An Overview of The Spectral Induced Polarization Method For Near-Surface Applications

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Near Surface Geophysics, 2012, 10, 453-468  doi:10.3997/1873-0604.


An overview of the spectral induced polarization method for

near-surface applications
Andreas Kemna1*, Andrew Binley2, Giorgio Cassiani3, Ernst Niederleithinger4,
André Revil5, 6, Lee Slater7, Kenneth H. Williams8, Adrián Flores Orozco1,
Franz-Hubert Haegel9, Andreas Hördt10, Sabine Kruschwitz4, Virginie Leroux11,
Konstantin Titov12 and Egon Zimmermann13
Geodynamics/Geophysics, Steinmann Institute, University of Bonn, Germany
Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, UK
Department of Geosciences, Padova University, Italy
BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin, Germany
Department of Geophysics, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, USA
ISTerre, CNRS, UMR CNRS 5275, Université de Savoie, Le Bourget du Lac, France
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Rutgers-Newark, Newark, USA
Earth Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, USA
Agrosphere (IBG 3), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich, Germany
Institute for Geophysics and Extraterrestrial Physics, Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany
Department of Electrical Measurements and Automation, Lund University, Sweden
Department of Geophysics, St. Petersburg State University, Russia
Institute for Electronics (ZEL), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich, Germany

Over the last 15 years significant advancements in induced polarization (IP) research have taken place,
particularly with respect to spectral IP (SIP), concerning the understanding of the mechanisms of the IP
phenomenon, the conduction of accurate and broadband laboratory measurements, the modelling and
inversion of IP data for imaging purposes and the increasing application of the method in near-surface
investigations. We summarize here the current state of the science of the SIP method for near-surface
applications and describe which aspects still represent open issues and should be the focus of future
research efforts. Significant progress has been made over the last decade in the understanding of the
microscopic mechanisms of IP; however, integrated mechanistic models involving different possible
polarization processes at the grain/pore scale are still lacking. A prerequisite for the advances in the
mechanistic understanding of IP was the development of improved laboratory instrumentation, which
has led to a continuously growing data base of SIP measurements on various soil and rock samples. We
summarize the experience of numerous experimental studies by formulating key recommendations for
reliable SIP laboratory measurements. To make use of the established theoretical and empirical relation-
ships between SIP characteristics and target petrophysical properties at the field scale, sophisticated
forward modelling and inversion algorithms are needed. Considerable progress has also been made in
this field, in particular with the development of complex resistivity algorithms allowing the modelling
and inversion of IP data in the frequency domain. The ultimate goal for the future are algorithms and
codes for the integral inversion of 3D, time-lapse and multi-frequency IP data, which defines a 5D
inversion problem involving the dimensions space (for imaging), time (for monitoring) and frequency
(for spectroscopy). We also offer guidelines for reliable and accurate measurements of IP spectra, which
are essential for improved understanding of IP mechanisms and their links to physical, chemical and
biological properties of interest. We believe that the SIP method offers potential for subsurface structure
and process characterization, in particular in hydrogeophysical and biogeophysical studies.


© 2012 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers 453

454 A. Kemna et al.

INTRODUCTION of Tucson, Arizona, in memorial of the IP pioneer John S.

The induced polarization (IP) method is a well-established geo- Sumner (Sumner 1976). Since then significant advancements
physical exploration method. About 100 years ago, Conrad have taken place in IP, particularly in SIP, concerning the under-
Schlumberger recognized the possibility of inferring subsurface standing of the mechanisms of the IP phenomenon, the conduc-
structural information from measured voltage signals associated tion of accurate and broadband laboratory measurements, the
with ‘provoked’ polarization currents in the earth. By the 1960s modelling and inversion of IP data for imaging purposes and the
and 1970s the method had become a popular choice for explora- increasing application of the method in near-surface investiga-
tion of porphyry and massive sulphide deposits, given the strong tions. To discuss the current state of the science of IP in near-
IP response of the associated minerals (we refer to Seigel et al. surface geophysics, a two-day international workshop took place
2007, for the early history of IP). During these early stages in the at the University of Bonn September 30–October 1, 2009. This
development of IP, the quantitative use of the method was hin- workshop was attended by 63 IP researchers and practitioners
dered by instrumental and computational limitations. With the from 14 countries.
advance of multi-electrode, multi-channel IP instrumentation This overview article on the state of the science of the SIP
with improved measurement accuracy and the availability of method for near-surface applications and currently open research
powerful computers to solve extensive numerical problems, IP questions represents an outcome of this meeting. It is motivated
started to develop into a quantitative exploration tool. by the aforementioned revived and growing interest in the use of
Furthermore, the spectral nature of the IP response, i.e., its char- the method and is presented as a follow-up statement of the text
acteristic frequency dependence, was increasingly investigated. by Ward et al. (1995). We note that the intention here is not to
Modern SIP instruments are now available that combine the provide a comprehensive review of SIP research over the last 15
sensitivity of this spectroscopic method with respect to structural years but to (1) summarize the main achievements regarding
characterization with the spatial resolution of a geophysical field theory and modelling, (2) formulate, based on extensive experi-
method (Fig. 1). Consequently, SIP has been ‘re-discovered’ dur- mental experiences, recommendations regarding laboratory and
ing the last two decades, particularly for hydrogeological and field work and (3) outline our view of the main gaps and
environmental investigations (see Revil et al. 2012a), where the demands in the understanding of IP mechanisms as well as in
flow and transport properties of rocks, fluid content and fluid data acquisition, processing, inversion and interpretation.
chemistry are of major interest. In recent years promising novel The first section addresses the microscopic mechanisms of IP,
applications of SIP have arisen, such as in the emerging field of where we summarize the present understanding of the underlying
biogeophysics for characterizing and monitoring the subsurface polarization processes at the pore scale, in particular involving the
biogeochemical state (see Atekwana and Slater 2009). electrical double layer, and then highlight currently open questions.
Seventeen years ago Ward et al. (1995) outlined recommen- Understanding the micro-scale physical, chemical and biological
dations for IP research following an International Workshop on mechanisms that control IP is an essential step towards improving
IP in Mining and the Environment held in 1994 at the University our ability to devise fruitful applications. A  prerequisite for the

