JModelicaUsersGuide-1 4 0
JModelicaUsersGuide-1 4 0
JModelicaUsersGuide-1 4 0
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 5
1. About .......................................................................................................... 5
2. Mission Statement ............................................................................................................. 5
3. Technology ...................................................................................................................... 5
4. Architecture ...................................................................................................................... 6
5. Extensibility ..................................................................................................................... 6
2. Installation ............................................................................................................................... 8
1. Supported platforms ........................................................................................................... 8
2. Prerequisites ..................................................................................................................... 8
2.1. Java ...................................................................................................................... 8
2.2. Python .................................................................................................................. 8
3. Binary distribution ............................................................................................................. 8
3.1. Windows ............................................................................................................... 8
3.1.1. Installing with Windows installer ................................................. 8
3.2. Linux .................................................................................................................... 9
3.3. Mac OS X ............................................................................................................. 9
4. Software Development Kit .................................................................................................. 9
4.1. Prerequisites .......................................................................................................... 9
4.2. Installing the SDK .............................................................................. 9
4.2.1. Bundled tools .............................................................................................. 9
4.2.2. Step-by-step instructions .............................................................................. 10
3. Getting started ........................................................................................................................ 11
1. Starting a Python session .................................................................................................. 11
1.1. Windows ............................................................................................................. 11
1.2. Linux or Mac OS .................................................................................................. 11
2. Run an example .............................................................................................................. 11
3. Check your installation ..................................................................................................... 11
4. The user forum ........................................................................................... 12
4. Working with Models ............................................................................................................... 13
1. Introduction to models ...................................................................................................... 13
2. Compilation .................................................................................................................... 13
2.1. Simple compilation example ................................................................................... 13
2.2. Compiler settings .................................................................................................. 13
2.2.1. compile_jmu parameters .............................................................................. 13
2.2.2. Compiler options ........................................................................................ 15
2.2.3. Compiler targets ......................................................................................... 16
2.3. Compilation in more detail ..................................................................................... 16
2.3.1. Create a compiler ....................................................................................... 16
2.3.2. Source tree generation and flattening .............................................................. 16
2.3.3. Code generation ......................................................................................... 16
2.3.4. Generate a shared object file ......................................................................... 17
3. Loading models ............................................................................................................... 17
3.1. The JMU file ....................................................................................................... 17
3.2. Loading a JMU ..................................................................................................... 17
3.3. Loading an FMU .................................................................................................. 17
4. Variable and parameter manipulation .................................................................................. 18
4.1. Model variable XML files ...................................................................................... 18
4.2. Setting and getting variables ................................................................................... 18
4.3. Loading and saving parameters ................................................................................ 19
4.3.1. Loading XML values file ............................................................................. 19
4.3.2. Writing to XML values file .......................................................................... 19
5. FMI Interface .......................................................................................................................... 20
1. Overview of FMI Python package .................................................................. 20
2. Example ......................................................................................................................... 21
2.1. Simulation using the native FMI interface .................................................................. 21
2.1.1. Implementation ........................................................................................... 21
6. Initialization ........................................................................................................................... 25
1. Solving DAE initialization problems ................................................................................... 25
ii User Guide
iii User Guide
Chapter 1. Introduction
1. About is an extensible Modelica-based open source platform for optimization, simulation and analysis of
complex dynamic systems. The main objective of the project is to create an industrially viable open source platform
for optimization of Modelica models, while offering a flexible platform serving as a virtual lab for algorithm
development and research. As such, is intended to provide a platform for technology transfer where
industrially relevant problems can inspire new research and where state of the art algorithms can be propagated
form academia into industrial use. is a result of research at the Department of Automatic Control,
Lund University, [Jak2007]and is now maintained and developed by Modelon AB in collaboration with academia.
2. Mission Statement
To offer a community-based, free, open source, accessible, user and application oriented Modelica environment
for optimization and simulation of complex dynamic systems, built on well-recognized technology and supporting
major platforms.
3. Technology relies on the established modeling language Modelica. Modelica targets modeling of complex het-
erogeneous physical systems, and is becoming a de facto standard for dynamic model development and exchange.
There are numerous model libraries for Modelica, both free and commercial, including the freely available Mod-
elica Standard Library (MSL).
A unique feature of is the support for the innovative extension Optimica. Optimica enables you to
conveniently formulate optimization problems based on Modelica models using simple but powerful constructs for
encoding of optimization interval, cost function and constraints. Optimica also features annotations for choosing
and tailoring the underlying numerical optimization algorithm a particular optimization problem.
The compilers are developed in the compiler construction framework JastAdd. JastAdd is based on
established concepts, including object orientation, aspect orientation and reference attributed grammars. Compil-
ers developed in JastAdd are specified in terms of declarative attributes and equations which together forms an
executable specification of the language semantics. In addition, JastAdd targets extensible compiler development
which makes it easy to experiment with language extensions.
For user interaction relies on the Python language. Python offers an interactive environment suit-
able for scripting, development of custom applications and prototype algorithm integration. The Python packages
Numpy and Scipy provide support for numerical computation, including matrix and vector operations, basic linear
algebra and plotting. The compilers as well as the model executables/dlls integrate seemlessly with
Python and Numpy.
4. Architecture
Figure 1.1. JModelica platform architecture.
• The compiler front-ends (one for Modelica and one for Modelica/Optimica) transforms Modelica and Optimica
code into a flat model representation. The compilers also check the correctness of model descriptions and reports
• The compiler back-ends generates C code and XML code for Modelica and Optimica. The C code contains
the model equations, cost functions and constraints whereas the XML code contains model meta data such as
variable names and parameter values.
• The runtime library is written in C and contains supporting functions needed to compile the
generated model C code. Also, the runtime library contains an integration with CppAD, a tool for computation
of high accuracy derivatives by means of automatic differentiation.
• Currently, features one particular algorithm for solving dynamic optimization problems. The
algorithm is based on collocation on finite elements and relies on the solver IPOPT for obtaining a solution
of the resulting NLP.
• uses Python for scripting and prototyping. For this purpose, a Python package is under develop-
ment with the objective of offering functions for driving the compilers and for accessing the (compiled) func-
tions in the runtime library/generated C code.
5. Extensibility
The platform is extensible in a number of different ways:
• features a C interface for efficient evaluation of model equations, the cost function and the con-
straints: the JModelica Model Interface (JMI). JMI also contains functions for evaluation of derivatives and
sparsity and is intended to offer a convenient interface for integration of numerical algorithms.
• In addition to the the C interface, model meta data can be exported in XML. In the future this feature is intended
to be extended to include full model export in XML, which in turn enables use of XML techniques such as
• JastAdd produces compilers encoded in pure Java. As a result, the compilers are easily embedded
in other applications aspiring to support Modelica and Optimica. In particular, a Java API for accessing the flat
model representation and an extensible template-based code generation framework is offered.
• The compilers are developed using the compiler construction framework JastAdd. JastAdd fea-
tures extensible compiler construction, both at the language level and at the implementation level. This feature
is explored in where the Optimica compiler is implemented as a fully modular extension of the
core Modelica compiler. The platform is a suitable choice for experimental language design and
Chapter 2. Installation
1. Supported platforms can be installed on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows (XP, Vista, 7) with 32-bit or 64-bit architec-
tures. Most development work is carried out on 32-bit Mac OS X , 32 and 64-bit Linux and 32-bit Windows XP,
so these platforms tend to be best tested.
2. Prerequisites
Make sure to install the required software components listed in this section before installing
2.1. Java
It is required to have a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 6 installed on your computer.
Install a JRE
1. Get a JRE installer suitable for your platform here.
2.2. Python
Python 2.6 with the following additional packages are required:
3. Binary distribution
3.1. Windows
Pre-built binary distributions for Windows are available in the Download section of
The Windows installer contains a binary distribution of built using the, bundled with required third-party software components. The Windows in-
staller sets up a pre-configured complete environment with convenient start menu shortcuts.
2. Run the installer and follow the wizard. Choose to install the additional Python packages when prompted,
unless the are already installed.
3.2. Linux
Currently, no pre-built binary distributions are provided for Linux.
3.3. Mac OS X
Currently, no pre-built binary distributions are provided for Mac OS X.
4.1. Prerequisites
The Python prerequisites for installing the SDK are the same as listed in Section 2.2. For Java
however it is required to have a JDK installed, not only a JRE as for the binary installation.
Install a JDK
1. Get a JDK here.
• Ipopt
• JPype
• lxml
• nose
• Apache Ant
• Cython
• DocBook
2. Run the file by double-clicking and selecting Run if prompted with a security warning. This will launch an
installer which should be self-explanatory. Select "Yes" at the end when asked if the source code should be
checked out from as this is needed in the next step.
b. Configure the sources for build and installation (this will create the subdirectories build and install) with:
cd /
4. Test the installation by starting a Python shell from the start menu and running an example.
Starting the Python session from this start menu will set all the environment variables required to run the Python interface.
# import the vdp example
from jmodelica.examples import vdp
Chapter 3. Getting started
This chapter is intended to give a brief introduction to using the Python interface and will not go
into any details. Please refer to the other chapters of this manual for more information on each specific topic.
1.1. Windows
If you are running Windows, three different Python shells are available under the start menu.
• IPython - Interactive shell for Python with, for example, code highlighting and tab completion.
2. Run an example
There are several example scripts which compile, load and simulate/optimize models in the examples folder under
the Python package in the installation. The models themselves are located in the subdirectory files.
The following code demonstrates how to run such an example. First a Python session must be started, see Section 1.
The Python interface is preferably run in a IPython shell with Pylab mode.
# import the VDP example
from jmodelica.examples import vdp
This code will run the example and plot some results.
# run check_packages
Platform...................... win32
Getting started
Package Version
------- -------
numpy......................... 1.3.0 Ok
scipy......................... 0.7.1 Ok
matplotlib.................... 0.99.1 Ok
jpype......................... -- Ok
lxml.......................... 2.2.8 Ok
nose.......................... 0.11.3 Ok
assimulo...................... -- Ok
pyreadline.................... 1.5 Ok
Missing or having the wrong version of a package can be a source of errors. Therefore it can be useful to run
jmodelica.check_packages() after installation or when trouble-shooting.
Chapter 4. Working with Models
1. Introduction to models
Modelica and Optimica models can be compiled and loaded in the Python interface as model ob-
jects. These model objects can then be used for simulation and optimization purposes. This chapter will cover
how to compile Modelica and Optimica models, set compiler parameters and options, load the compiled model
in a Python model object and use the model object to perform model manipulations such as setting and getting
2. Compilation
In its simplest form, compilation only requires a few lines of code; importing a compiler function from and specifying a Modelica or Optimica model and file location. This will be demonstrated in Sec-
tion 2.1. For more advanced usage there are compiler options and parameters which can be modified, this will be
explained in Section 2.2. The last section in this part, Section 2.3, will go through the compilation process and
how to compile a model step-by-step.
# compile the model, return argument is the file name of the JMU
compile_jmu(model_name, mo_file)
>> '.\\myPackage_myModel.jmu'
Once compilation has completed successfully a JMU file will have been created on the file system. The JMU file
is essentially a compressed file containing files created during compilation that are needed when instantiating a
model object. Return argument for compile_jmu is the full file path of the JMU that has just been created, this
will be useful later when we want to create model objects. More about the JMU file and loading models can be
found in Section 3.
