is in the orbit through x and z in the orbit through y, then z is in the orbit
through x.
Thus, the relation on X defined by
y ∼ x if y is in the orbit through x
is an equivalence relation. The equivalence classes are called orbits. Being equivalence
classes, the orbits partition X into a union of pairwise disjoint subsets: The orbits
a form a
(1) X= orbits partition of
the G-set X.
Orbits are G-invariant subsets of X (in the sense defined above of G-invariance), and are stands for
therefore themselves G-sets: in fact, a subset of X is G-invariant precisely when it is a union disjoint union.
of orbits. Equation (1) therefore has the following implication, at least philosophically if
not also practically:
to understand the structure of any G-set, it is enough if we understand the
structures of all possible G-orbits, for after all each G-set is pieced together
from its orbits.
For x in X, define its stabilizer Gx by stabilizer Gx
Gx := {g ∈ G | gx = x}
It is clearly a subgroup of G. Consider the space G/Gx of left cosets of Gx with its natural
G-action (g, g 0 Gx ) 7→ gg 0 Gx . The G-set structure of the orbit Gx of x can be understood in
terms of that of G/Gx . In fact, as is readily verified, we have a G-set isomorphism: Structure of
an orbit
(2) G/Gx ' Gx as G-sets via gGx ↔ gx
The upshot is:
To understand the G-set structure on an arbitrary G-orbit, it is enough to
understand the G-set structure of the left coset spaces G/H for all sub-
groups H of G.

Transitive actions and homogeneous spaces. The whole of X is a single G-orbit if

and only if, given any two elements x and x0 of X, there exists an element g of G such that
gx = x0 . In this case, the G-action is said to be transitive, and X is called a homogeneous
space for G. In view of (2), every homogeneous space for G is of the form G/H for some
subgroup H.

Lagrange’s theorem. Let H be a subgroup of G. Consider G as an H-set with the left

regular action: (h, g) 7→ hg. The following facts are readily verified:
• the orbits for this action are precisely the right cosets of H;
• each right coset has cardinality the same as that of H: if Hx is a right coset, h ↔ hx
defines a bijection between H and Hx.
By equation (1), G is a disjoint union of right cosets of H, so2
(3) |G| = |H||H\G| where H\G denotes the set of right cosets of H
Considering instead of the left regular action the right one of H on G given by (h, g) 7→
gh−1 , we conclude similarly that
(4) |G| = |H||G/H|
By (2), any G-orbit is of the form G/H for some subgroup H, so in view of (4):
(5) the order of any G-orbit divides the order of the group G
Lagrange’s From (3) and (4) we also conclude:
the order of any subgroup H divides the order of the group;
the number of left cosets of H equals the number of its right cosets.

The class equation. Let us rewrite in a slightly modified form the right side of equa-
tion (1). Divide the orbits into two classes: singleton orbits and non-singleton orbits.
Obviously, an element x forms an orbit by itself if and only if it is fixed by every element
fixed point set of G: gx = x for all g in G. Let us denote by X G the fixed point set of X, that is the
XG collection of all fixed points:
X G := {x ∈ X | gx = x ∀ g ∈ G}
With this notation, equation (1) can be written as:
(7) X = XG non-singleton orbits

By taking cardinalities of both sides of the equation,3 we get

(8) |X| = |X G | + |orbit| (where the sum is over non-singleton orbits)
Centre of G
:= {g ∈ Let us now apply the above considerations to the situation when X = G acted upon by
G|gh = conjugation. The orbits are the conjugacy classes, and the fixed point set X G is the centre
hg ∀ h ∈ G} of G. The last equation in this situation becomes
The class
(9) |G| = |centre(G)| + |conjugacy class| (sum is over non-singleton classes)

