Fracture Criteria of Piezoelectric Ceramics With Defects: Daining Fang, Zhen-Ke Zhang, Ai Kah Soh, Kwok Lun Lee
Fracture Criteria of Piezoelectric Ceramics With Defects: Daining Fang, Zhen-Ke Zhang, Ai Kah Soh, Kwok Lun Lee
Fracture Criteria of Piezoelectric Ceramics With Defects: Daining Fang, Zhen-Ke Zhang, Ai Kah Soh, Kwok Lun Lee
Department of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, PR China
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, PR China
Received 20 September 2002
In this paper, based on a solution of an elliptic cavity in piezoelectric ceramics with uniform loading at infinity, we
analyze the stress and electric fields in the limit cases of the solution when the elliptical cavity tends gradually to a crack.
The result in the zone near the crack tip is different from the result in the zone far away from the crack tip. The
calculation results of a PZT-4 material are presented. Two new fracture criteria are developed for piezoelectric fracture
in this paper. One is based on a generalized stress intensity factor related to the stress field at the tip of the crack and
another is based on the crack opening displacement (COD) related to the relative displacement of crack faces. PZT-5h
ceramics with a center crack were subjected to the combined effect of mechanical load and electrical load in this
experiment to analyze the effect of electric field on fracture. The measured fracture toughness of central crack specimens
of poled soft lead zirconate titanate ceramics (PZT-5) is presented to compare with the theoretical results. Some existing
fracture criteria are examined through the comparison of their calculation results and the experimental results.
2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0167-6636/$ - see front matter 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
918 D. Fang et al. / Mechanics of Materials 36 (2004) 917–928
Park and Sun, 1995; Fulton and Gao, 1997) were the energy density criterion as the fracture crite-
based on the assumption of electric impermeability rion. Zhu and Yang (1997) proposed that the
at the rim of a defect and several fracture criteria main nonlinearity of ferroelectric material is the
were brought out based on them. But most of domain switching. They developed a small-scale
these criteria can only explain some aspects of domain-switching model to explain the toughening
experimental results (Tobin and Pak, 1993; Cao mechanism. The spontaneous strain in the do-
and Evans, 1994; Lynch et al., 1995). Some later main-switching zone causes the restrictive force of
work (Sosa and Khutoryansky, 1996; Chung and the zone without domain switching, which affects
Ting, 1996; Zuo and Sih, 2000) was based on the the stress intensity factor.
use of exact electric boundary conditions at the In this paper, based on a solution of an elliptic
rim of the defect. But these investigations did not cavity in piezoelectric ceramics with uniform
carefully analyze the variation of electromechani- loading at infinity, we analyze the stress and elec-
cal fields when the elliptical cavity gradually tends tric fields in the limit cases of the solution when the
to a crack and some self-contradictory conclusions elliptical cavity tends gradually to a crack. The
were even made. The experimental results show calculation results of a PZT-4 material are pre-
that fracture toughness is anisotropic and the sented. Two new fracture criteria are developed for
direction of the applied electric field can signifi- piezoelectric fracture in this paper. One is based on
cantly affect fracture behavior. Although a lot of a generalized stress intensity factor related to the
theoretical work has also been done in piezoelec- stress field at the tip of the crack and the other is
tric fracture, discrepancies between experimental based on the crack opening displacement (COD)
and analytical results indicate that the established related to the relative displacement of crack faces.
linear piezoelectric fracture theory is insufficient to The measured fracture toughness of central crack
illustrate the fracture behavior of piezoelectric or specimens of poled soft lead zirconate titanate
ferroelectric materials (Gao et al., 1997). ceramics (PZT-5) is presented to analyze the effects
As the fracture criterion, the linear energy re- of an applied electric field. Some existing fracture
lease rate is the first criterion to be used. But this criteria are examined through the comparison
criterion has the fatal disadvantage that it predicts of their calculation results and the experimental
that an electric field should always inhibit crack- results.
ing, which obviously contradicts with the experi-
mental results.