In the above example, compilation has been performed with default parameters and options. The only parameters
specified are model name and file. compile_jmu has several other parameters which can be modified. The different
parameters, their default values and interpretation will be explained in Section 2.2.
Working with Models
A model class name must be passed, all other arguments have default values.
The different scenarios are:
compiler_options =
Other options for the compiler should also be listed in the compiler_options
The compiler target is 'ipopt' by default which means that libraries for AD
and optimization/initialization algortihms will be available as well as the
JMI. The other targets are:
'model' --
AD and JMI is included.
'algorithm' --
AD and algorithm but no Ipopt linking.
'model_noad' --
Only JMI, that is no AD interface. (Must currently be used when
model includes external functions.)
class_name --
The name of the model class.
file_name --
Model file (string) or files (list of strings), can be both .mo or
.mop files.
Default: Empty list.
compiler --
'modelica' or 'optimica' depending on whether a ModelicaCompiler or
OptimicaCompiler should be used. Set this argument if default
behaviour should be overridden.
Default: Depends on argument file_name.
target --
Compiler target. 'model', 'algorithm', 'ipopt' or 'model_noad'.
Default: 'ipopt'
compiler_options --
Options for the compiler.
Default: Empty dict.
compile_to --
Specify location of the compiled jmu. Directory will be created if
it does not exist.
Default: Current directory.
Working with Models
Working with Models
• ipopt: Compiled model will include JMI interface, AD and linking to Ipopt libraries. There is support for
optimization and initialization algorithm.
• model: Compiled model will include support for JMI interface and AD.
• algorithm: Compiled model will include support for JMI interface. AD and algorithm but not link with the
Ipopt libraries.
The compile_model parameter target is 'ipopt' by default which will work for most cases. However, if has been built without Ipopt libraries the target parameter would have to be changed to any other
suitable target that does not include the Ipopt libraries. The target model_noad must be used if the model contains
external equations since external equations do not work with the AD interface at the moment.
# Generate an instance tree representation and get a reference to the model instance
model_instance = mc.instantiate_model(source_root, 'myPackage.myModel')
Working with Models
# Generate code
Finally, the shared object file is built where the C code is linked with the Model Interface (JMI)
runtime library. The compile_binary method takes one obligatory parameter, the name of the C file that was gen-
erated in the previous step. The parameter target must also be set here if something other than the default 'mod-
el' is wanted. In this example, target is changed to 'ipopt'. For more information on targets, see Section 2.2.3.
3. Loading models
Compiled models, JMUs, are loaded in the Python interface with the JMUModel class from the
jmodelica.jmi module. This will be demonstrated in Section 3.2. The JMUModel class contains many methods
with which the model can be manipulated once it has been instantiated. Amongst the most important methods are
the initialize, simulate and optimize methods. These are explained in Chapter 7 and Chapter 8. The more
basic JMUModel methods for variable and parameter manipulation are explained in Section 4.
The only parameter in the JMUModel constructor is the name of the JMU file, including any file path. When
compiling and loading it is therefore practical to use the return argument from compile_jmu, which is the path to
the JMU created. The following example demonstrates this.
Working with Models
The FMUModel instance can then be used to set parameters and used for simulations. Read more about the FMI
and FMU in Chapter 5. How to simulate an FMU is described in Chapter 7.
The variable meta data is saved in <model class name>.xml and the parameter values in <model class
name>_values.xml. The name of the parameter is used to map a parameter value in the XML values file to a
parameter specification in the XML variables file.
The following code example demonstrates how to get and set a specific variable using an example model from
the jmodelica.examples package.
# compile and load the model
from jmodelica.jmi import compile_jmu
from jmodelica.jmi import JMUModel
jmu_name = compile_jmu('RLC_Circuit','')
rlc_circuit = JMUModel(jmu_name)
The following example demonstrates how to get and set a list of variables using the same example model as above.
The model is assumed to already be compiled and loaded.
# create a list of variables and values
vars = ['resistor.R', 'resistor.v', 'capacitor.C', 'capacitor.v']
values = rlc_circuit.get(vars)
>> [2.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
Working with Models
# change them
rlc_circuit.set('resistor.R', 2.0)
rlc_circuit.set('sine.offset', 0.5)
The default behaviour is to load the same file as was created during compilation. If another file should be used
this must be passed as an argument to the method.
# Load other XML file
# load the XML values file once again and see that the changed parameter was saved in
# the XML file
>> 1.5
If write_parameters_to_XML() is called without arguments the values will be written to the XML values file in
the JMU which was created when the model was compiled (following the name conventions mentioned above).
It is also possible to save the changes in a new XML file. This is quite convenient since different parameter value
settings can then easily be saved and reloaded in the model.
# Save to specific XML file
Chapter 5. FMI Interface
FMI (Functional Mock-up Interface) is a standard for exchanging models between different modeling and sim-
ulation environments. FMI defines a model execution interface consisting of a set of C-function signatures for
handling the communication between the model and a simulation environment. Models are presented as ODEs
with time, state and step events. FMI also specifies that all information related to a model, except the equations,
should be stored in an XML formated text-file. The format is specified in the standard and specifically contains
information about the variables, names, identifiers, types and start attributes.
A model is distributed in a zip-file with the extension '.fmu', containing several files. These zip-files containing
the models are called FMUs (Functional Mock-up Units). The important files in an FMU are mainly the XML-
file, which contains the definitions of all variables and then files containing the C-functions which can be pro-
vided in source and/or binary form. FMI standard also supports providing documentation and resources togeth-
er with the FMU. For more information regarding the FMI standard, please visit http://www.functional-mock-
The platform offers a Pythonic and convenient interface for FMUs which can be used to connect
other simulation software. also offers a connection to Assimulo, the default simulation package
included in so that FMUs can easily be simulated.
The interface is located in jmodelica.fmi and consist of the class FMUModel together with methods for
unzipping the FMU and for writing the simulation results. Connected to this interface is a wrapper for's simulation package to enable an easy simulation of the FMUs. The simulation wrapper is located
in jmodelica.simulation.assimulo, FMIODE.
In the table below is a list of the FMI C-interface and its counterpart in the Python package. We
have adapted the name convention of lowercase letters and underscores separating words. For methods with no
calculations, as for example fmi(Get/Set)ContinuousStates they are instead of different methods, connected
with a property. In the table, a lack of parenthesis indicates that the method is instead a property.
FMI Interface
If logging is set to True the log can be retrieved with the method,
Documentation of the functions can also be accessed interactively from IPython by using for instance,
There is also a one-to-one map to the C-functions, meaning that there is an option to use the low-level C-functions
as they are specified in the standard instead of using our wrapping of the functions. These functions are also located
in FMIModel and is named with a leading underscore together with the same name as specified in the standard.
2. Example
The Python commands in the following example may be copied and pasted directly into a Python shell, in some
cases with minor modifications. Alternatively, they may be copied into a text file, which also is the recommended
For more examples on how to simulate an FMU using's high-level features, see Chapter 7.
The example can also be found in the Python examples catalog in the platform.
Where the ball bounces and lose some of its energy according to,
Here, h is the height, g the gravity, v the velocity and e a dimensionless parameter. The starting values are, h=1
and v=0 and for the parameters, e=0.7 and g = 9.81.
2.1.1. Implementation
Start by importing the necessary modules,
FMI Interface
import numpy as N
import pylab as P #Used for plotting
from jmodelica.fmi import FMIModel #The FMI Interface
The first line loads the FMU and connects the C-functions of the model to Python together with loading the
information from the XML-file. The start time also needs to be specified by setting the property time. The model
is also initialized, which must be done before the simulation is started.
Note that if the start time is not specified, FMIModel tries to find the starting time in the XML-file structure 'default
experiment' and if successful starts the simulation from that time. Also if the XML-file does not contain any
information about the default experiment the simulation is started from time zero.
Then information about the first step is retrieved and stored for later use.
#Get Continuous States
x = bouncing_fmu.continuous_states
#Get the Nominal Values
x_nominal = bouncing_fmu.nominal_continuous_states
#Get the Event Indicators
event_ind = bouncing_fmu.get_event_indicators()
Here the continuous states together with the nominal values and the event indicators are stored to be used in the
integration loop. In our case the nominal values are all equal to one. This information is available in the XML-
file. We also create lists which are used for storing the result. The final step before the integration is started is
to define the step-size.
time = Tstart
Tnext = Tend #Used for time events
dt = 0.01 #Step-size
We are now ready to create our main integration loop where the solution is advanced using the explicit Euler
#Main integration loop.
while time < Tend and not bouncing_fmu.get_event_info().terminateSimulation:
#Compute the derivative of the previous step f(x(n), t(n))
dx = bouncing_fmu.get_derivatives()
h = min(dt, Tnext-time)
time = time + h
FMI Interface
#Set the states at t = time (Perform the step using x(n+1)=x(n)+hf(x(n), t(n))
x = x + h*dx
bouncing_fmu.continuous_states = x
This is the integration loop for advancing the solution one step. The loop continues until the final time have been
reached or if the FMU reported that the simulation is to be terminated. At the start of the loop the derivatives of the
continuous states are retrieved and then the simulation time is incremented by the step-size and set to the model. It
could also be the case that the model is depended on inputs which can be set using the set_(real/...) methods.
Note that only variables defined in the XML-file to be inputs can be set using the set_(real/...) methods
according to the FMI specification.
The step is performed by calculating the new states (x+h*dx) and setting the values into the model. As our model,
the bouncing ball also consist of event functions which needs to be monitored during the simulation, we have to
check the indicators which is done below.
#Get the event indicators at t = time
event_ind_new = bouncing_fmu.get_event_indicators()
#Inform the model about an accepted step and check for step events
step_event = bouncing_fmu.completed_integrator_step()
Events can be, time, state or step events. The time events are checked by continuously monitor the current time
and the next time event (Tnext). State events are checked against sign changes of the event functions. Step events
are monitored in the FMU, in the method completed_integrator_step() and return True if any event handling
is necessary. If an event have occurred, it needs to be handled, see below.
#Event handling
if step_event or time_event or state_event:
eInfo = bouncing_fmu.get_event_info()
eInfo.iterationConverged = False
#Event iteration
while eInfo.iterationConverged == False:
bouncing_fmu.event_update('0') #Stops at each event iteration
eInfo = bouncing_fmu.get_event_info()
#Check if the event affected the state values and if so sets them
if eInfo.stateValuesChanged:
x = bouncing_fmu.continuous_states
If an event occurred, we enter the iteration loop where we loop until the solution of the new states have converged.
During this iteration we can also retrieve the intermediate values with the normal get methods. At this point
eInfo contains information about the changes made in the iteration. If the state values have changed, they are
retrieved. If the state references have changed, meaning that the state variables no longer have the same meaning
as before by pointing to another set of continuous variables in the model, for example in the case with dynamic
FMI Interface
state selection, new absolute tolerances are calculated with the new nominal values. Finally the model is checked
for a new time event.
event_ind = event_ind_new
t_sol += [time]
sol += [bouncing_fmu.get_real(vref)]
In the end of the loop, the solution is stored and the old event indicators are stored for use in the next loop.
