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Dark and Divine 1

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Except indicated, all scripture is taken either from the King James or the New King James

Version of the Bible

The word ‘man’ and its derivatives are used generically to include females.

First published: April, 2017

ISBN: 978-9988-2-5114-7

All rights reserved under international copyrights law. Written permission must be secured
from the publisher to use or produce any part of this book except for brief quotations in
critical reviews
or articles.


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Dedication 3

Chapter One
The Gospel Of The Kingdom.............5

Chapter Two
The Gospel To People-Groups............15

Chapter Three
The Uniqueness Of Dark-Skinned People ................................................31

Chapter Four
Dark And Divine ...............................53

Chapter Five
God’s ‘New’ Agenda For Mankind.....61


he Lord Jesus Christ tied the end of this age to the revival of a message. He
T referred to this message as the Gospel of the Kingdom - Matt. 24:14,

“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness
unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”

You know, our dear Jesus spoke about the Kingdom both before and after His
resurrection – Matt. 4:17; Acts 1:3. This was His supreme reason for coming on
earth; and He prosecuted it perfectly – LK. 4:43.

Re-preaching the Kingdom

Our Lord inferred however that, in spite of His extensive preaching of the
Kingdom, it was going to die down, to be revived later as a sign of the end.

The Apostle Paul also hinted of this decline of the Kingdom-message of Jesus that
he also preached, and which he referred to as: the whole counsel of God and the
gospel of the grace of God) – See Acts 20:24-30.

So, the preaching of the Kingdom is the preaching of grace and is the whole
counsel of God to humanity. Thus, after giving us God’s whole counsel, then the
end can legitimately and justifiably come.

The surest sign of the end of this age is therefore not a bad event, a natural
catastrophe or increased sinfulness, but the re-preaching of what Jesus preached,
i.e. a restoration of the Gospel of the Kingdom to people-groups – Matt. 24:14.

Treasure the Kingdom

This message of the Kingdom is often revealed to people who seek it. It is
because as a treasure, it is hidden from common sight – Prov. 25:2.
You know, God is so sincere that He cannot give you what you do not want;
neither does He force His good will on anybody.

So, in His dealings with mankind, God usually reveals a little to you, as a teaser,
and when you are interested and you follow on to know, He will increase His light
on a subject to you.

Preparing for the Kingdom-future

Beloved, before a king shows up anywhere, preparations are made to receive him.
Therefore the renewed preaching of the Kingdom is a sign of the end, probably
because by it, mankind will be prepared for the first full Kingdom-age, referred to
as the Millennium-rule of the Lord Jesus on earth.

In other words, before our dearest Jesus comes again, there is going to be a
revelation and an asserting of God as King over people’s and nations through the
Gospel of the Kingdom.

Yes, God will show up as Lord or owner of all things, who does what He likes with
His own. He will show royal favour to various people-groups, as He rises in His
full elements as the King of kings and Lord of lords.
First the natural...

This will be a foretaste of the physical Presence of Jesus on earth as the Ruler of
this physical earth. But before this, even earthly kings or Presidents, kingdoms or
nations will assert themselves one against the other, because first the natural, then
the spiritual.

So my friend, God is about to shake the status quo, immobilize the powers of
ruling entities, and prove to all living beings and living circumstances that, the
Most High super-rules in the kingdom of men.
This will be the prelude or preparation for Jesus’ Millennium rule.
God’s everlasting Kingdom

Beloved, among what God will do, He will shift ruler-ship in the family of
humans, so that all of mankind will always remember that, it is only His
Kingdom that endures forever – Dan. 4:17b, 25b, 32b; 5:21b.

So, ‘international superpowers’ will not always remain like that.

Yes, our God is about to restore His Kingdom or rule to all people-groups.

