Aerospace Coatings: Domestic Repair Station AND Quality Manual

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Aerospace Coatings International
370 Knight Drive
Oxford Alabama, 36203

Federal Aviation Administration Repair Station

Certificate Number: A9PR286X

Revision: 20
Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003

Control Number:

Copy Assigned To:

i ~T~~?,,~f~~\~
A WcNCO« GROU1' Company
COATINGS Repair Station And Quality Control Manual
Approval Number: A9PR286X

Section 1 :CONTENTS

SECTION 1: CONTENTS ..................................................................................... 1

SECTION 2: INFORMATION .............................................................................2-1

2.1 Manual Distribution List. .. ......... ...... ........ ....... ........ ..... .... ... ...... ... ..... ....... .. .... 2-2

2 .2 Record of Revisions for Orginal Issue/Record of Temporary Revisions ...... 2-3

2.3 List of Effective Pages ............................ ..................................................... 2-4


3.1 Introduction ................. ......... .. .. .... ... .. .. .... ..................................................... 3-3

3.1 .1 A repair station manual. ......................................... ... ................ .3-3
3.1 .2 A quality control manual. ................. ... ..... .. ..... ........ ..... ....... ....... 3-2

3.2 Manual Distribution, Control, and Revision Processes ................................ 3-3

3.2.1 Paper Format... .................................................................... .. .. .. 3-3
3.2.2 Electronic Format ..... ........ .... .. ....................... .... .. ....... .... ..... .. .... 3-3
3.2.3 Revision Process .. .. .... .... .. .... .... ....... ....... ......... ........... .... ... ........ 3-4

3.3 Definitions .......................................... .......................................................... 3-5

3.3.1 Accountable manager ... ... .. .............. ..... .. ...... .............. ............ ... 3-5
3.3.2 Article ....... .. ...... .... .. .... ... .... ..... ..... .. .. ... ..... ...... ...... ...... ..... ... .. ...... 3-5
3.3.3 Directly in charge .................................... .. .. .. .............. ... ......... ... 3-5
3.3.4 Designated Engineering Representative (DER) ............... .......... 3-5

3.4 General Requirements ................... ... .. ... ... ....... ... ................ .... ... ... ... ....... ..... 3-5

3.5 Performance Standards ... ......... ... ...... ... .......................... .... ..... ..... ... ....... ..... 3-6

3.6 Work Performed At a Location Other Than Fixed Location .......................... 3-6
3.6.1 Approval ........ .... .... ........... .............. ...... ..................... ............... .3-6
3.6.2 In Case of Emergency ...... .. .. ......... .................. ...................... .... 3-6
3.6.3 Personnel to perform Task ....... ..... ...... ... ...... .............................. 3-6
3.6.4 Technical Data ....... .. ...... ..... ....... ....... ....... ....... .... .... .. .... ............. 3-7
3.6.5 Transportation .. .......... .... .... ....... .. .... ... ............. .. ... ............... ..... .3-7

3.7 Inspection by the FAA .... .. ..... .. ................... ....... ...... ........ ............................. 3-7

3.8 Maintenance of Personnel, Housing, Facilities, Equipment, Materials,

and Technical Data ..... ......... .... .... .. ... ........................ ..... ............. .... ...... 3-7

3.9 Quality Document and Technical Data Control Procedure ............... ............ 3-7
Revision : 20
Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date:09/08/2003
I NTE R NAT I O 't\ l
A Wt"-COII GltOUP Company
Repair Station And Quality Control Manual
Approval Number: A9PR286X

3.9.1 Control of Internal Quality/Procedure Manuals ........ .. ...... .......... .3-7

3.9.2 Lost or Damaged Manuals ....... .... ....... ...... ... .... ........ ..... ..... ... .. ... 3-8
3.9.3 Uncontrolled Manuals ..... ..................... ..... .. ... .... ........ .... ..... .... ... 3-8
3.9.4 Control of External Documents .. ...... ...... .... .... ... .... .. ..... .... .......... 3-8
3.9.5 Control of Work Instructions ........... ... .......... .... .... ..... .. ............ .... 3-8
3.9.6 Control of ACI Forms ...... .......................................................... .3-9
3.9.7 Control of Computer Logged Records .......... .. ..... ... ...... .... ....... .. 3-9

3.10 Availability of Certificate .......... ....... .. ..................... ... ... ...... ...... .. .. .............. .3-9

3.11 Duty Time Limitations ...................... .......................................................... 3-9


4.1 Application Process .................................................................................... .4-2

4.1 .1 Repair station manual, .... .. .......... ........... ............ ........ .... .... ........4-2
4.1.2 Quality manual,...... .. ...... .. .... ... .. ........ .. ... .............. ....... .... .. ......... 4-2
4.1.3 Organization chart, and ... ... ... ... .. ...... ... .. .... ..... .......................... .4-2
4.1.4 Description of the repair station facilities ..... ...... .. ... .. .............. ....4-2

4.2 Certificate Requirement, Change or Transfer, and Duration ........................ 4-2

4.2.1 Requirement .... .... .. .... ...... ... ...... ... ...... .. .... .... ... ... ... ....... .... ... ... ... .4-2
4.2.2 Change or Transfer ...... .... .. ........ ...... ... .... .. .. .. ........ ... ... .. ..... .. .....4-2
4.2.3 Duration .... .............. ........ ........... ..... ... .. ..... ...... .. .. ....... .... ... .. ...... .4-2

4.3 Certificate Limitations and Privileges .......................................................... .4-2

SECTION 5: ORGANIZATION ........ .................................................................. 5-1

5.1 General ................................................................ ..... ......... ......... ..... ..... .... ... 5-2

5.2 Organizational Structure ...................................... ...... ... ........ ....................... 5-2

5.3 Key Personnel - Duties and Responsibilities ...................... ... .. ........ ... ....... 5-2
5.3.1 General Manager. ........... .... ... ..... ..... ...... ........ ...... ..... ... ... ... ... .. ..... .. .
5.3 .2 Accountable/Quality Manager ... ....... .. ........ ..... ............... .. .. ... .. ... 5-4
5.3.3 Chief Inspector ... ...... ........ .... .... .... ..... ..... ... .. ....... .... ...... ........ .... .5-5
5.3.4 Inspector ..... ...... ....... ...... ...................... ... ..... .... .................. ... ..... 5-6
5.3.5 Internal Auditor .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.3.6 Production Manager .... ..... .. ......... .. ........ ...... ... ... .. ... ................... 5-7
5.3.7 Engineering Manager ..... ...... ................... .... ... ...... .. .... ... .... .... .. ..5-8
5.3.8 Supervisor/Lead ................... .... .... .. ... ................................. ........ 5-9
5.3.9 Technician .............. ............................. ............................... ..... 5-10
5.3.10 Human Resources Manager .......... ..... .. .. ....... .. .. .... ........ ... ...... .5-10

SECTION 6: PERSONNEL .................... .. ...... ......... ........ ..... .... ....... .................. 6-1

Revision: 20
Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date:09/08/2003
I N T E R 1'-: 1\ T I O N ,\ I
/\ WcNCO« GllOVP Company
Repair Station And Quality Control Manual
Approval Number: A9PR286X

6.1 Employee Certificates ...... ............. ..... ... .... ......... .............. .. ............ ........ .. .... 6-2

6.2 Employee Qualifications ..............................................................................6-2

6.2.1 Accountable Manager .... .. .. ............................................... ......... 6-2
6.2.2 Chief Inspector ..........................................................................6-3
6.2.3 Holders of Repairman Cerificate ........ .. ................. .. ................... 6-3
6.2.4 Inspector ............. .......... ............ ................. ... ..... ..... ........ ........... 6-4
6.2.5 Technician ............................... .. .... ..... ....... ..... .. ...... ........... ..... .. .6-4
6.2.6 Supervisor ................ .. ......... ..................... ... ........ .. ... .............. ... 6-5

6.3 Qualification to Accomplish lnspection ......................................................... 6-5

6.4 Rosters and Roster Records ............. ... ...... ... ....... .. .. .... .... .. ... .... ................... 6-5
6.4.1 Roster Records .... ..... ...... ..... .. .. ..... ...... ..... ....... .. ........ ........... ...... 6-6
6.4.2 Repair Station Roster ....... .... ........ ........ ..... ...... ....... ......... ... ....... 6-6


7.1 Physical Description of Facility ........ .. ........ .. .... .. .... ... .. .... ......... .... .. ...... ......... 7-2
7.1.1 Facility requirement: ................. ....... ......... ... .............................. 7-2

7.2 Procedures for Location, Housing or Facility Changes ................................ 7-2

7.3 Facility Plan ....................................... ..... ... ................................................... 7-3

7.4 Operations flow Chart ... ............ .... .. ...... ................................................... .. .. 7-5

7.5 Equipment. ...................................................................................................7-6

7.6 Shelf Life Material ....... .............................................. ... ................................ 7-6

SECTION 8: TRAINING ....................................................................................8-1

8.1 General Program Description .. ......... ............................................................ 8-2

8.2 Procedures for Revising the Training Program ........... ................................. 8-3

SECTION 9: QUALITY CONTROL SYSTEM ................................................... 9-1

9.1 Introduction and Basic Requirement for a Manual ....................................... 9-2

9.2 Manual Distribution, Control, and Revision Process .................................... 9-2

9.3 Quality Control Procedures .......................................................................... 9-2

9.3.1 Incoming Inspection of Material .................... .. .... .......................9-2
9.3.2 Preservation and Storage of Aviation Parts ............................... 9-3

Revision: 20
Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date:09/08/2003
A Wcr-.ror. GltOl:P Company
Repair Station And Quality Control Manual
Approval Number: A9PR286X

9.3.3 Processing Articles Received for Maintenance or Alteration ...... 9-3

9.3.4 Preliminary Inspection: .............. .. .. .... ... .. ........ ... ............ ..... .... ... 9-6
9.3.5 Segregation and Handling of Parts: ...... ... .. .... .......... ... ........ ....... 9-6
9.3.6 Identification and Segregation Non-Conforming Hardware ....... .9-7
9.3.7 Concessions ................... ... ............. .. ...... .. .... .. .................... ... .... 9-8
9.3.8 Hidden Damage lnspection ...... .... ... ... .. ............. .... .. ........ ........... 9-8
9.3.9 Final Inspection and Approval for Return to Service ....... .... .. ..... 9-8
9.3.10 Process for Ensuring Continuity of Inspection Responsibility .. ... 9-9
9.3.11 Turn Over Process ......... .......... .......... ......... ............ .... ....... ..... 9-10
9.3.12 In-Process Inspections ... ............. ........................... ... .......... .... 9-1 O

9.4 Equipment, Materials, and Technical Data ................................................ 9-11

9.4.1 General Requirements ... ... ... ....... ... .... .... ...... .. .... ......... ............. 9-11
9.4.2 Calibration Policy and Procedures .............. .... ...... .. ....... .......... 9-12

9.5 Major Repairs and Major Alterations .......... ....... .................... ...... ..... ... ....... 9-17

9.6 Contracting Maintenance Functions ........... ................................................ 9-18

9.6.1 Contracted Maintenance Functions ......... .... ............................ 9-18
9.6.2 Contracting Maintenance Functions .... ............ .. ....... ..... ........... 9-18

9.7 Corrective Action Procedures .................................................................... 9-19

9.7.1 Prior to the work being approved for return to service; and, ... .. 9-19
9.7.2 After the work has been completed and approved for return to
service . ... .... ..... .......... ......... ...... ... .. .... ...................... ........ ... .... .9-19
9.7.3 Corrective Action Process ....... ..... .. .. ........... ............................ 9-21
9.7.4 Review of Corrective Action Request Forms ....... .. .... ............... 9-21

9.8 Preventive Action ... .... ... .. .... ........................... ..... ..... ........ .... ..... ... .. .. .......... 9-21
9.8.1 Review of Preventive Action .... .... ....... .................. ....... ....... ..... 9-22
9.8.2 Records ....................... .. ..... ..... .... ...... ....... .... ........... .... ............ 9-22

9.9 Forms .. ..... .......... ...... .. .. .............. .. ...... ........ ........... ................................... .. 9-23

9.10 CONTRACT REVIEW PROCEDURE .............. .. ..... ..... ............................ 9-23

9.10.1 Responsibility ... ... ........... ...................... ... ........ ............. ..... .... ..9-23
9.10.2 Requirements of a Contract ....... ......... ....... ...... .... .... ... ............. 9-23
9.10.3 Process of Evaluation ..... ...................... .. ............. .. ..... .... ... ...... 9-23

9.11 Discrepancies/Clarifications of Customer Requests ......... .. ..................... 9-24

9.11.1 Contact Customer ........ ... .... .... ... ... ... .. ... ............. ....... .. ....... ... ... 9-24
9.11.2 Keeping Customer Informed ... ................ ... .. .. ..... .... .. .... .. ....... ..9-24
9.11.3 Forms of Contracts ........ .. ...... .. .. ........ .. ... .... ...... ....... ... ............. 9-24
9.11.4 Amendments to the Contract .................... ............................... 9-24
9.11.5 Acceptance of Contract .. ..................... .. .......... .......... ....... ... .... 9-25
9 .11. 6 Contractual Records .. ......... .. ............ .. ... ... ..... ..... ........ ....... ... ...9-25
9.11.7 Exchange Program ....... ... ......... ............ .. ....................... 9-25

Revision: 20
Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date:09/08/2003
WAEROSPACE COATINGS Repair Station And Quality Control Manual
I NTF.Rr-.:ATIONt\ l
Approval Number: A9PR286X


125, 129, 135 OPERATORS ........................................................................... 10-1

10.1 Standard Performance Requirements ....... ............... ............................. ... 10-2

10.1.1 General ......... ... ................... ....... .... .... .. .......... ..... ... .. .......... ...... 10-2
10.1.2 Compliance ................ .... ..................... ... ................................. 10-2

SECTION 11: RECORDS AND REPORTS ..................................................... 11-1

11.1 General Policy .................... .... .. ................................................................ 11-2

11.2 Assignment of Stamps ........................ .... .................. .... ........................... 11-2

11.2.1 Issuing Stamps ............................... ... ................ .. .................... 11-2
11.2.2 Controlling Stamps ............................ .. .................................... 11-3

11.3 Recordkeeping System and Procedures .................................................. 11-3

11.3.1 Tear Down Report (if requested by the customer) .... ............ ... 11-3
11.3.2 Preliminary Report (if requested by the customer) ................... 11 -3
11.3.3 ACI Traveler - Documentation of interim steps, particularly in-
process inspections .... ........... .. .. ....... .. ....... ........ .. ......... .. .... ... .. 11-3
11.3.4 Records (tags) for parts, .......................................................... 11-3
11.3.5 Release documents, and ................. ............ .................... ........ 11-3
11 .3.6 FAA forms (e.g., Form 337, Form 8130-3, Form 8120-11) ..... 11-3