After the loop have finished, by reaching the final time, we plot the simulation results
#Plot the height
P.ylabel('Height (m)')
P.xlabel('Time (s)')
#Plot the velocity
P.ylabel('Velocity (m/s)')
P.xlabel('Time (s)')
Chapter 6. Initialization
1. Solving DAE initialization problems
Before a model can be simulated it must be initialized, i.e. consistent initial values must be computed. To do
this, supplies the JMUmodel member function initialize, which initializes the JMUmodel. The
function is called after compiling and creating a JMUModel:
# Compile the stationary initialization model into a DLL
model_name = compile_jmu("My.Model", "/path/to/")
The interactive help for the initialize method is shown by the command:
>>> help(init_model.initialize)
The initialization method depends on which algorithm is used, this can
be set with the function argument 'algorithm'. Options for the algorithm
are passed as option classes or as pure dicts. See
JMUModel.initialize_options for more details.
algorithm --
The algorithm which will be used for the initialization is
specified by passing the algorithm class as string or class
object in this argument. 'algorithm' can be any class which
implements the abstract class AlgorithmBase (found in In this way it is possible to write own
algorithms and use them with this function.
Default: 'IpoptInitializationAlg'
options --
The options that should be used in the algorithm. For details on
the options do:
Options for the available initialization algorithms can be set by first retrieving an options object using the JMUModel
method initialize_options:
>>> help(init_model.initialize_options)
Get an instance of the initialize options class, prefilled with default
values. If called without argument then the options class for the
algorithm --
The algorithm for which the options class should be fetched.
Possible values are: 'IpoptInitializationAlg', 'KInitSolveAlg'.
Default: 'IpoptInitializationAlg'
Having solved the initialization problem, the result of the initialization can be retrieved from the return result
x = init_result['x']
y = init_result['y']
Some initialization algorithms require the system of initial equations to be well defined in the sense that the number
of variables must be equal to the number of equations. If this is not the case, the
• If the number of equations is greater than the number of variables the system is overdetermined. Such a system
may not have a solution, and will be treated as ill-defined. An exception is thrown in this case.
• If the number of equations is less than the number of variables the system is underdetermined and such a
system has infinitely many solutions. In this case, the compiler tries to balance the system by setting some fixed
attributes to true. So if the user supplies too few initial conditions, some variables with the attribute fixed set
to false may be changed to true during initialization.
3. Initialization algorithms
3.1. Initialization using IPOPT provides a method for DAE initialization that is based on IPOPT, the mathematical formulation
of the algorithm can be found in the JMI API documentation. Notice that this algorithm does not rely on the
causalization procedure (in particular the BLT transformation) which is common. Instead, the DAE residual is
introduced as an equality constraint when solving an optimization problem where the squared difference between
the non-fixed start values and their corresponding variables are minimized. As a consequence, the algorithm relies
on decent start values for all variables. This approach is generally more sensitive to lacking initial guesses for start
values than are algorithms based on causalization.
In addition to the options for the collocation algorithm, IPOPT options can also be set by modifying the dictionary
IPOPT_options contained in the collocation algorithm options object. Here, all valid IPOPT options can be spec-
ified, see the IPOPT documentation for further information. For example, setting the option max_iter:
opts['IPOPT_options']['max_iter'] = 300
makes IPOPT terminate after 300 iterations even if no optimal solution has been found.
The return argument of this function can be found by using the interactive help:
>>> help(res_init.solver.init_opt_ipopt_get_statistics)
Get statistics from the last optimization run.
return_status --
The return status from IPOPT.
nbr_iter --
The number of iterations.
objective --
The final value of the objective function.
total_exec_time --
The execution time.
Chapter 7. Simulation
1. Introduction supports simulation of models described in the Modelica language and models following the FMI
standard see Chapter 5. The simulation environment uses Assimulo as standard which is a standalone Python
package for solving ordinary differential and differential algebraic equations.
2. A first example
This example focus on how to use's simulation functionality in the most basic way. The model
which is to be simulated is the Van der Pol problem described in the code below. The model is also available from
the examples in in the file VDP.mop.
model VDP
// State start values
parameter Real x1_0 = 0;
parameter Real x2_0 = 1;
// The states
Real x1(start = x1_0);
Real x2(start = x2_0);
der(x1) = (1 - x2^2) * x1 - x2 + u;
der(x2) = x1;
end VDP;
Create a new file in your working directory called and save the model. Note that this model is described
as an ODE and can thus be simulated using ODE solvers from Assimulo.
Next, create a Python script file and write or (copy paste) the commands for compiling and loading a model:
# Import the function for compilation of models and the JMUModel class
from jmodelica.jmi import compile_jmu
from jmodelica.jmi import JMUModel
# Load model
vdp = JMUModel(jmu_name)
The function compile_jmu compiles the model into a binary, which is then loaded when the vdp object is created.
This object represents the compiled model and is used to invoke the simulation algorithm (for more information
about model creations and options, see Chapter 4):
res = vdp.simulate(final_time=10)
In this case we use the default simulation algorithm together with default options, except for the final time which
we set to 10. The result object can now be used to access in a dictionary-like way the simulation result:
x1 = res['x1']
x2 = res['x2']
t = res['time']
The variable trajectories are returned as numpy arrays and can be used for further analysis of the simulation result
or for visualization:
plt.plot(t, x1, t, x2)
plt.title('Van der Pol oscillator.')
plt.ylabel('Angle (rad)')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
3. Simulation of Models
Simulation of models in is preformed via the simulate method of a model object. The model objects
in are:
The difference between the two are that JMUModel supports compiled models from (extension .jmu)
while the FMUModel supports compiled models from other simulation/modelling tools that follow the FMI standard
(extension .fmu). For more information about compiling a model in see Chapter 4.
The simulation method is the preferred method for simulation of models and which by default is connected to
the Assimulo simulation package but can also be connected to other simulation platforms. The simulation method
for JMUModel is defined as:
class JMUModel(...)
def simulate(self,
The only difference between the simulation method in FMUModel compared to JMUModel is that the algorithm is
AssimuloFMIAlg. They are although both connected to the Assimulo package and able to use its solvers with the
limitation that the FMI standard only support ODEs.
3.1. Arguments
The start and final time attributes are simply the time where the solver should start the integration and stop the
integration. The input however is a bit more complex. The input defines the input trajectories to the model and
should be a 2-tuple consisting of the name(s) of the input variables and the second argument should be a data
matrix with the time vector as the first column and the second column should correspond to the first name in the
first argument and so forth.
For example, consider that we have a model with an input variable u1 and that the model should be driven by a
sinus wave as input. Also we are interested in the interval 0 to 10.
t = N.linspace(0.,10.,100) #Create one hundred evenly spaced points
u = N.sin(t) #Create the input vector
u_traj = N.transpose(N.hstack((t,u))) #Create the data matrix and transpose
#it to the correct form
The above code have created the data matrix that we are interested in giving to the model as input, we just need
to connect the data to a specific input variable, u1:
input_model = ('u1', u_traj)
Now we are ready to simulate using the input and simulate 10 seconds.
res = model.simulate(final_time=10, input=input_model)
If we on the other hand would have two input variables, u1 and u2 the script would instead look like:
t = N.linspace(0.,10.,100) #Create one hundred evenly spaced points
u1 = N.sin(t) #Create the first input vector
u2 = N.cos(t) #Create the second input vector
u_traj = N.transpose(N.hstack((t,u1,u2))) #Create the data matrix and
#transpose it to the correct form
The algorithm attribute is where the different simulation package can be specified, however currently only a
connection to Assimulo is supported and connected through the algorithm AssimuloAlg for JMUModel and As-
simuloFMIAlg for FMUModel.
which returns the default options for the default algorithm. Information about the available options can be viewed
by typing help on the opts variable:
>>> help(opts)
Options for simulation of a JMU model using the Assimulo simulation package.
The Assimulo package contain both explicit solvers (CVode) for ODEs and
implicit solvers (IDA) for DAEs. The ODE solvers require that the problem
is written on the form, ydot = f(t,y).
In Table 7.1 the general options for the AssimuloAlg algorithm are described while in Table 7.3 a selection of
the different solver arguments for the DAE solver IDA is shown. In Table 7.2 a selection of solver arguments
for the ODE solver CVode is shown. More information regarding the solver options can be found here, http://
Lets look at an example, consider that you want to simulate a JMU model using the solver CVode together with
changing the discretization method (discr) from BDF to Adams:
opts = model.simulate_options() #Retrieve the default options
It should also be noted from the above example the options regarding a specific solver, say the tolerances for
CVode or IDA, should be stored in a double dictionary where the first is named after the solver concatenated with
For the general options, as changing the solver, they are accessed as a single dictionary:
opts['solver'] = 'CVode' #Changing the solver
opts['ncp'] = 1000 #Changing the number of communication points.
which returns the default options for the default algorithm. Information about the available options can be viewed
by typing help on the opts variable:
>>> help(opts)
Options for the solving the FMU using the Assimulo simulation package.
Currently, the only solver in the Assimulo package that fully supports
simulation of FMUs is the solver CVode.
In Table 7.4 the general options for the AssimuloFMIAlg algorithm are described while in Table 7.5 a selection
of the different solver arguments for the ODE solver CVode is shown. Note that there are minor differences in
the tolerances compared to the options described in Table 7.2. More information regarding the solver options can
be found here,
Lets look at an example, consider that you want to simulate a FMU model using the solver CVode together with
changing the discretization method (discr) from BDF to Adams:
opts = model.simulate_options() #Retrieve the default options
It should also be noted from the above example the options regarding a specific solver, say the tolerances for CVode,
should be stored in a double dictionary where the first is named after the solver concatenated with _options:
opts['CVode_options']['atol'] = 1.0e-6 #Options specific for CVode
For the general options, as changing the solver, they are accessed as a single dictionary:
opts['solver'] = 'CVode' #Changing the solver
opts['ncp'] = 1000 #Changing the number of communication points.
This can be done for all the variables, parameters and constants defined in the model and is the preferred way of
retrieving the result. There are however some more options available in the result object, see Table 7.6.
