Klunne Eeh SA Overview
Klunne Eeh SA Overview
Klunne Eeh SA Overview
Wim Klunne
November 2002
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
Contents .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
List of figures ................................................................................................................................................... 4
List of tables .................................................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
1. Low-cost subsidy housing in South Africa ............................................................................................... 7
1.1. RDP subsidy ..................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2. The need for housing ........................................................................................................................ 9
1.3. Houses delivered .............................................................................................................................. 9
1.4. Houses to be built ........................................................................................................................... 11
1.5. Flow of housing subsidies ............................................................................................................... 12
1.6. Role and functions of provincial government and municipalities ..................................................... 12
1.6.1. Provincial government ............................................................................................................. 12
1.6.2. Municipalities ........................................................................................................................... 13
1.7. Government sponsored institutions................................................................................................. 13
1.7.1. National Urban Reconstruction and Housing Agency (NURCHA)............................................ 14
1.7.2. National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC) .......................................................... 14
1.7.3. National Housing Finance Corporation (NHFC) ....................................................................... 14
1.7.4. Social Housing Foundation (SHF)............................................................................................ 14
1.7.5. The Rural Housing Loan Fund (RHLF) .................................................................................... 14
1.7.6. Servcon Housing Solutions...................................................................................................... 14
1.7.7. Thubelisha ............................................................................................................................... 15
1.7.8. Peoples’ Housing Partnership Trust (PHPT)............................................................................ 15
2. Principles of energy efficiency in housing.............................................................................................. 16
2.1. Passive thermal design ................................................................................................................... 16
2.1.1. Orientation of houses............................................................................................................... 16
2.1.2. Building materials..................................................................................................................... 17
2.1.3. Daylighting ............................................................................................................................... 17
2.1.4. Roof overhang ......................................................................................................................... 17
2.2. Weatherisation and ventilation ........................................................................................................ 18
2.3. Ceilings ........................................................................................................................................... 18
2.4. Wall insulation................................................................................................................................. 19
2.5. Flooring ........................................................................................................................................... 19
2.6. Shared walls ................................................................................................................................... 19
3. Experience with energy efficient housing in South Africa ...................................................................... 21
3.1. All Africa Games Village, Alexandra ............................................................................................... 21
3.2. Krugersdorp Housing project .......................................................................................................... 22
3.3. Kutlwanong Eco-housing project..................................................................................................... 22
3.4. Ivory Park insulated ceiling demonstration project and mud brick house ........................................ 23
3.5. eMbalenhle air pollution reduction project....................................................................................... 24
3.6. Mohlakeng, Ext. 2, Randfontein ...................................................................................................... 24
3.7. Thermally improved shacks, Mabopane.......................................................................................... 24
3.8. SEED housing Cape Town ............................................................................................................. 24
3.9. Tlholego .......................................................................................................................................... 24
3.10. Alexandra East Bank Housing Development............................................................................... 25
3.11. Marconi Beam Trust Demonstration Village ................................................................................ 25
3.12. SOWETO eco home.................................................................................................................... 25
3.13. Shayamoya - Cato Manor, Durban .............................................................................................. 26
3.14. Missionvale, Port Elizabeth ......................................................................................................... 26
3.15. Waterloo Development Project.................................................................................................... 26
3.16. Hull Street development / Moshoeshoe eco-village..................................................................... 26
3.17. Dutch AIJ (Benoni, Kimberley, Cape Town, Lady Grey).............................................................. 27
3.18. Low-cost urban housing upgrade, Khayelitsha, Cape Town........................................................ 28
3.19. Rural hamlets in Stellenbosch ..................................................................................................... 29
3.20. Clean SOWETO Air Fund............................................................................................................ 29
4. Green financing ..................................................................................................................................... 31
4.1. Department of Housing - Green Housing Finance Initiative ............................................................ 31
4.2. Development Action Group (DAG) .................................................................................................. 31
4.3. Commercial banks' initiaves............................................................................................................ 31
5. The role of bi-lateral aid agencies ......................................................................................................... 32
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
List of figures
Figure 1 & 2 The current design of RDP houses is very energy inefficient...................................................... 7
Figure 3 Top structures completed between April 1994 and March 2001 ..................................................... 10
Figure 4 Historic trends in housing delivery................................................................................................... 10
Figure 5 Total RDP housing delivery till 2005 ............................................................................................... 11
Figure 6 Flow of subsidy funds...................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 7 Passive solar design will reduce the energy use............................................................................. 16
Figure 8 Roof overhang to prevent overheating in summer without sacrificing solar benefit in winter .......... 18
Figure 9 Air gaps between the door and doorpost lead to excessive heat losses ......................................... 18
Figure 10 Innovative ceiling products can reduce the investment by 50%.. .................................................. 19
Figure 11 RDP houses sharing walls to save on construction costs and energy consumption. .................... 20
Figure 12 & 13 Midrand EcoCity mud brick house during construction ......................................................... 23
Figure 14 & 15 The mud brick house after completion and painting.............................................................. 23
Figure 16 Energy efficient houses in Lady Grey............................................................................................ 27
Figure 17 & 18 Brick house with cavity wall at Benoni .................................................................................. 27
Figure 19 & 20 Innovative new materials for energy efficient houses in Benoni............................................ 28
Figure 21 Baseline 30 m RDP house .......................................................................................................... 38
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
List of tables
Table 1 Housing subsidy amounts as per 1 of April 2002.............................................................................. 8
Table 2 The subsidy market consists of 85% of the total housing market. ...................................................... 8
Table 3 The national housing backlog adds up to 2.2 million households....................................................... 9
Table 4 expected number of houses to be supported by RDP housing subsidy .......................................... 11
Table 5 Over the next three years 711000 houses are planned to be delivered .......................................... 11
Table 6 Price ranges of interventions. Source: (DoH 2000b). ....................................................................... 16
Table 7 Emissions and costs of baseline and CDM alternative..................................................................... 28
Table 8 Annual consumption for space heating by region and fuel. .............................................................. 36
Table 9 Share of houses using fuel for space heating by province (in %) ..................................................... 36
Table 10 Electrical space heating.................................................................................................................. 36
Table 11 Average monthly household energy consumption (in delivered MJ) .............................................. 37
Table 12 Results of the 2002 energy use survey on space haeting in RDP type of houses in Gauteng and
Free State .............................................................................................................................................. 37
Table 14 Climate change emission factors:................................................................................................... 40
Table 15 Cost of the interventions (in Rand per house) ................................................................................ 40
Table 16 Proposed interventions................................................................................................................... 40
Table 17 Barriers towards the mainstreaming of energy efficient low-cost housing ...................................... 41
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
With efforts ranging from small to substantial and costs from minimal to high, interventions in the design and
construction of residential houses can result in substantial reductions in the energy requirements to keep the
house at comfort level.
In South Africa quite a large number of initiatives on energy efficiency in low cost housing have been
initiated in the past, resulting in a substantial number of pilot and demonstration houses all over the country.