General concept of SIP imaging,
also referred to as spectral electri-
cal impedance tomography (EIT),
as a geophysical exploration tool
that combines the spatial resolu-
tion benefits of a tomographic
approach (multi-frequency imag-
es on the left) with the diagnostic
advantages of spectroscopy
(spectral response at the pixel/
voxel scale on the right), for
instance to infer textural, hydrau-
lic or biogeochemical subsurface

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The spectral induced polarization method for near-surface applications 455

advances in the understanding of SIP responses was the develop- (5) the electrode polarization, observed in presence of dissemi-
ment of improved laboratory instrumentation and experimental nated conductive minerals (e.g., Wong 1979; Merriam 2007),
practice, which allowed SIP measurements with the required sensi- such as pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, pyrite and graphite, and long
tivity on a large number of various soil and rock samples. In the utilized as a tool for mining exploration (see, e.g., Seigel et al.
second section we identify the main experimental issues and com- 1997). This latter mechanism is specific to the presence of
pile key recommendations for reliable SIP laboratory measurements electronic conductors and will not be discussed further here.
based on experiences over the last 15 years. To make use of the The Maxwell-Wagner polarization is an interfacial polarization
established theoretical and empirical relationships between SIP due to the discontinuity of displacement currents in a multiphase
characteristics and target petrophysical properties at the field scale, system with discontinuities of the dielectric permittivity and/or
sophisticated forward modelling and inversion algorithms are electrical conductivity at the interface between the different
needed. In the third section we summarize the progress in this area phases. This mechanism is controlled by the tortuosity of the
over the last 15 years and describe the major challenges for future different phases, their volume fractions and the conductivity and
algorithm development. The successful application of the SIP permittivity of the different phases. The Maxwell-Wagner polar-
method in the field is constrained by the data quality that can be ization is mainly responsible for polarization phenomena at the
obtained, sometimes under apparently unfavourable conditions. In upper end of the considered frequency spectrum (typically above
the final section we bring forward the main problems and pitfalls in 1 kHz).
SIP field measurements, which, if ignored, can easily lead to an The remaining mechanisms are all related to the electro-
unsuccessful application of the method. We provide guidelines on migration of different types of charge carriers: electrons and
how to best deal with these measurement issues so that the potential ions. While electron migration may occur when a biotic or an
of the SIP method for structure and process characterization can be abiotic redox process is involved, ionic polarization usually
better exploited in field investigations. dominates the electro-migration polarization mechanisms in
natural porous media. Ionic polarization is strongly related to the
MECHANISMS occurrence of the EDL at the pore water-solid matrix interface.
In their recommendations for IP research, Ward et al. (1995) Both layers of the EDL, i.e., the Stern layer and the diffusive
pointed out that models are needed that relate the electrical layer, can polarize, giving rise to three distinct cases depending
responses of rocks and soils to the underlying physical and on the connectivity of the solid phase (Revil and Cosenza 2010;
chemical processes and particularly to their specific microgeo- Fig. 2). We note that in the current conceptualization of the elec-
metrical and surface chemical properties. Some progress has trochemical IP mechanisms (see Revil and Florsch 2010 and
been made since 1995, even though the ultimate goal of fully Fig. 3), diffuse layer polarization and membrane polarization are
understanding (and predicting) IP responses on the basis of the closely related.
system’s characteristics still lies ahead. Around a grain or through a constriction of the pore space, the
Induced polarization is caused by the transport and (reversi- difference of the fractions of current carried by cations and ani-
ble) accumulation of charge carriers (ions and electrons) in ons is responsible for the so-called membrane polarization (e.g.,
micro-heterogeneous materials (e.g., rock or soil) due to an Dukhin and Shilov 1974). This difference gives rise to the forma-
external electric field. At low frequency this process is therefore tion of a neutral cloud of ions (cations and anions) on one side of
mostly not dielectric in nature. Induced polarization phenomena the grain, or the pore constriction, and a corresponding depletion
can be observed both in time and in the frequency (SIP) domain. of ions on the other side, both being aligned with the externally
Many fundamental studies have been performed on polarizations applied electric field. These zones of higher and lower salinities
occurring in porous media and in colloidal suspensions, pointing around the grain, or through the constriction, are responsible for
out that five main mechanisms dominate at frequencies below a diffusion of ions from the high-salinity to the low-salinity zone
1 MHz. These mechanisms are: according to their mutual diffusion coefficient (for the latter see
the Maxwell-Wagner polarization (e.g., Alvarez 1973; e.g., Revil 1999). To understand this polarization mechanism,
Chelidze and Gueguen 1999; Lesmes and Morgan 2001; consider the simple case of two insulating grains (e.g., made of
Chen and Or 2006); silica) coated by an EDL and immersed in a background electro-
(2) the polarization of the Stern layer, i.e., the inner part of the lyte (Fig. 3). The electrolyte contains a dissolved salt providing
electrical double layer (EDL) at the interface between miner- both cations and anions. We also consider a pore throat sand-
als and water (e.g., de Lima and Sharma 1992; Leroy et al. wiched between these two grains, following the conceptualiza-
2008; Vaudelet et al. 2011; Revil 2012); tion of membrane polarization by Revil and Florsch (2010). The
(3) the polarization of the diffuse layer, i.e., the outer part of the presence of an externally applied electric field displaces the
EDL (e.g., Dukhin and Shilov 1974; de Lima and Sharma electrical diffuse layer. In the far-field, the cations move in the
1992); direction of the electric field and the anions move in the opposite
(4) the membrane polarization (e.g., Marshall and Madden 1959; direction. Because of the pore throat, the current is mainly
Vinegar and Waxman 1984; Titov et al. 2002); and restricted to the EDL. If we consider that the mineral grains are

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456 A. Kemna et al.