4. Examples
In the next sections, it will be shown how to use the platform for simulation of various JMUs and
The Python commands in these examples may be copied and pasted directly into a Python shell, in some cases
with minor modifications. Alternatively, they may be copied into a text file, which also is the recommended way.
model QuadTank
// Process parameters
parameter Modelica.SIunits.Area A1=4.9e-4, A2=4.9e-4, A3=4.9e-4, A4=4.9e-4;
parameter Modelica.SIunits.Area a1=0.03e-4, a2=0.03e-4, a3=0.03e-4, a4=0.03e-4;
parameter Modelica.SIunits.Acceleration g=9.81;
parameter Real k1_nmp(unit="m3^/s/V") = 0.56e-6, k2_nmp(unit="m^3/s/V") = 0.56e-6;
parameter Real g1_nmp=0.30, g2_nmp=0.30;
// Tank levels
Modelica.SIunits.Length x1(start=x1_0,min=0.0001/*,max=0.20*/);
Modelica.SIunits.Length x2(start=x2_0,min=0.0001/*,max=0.20*/);
Modelica.SIunits.Length x3(start=x3_0,min=0.0001/*,max=0.20*/);
Modelica.SIunits.Length x4(start=x4_0,min=0.0001/*,max=0.20*/);
// Inputs
input Modelica.SIunits.Voltage u1;
input Modelica.SIunits.Voltage u2;
der(x1) = -a1/A1*sqrt(2*g*x1) + a3/A1*sqrt(2*g*x3) +
der(x2) = -a2/A2*sqrt(2*g*x2) + a4/A2*sqrt(2*g*x4) +
der(x3) = -a3/A3*sqrt(2*g*x3) + (1-g2_nmp)*k2_nmp/A3*u2;
der(x4) = -a4/A4*sqrt(2*g*x4) + (1-g1_nmp)*k1_nmp/A4*u1;
end QuadTank;
Lets begin with the the example, copy and paste the Modelica code and save it into and open a
python script file. We start by importing the necessary objects:
from import loadmat
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as N
The input data is stored in qt_par_est_data.mat which can be found in the examples/files catalogue in Copy it into your working directory and paste the following commands to load the data-file and
extract the data trajectories:
data = loadmat('qt_par_est_data.mat',appendmat=False)
The trajectories have now been extracted and needs to be stacked into a data matrix with the first column as the
time vector and the following columns the input of u1 and u2. The names of the variables needs also be connected
in the input object:
# Build input trajectory matrix for use in simulation
u_data = N.transpose(N.vstack((t_meas,u1,u2)))
input_object = (['u1','u2'], u_data)
# Load model
model = JMUModel(jmu_name)
Now, that the model is compiled and the input have been adapted, lets give the information to the simulate method
and simulate:
# Simulate model with input trajectories
res = model.simulate(final_time=60, input=input_object)
The result is retrieved by accessing the res variable as a dictionary with the variable name as key:
x1_sim = res['x1']
x2_sim = res['x2']
x3_sim = res['x3']
x4_sim = res['x4']
u1_sim = res['u1']
u2_sim = res['u2']
t_sim = res['time']
In Figure 7.3 the result of the tank levels are shown and in Figure 7.4 the input signals are shown.
An example is the Van der Pol oscillator described in Section 2. In the code below it is shown again for conve-
model VDP
// State start values
parameter Real x1_0 = 0;
parameter Real x2_0 = 1;
// The states
Real x1(start = x1_0);
Real x2(start = x2_0);
der(x1) = (1 - x2^2) * x1 - x2 + u;
der(x2) = x1;
end VDP;
We see here that the state derivatives are written on the left hand side while the equations are written on the right
hand side.
Lets begin with the the example, copy and paste the Modelica code and save it into and open a python
script file. We start by importing the necessary objects:
# Import the function for compilation of models and the JMUModel class
from jmodelica.jmi import compile_jmu
from jmodelica.jmi import JMUModel
# Compile model
jmu_name = compile_jmu("VDP","")
# Load model
vdp = JMUModel(jmu_name)
Now we would like to change the default solver IDA to the ODE solver CVode and also change the relative
tolerance to 0.0001. First we retrieve the default options and then change the option:
Now lets provide the options to the simulate method and simulate the problem ten seconds:
The result is retrieved by accessing the res variable as a dictionary with the variable name as key:
x1 = res['x1']
x2 = res['x2']
t = res['time']
The variable trajectories are returned as numpy arrays and can be used for further analysis of the simulation result
or for visualization:
plt.plot(t, x1, t, x2)
plt.title('Van der Pol oscillator.')
plt.ylabel('Angle (rad)')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
This examples assumes that the file is located in the working directory.
Start by creating a Python script file and write or (copy paste) the command for importing the model object and
for compiling a model together with the library used for plotting:
# Import the function for compilation of models and the JMUModel class
from jmodelica.jmi import compile_jmu
from jmodelica.jmi import JMUModel
# Load model
rlc = JMUModel(jmu_name)
Now we are ready to simulate our model. We are interested in simulating the model from 0.0 to 20.0 seconds. The
start time is default to 0.0 so no need to change that, but the final time needs to be changed:
res = rlc.simulate(final_time=20.0) #Simulate the model from 0.0 to 20.0 seconds
After a successful simulation the statistics are printed in the prompt and the results are stored in the variable 'res'.
To view the result, we have to retrieve information about the variables we are interested of which is easily done
in the following way:
square_y = res['square.y']
resistor_v = res['resistor.v']
inductor1_i = res['inductor1.i']
time = res['time']
// The states
Real x1(start = x1_0);
Real x2(start = x2_0);
der(x1) = (1 - x2^2) * x1 - x2 + u;
der(x2) = x1;
end VDP;
Notice that the initial values of the states are parametrized by the parameters x1_0 and x2_0. Next, copy the
Modelica code above into a file and save it in your working directory. Also, create a Python script file
and name it Start by copying the commands:
import numpy as N
import pylab as P
from jmodelica.jmi import compile_jmu, JMUModel
# Compile model
jmu_name = compile_jmu(model_name,mofile)
# Load model
vdp = JMUModel(jmu_name)
Next, we define the initial conditions for which the parameter sweep will be done. The state x2 starts at 0, whereas
the initial condition for x1 is swept between -3 and 3:
# Define initial conditions
N_points = 11
x1_0 = N.linspace(-3.,3.,N_points)
x2_0 = N.zeros(N_points)
The actual parameter sweep is done by looping over the initial condition vectors and in each iteration set the
parameter values into the model, simulate and plot:
for i in range(N_points):
# Set initial conditions in model
# Simulate
res = vdp.simulate(final_time=20)
# Get simulation result
# Plot simulation result in phase plane plot
P.plot(x1, x2,'b')
The model equations is taken from the Robertson example in the Sundials suite (
sundials/main.html) and the model is shown in the code below.
optimization Robertson
parameter Real p1(free=true)=0.040;
parameter Real p2(free=true)=1.0e4;
parameter Real p3(free=true)=3.0e7;
In the model we have set the parameters to free which means that we want to calculate sensitivities of the states
with respect to the free parameters.
Lets begin with the the example, copy and paste the Optimica code and save it into Robertson.mop and open a
python script file. We start by importing the necessary objects:
# Import the function for compilation of models and the JMUModel class
from jmodelica.jmi import compile_jmu
from jmodelica.jmi import JMUModel
# Compile model
jmu_name = compile_jmu("Robertson","Robertson.mop")
# Load model
model = JMUModel(jmu_name)
Now that the model is loaded, we have to change the option to activate the sensitivity calculations and also the
absolute tolerances:
The sensitivity results are stored as d{variable name}/d{parameter name} in the result object. We are interested
in the following sensitivities:
dy1dp1 = res['dy1/dp1']
dy2dp1 = res['dy2/dp1']
dy3dp1 = res['dy3/dp1']
time = res['time']
Start by creating a Python script file and write or (copy paste) the command for importing the model object and
the library used for plotting:
# Import the FMUModel class
from jmodelica.fmi import FMUModel
We are interested in simulating the Robot from time 0.0 to 1.8 using 1000 communication points and using toler-
ances specified in the FMU. This information is specified to the simulate method:
res = robot.simulate(start_time=0.0, final_time=1.8, options={'ncp':1000})
This preforms the simulation and the statistics will be printed in the prompt.
To retrieve data about a variable from the result data, access it as a dictionary with the name of the variable as key:
dq1 = res['der(mechanics.q[1])']
dq6 = res['der(mechanics.q[6])']
time = res['time']
Now we have loaded and retrieved the variables of interest. So lets plot them.
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.ylabel('Joint Velocity (rad/s)')
plt.title('Full Robot')
In Figure 7.11 the result is shown and in Figure 7.12 a comparison between Dymola and is plotted.
Chapter 8. Optimization
1. Introduction supports optimization of dynamic and steady state models. Many engineering problems can be
cast as optimization problems, including optimal control, minimum time problems, optimal design, and model
calibration. In this these different types of problems will be illustrated and it will be shown how they can be
formulated and solved. The chapter starts with an introductory example in Section 2 and in Section 3, the details
of how the optimization algorithms are invoked are explained. The following sections contain tutorial exercises
that illustrates how to set up and solve different kinds of optimization problems.
When formulating optimization problems, models are expressed in the Modelica language, whereas optimization
specifications are given in the Optimica extension which is described in Section 9. The tutorial exercises in this
chapter assumes that the reader is familiar with the basics of Modelica and Optimica.
2. A first example
In this section, a simple optimal control problem will be solved. Consider the optimal control problem for the Van
der Pol oscillator model:
// The states
Real x1(start=0,fixed=true);
Real x2(start=1,fixed=true);
Real cost(start=0,fixed=true);
der(x1) = (1 - x2^2) * x1 - x2 + u;
der(x2) = x1;
der(cost) = x1^2 + x2^2 + u^2;
end VDP_Opt;
Create a new file named VDP_Opt.mop and save it in you working directory. Notice that this model contains
both the dynamic system to be optimized and the optimization specification. This is possible since Optimica is an
extension of Modelica and thereby supports also Modelica constructs such as variable declarations and equations.
In most cases, however, Modelica models are stored separately from the Optimica specifications.
Next, create a Python script file and a write (or copy paste) the following commands:
# Import the function for compilation of models and the JMUModel class
from jmodelica.jmi import compile_jmu
from jmodelica.jmi import JMUModel
# Compile model
jmu_name = compile_jmu("VDP_Opt","VDP_Opt.mop")
# Load model
vdp = JMUModel(jmu_name)
The function compile_jmu invokes the Optimica compiler and compiles the model into a DLL, which is then
loaded when the vdp object is created. This object represents the compiled model and is used to invoke the opti-
mization algorithm:
res = vdp.optimize()
In this case, we use the default settings for the optimization algorithm. The result object can now be used to access
the optimization result:
The variable trajectories are returned as numpy arrays and can be used for further analysis of the optimization
result or for visualization:
You should now see the optimization result as shown in Figure 8.1.
Figure 8.1.
Optimal control and state profiles for the Van Der Pol optimal control problem.
All operations that can be performed on the model are available as methods of the model object and can be accessed
by tab completion. Invoking an optimization algorithm is done by calling the method JMUModel.optimize, which
performs the following tasks:
The interactive help for the optimize method is displayed by the command:
>>> help(model.optimize)
Solve an optimization problem.
algorithm --
The algorithm which will be used for the optimization is
specified by passing the algorithm class name as string or
class object in this argument. 'algorithm' can be any
class which implements the abstract class AlgorithmBase
(found in In this way it is
possible to write custom algorithms and to use them with this
options --
The options that should be used in the algorithm. The options
documentation can be retrieved from an options object:
The optimize method can be invoked without any arguments, which case the default optimization algorithm, with
default options, is invoked:
res = vdp.optimize()
In the next section the available algorithms are described. Options for an algorithm can be set using the options
argument to the optimize method. It is convenient to first obtain an options object in order to access the docu-
mentation and default option values. This is done by invoking the method optimize_options:
>>> help(vpd.optimize_options)
Get an instance of the simulate options class, prefilled with
default values. If called without argument then the options
class for the default simulation algorithm will be returned.
algorithm --
The algorithm for which the options class should be
fetched. Possible values are: 'AssimuloAlg',
Default: 'AssimuloAlg'
The option object is essentially a Python dictionary and options are set simply by using standard dictionary syntax:
opts = vpd.optimize_options()
opts['n_e'] = 5
The optimization algorithm may then be invoked again with the new options:
res = vdp.optimize(options=opts)
The optimize method returns a result object containing the optimization result and some meta information about
the solution. The most common operation is to retrieve variable trajectories from the result object:
time = res['time']
x1 = res['x1']
Variable data is returned as numpy arrays in case of variables and as numeric values in the case of parameters.