However, energy efficiency has never become main streamed in the ongoing low-cost housing subsidy
Currently a World Bank supported programme is under development to address this situation. Part hereof is
the investigation of the current state of affairs on energy efficient housing in South Africa as described in this
In chapter 1 the current housing delivery programme is described, including the roles and responsibilities of
the different levels of government and an overview of government sponsored institutions active in the
housing delivery process. Chapter 2 gives a theoretical overview of possible interventions to reduce the
energy requirements of residential houses, to be followed by an overview of all known initiatives on energy
efficiency in low cost housing in the country (chapter 3).
In chapter 4 an overview is given of additional finance initiatives to supplement the housing subsidy.
Whereas chapters 5 and 6 list the international donors that funded initiatives in energy efficient housing and
Non-Governmental Organisations that are active in South Africa in the field of low-cost energy efficient
housing respectively.
In the 7 chapter the potential for energy savings is discussed and in chapter 8 a discussion on the barriers
for the uptake of energy efficiency follows.
The writing of this report wouldn't been possible with the support of a large number of persons I met over the
course of this exercise. An overview can be found in Appendix 1: persons met. Thank you very much to all
of you!
Wim Klunne
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
Despite the fact that the Minimum Norms and Standards include energy- and water-efficiency, it is
recognised that the majority of new housing projects do not give consideration to these and other
environmental sound practices. In recent years numerous initiative have been launched with the objective of
promoting environmentally considerations concerning both the houses and its serviced site. An overview of
these projects can be found in chapter 3 of this report.
Figure 1 & 2 The current design of RDP houses is very energy inefficient
Housing may be delivered either by developers or by the beneficiaries themselves in terms of the “Peoples’
Housing Process”. This latter approach has become a favoured option of government, who wants to
encourage household participation in the housing process.
As of the 1 of April 2002, the subsidy mechanism has changed fundamentally. The most significant change
involves a requirement from government that households contribute a minimum of R 2 749 to be eligible to
receive the subsidy. Single women with dependants, the disabled and the aged who earn less than R 800
per month are not required to make the own contribution, which the state will make on their behalf.
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
Households that cannot afford such a contribution most follow the Peoples’ Housing Process route,
providing their labour in lieu of a financial contribution, in order to be eligible to access the subsidy.
Also from the 1 of April 2002, new subsidy amounts have been introduced to account for inflation. The new
amounts are as displayed in Table 1, and apply to the project-linked, individual, relocation and rural subsidy
mechanisms. The institutional subsidy has also been raised, to R 27 000, on condition that it is
supplemented with R 27 000 of additional finance. (DoH 2002a)
Theoretically the subsidy amount can be increased by an amount of 15% to compensate for abnormal
development costs arising from location, geo-technical or topographical conditions. In practice most of the
beneficiaries receive the extra 15%, simple because as much subsidy as possible is given.
The subsidy amount needs to be divided in 50% for land and 50% for the top structure.
1 2
Research by the NHBRC revealed that the cost for a 30 m RDP house will cost between R 10 000 and R
18 400 for the top structure only. From these figures it can be concluded that the available amount of
subsidy per house alone is not sufficient to construct a good quality house .
Table 2 The subsidy market consists of 85% of the total housing market.
National Home Builders Registration Council
It has never been the intention to have the RDP subsidy covering all the costs of the house.
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
The Department of Housing states in the National Housing Code of March 2000 (DoH 2000c): ‘The total
number of households in South Africa was estimated in 1997 at 9.05 million. The housing backlog in 1997
was estimated on 2.2 million units.’ This means that at least 2.2 million families are without adequate
housing, almost 25% of all the households. Because of population growth and immigration, this figure
increases by about 204 000 units every year. In urban areas, it is estimated that the backlog in 1997 was
1.92 million units. In rural areas, the backlog in 1997 was estimated at 300 000 units.
This does not mean that the families are necessarily homeless, but rather that the housing conditions are
unacceptable, in terms of what the government has defined in its national housing vision. The total number
of households was estimated to be 10.77 million in 2000, which is more than 1.7 million more, compared to
1997 (SSA 2001). The housing backlog in 2000 was estimated on 2.8 million units, which is an increase of
0.6 million units, compared to 1997 (Winkler, Spalding-Fecher et al. 2000). The increase of the housing
backlog is not as sharply upwards as the number of households, but still is upwards. The need for housing in
every segment of the low-income sector and the effort to provide the houses remains. A sustained effort to
reduce the backlog, in any given segment of the low-income sector, is therefore most needed.
Table 3 The national housing backlog adds up to 2.2 million households (SSA 1999)
The target for the housing delivery was set at 1 million houses by the year 2000. This number was not
completely met, but a substantial number of houses were delivered. The graph gives the breakdown of
these numbers over the provinces.
Nearly all of these houses are of the standard RDP design. The houses built at the start of this period might
have some of the energy efficiency measures like ceilings included, but with the subsidy amount fixed at R
16 000 since 1994, houses built more recently do not have anything besides the basics. It is save to assume
that 90% of this existing stock is potentially interesting for retrofitting energy efficiency interventions.
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
98774 91699 91184
100000 68860 83147
Figure 3 Top structures completed between April 1994 and March 2001 (DoH 2001)
1994-04-01 / 1998/1999 2000/2001
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
Until recently, the expectation was that yearly approximately 200 000 RDP-type of houses would be needed
in the country to serve the annual household formation. These houses would be of the standard stand-alone
low-density houses. To cater for the housing backlog, another 100 000 houses per year were envisaged.
Within South Africa the tendency is shifting from the traditional stand alone, freehold houses towards so-
called medium density rental accommodation. New policy of the Department of Housing ( is reflecting this
shift. Table 4 shows the effect on the number of houses to be supported by DoH with the RDP subsidy.
Table 4 expected number of houses to be supported by RDP housing subsidy (source: internal documents DoH)
Table 5 Over the next three years 711000 houses are planned to be delivered (MTEF delivery quantum targets)
Figure 5 Total RDP housing delivery till 2005 (Development Works 2002)
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
The prime responsibility for national government in this respect is the formulation of the housing policy.
Provincial government implements the housing program, while local government creates an enabling
environment to ensure that housing delivery takes place in its area of jurisdiction.
The Act also provides for funds to flow to accredited municipalities, who then
disburse funds directly to contractors. Funds flowing to accredited
Figure 6 Flow of subsidy municipalities flow via the relevant PHDF. An accredited municipality thus
effectively acts as an agent for the provincial government (Deloitte&Touche
This paragraph outlines the roles of the provincial government and local municipalities and is largely based
on (Deloitte&Touche 2001).
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
One of the key responsibilities of provincial government in respect of housing is the administration of the
National Housing Programmes. Some of the main functions undertaken by the provincial government,
regardless of the type of subsidy or programme are:
! assessing applications for assistance based on the criteria laid out in the Housing Code,
! undertake contract negotiation and subsidy agreements with developers, individuals and institutions,
! administer progress payments via the Housing Subsidy System,
! monitor project implementation via the Perform Developer System,
! screening beneficiaries to prevent double subsidisation, using the National Housing Database System,
the Deeds Office and the National Population Register, and
! capturing and verifying source data for the National Housing Subsidy Database.
