Evaluation of Power Efficient FIR Filter For FPGA Based DSP Applications

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Procedia Technology 10 (2013) 856 – 865

International Conference on Computational Intelligence: Modeling Techniques and Applications

(CIMTA) 2013

Evaluation of Power Efficient FIR Filter for FPGA Based DSP

Subhankar Bhattacharjeea, Sanjib Silb, Amlan Chakrabartic*
Dept-ECE,Techno India College of Technology, Newtown, Rajarhat, Kolkata-700156, India
A.K.Choudhury School of Information Technology, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India
a b c
Email: subhankarb42002@yahoo.co.in, sanjib_sil@hotmail.com, acakcs@caluniv.ac.in


This paper describes the design and implementation of low power FIR filter for digital signal processing (DSP) applications,
using Xilinx 6V1X130T1FF1156 (Virtex-6 Low Power) field programmable gate array (FPGA) devices. DSP is a highly
demanding application domain in the present day technology wherein the demands for enhanced performance and reduced
resource utilization have increased over the years. Recent advancements in FPGA design technology through the incorporation
of DSP functional blocks along with the inherent FPGA features like high flexibility through reconfiguration, reusability,
moderate cost and feature extension has resulted in FPGA(s) becoming the preferred platform for evaluating and implementing
DSP. In this work we have implemented the various forms of FIR filter on FPGA and compared their performances in
terms of delay, frequency of operation, resource utilization and power. To the best of our knowledge our work is first of its kind
in respect to Virtex-6 FPGA devices. Our research paves the way for selecting the most suitable FIR filter architecture for
DSP implementation using Virtex-6 FPGA.

Elsevier Ltd.
Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
peer-reviewunder responsibility
under of of
responsibility thethe
University of Kalyani,
University Department
of Kalyani, of Computer
Department Science
of Computer & Engineering.
Science & Engineering

Keywords: Finite impulse response (FIR) filter; low power design; FPGA; DSP; Xilinx Xpower;

1. Introduction

The finite impulse response (FIR) filter is the most fundamental circuit, wh i ch i s used to build DSP [1]

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +0-000-000-0000 ; fax: +0-000-000-0000 .

E-mail address: subhankarb42002@yahoo.co.in

2212-0173 © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the University of Kalyani, Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Subhankar Bhattacharjee et al. / Procedia Technology 10 (2013) 856 – 865 857

hardware. FIR digital filters find extensive applications in mobile communication systems such as
channel equalization, matched filtering, and pulse shaping, due to their absolute stability and linear
phase properties [14]. Since these circuits perform key operations in the present day DSP, their speed and
p o w e r optimization are crucial quality factor in high performance DSP applications. Typically DSP
applications require a tradeoff between power consumption and speed, hence there is an immense need for
low power [6,7,13,14] high speed design of digital filter circuits.

Nowadays, FPGA is a much favoured platform for digital VLSI design. This is due to the high flexibility,
reusability, low power, moderate cost, easy upgrading (due to usage of hardware description languages
(HDLs)) and feature extension (as long as FPGA is not exhausted) facilities available in the FPGAs. Field
programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) provide a configurable structure through an array of adjustable logic
modules interconnected by programmable routing resources and surrounded by programmable input/output
blocks. In this research work we have presented the FPGA based design and implementation of low power
FIR circuit comparable with peer research works [15,16] for DSP applications, as well as their
performance analysis based on resource usage, delay and power considerations.

This paper shows the results of our study based on the implementation of different types FIR [1] circuit using
Virtex-6 FPGA, in respect to resource utilization, delay and power measure. Though related work exists for the
design of the FIR circuit in VLSI domain for DSP applications [5, 6, 7, 8, 11], the FPGA based design issues were
not considered in those. The works on FPGA based design of FIR circuit [9, 13, 16] have focused more on custom
design and their realization, but a detailed analysis of the different FIR circuit in terms of FPGA design metrics of
resource utilization, delay and power were not discussed. In [15], the authors have discussed about the FIR circuit
for FPGA based design, but no results of power analysis were demonstrated. In our research we have tried to focus
on the design and implementation issues of the different form of FIR circuits like Direct Form (DF), Transpose
Form (TF), DF2, TF2, DFPOLY, DFPOLYPIPE, TF2POLYPIPE etc. are used in DSP applications, in terms of the
FPGA design metrics. The work done in our paper is quite extensive and it proves to be a very good analysis in the
domain of FPGA based circuit design for DSP applications. Virtex-6 low power FPGA [2] has been chosen for
implementing our designs, since it possesses DSP-support features.