The result object also contains references to the model that was optimized, the name of the result file that was
written to disk, a solver object representing the optimization algorithm and an options object that as used when
solving the optimization problem.
3.1. Algorithms
3.1.1. Direct collocation
The direct collocation method supported by can be used to solve dynamic optimization problems,
including optimal control problems and parameter optimization problems. In the collocation method, the dynamic
model variable profiles are approximated by piecewise polynomials. This method of approximating a differential
equation corresponds to a fixed step implicit Runge-Kutta scheme, where the mesh defines the length of each step.
Also, the number of collocation points in each element, or step, needs to be provided. This number corresponds to
the stage order of the Runge-Kutta scheme. The selection of mesh is analogous to the choice of step length in a one-
step algorithm for solving differential equations. Accordingly, the mesh needs to be fine-grained enough to ensure
sufficiently accurate approximation of the differential constraint. For an overview of simultaneous optimization
algorithms, see [2]. The algorithm IPOPT is used to solve the non-linear program resulting from collocation.
The collocation method implemented in requires that the model to be optimized does not contain
discontinuities such as if equations, when clauses or integer variables.
The mathematical formulation of the algorithm can be found in the JMI API documentation.
In addition to the options for the collocation algorithm, IPOPT options can also be set by modifying the dictionary
IPOPT_options contained in the collocation algorithm options object. Here, all valid IPOPT options can be spec-
ified, see the IPOPT documentation for further information. For example, setting the option max_iter:
opts['IPOPT_options']['max_iter'] = 300
makes IPOPT terminate after 300 iterations even if no optimal solution has been found.
The return argument of this function can be found by using the interactive help:
>>> help(res.solver.opt_coll_ipopt_get_statistics)
Get statistics from the last optimization run.
return_status --
Return status from IPOPT.
nbr_iter --
Number of iterations.
objective --
Final value of objective function.
total_exec_time --
Execution time.
4. Optimal control
This tutorial is based on the Hicks-Ray Continuously Stirred Tank Reactors (CSTR) system. The model was
originally presented in [1]. The system has two states, the concentration, c, and the temperature, T. The control
input to the system is the temperature, Tc, of the cooling flow in the reactor jacket. The chemical reaction in the
reactor is exothermic, and also temperature dependent; high temperature results in high reaction rate. The CSTR
dynamics is given by:
• How to solve a DAE initialization problem. The initialization model have equations specifying that all deriva-
tives should be identically zero, which implies that a stationary solution is obtained. Two stationary points,
corresponding to different inputs, are computed. We call the stationary points A and B respectively. Point A
corresponds to operating conditions where the reactor is cold and the reaction rate is low, whereas point B
corresponds to a higher temperature where the reaction rate is high. For more information about the DAE ini-
tialization algorithm, see the JMI API documentation.
• An optimal control problem is solved where the objective is to transfer the state of the system from stationary
point A to point B. The challenge is to ignite the reactor while avoiding uncontrolled temperature increase. It is
also demonstrated how to set parameter and variable values in a model. More information about the simultaneous
optimization algorithm can be found at API documentation.
• The optimization result is saved to file and then the important variables are plotted.
The Python commands in this tutorial may be copied and pasted directely into a Python shell, in some cases with
minor modifications. Alternatively, you may copy the commands into a text file, e.g.,
Start the tutorial by creating a working directory and copy the file $JMODELICA_HOME/Python/jmodelica/ex-
amples/files/CSTR.mop to your working directory. An on-line version of CSTR.mop is also available (depending
on which browser you use, you may have to accept the site certificate by clicking through a few steps). If you
choose to create Python script file, save it to the working directory.
import numpy as N
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Before we can do operations on the model, such as optimizing it, the model file must be compiled and the resulting
DLL file loaded in Python. These steps are described in more detail Section 4.
Notice that automatic scaling of the model is enabled by setting the compiler option enable_variable_scaling
to true. At this point, you may open the file CSTR.mop, containing the CSTR model and the static initialization
model used in this section. Study the classes CSTR.CSTR and CSTR.CSTR_Init and make sure you understand
the models. Before proceeding, have a look at the interactive help for one of the functions you used:
In [8]: help(compile_jmu)
Notice how the method set is used to set the value of the control input. The initialization algorithm is invoked by
calling the JMUModel method initialize, which returns a result object from which the initialization result can be
accessed. The initialize method relies on the algorithm IPOPT for computing the solution of the initialization
problem. The values of the states corresponding to grade A can then be extracted from the result object. Look
carefully at the printouts in the Python shell to see a printout of the stationary values. Display the help text for the
initialize method and take a moment to look through it. The procedure is now repeated for operating point B:
We have now computed two stationary points for the system based on constant control inputs. In the next section,
these will be used to set up an optimal control problem.
and is expressed in Optimica format in the class CSTR.CSTR_Opt in the CSTR.mop file above. Have a look at this
class and make sure that you understand how the optimization problem is formulated and what the objective is.
Direct collocation methods often require good initial guesses in order to ensure robust convergence. Since initial
guesses are needed for all discretized variables along the optimization interval, simulation provides a convenient
mean to generate state and derivative profiles given an initial guess for the control input(s). It is then convenient
to set up a dedicated model for computation of initial trajectories. In the model CSTR.CSTR_Init_Optimization
in the CSTR.mop file, a step input is applied to the system in order obtain an initial guess. Notice that the variable
names in the initialization model must match those in the optimal control model. Therefore, also the cost function
is included in the initialization model.
Having initialized the model parameters, we can simulate the model using the 'simulate' function.
res = init_sim_model.simulate(start_time=0.,final_time=150.)
The method simulate first computes consistent initial conditions and then simulates the model in the interval 0
to 150 seconds. Take a moment to read the interactive help for the simulate method.
The simulation result object is returned and to retrieve the simulation data use Python dictionary access to retrieve
the variable trajectories.
# Extract variable profiles
t_init_sim = res['time']
plt.ylabel('Cooling temperature')
Look at the plots and try to relate the trajectories to the optimal control problem. Why is this a good initial guess?
Once the initial guess is generated, we compile the model containing the optimal control problem:
# Compile model
jmu_name = compile_jmu("CSTR.CSTR_Opt", "CSTR.mop")
# Load model
cstr = JMUModel(jmu_name)
We will now initialize the parameters of the model so that their values correspond to the optimization objective
of transferring the system state from operating point A to operating point B. Accordingly, we set the parameters
representing the initial values of the states to point A and the reference values in the cost function to point B:
# Set reference values
Collocation-based optimization algorithms often require a good initial guess in order to achieve fast convergence.
Also, if the problem is non-convex, initialization is even more critical. Initial guesses can be provided in Optimica
by the initialGuess attribute, see the CSTR.mop file for an example for this. Notice that initialization in the case
of collocation-based optimization methods means initialization of all the control and state profiles as a function of
time. In some cases, it is sufficient to use constant profiles. For this purpose, the initialGuess attribute works
well. In more difficult cases, however, it may be necessary to initialize the profiles using simulation data, where
an initial guess for the input(s) has been used to generate the profiles for the dependent variables. This approach
for initializing the optimization problem is used in this tutorial.
We are now ready to solve the actual optimization problem. This is done by invoking the method optimize:
# Set options
opt_opts = cstr.optimize_options()
opt_opts['n_e'] = n_e
opt_opts['init_traj'] = res.result_data
res = cstr.optimize(options=opt_opts)
In this case, we would like to increase the number of finite elements in the mesh from 50 to 100. This is done by
setting the corresponding option and provide it as an argument to the optimize method. You should see the output
of Ipopt in the Python shell as the algorithm iterates to find the optimal solution. Ipopt should terminate with a
message like 'Optimal solution found' or 'Solved to an acceptable level' in order for an optimum to be found. The
optimization result object is returned and the optimization data are stored in res.
We can now retrieve the trajectories of the variables that we intend to plot:
plt.ylabel('Cooling temperature')
Notice that parameters are returned as scalar values whereas variables are returned as vectors and that this must
be taken into account when plotting. Your should now the plot shown in ???.
Take a minute to analyze the optimal profiles and to answer the following questions:
2. Why is the input cooling temperature high in the beginning of the interval?
The procedure for setting up and executing this simulation is similar to above:
# Simulate to verify the optimal solution
# Set up the input trajectory
t = time_res
u = Tc_res
u_traj = N.transpose(N.vstack((t,u)))
# Load model
sim_model = JMUModel(jmu_name)
res = sim_model.simulate(start_time=0.,final_time=150.,
Finally, we load the simulated data and plot it to compare with the optimized trajectories:
# Extract variable profiles
time_sim = res['time']
plt.ylabel('Cooling temperature')
Figure 8.3. Optimal control profiles and simulated trajectories corresponding to the
optimal control input.
Discuss why the simulated trajectories differs from the optimized counterparts.
4.5. Exercises
After completing the tutorial you may continue to modify the optimization problem and study the results.
2. Play around with weights in the cost function. What happens if you penalize the control variable with a larger
weight? Do a parameter sweep for the control variable weight and plot the optimal profiles in the same figure.
3. Add terminal constraints ('cstr.T(finalTime)=someParameter') for the states so that they are equal to point B
at the end of the optimization interval. Now reduce the length of the optimization interval. How short can you
make the interval?
4. Try varying the number of elements in the mesh and the number of collocation points in each interval. 2-10
collocation points are supported.
4.6. References
[1] G.A. Hicks and W.H. Ray. Approximation Methods for Optimal Control Synthesis. Can. J. Chem. Eng.,
40:522–529, 1971.
[2] Bieger, L., A. Cervantes, and A. Wächter (2002): "Advances in simultaneous strategies for dynamic optimiza-
tion." Chemical Engineering Science, 57, pp. 575-593.
// The states
Real x1(start = 0,fixed=true);
Real x2(start = 1,fixed=true);
// Dynamic equations
der(x1) = (1 - x2^2) * x1 - x2 + u;
der(x2) = x1;
// terminal constraints
end VDP_Opt_Min_Time;
Notice how the class attribute finalTime is set to be free in the optimization. The problem is solved by the
following Python script:
# Import numerical libraries
import numpy as N
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
model_name = 'VDP_pack.VDP_Opt_Min_Time'
mo_file = curr_dir+'/files/VDP.mop'
# Plot
The resulting control and state profiles are shown in Figure Figure 8.4. Notice the difference as compared to Figure
Figure 8.1, where the Van der Pol oscillator system is optimized using a quadratic objective function.
Figure 8.4. Minimum time profiles for the Van der Pol Oscillator.
6. Parameter optimization
In this tutorial it will be demonstrated how to solve parameter estimation problems. We consider a quadruple tank
system depicted in Figure 8.5.
The states of the model are the tank water levels x1, x2, x3, and x4. The control inputs, u1 and u2, are the flows
generated by the two pumps.
The Modelica model for the system is located in QuadTankPack.mop. Download the file to your working directory
and open it in a text editor. Locate the class QuadTankPack.QuadTank and make sure you understand the model.