2. Fundamental solution
To avoid this defect, Park and Sun (1995)
introduced the mechanical strain energy release
A plane problem shown in Fig. 1 is considered.
rate as a fracture criterion. This criterion can
An elliptical cavity lies in an infinite and homo-
accurately predict the influence of electric field on
geneous piezoelectric matrix. The medium inside
cracking, but it has a theoretical flaw because it
the cavity is uniform and isotropic and the per-
ignores the electrical term (Gao et al., 1997). As
mittivity of the medium is e0 . The piezoelectric
argued by Gao et al. (1997), the mechanical term,
matrix is subjected to uniform fields at infinity
in fact, does not have an essential difference with
(r1 ; E1 ).
electrical term because they are both induced by
When the linear piezoelectric constitutive
the electromagnetic force.
equations are adopted, the general displacement
Fulton and Gao (1997) considered the material
and the general stress function in the piezoelectric
nonlinearity and introduced an electrical situation
body can be obtained as:
model similar to the DungdaleÕs model in plastic
metal cracking. This model assumed that the fer- u ¼ 2RefAhf1 T 1 T
iA gg1 þ 2RefAhf iB gh1
roelectric material might electrically yield in the ð1Þ
/ ¼ 2RefBhf1 T 1 T
iA gg1 þ 2RefBhf iB gh1
Dugdale zone. Thus, they can get the local energy
release rate Gc by means of J -integrals across where g1 , h1 are vectors determined by the load
the electric yield zone. Zuo and Sih (2000) selected and shape of the elliptical cavity, and A, B, S, H, L
D. Fang et al. / Mechanics of Materials 36 (2004) 917–928 919
pffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffi that a positive electric field will induce a tensile
KI ¼ r1
22 pa; KII ¼ r1 12 pa; KIII ¼ r1
23 pa
pffiffiffiffiffiffi stress and is favorable to the crack growth. This
KD ¼ ðD1 0
2 D2 Þ pa ð9Þ conclusion accords with Pak and SunÕs experi-
Z d mental result. Because U and V are matrices only
1 depending on the material constants, it has been
G ¼ lim ½ri2 ðrÞDui ðd rÞ
d!0 2d 0 checked in the calculation that the term in the
þ D2 ðrÞDuðd rÞ
dr square brackets of 2ab ½U½2;2
þ V½2;1
ðL1 ST Þ½1;2
1 usually larger than 0.5 for various PZT ceramics.
¼ ½KII ; KI ; KIII ; KD
ðL1 Þ½KII ; KI ; KIII ; KD
T For example, U½2;2
þ V½2;1
ðL1 ST Þ½1;2
ffi 0:84 for
PZT-4 ceramics. Therefore, when a=b 1,
ð10Þ 2a
þ V½2;1
ðL1 ST Þ½1;2
is much more than 1.
As we have mentioned before, however, the solu- Thus, the first term in the right side of Eq. (12) can
tion in Eq. (7) is only valid in the zone where be neglected because a=b is far larger than 1 (i.e.
r b. If we consider the zone of r b, the solu- a=b 1) for a crack. Therefore, the stress, r22 , is
tion is different from that in the zone of r b. It is related to two parts. One results from the remote
more important to consider the latter case (i.e. the mechanical stress, r1 22 and the other corresponds to
zone of r b) for the crack growth. The limit case that induced by the electric loading, ðD1 0