Sketch of membrane polarization of a pore sandwiched between two
grains. The back diffusion can occur both in the electrical double layer
for the counterions and in the bulk pore water for the co-ions. The accu-
mulation of the salt on one side of the pore diffuses back with a diffusion
coefficient that is equal to the mutual diffusion coefficient of the salt. Jd(+)
corresponds to the backdiffusion of the counterions of the electrical
double layer while Jd corresponds to the backdiffusion of the salt clouds
in the pore. From Revil and Cosenza (2010).

side of the grain and depletion in the salt concentration on the

other side. This process is controlled by the balance between the
local concentration gradient and the electric field, which act in
FIGURE 2 opposite directions. This membrane polarization mechanism has
A pictorial view of the current conceptualization of the main IP mecha- been widely described in the literature (e.g., Marshall and
nisms with three types of porous materials characterized by different Madden 1959; Vinegar and Waxman 1984) and is in the range of
polarization mechanisms. Type A corresponds to colloidal suspensions the observed low-frequency polarization phenomena, as its time
for which three polarization mechanisms co-exist (polarization of the constant is controlled by the mobility of ions in the solution and
Stern and diffuse layers, Maxwell-Wagner polarization). For dense the square of the pore throat length (e.g., Titov et al. 2002).
granular media (type B), the diffuse layer is continuous and does not Composite-conductivity models exist and have been devel-
polarize. In the case of type C, both the Stern and diffuse layers are con- oped over the past 20 years to upscale the mechanisms outlined
tinuous at the scale of the representative elementary volume and there- above to the scale of a representative elementary volume of a
fore do not polarize. Only the membrane polarization and the Maxwell- porous rock. For instance, Leroy et al. (2008) and Leroy and
Wagner polarization co-exist and are influenced by the electrical conduc- Revil (2009) recently modelled, based on the earlier works of de
tivity in the electrical double layer (this contribution is termed the surface Lima and Sharma (1992) and Lesmes and Morgan (2001), the
conductivity). From Revil and Cosenza (2010). polarization mechanisms taking place in glass beads and in clay
materials by coupling a Stern layer polarization model with an
negatively charged (a typical case at circumneutral pH values; electrochemical model of the electrical double layer for silica
see e.g., Skold et al. 2011), the counterions of the EDL are and aluminosilicates and adding the effect of the Maxwell-
mostly cations. Due to the pore throat, the fractions of the total Wagner polarization. In their approach, heterogeneity is account-
current transported by the co-ions and the counterions (the so- ed for by using (a) the polarization model for a single grain
called Hittorf numbers) are different in the bulk electrolyte and convoluted by a function determined from the particle size distri-
in the EDL. As a result, there is an increase of the salinity on one bution and (b) a differential effective medium approach for

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The spectral induced polarization method for near-surface applications 457

modelling the electromagnetic interactions between all the (7) the understanding of the occurrence of anisotropy in the IP
grains. This approach provides an explicit relationship between response depending on microgeometrical characteristics (see
the distribution of relaxation times and the grain/pore size distri- Winchen et al. 2009 for a first synthetic study on the occur-
bution and can be used, for instance, to provide a theoretical rence of anisotropic IP responses);
understanding of the empirical Cole-Cole model (see also Revil (8) the understanding of the effect of ice-water phase transition
and Florsch 2010). on the IP response.
While the physicochemical mechanisms of polarization are
well understood for simple model cases and upscaling approaches Whereas challenges (1)–(3) are concerning the improvement of
like those mentioned above exist, the link between the observed theoretical, experimental and modelling results for well investi-
SIP response at the lab or the field scale and these fundamental gated systems, only a limited data base exists to date with respect
processes is not fully established. In particular, the links between to challenges (4)–(8).
IP and porous media characteristics (including micro-structure,
porosity, permeability, specific internal surface, tortuosity, fluid LABORATORY MEASUREMENTS
phase distribution etc.) need to be further investigated. The recent Laboratory SIP measurements are required to improve our
work by Revil and Florsch (2010) represents a step in this direc- understanding of the physicochemical controls on the induced
tion, although the role of membrane polarization is still unac- polarization effect and test models (theoretical, empirical, mech-
counted for. It is possible that the approach pursued by Vinegar anistic) for IP source mechanisms. Ward et al. (1995) concluded
and Waxman (1984) in incorporating empirically both the Stern that laboratory measurements should focus on establishing the
layer and membrane polarization together could be applied to the dependence of SIP on pore/grain size, surface area, chemistry,
more mechanistic models developed recently but a unified model saturation, temperature, multiple fluid phases (e.g., water and
remains to be developed. Only with the availability of constitutive hydrocarbon) and permeability. As outlined at the end of the
relationships at the scale of the representative elementary volume previous section, this statement holds today, although some of
of a porous medium will be able to effectively apply IP beyond the above controls have been further investigated in laboratory
the stage of empiricism. Modelling approaches, such as on EDL studies over the past 15 years, including mainly textural param-
interactions between mineral grains (e.g., Kwon et al. 1998) or on eters (e.g., Vanhala 1997; Slater and Lesmes 2002; Scott and
the electro-diffusive transport of ions in representative pore space Barker 2003; Binley et al. 2005; Slater et al. 2006; Kruschwitz
geometries (e.g., Blaschek and Hördt 2009), could improve the et al. 2010; Weller et al. 2010a) and permeability (e.g., Börner et
quantitative understanding of charge distribution in the pore space al. 1996; Slater and Lesmes 2002; Binley et al. 2005; Revil and
and thus the SIP response. In particular, the following challenges Florsch 2010; Zisser et al. 2010a; Koch et al. 2011; Revil et al.
can be identified for the near future: 2012b). More laboratory measurements are particularly needed
(1) the description of all the mechanisms using a mechanistic regarding the effect of chemistry (e.g., Lesmes and Frye 2001;
approach and development of a general framework in which Vaudelet et al. 2011; Weller et al. 2011), saturation (e.g., Ulrich
all these mechanisms are explained and quantified in their and Slater 2004; Jougnot et al. 2010; Breede et al. 2012), tem-
relative importance case by case; perature (e.g., Binley et al. 2010; Zisser et al. 2010b; Martinez et
(2) an assessment of linearity versus non-linearity (referring to al. 2012), multiple fluid phases (e.g., Cassiani et al. 2009;
the relationship between the IP response and the strength of Schmutz et al. 2010; Revil et al. 2011) and in addition effective
the exciting electric field) for the different mechanisms; pressure (e.g., Zisser and Nover 2009), grain-size distribution
(3) the understanding of the influence of aqueous phase satura- (e.g., Revil and Florsch 2010), pH (e.g., Skold et al. 2011) and
tion and chemistry on the IP response (see Vaudelet et al. the effect of microbial processes (see Atekwana and Slater 2009
2011, for a recent advance in the latter direction based on the for a recent review). Biogeophysics research has determined that
coupling of a reactive transport code with a mechanistic IP SIP is one of the most promising geophysical techniques for
model); detecting the alteration of mineral-fluid interfaces and pore
(4) the understanding of the influence of non-aqueous phases and geometries resulting from microbial growth and biofilm forma-
the effect of their wettability with respect to the solid phase tion (e.g., Abdel Aal et al. 2004; Ntarlagiannis et al. 2005a;
on the IP response (see recent work by Schmutz et al. 2010; Davis et al. 2006; Abdel Aal et al. 2009, 2010a,b) as well as
Revil et al. 2011); biomineralization (e.g., Ntarlagiannis et al. 2005b; Williams et
(5) the understanding of the influence of bacteria and biofilms, al. 2005; Slater et al. 2007; Personna et al. 2008).
especially the biological effect versus the associated metallic There are significant challenges to obtaining accurate and
precipitation effect (electrode polarization) and the potential repeatable SIP measurements. Sample preparation procedures
role of conductive pili, on the IP response; require considerable attention to detail if representative measure-
(6) the understanding of the IP response of organic material (e.g., ments of a material are to be obtained. This is a particularly chal-
plant/tree roots, wood, peat) (see Martin 2010 and Zanetti et al. lenging issue for unconsolidated samples, where it is difficult to
2011, for measurements on oak and tree roots, respectively); reliably reproduce the distribution of mineral-fluid interfaces and

