ChemCollective Autograded Labs PDF

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Extra Information on Autograded ChemCollective 

Virtual Labs 
Purpose of this document 
Our goal is to help people move their courses online due to COVID-19. The sections below:
● General advice on use of the ChemCollective virtual lab​ Describes the way
autograded activities work and provides advice on how to prepare your students to carry
out these labs
● Requests for online labs or materials​ If you are looking for a specific lab experiment
or other resource, you can put your request here. Please also check the current requests
to see if you know of something people are looking for.
○ I was hoping to use ChemCollective to do two virtual labs: A solubulity / Ksp
(determining solubility) and a titration. My classes are high school sophomores. I
was looking for a little more direction. Any help would be appreciated
● Collaborative Space for Available Labs ​A list of labs currently available in the
chemcollective or elsewhere. ​This is the best place to see details on what labs are
currently available. ​If you plan on using a lab, or have used it in the past, please add
that info here so you work with others as they try to use these with their students
● Appendix​ Screen shots and other information referenced in the above sections

General Advice on use of the ChemCollective virtual lab 

How autograded activities work 
The ChemCollective has a collection of virtual labs that:
● Use random values so that the problem is different each time it is loaded. This is usually
done by varying the unknown sample being investigated, but sometimes it randomizes a
property such as the enthalpy of reaction or the equilibrium constant.
● Provides a web form in which students submit their answer. They typically get three
attempts before the software requires them to reload the page and so get new random
sample. When they get the problem correct, they get a page they can print this to PDF
and submit that through whatever means you are currently using to collect student work.

How to get your students up to speed on use of the lab 

The page ​​ has a 3 ½
minute video that shows students most features of the lab.

Some common challenges 

● The most common difficulty has to do with initiating a transfer between vessels. To do
this, you drag the source vessel onto the target vessel. The ​target vessel must become
highlighted before you release the mouse. ​The following shows this for attempting to
pour from 1M NaOH to 3M HCl:
WIll not start transfer Will start transfer

3M HCl not highlighted 3M HCl is highlighted (dotted lines)

● If there is no room on the desktop for a new solution, you will get the message
“Workbench Full”​.

To address this, move things around to make room. You may need to remove vessels
from the workbench. It may also be useful to zoom out, from the ​View menu,​ as shown
Requests for online materials 
E.g : I’m looking for a diprotic titration lab

1. I would like to do a virtual lab for the titrimetric determination of Fe(III) after reduction to
Fe(II) according to the method of Zimmerman-Reinhardt
2. I would like to do a virtual lab for titrimetric determination of As(III) with I2
3. I would like a thin layer chromatography simulation.

Collaborative Space for Available Labs 

If you are considering using a lab, or have questions or information on that lab, please add a
note to the appropriate section of this document.

ChemCollective labs fall into a few general ​types:

● Predict and check​ Students do a calculation and use the virtual lab to check their
answer. The goal of these is to help students connect their paper-and-pencil calculations
to actual chemistry. In most cases, the software only checks that their computed answer
is correct. Ideally, students do both the calculation and the vlab experiment. Some
students will just do the calculation and skip the use of the vlab. Other students may use
the lab to generate the answer and not actually do the calculation.
● Unknown ​Students are given a randomized sample and asked to determine its identity.
(See above on how autograded activities handle randomization).. This also includes
cases where the properties of chemicals are randomized, e.g. equilibrium constant or
enthalpy of reaction.
● Puzzle (or design) ​Similar to the unknown problem type, but the problem is designed as
a puzzle that gives practice with some chemical concept. In many cases, the activity is
something that would not be feasible in a real lab. In some cases, the puzzle involves
design of a solution with a target property.
● Tutor ​These are not virtual labs, but instead provide detailed support on a computation.
Students first attempt to do the full calculations. If they get it wrong, the tutor gives them
step by step support. The problem is randomized, so they can practice until they get
comfortable with the calculations.