In particular, notice that all model variables and parameters are expressed in SI units.
Measurement data, available in qt_par_est_data.mat, has been logged in an identification experiment. Download
also this file to your working directory.
Open a text file and name it Then enter the imports:
into the file. Next, we enter code to open the data file, extract the measurement time series and plot the measure-
You should now see two plots showing the measurement state profiles and the control input profiles similar to
Figure 8.6 and Figure 8.7.
In order to evaluate the accuracy of nominal model parameter values, start by simulating the model, assuming that
the start values of the states are given by the state measurement at the start of the experiment. This assumption
can be expressed in the model:
model Sim_QuadTank
QuadTank qt;
input Real u1 = qt.u1;
input Real u2 = qt.u2;
initial equation
qt.x1 = 0.0627;
qt.x2 = 0.06044;
qt.x3 = 0.024;
qt.x4 = 0.023;
end Sim_QuadTank;
Notice that initial equations have been added to the model. Before the model is simulated, a matrix containing
the input trajectories is created:
# Build input trajectory matrix for use in simulation
u = N.transpose(N.vstack((t_meas,u1,u2)))
# compile JMU
jmu_name = compile_jmu('QuadTankPack.Sim_QuadTank','QuadTankPack.mop')
# Load model
model = JMUModel(jmu_name)
Here, the simulated profiles are given by the green curves. Clearly, there is a mismatch in the response, especially
for the two lower tanks. Think about why the model does not match the data, i.e., which parameters may have
wrong values.
The next step towards solving a parameter estimation problem is to identify which parameters to tune. Typically,
parameters which are not known precisely are selected. Also, the selected parameters need of course affect the
mismatch between model response and data, when tuned. In a first attempt, we aim at decreasing the mismatch for
the two lower tanks, and therefore we select the lower tank outflow areas, a1 and a2, as parameters to optimize.
The Optimica specification for the estimation problem contained in the class QuadTankPack.QuadTank_ParEst:
QuadTank qt(x1(fixed=true),x1_0=x1_0,
a1(free=true,initialGuess = 0.03e-4,min=0,max=0.1e-4),
a2(free=true,initialGuess = 0.03e-4,min=0,max=0.1e-4));
The cost function is here given as a squared sum of the difference between the measured profiles for x1 and x2 and
the corresponding model profiles. Also the, parameters a1 and a2 are set to be free, and are given initial guesses
as well as bounds. As for the measurement data, parameter vectors are declared, but only dummy data is provided
in the model - the actual data values will be set from the Python script. Also, the input profiles are connected to
signal generators that outputs the same input profiles as those used in the experiment. Take some time to look at and locate the classes used above.
Before the optimization problem can be solved, the Optimica specification needs to be compiled:
Now, lets extract the optimal values of the parameters a1 and a2 and print them to the console:
a1: 0.0266cm^2
a2: 0.0272cm^2
The estimated values are slightly smaller than the nominal values - think about why this may be the case. Also
note that the estimated values do not necessarily correspond to the physically true values. Rather, the parameter
values are adjusted to compensate for all kinds of modeling errors in order to minimize the mismatch between
model response and measurement data.
# Plot
The profiles corresponding to the estimated values of a1 and a2 are shown in black curves. As can be seen, the
match between the model response and the measurement data has been significantly increased. Is the behavior of
the model consistent with the estimated parameter values?
Never the less, There is still a mismatch for the upper tanks, especially for tank 4. In order to improve the
match, a second estimation problem may be formulated, where the parameters a1, a2, a3, a4 are free optimization
variables, and where the squared errors of all four tank levels are penalized. Take a minute to locate the class
QuadTankPack.QuadTank_ParEst2 and make sure that you understand the model. Solve the optimization prob-
lem by typing the Python code:
# Compile second parameter estimation model
jmu_name = compile_jmu("QuadTankPack.QuadTank_ParEst2", "QuadTankPack.mop")
# Load model
qt_par_est2 = JMUModel(jmu_name)
Think about the result - can you explain why the estimated value of a4 is slightly smaller than the nominal value?
Finally, plot the state profiles corresponding to the estimated parameters:
# Extract state and input profiles
x1_opt2 = res_opt2["qt.x1"]
x2_opt2 = res_opt2["qt.x2"]
x3_opt2 = res_opt2["qt.x3"]
x4_opt2 = res_opt2["qt.x4"]
u1_opt2 = res_opt2["qt.u1"]
u2_opt2 = res_opt2["qt.u2"]
t_opt2 = res_opt2["time"]
# Plot
Figure 8.10. State profiles corresponding to estimated values of a1, a2, a3 and a4.
The red curves represent the case where a1, a2, a3 and a4 has been estimated.
Take a moment to think about the results. Are there other parameters that could have been selected for estimation?
Having computed the parameter values that fits the data, we proceed to compute the standard deviations for the
parameter estimates. This information is valuable when judging how accurate the estimates are. For an introduction
to statistical inference in parameter estimation problems, see [Eng2001].
The covariance matrix of the estimated parameter vector is given by the expression:
where J is the Jacobian of the error residual and # is the estimated measurement noise variance. In order to compute
the residual Jacobian, the sensitivity equations needs to be computed.
The model QuadTankPack.QuadTank_Sens2 is used for the sensitivity simulation. Notice that the free attribute
is used to mark the parameters for which sensitivities should be computed:
optimization QuadTank_Sens2
end QuadTank_Sens2;
In a first step to simulating the sensitivity equations for the model, we compile the model and set the optimal
parameter values:
# compile JMU
jmu_name = compile_jmu('QuadTankPack.QuadTank_Sens2',
# Load model
model = JMUModel(jmu_name)
Next, we set the IDA_option sensitivity to true, and simulate the model:
# Get an options object
sens_opts = model.simulate_options()
Using the results of sensitivity simulation, the Jacobian and the residual error vector can be created:
# Get result trajectories
x1_sens = sens_res['x1']
x2_sens = sens_res['x2']
x3_sens = sens_res['x3']
x4_sens = sens_res['x4']
dx1da1 = sens_res['dx1/da1']
dx1da2 = sens_res['dx1/da2']
dx1da3 = sens_res['dx1/da3']
dx1da4 = sens_res['dx1/da4']
dx2da1 = sens_res['dx2/da1']
dx2da2 = sens_res['dx2/da2']
dx2da3 = sens_res['dx2/da3']
dx2da4 = sens_res['dx2/da4']
dx3da1 = sens_res['dx3/da1']
dx3da2 = sens_res['dx3/da2']
dx3da3 = sens_res['dx3/da3']
dx3da4 = sens_res['dx3/da4']
dx4da1 = sens_res['dx4/da1']
dx4da2 = sens_res['dx4/da2']
dx4da3 = sens_res['dx4/da3']
dx4da4 = sens_res['dx4/da4']
t_sens = sens_res['time']
# Create Jacobian
jac = N.zeros((61*4,4))
# Error vector
err = N.zeros(61*4)
Notice the convention for how the sensitivity variables are named.
Finally, we compute and print the standard deviations for the estimated parameters:
# Compute estimated variance of measurement noice
v_err = N.sum(err**2)/(61*4-2)
# Compute J^T*J
A =,jac)
You should now see the standard deviations for the estimated parameters printed.
7. Scaling
Many physical models contains variables with values that differs several orders of magnitude. A typical example is
thermodynamic models containing pressures, temperatures and mass flows. Such large differences in values may
have a severe deteriorating effect on the performance of numerical algorithms, and may in some cases even lead to
the algorithm failing. In order to relieve the user from the burden of manually scaling variables, Modelica offers the
nominal attribute, which can be used to automatically scale a model. Consider the Modelica variable declaration:
Here, the nominal attribute is used to specify that the variable pressure takes on values which are about 1e5. In
order to use nominal attributes for scaling, the compiler option enable_variable_scaling is set to True, see
Section 2.2.2. All variables with a nominal attribute set to true, is then scaled by dividing the variable value with
its nominal value, i.e., from an algorithm point of view, all variables will take on values close to one. Notice that
variables typically vary during a simulation or optimization and that it is therefore not possible to obtain perfect
scaling. In order to ensure that model equations are fulfilled, each occurrence of a variable is multiplied with its
nominal value in equations. For example, the equation:
T = f(p)
Chapter 9. Optimica
In this chapter, the Optimica extension will be presented and informally defined. The Optimica extension in de-
scribed in detail in [Jak2008a], where additional motivations for introducing Optimica can be found.The presen-
tation will be made using the following dynamic optimization problem, based on a double integrator system, as
an example:
In this problem, the final time, tf, is free, and the objective is thus to minimize the time it takes to transfer the state
of the double integrator from the point (0,0) to (1,0), while respecting bounds on the velocity v(t) and the input
u(t). A Modelica model for the double integrator system is given by:
model DoubleIntegrator
Real x(start=0);
Real v(start=0);
input Real u;
end DoubleIntegrator;
• New attributes for the built-in type Real: free and initialGuess
• A new function for accessing the value of a variable at a specified time instant
• Class attributes for the specialized class optimization: objective}, startTime, finalTime and static
• Inequality constraints
It is not possible to declare components from \texttt{optimization} classes in the current version of Optimica.
Rather, the underlying assumption is that an optimization class defines an optimization problem, that is solved
off-line. An interesting extension would, however, be to allow for optimization classes to be instantiated. With
this extension, it would be possible to solve optimization problems, on-line, during simulation. A particularly
interesting application of this feature is model predictive control, which is a control strategy that involves on-line
solution of optimization problems during execution.
As a starting-point for the formulation of the optimization problem consider the optimization class:
optimization DIMinTime
DoubleIntegrator di;
input Real u = di.u;
end DIMinTime;
This class contains only one component representing the dynamic system model, but will be extended in the
following to incorporate also the other elements of the optimization problem.
Secondly, an attribute, initialGuess, is introduced to enable the user to provide an initial guess for variables and
parameters. In the case of free optimization parameters, the initialGuess attribute provides an initial guess to
the optimization algorithm for the corresponding parameter. In the case of variables, the initialGuess attribute
is used to provide the numerical solver with an initial guess for the entire optimization interval. This is particularly
important if a simultaneous or multiple-shooting algorithm is used, since these algorithms introduce optimization
variables corresponding to the values of variables at discrete points over the interval. Notice that such initial
guesses may be needed both for control and state variables. For such variables, however, the proposed strategy for
providing initial guesses may sometimes be inadequate. In some cases, a better solution is to use simulation data
to initialize the optimization problem. This approach is also supported by the Optimica compiler. In the double
integrator example, the control variable u is a free optimization variable, and accordingly, the free attribute is set
to true. Also, the initialGuess attribute is set to 0.0.
optimization DIMinTime
DoubleIntegrator di(u(free=true,
input Real u = di.u;
end DIMinTime;
All variables in Modelica are functions of time. The variability of variables may be different-some are continuously
changing, whereas others can change value only at discrete time instants, and yet others are constant. Nevertheless,
the value of a Modelica variable is defined for all time instants within the simulation, or optimization, interval.
The time argument of variables are not written explicitly in Modelica, however. One option for enabling access
to variable values at specified time instants is therefore to associate an implicitly defined function with a variable
declaration. This function can then be invoked by the standard Modelica syntax for function calls, y(t_i). The
name of the function is identical to the name of the variable, and it has one argument; the time instant at which the
variable is evaluated. This syntax is also very natural since it corresponds precisely to the mathematical notation
of a function. Notice that the proposed syntax y(t_i) makes the interpretation of such an expression context
dependent. In order for this construct to be valid in standard Modelica, y must refer to a function declaration.
