Technology and Computing

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1. Energy resources.

a) Think about different kinds of energy used to produce electricity. Make a

list (Draw a picture).

List of the energy resources.







-Biomass energy



b). Which are the ENERGY RESOURCES you have written.

1. I think that solar panels can produce electricity

2. hydraulic energy is used to produce electricity

c). Complete the grid writing the name of the following energy resources.

Solar energy Hydroelectric

WAVE ENERGY combustion energy

electric power NUCLEAR ENERGY



Biomass energy
d). Are these energy resources renewable or non-renewable? Read the following text
and complete the table below.
Energy resources provide us with energy. There are different types of
energy resources, including fossil fuels such as coal or oil, and stores of
energy such as batteries or the wind. We can divide energy resources
into two categories, non- renewable and renewable.

- Non-renewable energy resources cannot be replaced once they are

all used up. That means they cannot be renewed or replenished.
Once they are gone they cannot be used again.
Renewable energy resources can be replaced, and will not run out (finish).


 Solar energy  combustion energy

 Wind power  NUCLEAR ENERGY

 hydroelectric power  volcanic energy

 Biomass energy




2. Complete these sentences using the most suitable word:

a). Coal, natural gas and oil are all non renewable__ (renewable / non-renewable)
energy resources. They reléase _electricity_ (energy / electricity) when they are

b).Wind and solar energy are_non renewable (renewable / non-renewable)

because they cannot (can / cannot) be replaced).
c). Coal, natural gas and oil are called _fossil fuels_ (nuclear fuels/ fossil
fuels). d). Two more examples of renewable energies are tides and heat
of the earth.
Wave power is generated from running water.
Dams are built across a lake or river
in a valley to trap water. The water
Geothermal power flows through tunnels and turns the
turbines which make electricity
are used to convert the Sun’s energy
Fossil fuels
into electricity
comes from the movement of
Hydroelectricity water in the sea by the tides. These
tides happen twice a day.
uses the energy of the waves to
Nuclear energy turn turbines that make electricity
uses the energy from plants and
Wind energy waste materials to make electricity
is made from radioactive uranium
ore which occurs naturally in the
Tidal energy ground.
uses the heat that comes from
deep rocks under the surface of
Biomass the Earth.
were formed in the Carboniferous
Solar panels period millions of years ago
(before the dinosaurs!)
is used to turn wind turbines and
make electricity

The electricity journey: from power stations to our homes

4. Look at the picture. Electricity is produced in power stations and it

travels a long way before arriving at our homes. This power station is
used to produce electricity from coal, natural gas, oil or nuclear energy
Power station

Undergrund cable

Power lines/ grid



Wood post

power lines / grid wooden pole power station

substation Transformers underground cable

a) Write the names of the different steps (1-6) in the chart
above using the words in the box.
b) Match each number with the step of the process:

In some areas, cables are carried to buildings on wooden poles.

Small local substations reduce the voltage to 230 Volts for houses, schools and
businesses. In towns, most cables are underground.

Power stations make electricity. They usually burn coal or oil to work the
generating machinery

In towns and cities there are more transformers in substations. These change the
electricity down to 11,000 Volts.

The electricity is carried along thick metal cables called power lines. Some
of them are carried overhead on pylons.

Transformers change the voltage of the electricity up to 400,000Volts so it

can travel long distances.

c). Write the process in the correct order

1) Power plants make electricity. They usually burn coal or oil to work the generation machinery
2)Electricity is carried along thick metal cables called power lines. Some of them are carried
over the pole.
3)Transformers change the voltage of electricity up to 400,000 Volts so that it can
travel long distances.
4) In towns and cities there are more transformers in substations. These change the
electricity to 11,000 Volts.
5) Small local substations reduce the voltage to 230 Volts for homes, schools and
businesses. In cities, most cables are underground.
6)In some areas, cables are routed to buildings on wooden posts.
d) Draw the flow diagram of the process:

Power station substation Transformers

Wooden pole Power lines/grid


1. Put the pictures in the correct order.

1) 3)

2. Match each picture with the suitable text.

B- C- A-

3. Explain the process of how coal was formed.

Coal is a combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock, formed as rock strata called
coal seams. Coal is mostly carbon with variable amounts of other elements; chiefly hydrogen,
sulfur, oxygen,
and nitrogen [1] Coal is formed when dead plant matter decays into peat and is converted
into coal by the heat and pressure of deep burial over millions of years [2] Vast deposits of
coal originate in
former wetlands—called coal forests—that covered much of the Earth's tropical land areas during
the late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) and Permian times.
4. Make sentences with the information in the table.

from sea plants and animals

from plants

in swamps
was formed
in oceans

100 million years ago

50-100 million years ago

carbon was formed from marine plants and swamp animals 100 million years ago, in exchange oil was
formed in the oceans 50-100 million years ago.
Look at the diagram AND in a PowerPoint presentation with pictures. Put the steps
of the process in the correct order.

