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Module Specifications: Schools of Business & Management & Information Technology


Module Code: BAAM03H

Level: 6
Credits: 15

Pre-Requisites: None

Module Description:
The aim of this module is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the main
theories and principles of digital marketing, including effective relationship
management. It will also provide practical skills and knowledge in the areas of digital
marketing, such as social media engagement, e-mail marketing (e-shots), blogging
and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The principles and practice of effective web
site design will also be explored through the development of a commercial quality
website, utilizing an industry recognized Content Management System (CMS).
Additionally, the importance of an integrated approach to digital marketing,
traditional marketing and business strategy will also be addressed.

Indicative Content:
• Developing a strategic approach to marketing depending on the industry sector
and the target audience, in order to maintain a competitive advantage.
• Understanding the effective integration of contemporary digital marketing tools
with traditional marketing techniques and practices.
• Utilising a CMS system to create a commercial quality website and the
application of digital tools to improve customer engagement and to maintain
longer-term relationships.
• Secondary data evaluation
• Critical thinking

Learning and Teaching Methods:

The module will cover the form, trends and role of digital marketing in
contemporary organizations, with a combination of lectures and seminars,
supported by current case studies. Students will also be using computers and
appropriate software to develop the practical skills required to create a commercial
quality website.
Module Specifications: Schools of Business & Management & Information Technology

Specific Learning Resources:

IT facilities
Highly Recommended
Allen-Robertson J. (2013) Digital culture industry: a history of digital distribution.
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Chaffey D., Ellis-Chadwick F. (2016) Digital marketing: strategy, implementation
and practice (6th Ed). Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd.
Flores L. (2013) How to measure digital marketing: metrics for assessing impact
and designing success, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Ryan D. and Jones C. (2012) Understanding digital marketing: marketing
strategies for engaging the digital generation (2nd Ed). London: Kogan Page Ltd.

Students are advised to access the latest research in digital marketing and social
media, via the following academic journals: Journal of Marketing Management,
European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of
Interactive Marketing, Journal of Marketing, Marketing Theory, Consumption,
Markets and Culture and Business Horizons

Background Reading
Students are also encouraged to read case study material drawn from the internet,
as well as business and news media, such as: The Economist, Fortune Magazine,
The Sunday Times – Business Section – Enterprise Network Page, Marketing
Business, Marketing Week, Campaign, NET Magazine. Where possible joining
blogs or following experts (such as Seth Godin) via Social Media is also

Module Learning Outcomes

Subject Specific Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module you will be able to:

LO Identify, explain and implement digital techniques in modern marketing.

LO Critically explore and reflect on the underlying themes and principles of the
dynamic world of digital marketing.

LO Develop an integrated marketing strategy for organizations, utilizing traditional

and digital techniques where appropriate.

LO Implement digital marketing strategies with the construction of a website (with a

Content Management System in the background).
Module Specifications: Schools of Business & Management & Information Technology

Assessment Title or element Weighting (%)

Management Report, Digital Marketing Strategy (2000 words) [Mid 50%


Website that demonstrates the implementation a digital marketing 50%

strategy building on research carried out in Assessment One that
could be adopted by the company researched or an alternative
company. Technical report on the design and implementation of the
website (1000 words maximum) [End of semester.]

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