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Several of the rig components—drawworks, rotary and mud pumps—are rated by input power. However,
power calculations based on operating parameters determines the component output power. (Note: DEAP
calculates output power.) The input power is determined by the ratio of output power to the efficiency of
the component. Efficiencies can be defined by function (References 12–1, 12–2):

Transmission Efficiency of the power transmission system and depends on the rig power
Efficiency (Et) system. This includes generators, silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) converter,
wiring and drive motors for electric rigs; and torque converter and mechanical
or hydraulic couplings for mechanical rigs.

Table 12-3 - Transmission Efficiency

Power - Transmission Efficiency (Et)
Electric - SCR 0.85
Electric - DC/DC 0.85
Mech - Torque Converter 0.80
Mech -Hydraulic Coupling 0.98

Drive Efficiency (Ed) Efficiency from the output of the transmission to the input shaft of the rig
component. Depends on the number chains and shafts making up the drive
system, which differ for.

Table 12-4 - Drive Efficiency

Component Efficiency (Ed)

Mechanical Rig Electric Rig
Drawworks 0.83 0.87
Top Drive - 0.96
Rotary - Indep Drive - 0.94
Rotary 0.75 0.79
Pumps 0.90 0.94

Hoisting Efficiency Efficiency of the crown block, traveling block, and drilling line and depends on
(Eh) the number of lines supporting the traveling block.

Table 12-5 - Hoisting Efficiency

Number of Lines Efficiency (Eh)

8 0.842
10 0.811
12 0.782
14 0.755
16 0.728

Design Factors Uncertainty is a fact of life and needs to be considered when sizing a drilling
rig. The uncertainty discussed here applies to the assumptions made regarding
the well design, mechanical and electrical efficiencies, historical information
and modeling. How well these assumptions match reality is unknown until
we've drilled and completed the well. Even with "perfect knowledge"
circumstances, Murphy's Law may change the requirements.
Apply appropriate design factors when sizing the equipment in this section. Use
caution when specifying design factors to ensure that "hidden" design factors
are not already in place. This effectively compounds the applied design factor
and may result in over stating the rig requirements. Values generally range from
1.1 to 1.25 and depend on how certain you are of your assumptions.

Derrick/Mast The crown load determines the derrick/mast capacity and is based on the
maximum hook load (including traveling equipment) and the number of lines
strung. The number of lines can vary with drilling and casing operations,
therefore, the maximum hook load for drilling (typically fishing) and casing
operations are evaluated with the number of lines used or required. The crown
load is calculated from this equation :

N 2
N (12.1)

CL crown load, lbs

HL hook load, lbs
N number of lines strung

A more rigorous relationship for crown load based on sheave and hoisting
efficiencies may be used, however the difference is less than 1% from the values
determined by the equation above.
Derrick/mast and crown are sized from the maximum crown load, and traveling
equipment rating is determined from the maximum hook load.

Drawworks A drawworks is typically rated on input power. However, single line pull also
determines the capability of the drawworks to hoist a load. Simply put, input
power is a measure of tripping capability, single line pull is a measure of the
maximum hook load capacity of a drawworks.

Tripping the drillstring usually determines the power requirements of the

drawworks. Use the hook loads calculated in the Torque and Drag Predictions
section for tripping in open hole and cased hole at appropriate hoisting speeds.
The nominal rating of large drawworks is established for hook speeds in the
range of 90–120 ft/min with eight lines to the traveling block. The high drag in
ERD wells will most likely dictate lower. The input power to the drawworks is
determined from the power at the hook plus power losses due to friction of
bearings, chains and the wire line that make up the hoisting system (see
Efficiencies). The power output at the hook is calculated by:

33, 000 (12.2)

PHook power output at the hook, hp
HL hook load, lbs
S hoisting speed, ft / min

Note: This is the drawworks power calculated by DSS.

Input power to the drawworks is determined by dividing the power output at the
hook by the drawworks drive efficiency and hoisting efficiency:
PHook HL S
Ed Eh 33,000 Ed Eh (12.3)

PInput input power, hp
Ed drive efficiency, Table 12 - 4
Eh hoisting efficiency, Table 12 - 5

The drill line breaking strength is calculated from the maximum fast line tension
and a design factor. API RP9B (Reference 12-5) recommends using a design
factor of 3.0 for normal drilling and tripping operations and 2.0 for running
casing and fishing operations. (Note: This design factor is based on the material
uncertainty and is independent from the one discussed below.) The drill line
size is then determined from the maximum drill line breaking strength

Rotary/Top Drive Rotary requirements are based on the maximum torque and input power. A
major limiting factor in ERD operations is the surface torque requirement
(which can be calculated with DSS). Rotary power is a function of both surface
torque and rotary speed, and is also calculated by DSS. Input power is
determined from the rotary power and appropriate drive efficiency. The
procedure for sizing top drives and rotary tables is identical. Refer to the
manufacturer’s documentation for performance specifications.

