Lista Real Del Ultimo Papa
Lista Real Del Ultimo Papa
Lista Real Del Ultimo Papa
43. Bp. Novacy - Abp. Pavel Hnilica
44. Maldonado (I.R.A.) - Sig. Alberico Novelli
45. Card. Amedeo Sanstefano (I.R.A.) - Silvio Cardinal Oddi (deceased)
46. Bp. Ievin Rahilly (CT) - Abp. John Whealon, Hartford (deceased)
47. Bp. Primas Rochefort (NY) - Bp. Matthew Clark, Rochester
48. Bp. Bruce Longbottham (MI) - Bp. Kenneth Untener, Saginaw
49. Abp. Cuthbert Delish (WI) - Abp. Rembert Weakland, Milwaukee
50. Bp. Manley Motherhubbe (NY) - Bp. Howard Hubbard, Albany
51. Bp. Raymond Luckenbill (MN) - Bp. Raymond Lucker, New Ulm
52. Bp. Ralph Goodenough (IL) - composite of Chicago auxiliaries
53. Sr. Fran Fedora (Seattle) - Fran Ferder
54. Sr. Helen Hammentick (New Orleans) - ?
55. Sr. Cherisa Blaine (Kansas City) - Sr. Theresa Kane
56. "Capstone" - real person, still living
57. Card. Schuyteneer (Belgium) - Godfried Danneels, Belgium
58. Card. Azande (Gold Coast) - Francis Arinze, Congregation of Saints
59. Card. Reinvernunft - Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Congregation for
the Doctrine of the Faith
60. Abp. Canizio Buttafuoco - Abp. Gianni Danzi, Office of Secretary
of State
61. Holy Angels House - Dominican House of Studies, River Forest, IL
62. Fr. George Haneberry - Fr. Donald Goergen, O.P., former provincial
of Chicago Dominicans, author of "Sexual Celibate, now at an ashram
in Kenosha, Wisconsin
63. Fr. Avonodor (Chicago Chancery) - Msgr. John Roche, Archdiocese of
Chicago, friend of Joseph Louis Cardinal Bernardin; now works for
Helene Curtiss Cosmetics, Chicago
64. Fr. Lotzinger (Willowship) - Fr. Robert Lutz, St. Norbert's
Northbrook, IL
65. Sr. Angela - Alice Halpin, Lutz's school principal, former nun
66. Fr. Tomkins (Roantree) - fictitious name
67. Fr. Keraly (Harding) - fictitious name, or perhaps Fr. Kealy
68. Fr. Goerge Hotelet, O.P. - Fr. Georges Cottier, O.P., Rome, a
papal theologian
69. Dr. Carlo Fiesole Marraci - Giovanni Baptista Marini-Bettolo
Marcioni 70. Fr. Sebastian Scalabrini - Francis E. Pellegrini,
murdered on May 30, 1984 in the process of exposing a satanic
cult in Chicago