11.4 Reports of Defects or Un-airworthy Conditions - Service Difficulty Report

(SOR) ... ...... ........ .... ...................................... ......... ............. ............ .. .. 11-4

11.5 Report Suspect Unapproved Parts (SUP) ................................................ 11-4

SECTION 12: CAPABILITIES ......................................................................... 12-5

12.1 Establishment and Revision ..................................................................... 12-6

12.1.1 Capability Establishment .. ....................................................... 12-6
12.1 .2 Revision ..................................................... .. ............................ 12-6

SECTION 13: APPENDICES .......................................................................... 13-1

APPENDIX: A ..................................................................................................13-2

APPENDIX: B ..................................................................................................13-3

Revision: 20
Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date:09/08/2003
10,~~~~f~S~ COATINGS
A Wt>.ro« GRC>Ul' Company
Repair Station And Quality Control Manual
Approva l Number: A9PR286X


Revision: 20
Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
1:S:T[Ri': ,\TIONr\l
Repair Station And Quality Control Manual
Approval Number: A9PR286X
A WcM:.o« GROVP Company

2.1 Manual Distribution List

ACI Accountable/ Qualit Technical Data Libra 256-241-2750
FAA PMI Alabama FAA FSDO 205-876-1300
002 Electronic Co AC I Scan S stem 256-241-2750


Revision: 20
Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date:096/08/2003
I N T E R I\. ,\ T I O N t\ I
Repair Station And Quality Control Manual
Approval Number: A9PR286X
A W 1NCX)I. GROOP Company

2.2 Record of Revisions

Note: See this manual for a description of the processes for distributing,
entering , and recording revisions to this manual. If a controlled paper copy of
the manual has been assigned it shall have its revisions properly entered and
Oriqinal issue 09/08/03 All 0
1. Revision 1 09/14/04 i,ii ,iii,iv,v, 1-2, 1-4, 1-5, 1-7, 2-9,3-12,3-13, 3- 1
5-7 ,7-1 ,7-2,7-4.7-5 ,7-12 .7-13,7-14,7-15
7-16, 7-17,9-2 ,9-3,9-4,10-1
2. Revision 2 03/22/06 ii , iii , vi , 7-8, 2
7-9, 9-3, 9-4
3. Revision 3 06/05/06 ii , iii , 7-5, 7-6, 3
7-10, 7-11
4. Revision 4 04/25/07 ii , iii, 1-4 and 5-7 4
5. Revision 5 02/20/08 i, ii , iii, iv, v, vi , 3-10,3-11,3-12,3-13,3-14 5
3-15,4-1,5-7,7-2,7-9,7-10,7-11 , 10-1

6. Revision 6 11/02/09 i, ii , iii, iv, v, vi, 6

4-5, 7-4, 7-6, 9-3 and 9-4
7. Revision 7 11/06/2010 ii , iii,7-2, 7-8 7
8. Revision 8 03/07/2011 ii , iii , 7-8 8
9. Revision 9 10/20/2011 i, ii , iii, iv, V, 3-1, 9
3-2,3-3, 3-4 , 3-5, 3-6, 3-7, 3-8, 3-9, 7-4 , 7-12,
7-14, 7-17 ,
7-18, 7-19 and 9-2
10. Revision 10 07/25/2012 ii , iii , iv, 3-1 , 3-7, 3-8,5-1.5-2 ,5-4,7-3,7-8,7-9 10
7-12, 7-13,7-20

11 . Revision 11 02/22/2013 ii , iii , 1-2,1-4,7-4 and 7-20 -· 11

12. Revision 12 05/15/2013 ii , iii , 7-16, 9-2 and 9-4 12

13. Revision 13 08/01/2013 ii , iii , 1-4, 3-1 , 3-3, 13

3-5, 3-6 and 9-3
14. Revision 14 09/11/2013 ii , iii, vi and appendix A 14
15. Revision 15 12/04/2013 ii , iii , vi and 7-11 , 9-2, 9-3, 9-4 15

16. Revision 16 08/18/2014 i, ii , iii, iv, 1-3, 1-7, 3-4, 5-3, 6-1 , 7-1, 7-2, 7-8, 16
7-9, 7-12,
7-15, 9-2, Appendix B
17. Revision 17 06/11/20 15 i, ii, iii, 1-1 , 1-2, 7- 16, 7-17 17
18. Revision 18 11/20/2015 Reformat all pages 18

19. Revision 19 11/06/2017 Incorporated TR-2016-01, TR-2016-02,TR- 19

2017-03, update all pages to Revision 19
20. Revision 20 5/30/2018 Added Section 9.11. ?,removed Process 20
Engineer added Engineering Manager p. 5-8 ,
removed President added General Manager p.


Revision: 20
Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date:096/08/2003
,t I ,. . \ '· I
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
i , ':. t1 \

J.\','_4f'lf"'.t J ::(r ,-

Approval Number : A9PR286X

2.2 Record of Temporary Revisions

Note: This page provides a record of temporary rev1s1ons. Whenever a

temporary revision is made to this manual it will be printed on yellow paper and
inserted into the manual in front of the effected page(s). The temporary revision
will be noted in the table below. Once the manual is revised, the temporary
revision will be incorporated into the manual.

Revision Number Revison Date Affected Page(s) Insertion Date/Initials

TR-2016-01 01/04/2016 11-4 12/03/2015/M.F.

TR-2016-02 03/04/2016 9-17 03/07/2016/M.F.

TR-2017-03 07/13/2017 11-4 07/13/2017/M .F.

TR-2018-01 07/27/2018 7-4,7-6,9-2,9-14,9- 07/26/2018/M .F.




- - - -- ~-~ \
- I

Revision: 20
FAA ACCEPTED Revision Date: 05/30/2018
AFG-600-BHry1-FSDO~9 Original Issue Date:096!08/2003

By. C,
7 .r
Repair Station And Quality Control Manual
Approval Number: A9PR286X

2.3 List of Effective Pages

1-1 20 3/30/2018 9 -17 20 5/30/2018
1-2 20 3/30/2018 9 -18 20 5/30/2018
1-3 20 5/30/2018 9 -19 20 5/30/2018
1-4 20 5/30/2018 9 - 20 20 5/30/2018
1- 5 20 5/30/2018 9 - 21 20 5/30/2018
2-2 20 5/30/2018 9- 22 20 5/30/2018
2-3 20 5/30/2018 9- 23 20 5/30/2018
2-4 20 5/30/2018 9 - 24 20 5/30/2018
3-2 20 5/30/2018 9- 25 20 5/30/2018
3-3 20 5/30/2018 10 - 2 20 5/30/2018
3-4 20 5/30/2018 11 - 2 20 5/30/2018
3-5 20 5/30/2018 11 - 3 20 5/30/2018
3-6 20 5/30/2018 11 - 4 20 5/30/2018
3-7 20 5/30/2018 12 - 2 20 5/30/2018
3-8 20 5/30/2018 13 - 2 20 5/30/2018
4-2 20 5/30/2018 13 - 3 20 5/30/2018
5-2 20 5/30/2018 Appendix: A Original 09/10/2013
5-3 20 5/30/2018 Appendix: B A 08/1/2014
5-4 20 5/30/2018
5-5 20 5/30/2018
5-6 20 5/30/2018 Quality Manager Signature:
5-7 20 5/30/2018
5-8 20 5/30/2018 Date:
5-9 20 5/30/2018
5 - 10 20 5/30/2018
5 - 11 20 5/30/2018
6-2 20 5/30/2018
6-3 20 5/30/2018
6-4 20 5/30/2018
6-5 20 5/30/2018
6-6 20 5/30/2018 AFG~%·8z·FSDO•09
7-2 20 5/30/2018 Date: O<A · 7 · o t ? .
7-3 20 5/30/2018
ly: ~ ¢ 0 1~ '-

7-4 20
7-5 20 5/30/2018
7--6 20 5/30/2018
8-1 20 5/30/2018
8-2 20 5/30/2018
9-2 20 5/30/2018
9-3 20 5/30/2018
9-4 20 5/30/2018
9-5 20 5/30/2018
9-6 20 5/30/2018
9-7 20 5/30/2018
9-8 20 5/30/2018
9-9 20 5/30/2018
9 - 10 20 5/30/2018
9 - 11 20 5/30/2018
9 - 12 20 5/30/2018
9 -13 20 5/30/2018
9 -14 20 5/30/2018
9 -15 20 5/30/2018
9 -16 20 5/30/2018

Revision: 20
Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
11'TLK,ATIO'< ,\I
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X
AW,"°"' G"01.,,. Company



Revision : 20
Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date:096/08/2003
I ' T l R ' ,\ T I O -.; ,\ l
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

3.1 Introduction

This manual describes the housing, facilities, equipment, personnel, and

general operating rules pertinent to the operation of this domestic repair
station, certificated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) under
14 CFR Part 145. All ratings issued to this repair station by the FAA under
Part 145 are described in its Operations Specifications and in this manual.
This manual includes a description of the policies and procedures that will be
used by this repair station to meet all requirements of Part 145 that pertain
3.1.1 A repair station manual
3.1.2 A quality control manual
The information contained in this manual explains the systems used by the
repair station when performing maintenance, preventive maintenance or
alteration on civil aviation articles. When more detail is required to
accomplish or record a particular operation, those details are contained in
the applicable manufacturer's instructions for continued airworthiness
(e.g., maintenance, overhaul and repair manuals), service bulletins, service
information letters, Airworthiness Directives, and/or other data acceptable to
or approved by the FAA.
The maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alteration of civil aviation
articles will be performed in accordance with the applicable Federal Aviation
Regulations (FARs). The repair station will not maintain or alter any article for
which it does not hold an appropriate rating. The repair station will not
maintain or alter any article for which it is rated if the appropriate housing,
facilities, equipment, personnel, or technical data are not available.

3.2 Manual Distribution, Control, and Revision Processes

3.2.1 Paper Format

There shall be one copy of this manual(master copy) in paper
format held by this repair station as assigned to the Quality
Manager and will be maintained current at all times. The technical
library shall hold the master copy. Alabama Flight Standards
District Office shall also be assigned a copy of this manual (as
revised) in paper format.
3.2.2 Electronic Format
An electronic copy based on the current master copy shall be
posted on the repair station intranet scan system. This shall be
accessed by all staff of this repair station that would need to
reference the manual in the course of performing their assigned
task. To prevent access to information that is not maintained
current, any employee who prints the manual or pages from the
electronic copy on the intranet scan system, the printout will bear

Revision: 20
Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date:096/08/2003
11' TlR ,, AIIO\iAL
Aw,""°" eao..,.eompany
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

watermark containing the following statements when it is being

printed: "Uncontrolled If Printed Print By: [name of staff login to the
scan system]".

3.2.3 Revision Process

When the repair station wishes to revise or make changes to this
manual, the Quality Manager is responsible for coordinating all
revisions or changes to this manual with Alabama Flight Standards
District Office. Contemplated change(s) shall be submitted on a
temporary revision letter thirty (30) days prior to implementation for
comment. If comments are received, they will be dispositioned in
accordance with the Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs). Upon
review by the FAA or after the thirty (30) day period, whichever is
shorter, the Quality Manager or designee shall insert the temporary
revision pages into the appropriate section of the master copy on
the proposed implementation date. An updated electronic copy
shall be posted accordingly. Distribution to the FAA will be by first
class mail, return receipt requested or electronic mail unless
otherwise directed in writing by Alabama Flight Standards District

A complete (updated) repair station and quality control manual will

be prepared at the end of a 12 month period with respect to the
previous revision date. All FAA accepted changes will be
incorporated into the manual and annotated on the "List of effective
pages" and are signed and dated by the Quality Manager. The
original "List of effective pages" will be inserted into the master
repair station and quality control manual. It is not necessary to
issue an updated manual if no changes were recorded since the
previous revision. Revision shall be identified with a side bar on the
left side of the page. The side bar shall be removed during the next

The Quality Manager will forward a copy of the complete (updated)

repair station and quality control manual to the assigned Principle
Maintenance Inspector at Alabama Flight Standards and District
Office within 7 days of the creation of the revised repair station and
quality control manual.

If at any time the FAA finds any portion of this manual unacceptable
due to non- compliance with an enumerated FAR, the repair station
shall initiate expedited manual change procedures. The FAA
initiated change shall be accomplished within 15 days of written
notification of the non-compliance in accordance with the

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Original Issue Date:096/08/2003
~/ AEROSPACE COATINGS Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X
1,1LK, ,\ I IOS: ,\I

procedures in this manual. The Quality Manager or designee is

responsib le for ensuring that the master copy, and the electronic
copy listed on the repair station intranet are to the current revision.

3.3 Definitions

The following definitions apply to all related information in the manual. The
definitions are consistent with those found in the 14 CFR Part 145.

3.3.1 FAA Accountable manager

means the person designated by the certificated repair station who
is responsible for and has the authority over all repair station
operations conducted under Part 145, including ensuring that repair
station personnel follow the regulations and serving as the primary
contact with the FAA. The Accountable Manager's duties and
responsibilities are further described in this manual.

3.3.2 Article
means civil aircraft, airframe, aircraft engine, propeller, appliance,
or component part.

3.3.3 Directly in charge

means having the responsibility for the work of a certificated repair
station that performs maintenance, preventive maintenance,
alterations, or other functions affecting aircraft airworthiness. A
person directly in charge does not need to physically observe and
direct each worker constantly but must be available for consultation
on matters requiring instruction or decision from higher authority.

3.3.4 Designated Engineering Representative (DER)

means a private person designated by the FAA Administrator to act
as its representative for examining, inspecting, and testing aircraft
and related technical data. A DER may recommend approval or
approve data within the limitations of his or her certificate of

3.4 General Requirements

To operate as a certificated repair station, this repair station must have a

valid Repair Station Certificate issued in accordance with 14 CFR Part 145.
The repair station certification includes the Air Agency Certificate, ratings and
operations specifications. No operations will be conducted in violation of that
certificate. The certificate will be made available for review upon request. In
addition to having an appropriate certificate and ratings , prior to performing

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Original Issue Date:096/08/2003
I l'- T [ I{ ,\ T I U 1\ I
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

maintenance, preventive maintenance or alteration on a civil aviation article,

this repair station must have available any required special technical data,
equipment, personnel and facilities.

3.5 Performance Standards

Unless otherwise prescribed by the FAA directly or through an air

carrier/commercial operator's approved program, the maintenance,
preventive maintenance, and alteration work performed under this repair
station certificate shall conform to the standards found in 14 CFR Part 43.
More specific information as to the impact of that requirement on housing,
facilities, personnel, equipment, material, and technical data can be found in
this manual.

3.6 Work Performed At a Location Other Than Fixed Location

Aerospace Coatings International generally does not perform any specialized

services or maintenance which are to be under the inspection procedure
requirements of FAR 145, away from the location of this repair station. The
only exception to this would be work performed away from this location with
FAA approval.

3.6.1 Approval
The quality manager shall create a letter to the FAA stating the plan
of work and how long of a period of time the specified work will take
to be performed and where the work shall take place, also, within
this letter shall be stated the required tooling, equipment, material
and personnel. ACI must state in this letter the location in the
RSM/QCM of the section on "work away from the repair station".
No work is to be performed away from the station until the approval
notice is received from the FAA.

