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Technology Hype and Internet of Things

Kriti Dixit
School of Computer Science and
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin, Ireland

Abstract— Hype Cycle underlines the transformation of any B. Peak of Inflated Expectations
emerging technology with its influence on businesses and
This phase of hype cycle deals with the implementation of
societies. With the rapid growth and emergence of the Internet
technology. It becomes talk of the town for both successful as
of Things (IoT), it is conspicuously becoming a part of our lives
showcasing multifaceted aspects of the Internet. Considering the
well as unsuccessful implementations taken place. It gains
huge amount of assurance, it claims to make, this paper assesses popularity for its successful implementations highlighting the
its viability interpreting the technology hype. This paper also potential it has.
recognizes the differences amidst the evolving stage to a definite C. Trough of Disillusionment
reality that IoT offers.
This phase shows the drift from excitement to loss of
Keywords—Internet of Things (IoT), Hype Cycle, Industrial interest in the technology due to lack of patience for
Internet of Things (IIoT) outcomes. The market and media loses interest questioning
the potential of the technology settling in the
I. INTRODUCTION disillusionment. It shows how people have no hope in the
Hype Cycle demonstrates the advancement made by any emerging technology despite the growth of the technology.
technology through the influence of ethusiasm and As a result, investments take place only if the product is
disappointment leading to its efficiency. It represents the likely to launch in the market soon, which is only done
entire life-span of a technology from the formation to its when the suppliers enhance their product for early
growth and world-wide acceptability. Acoording to Gartner’s launching.
hype cycle creation, technology passes through several stages
on its path to productivity. [1] Hype Cycle provides insights D. Slope of Enlightenment
to organizations about when any innovation will reach the After the intial anticipations made about the technology, it
maturity stage depending on which the organization provides more proof of the capability it holds and how it can
determines the adoption concomitant to the risks involved in help in solving problems widely. It shows the progress made
the innovation. With new devices connecting each day by the technology surpassing the expectations made earlier.
Internet of Things (IoT) comprises of all the things brought Seeing the advancement more investors connect. This
together to the internet defining the possibility of collection enlightenment stage also gives clarity to the early adopters
and analysis of data resulting in actions. The evolving nature inspiring other organisations from their experience. It helps in
of IoT led to the “peak of infalted expectations” in 2016 by the gaining insights about the where the technology can be used
Gartner’s Hype Cycle. IoT holds the power to transform to the fullest and bring in the change. The accepentance of the
businesses and start the advent of unprecendented models. technology widely does increseases so do the number of
The life-cycle of IoT will be studied against the hype cycle in investors but cautiousness still exists amidst organisations.
illustrating the bridge between hype to actuality.
E. Plateau of Productivity
II. TECHNOLOGY HYPE With the advanvcement of technology the rate of adoption
Technology hype cycle aims to derive subtlity between also increases. Organizations are now easily adopting the
hype and reality that drives a technology. It provides clarity to technology as the level of risk is lessened. The benefits
the organisations instilling confidence in them about adpoting technology holds in the real-world are accepted widely
a technology considering the amount of risks the organisation bringing profits.
is ready to take. It undergoes several stages demonstrating the
life cycle of any technology. Stages involved are as follows:
Any emerging technolgy is ought to go through these
A. Innovation Trigger phases mentioned in the hype cycle. It helps the organizations
Creation of a new technology ensues excitement with to analyse when to adopt the technology depending on the
strong and promising applications aiming to revolutionise the involved risk it wants to take. Also it shows how not neglect
face of technology by solving ample amount of problems. It any technology due to it being hyped or not fulfilling the
starts to gain media’s interest with no existence of products in expectations. It assists the organizations in prioritising their
the market as well as no demonstration of its commerical investements seeing the improvement of the technology or
feasibility. This stage represents the conceptualised form of even by the experiences of early adopters. Sometimes
the innovation dealing with the potential it holds as well as the technology may take time to grow even a decade but that does
challenges involved. not confines its potential.
III. HYPE CYCLE AND THE INTERNET OF THINGS Garnter’s 2019 hype cycle dropped IoT from the list of
Internet of Things(IoT) is said to be one of the memerging emerging technologies which does not means that the era of
technologies which does any task more efficiently saving time IoT comes to an end. Instead it bring into the light the change
and money. It can also be defined as things connected to each required to manage the number of connected devices and data
other over internet. They collect the information, anlayse it rapidly increasing each day through IoT platform. New
and then take the action required. IoT featured in Gartner’s business models will be defined through IoT platform
Hype Cycle since 2011 and has shown growth throughout the changing the existing usage of the platforms. This also makes
years. it essential using the correct platforms with the abundant
amount of data and devices.
A. IOT Hype Cycle
In the present scenario we can observe IoT as an essential