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pores/pore throats controlling the SIP effect. This issue may con- The size of the sample holder and details on sample placement
found attempts to reproduce SIP responses of natural materials in a (e.g., wet or dry packed, compaction applied, etc.) are important
specific laboratory, or between laboratories (Fig. 4, bottom). Small considerations. Sample holders that are too small may prevent
differences in column packing and saturation can result in signifi- inclusion of larger end members of a material grain size distribu-
cant changes in SIP spectra between identical soils (Fig. 4, top). tion, whereas too large sample holders may suffer from inhomoge-
neous packing. Electrical and physical measurements should be
made on the same exact sample using, where possible, multi-
function sample holders (e.g., Slater and Lesmes 2002; Breede et
al. 2011), in order to avoid uncertainty associated with differences
between samples. Temperature should be recorded and controlled
and the sample should be saturated with appropriate fluids of a
specified salinity/composition. Furthermore, the sample should be
saturated for sufficient time to ensure chemical equilibrium.
Laboratory SIP measurements are usually based on frequen-
cy-domain instruments. Four-electrode measurements are
required for low-frequency (<  1  kHz) SIP measurements as
polarization errors are unacceptably large when using two-elec-
trode techniques. However, four-electrode measurements suffer
from capacitive coupling above 1  kHz such that some workers
combined four- and two-electrode techniques (e.g., Lesmes and
Morgan 2001). Current densities used in SIP measurements
should be sufficiently low to avoid non-linear effects. Vanhala
and Soininen (1995) did not find a significant change of the SIP
response of the samples they investigated in the range from 10-5
to 0.2 A/m2; Zimmermann et al. (2008a) did not observe signifi-
cant non-linear effects either, using current densities between
0.01– 2 A/m2. While potentially more prone to non-linear effects,
higher current densities are advantageous in terms of better sig-
nal-to-noise ratio (Vanhala and Soininen 1995) and reduced
polarization of the current electrodes (Zimmermann et al.
2008a). Calibration of the instrumentation against resistor-
capacitor circuits, water samples and other reference materials is
a critical requirement and should be reported. After calibration,
or regarding the electrical properties of the measurement system
and the sample holder, it is possible to reduce phase errors to
±0.1  mrad for frequencies between 1  mHz and 1  kHz
(Zimmermann et al. 2008a). To validate the accuracy of the
measuring apparatus, the IP working group of the German
Geophysical Society developed a set of reference materials and
devices that are available to research institutions (Fig. 4, bottom).
Ward et al. (1995) stated that more work on the effects of elec-
trode material was needed. However, consensus is emerging
FIGURE 4 regarding electrode construction and placement for SIP measure-
(Top) SIP spectra of a sand sample (from an aquifer in Almeria, Spain) ments. Non-polarizing potential electrodes are not a strict require-
acquired intentionally with different sample preparation methods (FZJ: ment of modern instruments where input impedances are large
sample highly compacted, BAM-1: sample loosely compacted, BAM-2: (> 100 MΩ), although their use favours accurate phase measure-
sample loosely compacted and use of non-optimized sample holder). ments. Most critical is to remove the metal potential electrode
(Bottom) Comparative measurements on BAM reference material over 3 from the current path, by placing it in electrolytic contact at the
years at six German institutions. BAM: Federal Institute for Materials edge of the current flow (Vinegar and Waxman 1984). Metal elec-
Research and Testing, Berlin; TU  C: Clausthal Technical University; trodes in the current path can generate spurious phase effects
TU  B: Berlin Technical University; TU  Bs: Braunschweig Technical exceeding 10  mrad as a result of a potential gradient along the
University; TU  L: Leipzig University; FZJ: Jülich Research Centre; electrode (Vanhala and Soininen 1995). Unsaturated measure-
RWTH: Aachen Technical University. ments are challenging as novel methods to avoid metallic elec-