2 D2 Þ.
of the solution given in Eq. (5) is corresponding to
the solution at the crack tip (r ¼ jza aj ! 0):
4. New fracture criteria
2 T
t2 jz¼a ¼ t1
2 Re iBh1=p iA g1
b 4.1. A generalized stress intensity factor KI
þ Re iBh1=p iB h1 ð11Þ
For a line crack with a=b 1, it can be con-
cluded from Eq. (12) that when a uniform electric
where h1=p i is a 4 · 4 diagonal matrix h1=p i ¼
field applied at infinity is nonzero, the stress in-
diag h1=p1 ; 1=p2 ; 1=p3 ; 1=p4 i. Notice that both of
duced by electric field concentrated at the crack tip
Re iBh1=p iAT and Re iBh1=p iBT are 4 · 4 is significantly large even if there is no applied
real matrices, which can be defined as U and V. If uniform stress field at infinity. This stress can be
the piezoelectric body is transversely isotropic and likely to lead to the crack growth, which has been
its poling axis aligned in the positive x2 -direction, approved by the experimental results. However,
we can get the stress at the crack tip: the definition of stress intensity factors cannot
reflect the influence of this stress on the crack
r22 ¼ r1
22 þ f½U½2;2
þ V½2;1
ðL1 ST Þ½1;2
growth because the stress induced by electric field
b has features different from those of the stress
1 T
þ ½U½2;4
þ V½2;1
ðL S Þ½1;4
ðD12 D2 Þg
ð12Þ resulting from mechanical loading. For example,
from Fig. 3 presented in Section 5, one can find
where the subscript ½i; j
denotes the correspond- that when r=a < 106 , the effect of electric field on
ing elements of the matrix. For the piezoelec- the stress near the crack tip is significant. How-
tric ceramics, U½2;2
> 0, U½2;4
> 0, V½2;1
> 0, ever, the conventional stress intensity factor does
ðL1 ST Þ½1;2
> 0 and ðL1 ST Þ½1;4
< 0. Therefore, not take into account this effect. The conventional
þ V½2;1
ðL1 ST Þ½1;2
, the coefficients of r1
22 in definition of stress intensity factors can only reflect
Eq. (12) are larger than zero. The coefficient of the influence of the mechanical stress field, rather
1 T
ðD1 0
2 D2 Þ, i.e. ½U½2;4
þ V½2;1
ðL S Þ½1;4
, is un- than that of the stress field induced by electric field
known and must be determined in terms of the concentrated at the crack tip. In fact, as we show
actual material properties. However, for the PZT-4 in the next section, only when r is less than 0:01b,
or PZT-5 (common piezoelectric ceramics), the is the stress induced by electric field notable. Thus,
coefficient of ðD1 0
2 D2 Þ is positive. This means the calculated conventional stress intensity factor
D. Fang et al. / Mechanics of Materials 36 (2004) 917–928 921
Substituting Eq. (21) into Eq. (20), the COD can In terms of the material constants and the
be expressed as: coordinates, the Barnett–Lothe tensors can be
2 calculated in the consistent units of m, N, C,
dt ¼ 4a½ðL1 Þ½2;2
r1 1 1 0
22 þ ðL Þ½2;4
ðD2 D2 Þ
and V, i.e.
The fracture criterion is given by 2 3
0 0:1237 0 0:2458 109
dt P dc ð23Þ 6 0:4318 0 0 0 7
S¼6 4
If we define a critical intensity factor KC as 0 0 0 0
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 0:1067 10 0 0 0
KC ¼ ð24Þ 2 3
2ðL1 Þ½2;2
0:21311010 0 0 0
6 0 0:142310 10
0 0:03027 7
H¼ 6
where KC is obviously identical to the critical 0 0 0:35731010 0
COD, dC , and also dependent upon the constants 0 0:03027 0 0:1077109
of materials, the criterion, Eq. (23) can be rewrit- 2 3
0:56731011 0 0 0
ten as: 6 0 0:432710 11
0 10:93 7
L¼ 6
0 0 0:27991011 0
ðL1 Þ½2;4
0 10:93 0 0:8646108
KI þ KD P KC ð25Þ
ðL1 Þ½2;2
2 3
where KI and KD are stress and electric displace- 0:06186 0 0 0
ment intensity factors, respectively. For piezo- 6 0 0:6713 0 0:4501109 7
electric ceramics, the coefficient of KD in Eq. (25), U¼6
4 0
0 0:4573 0
ðL1 Þ 10
i.e. ðL1 Þ½2;4
, is positive. This means that the positive 0 0:474810 0 0:5520
6. Experimental results
described in detail by Kainth et al. (1979) and, field increases it. A least-square curve fitting is
therefore, it will not be reiterated here. The ultra- performed on the measured fracture data pre-
sonic technique permits complex forms to be sented in Fig. 6 and its form is given by
produced from all engineering ceramics, regard-
KI ¼ 803505:949 18:193KE þ 2:641 104 KE2
less of their electrical conductivity.