In all cases, the virtual lab provides little guidance on how to carry out the experiment, leaving
the experimental design up the student. You can create procedures or worksheets and share
these with the students, much as you would if assigning students an activity in an actual

Stoichiometry: Creating a stock solution ​ 

​ straightforward problem in dilution.
Type: Predict and Check A

Stoichiometry: Metals Density Problem h​ ttp:// 

Type: Unknown S ​ tudents measure the density of the metals, and then use this to identify three
different metals.

Stoichiometry: Determining Reactants and Products in a Solution of DNA 
Type: Predict and Check ​A limiting reagent calculation set in binding of ACAC to TG (leaving it
to the student to realize this is a 1:2 reaction). It also has students work in micro and nano Molar

Stoichiometry: Determine the concentration of unknown silver nitrate 

solution h​ ttp:// 
Type: Unknown​ A simple gravimetric analysis where NaCl is added to AgNO​3​. Students use the
solution info window to determine the mass of the AgCl. No filtering or weighing is required. The
focus is on generating the data needed to determine the amount of AgNO​3​ in the starting

Stoichiometry: Chemical Remediation of Arsenic 
Type: Tutor​ Detailed support for limiting reagent calculations.
Stoichiometry: Determining Stoichiometric Coefficients 
Type: Puzzle​ Students are given four chemicals (A,B,C,D) and have to determine the reaction
between these (e.g. A + 2 B → C + D). Related to limiting reagents, but exposes and corrects a
number of misconceptions (see D ​ OI: 10.1126/science.1182435 a ​ ttps://​ )
​ nd h

Stoichiometry: Mineral Composition ​ 

Type: Tutor​ Detailed support for empirical formula calculations.

Stoichiometry: Composition Determination of a Mixture 
​ etailed support for determining composition of a mixture of oxides or sulfides, from
Type: Tutor D
total mass and mass of one element (e.g. As in mix of As​2​O​3​ and Sb​2​AsS​2​).

Thermochemistry: Coffee Problem ​ 

Type: Predict and Check ​A calculation involving heat transfer between two liquids: how much
cool milk must you add to coffee to get a target final temperature.

Thermochemistry: Camping Problem h​ ttp:// 

Type: Multiple step Unknown and Puzzle problem​ This problem has three parts:
(i) Determine the enthalpy of reaction between two unknown molecules, X and Y
(ii) Examine the effects, on the final temperature of a mixture, of changing the volume and
concentration the solutions of X and Y that are being mixed. This helps set students up for the
third question, by reminding them about the impacts of limiting reagents, and pointing to the
concentrations of X and Y as key aspects to control.
(iii) Design solutions of X and Y that, when mixed together, will lead to a target final

Thermochemistry: Hot/Cold Pack Problem - Part 1 
Type: Unknown D ​ etermine heat of dissolution of a solid. CAUTION: The virtual lab works, but
the form to input the answer is currently not working. If you are interested in using this one,
please let us know (by entering a note below) and we will prioritize fixing of the form.

Thank you for these wonderful resources! I would actually love to use Parts 1 & 2 of this lab!
Thanks, Susan Brookhart, Western Academy of Beijing (s​​)

Am very interested in using both this and Part 2. Carole Bucher, Columbia High, NJ

Thermochemistry: Hot/Cold Pack Problem - Part 1 
Type: Puzzle ​Determine amount of solid and water to mix to achieve a certain temperature
increase. CAUTION: The virtual lab works, but the form to input the answer is currently not
working. The virtual lab works, but the form to input the answer is currently not working. If you
are interested in using this one, please let us know (by entering a note below) and we will
prioritize fixing of the form.

Equilibrium: Solubility and the Common Ion Effect 
Type: Unknown U ​ se the solubility of AgCl in an unknown to determine the concentration of Cl-
in the unknown. Students use the species viewer to read out the concentration of Ag+ in the
solution (see problem description for more details).

Equilibrium: Metal Ligand Binding h​ ttp:// 

Type: Unknown​ Use the solubility of AgCl in an unknown to determine the binding constant
between Ag+ and the ligand. Students use the species viewer to read out the concentration of
Ag+ in the solution (see problem description for more details).