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The spectral induced polarization method for near-surface applications 459

trodes embedded in the soil are required. Ulrich and Slater (2004) mend that researchers adopt established procedures for sample
placed electrodes in ceramic porous frits whereas others used gels preparation developed for engineering tests when appropriate.
to assure electrolytic contact (Binley et al. 2005). Point and ring Finally, the physical and chemical characteristics of the sample
potential electrodes have both been used. In the case of sample should be tabulated in publications, as this will assist efforts
heterogeneity, a point electrode could record a bias due to devia- directed towards validating models.
tions from 1D current flow. Ring electrodes overcome this as they
integrate the electric field around the circumference of a sample MODELLING AND IMAGING
holder. However, significant phase errors develop if a gradient in Ward et al. (1995) emphasized the need for ‘fast’ forward and
potential exists around the ring. Ring electrodes should therefore inverse models and encouraged the development of 3D codes for
be used with caution. Another critical point is the distance between IP applications. They also highlighted the need for the incorpora-
the outer current electrodes to the inner potential electrodes. In tion of electromagnetic (EM) coupling effects within the model-
case of directly coupled current electrodes, like plates, the distance ling codes and recognized the need for accounting for noise in
between the current and potential electrodes on each side should imaging tools. These recommendations still hold today, although
be at least twice the sample width to avoid errors associated with there has been, over the past 10 years, an increase in the number
the polarization of the current electrodes (Zimmermann et al. of imaging codes (commercial and academic) that can model IP
2008a). However, a larger distance between current and potential data. This has been partly driven by the wider availability of
electrodes should also be avoided due to the increase of measure- relatively low cost IP field instruments but also because of the
ment error if the sample resistance between current and potential greater appreciation of the potential value of IP for characteriza-
electrodes becomes larger than the sample resistance between the tion of the subsurface.
two potential electrodes (Zimmermann et al. 2008a). Many of the current IP imaging codes follow the chargeabil-
The recent advent of SIP imaging systems with high phase- ity formulation of Seigel (1959) and model data in the time
accuracy (Zimmermann et al. 2008b) is bringing new challenges domain (e.g., Oldenburg and Li 1994; Li and Oldenburg 2000;
to laboratory SIP research. Maintaining sufficiently low contact Chambers et al. 2004). These tools permit, through linear
resistance without causing polarization errors on a large array of approximations, rapid assessment of 2D and 3D images of the
electrodes is a substantial issue. Like the four-electrode systems, subsurface. This, now classical, formulation can be extremely
the validation of imaging systems requires embedding targets with effective in delineation of chargeable bodies within the subsur-
a known complex resistivity response within the imaging vessel. face but is limited for quantitative studies that attempt to link
Appropriate image reconstruction (inversion) techniques are also petrophysical models derived from frequency-domain (SIP) data.
required to advance this research (see next section). Thus, we find that the main challenge today for IP modelling and
Although aspects of laboratory SIP acquisition remain uncer- imaging (inversion with fine pixel/voxel parametrization) arises
tain, some general conclusions can be drawn from the review from the demand to use the method as a quantitative tool for
presented here. Procedures for sample preparation, instrument structure and process characterization, imposing highest require-
calibration and testing should be fully documented. We recom- ments on accuracy rather than speed alone.

Cross-borehole complex conduc-
tivity inversion result from the
Drigg Low Level Radioactive
Waste Disposal Site, Cumbria,
UK, showing (a) real component,
(b) imaginary component and (c)
phase of complex conductivity.
Geological logs and natural
gamma logs are shown for com-
parison. Note the complementary
information provided by the real
and imaginary components of
complex conductivity, which in
conjunction allow clear lithologi-
cal discrimination. From Kemna
et al. (2004).

© 2012 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Near Surface Geophysics, 2012, 10, 453-468
460 A. Kemna et al.

Apparent resistivity phase spectra
contaminated by positive (left)
and negative (right) EM coupling.
Circles and triangles indicate,
respectively, normal and recipro-
cal dipole-dipole cross-borehole
measurements collected in a flu-
vial aquifer. The thin solid curve
shows the phase response of a
fitted dual Cole-Cole model and
the thick solid curve the response
without the EM coupling term.
Modified from Kemna et al.