2Here and in the sequel, we will be considering relations between cardinalities of various sets. While
cardinalities make sense even without finiteness assumptions, the reader may just want to assume the sets
whose cardinalities are in consideration to be finite.
3As already mentioned, this operation makes sense even when X is not finite, but the reader may just want
to think of the special case when X is finite.
Application to the structure of finite groups. Assume the group G to be finite. Sup-
pose that for a prime p the following hypothesis is satisfied:4
(10) every proper subgroup of G has index divisible by p
Then, by (2), every non-singleton G-orbit has cardinality divisible by p. This applies in
particular to every non-singleton conjugacy class in G. Reading equations (8) and (9)
modulo p, we get:
(11) |X| ≡ |X G | mod p |centre(G)| ≡ 0 mod p
Since |centre(G)| is positive—the identity element of the group always belongs to the
centre—we conclude that the centre is non-trivial.
When G is a p-group (that is, |G| is a power of a prime p), the hypothesis (10) is satisfied
(by (6)). From the previous paragraph we conclude:
(12) the centre of a p-group is non-trivial (that is, has cardinality more than 1)
Groups of order p2 are in fact abelian—see item (2) in the appended tutorial sheet. There
do exist groups of order p3 that are not abelian (irrespective of p)—see item (12) in the
tutorial sheet.

On the existence or lack thereof of subgroups of given orders: theorems of

Cauchy and Sylow. We continue to assume that G is finite. By Lagrange (6), the order
of any subgroup H is a factor of the order of G. It is natural to ask whether, given a factor
of |G|, there exists a subgroup of that order. This is false in general, as easy examples show:
see item (13) in the tutorial sheet. However, we have the following: The case
e = 1 of (14)
(13) If G is abelian and d divides |G|, ∃ a subgroup of G of order d. is Cauchy’s
(14) If q = pe (e ≥ 0) is a prime power dividing |G|, ∃ a subgroup of G of order q. theorem; the
case when q is
In the proofs of these statements, we use the following observation: the highest
If N is a normal subgroup of G, then the preimages in G of elements of G/N power of p
under the natural quotient map G → G/N are the (left/right) cosets of N ; dividing |G| is
so they form a partition of G into subsets each of cardinality |N |. In par- Sylow’s
ticular, the preimage in G of a subgroup K of G/N is a subgroup of cardi-
nality |N ||K|.
Let us first prove (13) in the case when d is a prime p. Proceed by induction on |G|: there
being no prime dividing 1, we assume that |G| > 1. It is enough to find an element z in G
whose order f is divisible by p, for then z f /p has order p. Choose 1 6= x in G. If p divides
the order of x, we are done. If not, consider G/X where X is the subgroup generated by x.
By induction, there exists y in G/X of order p. Any pre-image z in G of y has order a
multiple of p, and (13) is proved in the case when d is a prime.
For the proof of (13) in the general case, proceed by induction on d. The case d = 1
being obvious, assume d ≥ 2, let p be a prime dividing d, and choose subgroup N of G of
order p. By induction, there exists subgroup of order d/p of G/N . Its pre-image in G is a
subgroup of order d, and we are done.
We now prove (14). Proceed by induction on |G|. The case |G| = 1 being obvious, assume
|G| > 1. We are done by induction if there is a proper subgroup with index coprime to p.
So we may assume that hypothesis (10) holds for G. By (11), we conclude that p divides the
cardinality of the centre of G. Applying (13), choose subgroup N of order p of the centre
of G. By induction, there exists a subgroup of G/N of order q/p. Its pre-image in G is a
subgroup of order q, and we are done.