3.6.2 In Case of Emergency

This repair station will communicate with the FAA via e-mail stating
the same information as listed above and shall await a verbal or
documented approval from the FAA prior to any work being
accomplished away from the repair station.

3.6.3 Personnel to perform Task

A Repairman with release to service authority shall travel with the
part to supervise the work performed. An ACI Technician may
perform the work as long as their training record dictates that they
have the ability to perform the task.

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Original Issue Date:096/08/2003
ll'\T[t.:'-AT!Os; ,\1
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

3.6.4 Technical Data

The ACI Shop Traveler and the approved/acceptable repair
instructions (i.e. CMM, Air Carrier Manual, and Process
Specification as applicable) and ACl's RSM/QCM manual shall be
available during the repair process.

3.6.5 Transportation
The part shall be transported via ACI Company vehicles and
packaged per ATA-300 requirements for transportation.

3.7 Inspection by the FAA

This repair station will allow the FAA to inspect our inspection system,
records, and procedures to determine compliance with applicable CFRs at
any time. The repair station will ensure, through the wording in its
contracts/purchase orders with any individual or organization to which it
contracts maintenance functions which does not hold an FAA certificate, that
the FAA is permitted to inspect that contractor while work is being performed
on the repair station's behalf. Any required coordination during FAA
inspections will be the responsibility of the Quality Manager. This function
may be delegated as appropriate.

3.8 Maintenance of Personnel, Housing, Facilities, Equipment, Materials,

and Technical Data

This repair station shall maintain personnel, housing, facilities, equipment,

materials, and technical data at least equal in terms of quality and quantity
as when they were found by the FAA to meet applicable requirements for the
issuance of our certificate and ratings.
Additional and more detailed information concerning personnel, housing,
facilities, equipment, materials, and technical data can be found in this

3.9 Quality Document and Technical Data Control Procedure

3.9.1 Control of Internal Quality/Procedure Manuals

The Quality Manager shall maintain a paper copy of the Repair
Station Quality/Procedures Manuals and revisions made. Electronic
copy of all Quality/Procedure manuals shall be listed on the intranet
of this repair station and all staff shall access these document via
their respective intranet login credentials. Paragraph 3.2.2 shall

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I r-. 1 I I( , ,\
I I O '- .\I
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

3.9.2 Lost or Damaged Manuals

3.9.3 Uncontrolled Manuals

Any printed internal Quality/Procedure manuals are not controlled
and will bear watermarks as decsirbed in Paragraph 3.2 .2.

3.9.4 Control of External Documents

External documents used to perform work or to write work
instructions such as prints and customer specifications shall be filed
with the respective work order or referenced on the work order that
the data, prints, or instructions are on file .
Any commercial or military standard is updated in accordance with
customer requirements. As customers request repair work in
accordance with certain revised standards on their purchase
orders/contracts, ACI acquires these applicable revisions if they are
not already on file at this repair station. A list of these standards
and revisions (external documents) are contained in a series of
books maintained in the inspection department.

It is the customer's responsibility to send instructions for repair

every time they request work to be performed. The instructions can
be performed to a document on file at this facility or a new
document which the customer must supply.
Any change to a document the facility holds on file for the customer
must be initiated by the customer.

3.9.5 Control of Work Instructions

Work instructions are written in accordance to the customer's
specifications and approved by the Quality Manager or designee.
Once a specific work instruction is approved, it shall be assigned a
unique routing number and logged.
In the event a part is sent to this facility to be repaired by an in-
house procedure, the work instruction shall be assigned a routing
number and logged. All parts being worked on by this facility will be
given their respective approved work instructions. The work
instructions shall stay with the part throughout the repair process.
Each time a revision is necessary, new work instructions are
produced and assigned a new routing number corresponding to the
customer requested revisions .
When part is completed, the work instructions are filed with a copy
of the work order for a period of 3 in an active file .


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Original Issue Date:096/08/2003
li'<Tll{l\ ,\ T IO\;A I
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

3.9.6 Control of ACI Forms

ACI Forms are any completed forms or logs that support the quality
and/or procedures manuals. ACI Forms are considered quality
3.9.7 Control of Computer Logged Records
Records of customer supplied products/orders from customers
including received dates, purchase order numbers, serial numbers
of parts, and shipped dates as listed in the ACI Database are kept
in hard copy on file in the form of Shop Travelers and customer
instructions. ACI retains no less than 3 electronic copies of all
records: 1 live database 1 backup every 15 minutes of the live database Full database backup nightly (onsite) 1 remote off-site backup every night

3.10 Availability of Certificate

This repair station certificate shall be made available to the public and the
FAA for inspection. The Quality Manager is responsible for responding to
such FAA requests.
This repair station certificate is displayed (on wall of main lobby). It shall be
made available to the public and the FAA for inspection. The Quality
Manager is responsible for responding to such requests.

3.11 Duty Time Limitations

This repair station shall comply with the requirements set forth in 14 CFR
121 .377, Maintenance and preventive maintenance personnel duty time

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1~ ·1[K, ,\110\il\l
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
A W\..:oo GllCU Company
Approval Number: A9PR286X


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Original Issue Date: 09/08/03
Aw ,-..:01 c..n.•con-c,.,ny Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

4.1 Application Process

This manual provides all the information required by the regulations as

broadly identified in the application process. Specifically it contains:

4.1.1 Repair station manual,

4.1.2 Quality manual,
4.1.3 Organization chart, and
4.1.4 Description of the repair station facilities

The issuance of this repair station certificate by the FAA demonstrates that
this facility have met all the requirements of 14 CFR Part 145.

4.2 Certificate Requirement, Change or Transfer, and Duration

4.2.1 Requirement
A repair station certificate is required before accomplishing any
work as a repair station. This repair station will not perform any
repair station work in vio lation of its certificate.

4.2.2 Change or Transfer

If this repair station changes the location of its housing or facilities,
or if it seeks a change to the authority of the repair station to
perform certain work, a request for a change will be prepared and
submitted to the FAA. The Accountable Manager is responsible for
ensuring this is accomplished.
In the event this repair station sells or transfers its assets, an
amended repair station certificate is required . The Accountable
Manager is responsible for preparing and transmitting to the FAA
the application for such an amendment.

4.2.3 Duration
This repair station certificate is effective until it is surrendered,
suspended, or revoked. If our certificate is suspended or revoked,
or if we elect to surrender it, the Accountable Manager will be
responsible for returning it to the FAA.

4.3 Certificate Limitations and Privileges

This repair station may maintain and alter any of the articles covered by its
ratings and approve for return to service those articles . If there are any
special technical data, equipment, personnel or facilities required, the repair
station must also have those available.

All major repairs and major alterations must be accomplished with data
approved by the FAA.

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Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
~?~'~~?,~~~~~COATINGS Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
A W1-.coo G"""-• Company
Approval Number : A9PR286X


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Original Issue Date: 09/08/03
AW,,Gon.ocomp,iny Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number: A9PR286X

5.1 General

Employees are hired to perform work on civil aviation articles based on their
knowledge and experience. An employee's initial qualifications are
determined by one or more of the following, employment history, training,
certification, knowledge, experience, and practical tests. Job assignments,
including the performance of maintenance, inspection, or supervision, are
based on the employee's qualifications.
All employees performing maintenance or other safety-related functions for
an air carrier or commercial operator certificated under 14 CFR Part 121 or
Part 135 are included in an FAA approved anti-drug program.

5.2 Organizational Structure

Notes: This repair station's organization is as shown in the following chart.
The chart includes each management position with authority to act
on behalf of the repair station .

General Manager

Production Engineering Accountable/Quality Human

Manager(s) Manager Manager Resources

HR Assistant


5.3 Key Personnel - Duties and Responsibilities

The duties and responsibilities of the individuals that fulfill managerial,

supervisory, inspection and maintenance positions in this repair station are
set forth in this section of manual. These persons will be listed on the repair

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Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
l'<TI R'<AT I 0\/ .\1
AW, -.coa Gaol, Company
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approva l Number : A9PR286X

station roster as set forth in this manual. Additionally, the qualifications for
each position are set forth in this manual.
The training requirements for each position responsible for performing
maintenance, preventive maintenance or alterations will be set forth in a
separate section/manual that is specifically approved by the FAA.

5.3.1 General Manager

The General Manager is responsible for the complete overall
operations of the repair station, including the adequate housing
and facilities and the continued maintenance thereof. Also, the
General Manager is responsible for proper safety measures at the
repair station .

The General Manager is also directly in charge of the maintenance

functions of the repair station. In addition to the complete
administration of the repair station, this position will ensure that the
repair station continues to comply with applicable local, State, and
Federal requirements . With respect to the CFRs and the European
Aviation Safety Agency, the General Manager shall ensure the
repair station continues to meet the requirements for providing
adequate housing, facilities, equipment, and personnel appropriate
to the ratings of the repair station. In addition, the General
Manager shall ensure the financial resources are available to
adjust to any changes in workload or to adjust the workload to the
resources available.

In addition to the overall duties and responsibilities listed above,

the General Manager has the following specific responsibilities:

5.3 .1.1 Ensure adequate fire-fighting equipment is available at

the repair station. Ensure adequate safety precautions are observed by
repair station personnel. Establish the criteria for hiring personnel for positions
responsible for maintaining, supervising, or inspecting
maintenance or alterations of civil aviation articles. Is in charge of the Corrective Action Program and
determines the appropriate actions to be taken when
deficiencies are discovered or reported. Act as the liaison with all customers.

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Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
1,1 1 HI\Al 10:-.1 ,\1
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X Also is responsible for assigning back-up personnel for

functions that may be affected by absents of the
responsible party. Note: The following areas are in
concern for the back-up program: Technical Data,
Shelf Life, Calibration, Scrap Hardware and
Drug/Alcohol programs.

The General Manager may delegate any duties and

responsibilities of any personnel of the repair station to qualified
persons. However, delegation of duties does not relieve the
specified position of their responsibilities under this manual or the

5.3.2 Accountable/Quality Manager

The Accountable/quality Manager reports to the General Manager
who is ultimately responsible for the continued operation of the
repair station and the responsibilities thereof.
The Accountable/Quality Manager is responsible for the operations
of the Quality Department. It will be the Accountable/Quality
Manager's responsibility to: Coordinate and distribute revisions to this manual. (For

repair station using the electronic version of this
manual: Ensure that the manual is kept current and
accurate.) Coordinate with the FAA all revisions to this manual. Sign the revised list of effective pages of this manual. Coordinate FAA inspections as delineated in this
manual. Ensure appropriate calibrations and checks are made
on the tools and equipment used by the repair station _ Ensure records of all calibrations and checks are kept
current, and the calibrations are performed in
accordance with the standards and procedures
described in this manual.
5.3 .2.8 Audit all maintenance function contractors before use
and maintain the results of those audits. Act as the liaison with all Federal officials. Continuously review the repair station's training
program to ensure all the repair station's training
needs are met.

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Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
"'""""'c;.,.,c""l'-"'Y Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X Perform the repair station's "self-evaluation" to

determine whether it has the housing, facilities,
equipment, material, data, and trained personnel to
add a process to its Capability List. Train, direct, supervise, and assist all personnel
performing work under the repair station certificate. Ensure that determinations concerning major
alterations/repairs are accomplished as delineated in
this manual. Submit reports of serious defects or recurring un-
airworthy conditions in accordance with the procedures
described in this manual. Maintain in current condition the pertinent FARs. It is the customer's responsibility to assure the
techn ical data is current prior to sending the article to
Aerospace Coatings International for repair.
Aerospace Coatings International responsibility is to
assure the part is repaired per the supplied technical

The Accountable/quality Manager may delegate duties and

responsibilities to any qualified personnel. Delegation of duties
does not relieve the Quality Manager overall responsibility under
this manual or the FARs.

5.3.3 Chief Inspector

The Chief Inspector reports to the Accountable/Quality Manager
and is ultimately for overseeing the implementation of quality
programs and procedures in ensuring the continued operation of
the repair station and the responsibilities thereof: Respond to any request for inspection of this repair

station's certificate. Determine the final disposition of articles failing to
meet the incoming inspection review.
5.3 .3.3 Establish and maintain the repair station employment
and training records. Maintain the repair station roster for the repair station
by ensuring that changes in personnel or job duties are
reflected on the roster within five (5) business days as
required by this manual.

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Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
l'-TI R:S.AflO'i ,11
A \\', C..JL1' C ~ y
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X Determine that, if the customer's work scope is limited

in nature, the requested maintenance, preventive
maintenance or alteration can be accomplished within
the applicable data despite any other damage or
discrepancies noted. Ensure all incoming, hidden damage, preliminary, in-
process, and final inspections are performed in
accordance with the procedures set forth in this
manual. Determine that all manufacturers' instructions for
continued airworthiness (e.g., maintenance, overhaul
and repair manuals), service bulletins, service letters,
government and industry standards, and other data
acceptable to or approved by the FAA relative to the
civil aviation articles maintained or altered by the repair
station are in current status and available to
maintenance and inspection personnel. Ensure the
availability and currency of the technical information
required to perform work whenever a new process is
introduced to perform maintenance, preventive
maintenance or alteration.

The Chief Inspector may delegate duties and responsibilities to

any qualified personnel. Delegation of duties does not relieve the
Chief Inspector overall responsibility under this manual or the

5.3.4 Inspector
Personnel performing inspection functions report to the Chief
Inspector and are responsible for performing duties as directed
and assigned.

lnspector(s) are responsible for performing preliminary, hidden-

damage, in-process and final inspections on civil aviation articles
in accordance with the current technical data provided in the
manufacturer's instructions for continued airworthiness, Service
Bulletins, service letters, Airworthiness Directives, government and
industry standard practices, and other data acceptable to or
approved by the FAA. lnspector(s) are specifically responsible for:

Revision: 20
Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
1,11 R, \TIO'l \I
A Wt-..coa UOL., ComproM,y
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X Ensuring that they are thoroughly familiar with the

inspection methods, techniques, aids, tools and
equipment used within their assigned area of
responsibility. The inspector's efficient level is
documented via. OJT, Tested as required and
documented on required forms. Maintaining proficiency in using the inspection aids in
their assigned area of responsibility. Ensuring that the inspection tools and equipment,
including inspection aids, used to perform inspections
are in proper working order and the proper calibration
information is affixed. Understanding the current specifications involving
inspection tolerances, limitations, and procedures
established by the manufacturer of the article(s) being
inspected. Ensure all inspections are properly performed and
recorded, and all records are properly executed before
final approval for return to service of articles
maintained or altered by this repair station. All
inspection is recorded on ACl's Internal Shop Traveler
and the return to service document (8130) .

5.3.5 Internal Auditor

Personnel performing internal audit function report to Quality
Manager and are responsible for performing duties as directed and

5.3 .5.1 Perform Internal Audits as ACI Internal Audit Schedule

5.3 .5.2 Document any audit findings using the Corrective
Action System (CAR). Perform a follow-up audit to assure the action plan
from the individual responsible has been implemented .