With the proposed extension, y may refer either to a function declaration or a variable declaration. A compiler
therefore needs to classify an expression y(t_i) based on the context, i.e., what function and variable declarations
are visible. This feature of Optimica is used in the constraint section of the double integrator example, and is
described below.
4. Class attributes
In the optimization formulation above, there are elements that occur only once, i.e., the cost function and the
optimization interval. These elements are intrinsic properties of the respective optimization formulations, and
should be specified, once, by the user. In this respect the cost function and optimization interval differ from, for
example, constraints, since the user may specify zero, one or more of the latter.
In order to encode these elements, class attributes are introduced. A class attribute is an intrinsic element of a
specialized class, and may be modified in a class declaration without the need to explicitly extend from a built-
in class. In the Optimica extension, four class attributes are introduced for the specialized class optimization.
These are objective, which defines the cost function, startTime, which defines the start of the optimization
interval, finalTime, which defines the end of the optimization interval, and static, which indicates whether the
class defines a static or dynamic optimization problem. The proposed syntax for class attributes is shown in the
following optimization class:
optimization DIMinTime (
DoubleIntegrator di(u(free=true,
input Real u = di.u;
end DIMinTime;
The default value of the class attribute static is false, and accordingly, it does not have to be set in this case. In
essence, the keyword extends and the reference to the built-in class have been eliminated, and the modification
construct is instead given directly after the name of the class itself. The class attributes may be accessed and
modified in the same way as if they were inherited.
5. Constraints
Constraints are similar to equations, and in fact, a path equality constraint is equivalent to a Modelica equation.
But in addition, inequality constraints, as well as point equality and inequality constraints should be supported. It is
therefore natural to have a separation between equations and constraints. In Modelica, initial equations, equations,
and algorithms are specified in separate sections, within a class body. A reasonable alternative for specifying
constraints is therefore to introduce a new kind of section, constraint. Constraint sections are only allowed inside
an optimization class, and may contain equality, inequality as well as point constraints. In the double integrator
example, there are several constraints. Apart from the constraints specifying bounds on the control input u and
the velocity v, there are also terminal constraints. The latter are conveniently expressed using the mechanism for
accessing the value of a variable at a particular time instant; di.x(finalTime)=1 and di.v(finalTime)=0. In
addition, bounds may have to be specified for the finalTime class attribute. The resulting optimization formulation
may now be written:
optimization DIMinTime (
DoubleIntegrator di(u(free=true,
input Real u = di.u;
di.u>=-1; di.u<=1;
end DIMinTime;
The Optimica specification can be translated into executable format and solved by a numerical solver, yielding
the result:
Chapter 10. Abstract syntax tree
1. Tutorial on Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs)
1.1. About Abstract Syntax Trees
A fundamental data structure in most compilers is the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). An AST serves as an abstract
representation of a computer program and is often used in a compiler to perform analyses (e.g., binding names to
declarations and checking type correctness of a program) and as a basis for code generation.
• The source AST results from parsing of the Modelica or Optimica source code. This AST shares the structure
of the source code, and consists of a hierarchy consisting of Java objects corresponding to class and component
declarations, equations and algorithms. The source AST can also be used for unparsing, i.e., pretty printing of
the source code.
• The instance AST represents a particular model instance. Typically, the user selects a class to instantiate, and
the compiler then computes the corresponding instance AST. The instance AST differs from the source AST in
that in the former case, all components are expanded down to variables of primitive type. An important feature
of the instance AST is that it is used to represent modification environments; merging of modifications takes
place in the instance AST. As a consequence, all analysis, such as name and type analysis takes is done based
on the instance AST.
• The flat AST represents the flat Modelica model. Once the instance AST has been computed, the flat AST is
computed simply by traversing the instance AST and collecting all variables of primitive type, all equations and
all algorithms. The flat AST is then used, after some transformations, as a basis for code generation.
For more information on how the compiler transforms these ASTs, see the paper "Implementation
of a Modelica compiler using JastAdd attribute grammars" by J.Åkesson et. al.
This tutorial demonstrates how the Python interface to the three different ASTs in the compiler can be used. The
JPype package is used to create Java objects in a Java Virtual Machine which is seamlessly integrated with the
Python shell. The Java objects can be accessed interactively and methods of the object can be invoked.
For more information about the Java classes and their methods used in this example, please consult the API doc-
umentation for the Modelica compiler. Notice however that the documentation for the compiler front-ends is still
very rudimentary. Also, the interfaces to the source and instance AST will be made more user friendly in upcom-
ing versions.
• Count the number of classes in the Modelica standard library. In this example, a Python function is defined to
traverse the source AST which results from parsing of the Modelica standard library.
• Instantiate the CauerLowPassAnalog model. The instance AST for this model is dumped and it is demonstrated
how the merged modification environments can be accessed. Also, it is shown how a component redeclaration
affects the instance tree.
• Flatten the CauerLowPassAnalog model instance and print some statistics of the flattened Model.
The Python commands in this tutorial may be copied and pasted directly into a Python shell, in some cases
with minor modifications. You are, however, strongly encouraged to copy the commands into a text file, e.g.,
Abstract syntax tree access
Start the tutorial by creating a working directory and copy the file $JMODELICA_HOME/Python/
jmodelica/examples/files/ to your working directory. An on-line version of is also available (depending on which browser you use, you may have to ac-
cept the site certificate by clicking through a few steps). If you choose to create Python script file,
save it to the working directory. The tutorial is based on a model from the Modelica Standard Library:
# Import JPype
import jpype
In order to avoid parsing the same file multiple times (we will not change the Modelica file in this tutorial), we
will check the variable 'source_root' exists in the shell before we parse the file
# Don't parse the file if it har already been parsed.
# Parse the file and get the root node
# of the source AST
source_root = mc.parse_model("")
At this point, try the built-in help feature of Python by typing the following command in the shell to see the help
text for the function you just used.
In [2]: help(mc.parse_model)
In the first part of the tutorial, we will not work with the filter model, but rather load the Modelica standard library.
Again, we check if the library has already been loaded:
# Don't load the standard library if it is already loaded
except NameError, e:
# Load the Modelica standard library and get the class
# declaration AST node corresponding to the Modelica
# package.
modelica = source_root.getProgram().getLibNode(1). \
The means to access the node in the source AST corresponding to the class (package) declaration of the Modelica
library is somewhat cumbersome; the source AST interface will be improved in later versions.
Abstract syntax tree access
Now run the script and study the printouts in the Python shell. The first time the script is run, you will se printouts
corresponding also to the compiler accessing individual files of the Modelica standard library; the loading of the
library is done on demand as the library classes are actually accessed. Run the script once again (using the '-i'
switch), to get a cleaner output, which should now look similar to:
The package Modelica.UsersGuide has 16 hierachically contained classes
The package Modelica.Constants has 0 hierachically contained classes
The package Modelica.Icons has 16 hierachically contained classes
The package Modelica.SIunits has 532 hierachically contained classes
The package Modelica.StateGraph has 64 hierachically contained classes
The package Modelica.Blocks has 258 hierachically contained classes
The package Modelica.Electrical has 361 hierachically contained classes
The package Modelica.Math has 74 hierachically contained classes
The package Modelica.Mechanics has 474 hierachically contained classes
The package Modelica.Media has 1064 hierachically contained classes
The package Modelica.Thermal has 88 hierachically contained classes
The package Modelica.Utilities has 86 hierachically contained classes
The package Modelica has 3045 hierachically contained classes
Take some time to ponder the results and make sure that you understand how the Python function 'count_classes'
works and which Python variables corresponds to references into the source AST.
Abstract syntax tree access
merged modification environment of each instance AST node. Again, we will use methods defined for the Java
objects representing the AST.
First we create an instance of the CauerLowPassAnalog filter. Again we only create the instance if it has not
already been created:
# Don't instantiate if instance has been computed already
# Retrieve the node in the instance tree corresponding to the class
# Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Examples.CauerLowPassAnalog
filter_instance = mc.instantiate_model(source_root,"CauerLowPassAnalog")
Next we define a Python function for traversing the instance AST and printing each node in the shell. We also
print the merged modification environment for each instance node. In order to traverse the AST, we use the meth-
ods InstNode.instComponentDeclList() and InstNode.instExtendsList(), which both return an object of the class
List, which in turn contain instantiated component declarations and instantiated extends clauses. By invoking the
'dump_inst_ast' function recursively for each element in these lists, the instance AST is in effect traversed. Due to
the internal representation of the instance AST, nodes of type InstPrimitive, corresponding to primitive variables,
are not leaves in the AST as would be expected. To overcome this complication, we simply check if a node is of
type InstPrimitive, and if this is the case, the recursion stops.
The environment of an instance node is accessed by calling the method InstNode.getMergedEnvrionment(), which
returns a list of modifications. According to the Modelica specification, outer modifications overrides inner mod-
ifications, and accordingly, modifications in the beginning of the list has precedence over later modifications.
def dump_inst_ast(inst_node, indent):
"""Pretty print an instance node, including its merged enviroment."""
# Create a string containing the type and name of the instance node
str = indent + inst_node.prettyPrint("")
str = str + " {"
# Print
for i in range(components.getNumChild()):
# Assume that primitive variables are leafs in the instance AST
if (inst_node.getClass() is \
org.jmodelica.modelica.compiler.InstPrimitive) is False:
dump_inst_ast(components.getChild(i),indent + " ")
Take a minute and make sure that you understand the essential parts of the function.
Having defined the function 'dump_inst_ast', we call it with the CauerLowPassAnalog instance as an argument.
Abstract syntax tree access
You should now see a rather lengthy printout in your shell window. Let us have a closer look at a few of the
instances in the model. First look at the printouts for a resistor in the model:
InstComposite: Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic.Resistor R1 {R=1}
InstPrimitive: SI.Resistance R {=1, start=1, final quantity="Resistance", \
final unit="Ohm"}
InstExtends: Interfaces.OnePort {R=1}
InstPrimitive: SI.Voltage v {final quantity="ElectricPotential", final unit="V"}
InstPrimitive: SI.Current i {final quantity="ElectricCurrent", final unit="A"}
InstComposite: PositivePin p {}
InstPrimitive: SI.Voltage v {final quantity="ElectricPotential", final unit="V"}
InstPrimitive: SI.Current i {final quantity="ElectricCurrent", final unit="A"}
InstComposite: NegativePin n {}
InstPrimitive: SI.Voltage v {final quantity="ElectricPotential", final unit="V"}
InstPrimitive: SI.Current i {final quantity="ElectricCurrent", final unit="A"}
The model instance if of type InstComposite, and contains two elements, one primitive variable, R, and one extends
clause. The modification environment for the resistor contains a value modification '=1' and some modifications of
the built in attributes for the type Real. The InstExtends node contains a number of child nodes, which corresponds
to the content of the class Interfaces.OnePort. Notice the difference between the source AST, where an extends
node is essentially a leaf in the tree, whereas in the instance tree, the extends clause is expanded.