1.6.2. Municipalities
In terms of the Housing Act every municipality must effectively pursue the delivery of housing in its area of
jurisdiction. To this end, every municipality is obligated to:
! ensure that conditions not conducive to the health and safety of the inhabitants of its area of jurisdiction
are prevented or removed,
! ensure that services in respect of water, sanitation, electricity, roads, storm water drainage and
transport are provided in a manner that is economically efficient,
! set housing delivery goals in respect of its area of jurisdiction,
! identify and designate land for housing development,
! create and maintain a public environment conducive to housing development which is financially and
socially viable,
! promote the resolution of conflicts arising in the housing development process,
! provide bulk engineering services, and revenue generating services in so far as specialist utility
suppliers do not provide such services,
! plan and manage land use and development, and
! initiate, plan, co-ordinate, facilitate, promote and enable appropriate housing development in its area of
The Housing Act empowers municipalities to participate in national housing programmes by:
! promoting a housing development project by a developer,
! acting as a developer in respect of planning and execution of a housing development project on the
basis of full pricing for cost and risk,
! entering into a joint venture contract with a developer in respect of a housing development project,
! establishing a separate business entity to execute a housing development project,
! administering any national housing programme in respect of its area of jurisdiction, if accredited, and
! facilitating and supporting the participation of other role players in the housing development process.
South Africa has established a range of facilitative institutions to facilitate the housing delivery process as a
result of the 1994 Housing White Paper. These institutions do include:
• National Urban Reconstruction and Housing Agency (NURCHA),
• National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC),
• National Housing Finance Corporation (NHFC),
• Social Housing Foundation (SHF),
• The Rural Housing Loan Fund (RHLF),
• Servcon Housing Solutions,
• Thubelisha, and
• Peoples’ Housing Partnership Trust (PHPT).
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
1.7.7. Thubelisha
The primary function of Thubelisha is to provide alternative affordable accommodation to rightsizing clients
in the Servcon portfolio who have signed “rightsizing” agreements with Servcon, and complied with their
interim payment arrangement.
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
Where possible and available an indication of the costs and the benefits has been given. In the table below
the different ‘costs of intervention’ ranges have been listed.
Figure 7 Passive solar design will reduce the energy use (IIEC 2001).
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
north would have the least heat gain in summer and the least heat loss in winter, so that the indoor air
temperature remains comfortable. Although debates by some, the correct orientation of houses should
involve limited direct costs only. It should be an integral part of planning and design and a deviation from this
rule should be motivated.
The most common materials used for roofing are fibre cement and metal sheeting. Some fibre cement
products contain white asbestos. The Department of Housing (DoH 1999) states that building products
containing asbestos should be avoided wherever possible and has issued studies into alternative roofing
materials. Metal sheeting is one of the alternative to asbestos, but the heat loss and gain of metal sheeting
is extreme. Traditional housing, both low and high income, have a thatch roof, which gives excellent
2.1.3. Daylighting
Daylighting refers to optimising natural sunlight through glazed areas during daylight hours in such a way
that heat gain is minimised in summer and heat loss is minimised in winter (Irurah 2000). Solar radiation is
transmitted through glass, since it is transparent. This radiation converts to heat when it strikes materials,
such as concrete floors, and is then re-radiated as heat. According to D. Holm (Holm 1996), the size of
glazing should be approximately 20% of the total floor area (exact figure depending on the climatic
circumstances), on the northern side of a house for ‘solar collection’ to provide the most favourable thermal
efficiency. There should also be a minimal window surface facing the south, east and non-west. Double-
glazing is a thermally efficient principle, which is a common practice where winters are long and cold.
However, this technology is rarely used in South Africa, mainly due to its availability (Irurah 2000). This is
based on the prevailing English tradition in residential housing in South Africa coupled with the perception
that energy is cheap. However, the availability has recently been improved, enabling a wider
In the inland areas of South Africa the material used for the window- and doorframes is metal, which is
conducting the heat. Only in the coastal areas where corrosion is a problem, wood is being used. In general
it can be said that wood gives a much better insulation than steel but is seldom used inland because of the
availability and costs of this material.
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
Figure 8 Roof overhang to prevent overheating in summer without sacrificing solar benefit in winter
The construction quality of the current RDP houses is not of a very consistent high standard. More often
than not, gaps can be found between door and doorposts, windows and windowframes and between the
walls and the roofs. These gaps are a source of excessive heat-loss. Tightening the building envelope is a
pre-requisite for an energy efficient home, as all effects of other interventions will be minimised when all heat
gained is lost immediately. The process of tightening the building envelope is referred to as weatherisation.
While closing all air gaps, sufficient ventilation needs to be ensured. For this purpose airbricks can be
installed. Inadequate ventilation leads to dampness in houses, particular in the Cape condensation zone
Dampness is related to respiratory diseases and higher heating costs. Heat is wasted through evaporation
before the house starts to warm up. Airbricks should be placed in relation to windows in order to maximise
cross ventilation (Holm 1996). Ventilation problems still arose in some houses where airbricks were
installed, because the inhabitants seal them off. The installation of airbricks is a low cost intervention.
Figure 9 Air gaps between the door and doorpost lead to excessive heat losses
2.3. Ceilings
Installing ceilings is critical in order to achieve a thermally efficient low cost houses. With their ability to trap
air, ceilings ensure a reduction of heat flow into or out of the house. As a result, the house is warmer in
winter and cooler in summer. The cost of a traditional ceiling is in excess of R 40 per m (Baloyi 2000), while
new innovative low cost ceiling can be as cheap as R 20 m . Ceiling insulation is a moderate to high cost
intervention, but an absolute necessity.
Besides the positive effect on the required amount of energy for space heating, ceilings have a number of
additional benefits: improved aesthetics of the interior, better illumination of the house, less condensation on
the inside of the roof and a reduction of the infiltration of dust.
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
Figure 10 Innovative ceiling products can reduce the investment by 50%. Photo: (Pal, Geurtsen et al. 2000).
Cemcrete, which is a cement-based external paint, is a slightly cheaper alternative to plastering. However,
cemcrete needs to be applied strictly and accurately, according to the instructions and not watered down, as
is usually done to cut costs. Watering down the cemcrete negatively effects the effectiveness and the quality
(Walker 1999).
Another way of insulation is by using panels, also called construction boards. These panels are either used
as an add-on to the walls and thus function as in insulation layer or fulfil the wall function themselves and
have a structural function. Communities often reject panels, which are usually made out of polystyrene or
fibre-cement, because they are considered inferior or artificial building materials. However, from a thermal
efficiency point of view, applying polystyrene on the outside of a cement blocks wall is a good proposition, as
the thermal mass of the wall will be on the inside of the house.