At a minimum 14 CFR- 145 subparts/sections shall have an audit


5.3.6 Production Manager

The Production Manager reports to the General Manager and is
responsible for the daily operations of the Maintenance Department
and Production of the machine, grind and plating and assembly
areas. It will be the Production Manager's responsibility to:

Revision: 20
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Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
1,1 1 R,ATIO-.;A(
A \\\ Goo,., C - y
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X Ensure all personnel are trained in the appropriate

safety practices and procedures, including proper use
and location of firefighting equipment. Ensure technicians have the appropriate technical data
available during the performance of maintenance,
preventive maintenance and alteration activities. Ensure that Part 121, 125, 129 and 135 customer
requirements are obtained, made available and
followed by inspection personnel. Ascertain qualifications of all technical employees prior
to work assignment through tests and evaluation of
their previous experience. Train, assist and supervise technicians in proper work
procedures and practices. Ensure the shop equipment and tools are maintained
in good working order. Ensure the shop premises are maintained in a clean
and orderly manner. Ensure that all maintenance or alteration processes
are appropriately completed and documented on the
maintenance forms as set forth in this manual. Initiate requisitions for stock as required for the work
being performed.

The Production Manager may delegate duties and responsibilities

to any qualified personnel. However, delegation of duties does not
relieve the Production Manager of his responsibilities under this
manual or the applicable 14 CFRs.

5.3. 7 Engineering Manager

The Engineering Manager reports to the General Manager and is
responsible for the repair development activities of the repair
station. Development of technical data in support of minor and

major repair development activies. Coordination with DERs to obtain approval for data in
support of major repair. Determine repair classification (major or minor) Determine tooling and material equivalencies in
support of maintenance activities at ACI.
The Engineering Manager may delegate duties and responsibilities
to any qualified personnel. However, delegation of duties does not
relieve the Engineering Manager of his responsibilities under this
manual or the applicable 14 CFRs.

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Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
A \ \i..::01C-,U.Cnmpany
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

5.3.8 Supervisor/Lead _
Department supervisors report to the respective manager and are
responsible for the following: The planning, direction, and coordination of activities

within the department and the planning of its activities
in conjunction with other departments, as required. Assuring the repair of all parts and components within
the department are accomplished within the authority
of the repair station and that the work is properly
initialed off on the Shop Traveler. Supervisors shall train and assist subordinates in the
proper work procedures and practices. When necessary, make available to the department
the required technical data on all parts repaired by the
department. technical data includes manufacturer
specifications, related Federal Aviation Administration
approved data and any other technical data used. The
customer is ultimately responsible for giving the repair
station the proper repair procedure. Consequently, the
customer is responsible for sending the facility current
data. The maintenance of all equipment and tools are in
serviceable working condition assuring that periodic
checks and calibration are performed on testing and
measuring equipment. The responsible operator properly executes assuring
that necessary maintenance entries on Shop Traveler
used by the repair station. The quality of the work performed by technician in the
production areas. The proper handling, protection of parts while in the
repair process through the department. To assure that the maintenance of the equipment on
premises is done in a clean and orderly manner.
5.3 .8.11 Reporting to the General Manager any major
equipment purchase or hiring that may be necessary
to meet the demand of the customer base.

Individuals must be thoroughly familiar with this repair station's

Inspection Procedures Manual.(For back-up person see duties of
the General Manager.)

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Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
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A \\\"'°' Goou- C.,n•1"'1Y
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

5.3.9 Technician
Technical Personnel assigned maintenance functions duties shall
report to the Production Manager and are specifically responsible

5.3 .9.1 Properly executing the duties assigned. Performing maintenance and alteration tasks on civil
aviation articles in accordance with the current
technical data provided in the manufacturers'
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness , Services
Bulletins, service letters, Airworthiness Directives,
government and industry standard practices, and other
data acceptable to or approved by the FAA. Ensuring that they are thoroughly familiar with all tools
and equipment, including inspection aids, used within
their assigned area of responsibility. Properly record the work performed on ACl's Internal
Shop Traveler.

5.3.10 Human Resources Manager

Human Resource Manager is responsible for the Anti-Drug and
Alcohol and the FAA Training Systems as follows:

5.3 .10.1 FAA Approved Anti-Drug and Alcohol Program:

5.3.10 .1.1 Ensure that all employees complete a

pre-employment drug screen for Non-
DOT or DOT regulations; based on the
specific job position Responsible for maintaining accurate
list of employees for a FAA/DOT roster
and Non-DOT
5.3 .10.1.3 Responsible for coordinating the
random drug screens each month Ensure that all employees receive
drug and alcohol training
5.3 .10.1.5 Ensure that all Supervisors receive
annual 2-hour required training Responsible for completion of annual
regulatory reports
5.3 .10.2 FAA Training Program:

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"w,_,..,,. =
eomp.ny Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X Responsible for establishing the

standards and procedures for training
all employees employed by the repair
station including Ensure that all employees performing
maintenance, preventative
maintenance and alteration on civil
aviation products are qualified and
trained under the policies and
procedures Ensure regulatory items are trained
effectively to all personnel.

Reference FAA approved training manual for additional

requirements to be met.

The Human Resources Manager may delegate duties and

responsib ilities to any qualified personnel. However, delegation of
duties does not relieve the Human Resources Manager of his
responsibilities under th is manual or the FARs.

Revision: 20
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Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
~{~'~~?,~~~~'~COATINGS Repai r Station and Quality Control Manual
A Wl'-COlt G"°'-',. Company
Approval Number: A9PR286X

Section 6 : PERSONNEL


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Revision Date: 05/30/2008
Original Issue Date:09/08/2003
1,r1 R,ATIO'I ~I
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

6.1 Employee Certificates

Whenever this repair station determines that an individual certificate is

required for the performance of duties, it may initiate the application for that
employee to become a repairman certificated under Part 65 of 14 CFR.

Moreover, the repair station will attempt to collect the certificate of any
repairman when they are no longer employed by the company. However, it
should be noted that a repairman certificate is only valid for the work
performed within the scope of assigned duties at this repair station.

6.2 Employee Qualifications

A non-certificated employee is hired to perform maintenance on civil aviation

articles based upon their knowledge and experience. The employee's initial
qualifications are determined by employment history, training, certification,
knowledge, experience and practical tests. Job assignments, including the
performance of maintenance, inspection or supervision, are based upon the
employee's initial qualifications. Additionally, the employee qualifications
listed in this manual will be the basis for determining the initial and recurrent
training requirements .

All employees performing maintenance or other safety-related functions for

an air carrier or commercial operator certificated under 14 CFR Parts 121 or
135 are included in an FAA approved "Anti-Drug Program".

6.2.1 FAA Accountable Manager

The Accountable Manager is directly in charge of the maintenance
functions of this repair station.
As such, and prior to assigning these duties and responsibilities
and placing the individual's name on the repair station roster, it
shall be determined that the individual: Is appropriately certificated under FAR Part 65. Understands, reads and writes English.
6.2.1 .3 Has eighteen (18) months of practical experience in
procedures, practices, inspection methods, materials,
tools, machine tools and equipment generally used in
the work for which this repair station is rated.
Once the above information has been ascertained, the individual
may be assigned duties and responsibilities on a temporary basis
by the primary person listed on the Repair Station Roster, and/or
may be placed on the Repair Station Roster as a permanent
substitute in the absence of the titled individual.

Revision: 20
Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
1'-TI R'-ldlD'-1 \I
"'°" C.O..,. Company
A \ Yt
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

6.2.2 Chief Inspector

Before any person is assigned any responsibilities as Chief
Inspector and placed on the repair station roster to make final
airworthiness determinations and is allowed to approve articles for
return to service, the repair station shall determine that the

6.2 .2.1 Is appropriately certificated under FAR Part 65 Understands, reads and writes English. Is thoroughly familiar with the applicable FARs and with
the inspection methods, techniques, practices, aids,
equipment, and tools used to determine the
airworthiness of the article on which maintenance,
preventive maintenance, or alterations are being
6.2 .2.4 Is proficient in using various types of mechanical and
visual inspection aids appropriate for the articles being
inspected and approved for return to service. Has the appropriate experience through training,
employment history or practical tests and that this
information has been documented and is available in
the individual's employment file. Understands the current specifications, involving
inspection tolerances, limitations and procedures
established by the manufacturer or by an Airworthiness
Directive, of the articles being inspected and approved
for return to service.

6.2.3 Holders of Repairman Cerificate

Prior to being assigned as the Production Manager, Quality
Manager, or any person assigned technical supervisory
responsibilities and being listed on the repair station roster, the
repair station shall determine that the individual: Is appropriately certificated under FAR Part 65.

6.2 .3.2 Understands, reads and writes English. Has eighteen (18) months of practical experience in the
procedures, practices, inspection methods, materials,
tools, machine tools, and equipment generally used in
the work for which the repair station is rated. Understands the FARs, Airworthiness Directives,
methods, techniques, and practices contained in the
applicable manufacturers' maintenance and alteration
documents, and/other data acceptable to or approved
by the FAA used by the repair station.

Revision : 20
Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
1,r1 R',\TIO'L\I
A \\.'i'-Oll Gao&, C..on,p.lfly
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X Has the appropriate experience, evidenced by

employment history, training, certification or practical
tests to perform in the supervisory position assigned. Once the above information has been ascertained and
documented in the appropriate employment file, the
person shall be listed on the repair station roster.

6.2.4 Inspector
Prior to assigning an inspector preliminary, in-process or final
inspection authority and adding/amending the repair station roster,
the repair station shall determine that the individual: Is thoroughly familiar with the applicable FARs and with

the inspection methods, techniques, practices, aids,
equipment, and tools used to determine the
airworthiness of the article on which maintenance,
preventive maintenance, or alterations are being
performed. Is proficient in using various types of mechanical and
visual inspection aids appropriate for the articles being
inspected and approved for return to service. Understands, reads, and writes English.

Once the above information has been ascertained and documented

in the appropriate employment file, the person shall be listed on the
repair station roster. The Quality Manager is responsible to assure
the Inspection personnel are properly trained. The minimum
requirements are established and documented on Employee Job
Steps Form.

Inspector performing Non-Destructive Inspection (Magnetic Particle

or Fluorescent Penetrant) shall be certified to at least a Level II .

The training and certification shall be performed by a Certified Level

111. Non-destruction testing personnel qualification certification
program meets the requirements of MIL-STD-410. A certification
specification conforms to the recommended practices outlined in
the American Society for non-destructive testing (ASNT) document,

6.2.5 Technician
Prior to being authorized to perform unsupervised maintenance,
preventive maintenance or alterations duties, the repair station shall
determine that the individual:

Revision: 20
Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
1 '- TI R'- \TIO'IAI
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X Has experience, through training, knowledge,

employment history or practical tests necessary to
perform the scope of work assigned. Is proficient in using the tools, equipment, and
inspection aids applicable to the scope of work

6.2.6 Supervisor
Prior to being assigned as the Production Manager, Quality
Manager, or any person assigned technical supervisory
responsibilities and being listed on the repair station roster, the
repair station shall determine that the individual: Is appropriately certificated under FAR Part 65. Understands, reads and writes English. Has eighteen (18) months of practical experience in the
procedures, practices, inspection methods, materials,
tools, machine tools, and equipment generally used in
the work for which the repair station is rated. Understands the FARs, Airworthiness Directives,
methods, techniques, and practices contained in the
applicable manufacturers' maintenance and alteration
documents, and/other data acceptable to or approved
by the FAA used by the repair station.

6.3 Qualification to Accomplish Inspection

This repair station shall keep a roster for personnel including the names of
the officials of the repair station that are responsible for its management and
the name of its technical supervisors and inspectors. In addition to the name
of the individual, the roster will also include the title(s) held by that person as
well as their inspection authority (preliminary, in-process, final and approval
for return to service) or responsibility (e.g. technical supervision or directly in
charge of maintenance activities). The Chief Inspector is responsible for
ensuring the roster is kept current.
Each supervisor or manager who becomes aware of a change in personnel,
termination or change in assignment that would affect the roster must notify
the Chief Inspector by e-mail, telephone, or in person. The Chief Inspector
will obtain the required information from the supervisor or concerned
employee and update the roster within five (5) business days of any hange.

6.4 Rosters and Roster Records

Revision : 20
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Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
l'S TI R ., Af l O'IAI
A\\\"'°' Goal.• Company
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number: A9PR286X

6.4.1 Roster Records

This repair station maintains a roster of all managerial, supervisory
and inspection personnel that have responsibility for compliance
with the FARs. For each person on the roster, this repair station
maintains current the following information: Present title and scope of employment. Total years of experience in the type of work assigned
by reference to the date the experience started. Employment history, including name of previous
employer and length of employment by month and year.

6.4.2 Repair Station Roster

This repair station shall keep a roster for managerial, supervisory
and inspection personnel that will include the name of the
individual, the individual's title, the person's inspection authority
(preliminary, in-process, final and approval for return to service)
and/or responsibility (management or technical supervision) and a
sample of the person's stamp, initials or signature.

The Chief Inspector is responsib le for ensuring the roster is kept

. current. Each supervisor and manager who becomes aware of a
change in personnel, termination or change in assignment that
would affect the roster must notify the Chief Inspector by e-mail,
telephone or in-person. The Chief Inspector will obtain the required
information necessary to update the roster within five (5) business
days of any change. The Chief Inspector is to route a copy of the
revised rosters to the FAA within 5 business days.

Revision: 20
Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
I I', l ( K ' A I I O 'I ,\ I Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
A W!'<()Ot GoOllO Cor11p.ny
Approval Number : A9PR286X



Revision Date: 05/30/2008
Original Issue Date:09/08/2003
l ' s l l N,ATIONAI
w,""'"c.,._,.compi111y Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

7.1 Physical Description of Facility

7.1.1 Facility requirement: . Adequate housing for the repair station's personnel,

equipment, and material needed to properly perform the
work authorized by its ratings. Adequate space for all work performed. Adequate facilities for properly storing, segregating, and
protecting materials, parts, and supplies so that work is
protected from weather elements, dust, and heat. Fire and Security Protection reference ACI Safety
7.1.1 .5. Adequate facilities to ensure workers are protected as to
prevent impairment of their physical efficiency. Suitable shop space for machine tools and equipment
so that work is not done in an area that may
contaminate other parts or processes. Suitable areas for the largest items to be properly
worked on under the repair station's ratings. Suitable environmental controls for the work performed .

7.2 Procedures for Location, Housing or Facility Changes

Whenever a change is made to the location, housing or facilities that could

have a significant effect on the ability of the repair station to perform work in
an airworthy manner, the Accountable Manager will initiate a draft revision to
this manual. The Accountable Manager will decide which changes might
have a "significant effect" on the ability of the repair station to accomplish its
work in accordance with all applicable FARs. If determined to be significant,
the revision must be approved by the Accountable Manager. If insignificant,
the revision will be distributed as otherwise required by this manual.

If the revision is found to have a "significant effect" on the repair station's

ability to accomplish its work in accordance with the applicable FARs, a copy
of the draft revision will be sent to the FAA for approval. After receiving FAA
approval and any FAA-prescribed conditions or limitations that affect this
repair station's work during the transition, the Accountable Manager will
ensure the final manual revision is created and is properly distributed .