In all the tests, the electric fields were applied to ð27Þ
the electrode surfaces. The tensile load was applied where KE is the electrical fieldpffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
intensity factor,
continuously using the crosshead displacement which is defined by KE ¼ limr!0 2prE2 jh¼0 similar
control of the mechanical testing machine (Mini- to the definition of the stress intensity factor. KI
ature Materials Tester), while the applied electric and KE are expressed in terms of Pa m1=2 and V/
field was set at a specific value till fracture oc- m1=2 . Eq. (27) gives a nonlinear function relation
curred. The electric fields were generated by a between KI and KE for an impermeable crack un-
power supply, which has a maximum rating of 50 der combined electromechanical loads. It is inter-
kV DC. The effect of applied electric field on the esting to note that the fitted fracture curve shown
critical fracture load is shown in Fig. 6. It can be in Fig. 7 is similar to that of Heyer et al. (1998) for
clearly seen that the positive electric field decreases the conducting crack, except that in our case the
the critical fracture load while the negative electric curve is concave instead of convex.
Fig. 6. The effect of applied electric field, E, on the critical Fig. 7. The relation between stress and electric-field intensity
fracture load, F . factors fitted from the experimental data.
D. Fang et al. / Mechanics of Materials 36 (2004) 917–928 925
7. Comparison of fracture criteria where A000 , B000 are coefficients of materials, respec-
tively. The new criterion related to COD given
As the fracture criterion, the linear energy re- in Eq. (23) can be rewritten as follows:
lease rate can be expressed as (Yang, 2002; Park 0 2
dt ¼ 4a½ðL1 Þ½2;2
r1 1 1
22 þ ðL Þ½2;4
ðD2 D2 Þ
and Sun, 1995; Gao et al., 1997; Sosa, 1991; Pak
0000 0000 0000
and Tobin, 1993): ¼ A KI2 þ B KI KD þ C KD2 ð33Þ
Z d
1 0000 0000 0000
where A , B , C are coefficients of materials,
Glin ¼ lim ½ri3 ðx1 ÞDui ðd x1 Þ
d!0 2d 0 respectively. Note that the stress intensity factor,
þ D3 ðx1 ÞD/ðd x1 Þ
dx1 ð28Þ KI , in Eqs. (29)–(33) is defined in Eq. (9), but the
where d is the distance of crack growth. For the I- electric intensity factor,
pffiffiffiffiffiffi KD , in Eqs. (29)–(31) is
type piezoelectric fracture problem under com- defined by KD ¼ D1 2 pa, which is different from
bined mechanical and electrical loading, Eq. (28) the electric intensity factor, KD in Eqs. (32),p(33)ffiffiffiffiffiffi
can be rewritten in the form of intensity factor as: that is given as in Eq. (9) as KD ¼ ðD1 0
2 D2 Þ pa.
According to the energy density criterion (Zuo
Glin ¼ AKI2 þ BKI KD CKD2 ð29Þ and Sih, 2000), the unstable fracture is assumed to
where A, B, C are coefficients of materials, take place when
dW Sc
The mechanical strain energy release rate has ¼ ð34Þ
dV c rc
been given by Park and Sun (1995) as:
Z d
1 where W is the energy in the representative cell, V
Gm ¼ lim ri3 ðx1 ÞDUi ðd x1 Þ dx1 the volume of the cell, rc the critical ligament
d!0 2d 0
ahead of crack, and Sc the critical value of the
¼ A0 KI2 þ B0 KI KD ð30Þ energy density factor. The crack is assumed grow
0 0
where A , B are coefficients of materials, respec- at the direction:
tively. Fulton and Gao (1997) gave the local en-
ergy release rate as: oS
" ¼0
1 ð35Þ
Gc ¼ ðB1 Þ½2;2
KI2 þ 2ðB1 Þ½2;4
KI KD o2 S
8p >0
# oh2
ðB1 Þ½4;4
1 2 where S is the energy density factor, and h the
þ KD
angle between the real cracking direction and the
¼ A00 KI2 þ B00 KI KD þ C 00 KD2 ð31Þ direction of the original crack face.
To prove the validation of the existing fracture
where B is a 4 · 4 real, symmetric, invertible matrix criteria, a comparison of the theoretical results and
depending on the material constants and given by the experimental results is made. Fig. 8 shows the
Fulton and Gao (1997). A00 , B00 , C 00 are coefficients comparison of different criteria with our experi-
of materials, respectively. mental results. Note that the theoretical curve is
The new criterion related to the generalized obtained based on the first group of experimental
stress intensity factor KI as expressed in Eq. (19) results. The difference of the calculation results in
can be rewritten as: Fig. 8(a) and (b) is the boundary condition. That
" 1 T is, the comparison of existing fracture criteria and
pffiffiffiffiffiffi U½2;2
þ V½2;1
ðL S Þ½1;2
KI ¼ pa r22 experimental results includes: (a) Impermeable
C electric boundary conditions; (b) exact electric
þ V½2;1
ðL1 ST Þ½1;4
1 boundary conditions (e0 ¼ 8:85 1012 C V/m).