2.5. Flooring
Floors are an important component to achieve thermal efficiency in houses. Flooring material should be of
high thermal mass, such as concrete, bricks or clay, to trap heat and solar radiation coming in through
windows. The heat is slowly released at night. Single storey residential units can basically use their surface
bed (consisting of the floorslab and the soil underneath it) as thermal mass. Multi-storey residential blocks
have the disadvantage in this respect of having one level with these characteristics and the others without.
Adding thermal mass in these floorslabs by adding material beyond constructional requirements involves
high costs and is often considered to be too expensive.
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
Figure 11 RDP houses sharing walls to save on construction costs and energy consumption. Source: (Jongeling 2001).
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
This chapter gives an overview of the past and present projects on energy efficient housing. Up till now such
an overview is not available and all information for it needed to be collected from different sources over the
From the analysis of these projects and discussions with directly involved experts, it became clear that non
of the projects mentioned has done a proper evaluation of the energy savings achieved, by means of an
energy use analysis. Only PEER Africa in its Kutlwanong housing project has made a start with data
collection on the energy performance of the houses. This analysis is in the starting phase only, with no
processed data publicly available. Wits University has started a close monitoring of energy use in the
SOWETO eco-house, but has no data available as yet. Furthermore the Mabopane project was evaluated
on energy use, but as this project involved thermally improved shacks, the outcomes are of limited relevance
for this study.
The project features passive solar design with all facades facing north to maximise utilisation of the solar
irradiation. However, to satisfy assumed end-user perception, south facing windows were made slightly
lager than the recommended size for maximal thermal efficiency. The roofs are light in colour to ensure units
remain cool in summer. Darker colours were used on the walls to improve thermal efficiency. Roof
overhangs on the north walls are within 150 mm of the 500 mm overhang regarded as optimal for protecting
the houses' interiors from direct sunlight heating. The discrepancy is due to the standard length of roof
sheets available. Mono pitch houses or double pitch roofs were insulated with 50 mm of ceiling insulation to
increase thermal efficiency by providing an air cushion between the roof and ceiling board which function as
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
an extra layer of insulation. The interiors and exteriors have been coated with a special plaster paint to
prevent warm air from escaping through air leaks during winter. In addition the housing units have 60 Watt
equivalent compact fluorescent lamps for internal lighting and vertical water heaters instead of the
conventional horizontal ones, giving an efficiency improvement of 10%.
Unfortunately the current users are not instructed on the specific requirements of the energy conscious
design of their homes. No monitoring has been done on the thermal performance of the houses built. Main
reason being the rather tight schedules the whole village was subject to and the late moment energy
efficiency was introduced by an outside group. At this moment an effort is ongoing to do a proper energy
consumption survey in the All Africa Game village to evaluate the effect of the energy efficiency
interventions. Sources: personal communications, (Mahomed 2000) and (Napier, Austin et al. 2000)
This project in Krugersdorp (Gauteng) covers 18,000 houses with a combination of water conservation and
energy efficiency measurements. Total cost per house were the Government RDP subsidy plus R 14 000
additional costs per house.
Electricity consumption savings are expected to range from 25 - 30 %, equating to a monthly saving of R 15
to R 20 per household (Napier, Austin et al. 2000).
This project started as a self-help programme for a local community in Kimberley, Northern Cape,
2 3
emphasising 'decent housing and jobs'. In total two hundred houses of 52 m each were built, incorporating
energy efficient measures and passive solar design techniques using the "Peoples' Housing Process"
(PHP). The PHP required housing support centre was established as the "Kutlwanong Civic Integrated
Housing Trust" (KCIHT).
By the year 2000 over 200 energy-efficient housing units had been developed. The first type made use of a
cavity wall with insulation sandwiched between two brick skins, the second type was built of steel frame with
wall insulation sandwiched between an internal layer of gypsum board and an external brick layer.
The designers expect a reduction of 70 % in the energy requirements for space heating. Unfortunately the
measurement data collected on energy use in the homes has not been released yet, making it impossible to
verify these claims.
The Kutlwanong case is a partnership between the following parties, co-ordinated by the KCIHT:
• technical support from PEER Africa,
• subsidy finance from provincial government,
• funding from USAID to pay the additional capital costs of energy efficiency interventions,
• land from the Kimberley municipality, and
3 2 2
This 52 m was the standard size of RDP houses at the start of the project (compared with 30 m today).
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
Source: (Abron and Guy 2000), (Napier, Austin et al. 2000), (DoH 2002a) and (Irurah 2000)
3.4. Ivory Park insulated ceiling demonstration project and mud brick
The Midrand EcoCity is a Danida supported ambitious project to convert Ivory Park into a "Green city".
Several initiatives are combined in this EcoCity, one of them being an insulated ceiling demonstration
project. At a cost of approximately R 50,000 thirty houses were equipped with a new innovative ceiling with
insulation material thinner than conventional ceilings.
It comprises of a polyminium sheet (a white woven plastic sacking-type of material with a reflective backing)
glued to the "aerolight" to give it a thin base. The insulated sheet is nailed to the wall using a wooden cleat
to avoid sagging. In winter, the insulated ceiling prevents water condensation and thus keeps the house
warm. During summer it prevents excessive heat and thus keeps the house cool. In this pilot an installed
cost of R 20/m is estimated, as opposite traditional ceilings (e.g. gypsum board) which cost in excess of R
40/m . Energy savings of 30% to 60% have been measured. For a photograph of this ceiling material,
please refer to page 19.
Also in the Midrand EcoCity is the initiative for mudbrick houses. Twenty Ivory Park residents built a
mudbrick (mud and straw) demonstration house in the EcoCity, in partnership with students from the
University of Twente in the Netherlands, Wits University, DFID as well as the Midrand Local Council. There
has been mixed feelings around this mud brick demonstration unit. (Napier, Austin et al. 2000), (Baloyi
2000), (Mahomed 2000) and (Sugrue 2000)
Figure 14 & 15 The mud brick house after completion and painting
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
Based on the fact that indoor air pollution levels in the low-income houses in South Africa are multiple the
maximum levels acceptable to the World Health Organisation (WHO), several attempts have been initiated
to introduce cleaner fuels for the townships. None of the past initiatives in that direction was very successful.
The eMalenhle air Quality project started to work on this issue together with the residents. The NOVA
institute worked together with 40 informal houses near Secunda to investigate the use of cleaner fuels. Part
of the intervention was insulating the houses concerned, reducing the cola consumption between 5 and 30
%. This not only reduced the indoor air pollution levels, but also led to a reduction in pollution levels outside
and in the settlement as a whole. People also like insulation because it helped to keep dust out of the house
and helped to "create a real home" (DoH 2002a).
A commercial developer's plan was taken as control group to be compared with thermal improvements
designed by Holm Jordaan partners, commissioned by the Department of Minerals and Energy. The
interventions included orientation, window sizing and shading, roof insulation and end users capacity
building. The improved houses surprisingly cost 2% less to build (Irurah 2000).
The thermal performance, comfort and energy usage of these shacks was monitored during summer and
winter. Reflective insulation was then installed in a capacity building programme, after which the monitoring
repeated. The simulations and field measurements showed that energy for space heating was more than
halved and change to paraffin took place (Irurah 2000).