With the increasing focus on SIP measurements given their the anisotropic case is straightforward (Kenkel et al. 2012), ani-
superior diagnostic capability, frequency-domain modelling for- sotropic complex resistivity inversion will be challenged by the
mulations in terms of complex resistivity (e.g., Kemna and high degrees of freedom of the model, which will require special
Binley 1996; Weller et al. 1996; Shi et al. 1998) have become regularization approaches, as already known from anisotropic DC
more attractive and complex resistivity inversion algorithms have resistivity inversion (Herwanger et al. 2004).
been developed (e.g., Kemna and Binley 1996; Shi et al. 1998; One of the most crucial issues in quantitative IP imaging is,
Kemna 2000; Blaschek et al. 2008) and used in a variety of like in any inversion, the correct description of data errors and
laboratory (e.g., Kemna et al. 2000; Zimmermann et al. 2008b) the right degree of data fitting (Fig. 7). Despite clear recognition
and field (e.g., Slater and Binley 2003, 2006; Kemna et al. 2004; of this in Ward et al. (1995), this aspect of IP imaging is widely
Hördt et al. 2007, 2009; Williams et al. 2009; Flores Orozco et overlooked. Over-fitting the data (corresponding to underesti-
al. 2011) applications, one example being shown in Fig. 5. These mating the data error) should be avoided, because this typically
schemes assume quasi-static electric and magnetic fields, i.e., leads to artefacts in the images (Fig. 7a), as should under-fitting
EM coupling effects, typically occurring above 100 Hz (Fig. 6), (overestimating the data error), which results in images with
are not accounted for. Consequently, only low-frequency non-optimal resolution and contrast (Fig. 7c). Many schemes are
(< 100 Hz) or decoupled data sets can be processed with these being used for quantitative imaging purposes, which seek for the
schemes without larger systematic errors. Recently, Commer et minimization of data misfit instead of the optimization of some
al. (2011) developed a complex resistivity inversion code based regularization function (usually minimization of model rough-
on full EM modelling where both IP and EM coupling effects are ness) subject to fitting the data to a well-defined degree. We point
accounted for. With the availability of such tools, the inversion of out that such schemes are not only prone to the creation of arte-
broadband SIP field data will become possible in the future. facts in space – often mistaken as evidence of high spatial resolu-
Another current limitation is the assumption of isotropic IP tion – but are generally unsuitable for the inversion of time-lapse
parameters in the available modelling and inversion algorithms. data due to inconsistent data fitting at individual time steps and
Winchen et al. (2009) recently demonstrated that the effective SIP the related creation of spatio-temporal artefacts. Slater and
response of statistically distributed two-component mixtures with Binley (2006) demonstrated how the IP data error can be esti-
underlying isotropic Cole-Cole relaxation properties generally mated using normal and reciprocal measurements. Flores Orozco
becomes anisotropic (and potentially bimodal) and that the char- et al. (2012a) recently proposed an extended approach, where the
acteristic structural properties of the mixture (volume fraction, IP data error is determined as a function of resistance. We note
correlation length of the statistical distribution) can be inferred in this context that normal-reciprocal discrepancy does not nec-
from the anisotropic response using inverse modelling. An aniso- essarily vanish if the underlying IP effect is of non-linear nature;
tropic SIP response has also been reported in recent laboratory however, normal-reciprocal discrepancy might then be indicative
studies (e.g., Zisser and Nover 2009; Weller et al. 2010b). This of the modelling error, because the non-linear IP is not accounted
indicates that anisotropy might be necessary to consider in many for in the implemented Poisson equation and thus it is still useful
field studies but also that it contains exploitable structural infor- to weight the misfit between measured and predicted data in the
mation. While the extension of complex resistivity modelling to inversion.

© 2012 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Near Surface Geophysics, 2012, 10, 453-468
The spectral induced polarization method for near-surface applications 461

The inversion of SIP data sets obviously turns a 2D or 3D when time-lapse spectral data are to be inverted, potentially
inverse problem in space into an overall 3D or 4D inverse prob- manifesting a 5D inverse problem (3D space, signal frequency,
lem, respectively, if the ‘spectral’ parametrization is based on experimental time). Computational limitations will therefore
some regular frequency sampling. In particular if fine parametri- imply the use of alternative, sparser parametrizations. With
zations are used, as generally the case with respect to space in respect to space, parameters may be grouped into lithological
tomographic applications, computationally expensive numerical zones (which one may refer to as ‘parametric’ inversion) – based
problems result. The computational burden becomes even worse on a priori information – in which variability could be allowed
to follow some pre-defined correlation structure by correspond-
ing regularization approaches (e.g., Maurer et al. 1998; Linde et
al. 2006). To reduce the number of parameters describing the
spectral response, available petrophysical IP models (empirical
or mechanistic) may be incorporated into the inversion. Such an
approach has already been demonstrated in several publications,
for example, on the basis of the phenomenological Cole-Cole
model (Yuval and Oldenburg 1997; Routh et al. 1998; Loke et al.
2006), reducing the number of parameters with respect to the
frequency dimension to four (DC resistivity, chargeability, time
constant, frequency exponent). The approach may be extended,
for example, by assuming a certain number of Cole-Cole relaxa-
tion terms or a superposition of Debye models according to a
general, rather finely sampled distribution of relaxation times
(e.g., Morgan and Lesmes 1994; Nordsiek and Weller 2008;
Zisser et al. 2010a). However, while the latter parametrization
takes some fundamental physical relaxation behaviour into
account, it does not mean an effective reduction of parameter
space and will generally also require some sort of regularization
(with respect to the relaxation time distribution). Similarly, for
the inversion of time-lapse IP data, a reduced parametrization on
the basis of a process model is desirable – such as being pursued
for time-lapse resistivity inversion in the field of hydrogeophys-
ics (see e.g., Ferré et al. 2009). However, for applications like the
monitoring of biogeochemical system transformations such
models are still far from being available. Alternatively, simple
‘difference inversion’ schemes (LaBrecque and Yang 2001) or
even full time-lapse inversion schemes (Kim et al. 2009;
FIGURE 7 Karaoulis et al. 2011a) should be adopted to reduce the influence
Cross-sectional resistivity phase images obtained from impedance field of systematic errors (in both the forward modelling and the data).
data collected at the US Department of Energy’s Rifle Integrated Field A first full time-lapse inversion scheme for complex resistivity
Challenge site near Rifle, Colorado (USA), using different phase error data was recently developed by Karaoulis et al. (2011b), which
descriptions in the inversion: (a) constant phase error model with an error represents a significant advancement regarding the inversion of
level obtained from global normal-reciprocal data analysis, (b) error model time-lapse SIP data.
based on a power-law dependence of phase error upon resistance as The above parametrization aspects are directly linked to the
obtained from range-wise normal-reciprocal data analysis, (c) constant issue of regularization in IP inversion. We recommend the devel-
phase error model with an intentionally increased error level relative to (a). opment of inversion schemes that are capable of incorporating
All inversions were fitted to an error-weighted root-mean-square value for any sort of a priori information and other available data (geo-
the phase data misfit of 1. The zone of increased polarizability in (b) coin- physical, hydrogeological, biogeochemical) to constrain the
cides with a zone of ongoing biogeochemical processes after acetate injec- inversion in a flexible manner. Such flexibility may be provided
tion in the course of bioremediation of the uranium-contaminated aquifer in a stochastic formulation of the inverse problem, using an a
at the site. The image in (a) contains artefacts since with the used phase priori model covariance matrix for regularization, if available.
error description parts of the data are over-fitted; the image in (c) lacks Equally challenging is the need to provide reliable estimates
resolution and contrast because of under-fitting the data due to the use of of uncertainty in IP/SIP imaging codes. The propagation of data
an overestimated phase error. Solid circles indicate position of deployed error, modelling error, errors in the petrophysical models and
surface electrodes. Modified from Flores Orozco et al. (2011). non-uniqueness in the inverse solutions may lead to images with