Revision : 20
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Orig inal Issue Date: 09/08/2003
1,11 R'- -\TI0'- ,11
A'''""'c-""c""lM"Y Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

7.3 Facility Plan

• I Shipping I Analytical

Pre/Post Inspection OD Grinding Shop

Total Square
Feet of First
Technical Floor:
Data Library
Office Space

ID Grinding Shop Plating Shop

Landing Gear
Plating Shop

Strip and Chemical Storage

Building sq.ft. 1800

Total Square Feet (sq.ft.) for First Floor and External Buildings: Sq.ft. 76050

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Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

Total Square Feet of Second Floor is 34000.

Assembly Department
(i.e. Actuators, Diaphragms,
Storage Computer Work
.~~:: Open to Machine Shop Space Below
V a


Dining and
Locker Room

Open to Machine Shop Space Below Plasma Shop

The Aerospace Coatings International FAA Certificated Repair Station No.

A9PR286X is completely housed in a Block building, with concrete floors.
All areas are heated and cooled except for plating bath areas.

All lighting in shop areas is halogen and natural.
Any changes to the location or housing and facility must be approved in writing
by Alabama Flight Standards District Office in Birmingham. (FAR Section
It is the responsibility of the General Manager to ensure that the repair station

Ihas adequate housing and facilities requested to comply with FAR Section

Revision: 20
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Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
1,r1 i,;: 1
, ,\TIO'-JAI
AW, -<01 c;.,._,. C"""""1Y
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number: A9PR286X

Total Square Feet of Second Floor is 34000.

Assembly Department
(i.e. Actuators, Diaphragms,

Storage Computer Work
Room Open to Machine Shop Space Below
Weld ing
Engineering Shop

Dining and
Locker Room

Open to Machine Shop Space Below Plasma Shop

The Aerospace Coatings International FAA Certificated Repair Station No.

A9PR286X is completely housed in a Block building, with concrete floors .
All areas are heated and cooled except for plating bath areas.

All lighting in shop areas is halogen and natural.

Any changes to the location or housing and facility must be approved in writing

I by Alabama Flight Standards District Office in Birmingham. (FAR Section

It is the responsibility of the General Manager to ensure that the repair station

I has adequate housing and facilities requested to comply with FAR Section

Revis ion: 20
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Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
A \\~-..:oa Goi,u, ~
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

Total Square Feet: 112,552

Note: The individual floor square feet is on pages 6-3;6-4.

7.4 Operations flow Chart

Aerospace Coatings International

Process Flow Chart

Receiving Yes Develope ACI
Inspection Receive Part ">--- -- Travelerform ~ - ~ -
(Quality) supplied data
No No

Engineering DER

Customer Support/ Contact Customer for additional Price repair and

Administration information concerening repair place in price list

Shops - ID , OD 1 - - - - - - - . i Repair part to
Grind, Machine ACI Internal ,___ _ __. Route part to
next location
Shop and Plating Traveler

inspection Yes
Quality Inspection
(verify visually 1 - - - - - - --.<.
Final Inspection close part and

Reject part
perACI Route part to Route to final
Internal Reject area inspection


Route to
operation to

Revision: 20
Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

7.5 Equipment

ACI is a specialized services and maintenance repair station that utilizes

standard grinding, machining and plating processes. The equipments used is
generally is Jig Grinders, Cylindrical Grinders, Lathes and Milling Machines.
Maintenance process is performed by using OEM tooling or tooling that is
acceptable by the FAA.
The hand tools used to dimensionally checks, the tools are Outside
Micrometers, Inside Micrometers and Bore Gauges. There are other tools
used to perform dimensional checks that are traceable in the calibration
system. I
ACI does not lease/rent any tooling, all hand tool is company owned.

7.6 Shelf Life Consumable Material

Consumable materials are materials such as primers, paints, adhesives etc.,

materials that remain with the aviation article upon completion of the rework

Non-consumable materials are materials such as masking tapes, masking

compounds, cutting coolant, grinding stones etc, materials that do no remain
with or will be removed from the aviation article upon completion of the
rework process.

The Purchasing Manager is responsible for monitoring all shelf life

r,0 consumable materials.

When consumable material is received at the repair station, is is not

necessary to verify shelf-life requirement or identify such materials.

The green label contains the manufactured or ship date (depends on which
one is required to reference to), the shelf life expiration date, and the initials
of the person placing the label on the container, also tracking data shall be
placed in the Chemical Tracking System to assure these materials can be I
pulled as needed.
Note: At no time, where out of date shelf-life items to be used.
Revision: 20
Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
I s T I R /\ ,\ r I n " ,\ I
,.w,"'°" r.ooc. ec....,.,,y Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

7 .5 Equipment

ACI is a specialized services and maintenance repair station that utilizes

standard grinding, machining and plating processes. The equipments used is
generally is Jig Grinders, Cylindrical Grinders, Lathes and Milling Machines.
Maintenance process is performed by using OEM tooling or tooling that is
acceptable by the FAA.
The hand tools used to dimensionally checks, the tools are Outside
Micrometers, Inside Micrometers and Bore Gauges. There are other tools
used to perform dimensional checks that are traceable in the calibration

ACI does not lease/rent any tooling, all hand tool is company owned.

7 .6 Shelf Life Consumable Material

Consumable materials are materials such as primers, paints, adhesives etc.,

materials that remain with the aviation article upon completion of the rework

Non-consumable materials are materials such as masking tapes, masking

compounds, cutting coolant, grinding stones etc, materials that do no remain
with or will be removed from the aviation article upon completion of the
rework process.

The Purchasing Manager is responsible for monitoring all shelf life

consumable materials.

When consumable material is received at the repair station, is is not

necessary to verify shelf-life requ irement or identify such materials,

The green label contains the manufactured or ship date (depends on which
one is required to reference to), the shelf life expiration date, and the initials
of the person placing the label on the container, also tracking data shall be
placed in the Chemical Tracking System to assure these materials can be
pulled as needed.

Note: At no time, where out of date shelf-life items to be used.

Revision: 20
Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
~~ t\~~?,~~t~,~ COATINGS Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
A w,,c:,o Gooc <..(l(Opilny
Approval Number : A9PR286X

Section 8: TRAINING


Revision Date: 05/30/2008
Original Issue Date:09/08/2003
1 ,11 R,Ar 1 ns: II
"\''""'c.""'"""""'Y Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

8.1 General Program Description

This repair station's Accountable Manager is responsible for the training

program and ensuring that adequate numbers of personnel are available to
accomplish the types of work authorized under the repair station certificate.
These personnel must have detailed knowledge of the particular
maintenance function or technique they are involved in, based on formal
training or extensive experience.

All employees, including inspection personnel, shall receive training as

determined necessary for the qualifications and performance of their work
assignment. Initial and/or recurrent training may be required as determined
by the nature of the work, the qualifications necessary for the position,
experience, knowledge, certification, and previous training of the individual.
Training may be on-the-job or by classroom instruction.
All employees shall receive continual on-the-job training on parts handling,
cleaning, and identification; the requirements of this manual and standard
practice manuals relating to their job assignment; the general policies and
procedures of this repair station and the applicability of the FARs to the work
performed by the repair station.

To support this process, this repair station maintains in its personnel records
the basic qualifications, training, and experience of its maintenance
technicians, supervisors, and managers. The records shall indicate the type
of training method, duration of each session, date each segment or session
was completed, the location of each session, any certificates received,
completion or passage of any testing required, the name of the trainer or
instructor and his qualifications if pertinent. Training will be recorded in the
Training Manager Software for all personnel and maintained in the data
base. Repairmen, Supervisory and Management Personnel resumes shall
be documented on Form V and maintained in the Quality Managers office.
However, any documentation establishing the information listed above may
be used to determine an employee's qualifications for any job assignment.

Training Records (Training Manager Software Records) will be maintained

as long as the individual accomplishes work for this repair station and for at
least 2 years thereafter.

Maintenance of the Training Manager Software Record is the responsibility

of the manager of the area to assure training records are up-dated after
training is accomplished; it is the responsibility of Human Resources to
assure the training recorded for new hires is created and completed (New
Hire Orientation).

Revision: 20
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Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
I', I I H', ·\Tl(l'-: \I
A\\',""'"G•"'•c_...,r Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

8.2 Procedures for Revising the Training Program

The repair station's Maintenance Training Program is a FAA-approved

program, hence, all revisions must be approved by the FAA before

The Quality Manager is responsible for continuously evaluating the training

program to ensure it meets all of this repair station's needs and the
applicable FARs, the review shall be at least annually. If a change is required
or desirable, the Quality Manager will develop a proposed revision to the
training program and transmit it to the Accountable Manager for approval.

Once approved by the Accountable Manager, a copy of the draft revision will
be sent to Alabama Flight Standards District Office for approval. Upon
approval, the Quality Manager will create a final manual revision, taking into
account any FAA recommendations or requirements. The revision will then
be distributed in a manner similar to the distribution of this manual.
The Quality Manager is responsible for coordinating all revisions to this
manual with the local Flight Standards District Office in accordance with
Section 1, Prargraph 1.2.

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Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
1, 1tl{ , ,\TIO '-: \I
A W1-<Or Goot,• C-_ompany
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X



Revision :20
Revision Date: 05/30/2008
Original Issue Date:09/08/2003
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

9.1 Introduction and Basic Requirement for a Manual

--. This manual contains the repair station's quality control policies and
procedures. The basic purpose of the Quality Control (QC) system is to
permit this repair station to properly approve work performed on processes
for return to service.

9.2 Manual Distribution, Control, and Revision Process

Reference Section 1 Paragraph 1.2 for details.

9.3 Quality Control Procedures

9.3.1 Incoming Inspection of Material

The Quality Manager ensures that all incoming materials are
checked against purchase orders, manufacturers' specifications,
drawings, and dimensions, and other available documentation.
Proper identification of the materials and their conformance to
applicable technical standards will be verified.
The Quality Manager also ensures that all incoming materials are
inspected to verify that each is appropriately preserved and free
from defects and malfunctions. Additionally: Raw materials will be identified and stored as directed
by the manufacturer.

9.3.1 .2. Bar Stock shall be identified/tagged with a certification

number (Purchase Order Number) and at any time
the stock is used a Verification of Certified Material
Sheet shall be completed and filed with the work

~ . Multiple items received as lots shall be identified with

~ a tracking number from the supplier (welding rods),
r buy tagging or stamping .

Shelf-life consumableitems will be identified at

incoming inspection. The original manufacturer's
expiration date will be marked on the material, and/or
container. For all Contract Maintenance Parts, the quality

manager shall ensure purchasing personnel are
trained, as needed, to perform the required receiving

Revision: 20
Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
1,r1 R, \TIOS: \I
Aw,"""c.. .... c.omp,ny Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

9.1 Introduction and Basic Requirement for a Manual

This manual contains the repair station's quality control policies and
procedures. The basic purpose of the Quality Control (QC) system is to
permit this repair station to properly approve work performed on processes
for return to service.

9.2 Manual Distribution, Control, and Revision Process

Reference Section 1 Paragraph 1.2 for details.

9.3 Quality Control Procedures

9.3.1 Incoming Inspection of Material

The Quality Manager ensures that all incoming materials are
checked against purchase orders, manufacturers' specifications,
drawings, and dimensions, and other available documentation.
Proper identification of the materials and their conformance to
applicable technical standards will be verified .
The Quality Manager also ensures that all incoming materials are
inspected to verify that each is appropriately preserved and free
from defects and malfunctions. Additionally:
9.3 .1.1. Raw materials will be identified and stored as directed
by the manufacturer. Bar Stock shall be identified/tagged with a certification

number (Purchase Order Number) and at any time
the stock is used a Verification of Certified Material
Sheet shall be completed and filed with the work
order. Multiple items received as lots shall be identified with

a tracking number from the supplier (welding rods),
buy tagging or stamping .

, Shelf-life consumableitems will be identified at

incoming inspection . The original manufacturer's
expiration date will be marked on the material, and/or

9.3 .1.5. For all Contract Maintenance Parts, the quality

manager shall ensure purchasing personnel are
trained, as needed, to perform the required receiving

Revision: 20
Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
1,11 KI\ATIO,-: \I
A \\.' G )L~ C..-OO"lflMlY
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

inspections for all contract maintenance parts as

received from outside vendors.

These trained individuals shall be added to the inspection

personnel roster. At a minimum the following shall be reviewed: Perform Visual Inspection to Verify work was

performed as requested on the PO.

9.3 .1.7. Verify certification (CofC and/or 8130-3) to the PO

requirements requested Match ACI shop traveler and part, and then route to
next location.
Any material, part or component failing to meet the incoming
inspection review shall be "red tagged" with a list of discrepancies.
The Quality Manager will determine the final disposition of such
articles and appropriate steps will be taken to correct the
discrepancies or to dispose of the items.

Generally, this repair station will attempt to correct discrepancies

noted or to resolve any issues with the manufacturer, distributor or
service provider. However, if the discrepancy involves activity
believed to be a violation of the FARs or if criminal activity is
suspected, this repair station will voluntarily report the suspected
unapproved part using the FAA Form 8120-11, and notify any
affected air carrier(s). FAA Form 8120-11 shall be completed in
accordance with the instructions and guidance set forth in Advisory
Circular 21-29 (as revised), entitled "Detecting and Reporting
Suspected Unapproved Parts."

9.3.2 Preservation and Storage of Aviation Parts

Preservation measures shall provide adequate protection from
humidity, extreme temperatures, dust, rough handling, and/or
damage during processing or shipping.
Verify if the part has any contamination. If the contamination cannot
be removed the part shall be return to the customer for evaluation.

9.3.3 Processing Articles Received for Maintenance or Alteration

Prior to performing any maintenance or alteration on civil aviation

articles, this repair station will assess the requirements of each
customer order and verify that it has the capability to accomplish

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Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
1 s;r r H , Ar 1 n .. , 1
A \\i..,01 G<n.•~
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

the work. In particular, this repair station will accomplish the

following steps under the direction of the Quality Manager: Evaluate the customer requirements and clarify with
the customer any questions about the scope and type
of work to be done, and what technical data are to be
used to perform the work i.e. Airworthiness Directives,
Service Bulletin's and DER repairs are accomplished . Life Limited parts shall be identified by the customer,

the cycle times supplied will be transposed on ACl's
8130 block 12. Damaged Containers/ Parts as received: During the receiving of parts at any time

the shipping container is damaged. The
carrier shall be notified during the
receipt of the packages prior to signing
for the package, if the damage was not
noted at that time then pictures shall be
taken prior to opening the shipping
container. Open shipping container verify contents

to Purchase Order and any damage to
the parts, if at any time the contents is
incorrect or parts damaged the
customer will be contacted and the parts
shall be placed on hold until additional
instructions from the customer. Identifying Parts: Once it is visually determined that the

part is repairable and the customer
paperwork matches, the part must be
given an identification number to use on
our in-house Shop Traveler to maintain
traceability. The identification number shall be

scribed on the part either mechanically
or chemically.