The SEED programme in the city of Tygerberg context is known as the Build and Life Safe Programme and
is aimed at improving energy and environmental issues in low cost housing projects as well as informal
settlements. A new village with more than 2300 homes is soon to be built in Khayelitsha (Cape Town).
Information will be provided on, amongst others, the benefits of ceilings, energy efficient lighting and
appliances and how to extend the starter house in a safe and sustainable manner (Irurah 2000).
3.9. Tlholego
This experimental and training centre 13 km west of Rustenburg in the North West province, erected
demonstration buildings of adobe.
Tlholego is the Tswana word for "creation from natural origins". The project is a far-reaching endeavour that
spans the concept of environmental education, ecological villages and sustainable rural development. On
the housing issue, the project has sought to replace the sub-standard farm worker housing with more
sustainable, acceptable houses. A low-cost, high-quality mudbrick technique has been developed at
Tlholego with the assistance of technical expertise from Australia.
The excellent thermal performance achieved by the use of the mudbricks suits very well with the extremes of
hot and cold experienced in the region. Principles of solar passive design are also implemented, using north
orientation and roof overhang. The project team estimates that a reduction in heating and cooling costs of 50
% will be possible.
Trainers from Tlholego have been involved in other earth construction initiatives in the country, like for
example in the Midrand Ecocity.
The Tlholego houses achieve significant cost-effectiveness through two mechanisms. First, the earthbricks
are fabricated from natural materials on-site, and thus reduce the reliance upon costly outside suppliers.
Second, the Tlholego housing approach uses labour and skills from the community, which again reduces the
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
costs and helps keep the economic benefits with the local residents. The 45 m , two bedroom houses are
being constructed for R 12,000, well within the housing subsidy provided by government.
Unfortunately the initiative suffers from a low acceptability of the sustainable livelihood technologies,
especially the earth brick/adobe houses and composting toilets, within the settlement and elsewhere in
South Africa.
The Alexandra East Bank Housing Development, located in Alexandra in Johannesburg, South Africa,
constitutes approximately 1200 low-cost houses. The main intervention on energy efficiency is the north
orientation of the houses (Beyers 2000).
At the Marconi Beam Trust Demonstration Village, the Department of Minerals and Energy (DME) facilitated
a thermally efficient house in 1997. The experience was an attempt to introduce an insulated block
construction method and other interventions - such as ceilings, properly sized windows, etcetera.
A small 100 litres direct heating close-coupled solar water heating system was donated by Sol Energy and
installed on the house of the supervisor of the demonstration village.
Although some monitoring and evaluation of the house was envisaged, this did not materialise due to the
lack of DME budget.
Due to the fact that the original houses has been added on to recently, both in the front (West) and the back
(East), much of the original thermal efficiency was lost. (Glynn Morris, personal communication)
The University of the Witwatersrand (WITS) and PEER Africa initiated the Soweto Eco House Project in
Soweto, Johannesburg. It forms part of the larger WITS Soweto Clean Air Monitoring Project. The project
constitutes the construction of one pilot energy efficient house by local emerging contractors. The project
team set out to design an energy efficient house according to passive solar design and water efficiency
principles. The house will serve as a model house for monitoring and measurement purposes. To succeed in
building such a house, the project team paid close attention to the design of the building envelope, the fitting
of all relevant energy efficiency technologies, as well as water conservation and energy efficiency water
heating practices.
Passive design is employed by orienting the house so that the main rooms face north, to maximise solar
radiation to heat and cool the house during the different seasons. The north facing windows have large
panes to allow maximum sun penetration and a 600 mm roof overhang on the same side to shield the
windows from direct radiation in summer. The building envelope is made of two 140 mm brick walling skins
with a 25 mm X-grade polystyrene insulation placed against the inner skin and a 50 mm space between the
insulation and the outer skin wall. The floor in the main living areas is finished with dark ceramic tiles for
enhanced thermal storage. Light coloured roof tiles were used as they reflect intensive heat during summer.
75 mm Polystyrene was used to insulate the ceiling.
This first energy efficient house in Soweto will also serve as demonstration house in Gauteng for energy
efficiency. It is further functioning as a test house for the air quality monitoring project in Soweto.
The Eco home in SOWETO is a house for the middle-income sector and is under intensive monitoring at this
moment to evaluate the effect of the interventions.
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
This pilot social housing project of 320 high-density (gross density of 110 units per hectare) residential units
is being built on a greenfields site in Cato Manor to cater for affordable rental accommodation in 2 – 3 storey
row housing and flats. Besides the subsidies, top-up financing in the form of a grant from the Malaysian
Government (R11, 3 million) has been secured. Project features include north orientation where possible, air
ventilation, the placement of two shops in the settlement that will be rented out. Cato Manor is well located in
terms of transport and its relation to central Durban. This project has recently laid its first foundations for half
the project. Even this well funded project is finding it difficult to consider a solar water heater pilot project or
dual flush toilets due to initial capital costs and structural problems, they are however investigating compact
fluorescent lighting in the housing. It is important to note that the design and layout of the structures
mitigated against the use of SWH and reflects the importance of considering theses aspects upfront
(Mahomed 2000).
Although not an energy efficient housing project per se, the Missionvale projects illustrates the possibility of
shared wall for reduction of energy.
Missionvale implemented by Metroplan in Port Elizabeth, is a high density residential project that used
economies of scale, the sharing of services and splitting of erven to obtain 36 – 56 square metre units of
eight different structures. Missionvale is well located on valuable land. The Delta Foundation sponsored
research and development and post construction support as some bulk servicing. An innovative lottery
system helped allocate single storey houses to the elderly and infirm and bigger double storey units to
younger bigger families. This is a completed project and families are settling in well, with some already
having established gardens (Mahomed 2000).
The Waterloo Development Project has sought to create an alternative approach to low-income housing
provision. The project team has placed resident education and choice at the centre of the process. By
informing residents of all available options and providing demonstrations, the community is empowered to
shape their own future. Through the Australian development association (AUSAID), the local community was
helped pioneering earth construction techniques in Waterloo. The Waterloo Housing Support Centre is
constructed out of earth bricks, demonstrating the effectiveness and appeal of the technology. The centre
assists the local community with all housing related issues, ranging from accessing housing subsidies to
providing house plans and training in construction related skills (Spurr 2000).
The Sol Plaatje Municipality (formerly the Kimberley Municipality) has implemented an eco-village as the
demonstration phase of a much larger (>2500 units) urban low-an-middle income housing project called The
Hull Street project. The eco-village, called The Moshoeshoe Eco-village, comprises of 13 units located on
land adjacent to the Housing Support Centre in Galeshewe. The eco-village includes a range of innovative
housing solutions and was facilitated by rant funding from Sida. The Swedish ambassador formally opened it
on the 12 of March 2002.
The buildings are designed with a compact form to minimise the heat gains and losses through the roofs and
walls by minimising the ratio of surface area to volume. The orientation of the buildings is with the length of
the buildings in the east / west alignment. Furthermore, the buildings have ceilings to minimise heat gains
and losses through the roofs. Other passive solar design features include appropriate roof overhangs,
thermal mass, light coloured roofs and window design.