© 2012 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Near Surface Geophysics, 2012, 10, 453-468
462 A. Kemna et al.

Field SIP imaging results (left:
resistivity, right: phase) obtained
along a 30 m transect at the US
Department of Energy’s Rifle
Integrated Field Challenge site
near Rifle, Colorado (USA).
Reciprocal data were acquired
over the 0.06–16 Hz frequency
range using a modified dipole-
dipole configuration between 30
equally spaced Cu/CuSO4 elec-
trodes, with a dipole spacing of
4  m and a total of 27 potential
dipoles per current dipole. See
Chen et al. (2012) for further

significantly high uncertainty. As we continue to ‘stretch’ the 2004; Hördt et al. 2007, 2009), having relevance to numerous
potential value of IP by examining (sometimes) extremely subtle problems where hydrologic processes are of interest. Growing
contrasts in subsurface bodies, we need to recognize and quan- interest in the use of SIP field methods to assess mineralogical
tify uncertainty in the resulting models. Attempts to assess the and geochemical properties related to subsurface microbial
uncertainty of inverted parameters of IP relaxation models (e.g., activity represents another significant development in SIP
Ghorbani et al. 2007; Chen et al. 2008) show promising results research (Williams et al. 2009; Flores Orozco et al. 2011),
and we anticipate rapid growth in this area and hopeful prolif- largely spawning the sub-discipline of biogeophysics. It is
eration through to imaging tools. worth noting that many aspects of the aforementioned research
are inextricably linked, with differences in mineral and fluid
FIELD MEASUREMENTS composition related to variations in lithology and hydrological
The recommendations for IP research detailed in Ward et al. properties. New areas of IP field applications do also include
(1995) focused primarily on mining and environmental prob- archaeological prospection (Schleifer et al. 2002; Weller et al.
lems. While both remain active research areas, the latter has seen 2006; Florsch et al. 2011).
a dramatic increase in the type of problems studied, as well as The recent spate of laboratory studies correlating hydrologi-
detailed investigation of the mechanisms underlying the IP cal and biogeochemical properties with a characteristic spectral
effect. Particularly active areas of environmental research include response strongly suggests that field SIP data sets have an inher-
application of IP techniques for studying problems in hydrogeol- ent value for improving estimates of parameters needed for sub-
ogy, agriculture and biogeochemistry (Slater 2007; Atekwana surface characterization and monitoring (e.g., pore/grain size,
and Slater 2009; Revil et al. 2012a). Mining relevant problems permeability, surface area, fluid chemistry, mineral precipitation
continue to focus on economic mineral discrimination, an etc.). Although time consuming and – under certain circum-
increasingly important topic given the surging demand for both stances – offering only modest improvements over measure-
base and precious metals. ments of bulk polarization (as measured in standard time-domain
The field-scale application of the IP technique for quantify- IP surveys), future research must be focused on extracting mean-
ing subsurface hydraulic properties is perhaps the most signifi- ingful information from a growing number of field SIP data sets.
cant application development since Ward et al. (1995) (Börner Recent field SIP imaging results (Fig. 8) are sufficiently encour-
et al. 1996; Kemna 2000; Slater and Glaser 2003; Kemna et al. aging to warrant such research, with frequency-dependent phase

© 2012 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Near Surface Geophysics, 2012, 10, 453-468
The spectral induced polarization method for near-surface applications 463

Results from cross-borehole SIP imaging at a site close to the Strasbourg-Entzheim airport (France). Exemplary raw data shown in Fig. 6. Left image:
IP relaxation time as obtained from post-inversion Cole-Cole model fitting (modified from Kemna et al. 1999). Right image: hydraulic permeability
(in darcies) as estimated from the 0.125 Hz complex resistivity image using the model by Börner et al. (1996) (from Kemna 2000). Geological log
shown for comparison. In the sand-gravel sections, larger relaxation times are observed in the saturated zone than in the vadose zone, indicating larger
relaxation lengths in saturated pores. The permeability image in particular delineates the low-permeable clayey silt layer.