“According to Gartner Research, in 2020 there will be part of our daily lives easing human efforts. We see smart
more objects on Internet than human on Internet”. In 2011 the devices around us which adapt to the surroundings and take
first time IoT featured in Gartner’s Hype Cycle as “Innovation action concomitant to it. For example, we have smart lights
Trigger”. IoT has been advancing through the coming years. which light up and stay off when they sense the presence of
In 2016, Gartner released Hype Cycle which was topped by something or not resulting in conservation of energy. This
IoT but in the latest Hype Cycle there was no mention about shows wide adoptibility of IoT and how it is transforming the
it. In this paper we will see the journey of IoT and also whether world around us making automation an important part of our
is it still alive or not after losing its mark from the Hype Cycle? lives easing things around us. The future of IoT undoubtedly
After IoT’s first recognition it was anticipated to reach its looking promising. Past 2019 IoT will grow making us
plateau in the coming 5 to 10 years. This predicted time familiarize with its trends.
increased to more than 10 years in 2012. It reached the phase
of “inflated expectations” in 2013. It was 2016 when the B. IoT Technology Trends
challenges related to the implementation of IoT were a) Security: We cannot deny that security will remain
addressed. Gartner even presented IoT hype cycle for the year one of the major concerns for IoT. With rapidly increasing
which dealt about issues in intergrating and making the IoT devices each day the concern for data security also increases.
products. It makes it important for the manfactures to mainitain it to
stay in the game for long. Here it is essential to secure the IoT
device as well as the communication throughout the system
by adding protection layer. Authentication must be
implemented strictly at the cloud end maintaing security for
the data storage.
b) Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT): According to
predictions, “IIoT market will have reached $124 Billion by
2021”. Be it agriculture, vehicles or smart homes, IoT lessens
the risks allowing to take actions at the right time by
increasing the availability of the product. It allows in control
the parameters according to the surroundings.
c) 5G Networks: Connection of devices cannot take
place without data networks. With the advent of 5G this
scenario will make the connection more available opening
larger scope for the IoT projects where amenities are
combined as a unit. It will be collection and transmission of
data more efficient.
d) Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: The
intricacy of network is increasing day by day so are the
Fig. 1. This image is from the Hype Cycle for IoT, 2016 published by number of devices establishing strong ground for machine
Gartner. Source: Gartner learning and artificial intelligence collaborated with IoT
projects. IoT and Artificial Intelligence can beautifully get
It has been said that IoT has the scope for technological along each other where IoT can maintain the vast data and AI
transformations but its “mainstream adoption” will take 5 to can bring out sense from the devices connected. For example,
10 years. The IoT hype cycle shows the technologies self-driven cars which require the analysis about the road
supporting IoT. Despite of IoT remaining on the top of situation and taking actions accordingly.
expectations for 3 years the organizations remain cautious to
adopt it questioning its feasibility in the real-world. The hype e) Digital Twin Technology: It refers to simulating
cycle deals with the challenges for implementing IoT making something that is physical. Whenever developing a project
it essential to develop both short and long-term policies for digital twin helps in simulating it as a prototype of the real-
integration and security. Amidst all this the concern for world. Reduction in the price of IoT sensors makes it trending
making profits through this new advanced technology and technology in the coming future.
maintaining feasibility throughout existed in the These trending technologies underpining IoT makes its scope
organizations. In the year 2017, it was important for even wider. This entire trend of hype cycle shows that even
organizations to stratigize how to bring their products into the after staying at the stage of “Inflated Expectations” for years
market and decide the pricing for them bringing the monetary it still holds a lot of potential and organizations should take
aspect into the spotlight. action before it gets too late.
SUMMARY through Gartner’s Hype Cycle describing the growth through
The paper deals with hype cycle for any emerging years. Now-a-days we can observe how IoT is bringing
technology. It tells about various phases that the technology changes in our lives by collecting data and taking actions
has to go irrespective of how promising it is. This transition according to the surroundings. We can see how in the coming
from expectations to reality allows the organizations to adopt years IoT technology trends will take over. Still there are
the budding innovation when the risk is minimum. It is also many challenges concerning IoT which cannot be ignored. It
important that despite the capability the innovation holds to is important that the IoT platforms are changed according to
solve challenges by easing human efforts it must bring profits the requirements. It is also essential to ponder about the
too. Often the innovation stays at the stage of expectations for security challenges and how to implement it across the
years making the media and organizations lose hope in it. It platforms.
becomes important for the manufacturers to bring their REFERENCES
products and services in the market soon. This gives
[1] Jackie Fenn, Marcus Blosch, “Understanding Gartner’s Hype
organizations a strong base to adopt it with something beyond Cycles”, 20 August 2018, Retrieved from
proof-of-concept. The paper also tells the life cycle of IoT https://www.gartner.com/en/documents/3887767.

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