Acid-Base Chemistry: Determine the Concentration of an Unknown Strong 

Acid h​ ttp:// 
Type: Unknown​ Titration of strong acid with concentration between 0.025 and 2.5 M, using
Phenolphthalein as an indicator.

Acid-Base Chemistry: Unknown Weak Acid Problem 
Type: Unknown T ​ itration of an unknown strong or weak acid. Students have access to a pH
meter, and can use “Vessel tracking” (available in the view menu) to save a record of the pH
versus volume of the solution. Two aspects make this especially challenging: (i) the
concentrations span many decades, so they have to figure out what concentration of strong
base to use for the titration and (ii) the possibility that the acid is a strong acid (in which case the
pH at the ½ equivalence point is not a measure of pKa). ​There are two nomenclature problems
with the acids listed. (i) one is named as a C-methylated diprotic acid that does have pKa1 =
3.07 and pKa2 = 5.76. It does not titrate as a diprotic acid however. Also, the monomethyl ester
has a pKa of 2.83 not 3.07 so it is not that monoprotic acid either. (ii) the second one is trivial -
but the Methyl-m-aminobenzoic acid implies 3 groups attached to benzene ring - it should be
named: 3-(Methylamino)benzoic acid instead. No Gen Chem student would notice that one tho.

Acid-Base Chemistry: Unknown Weak Acid Problem Bonus 
Type: Unknown​ Similar to the above, except students are given the identity of two weak acids,
and asked to determine their concentrations in a mixture.

Acid-Base Chemistry: Unknown Base Problem ​ 

Type: Unknown​ Similar to the Unknown Weak Acid Problem (see above) but students identify
one of 5 weak bases, and the concentration of that base.
Acid-Base Chemistry: Determine the Identify of an Unknown Solid Weak 
Acid ​ 
Type: Unknown​ Similar to the Unknown Weak Acid Problem (see above) but students identify
the pKa, and molar mass of an unknown solid weak acid. The pH is shown in the species
viewer, or they can use the provided Phenolphthalein indicator.

Acid-Base Chemistry: Design a buffer solution with a specific pH 


Appendix: Sample of a virtual lab page before and after 

submitting a correct response 
Before submitting 

After submitting 
They get this page, which they can print out.
I modified procedures from face-to face for a few labs (​​)
OL3:Determine Molarity of a
Hydrochloric Acid Solution
Determine the Concentration of HCl using a Standardized NaOH Solution
In this exercise using a titration you will determine the concentration of a hydrochloric acid (HCl) solution
with an unknown molarity using a standardized sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution prepared in this lab.
The neutralization reaction between HCl and NaOH proceeds according to the chemical equation shown

HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq) → H​2​O(l) + NaCl(aq)

This reaction is often written in one of the following forms showing the net ionic equation.

H​3​O​+​(aq) + OH​-​(aq) → 2 H​2​O(l)


H​+​(aq) + OH​-​(aq) → H​2​O(l)

Since the reaction between HCl and NaOH is 1:1, the reaction is at the neutral point when there is one
mole of NaOH for every one mole of HCl.

In this equation, “n” represents the number of moles of either NaOH or HCl. During the titration you will
be carefully measuring the volume of NaOH (V​NaOH​) required to neutralize the unknown acid solution.
Since the volume and concentration of the NaOH (C​NaOH​) are known, the number of moles of NaOH can
be calculated using equation 2.

Equation 3 shows this relationship for HCl.

Using equations 1 – 3 and some simple algebra, equation 4 can be derived, which allows for the
calculation of the hydrochloric acid concentration.