Revision: 20
Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
1,r1 ~, .,110-.:"
A\\ \"°" ea.,._, ( " ~
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X The identification number can be

derived by either of the following
methods: .3.1. Use the last 4 digits of

customer's identification
number or customer
purchase order number. Use our work order

number along with a
dash number (example:
work order number 2222
has 4 parts so use 2222-
1, 2222-2, 2222-3, 2222-
4). Once the identification number is determined, it will be

used on the identification section of the identification
number section of the Airworthiness Approval Tag
(8130-3). Note: The exception to the above section is
if the customer hardware is identified with a serial
number and can be tracked within ACI system using
this serial number. Check paperwork to determine if any incoming article

may have been involved in an accident. If there is
any question, consult with the customer. If the article
may have been involved in an accident, include an
inspection for hidden damage as described in this
manual. Any material, part or component failing to meet the
incoming inspection review shall be "red tagged" with
a list of discrepancies. The Quality Manager will
determine the final disposition of such articles and
appropriate steps will be taken to correct the
discrepancies or to dispose of the items.

Generally, this repair station will attempt to correct discrepancies

noted or to resolve any issues with the manufacturer, distributor or
service provider. However, if the discrepancy involves activity
believed to be a violation of the FARs or if criminal activity is
suspected, this repair station will voluntarily report the suspected
unapproved part using the FAA Form 8120-11 . FAA Form 8120-
11 shall be completed in accordance with the instructions and

Revision : 20
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Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
1,r1 N:S/\TIO'I II
A \\'P,COl Gleolfl C:OfllM(ly
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

guidance set forth in Advisory Circular 21-29 (as revised), entitled

"Detecting and Reporting Suspected Unapproved Parts."

9.3.4 Preliminary Inspection: Preliminary Inspection is performed during Receiving
Inspections. The preliminary inspection consist of a
visual for each part to assure the part has no
detrimental damage that may affect the repair ACI is
going to perform, a dimensional inspection may be
required to verify damage. Once this process is
complete the receiving inspector shall initial and date
ACl's Shop Traveler verifying the preliminary
inspection is complete.
9.3.4 .2. A formal preliminary / teardown report is completed
on the customer request during receiving inspection.
The results will be noted on the appropriate form
provided by this repair station, which will remain with
the customer purchase order until it is approved for
return to service. Preliminary report I teardown report
will be maintained as part of the Quality record as
required. If the customer's work scope is limited in
nature, the Chief Inspector will determine whether the
requested maintenance, preventive maintenance or
alteration can be accomplished within the applicable
data despite any other damage or discrepancies
noted. Technicians and inspectors are responsible for
accomplishing preliminary inspection on the individual
units during the process in accordance with customer
instructions (purchase order).

If at any time the repair instruction does not reference a standard

for ACI to perform work, ACI will assign an industrial standard to
perform the work in accordance with.

9.3 .5 Segregation and Handling of Parts: The repair station shall appropriately tag and
segregate the component parts. Suitable trays, racks, stands and containers are
provided in the shop areas to ensure proper
segregation and maximum protection of all parts
during the maintenance and/or alteration process.

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Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

9.3.6 Identification and Segregation Non-Conforming Hardware

This procedure is written to determine how to handle non-
conforming customer supplied parts received for repair. Non-Conforming, Non-Repairable Within the Repair
Limits Set Forth by the Customer
Parts received for repair that are determined during
any stage of rework non-repairable within the repair
limit of the customer's instruction must be removed
from the repair process. The operator must indicate
on the Shop Traveler that the part is scrapped and
place the part in the inspection room for verification so
that the inspection department can identify the part
with a reject tag, evaluate, and place on hold until
further instruction from the customer. Reject tag must
state the reason for rejection.

The Internal Auditor shall be responsible for

maintaining the scrap program.

Corrective Action Request Forms must be filled out on

all parts received for repair that become non-
conforming due to an error in this facility and are not
repairable within the limits specified by the customer.
When determining the cause of non-conforming parts,
the inspection department, at its discretion, shall
review the process and operation the part went
through, audit results, and any other records kept by
this facility to help determine cause. Cause shall be
written on the Corrective Action Request. Non-Conforming, but Still Repairable Within the

Repair Limits Set Forth by the Customer
This determination can be made by the operator,
supervisors, or inspectors.
When this occurs, the operator, supervisor, or
inspector must explain on the Shop Traveler the
reason for reworking the part, send part back through
the system for repair, and at his/her discretion initiate
a corrective action. Disposition of Customer Non-Conforming Parts

The rejected (red) tag non-conforming parts will be
sent back to the customer for disposition. If the
customer refuses to accept the part back, the non-
conforming part will be destroyed or mutilated at this

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A \\\'<01 G.,u,Comp.,ny
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

repair station. A record or log will be maintained in the

Quality Manager's Office of any parts destroyed at
this facility. It will indicate the part nomenclature, part
number, serial number, customer the part belongs to,
and date mutilated.

9.3.7 Concessions
This facility does not make concessions on less than airworthy
parts. Parts are either rejected or returned to customer as an
acceptable part in accordance with customer instructions.

9.3.8 Hidden Damage Inspection

The Chief Inspector is responsible for assuring the Hidden
Damage Inspections are performed as required. Before this repair
station starts work, all units and components known to have been
involved in an accident will be given a thorough inspection for
possible hidden damage. Hidden damage inspections may also be
generated by noted discrepancies during in-process inspection.
When a hidden damage inspection is required, it will be
accomplished in accordance with the specific instructions provided
by the applicable manufacturer of the article. The inspection will
include areas adjacent to or likely to have been affected by the
obviously damaged unit or component. The results of this
inspection will be recorded on ACl's Shop Traveler, if there are
any defects a non-conformance shall be documented and the
customer contacted.

9.3.9 Final Inspection and Approval for Return to Service

Before generating FAA Form 8130-3, the appropriately qualified
and certified inspector (see repair station roster) shall inspect the
article and review the work order package to determine whether: The work was accomplished in accordance with the
work scope requested by the customer and conforms
to the required specifications and acceptable quality
standards. Each task has been accomplished or determined to

be non-applicable to the work scope requested and
the technician's signature or initials indicate that the
task has been accomplished on the appropriate work
order package document. Transposing data from ACI Shop Traveler to

customer work sheet (Routers, Travelers and etc.).

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Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

Customer work sheets shall be stamped by the final

inspector verifying the required steps have been
completed as required. The transposing of data from
ACI Shop Traveler to customer's work sheets shall
only be performed as requested. ACI Quality Record
of work performed is ACI Shop Traveler. Each inspection required by the work order package

has been satisfactorily completed and recorded on
the applicable document. Any discrepancies shall be handled in accordance
with this manual.

Once the final inspection is complete, the shop traveler shall be

signed, stamped or initials and appropriate description of the work
performed shall be entered in FAA Form 8130-3 and a person
authorized and listed on the repair station roster to approve
articles for return to service for the repair station shall sign the
form. The FAA Form 8130-3 shall clearly state in Block 12 the
general scope of work performed, reference the principal
documents used to perform the work.

Additional information in block 12 is: For EASA Customers the

following applies: Certifies that the work specified in block 11/12 was
carried out in accordance with EASA 145 and with
respect to that work the aircraft component is
considered ready for release to service under the
EASA Acceptance Certificate No. 4565

The customer will receive the original FAA Form 8130-3 and as
required Tear Down Report or Preliminary Report.

9.3.10 Process for Ensuring Continuity of Inspection Responsibility

Inspections are a continuous process from receiving inspection
through the various stages of repair or alteration until the final
inspection prior to approval of the work for return to service. The
in-process inspections will be performed in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommendations or in accordance with the
customer's program, as appropriate. In addition, as work
progresses on a specific item, inspections will be made as
necessary so that final inspection to determine airworthiness will
not require rework. It will be the responsibility of the inspector
approving the work on the article for return to service to determine

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A \\'1-.ccw C.• .• Company
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number: A9PR286X

through a review of the documentation, or through observation or

inspection that all required inspections have been completed.

No article may have any additional work performed on it following

an in- process inspection until all discrepancies noted during the
inspection have been corrected. When the customer requests a
specifically limited work scope, and the preliminary or in-process
inspection indicates discrepancies which does not affect the
completion of the limited work scope, the final inspection and
approval for return to service will be limited to the particular work

To ensure continuity of inspection, no maintenance or alteration

may be accomplished following any item needing an in-process
inspection until the inspection has been accomplished and the
results found acceptable as evidenced by the inspector's stamp,
initials or signature.
The repair station will perform work steps in sequence. If work out
of sequence is contemplated, an appropriate review will be made
to ensure that the airworthiness of the article will not be affected.

9.3.11 Turn Over Process

If at any time Inspector or Technicians are to overlap work they
shall use a turn over process.
The individuals shall review verbally what needs to be completed
and where they are at currently within the process. Items that may
be reviewed: Shop Traveler, machining, plating or inspection

9.3.12 In-Process Inspections

The appropriately qualified personnel are responsible for ensuring
that progressive (in-process) inspections are performed properly,
and that the inspection results are acceptable. The requirement
for and frequencies of the in-process inspections shall be
determined by the applicable manufacturer's Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness (e.g., maintenance, repair, and overhaul
manuals), Service Bulletins, service letters, Airworthiness
Directives, and/or other data acceptable to or approved by the

When a record of an inspection by dimension or test is required by

the applicable technical data, the results will be recorded in the
appropriate section or form and included in the repair station's
documentation. The inspections shall be recorded with the
inspector's stamp, signature or initials on the document.

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A \\'!-..c.oa C.'lLPC.:on,p,;1ny
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

Whenever an in-process inspection or work scope determines that

a maintenance step or function has been accomplished incorrectly,
the work will be repeated and inspected to ensure proper

9.4 Equipment, Materials, and Technical Data

9.4 .1 General Requirements

All equipment, materials, and technical data needed for the work
this repair station performs will be available where the work is
accomplished and be under the repair station's control when the
work is being performed.

The equipment used to make airworthiness determinations will be

calibrated according to the procedures described below.
This repair station will maintain current and accessible at least the
following materials and technical data pertaining to the
performance of any work under the Repair Station Certificate: Maintenance manuals, (supplied by customer) Overhaul manuals, (supplied by customer) Standard practice manuals, (supplied by customer)
9.4 .1.2. Service bulletins (supplied by customer) DER Repairs (as approved by the customer)
If ACI is not on the distribution list for the above data it is the
responsibility of the customer to supply the applicable data to
repair the component. The customer may only supply the repair
section for that part's, also the customer must state the Revision of
the latest Tech Data on the Purchase Order. If at any time the
Revision Status of the Tech Data is not on the Purchase Order the
customer shall be contacted to assure the revision status is
current. The customer must reply in writing as this document will
become part of the Quality Package. Tech Data shall be verified
for current revision status during Receiving Inspection to the
Purchase Order and data supplied.

Whenever a manufacturer updates its manual, the technical data

will be updated in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Whenever a new article is introduced for maintenance, preventive
maintenance or alteration, the Quality Manager will ensure the
currency of the technical information required to perform the work.
In addition, this repa ir station will use those equipment, materials,
and tools recommended by the manufacturer of the articles or
equipment, materials, and tools equivalent to those suggested by
the manufacturer. It is the responsibility of the Engineering

9-1 1
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Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

department to determine equivalency and document that


When an equivalent equipment, material or tool is contemplated, a

file will be created. Equivalency of equipment and tooling will be
determined by reviewing in detail the manufacturer's
recommendation and thereafter performing a comparative analysis
of the specific usage for the equipment, material or tool. The
evaluation will include a review of the maintenance manual to
determine the exact requirements of the equipment, material or
tool. Appropriate sections of the manual will be copied and made
part of the equipment, material or tool file. Additionally, the
specific function of the equipment, material or tool will be noted,
i.e. the technical requirements of the material, the parameters of
the test, the expectations of the work to be performed by the tools
or equipment. The file will also contain the appropriate drawings
and specifications that define the configuration, the type of material
and specific dimensions of the substitute material, tool or

The tools and equipment used by the repair station are available
for review by the FAA personnel. A list of calibrated tools and
equipment are kept as delineated elsewhere in this manual.
No work is commenced, continued or completed without
appropriate materials being used.

See Appendix B, ACI Procedures and Processes, for the

applicable ACI internal procedures to be used in the event the
customer supplied information does not include this information.

9.4.2 Calibration Policy and Procedures

The Calibration Technician is responsible for ensuring all

calibrated tools are maintained.

Tools and equipment used by this repair station to determine the

airworthiness of a part during maintenance, preventive
maintenance, or alteration will be subject to periodic checks and
calibration. All calibration standards used are traceable to the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standards.
All calibrated hand tools are company owned, there are no
personnel tools allowed.

No person may use any tool or equipment to determine the

airworthiness of any part unless it has been appropriately

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A\\', -.coi Ga • Comp.,ny
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number: A9PR286X

calibrated and labeled in accordance with the following

procedures. Each tool or equipment used to determine the
airworthiness of any part must be calibrated according to the
procedures and at the intervals prescribed by the manufacturer of
the tool or equipment. Calibrated tools/equipment will have a
calibration sticker (see Forms Manual for example of Label) .

Frequency of any check or calibration may vary depending upon

the use of the tool or equipment. Therefore, the interval shall be
listed for each tool or equipment as required per ACI Internal
Procedures or as recommended by the manufacturer of the
equipment. Micrometers, calipers, height gauges, and similar
equipment may be checked prior to use against test blocks
traceable to NIST.

It is the responsibility of the Quality Manager to keep all M & TE

and measuring standards up to date. A master list of M&TE is
maintained on computer.

All calibration record shall be kept on file for a period not less than
24 months.

It is the responsibility of the President to update, as necessary,

any outdated test equipment.
9.4.2 .1. Calibration Status
All measurement standards are labeled to indicate
calibration status. The label identifies the specific
date calibrated (day, month, year) and the due date.

When it is impractical to apply a calibration sticker

directly to the item (i .e. gauge blocks) the calibration
sticker is affixed to the instrument container. At no
time shall a Calibrated tool that is out of calibration be

New items that are received with a certificate from the

manufacture shall be issued with the calibration
sticker stating the due date from the manufacturer;
this only applies for items that require outside
calibration. Intervals of Calibration

All the M & TE and measurement standards used in
the repair station are recertified at least annually.

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Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

However, all micrometers used in this repair station

are recertified at least twice annually.

All internal micrometers and bore gauges in the

inspection department are calibrated daily prior to
final inspection.

To assure that these micrometers are checked at

least twice annually (whether they are used daily or
not) they must be labeled (certified) at least twice

Bore gauges are reset each time a different

measuring dimension is required.

All calibration control tools and equipment are

identified with a unique system generated number.
The number is used to reference taos/equipment
listed on the master list.