The paper is divided into six sections. After the introduction, Section 1.1 describes the design of different
f o r m o f F I R circuits. S ection 1.2 describes t h e different p i p e l i n e f o r m o f F I R circuits. The
simulation environment is briefed in Section 1.3. The analysis of the results is presented in Section 1.4, and
concluding remarks are discussed in Section 2.

1.1. Design of basic FIR filter circuits

We have designed and implemented the following FIR filter circuits

 The basic architecture of FIR filters of different form i.e. Direct form (DF), Transpose form (TF), Direct
form2 (DF2), Transpose form2 (TF2) can be implemented by using basic identical multipliers, adders
and delay units [17]. The transfer function for a FIR filter system in z domain is shown in equation [1]

M 1
H ( z)  b
k 0
z k (1)

858 Subhankar Bhattacharjee et al. / Procedia Technology 10 (2013) 856 – 865

Y ( z)
H ( z)  (Output Sequence to Input Sequence)
X ( z)
Variables b k and M in Equation (1) are the filter coefficients and the filter length respectively. This
transfer function has a variety of realization structures. The FIR filters can be implemented by using any of
the conventional filter structures shown in Figure 1. The block diagrams in Figure 1 are cascaded realizations
of an FIR filter of order M=5. We observe that the filter blocks are modular in nature with regular data flow
and can be easily extended to any order filter by simply cascading the computational cell. The input and
output cells of the filter may vary depending on the choice of filter structures.

1.2. Design of pipeline FIR filter circuits

We have designed and

Maximum Delay Number Number
implemented the Different Frequency (nSec) of Slice of Slice
pipelined FIR Form of (MHz) Registers LUTs filter circuits:
FIR filter (160000) (80000)
 The DF 57.003 17.543 290 1368 pipelining
technique is used in
TF 118.793 8.418 498 1275
hardware systems for
DF2 115.554 8.654 497 1256 concurrent
TF2 58.624 17.058 288 1336 Concurrent
processing of data
DFPOLY 79.014 12.656 515 1510
divides the computational
load between multiple
elements, which in turn
helps achieve high
processing rates for large designs. Pipelining techniques can reduce the critical path delay of the system
and can eliminate broadcasting and global interconnections within the design [5]. Hence, pipelining is the
key strategy in our design.

 The poly phase technique is widely used in multi rate high speed filters design [5]. In our design we have
implemented both type i.e. poly phase as well as pipeline FIR filter. The design of DFPOLY,
DFPOLYPIPE and TF2POLYPIE are shown in Figure 2,3,4,5.
Subhankar Bhattacharjee et al. / Procedia Technology 10 (2013) 856 – 865 859

DFPOLYPIPE 139.392 7.174 1156 1617

Table I. Results of different form of FIR
filters implemented TF2POLYPIPE 123.365 8.106 707 1356 on virtex-6 low power,

Table II: Results of power estimation of different form of FIR filters implemented on virtex-6 low power, v1x130t1ff1156

1.3. Simulation environment

We have performed all the FIR circuits i.e. Direct Form (DF), Transpose Form (TF), DF2, TF2, DFPOLY,
DFPOLYPIPE, TF2POLYPIPE implementation on Virtex-6 low power, 6V1X130T1FF1156 device with Xilinx
ISE11.4 design environment, for circuit simulation purpose we have used Xilinx System Generator with Matlab
2009B and for optimized power
estimation we have used Xilinx
Different Total Total Dynamic Total Junction
Xpower tool.
Form of Quiescent Power Power Temperature
FIR filter Power (In Watt) (In Watt) (0C)
Xpower [2] (In Watt) estimates the
power based on DF 0.92754 0.07027 0.99781 52.7
the observation of
the dynamic power
consumption in TF 0.92754 0.07047 0.99801 52.7 CMOS circuits
due to switching activity. Each
element (LUT, DF2 0.92755 0.07061 0.99816 52.7 FF, BRAM, and
routing segment) that can switch has
TF2 0.92756 0.07131 0.99887 52.7
a capacitance model associated
with it. Clock DFPOLY 0.92760 0.07311 1.0007 52.7 signals and
primary input signals are
assigned specific DFPOLYPIPE 0.92763 0.07463 1.00226 52.7 frequencies by the
user. Xpower estimates power
TF2POLYPIPE 0.92759 0.07289 1.00048 52.7
860 Subhankar Bhattacharjee et al. / Procedia Technology 10 (2013) 856 – 865

as a summation of the power consumed by each element in the design. The power consumed by each switching
element in the design is given by:
P = C * V2 * E * F * 1000
Where: P=Power in mW; C=Capacitance in Farads
V=Volts; E=switching activity
F=Frequency in Hz