Let us have a look at the effects of redeclarations in the instance AST. In the CauerLowPassAnalog model, a step
voltage signal source is used, which in turn relies on redeclaration of a generic signal source to a step. The instance
node for the step voltage source 'V' is given below:
InstComposite: Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Sources.StepVoltage V {V=0, startTime=1, \
InstPrimitive: SI.Voltage V {=0, start=1, final quantity="ElectricPotential", \
final unit="V"}
InstExtends: Interfaces.VoltageSource {V=0, startTime=1, offset=0,
redeclare Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Step signalSource(height=V)}
InstPrimitive: SI.Voltage offset {=0, =0, final quantity="ElectricPotential", \
final unit="V"}
InstPrimitive: SI.Time startTime {=1, =0, final quantity="Time", final unit="s"}
InstReplacingComposite: Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Step signalSource {height=V, \
final offset=offset, final startTime=startTime}
InstPrimitive: Real height {=V, =1}
InstExtends: Interfaces.SignalSource {height=V, final offset=offset, \
final startTime=startTime}
InstPrimitive: Real offset {=offset, =0}
InstPrimitive: SIunits.Time startTime {=startTime, =0, final quantity="Time", \
final unit="s"}
InstExtends: SO {height=V, final offset=offset, final startTime=startTime}
InstPrimitive: RealOutput y {}
InstExtends: BlockIcon {height=V, final offset=offset,
final startTime=startTime}
Here we see how the modification "redeclare Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Step signalSource(height=V)" affects the
instance AST. The node InstReplacingComposite represents the component instance, instantiated from the class
Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Step, resulting from the redeclaration. As a consequence, this branch of the instance
AST is significantly altered by the redeclare modification.
Now look at the modification environment for the component instance startTime. The environment contains two
value modifications: '=1' and '=0'. As noted above, the first modification in the list corresponds to the outermost
modification and have precedence over the following modifications. Take a minute to figure out the origin of the
modifications by looking upwards in the instance AST.
Abstract syntax tree access
# Flatten the model instance filter_instance
filter_flat_model = mc.flatten_model(filter_instance)
During flattening, the instance tree is traversed and all primitive declarations and equations are collected. In addi-
tion, such as scalarization and elimination of alias variables are performed.
How many variables and equations is the model composed of? Does the model seem to be well posed?
At this point, take some time to explore the 'filter_flat_model' object by typing 'filter_flat_model.<tab>' in the
Python shell to see what methods are available. You may also have a look in the Modelica compiler API.
Chapter 11. Limitations
This page lists the current limitations of the platform, as of version 1.4.0. The development of the
platform can be followed at the Trac site, where future releases and associated features are planned. In order to get
an idea of the current Modelica compliance of the compiler front-end, you may look at the associated test suite.
All models with a test annotation can be flattened.
• The Modelica compliance of the front-end is limited; the following features are currently not supported:
• When clauses
• If equations
• Integer, Boolean and enumeration variables (parameters and constants are supported)
• Strings
• Functions with array inputs with sizes declared as ':' are only partially supported.
• Partial support for external functions, only external C functions with scalar inputs and outputs are supported.
• Stream connections with more than two connectors are not supported.
• The ODE interface requires the Modelica model to be written on explicit ODE form in order to work.
• The FMI Model Interface (FMI) has the following Limitations:
• The FMI interface only supports FMUs distributed with binaries, not source code.
• Options for setting and getting string variables does not work
Chapter 12. Release notes
1. Release notes for version 1.4
1.1. Highlights
• Improved Python user interaction functions
1.2. Compilers
1.2.1. Enumerations
Added support for enumerations to the same extent as Integers, except that arrays indexed with enumerations are
not supported.
1.2.2. Miscellaneous
Fixed many compiler bugs, especially concerning complex class structures.
1.3.2. Compiling
• Introduced JMU files which are compressed files containing files created during compilation.
• Introduced new method jmodelica.jmi.compile_jmu which compiles Modelica or Optimica models to JMUs.
These JMUs are then used when creating a JMUModel which loads the model in a Python object.
• Removed possibility to compile models directly in high-level functions, initialize, simulate and optimize. In-
stead compile_jmu should be used.
Release notes
• New objects for options to initialize, simulate and optimize have been introduced. The alg_args and
solver_args parameters have therefore been removed. The options from alg_args and solver_args can now
be found in the options object. Each algorithm for initialize, simulate and optimize have their own options
1.4. Simulation
1.4.1. Input trajectories
Changed how the input trajectories are handled. The trajectories now have to be connected to an input variable
as a 2-tuple. The first argument should be a list of variables or a single variable. The second argument should be
a data matrix with the first column as the time vector and the following columns corresponding to the variables
in the first argument.
opts['IDA_options']['sensitivity'] = True
which calculates sensitivities of the states with respect to the free parameters.
1.5. Contributors
Christian Andersson
Tove Bergdahl
Magnus Gäfvert
Jesper Mattsson
Johan Ylikiiskilä
Johan Åkesson
Roberto Parrotto
Release notes
Jens Rantil
Philip Reuterswärd
2.2. Compilers
2.2.1. The Modelica compiler Arrays
• Functions with array inputs with sizes declared as ':' - only basic support. Redecare
Function calls can now be used as binding expressions for parameters and constants. The handling of Integer,
Boolean and record type parameters is also improved.
• Annotations for libraries, includes, library directories and include directories supported.
• Arrays as arguments are not yet supported. Functions in Modelica_utilies are also not supported.
Stream connectors, including the operators inStream and actualStream and connections with up to two stream
connectors are supported.
Release notes Miscellaneous
The error checking has been improved, eliminating many erroneous error messages for correct Modelica code.
The memory and time usage for the compiler has been greatly reduced for medium and large models, especially
for complex class structures.
Support for the objectiveIntegrand class attribute. In order to encode Lagrange cost functions of the type
the Optimica class attribute objectiveIntegrand is supported by the Optimica compiler. The expression L may
be utilized by optimization algorithms providing dedicated support for Lagrange cost functions.
Optimization problems with free initial and terminal times can now be solved by setting the free attribute of the
class attributes startTime and finalTime to true. The Optimica compiler automatically translates the problem into
a fixed horizon problems with free parameters for the start en terminal times, which in turn are used to rescale
the time of the problem.
Using this method, no changes are required to the optimization algorithm, since a fixed horizon problem is solved.
Support for free dependent parameters in the collocation optimization algorithm is now implemented. In models
containing parameter declarations such as:
parameter Real p1(free=true);
parameter Real p2 = p1;
where the parameter p2 needs to be considered as being free in the optimization problem, with the additional
equality constraint:
p1 = p2
The new Optimica class attribute objectiveIntegrand, see above, is supported by the collocation optimization al-
gorithm. The integral cost is approximated by a Radau quadrature formula.
2.4. Assimulo
Support for simulation of an FMU (see below) using Assimulo. Simulation of an FMU can either be done by using
the high-level method *simulate* or creating a model from the FMIModel class together with a problem class,
FMIODE which is then passed to CVode.
Release notes
A result object is used as return argument for all algorithms. The result object for each algorithm extends the base
class ResultBase and will therefore (at least) contain: the model object, the result file name, the solver used and
the result data object.
2.8. Contributors
Christian Andersson
Tove Bergdahl
Magnus Gäfvert
Jesper Mattsson
Roberto Parrotto
Johan Åkesson
Philip Reuterswärd
Jens Rantil
Release notes
• A new Python simulation package, Assimulo, has been integrated to provide increased flexibility and perfor-
3.2. Compilers
3.2.1. The Modelica compiler Arrays
Arrays are now almost fully supported. This includes all arithmetic operations and use of arrays in all places
allowed in the language specification. The only exception is slice operations, that are only supported for the last
component in an access.
Most function-like operators are now supported. The following list contains the function-like operators that are
*not* supported:
• sign(v)
• Integer(e)
• String(...)
• div(x,y)
• mod(x,y)
• rem(x,y)
• ceil(x)
• floor(x)
• integer(x)
• delay(...)
• cardinality()
• semiLinear()
• Subtask.decouple(v)
• initial()
• terminal()
• smooth(p, expr)
• sample(start, interval)
• pre(y)
Release notes
• edge(b)
• reinit(x, expr)
• scalar(A)
• vector(A)
• matrix(A)
• diagonal(v)
• product(...)
• outerProduct(v1, v2)
• symmetric(A)
• skew(x)
Both algorithms and pure Modelica functions are supported, with a few exceptions:
• Use of control structures (if, for, etc.) with test or loop expressions with variability that is higher than parameter
is not supported when compiling for CppAD.
• Indexes to arrays of records with variability that is higher than parameter is not supported when compiling for
• Support for inputs to functions with one or more dimensions declared with ":" is only partial. Miscellaneous
• Modelica compliance errors are reported for legal but unsupported language constructs.
The Modelica attribute nominal can be used to scale variables. This is particularly important when solv-
ing optimization problems where poorly scaled systems may result in lack of convergence. Automatic scal-
ing is turned off by default since it introduces a slight computational overhead: setting the compiler option
enable_variable_scaling to true enables this feature.
Release notes
Support for event indicator functions and switching functions are now provided. These features are used by the
new simulation package Assimulo to simulate systems with events. Notice that limitations in the compiler front-
end applies, see above.
Support for event indicator functions and switching functions are now provided. These features are used by the
new simulation package Assimulo to simulate systems with events. Notice that limitations in the compiler front-
end applies, see above. Linearization
A function for linearization of DAE models is provided. The linearized models are computed using automatic
differentiation which gives results at machine precision. Also, for index-1 systems, linearized DAEs can be con-
verted into linear ODE form suitable for e.g., control design.
Release notes
• The functions setparameter and getparameter in jmi.Model have been removed. Instead the functions
set_value and get_value (also in jmi.Model) should be used.
• Caching has been implemented in the xmlparser module to improve execution time for working with jmi.Model
objects, which should be noticeable for large models.
3.9. Contributors
Christian Andersson
Tove Bergdahl
Magnus Gäfvert
Jesper Mattsson
Philip Nilsson
Roberto Parrotto
Philip Reuterswärd
Johan Åkesson
[Jak2007] Johan Åkesson. Tools and Languages for Optimization of Large-Scale Systems. LUTFD2/
TFRT--1081--SE. Lund University. Sweden. 2007.
[Jak2008b] Johan Åkesson, Görel Hedin, and Torbjörn Ekman. Tools and Languages for Optimization of Large-
Scale Systems. 117-131. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. 203:2. April 2008.
[Jak2008a] Johan Åkesson. Optimica—An Extension of Modelica Supporting Dynamic Optimization. Proc. 6th
International Modelica Conference 2008. Modelica Association. March 2008.
[Jak2010] Johan Åkesson, Karl-Erik Årén, Magnus Gäfvert , , and . Modeling and Optimization with Optimica and—Languages and Tools for Solving Large-Scale Dynamic Optimization Problem. Com-
puters and Chemical Engineering. 203:2. 2010.
[Eng2001] Peter Englezos and Nicolas Kalogerakis. Applied Parameter Estimation for Chemical Engineers. Mar-
cel Dekker Inc. 2001.
CppAD, 6
JastAdd, 5
JMI, 6
(see also JModelica Model Interface)
JModelica Model Interface (see JMI)
Modelica, 5
Optimica, 5
XML, 6