Intervals of calibration may be shorter if a

tool/instrument is found to out of tolerance during the
calibration process. The history (past calibration
records) of the tool must be reviewed prior to
shortening the calibration schedule. If the history of
the tool shows the tool fails to meet requirements or
needs adjusting on a regular basis, the tool will need
to be red tagged and removed from the calibration

A due date may be lengthen if at any time the Master

is out for calibration and the records indicates the tool
consistently falls within the calibration requirements. Calibration Procedures

All internal micrometers are checked for accuracy by
using a certified standard ring gauge.

These instruments are tightened in the ring gauge by

turning only the ratchet on the handle. Check for
repeatability to the applicable ring gauge.

All outer diameter micrometers are checked for

accuracy by using a certified standard gauge block.
These instruments are tightened against the gauge

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A \ Ci&JLP Corrvwnr
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number: A9PR286X

However, all micrometers used in this repair station

are recertified at least twice annually.

All internal micrometers and bore gauges in the

inspection department are calibrated daily prior to
final inspection.

To assure that these micrometers are checked at

least twice annually (whether they are used daily or
not) they must be labeled (certified) at least twice

Bore gauges are reset each time a different

measuring dimension is required.

All calibration control tools and equipment are
identified with a unique system generated number.
The number is used to reference toes/equipment
listed on the master list.

Intervals of calibration may be shorter if a

tool/instrument is found to out of tolerance during the
calibration process . The history (past calibration
records) of the tool must be reviewed prior to
shortening the calibration schedule. If the history of
the tool shows the tool fails to meet requirements or
needs adjusting on a regular basis, the tool will need
to be red tagged and removed from the calibration

A due date may be lengthen if at any time the Master

is out for calibration and the records indicates the tool
consistently falls within the calibration requirements. Calibration Procedures

All internal micrometers are checked for accuracy by
using a certified standard ring gauge.

These instruments are tightened in the ring gauge by

turning only the ratchet on the handle. Check for
repeatability to the applicable ring gauge.

All outer diameter micrometers are checked for

accuracy by using a certified standard gauge block.
These instruments are tightened against the gauge

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Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

blocks by turning only the ratchet on the handle.

Check in three sizes. (i.e., O", 1", and 3". Check for

Bore gauges are calibrated by using a certified outer

diameter micrometer. Check for repeatability.

All electrical current checks are made with a

multimeter that is calibrated and traceable to N.I.S.T.

All temperature recording (i.e. oven and water

temperature) is performed using a multimeter (with a
thermocouple attachment) that is calibrated and
traceable to N.I.S.T.

Procedures used to calibrate ACI non-destructive

testing penetrant line equipment can be found in ACI
Penetrant Inspection Procedure. This procedure
complies with ASTM E 1417.

Indicators shall be mounted in a stand and checked

for repeatability by placing a needle against a certified
. height gauge and repeating three times .
~ Calibration Records
A schedule of due dates for all M & TE and
measurement standards shall be maintained in the
Inspection Department at the repair station.
Thiscalendar shall reflect the description of what is to
be calibrated or tested, a due date, and any action
taken. Any calibration certificates shall become part of
the record. These records shall reflect the adequacy
of the calibration system and shall be kept for a
minimum of 3 years.

A master list of all gauges and test and measuring

equipment is kept on file (computer copy). This list
consists of ID number (when applicable), type of
device, frequency of calibration, method of calibration,
acceptance of accuracy, and location.

Certificates of compliance shall include the date of

test, results, due dates, and inspector. Environmental Controls

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A Wt"'°" Goot, Company
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

blocks by turning only the ratchet on the handle.

Check in three sizes. (i .e., O", 1", and 3" . Check for
repeatability. )

Bore gauges are calibrated by using a certified outer

diameter micrometer. Check for repeatability.

All electrical current checks are made with a

multimeter that is calibrated and traceable to N.I.S.T.

All temperature recording (i.e. oven and water

temperatu re) is performed using a multimeter (with a
thermocouple attachment) that is calibrated and
traceable to N.I.S.T.

Procedures used to calibrate ACI non-destructive

testing penetrant line equipment can be found in ACI
Penetrant Inspection Procedure. Th is procedure
complies with ASTM E 1417.

Indicators shall be mounted in a stand and checked

for repeatability by placing a needle against a certified
height gauge and repeating three times. Calibration Records
A schedule of due dates for all M & TE and
measurement standards shall be maintained in the
Inspection Department at the repair station .
Thiscalendar shall reflect the description of what is to
be calibrated or tested, a due date, and any action
taken. Any calibration certificates shall become part of
the record . These records shall reflect the adequacy
of the ca libration system and shall be kept for a
minimum of 3 years.

A master list of all gauges and test and measuring

equipment is kept on file (computer copy). This list
consists of ID number (when applicable), type of
device , frequency of calibration, method of calibration,
acceptance of accuracy, and location.

Certificates of compliance shall include the date of

test, results, due dates, and inspector. Environmental Controls

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AW• -.col C..)l..• f'.omp•ny
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

All ring gauges and gauge blocks used in the

inspection department shall be stored in a clean,
ambient air environment. All micrometers used for
final inspection shall be kept in a clean, ambient air
environment. All inspection is done in ambient air. Out of Tolerance Condition

All micrometers found to be out of tolerance shall be
recalibrated prior to use.

All of the M & TE and measurement standards that

are out of tolerance and cannot be readjusted are
tagged as out of tolerance and not used in the repair
station. A reject tag is attached to the measuring
device stating the calibration problem. Only once it is
recertified can it be used in the measuring and testing

Any parts suspected to have been checked and

certified with an out of tolerance instrument shall be
rechecked. Calibration Sources

Any M & TE and measurement standard sent out for
calibration are calibrated by a facility utilizing
measurement standards whose calibration is
traceable to the National Institute of Standards and
Technology. (A list of outside suppliers is available at
the Repair Station) Known Uncertainty of Measurements

All standards and test equipment must have a more
stringent level of known uncertainty than the actual
measuring or testing requirements of the part being

A tool or equipment may be used until the last day of the month
indicated on the label. To eliminate any confusion, all precise
measurement equipment that does not require periodic calibration
will also have a label marked NCR (No Calibration Required).

The Quality Manager will track all tools and equipment by their
repair station identification number and calibration due date. A list
of items that are due for calibration will be distributed to all

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A \\'1'.c.oaC..X.."~
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

supervisors of work that requires such tools or equipment, who will

notify the affected technician or inspectors. It will be the
responsibility of each technician and inspectors to ensure that
tools or equipment that do not have the appropriate calibration
sticker are not used. If a calibrated tool is lost or cannot be found
the Quality Manager will identify the tool lost in the computer. The
Quality Manager will issue a report to the Manager of the area to
assure the tool is not used if found.

Items that require calibration will be sent to the stockroom for

calibration . The Quality Manager is responsible for ensuring
tools/equipment is sent to the appropriate facility for calibration .
Storage of tools/equipment requiring calibration will be separate
from those that are properly calibrated . After the item is calibrated
and the proper records are obtained the Quality Manager will affix
an updated label. The Quality Manager retains the calibration

Whenever a tool or equipment is determined to be out of

calibration, the repair station will determine whether the condition
had any impact on the airworthiness of the article. If the out-of-
calibration condition did have an impact on airworthiness, the
steps required to correct deficiencies set forth in this manual shall
be followed.

9.5 Major Repairs and Major Alterations

This repair station must use only FAA-approved technical data when it
accomplishes a major repair or major alteration . If there is any question as
to whether technical data is FAA-approved, the question will be brought to
the Accountable Manager for resolution.

If a new repair is needed, the engineering department will create the repair
and categorize it as either major or minor. Engineering will then create the
Engineering Substantiation Report (ESR). See Appendix B, ACI Internal
Procedure SEP-1 .001 for further details.

If the repair is classified as major the repair will be sent for DER approval.

If the repair is classified as minor, it only requires ACI approval.

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A\\·, '<OI Gau, C'M'lflM?Y
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

Per CFR 43.13(b), records of major repairs will be included on the

customer's Work Order and include the information required by CFR part 43,
Appendix B in lieu of Form 337 unless otherwise requested by the customer.

This repair station will use CFR Parts 1 and Part 43, Appendix A as guidance
to determine if a repair/alteration is classified as major or minor. .

9.6 Contracting Maintenance Functions

9.6.1 Contracted Maintenance Functions

The maintenance functions that will or can be contracted to
outside sources will be contained in a list approved by the FAA. It
is the responsibility of the Quality Manager to assure the list is
mailed to the FAA for approval. Before adding any contracted
maintenance functions to its FAA-approved list, the repair station
shall contact the FAA in writing setting forth the type of
maintenance function it wishes to accomplish by contract. The
repair station shall not contract any maintenance function prior to
obtaining FAA approval. FAA approval may be provided in writing
or in the case of an emergency, verbally. However, verbal
approval will be verified in writing by this repair station within forty-
eight (48) hours of the oral communication. The written verification
will contain the type of maintenance function, the approved vendor
used by the repair station to perform the function and the name of
the FAA employee providing the verbal approval.

9.6.2 Contracting Maintenance Functions

Maintenance contractors are chosen for their ability to perform the
maintenance, preventive maintenance or alteration service and
their certificated or non-certificated status. Non-certificated
contractors are required to have a quality control system that
ensures the vendor has the housing, facilities, equipment, trained
personnel and data necessary to accomplish the specific work
requested by this repair station. Additionally, the non-certificated
source must allow the FAA to inspect them during the time they
are performing work on behalf of this repair station. This repair
station will remain directly in charge of the work performed by the
non-certificated facility.

A list of maintenance vendors that accomplish functions under

contract for this repair station, including the name and type of
certificate and ratings, if any, is maintained by the Quality Manager
or designee. The Quality Manager or designee will audit all
subcontractors before use and then on a regular basis. The audit

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A \\1~ca G A.1"Cornpmy
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

shall be conducted by mail or in-person according to the type of

work being performed, the type of certificate held by the
contractor, and the amount of inspection accomplished during
incoming inspection of the article at this repair station. The results
of those audits are also maintained by the Quality Manager or

For all Certificated contractors surveillance shall be performed at a

minimum of two years interval.

Non-certificated contractors shall be performed on a one year


When performing on-site surveillance of non-certificated vendor,

the audit shall be specific to the type of work being performed by
the contractor on behalf of this repair station. This is to determine if
the contractor has a quality control system in place and is following
the procedure when performing the contracted service. The audit
shall also verify if the contractor has the facility, necessary tools,
equipment, personnel, knowledge and approppricate technical
data to complete the work for which it is contracted to perfrom.

Form QC031 Critical Vendor Evaluation and Audit Check list shall
be duly filled for each surveillance audit performed.
Any work performed by an outside agency for this repair station
will be inspected, as set forth in the incoming inspection
procedure, to verify that the work was performed in the manner
requested by the purchase order and equivalent to this repair
station's standards. A thorough review will be made of the
maintenance record to ensure it adequately describes the work
performed and/or references the document used to perform the
work. If the work was performed by a FAA- certificated agency, the
maintenance record accompanying the article must comply with
applicable FARs.

9.7 Corrective Action Procedures

The accountable manager is responsible for the corrective action system.

There are two times when corrective action is appropriate under this repair
station's system :

9.7.1 Prior to the work being approved for return to service; and,
9.7.2 After the work has been completed and approved for return
to service.

Revision: 20
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Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
,,r, ~,,,r,n-; COATINGS
AW, -.co1 C..w..f' Company

Repair Station and Quality Control Manual

Approval Number: A9PR286X

Whenever an inspection or work scope determines that a maintenance step

or function has been accomplished incorrectly, the work will be repeated and
inspected to ensure proper completion. The process will be reviewed to
ensure that the improper work was not the result of a deficiency in facilities,
equipment, tooling or material. Although this review will not be documented,
it will be the responsibility of all personnel to bring any deficiencies to the
immediate attention of the Accountable Manager.

This procedure establishes a system for recognizing and taking action on

conditions that have or could result in sending out repaired work that does
not meet the quality assurance provisions specified by the customer or repair

The root cause is determined by the utilizing the Why-Why method .

The procedure contained herein establishes the minimum requirements for

employing Corrective/Preventive Action. Corrective action is used to identify
and record any problems related to the product, processes, or quality
system. The following is written to specifically address the conditions that
may exist and require corrective action .

Any supplies or services received that do not meet the requirements of the
Purchase Order shall be returned to the vendor. A Corrective Action Form
must be filled out for all unacceptable supplies or services.

During an in-process or final inspection, any procedure found to have

violated the established repair limit, or specified process shall constitute
corrective action. A Corrective Action Form can be initiated by any

Any repaired part returned to this facility by the customer for a non-
conformance caused by this facility will also require completion of a
Nonconformance Report Form by the inspection department, President , or
Quality Manager.

This facility will respond within 10 working days back to the customer
concerning formal customer complaints. A formal customer complaint is
when the customer sends a corrective action request form with the part or
request corrective and/or preventive action.

A copy of any written customer complaints must be attached to Corrective

Action Request Form and maintained on file in the office of the Quality
Manager for a period of 2 years.

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Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
I '\ T I ~ '\ /\ T I O S: .\ I
A \\·, C.,u, CDmp.M,y
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

9.7.3 Corrective Action Process

A Corrective Action Request (CAR) Form must be completed when
corrective/Preventive action is required. Note: Corrective actions
(Specific action only) shall be taken on internal non-conformances.

Corrective/Preventive Actions audit findings, Customer Complaints

and items identified during the Management Review Meetings that
shall require Corrective/Preventive Action. Audit findings and
problems identified during the management review shall have a
review/investigation period of 30 days and an extension may be
granted as required.

When determining Corrective Action, action shall be to a degree

that is appropriate to the magnitude of the problem. Risk of further
problems that may arise due to the Corrective Action must be
considered. If the magnitude of the problem appears to be
systemic, all of the customer's same parts in process will be re-

It is up to the discretion of the Quality Manager or the President to

make this assessment. However, if the magnitude of the problem
requires a procedural change or an additional procedure, the
procedure must be approved by management.

Corrective Action Request Forms must include the following: Responsible party, Reason for rejection, Cause of discrepancy of non-conformity (to be
determined during the investigation of causes and
documented on the Corrective Action Request Form). Corrective Action taken to correct specific problem, Preventive Action taken to prevent recurrence.

9. 7.4 Review of Corrective Action Request Forms

A periodic review of the completed Corrective Action Request

Form is required at least annually to establish any patterns or
problems that might exist and to review its effectiveness. This
review must take place during the annual Management Review
Team meeting and recorded on the Review of Quality Records

9.8 Preventive Action

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Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
I, TI R, \ T I fl 'I .\ I
A.\\ t-..c.tWC.-:iu• C~
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

To detect, analyze, and eliminate potential causes of non-conformity, the

Management Review Team shall use, but not be limited to, procedures, work
instructions, audit results, quality records, history of past problems, and
reasons for customer complaints.

Initiation of preventive action is by the use of the Corrective Action Request

Forms. Once these have been implemented, the form must be signed by the
Quality Manager or the President .

As stated in 8.1, Corrective Action Request Forms are reviewed at least

annually. The Management Review Team uses information such as
completed Corrective Action Request Forms, internal audits, and any other
information deemed necessary to determine the results of the corrective
and/or preventive actions are effective.

