Bain & Company's 2020 US Frontline of Healthcare Study

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Bain & Company’s 2020 US Frontline of Healthcare Study

Pulse Check 3 (data collected April 24-28)

• As the Covid caseload curves flatten and initial panic of Coronavirus pandemic wanes, Frontline provider concern over their health and
safety is dropping – from 76% of frontline providers being “very concerned” in the last week of March, to 47% in the last week of April
– Although the trend of lower concerns is consistent across geographies, the New York Frontline remains the most concerned. Concern in Seattle and LA has dropped
by half.

• However, in the US epicenter, New York City, provider concern of burnout and mental health has spiked since our first survey at the end of
March—16% of frontline healthcare workers in NYC now rank burnout or their mental health as a top concern
– Clinicians cite virtual visits with behavioral health specialists and support groups as key resources to confront growing mental health concerns
– Nationally, hospitals have responded to growing mental health concerns with additional resources, but ~40% of providers responded that they still lack extra support

• As hospitals revenue declines due to reduced non-Covid care and cancelled elective procedures, providers see the impact in their
compensation. More healthcare workers expect pay cuts in May than they did in April, and ~40% of clinicians expect additional
compensation cuts for the next three months (May, June, July). Compensation cuts are occurring across all specialties and geographies
– Faced with a multi-month path to financial stability, Frontline providers, including PCPs, point to reduction in shifts or hours as the primary driver behind changes
in wages, while 40% of specialists cite cancelled elective procedures

• Although the rate of new Covid-19 cases is dropping across the country, providers see impediments to resuming regular patient care. ~60% of
providers report that their organization is not equipped to manage the return of elective care, citing a lack of patient / provider testing and
sufficient PPE as the most common barriers to successfully managing the return of elective care
– Providers across all geographies cite a similar mix of barriers to managing elective care return

• Rates of telehealth adoption has increased since our last survey on April 13. Frontline provider time spent on patient care via telehealth is
primarily for COVID-related urgent care; PCPs spend the majority of time on follow-up care

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Frontline provider concern about their health and safety is declining as new cases
flatten across the country; New York provider concern remains elevated

% of Frontline respondents who are “Very concerned” about their health, four week comparison

677 1.9K 916 489 243 203 175 109 92
per 100K
(April 28)
Source: Frontline pulse check wave 3 (N=364),

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Clinicians are becoming increasingly concerned about long-term impacts of Covid-19
on hospital financials and their own mental health

What are frontline providers’ top concerns? What are other providers’ top concerns?

Source: Frontline pulse check wave 3 (N=364)

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In New York, Frontline provider concern about mental wellbeing has increased; they
rank virtual behavioral health visits and support groups as most impactful resources

16% of New York frontline providers cite sustaining Frontline clinicians in New York rank virtual visits,
their mental health or burnout as a top concern support groups as top resources

Source: Frontline pulse check wave 3 (N=364)

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While mental health support has increased, many respondents still report no
additional mental health resources

Additional mental health resources

Source: Frontline pulse check wave 3 (N=364)

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Providers expect increased pay cuts in May and continued cuts over the summer,
citing shift reductions, cancelled procedures, and deferred bonuses as top drivers

More providers expect compensation cuts over next 3 Comp cuts from shift reductions impact frontline and
mos., indicating worsening financial dynamics PCP salaries; cancelled procedures impact specialists

Source: Frontline pulse check wave 3 (N=364)

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~60% of providers do not feel fully prepared to resume elective care, citing a lack of
patient/provider testing and insufficient PPE as top concerns

Source: Frontline pulse check wave 3 (N=364)

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Frontline clinicians are leveraging telehealth for Covid-19 related care; ~half of
PCPs’ telehealth use cases are routine care and follow-ups

Frontline providers PCPs Specialists

Source: Frontline pulse check wave 3 (N=364)

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As Covid-19 caseloads taper, frontline clinicians are now asking more for better
communications and telehealth, instead of redeployments

What would support providers in doing their job well?

~75% of other providers
asking for mental health
20% 20%
resources were redeployed

Frontline providers Other providers

Source: Frontline pulse check wave 3 (N=364)

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