The turbines turn The electricity Th steam The oil is Crude oil is
the flows into the pushes the burned to delivered to the
generators, gri turbines, water, power station
which create forcing them to producing
electricity spin very fast steam

5 4 3 2 1


The aboveground infrastructure pads and access roads are built, setting up the land for the ne
From start to finish, everything from traffic plans and designated access roads to noise barrier
local laws

more than a mile below the ground. A well is drilled straight down into the ground beneath the pad.
ting precious water aquifers.
it horizontal and out—maybe another mile or two in distance—following the same rock bed. There’s a phenomenal amount of technology required to keep the hole

Once the target distance is reached, the drill pipe is removed and steel pipe is pushed
tests are performed to ensure the pipe is impermeable before any production of natur
can occur.


atural gas, a perforating gun is typically lowered into the ground and fired into the rock layer in the de
Now that the first stage of the well is open, it’s time to unlock the oil and natural gas that has been trapped in the rock. Using specialized
The cycles of steps 4 and 5 are repeated, gradually working up the hole until all the lateral length of the wellbore has been fracked. This m

n begins. Oil and natural gas flows up from the well bore and fracturing fluid is then recovered and rec

When all of the recovered oil and natural gas has been
produced, Colorado law requires that the well is permanently plugged and the l
well was once there
Write the process of electricity production
Electricity is most often generated at a power plant by electromechanical generators, primarily
driven by heat engines fueled by combustion or nuclear fission but also by other means such
as the
kinetic energy of flowing water and wind. Other energy sources include solar photovoltaics
and geothermal power.

6. Write the advantages and disadvantages of using fossil fuels.


Petroleumis a fossil fuel. Fossil fuels are Spill Contamination: Since oil is insoluble
those that are made frombiomass that in water, it is very difficult to clean up.
has formed millions of years ago. In When spills occur, that is, oil reaches
addition to oil, other fuels of this type nature in liquid form, it adheres to the
are coal, natural gas, and liquefied surface not only of rocks and minerals
petroleum gas. but also of living beings such as birds,
fish and plants. Spills can be accidental,
Carbon It is an option that can offer for example during transport by ship, but
continuous and uninterrupted energy, and it can also be deliberate, since it can use
many of the world's companies have a the sea as a deposit for polluting
structure that takes full advantage of the substances, without taking into account
characteristics of this fossil fuel. In the enormous ecological impact.
combustion processes, you can often
predict what will be generated, so Carbon By-products produced by
virtually nothing is wasted. processing this fossil fuel can negatively
affect the environment, as gases are
Natural gas advantages released into the atmosphere, chemicals
like acids into water, and even connect
It is easy to get, to access or use
to ecosystems near mines. Acid rain is
only a valve or tap must be
related to this situation because a large
part of the chemicals that pollute the
It is an economic product to transport water and the precipitate come from this
and transport type of industry.

It has a high calorific value Disadvantages of natural gas

Misuse of this product can cause explosions.

It can work on various instruments or
devices, sea to generate hot water, It brings negative effects for the environment,
heat, etc. related to global warming and climate change

Natural gas is odorless, so it cannot be easily

detected at the time of a leak
Answer the questions:

What’s the greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect is a process that occurs when gases in Earth's atmosphere trap the Sun's
heat. This process makes Earth much warmer than it would be without an atmosphere. The
greenhouse effect is one of the things that makes Earth a comfortable place to live.

Why do power stations powered by fossil fuels increase global warming?

As you may know, coal when burned produces a lot, A LOT, of CO2, one of the principal
greenhouse effect gases that are destroying our atmosphere. And we are releasing a lot of
CO2, because the demand of electricity is getting bigger each day and we cannot produce
that much of electricity for a good price with renewable energy sources, like wind or solar
energy generators.
How is the acid rain

produced? Sources of Acid


Acid rain is caused by a chemical reaction that begins when compounds like sulfur dioxide and
nitrogen oxides are released into the air. These substances can rise very high into the
atmosphere, where they mix and react with water, oxygen, and other chemicals to form more
acidic pollutants, known as acid rain. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides dissolve very easily in
water and can be carried very far by the wind. As a result, the two compounds can travel
long distances where they become part of the rain, sleet, snow, and fog that we experience
on certain days.

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