9.8.1 Review of Preventive Action

It is left to the discretion of the Management Review Team during
the annual meeting to determine any needed changes to an
existing procedure or any new procedures which need to be
written in order to deal with any problems requiring preventive

Any procedures revised and any procedures which are written and
reviewed according to this facility's Quality Document and Data
Control Procedure.

Follow-up shall be performed within 60 days of the implementation

date to assure the
effectiveness of preventive action taken. This is the responsibility
of the Quality Manager.

9.8.2 Records
Corrective Action Request Forms are considered quality records.
They shall be maintained by the Quality Manager for 2 years.

Any changes to a procedure due to Corrective and/or Preventive

Action shall be made according to this facility's Quality Document
and Data Control Procedure. Changes to procedures must be
approved by the Management Review Team.

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Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
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A\\',"°" G ,u, C:omp,ny
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

Whenever it is discovered that an improper maintenance,

preventive maintenance or alteration action was approved for
return to service, this repair station will immediately rectify the
situation with the customer. Additionally, the repair station's
Accountable Manager will determine whether the incident should
be reported to the FAA under the Voluntary Disclosure procedure
contained in Advisory Circular 00-58 (as revised) .

9.9 Forms

All forms used to process work through this repair station are controlled and
maintained current. From time to time, the forms are updated to incorporate
additional or different information or to provide for easier completion.

The actual forms and the method for completing them are contained in the
Repair Station Forms Manual.

The FARs requires this repair station to ensure its records adequately
describe the work it performs. Any changes to these forms must ensure that
if the form is to be the permanent work record, the description of work
continues to meet that intent.


9.10.1 Responsibility
The Inspection Department is responsible for review of a
contract/purchase request prior to accepting or declining the

9.10.2 Requirements of a Contract

The customer must adequately define in a contract what work is to
be performed (i.e. plate, grind, etc.).

9.10.3 Process of Evaluation

If the contract involves valve bodies, actuator covers, landing gear
tubes, or other parts that the repair station currently repairs, the
only consideration will be turn-time.
A review of the repair station's current work load will determine if
the contract's required turn-time can be met.
If a contract involves parts that are not done on a regular basis in
the repair station, then the following requirements must be met: Proper equipment to perform work must be available. Adequately trained personnel must be available.

Revision: 20
Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
I ', T I H ', .\ T I O 'I A I
A \\'• -.c0t G Compi1ny
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X Proper measuring and testing equipment must be

available .

9.11 Discrepancies/Clarifications of Customer Requests

9.11.1 Contact Customer

If there are any discrepancies between the customer request and
the tender to be submitted, it is the responsibility of the President
to work out the differences with the customer.

If there are any clarifications needed in determining or interpreting

a subjective element to a customer's request (including referring to
a standard), it is the responsibility of the President to clear up the
matter prior to accepting the job.

9.11.2 Keeping Customer Informed

Customer Service Department will send FYI emails to customers in
certain situations but not hold the part for approval under the
following: Request CMM/ technical data revision status /
information Repair history indicates we have used ACI DER/ERi
repairs on specific part number which we notify the
customer we will repair IAW the following if not listed
on the PO Typo in the ATA listed on PO - look at history for part
number and update stating this is the CMM used in
the past Minor damage on part outside of the repair area so
there is record this part was received with the damage Missing piece parts to be installed before shipping

(example - customer supplied bushings)

9.11.3 Forms of Contracts

A contract may be a formal written request or a verbal request to
repair specific parts.
Verbal agreements will be documented through a written purchase
request or a Verbal Customer Request Verification Form. E-Mail is
also an acceptable means of contract revisions.

9.11.4 Amendments to the Contract

Any amendments to the contract must be attached to the contract
(purchase request) and noted on work instructions before the parts
are released to the shop.

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Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
1 , T I ..: , A T I Cl '-.: ,\ I
'°"" c,.,... fomp,llly
A W,
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number: A9PR286X

9.11.5 Acceptance of Contract

Once the signature of the President, Quality Manager or
Inspection personnel is placed on the master copy of the work
instruction (Traveler) and the shop's copy of the traveler has been
stamped or initialed in the pre-inspection section, the requirements
of contract review is met. Verify that the work required is within the authority of
this repair station as defined in its ratings and
Operations Specifications. This repair station will also
verify that it has the appropriate housing, facilities,
equipment, personnel and technical instructions
available to perform the requested work. However,
the regulations allow this repair station to arrange the
performance of maintenance, preventive maintenance
and/or alteration with another person under the
provisions of this manual. FAA approval of new
articles is ACI Capabilities manual. Verify required parts and materials are available. . Verify all required technical data are available and
current. . Generate an internal shop traveler for the article. As
applicable, the shop traveler shall indicate the work
order number, the customer's name, article name,
article number, article serial number (tracking
number), and a general description of the work scope
requested by the customer.

9.11 .5.5. Generate (manually or by computer) a Shop Traveler

to document the work performed for any customer
under the repair station's certificate. Each work order
will be a consecutively numbered document, and the
number will be used as reference for all maintenance,
alteration or inspections performed on the article
received . The work order number is generated
through the work order computer generated. The
next available number is assigned to the work order
and is etched or tagged on the part.

9.11.6 Contractual Records

Purchase requests (contracts), written or verbal verifications are
stored together with the respective quality records for 2 years.

9.11.7 Exchange Program

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Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
, , fl H , A r t n , s "
AW." C..-•C~ Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

As requested by customer, ACI shall provide a duly certified

replacement part in lieu of the original part received from customer.
This shall be handled as per applicable ACI procedure SQP 1.009.

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Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date: 09/08/2003
11'1LR' •\110'Al
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X
AW·"'°" G00<,? Company


FOR PARTS 121, 125, 129, 135 OPERATORS

Revision :20
Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date: 09/08/03
1 , l[R,-\ f l0'-1\l
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X
/\ W,'<OI G,IQ(,? Comp,ny

10.1 Standard Performance Requirements

10.1.1 General
When this repair station performs maintenance, preventive
maintenance, or alterations for air carriers or commercial operators
holding a FAR Part 121,125 or 135 or 129 certificates it will do so
only with the technical data and methods appropriate to that
operator's FAA-approved program.
10.1.2 Compliance
Since air carrier/commercial operators customer requirements are
generally set forth on the purchase order or repair request
documentation, this repair station will ensure compliance with
those instructions by: Ensuring that all air carrier and commercial operator
customers are aware of the manuals and procedures
used to perform maintenance on articles sent for
maintenance, preventive maintenance or alteration. Documenting in the Work Order Package any special
instructions received from the air carrier or
commercial operator to perform maintenance,
preventive maintenance or alteration on its articles.
10.1 .2.3. Asking all new air carrier or commercial operator
customers to provide on its purchase order or repair
order the exact information to be used in performing
maintenance, preventive maintenance or alteration on
its behalf; if at any time the instruction is not proper on
the purchase order or repair order, the Quality
Manager will contact customer service to request an
amendment or additional instruction. Keeping a record of all communications in the work
order file.

In addition, through audits by the air carriers and commercial

operators, this repair station will ensure continued compliance with
the customer's requirements with respect to recordkeeping,
training of personnel and other matters covered by the customer's
maintenance manual procedures. The Quality Manager is
responsible for the records and assuring the proper technical data
is on file.

If there is any question as to what technical data is to be used at

any time during performance of work, it will be brought to the
attention of the administration for resolution with the customer.

Revision :20
Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date: 09/08/03
I i's f [ K , .\ 1 I O ' ,\ l
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X
A Wt '<QI GoO<,? Company


Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date: 09/08/03
l:S.TtK, ,\110 '- t\l
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X

11 .1 General Policy

The Quality Manager is responsible for maintaining the records. A detailed record of
all work performed by the repair station shall be maintained for each article
undergoing maintenance or alteration. The description of the work performed shall
be set forth in the work order package documents. Records typically in a quality
package are Traveler, 8130-3, copy of applicable repair(s) from OEM, Component
Manual, approved repairs and a copy of Customer Purchase Order.

All steps in each work order package document shall be completed or determined to
be inapplicable to the scope of work requested by the customer. If any steps that are
on standard forms are found to be inapplicable, they will be crossed out (lined
through ) by the individual making that determination. Documents will be completed
by the persons performing each work step described. Completion of a work step will
be indicated by the person performing the step initialing, signing or stamping the
appropriate place on the document. Inspectors shall indicate the acceptance of the
work or inspection performed by affixing their initials, signature or stamp shop
traveler package document.

All records of work performed, including records of work performed by outside

sources, shall be retained in the work order package file for not less than 2 years
following the date of the work being completed, unless customer contract request

The records are maintained in an active file for 2 years.

All required records are available for inspection by the FAA and the NTSB upon
request. All such requests shall be coordinated with the Accountable Manager.

Form supplied to the customer, required customer forms and 8130-3.

11.2 Assignment of Stamps

Stamps will be issued and controlled in the following manner:

11 .2.1 Issuing Stamps
11.2.1 .1. The stamp form shall include a legible impression of
each stamp issued, the name and the signature of
each employee that is issued a stamp.
11.2.1 .2. In addition, signatures indicate acceptance of
responsibility for control of the stamp in question. Stamps are to be secured at all times, even after the
end of a shift, in order that use of a stamp is not
possible except by the person to whom it is assigned.

11.2.1 .4. The stamp form shall include a legible impression of

each stamp issued, the name and the signature of
each employee that is issued a stamp.
Revision :20
Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date: 09/08/03
11'-T t R , \ l l Q -..: •\ l
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X In addition, signatures indicate acceptance of

responsibility for control of the stamp in question . Stamps are to be secured at all times, even after the
end of a shift, in order that use of a stamp is not
possible except by the person to whom it is assigned.

11.2.2 Controlling Stamps The Quality Manager will be responsible for the
control of all stamps and the stamp roster. The Stamp Roster shall include the printed name,
status and date of issue for all employees issued a
stamp . Upon the resignation or retirement of an employee,
the stamp assigned to that employee shall be
destroyed and the roster revised . If a stamp is lost, then it is the responsibility of the
employee to whom the stamp is issued to notify the
Quality Manager so that the roster(s) may be revised . Each stamp will have a unique design to identify
employees accepting products.
11 .2.2.6. Duplicate stamps will not be issued. A roster of "out of service" (obsolete/misplaced)
stamps will be retained for reference purposes . Annual yearly stamp verification will be performed to
ensure legibility and control.
11 .2.2.9. If at any time a stamp is found to be illegible, the
stamp shall be destroyed and replaced with a different

11 .3 Recordkeeping System and Procedures

The forms used to record each of the following activities are contained in a
separate section. The forms section set forth the actual document in use as
well as a description of how the form must be completed. These forms, when
completed for any work performed by the repair station shall cover such items

11.3.1 Tear Down Report (if requested by the customer)

11.3.2 Preliminary Report (if requested by the customer)
11.3.3 ACI Traveler - Documentation of interim steps, particularly
in-process inspections
11 .3.4 Records (tags) for parts,
11.3.5 Release documents, and
11.3.6 FAA forms (e.g., Form 337, Form 8130-3, Form 8120-11) .

Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date: 09/08/03
I , 1 l R '-A r IO-.; A I
Repa ir Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number: A9PR286X
A\\~"'°" G""'-~ C:ompillY

11.4 Reports of Defects or Un-airworthy Conditions - Service Difficulty

Report (SOR)

A serious defect or_recurring un-airworthy condition is one that is not covered

or contemplated by a manufacturer's Instructions for Continued Airworthiness
(e.g., repair, maintenance or overhaul manuals), Service Bulletins, service
letters, Airworthiness Directive, and/or other data acceptable to or approved
by the FAA.

The Quality Manager is responsible for the proper and timely fi ling of reports
on serious defects and recurring un-airworthy conditions. These reports will
be made within ninety-six (96) hours after discovery on a form and in a
manner prescribed by the FAA and customer. The report will be made on
FAA Form 8070-1 Service Difficulty Report (SDR) and describe the defect or
malfunction completely, without withholding any pertinent information . The
8070-1 SDR shall be forwarded to Oklahoma City via email (http ://av-') .

If the defect could result in an imminent safety hazard to flight, the FAA office
will be provided a preliminary report via telephone or electronic means.

If the report may prejudice the repair station, the Quality Manager will notify
the responsible FAA office and develop with them an appropriate disposition
consistent with the FARs.

11.5 Report Suspect Unapproved Parts (SUP)

If at any time within the repair process a possible SUP part is identified it will
be routed to the Quality Manager to review. It is the responsibility of the
Quality Manager to report suspect parts through the Aviation Safety Hot Line
Program Office and the respective owner of the part. Although reports may be
submitted in any format, the public is encouraged to submit a SUP report on
FAA Form 8120-11 . A copy can be access an electronic copy of the form
at .

Training for SUP items: at a minimum the Receiving and Final inspection shall
receive SUP Annual Training .

Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date: 09/08/03
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number: A9PR286X
AW, seo< G , Company


Revision :20
Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date: 09/08/03
I ~ I l I( ' ,\ T I O '- \ I
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X
A W• -.coo C • Company

12.1 Establishment and Revision

This repair station may perform maintenance, preventive maintenance, or

alterations on the process listed in a Capability List. The Accountable
Manager is responsible for ensuring that this repair station's Capability List is
consistent with the repair station ratings.

12.1.1 Capability Establishment

Before placing a process on the Capability List, the Quality
Manager will: Determine that the article is within the scope of the
repair station 's ratings . Perform a self-evaluation to determine that this repair

station has the appropriate housing, facilities,
equipment, material, technical data, processes, and
trained personnel to perform the work on that article
as required by Part 145. Document the results of the self-evaluation. Keep a copy of the self-evaluation assessment on file.
Reference Capabilities Manual for additional

12.1.2 Revision
The revision procedure is described in 5.0.1 of the repair station
capability list manual.

The Accountable Manager and President will review and approve the
evaluation before establishing or revising the Capability List. The Capability
List is a controlled document, and once an initial list or revision has been
approved by the Accountable Manager it will be forwarded to the FAA by
electronic means or mail within seven days of creation or revision. A
Capability List shall be maintained in the Quality Managers Office.

Any time a process needs to be removed from the capabilities list a letter
shall be written to the FAA stating which process(s) are being removed and
update the capabilities list accordingly.

Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date: 09/08/03
1, ·1 [l(,,\TIQ-.:,\1
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X
A Wt,r Goot'P Comp,ny

Section 13: APPENDICES

Revision: 20
Revision Date: 05/30/2018
Original Issue Date: 09/08/03
1, flK"-,\TIO-.:,\L
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X
Aw,.._...,. Goot.. Com~ny


Fabrication Quality Control System (FQCS)

Revision: Original
Revision Date: 09/10/2013
Original Issue Date: 09/08/03
I, I I I( , T I O 'i ,\ I
Repair Station and Quality Control Manual
Approval Number : A9PR286X
A W1w:oo Cw:><,• ComjW)y


ACI Procedures and Processes


Revision: A
Revision Date: 08/01/2014
Original Issue Date: 12/09/13

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