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
Lighting inside the houses is provided by compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) and all other energy uses are
optimised, including the use of solar hot water systems. Included in the eco-village are a solar PV and wind
generator that supply excess electricity to the national electricity grid using net-metering.
The Dutch IDA funded AIJ project "Housing for a Healthier Future in South Africa" was managed by IIEC
South Africa and PEER Africa and completed four demonstration houses at four different locations each.
The four locations were selected on their climatic differences: Benoni, Kimberley, Cape Town and Lady
Grey. The project aimed at incorporating Dutch expertise in energy efficiency measures (ECN - Energy
research Centre of the Netherlands) and Dutch energy efficient construction materials. Extensive monitoring
of the completed houses on their energy use was part of the original project document, but this did not take
place within the project. The monitoring has been contracted separately to the Palmer Development Group
for execution in 2002.
Figure 16 Energy efficient houses in Lady Grey (photo: Tony van Engelen/Planet)
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
Figure 19 & 20 Innovative new materials for energy efficient houses in Benoni
Main interventions in Lady Grey are orientation, roof overhang and ceilings at an intervention cost of R 3000
per house. Cost details of the interventions at the other sites are not available.
This proposed project is an addition to a greenfield housing project introducing lighting, thermal performance
and water heating efficiency improvements in 2309 new low-cost houses in Khayelitsha near Cape Town.
According to the project proposal, the project aims at a reduction of 39.3 tons of CO2 per household at a
cost of R 3882 per house on top of the national housing subsidy of R 16 000. The cost of carbon mitigation
is US$ 12.36 / ton CO2.
The table shows baseline and alternative costs and emissions (calculated on the basis of each household
unit, a project life of 50 years and without any discounting).
tons CO2 Initial costs tons CO2 Initial costs tons CO2 Initial costs
Assumptions include:
• All services are based on an electrical baseline;
• Replacement of two 75W incandescent with two 19W CFLs per household;
• Lamps are used for 3.2 hours use per day;
• Expected lifetime of components include:
• Energy Efficient lighting: 3.2 hours per day for 8000 hours (equivalent to 6.85 years);
• Solar Water Heaters: Maximum of twenty years; and
• Ceiling Insulation and Appropriate Building Materials: The life of the house (approximately fifty
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
• Ceilings and ceiling insulation reduce the energy loss by 50% of a baseline of 390.6 kWhs per year;
• Solar water heaters use electrical back up for 40% of the energy required to heat water (60% solar
fraction); and
• Electric hot water storage geysers and solar water heaters have a 70% efficiency (standing losses etc.
utilise 30% of the energy transferred to the water).
This proposed project is an addition to a greenfield rural hamlet housing project introducing lighting, thermal
performance, cooking, water heating efficiency improvements and various improvements in the embodied
energy of the building materials to 3700 yet to be constructed dwellings. The project is aimed at upgrading
tenure rights for farm workers. The Hamlets are all within a 100 km radius of the Metropolitan area of Cape
Town in the Stellenbosch District of the Western Cape. Without CDM intervention, the hamlets would be
constructed along the lines of a conventional model, which would be far less sustainable. Examples of
recent developments of this nature exist in the Stellenbosch District and are considered as the baseline for a
CDM intervention.
The project-proposal claims more than 150 000 tons of CO2 being avoided over the life of the project at a
cost of US$ 12 / ton. The project results in health and cost co-benefits to the household and may be
replicable in other intensive farming areas in South Africa.
During the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg in August 2002, the
Department of Minerals and Energy launched the Clean SOWTEO air fund. This fund focuses on the poor,
low-income households in SOWETO that mainly depend on coal as a household fuel. The health and
environmental impacts are prominent in these households because of the way coal is being burnt: in open
fires, braziers (mbawulas in local language) and in old stoves.
The Clean SOWETO fund will implement some fast track solutions to improve the air quality and fund
research on the development and implementation of other solutions.
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
4. Green financing
Although it worked out different in reality, the national housing subsidy was intended to be supplemented by
additional funds from the homeowner. During the implementation of the subsidy programme, it proofed to be
very difficult for the prospective homeowners to access mortgage bonds. Several initiative tried to address
this issue and are described in this chapter.
The National Department of Housing has initiated a project aimed at creating an enabling environment for
the mainstreaming of environmental efficiency in the housing sector. The Green Housing Finance Initiative is
part of this project. Funded by Danida, this initiative aims to facilitate access to housing finance for low,
medium and upper income households to undertake ‘green’ improvements in their homes.
The focus of this programme will be on encouraging lending organisations to provide loan funds to
households to make green improvements that result in medium and long-term savings. These savings may
be in the form of decreased electricity and water bills or decreased maintenance costs. There will also be a
focus on initiatives that provide increased comfort and amenities and which provide for a healthier living
The end user group focus for this project will be on all households who are able to undertake debt in order to
purchase ‘green’ materials or appliances. It is understood that households earning under R 800 (an amount
to be firmed up in the initial stage of this project) are considered unbankable by most of the financial
institutions as they do not earn sufficient income to undertake debt.
One of the major reasons for the lack of ‘green’ housing finance is the lack of demand. To this end and
others, the project will monitor the ‘green’ initiatives which have already been piloted or used, with a view to
developing an understanding of how acceptable these initiatives have been to end-user households, their
ease of use, durability and finally the costs savings which have accrued to the household. This information
will be written up and maintained in a database. It will be publicised through this programme, with specific
information and training packages aimed at households, financial institutions and government departments.
This project is currently in its initial design phase. Danida consultants are currently in the process of writing
up a more detailed project document in consultation with all the key stakeholders. The project is expected to
commence in February or March 2003 and will be funded with Danida funds for a period of approximately 3
The Development Action Group (DAG) has as mission to support and implement community housing and
development projects and processes and to work towards the creation of an enabling community sensitive
policy environment. As part of their ongoing loan scheme, DAG is specifically addressing individual loans to
homeowners that what to upgrade their home. Energy efficiency interventions do qualify for a loan amount
related to the savings on energy expenditure.
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
DANIDA (formally operated through DANCED) is funding a programme on energy efficient building, which
includes capacity building for the Department of Minerals and Energy, support to the Urban and Rural SEED
initiative, as well as on green financing in the housing sector for the Department of Housing.
5.2. DGIS
The Dutch Directorate General for Development Co-operation has supported the AIJ project "Housing for a
Healthier Future" as described in this report (see page 27) and its subsequent monitoring and evaluation.
They are approached by a consortium of the current project partners, for support of a follow-up on this
5.3. USAID
USAID has funded the research needed for the publication "Environmentally sound energy efficient low-cost
housing for healthier, brighter and wealthier households, municipalities and nation, evaluation of
performance and affordability of intervention technologies". A consortium of research institutes in the country
prepared this study.
