Cement Industry: Thermal Ceramics

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Thermal Ceramics
Cement Industry
Thermal Ceramics is committed to finding innovative solutions to a broad range of thermal management challenges.
Our varied product mix is complemented by a strong, responsive development team, as well as a company-wide
focus on quality, continued improvement, and customer service.
Dense Castables
Dense castables from Thermal Ceramics, such as our Kaocrete®, Firecrete®, Tri-Mor®, Kaogun®, and Guncrete® brands, are
engineered formulations designed to meet specific property requirements of industrial furnace operators. They are eco-
nomical, have good strength throughout their temperature ranges, and are available in both dual-use cast/gun and special
gunning formulations.
Special Duty Castables
Special Duty castables from Thermal Ceramics are designed for more critical applications. Kaocrete HPM®, Hicast®,
Morflo®, Higun®, Kao-Plas®, Plasgun®, Plastic® HT, Plascast® HT, Kao-Tab®, and Kao-Tuff® feature specifically enhanced
properties that allow them to outperform conventional castables. These high-technology materials include low-cement gun-
ning and casting refractories, no-cement castables, plastics for gunning and casting, and very high-alumina-content casta-
bles. Enhanced properties, such as extra high strength and resistance to chemical attack and abrasion, provide long serv-
ice life with low maintenance.
Back-Up Insulation
Kaolite®, Firelite®, and Coolcast® brand castables feature ease of installation, including easy flow characteristics and low
gunite rebound loss for time and material savings. These castables are available in gunite versions and several can be
installed by shotcreting or pumping. Kaowool® Millboard placed between the rotary kiln casing and the refractory lining
improves lining life by reducing stress and improves the thermal efficiency of the kiln by adding insulation to the lining
system. Millboard products can be easily die cut into various shapes by the end user or can be supplied die cut to suit
a specific application.

Back-up Insulation
Morflo 160/165/170
Extra HS Castable

Kao-Tuff C and G
Kaocrete HPM 85

Kao-Tuff C and G
Kaocrete HPM 45

Higun 20/40 SiC

Kaocrete 249 C
Kaocrete 250 C

Higun 160/170

Guncrete BFS

Guncrete BFS

Morflo 60 SiC
Kao-Tuff CFB

Guncrete 160
Hicast Super

Kaocrete HS
Hicast Extra

Plascast HT

Kaogun 26
Plastic HT



Lower Precalciner/Riser
Lower Preheater/Riser
Feed Chute/Slope • •
Feed Cone
Chain Section
Retainer Ring •
Preheat Zone
Tertiary Airduct
Burner Pipe
Firing Hood
Nose Ring
Grate Cooler
• Drop-Out Area
• Curbs
• Walls/Roof
Satellite Cooler Systems
• Drop-Out Holes
• Elbow/Bends
• Coolers
• Outlet Cone/Dam Area
Precalciner Kiln (with Grate Cooler)


Lower Precalciner and Riser

Tertiary Airduct
Firing Hood
Burner Pipe

Retainer Ring Nose Ring

Walls and Roof
Feed Chute/
Feed Cone Preheat Zone

Drop-Out Area

Preheater Kiln (with Satellite Cooler)

Firing Hood
Burner Pipe
Drop-Out Area
Lower Preheat and Riser

Feed Cone Coolers
Outlet Cone/Dam Area
Preheat Zone Firing Hood
Burner Pipe

Feed Chute/Slope Drop-Out Holes

Retainer Ring

Wet or Long Dry Proceess Kiln

Nose Ring Burner Pipe Dam

Drop-Out Firing Hood

Lifter Chain Section
Area Walls and Roof
Retainer Ring
Preheat Zone

Global Headquarters
Thermal Ceramics Global
L'Européen - Bât. C
2, rue Joseph Monier
92859 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex, France
T: 33 (0)1 47 16 22 23
F: 33 (0)1 47 16 22 40
E-mail: info@tc-global.com

Global Marketing Offices

Thermal Ceramics Americas
2102 Old Savannah Road
Augusta • Georgia • 30906
T: 1 (706) 796 4200
F: 1 (706) 796 4398
E-Mail: tceramics@thermalceramics.com

Thermal Ceramics Asia Pacific

28 Jalan Kilang Barat
Kewalram House
Singapore • 159362
T: +65 6273 1351
F: +65 6273 0165
E-mail: thermalceramics@tcasia.com.sg

Thermal Ceramics Europe

Tebay Road • Bromborough • Wirral
CH62 3PH • England
T: +44 (0) 151 334 4030
F: +44 (0) 151 334 1684
E-mail: marketing@thermalceramics.co.uk

Global Cement Sales Office Locations

Americas Europe Asia
Canada United Kingdom Dalian
T: 1 (905) 335 3414 T: +44 (0) 151 334 4030 T: +86 (411) 665 1508
F: 1 (905) 335 5145 F: +44 (0) 151 334 1684 F: +86 (411) 664 1206
United States Italy Shanghai
T: 1 (706) 796 4200 T: +00 (39) 03 7791 0815 T: +86 (21) 6812 2200
F: 1 (706) 796 4398 F: +00 (39) 03 7791 0830 F: +86 (21) 5812 3529
Argentina Netherlands India
T: +54 (1) 14373 4439 T: +(187) 641466 T: +91 (44) 2527 781
F: +54 (1) 14372 3331 F: +(187) 641 881 F: +91 (44) 2521 3709
Brazil Japan
T: +55 (21) 2418 1366 T: +81 (3) 5759 2758
F: +55 (21) 2418 1205 F: +81 (3) 5759 2793
T: +65 6733 6068
F: +65 6733 3498

07.02/I257/1M www.thermalceramics.com

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