Stool Exam and Lab Hepatitis
Stool Exam and Lab Hepatitis
Stool Exam and Lab Hepatitis
Color :
The brown color of the stool is caused by stercobillin, the result of reduction of bilirubin by bacteria. Stool darken
on standing and color of stool is influenced by diet, food dye, drugs and blood. It is important to relate it with
food /drug history of the patient.
Color Cause
white antacid, barium , acholic ( brocade of bile)
Intestinal putrefaction and fermentation produces indole and scatole which gives the normal odor of stool.
High protein diet caused foul smelling odor,
In diarrhea there as sour smell undigested acid.
Normal formable, a bit soft .
Waterry stool is caused by diarrhea due to mal absorption, infection, laxatives.
Constipation and hard stool/skibala is associated with firm, spherical masses of stool; often result from irritable
colon syndrome or overuse of laxatives.
A narrow ribbon like stool is suggestive of spastic bowel or rectal stricture.
Large amount of mushy , foul smelling gray stool that floats on the water is characteristic of steatorrhoea.
Presence of mucus is abnormal and should be reported .
Translucent gelatinous mucus slinging to surface suggest spastic constipation or colitis, due to excessive straining.
Mucus also associated with inflammation and infections .
Mucus incorporated in stool suggest small intestine abnormality, mucus on surface of stool is
usually cause by abnormality in colon.
Mucus with pus and blood is associated with bacillary dysentry , intestinal tuberculosis or ulcerating
colitis/ intussusception.
Adenoma of colon can produce 3 – 4 L mucus/day and cause dehydration and electrolyte
Chronic ulcerative colitis, shigellosis, abscesses, fistulas and chronic bacillary dysentery passed large
quantities of pus and mucus with the stool. Amoebic colitis seldom produce a lot of pus.
The purpose of microscopic examination id to find undigested food particles ( starch/amylum, muscle, fibers,
elastic fibers, fat, etc), eggs and segment of parasites, yeast.
Ancylostoma duodenale
Epithels :
Normal shedding of GIT epithels can be found using NaCl 0,9% solution. Number of cells increased in
Macrophages :
Relatively big cells with phagocytic ability.
Food particles :
Normal with 1 – 2 % .Eosin solution, muscle/vegetables. Fibers can be observed. Muscle fibers, showed as
reterangular fiber with cross striation . Increased numbers found in abnormal digestion.
Normal fat in stool consists primary of fatty acid and fatty acid salts, neutral fat and small amount of carotenoid ,
sterol and paraffin.
Normal up to 100 of small ( 1 – 4 um) orange red particles/high power field of neutral fat can be observed using .
Sudan III/IV or Oil Red Solution. Fatty acid present in light flakes or needle like crystals. Increase/ large
number of fat globules (6-7 um) up to > 30 um can be found in steatorrhoeae, pancreas insuff, bile obstruction.
Using Lugol Solution, blue black small particles of amylum can be obserb. Increased in malabsorption.
pH :
Normal is neutral or weakly alkaline. Chemical fermentation changes the pH to acid and protein breakdown
changes the pH to alkaline. pH less than 5,5 is suggestive for dissacharidase deficiency ( unless patient receive
Non specific test :
Screening test for dissacharicase deff , stool can be analyzed for sugars using non specific semi quantitative sugar
reduction method ( benendict, Clinitest) .Presence of > 0,5 g/dl reducing substance is considered abnormal . Can be
combined with oral loading /tolerance test.
Occult Blood testing
The test employs a substance ( benzidine, guajac, o tolidine ) that are oxidiced to colored
compound by )2 liberated from H202 through the action of peroxidase activity og the heme
portion of Hb.
Interfering subst include iron salts, bromide, iodide, traces of heme in myoglobin ( meat, blood in
diet), plant peroxidase ( chrorophyll , radish, banana, other uncocked vegetables)
To differentiate the origin of blood in melena neonatorum between neonatus or mothers blood .
Alkaline solution were added to the blood in stool. Neonatus blood is resistant to alkaline , the color will be red but
adult (mother) blood will be turn into hematin (brownish).
Colon albumin test :
To detect occult blood in stool by immunologist method using albumin antibody.