Furthermore USAID is co-funder of the Sustainable Homes initiative of IIEC. Through this targeted
intervention, IIEC places professionals (e.g., engineers and town planners) in needy communities (for
anywhere from an hour to two weeks) to transform standard housing developments into energy efficient,
sustainable and high quality settlements (see page 34).
AUSAID is actively involved in the mud construction of residential buildings by funding activities in this field,
including an open Agrement certificate for an earth construction method in which the method of construction
is being certified and open to use by everyone. The Tholego development was constructed as part of this
effort (see page 24).
5.5. DFID
The UK's Department for International Development is, together with USAID, co-funder of the Sustainable
Homes Initiative of IIEC.
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
5.6. SIDA
The Swedish international Development Agency was the main funder of the Hull Street development in
Kimberley and the associated Moshoeshoe eco-village (see page 26).
From 1994 till 2001 the Urban Upgrading and Development Programme (UUDP) has operated in selected
small towns in the Eastern Cape and Free State. It aimed at enhancing the capacity of local authorities and
community groups to handle housing projects for low-income people, in close co-operation with the national
and provincial housing administration. Special emphasis was placed on the People's Housing Process.
The second project, under the auspices of the National Housing Finance Corporation (NHFC) commenced
in 1998. NHFC's mission is to promote access by low-income families to private housing finance. Loans from
NHFC are retailed by small finance institutions that, unlike commercial banks, operate close to poor
communities. With support from GTZ, NHFC created the Capacity and Development Support programme
(CDSP). The CDSP seeks to ensure that more small finance institutions are able to retail housing loans to
low-income people. The programme designs and facilitates training and advisory services to managers and
staff and entails basic knowledge on credit policies and the administration of loans. Innovative credit
products are tested and introduced into the market. In contrast to traditional housing credits, they don't need
bankable securities, which poor people are generally not able to provide. The project, supported by GTZ,
complements a grant of 25 million Euro from the German Government to improve housing for rural
households and concessional loans totalling 55 million Euro for housing related infrastructure. They are
channelled through the German development bank KfW and the Development Bank of Southern Africa.
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
The International Institute for Energy Conservation is an international NGO affiliated with the Civil
Engineering Research Foundation (CERF) and originates from the United States of America. IIEC's Africa
offices are located in Johannesburg. In the energy efficient housing sector IIEC managed the Dutch AIJ
project "Housing for a Healthier Future" (see page 27) and initiated the Sustainable Homes Initiative.
The Sustainable Homes Initiative (SHI) promotes energy efficient and environmentally sound low-cost
housing in South Africa. the programme targets policy and decision makers in the construction industry,
teaching institutions, communities and professionals through a number of interventions to:
• increase the knowledge base on environmentally sound building principles,
• build capacity around the implementation of these principles, and
• provide technical assistance to incorporate environmentally sound building principles in the design,
planning and construction of houses through the Green Professionals Network
As a spin-off of the SHI, IIEC developed an interactive software model (the Eco House Interactive) which is
a 'game-like' model that allows the user to design his/her own environmentally sound house based on a set
of passive solar design and energy efficiency parameters. Once the house is designed, the model will
calculate the summer and winter comfort, summer and winter energy need, cost and payback period
associated with the specific house. Apart from providing this information in a fun interactive way, the model
provides accurate and specific information to ensure that the user is educated on the basics and benefits of
eco house design.
The Social Housing Focus Trust (SHiFT) strives to improve the delivery of social housing, through integrated
quality design, quality in construction and an effective and efficient delivery-process, where possible in
partnership with communities. SHiFT is a conglomerate of professionals in social housing that would like to
see a shift in the current construction practices to become more sustainable. They will do this in the
following ways:
• By demonstrating that the design of mass housing starts within the context of the city or the village, then
the neighbourhood, the street and the home.
• By demonstrating that in the design process the public interest as well as the interest of the social housing
institutions must be kept all times in view.
Sustainable Energy Africa (SEA) is main implementer of the SEED programme. Recently Sarah Ward of
SEA has published a book, which includes energy efficiency in housing.
The Energy Book is a practical guide for energy activists, professionals, development workers, community
organisers and all people reaching for sustainable urban development. This handbook covers sustainable
energy approaches and practices, particularly for housing and public development. It takes us from the big
picture of global warming to local issues of energy efficient housing and better energy choices.
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
Bonesa, the Sotho work for "illuminate", aims to enhance efficient use of electricity. It is a joint venture
between ESKOM enterprises, Africon Engineering and Umongi-Kerabo empowerment group. Bonesa's
programme involves public awareness, introducing energy efficient lighting curricula in high schools and
tertiary institutions and the provision of energy efficient Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) to newly
electrified consumers.
The GreenHouse project is implemented by Earthlife Africa, a NGO with the primary objective of facilitating
NGOs and CBOs working towards the realisation of environmentally and socially just development. One of
the key deliverables of the GreenHouse project is the development of a resource centre in the inner city of
SEED is a programme focussing on energy, environment and development. Its primary objective is to
enhance the capacity of communities and local authorities to address energy and environmental challenges
in housing and rural development projects
Food and Trees for Africa, a NGO with a long track record of activism in relation to urban greening and
permaculture, is the implementing agent for the Trees for Homes initiative. This initiative has contributes to
over 500 community food gardens, greener suburbs and environmental projects, and has distributed over
1.5 million trees to disadvantaged communities living in barren and degraded areas.
Trees for Homes provides trees, training, some employment and awareness for residents in low cost
housing developments and aids climate change mitigation through carbon storage.
The Urban Sector Network (USN) is a network of NGOs working towards ensuring that disadvantaged
people can access and utilise an equitable share of national resources. Programmes to do this include
training and capacity building, engaging with housing stakeholders around the administration and planning
issues and the facilitation and management of housing projects.
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
In South Africa several studies have been completed looking into the energy use of households.
Unfortunately these studies are either outdated, fragmented, not distinguishing between the end use of the
fuel used or incomplete.
The most recent effort in this regard was the USAID funded study "Environmentally sound energy efficient
low-cost housing for healthier, brighter and wealthier households, municipalities and nation, evaluation of
performance and affordability of intervention technologies" (Irurah 2000), which also recognises the difficulty
of getting accurate information on the current fuel use. The following tables are adapted from (Irurah 2000)
Table 8 Annual consumption for space heating by region and fuel. Source: (Winkler, Spalding-Fecher et al. 2000)
Table 9 Share of houses using fuel for space heating by province (in %). Please note that the columns do not add up to
100%, as per original source. Source: (Winkler, Spalding-Fecher et al. 2000)
Other relevant sources of information on household energy use are (Afrane-Okese 1995) and (Simmonds
and Mannon 1996), from which the following tables originate:
Energy intensities for end-use of electricity in low-income formal houses: (Afrane-Okese 1995)
kWh/month GJ/year
temperate climate 164.2 7.1
hot-humid climate 154.7 6.7
hot-dry climate 181.1 7.8
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
Table 11 Average monthly household energy consumption (in delivered MJ) (Simmonds and Mannon 1996)
However, all the available information isn't sufficient to come to a good estimate of the current energy use
for space heating in low-cost subsidy houses. In order to develop a good baseline to which possible
interventions in the low cost housing segment can be evaluated, more accurate energy use data need to be
collected. A full survey to collect this information will be conducted by the Department of Housing during the
winter of 2003. In the 2002 winter a small pilot survey was executed to get a first indication of the magnitude
of energy consumption. That survey covered 150 households in Gauteng and the Free State and focussed
on RDP houses only (Klunne 2002). A summary of the results can be found in the following table.