1.4. Analysis of results

In this section, we illustrate the performance results of the architectures we synthesized on the Virtex-6 low power
FPGA and we discuss the area, clock, latency and power results. The design space considered in this work consists
of seven hardware implementations listed in Table I. First the basic architectures 16 tap DF, TF, DF2 and TF2 FIR
filters are implemented, second the poly phase 16 tap structure using DF filter i.e. DFPOLY is implemented and
third we pipeline the DF and TF2 filter structures in the poly phase architectures i.e. DFPOLYPIPE and
TF2POLYPIPE are implemented. The power estimation for different architecture of FIR filters are listed in Table II.
From our comparison of FIR filters in Figure 6 we can say that minimum delay FIR filter is DFPOLYPIPE whose
useable frequency is maximum and maximum delay FIR filter DF whose useable frequency is minimum. We can
suggest that the better design objective would be to design an FIR filter circuit with minimum delay for high
frequency applications. DFPOLYPIPE is the most suitable filter structure for high frequency application. Here the
pipelining technique reduces the critical path delay and increases the clock frequency and throughput of the design.

From our comparison of registers and LUTS of different FIR filter in Figure 7, we can say maximum resources are
consumed by DFPOLYPIPE FIR filter and minimum resources are consumed by DF FIR filter. From the
comparison of Figure 8 we can also observe that maximum total quiescent power and total dynamic power is
consumed by DFPOLYPIPE FIR filter and minimum total quiescent power and total dynamic power is consumed by
DF FIR filter.
Here also we can conclude that the architecture that are best suited for minimum area, power using the results is DF
FIR filter. The throughput and the delay for this architecture are not good. The DFPOLYPIPE would be the most
suitable architecture for standalone applications, where high through put or high speed application is the primary
concern at an additional penalty of area, power and latency increase.
Different stages of pipelining can be applied depending on the design requirements and the applications. We can
choose pipelined FIR filter with different depths to further increase the throughput of the design. Alternately, we can
selectively pipeline the filter structures in the design to increase the throughput without sacrificing much of the area
or the power. Therefore, a trade off between all the parameters can be easily achieved depending on the application.
Subhankar Bhattacharjee et al. / Procedia Technology 10 (2013) 856 – 865 861

Figure 1. Block Diagrams for basic FIR filter structures

862 Subhankar Bhattacharjee et al. / Procedia Technology 10 (2013) 856 – 865

Figure 2. Block Diagram for poly phase FIR filter structure

Figure 3. Block diagram for DFPOLY FIR filter even or odd block

Figure 4. Block diagram for DFPOLYPIPE FIR filter even or odd block
Subhankar Bhattacharjee et al. / Procedia Technology 10 (2013) 856 – 865 863

Figure 5. Block diagram for TF2POLYPIPE FIR filter even or odd block

20 160
18 140

16 120

12 100
10 80
8 60
6 40
2 20
0 0

FIR Filter FIR Filter

Figure 6. (a)Comparison of Delay for different form of FIR filter; (b) Comparison of frequency for different form of FIR filter

1400 1800
1200 1600
Number of LUTs

1000 1400
Number of Regirters

600 800
400 600
200 200
0 0

FIR Filter FIR Filter

Figure 7. (a)Comparison of registers for different form of FIR filter; (b) Comparison of LUTs for different form of FIR filter
864 Subhankar Bhattacharjee et al. / Procedia Technology 10 (2013) 856 – 865



0.92764 0.073
0.92762 0.072
0.9276 0.071
0.92756 0.07
0.92754 0.069
0.92752 0.068

FIR Filter
FIR Filter

Figure 8. Comparison of Quiescent power for different form of FIR filter; (b) Comparison of Dynamic power for different form of FIR filter

2. Conclusion

Design of low power high speed FIR filter is always a challenge for DSP applications. Our study provides a
comparison of the different architecture of FIR filter implemented in Virtex-6 FPGA. In peer research works [14,
15, 16, 17] they have compared about the delay and the area and power for pipelined FIR filter but did not
considered power consumption of the non pipelined FIR filters. In our research we have focused both on delay and
power consumption of different types of pipelined and non pipelined FIR filters on FPGA. The Xilinx Virtex-
6(6V1X130T1FF1156, 40nm technology) FPGA [2] family was chosen as the implementation platform, because it
provides special features to support DSP operations, a trend that seems to be common at the present time for FPGA
chips. From our research we have observed that the pipeline FIR filter design takes more registers i.e. more
resources and power consumption is also high, so it is suitable for high speed DSP application. But where the
resource utilization and power dissipation are primary concerns than the speed of the DSP applications, then we can
use non pipeline FIR filter i.e. basic DF FIR filter.

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