The rotary table must also be large enough to accommodate the largest casing
size or tool and support the heaviest hang-off load.

Mud Pumps Mud pumps are rated on input horsepower, which is a function of flow rate and
pump pressure. Determine the flow rate and pressure requirement for each hole
section from the Hydraulics Model.

Input power requirements are determined from the flow rate, pump pressure,
and various efficiencies—drive, mechanical, and volumetric. DSS calculates a
hydraulic power requirement, but results from the Hydraulics Model are more
accurate. Use these predicted values to determine the number, horsepower
rating, and liner sizes of mud pumps required.

Rig Power In ERD wells, the maximum drilling power requirement generally occurs while
backreamming the 12 1/4 inch hole. Determine the maximum drilling power
from the sum of the input power of the drawworks, rotary system, and pumps
for any operation. The rig generating power requirements is the sum of the
maximum drilling power requirements, auxiliaries and hotel loads, taking into
consideration the transmission efficiency of the rig power system.

Substructure The substructure must have the setback capacity to support the drill string at the
TD. There must also be sufficient capacity in the derrick/mast for the drill
string. The substructure must support the maximum casing plus drill pipe
setback load corresponding to the casing string—normally the 9 5/8 inch casing
plus the drill string used to drill the 12 1/4 inch hole.

Mud Processing/ The mud processing system must have sufficient capacity to handle the high
Circulating System volume and flow rates encountered in ERD wells. Oil-base muds play an
important part in ERD wells, and the capability to process these mud systems
should be considered (see Section 6, “Drill Fluids Optimization”).

The size and pressure rating of the surface circulating system should also be
considered to maximize the hydraulic requirements.

Drill String Drill string requirements are based on hydraulic, torque, and hoisting
requirements determined from the DEAP simulation. Use the results of these
simulations and refer to Section 9, “Drill String Design” to determine the drill
string requirements.

The results of the rig sizing process should be evaluated to determine if the objectives were met.
Can the rig drill the proposed well?
Is there excess capacity? What modifications are required?
Are the specifications achievable and cost effective?

Keep in mind when specifying a new rig or requesting modifications to an existing rig—the systems are
not independent and a change to one system may require a change to another. Be aware of the "hidden"
costs of these modifications—additional solids control equipment to handle the high flow rates; larger
drill pipe may require modifications to the pipe handling system, top drive and monkey boards are just a
Finally, the rig sizing process is iterative. Consider the factors effecting critical or marginal rig
components. Determine if your assumptions were reasonable or overly conservative. Evaluate the well
requirements and design to determine how changes may affect the rig specifications.

Lower design requirements—100 kip overpull on casing and stuck pipe.

Additional factors such as number of wells, geologic uncertainty, timing, availability, logistics, mobility
and deck loading must also be considered.
The rig sizing is based on engineering principles and will yield a quantitative result based on many
assumptions. When making these assumptions it's important to be aware of the objectives and constraints
of the ERD project. Can the project handle the cost of a major rig upgrade? Is it more cost effective to
drill at a reduced ROP? A large development project may justify upgrades but a single well project may
be completed successfully with less than ideal equipment. Some of these assumptions will result in
equipment requirements that are costly or difficult to obtain. However, that specification may be costly.
but a clear understanding of the project objectives is necessary.
However, the objective is to determine reasonable operational data to use in sizing rig components, not
optimize the well design.

An Excel spreadsheet has been developed to summarize the DEAP runs and perform the necessary
calculations. Attachment 12-1 is an example of the results.

1. Rig Sizing – UK Land Wells - Kelso, Gary, BPX Internal Report, June 1989.
2. Drawworks Depth Ratings: How to Evaluate and Apply Them - Cordrrey, R. N., IADC Drilling
Technology Conference Transactions, 1980.
3. Fitting Drilling Rigs to Their Job...Whether Rig is New or Old - Crake, W. S., SPE Reprint Series,
4. How To Determine Your Rig's Depth Limit - L'Espoir, John, Petroleum Engineering International, April
5. API RP9B, Recommended Practice on Application, Care and Use of Wire Rope for Oilfield Service,
May 1986.

Data Requirements
Well Design Evaluation/completion requirements
Directional plan
Casing program
Drilling mechanics
Rig specifications
Hydraulic Considerations/Hole Cleaning
Define minimum flow rate Hole angle
Mud properties
Drill pipe considerations Pressure losses
Annular velocities
BHA and downhole tools
Torque and Drag Predictions
Define friction factors Drilling
Define ripple factors (tortuosity)
Predict torque and drag Drilling
Sensitivity/reality check
Equipment Sizing and Requirements
Crown and Derrick/Mast
Hoisting equipment
Top drive
Circulating system Hydraulic power
Pressure rating
Mud processing equipment
Drill string
BOP equipment
Does rig meet specifications?
Are specifications achievable?
Economic considerations


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