4At the end of the day—see (14) below—it turns out that the only groups that satisfy this hypothesis are
those of order a power of p. The hypothesis is thus merely a provisional one that enables the proofs.
Sylow p-subgroups: their conjugacy and number. Let G be finite and p a prime.
Write |G| = pe m with m coprime to p. Thus pe is the highest power of p dividing |G|, the
case e = 0 not being excluded from consideration.
A subgroup of order pe of |G| is called a Sylow p-subgroup in honour of Sylow who proved
not only their existence (14) but also:
(15) Any two Sylow p-subgroups are conjugate.
(16) The number of Sylow p-subgroups divides m and is congruent to 1 mod p.
We will prove a stronger result than (15), to state which, let P be an arbitrary Sylow
p-subgroup and H an arbitrary p-subgroup.5 Then:
(17) H is contained in some conjugate of P .
In proving (17) and (16), we make use of the following observation:
(18) If H normalizes P , then H ⊆ P .
We first prove (18). Consider the subgroup P H of G. Being a quotient of the semi-direct
product6 P oH under the map (π, h) 7→ πh, it is a p-group. On the other hand it contains P .
Since pe is the highest power of p that divides |G|, we conclude that P H = P , in other words
that H ⊆ P , and (18) is proved.
To prove (17), consider the conjugation action of G on its set of subgroups. Since the
cardinality of a subgroup doesn’t change under the G-action, the Sylow p-subgroups form
a G-invariant subset. The conjugates of P form a G-orbit, which let us denote X. The
stabiliser of P being its normalizer N (P ), we have X ' G/N (P ) as G-sets by (2). Since
P ⊆ N (P ), it follows that |G/N (P )| divides m:
(19) |X| divides m
In particular, |X| is non-zero modulo p. Now consider X as an H-set and apply (11) to
conclude that |X H | is non-zero, which means that there exists a conjugate of P , say P 0 ,
that is normalized by H. By (18), we have H ⊆ P 0 , and (17) is proved (and so in particular
is (15)).
To prove (16), let us look back at the above proof of (17) in the light of (15). We see
that X must be the set of all Sylow p-subgroups. So the first half of (16) follows from (19).
To proof the second half, consider X as a P -set and apply (11). By (18), the only Sylow-p
subgroup that P normalizes is itself, so X P = {P }, and we are done.

5A p-subgroup is a subgroup which is a p-group, in other words, a subgroup whose order is a power of p.
6See item (4) in the tutorial sheet below.