anomalies found to correlate well with both hydrogeologic field protocol that can be followed by experimentalists and con-
properties (Fig. 9), hydrocarbon contaminant concentration tractors. While far from exhaustive, we identify some of the more
(Flores Orozco et al. 2012b), and subsurface microbial activity critical aspects of such a protocol:
(Williams et al. 2009; Flores Orozco et al. 2011). 1. Reciprocal measurements are critical for assessing the quality
Certainly, the ability to unambiguously decouple the myriad of of field data, being far more valuable than repeat measure-
source mechanisms underlying SIP anomalies (e.g., the overlap- ments at a given dipole(s), which are not useful in the case of
ping contributions of biogeochemistry, hydrology and lithology) systematic errors (Slater and Binley 2006). While time-con-
remains challenging; however, the potential of SIP techniques for suming and incapable of absolutely quantifying systematic
localizing areas of interest and providing a unique insight into the errors, reciprocal measurements must be made to assure data
nature of the underlying responses supports continued research. quality and enable accurate error estimates, with such data
Discrimination of IP source mechanisms was a recurrent theme in critical for inversion/imaging (see previous section).
the recommendations of Ward et al. (1995) and successful source 2. Development of processing and modelling techniques has
discrimination will only prove tractable by combining sufficiently effectively minimized the need for specific array designs.
constrained data sets, comprised of geophysical, geochemical, Nonetheless, a good starting point remains the dipole-dipole
mineralogical and hydrological information. In the absence of array to minimize electrode polarization (avoid current injec-
such constraints, over-interpretation – or worse – misinterpretation tion before taking potential readings at an electrode) and EM
of SIP data sets may result. coupling, provided that signal-to-noise ratios are acceptable.
One means for improving SIP data quality and promoting The dipole-dipole array also facilitates the use of multi-­
consistency in inversion/imaging results is the development of a channel instruments.

© 2012 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Near Surface Geophysics, 2012, 10, 453-468
464 A. Kemna et al.

3. A variety of metal and metal-metal salt (i.e., non-polarizing Although challenges remain in resolving issues related to field
(NP)) electrodes have been shown to provide field data of SIP data acquisition, processing and interpretation, several
acceptable quality over a range of acquisition frequencies important conclusions can be drawn. First and foremost, it is
(LaBrecque and Dailey 2008). As with stainless steel elec- agreed that SIP data sets will most likely provide insight into
trodes, the use of NP electrodes as both transmitting and ‘patterns’ of subsurface properties useful for conditioning flow
receiving electrodes requires an appropriate acquisition strat- and (reactive) transport models rather than providing an accurate
egy in order to avoid poor data reciprocity (Dahlin et al. pixel-by-pixel map of specific properties of interest (e.g.,
2002). At low current, however, it is recommended that NP hydraulic conductivity, mineral enrichment, bulk subsurface
electrodes be used as both transmitting and receiving elec- redox status, etc.). Such an accomplishment should not be dis-
trodes given their excellent data reciprocity and rapid return counted, as delineation of patterns over field dimensions (10’s to
to rest potentials post-current injection (Fig. 10). Low-drift 100’s m) and their correlation to properties of interest is a sig-
NP electrodes may also be critical for data collection at very nificant improvement over current approaches, which are almost
low frequencies (< 0.01 Hz) to avoid distortions of the voltage exclusively constrained by direct sampling. Second, it is recog-
signal that are difficult to filter out. nized that care must be taken in collecting time-domain field
4. The issue of capacitive coupling can represent a significant measurements designed to replicate frequency-domain laborato-
problem at frequencies > 10 Hz. Use of individual, shielded ry measurements, such that data are recorded at sufficiently high
cables connecting each electrode can minimize coupling rates (i.e., sufficient time windows) to capture the expected
effects and their use – while cumbersome and an added polarization phenomena. Third, normalization of data acquisition
expense – is important for high-quality, high-frequency data. approaches and assessment of data errors prior to inversion
Systems where cable-coupling issues are compensated for should better facilitate comparison of results obtained as part of
through equipment design renders this issue moot a growing number of field SIP data sets.
(Zimmermann et al. 2008b).
5. Alternatively, capacitive coupling can be reduced through the CONCLUSIONS
use of remote units situated close to the electrodes, which In this article we summarized the state of the science and the
transfer digitized data through an optical link. Compensation perspectives of the spectral induced polarization method for
techniques may still be necessary to reduce coupling through near-surface applications as reflected by the outcome of intense
the transmitter cable (Radic 2004). The remote units and the discussions held among leading researchers in the field at the
additional cable make such a system relatively expensive and international IP workshop in 2009 in Bonn, Germany.
cumbersome to use but potentially unavoidable if accurate Considerable progress has been made over the last decade in
data at high frequencies are required. the understanding of the microscopic mechanisms of IP; how-
6. Development of a ‘standardized’ post-acquisition data han- ever, the development of integrated mechanistic models involv-
dling strategy is needed to enable comparison of SIP data ing the different possible polarization processes at the grain/pore
collected at various sites, including the following: definition scale remains a challenging task. Such models are required to
of outliers to be removed prior to inversion, implementation establish constitutive relationships at the scale of effective IP
of an appropriate error model (Flores Orozco et al. 2012a) properties, which are measured in the field and take understand-
and removal of EM effects (e.g., Kemna et al. 1999; Ghorbani ing of IP signatures beyond the stage of empiricism. Especially
et al. 2009). important is the case-by-case quantification of the importance of

(a) Temporal voltage response of
a current transmitting dipole with
the following specifications: 4 m
dipole spacing; Cu/CuSO4 elec-
trodes; 55 V transmitting voltage;
0.25 Hz. (b) Voltage decay on the
same dipole following cessation
of current injection; voltage
response due to electrode polari-
zation is below 1 mV (relative to
background SP response of
~5.7 mV) after ca. 100 seconds.

© 2012 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Near Surface Geophysics, 2012, 10, 453-468
The spectral induced polarization method for near-surface applications 465

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Geophysics 7(5-6), 547–562.
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by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) to organize the Contaminant Hydrology 68(1-2), 1–22.
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rocks: A review – I. Theoretical models. Geophysical Journal
Geophysics on Sep 30/Oct 1, 2009 in Bonn, which initiated the International 137, 1–15.
work on this article. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is Chen J., Kemna A. and Hubbard S.S. 2008. A comparison between
operated for the U.S. Department of Energy by the University of Gauss-Newton and Markov-chain Monte Carlo-based methods for
California under contract DE-AC02-05CH11231 and Cooperative inverting spectral induced-polarization data for Cole-Cole parameters.
Agreement DE-FC02ER63446. Geophysics 73(2), F247–F259.
Chen J., Hubbard S.S., Williams K.H., Flores Orozco A. and Kemna A.
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