þ ðD2 D02 Þ From Fig. 8, it can be seen that the linear
energy release rate Glin cannot predict the effect
¼ A000 KI þ B000 KD ð32Þ of electric field on the critical fracture load. The
926 D. Fang et al. / Mechanics of Materials 36 (2004) 917–928
8. Conclusions
energy release rate Gm , and the local energy release the eigenequation of the problem can be written
rate Gc . It is interesting that for the impermeable as:
electric boundary conditions, the predicted curve
based on COD is completely overlapped with the ½Q þ pðR þ RT Þ þ p2 T
a ¼ 0 ðA:4Þ
curve calculated from the local energy release rate
Gc , but for the exact electric boundary conditions The eigenvalues, p, of (A.4) are all complex and
there exists a difference between two criteria. The consist of four pairs of complex conjugates. Let
total energy release rate is in total disagreement pk ; ak ðk ¼ 1; 8Þ be eigenvalues and corresponding
with the experimental data, while the energy-den- eigenvectors, then
sity-factor criterion can qualitatively explain the
influence of electric field on fracture only when the pkþ4 ¼ pk ; Im pk > 0 ðk ¼ 1–4Þ
electric field is very small. akþ4 ¼ ak ; bkþ4 ¼ bk
b ¼ ðRT þ pTÞa ¼ ðQ þ pRÞa ðA:6Þ
Support from the National Science Foundation p
of China under grants #10025209 and #10132010,
and from the Research Grants Council of the A and B are 4 · 4 matrices given by
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China A ¼ ½a1 ; a2 ; a3 ; a4
; B ¼ ½b1 ; b2 ; b3 ; b4
(Project No. HKU 7122/99E) is acknowledged.
The three matrices S, H, L defined by
S ¼ ið2ABT IÞ; H ¼ i2AAT ; L ¼ i2BBT
Appendix A
The detailed expressions and physical meanings are real. The matrices H and L are symmetric and
of symbols in Eq. (1) can be found in Chung and nonsingular.
TingÕs work (1996). We will give the brief expres- The three matrices S, H, L can be obtained
sions of them in this Appendix A. directly by integral formalism. Let the tensor EiJKm
The constitutive equations for piezoelectric be defined by
materials can be given as:
rij ¼ Cijkm uk;m þ emij u;m EiJKm ¼ Cijkm ðJ; K ¼ 1; 2; 3Þ
ðA:1Þ ¼ emij ðJ ¼ 1; 2; 3; K ¼ 4Þ
Di ¼ eikm uk;m xim u;m ði; j; k; m ¼ 1; 2; 3Þ ðA:9Þ
¼ eikm ðJ ¼ 4; K ¼ 1; 2; 3Þ
where the coefficients Cijkm , emij , xim are, respec-
¼ xim ðJ ¼ K ¼ 4Þ
tively, the elastic constants, piezoelectric con-
stants, and permittivity. By defining with vectors
" # " #
QE e11 RE e21 nT ðxÞ ¼ ½cos x; sin x; 0
Q¼ ; R¼ T ;
eT11 x11 e12 x12 ðA:10Þ
" # ðA:2Þ mT ðxÞ ¼ ½ sin x; cos x; 0
TE e22
T¼ T in which x is a real parameter ranging from 0 to
e22 x22 2p. We let
where QJK ðxÞ ¼ ni ðxÞEiJKm nm ðxÞ
ðQ Þik ¼ Ci1k1 ; ðR Þik ¼ Ci1k2 ; RJK ðxÞ ¼ ni ðxÞEiJKm mm ðxÞ ðA:11Þ
ðT Þik ¼ Ci2k2 ; ðeij Þm ¼ eijm TJK ðxÞ ¼ mi ðxÞEiJKm mm ðxÞ
928 D. Fang et al. / Mechanics of Materials 36 (2004) 917–928