Tutorial sheet: Group actions on sets
(1) Let G be a group, X a G-set, and x, y be two elements of X.
If x and y belong to the same orbit of G, then their stabilzers Gx and Gy are Notation: For
conjugate: in fact, writing y = gx for g in G, we have Gy = Ggx = g Gx . g ∈ G and H
On the other hand, if the stabilzers Gx and Gy are conjugate, say g Gx = Gy , a subgroup of
then the orbits Gx and Gy are isomorphic as G-sets: in fact, hgx 7→ hy gives an G, g H :=
isomorphism. gHg −1 , the
conjugate of
(2) Let H be a subgroup of a group G. We may consider the group H × H acting on G
H by g.
as follows: (h, k) · g := hgk −1 . Let H\G/H denote the set of orbits for this action.
(These orbits are called the double cosets: each is of the form HgH for some g ∈ G.)
Let G/H denote, as usual, the set of left cosets of H. There is a natural action
of G on G/H: g.xH := gxH. Consider the induced action of G on the Cartesian
product G/H × G/H.
The G-orbits of G/H×G/H are in bijection with H\G/H: (xH, yH) ↔ Hxy −1 H.
(3) An action of a group G on a set X is said to be faithful if gx = x for all x implies
g = 1; equivalently if the map from G to the group of bijections of X is an injection.
It is said to be free if the stabilizer at every point of X is the identity. It is said to
be simply transitive if it is both transitive and free. The first
The action of G on itself by left multiplication is faithful. If G acts simply assertion in
transitively on X, then X ' G as G-sets non-canonically (where G is a G-set by item (3) is
the left regular action). called Cayley’s
Give an example of a transitive and faithful action that is not simply transitive. theorem.
(4) Let H, N be groups and let ϕ : H → Aut N be a group homomorphism from H
into the group Aut N of the group automorphisms of N . Then “H acts on N by
0 0
group automorphisms,” that is, setting h n := (ϕ(h))(n), we have (hh ) n = h (h n0 ),
n = n, and h (nn0 ) = (h n)(h n0 ) for h, h0 in H and n, n0 in N , and where 1 denotes semi-direct
the identity element of H. product of
In this case, the semi-direct product denoted by N o H is the group defined as groups
follows. As a set N o H is just the Cartesian product N × H. The multiplication
is defined by (n, h)(n0 h0 ) = (n h n0 , hh0 ). Check that this defines a group structure.
(5) Let G be a finite group and X a finite G-set. Prove the following result of Burnside:
Orbit counting
1 X g lemma
# of G-orbits in X = |X | (Burnside)
where X := {x ∈ X | gx = x}.
(6) Deduce from the above result of Burnside (item 5) the following theorem of Jordan:
a group acting transitively on a finite set of cardinality at least two contains an
element without any fixed points.
(7) Since every set on which a group G acts transitively is of the form G/H for some
subgroup H of G, the above theorem of Jordan (item 6) maybe reformulated as
follows: the conjugates of a proper finite index subgroup cannot cover all of the
group. Give an example to show that the hypothesis of finite index here cannot be
(8) Deduce the following result using the theorem of Jordan in item 6: given a conjugacy
class of a group containing finitely many but at least two elements, there exists an
element of the group not commuting with any element of the conjugacy class.
(9) (from Artin’s Algebra p. 196, problem 8) Considering colourings of the vertices of
the regular octogon by two colours, say red and blue. Consider two colurings to be
equivalent if one is obtained by the other by either a rotation by an integer multiple
of the angle π/4 or by reflection in an axis of symmetry (a line passing through two
opposite vertices, or the mid-points of two opposite edges). Use Burnside’s result
above to determine the number of non-equivalent colourings.
(10) Let p be a prime and G a p-group. Determine all non-negative integers n such that
there is a set of cardinality n on which G acts transitively.
(11) Let N be a central subgroup of a group G (this means that N is a subgroup contained
in the centre). Then N is clearly normal. Suppose that G/N is cyclic. Show that
G is abelian.
Combine (12) with this argument to conclude that groups of order p2 are abelian
(where p is a prime).
(12) Let p be a prime, q = pe a power of p with e ≥ 1, and Fq the finite field with q
elements. Let GLn (Fq ) denote the group of invertible n × n matrices with entries
in Fq .
• GLn (Fq ) has order (q n − 1)(q n − q)(q n − q 2 ) · · · (q n − q n−2 )(q n − q n−1 ). In
particular, the cardinality of a Sylow-p subgroup of GLn (Fq ) is q n(n−1)/2 .
• Consider the subgroup Un (Fq ) consisting of those elements of GLn (Fq ) that
are upper triangular and all of whose diagonal entries are equal to 1. The
cardinality of Un (Fq ) is clearly q n(n−1)/2 , so that it is a Sylow-p subgroup
of GLn (Fq ).
• U3 (Fp ) has order p3 and is not abelian.
(13) The alternating group A4 of even permutations of 4 letters has no subgroup of
order 6.
(14) Let G be a finite group, p a prime, and P a Sylow p-subgroup of G. It follows
from (15) that P is normal if and only if it is the only Sylow p-subgroup. In
particular, P is the unique Sylow p-subgroup of its normalizer N (P ) in G. Show
that the normalizer of N (P ) in G equals N (P ).
(15) With notation as in item 12, let Bn (Fq ) be the subgroup of GLn (Fq ) consisting of up-
per triangular matrices. Show that Bn (Fq ) is the normalizer in GLn (Fq ) of Un (Fq ).
Deduce from exercise (14) that Bn (Fq ) is its own normalizer.
(16) Find the orbits and stabilizers for the action of GLn (R) on n × 1 real column
(17) Let V be the real vector space of all real n × 1 column matrices. Let B denote
the collection of those subsets of cardinality n of V that form a basis for V . The
induced action of GLn (R) on the power set of V leaves B invariant. Detemine the
orbits and stablizers for the action of GLn (R) on B.
(18) Let Sn be the symmetric group on n letters. Elements of Sn are called permuta-
tions. Every permutation is a product of disjoint cycles. The cardinalities of the
cycles in such a decomposition (counted with multiplicity and including the single-
ton cycles) determines a partition of n, called the cycle type of the permutation.
Two permutations are conjugate if and only if they have the same cycle type, and
every partition arises as a cycle type. Thus conjugacy classes of permutations are
in bijection with partitions. For λ = 1m1 2m2 . . . a partition, the centralizer of an
element with cycle type λ has cardinality 1m1 m1 ! · 2m2 m2 ! · · · .
(19) Let X be a finite set, say [n] := {1, 2, . . . , n}. Then the group G = SX = Sn of
bijections of X acts on X (naturally of course). Consider the induced action of G
in turn on each of the following. Determine in each case the orbits, stabilisers, and
their cardinalities.
(a) the power set of X.
(b) Cartesian square X × X.
(c) complex valued functions on X.
(d) higher Cartesian powers X 3 , X 4 , etc.
(e) functions from X to X.
Warning: Answers to (d), (e) are a bit involved.

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