Table 12 Results of the 2002 energy use survey on space haeting in RDP type of houses in Gauteng and Free State
(Klunne 2002)
As part of the current World Bank funded efforts to develop an energy efficient RDP housing programme
Irurah (Irurah 2002) has done computer simulations on possible interventions and there benefits. This
paragraph will discuss the results of that study in order to quantify possible energy savings as result of
energy efficiency interventions in the low cost subsidy houses segment of the market.
In order to assess the potential for energy efficient housing the current standard for 30 m RDP houses has
been evaluated for energy use. Using computer modelling, several energy efficiency interventions have
been simulated on their energy requirements.
7.2.1. Baseline
As a baseline for the intervention modelling a 30 m RDP type house has been used. Such a house does
typically consist of the following:
The house is simulated to be stand-alone and not orientated towards north (an angle of 45º towards north
2 3
east is assumed). The size of the house is 30 m , with a volume 70 m . An impression of the house is given
in Figure 21.
The simulation with the simulation software "Energy Toolbox" gives the required energy for space heating
for the fourteen distinguished zones. The energy requirements range from a low 5600 MJ/year in the Natal
coastal area to a maximum of 16000 MJ/year in the Free State. Please note that the energy requirements to
keep the house at a pre-set comfort level are calculated. The amount of energy calculated is the demand for
energy and not necessary the actual amount of energy being used.
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
7.2.2. Interventions
With the simulation software several possible interventions were simulated on their heating requirements.
Single interventions were simulated as well as packages with combinations of interventions were evaluated.
Cavity walls:
• inner- and outer-skin both concrete blocks and 25 mm air cavity
• outer-skin concrete blocks, inner-skin gypsum board, with and without polystyrene insulation
• concrete blocks wall with polystyrene and plaster on the outside
• gypsumboard ceiling with insulation
• gypsumboard ceiling without insulation
Other interventions:
• orientation
• concrete slab
• weatherisation
• double glazing
• row house single storey
• multi-storey construction detached
These interventions were applied to the standard RDP house of 30 m , as well as to medium density walk-
ups of 3 floors with 4 units each and are described in detail in (Irurah 2002).
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
The modelling software evaluates the indoor temperature of the house when the interventions are
implemented. Based on the outside temperature pattern, the inside temperature will be calculated and the
amount of energy needed to get the house at comfort level is calculated.
To distinguish between the different climatic characteristics of areas within South Africa, the following zones
are considered:
• Eastern Cape coastal
• Eastern Cape interior
• Natal coastal
• Natal interior
• Western Cape coastal
• Western Cape interior
• Northern Cape North
• Northern Cape South
• Free State
• North West
• Gauteng
• Mpumalanga highveld
• Mpumalanga lowveld
• Northern province
For every zone, one or two towns with known climatic conditions are selected for energy requirement
7.2.4. Assumptions
All the house designs were simulated with a similar set of assumptions concerning the use of the house and
the characteristics of the materials.
In the simulations the default settings of the Building Toolbox software for the behaviour of the people in the
house were used. These included a number of users of 6 persons during the night and a varying number of
people during the day. For the level of activity and clothing, default values were used (1.0 clo and 1.2 met).
The designs were simulated for the heating season only and the amount of energy required to keep the
house at comfort level was calculated based on the climatic data in the software's database. The energy
requirements are provided in kWh equivalent, but were converted into units of the fuels in the actual energy
mix used in the region.
The amount of energy required to keep the house at comfort level (for 90% of the users) was compared with
the energy requirements of the baseline house and converted into carbon emissions avoided. The costs of
the interventions are based on Bureau for Economic Research (2001) Building and construction, vol 16, no 2
For all the different interventions and packages of interventions, the heating requirement of the houses were
simulated. This amount of energy is compared with the energy requirement of the baseline house and the
difference is assumed to be the energy saving potential of the intervention. It is assumed that the heating
value of this saving would have been achieved using the same energy mix as the baseline is using. From
the combination of heat requirement reduction and the energy mix, the avoided carbon emissions per year
per house were calculated. These avoided emissions are discounted over a time horizon of 10 years and a
discount rate of 10% to the net present value.
Based on the assumptions as summarised in Table 13, a ranking of the most promising interventions was
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
north orientation 0
ceiling airspace 1350
25 mm polystyrene insulation ceiling 600
concrete slab 630
weatherisation 300
double glazing 11400
double skin wall 2* concrete blocks 5600
double skin wall concrete blocks & gypsum board 3024
double skin wall concrete blocks, polystyrene & gypsum 4144
row house single storey -700
storey construction detached 1216
Based on these assumptions (Irurah 2002) prioritises the interventions as given in Table 15
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
Table 16 Barriers towards the mainstreaming of energy efficient low-cost housing (DoH 2002b)
From this analysis, as well as discussions with people and organisations involved it becomes very clear that
the cost of the interventions is way beyond the affordability levels of the homeowners. To address this
situation the prizes of the interventions need to be reduced dramatically. Industry however is not able to
reduce the costs, as volumes are low at the moment. A possible programme to main stream energy
efficiency in low-cost housing needs to break this vicious circle.
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
9. Conclusions
In last decade a large number of projects and initiatives on energy efficiency in low cost housing were
initiated in South Africa. All with the very best intentions and most of them with good results as well.
However, all these efforts did not result in a change in construction practices: energy efficiency in the low-
cost housing sector is NOT common practise as yet. The concepts have been tested in the country, local
knowledge to implement energy efficiency is available, but market volumes are not achievable at this
moment to reduce the price of interventions to overcome the main barrier for main streaming energy efficient
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
Abron, L. A. and D. Guy (2000). PEER Africa (PTY) Ltd. Energy Cost Optimized (ECO)-Housing Program in
Kimberley, South Africa, Monitoring ECO-House Performance as if People Mattered. Boiling Point.
Afrane-Okese, Y. (1995). Domestic energy use analysis to facilitate development strategy. Cape Town,
South Africa, University of Cape Town, Energy & Development research centre: 65.
Baloyi, G. (2000). Affordable ceilings for Ivory Park. SEED update. 2: 10.
Baloyi, R. (2000). Solar water heater systems projects for households. Midrand, South Africa, Midrand
Ecocity Trust.
Beyers, C. (2000). Green professional intervention in South Africa's low-cost housing - a sustainable homes
initiative activity -. Domestic Use of Energy, Cape Town.
Deloitte&Touche (2001). Study to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of transferring housing funds.
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Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)
Wim Klunne Energy efficient housing South Africa (final draft November 2002)