In the experiment the volume of HCl is known (set at 50.00 mL), the molarity of NaOH is determined using
solid KHP and the volume of NaOH will be measured. The only unknown in equation 4 is the
concentration of HCl.

a. Calculate the amount of 0.500 M KHP needed to neutralize 15 mL of ~1.0 M NaOH
(show in “Data and Workup” section).
b. Use a pipette to place this amount into the three separate labeled Erlenmeyer flasks.
Record the volumes ​in a D ​ ata Table​.
2. Prepare a buret to load your NaOH solution to be standardized.
a. Rinse the buret with DI water 2-3 times. Do this by coating the walls of the buret with
water and then pouring the water out. ​(this step will not need to be done online, but is always
done in a “real” lab)
b. Repeat previous step using your NaOH solution instead of water. ​(this step will not need
to be done online, but is always done in a “real” lab)
c. Fill the buret with your NaOH solution.
3. Add 2-3 (.25 mL) drops of phenolphthalein indicator to the flask containing the acid.
4. Place one of the Erlenmeyer flasks containing acid underneath the buret.
5. Record the initial reading on the buret. ​Record the initial volume in a ​Data Table.​
6. Dispense the NaOH solution into the flask until the acid in the flask is neutral (turns a light pink).
7. Record the final reading on the buret. ​Record the final volume in a D ​ ata Table.​
8. If necessary refill the buret with NaOH and repeat steps 4 – 8 using the other two Erlenmeyer
9. Calculate the [NaOH] for each of the three runs.
10.​ ​Determine the average concentration of your three runs and record in a ​Results Table​.
11.​ ​Submit a picture/scan of the lab notebook

Standardize NaOH with solid KHP

Determine the Concentration of HCl using a Standardized NaOH Solution
1. Prepare three Erlenmeyer flasks each containing a precisely measured amount of KHC​8​H​4​O​4​.
a. Calculate the amount of KHP needed to neutralize 15 mL of ~1 M NaOH (show in “Data
and Workup” section).
b. Weigh approximately this amount into the three separate Erlenmeyer flasks. It is not
necessary to weigh out the exact amount calculated, but it is CRITICAL that you precisely record
the values.
c. Add approximately 25 mL of DI water to each of the flasks and dissolve the KHP. The
amount of water is not critical because it is the acid molecules present involved in the reaction.
2. Prepare a buret to load your NaOH solution to be standardized.
a. Rinse the buret with DI water 2-3 times. Do this by coating the walls of the buret with
water and then pouring the water out. ​(this step will not need to be done online, but is always
done in a “real” lab)
b. Repeat previous step using your NaOH solution instead of water. ​(this step will not need
to be done online, but is always done in a “real” lab)
c. Fill the buret with your NaOH solution.
3. Add 2-3 (.25 mL) drops of phenolphthalein indicator to the flask containing the acid.
4. Place one of the Erlenmeyer flasks containing acid underneath the buret.
5. Record the initial reading on the buret. ​Record the initial volume in a ​Data Table.​
6. Dispense the NaOH solution into the flask until the acid in the flask is neutral (turns a light pink).
7. Record the final reading on the buret. ​Record the final volume in a D ​ ata Table.​
8. If necessary refill the buret with NaOH and repeat steps 4 – 8 using the other two Erlenmeyer
9. Calculate the concentration of your sodium hydroxide [NaOH] for each of the three runs.
​ etermine the average concentration of your three runs and record in a ​Results Table​.
10.​ D

Determine Molarity of unknown HCl

11.​ ​Refill the buret with the standardized NaOH solution.
12.​ ​Dispense 50.00 mL of the HCl solution using a volumetric pipette into an Erlenmeyer flask.
13.​ ​Place the Erlenmeyer flasks containing acid underneath the buret.
14.​ ​Add 2-3 (0.25mL) drops of phenolphthalein indicator to the flask containing the acid.
​ ata Table​.
15.​ ​Record the initial reading on the buret. ​Record the initial volume in a D
16.​ ​Dispense the NaOH solution into the flask until the end point is reached.
17.​ ​Record the final reading on the buret. ​Record the final volume in a D ​ ata Table.​
18.​ ​If necessary refill the buret with NaOH and repeat steps 2 – 7 with HCl using two different clean
Erlenmeyer flasks.
19.​ ​Calculate the concentration of your hydrochloric acid solution from each trial.
20.​ ​Determine the average concentration of your three runs and record in a ​Results Table in your lab
21.​ ​Input your average value, to 4 significant figures on the bottom of the ChemCollective lab activity.
Take a screen shot of the electronic report.
22.​ ​Submit a picture/scan of the lab notebook and screenshot.

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