Crystals :
Normal : Triple phosphate, /Ca oxalate, acid crystals.
Abnormal : Charcoat Leyden, Hematoidin crystals
Stool culture
Culture for Salmonella ,Shigella , Pathogen Coli, viral etc
Anal fissure
Colorectal cancer
Crohns disease
Ulcerative colitis
Internal hemorrhoids
Inflammatory enteritis - inflammation of the small intestine, which may be caused by various
forms of food poisoning as well as by other conditions:
E. coli enteritis, the most common cause of travelers' diarrhea
Campylobacter enteritis
Salmonellosis (salmonella enteritis/samonella enterocolitis)
Bacterial gastroenteritis
Staphylococcus aureus
Radiation enteritis
Upper gastrointestinal bleeding
Peptic ulcer disease
Esophageal varices
Gastric cancer
Fecal occult blood test (FOBT) – to detect blood in the stool
O&P (Ova and Parasite) – to detect parasites
Fecal white blood cells – to detect white blood cells in the stool
If the qualitative fecal fat is negative, then a 72-hour quantitative fecal fat test may be ordered. This
is a better evaluation of fat digestion and absorption. There are two reasons for this:
For the quantitative test, the person being tested is required to ingest a moderately high
amount of fat per day prior to and during sample collection so their absorption ability is being
Fat is not released into the stool at a constant rate so the combination and mixing of the stool
from a 72-hour collection gives a more accurate picture of average absorption and elimination
than a single sample.
Persistent diarrhea
Abdominal pain, cramps, bloating, and gas
Weight loss
These symptoms may or may not be accompanied by other indicators such as fatigue, anemia
and/or specific nutritional deficiencies in, for example, iron or vitamin B12.
A qualitative fecal fat may be ordered as a screening test. If it is positive for excess fecal fat, then
a quantitative test is generally not necessary.
If the qualitative test is negative and the healthcare provider still suspects excess fecal fat, then a
quantitative 72-hour fecal fat may be ordered.
o Infections, including parasitic, bacterial or viral
o Celiac disease
o Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn disease, ulcerative colitis)
Pancreatic insufficiency caused by:
o Chronic pancreatitis
o Pancreatic cancer
o Cystic fibrosis (affects the function of the pancreas)
o Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome
Diseases and conditions of the bile ducts and/or gallbladder
o Cancer
o Narrowing or blockage of the common bile duct, the main tube that carries bile from the
liver and gallbladder to the intestines
Other laboratory tests used in conjunction with the fecal fat test are usually required to determine
the underlying cause of fat malabsorption.
A negative qualitative fecal fat test does not necessarily rule out malabsorption so it may be
followed up with a quantitative test.
In a 72-hour fecal fat test, a low level of fecal fat generally indicates that the person tested is
digesting and absorbing fats normally and suggests that the symptoms being experienced are likely
due to another cause.
Laxatives, enemas, barium, mineral oil, fat-blocking supplements, psyllium fiber, and fat substitutes
may affect test results.
Children cannot ingest as much daily fat as adults. Their test preparation will be adjusted and their
72-hour fecal fat test results will typically be reported as a percentage. This result is a "coefficient"
that compares the amount of fat eaten to the amount excreted in order to evaluate the quantity of fat
Although 72 hours is the typical sample collected for a quantitative fecal fat, a healthcare provider
may sometimes ask for a 24- or 48-hour stool sample instead.
If ALT and AST are found together in elevated amounts in the blood, liver damage is most likely present.
AST then increase above ALT/ complete cell destruction
The ratio AST : ALT : the Ritis ratio , rises above 1
AST = Aspartate Aminotransferase = SGOT
AST enzyme is also found in muscles and many other tissues besides the liver.
7.Coagulation test
1.PT (Prothrombin Time ):
Test for production of coagulation factors
2.INR (international normalized ratio) :
Can monitor how much medicine (commonly warfarin) to take. Increased levels of INR means blood is taking more
time than usual to clot.
The INR increases only if the liver is so damaged that synthesis of vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors has
been impaired;.
It is very important to normalize the INR before operating on people with liver problems.