So none, including the nation of dark-skinned people should exclude themselves

from this great future. And, this is the reason for this Royal book.


eloved, the Good-news of the Kingdom is to be presented on both individual

B and group basis, as Jesus did mainly to the Jews in His ‘three and half year’

But, this time round, by the all-embracing reach of the Holy Spirit (whom Jesus
sent for His ‘Kingdomization’ assignment), Jesus specified that the Kingdom-
message would be directed to “all nations”.

The reason is for all human beings, irrespective of geography, to witness or taste
the great powers of the world to come.

The nation of dark-skinned people

Dear child of God, nations are not just geographical land territories, but
people-groups as well – 1 Pet. 2:9; Gen. 25:23.

Actually, the Greek word translated ‘nations’ in Matt. 24:14, (quoted in page five
of this royal book) is the word ‘ethnos’. This same word is mostly translated
‘gentiles’ in the New Testament. It is out of ‘ethnos’ that the English word ‘ethnic’
is derived.

Now, ‘ethnos’ refers to a group of people, irrespective of geo-political boundaries,

who have similar lifestyles, habits and therefore circumstances. The Gospel of the
Kingdom is thus to be presented on group basis also.

It is so that it addresses the specific common needs of people-groups, who have

similar outlook on life, ways of doing things or habits.

And it is aimed at affording all people-groups in general to be witnesses of God’s

Kingdom or rule, both in their spiritual and secular lives, before Jesus Christ comes
again – Matt. 24:14.
The covering-anointing of Satan

The devil knows this and so deals with people-groups by deceiving them en masse
– Rev. 20:3, 8; Is. 14:12. You know, Satan has a ‘mimshach’ anointing that enables
him to cover people as a group - Eze. 28:14.
That is why you should not shy away from taking charge of people-groups en bloc,
apart from dealing with individuals.

Jesus’ anointing covers nations

Our Lord Jesus said His purpose was to preach the Kingdom of God to cities also,
not just in cities – Lk. 4:43,

“...but He said to them, I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also,
because for this purpose I have been sent.”

So, there are things recorded in the synoptic gospels that Jesus directly meant for
the Jews as a people-group.

These have directly little or nothing to do with Gentiles or Non-Jews – Examples

are in Lk. 19:41-44; Matt. 10:5-6; 21:33-43. These are examples of ministering “to
cities” or people-groups en bloc.

You know, apart from coming on earth to save all mankind, Jesus had to
exclusively present the Kingdom of God to the Jewish people sometimes. He
longed to cover them with His covering-anointing as a hen does to its young –
Matt. 23:37.

(Now, for ‘how Jesus ministered to Dark-skinned people’ see the second in
the series of my books ‘Dark and Divine.)

What is the Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God is God’s Royalty, Rule and Realm which is characterized by:
peace, purity, power, prosperity, preservation, possibilities, potential, passion, His
Presence, His purpose, His praise, and persecution on this earth.
Beloved, anywhere that God is ruling, these twelve components of the Kingdom
must be there; else the rule of God there is not as it should be.

Specific ministry

So, please understand that God’s word is to be applied to specific people as was
done by the major writers of the Bible like Apostles Peter (1Pet.1:1), Paul
(Gal.1:2), and John (Rev. 2:1).

You know, most of our written scriptures were to particular people-groups and by
extension to all peoples of the earth. This is the style of this book - specific to the
Dark-skinned peoples of the earth, and by extension to all mankind.

Beloved, over the years, believers have shied away from ministering directly to
Dark-skinned people as a group. This has not ‘really helped’ us so far.

I believe the time has come to change our style of ministry and speak to dark-
skinned people in a way that will lift them up as a people-group.

You know what, I believe that general ministry is good, trouble-free, accepted by
all and yields results. On the other hand, specific ministry is mostly uncomfortable
but more effective as it speak to specific issues.

So, the more specific you are in spiritual ministry, the more evil spirits are
identified and made to yield their hold on people-groups – Lk. 8:28-38. This is
why prophetic teachings are powerful.

It is because they are specific to situations. They focus the Sword of the Spirit on
specific sinister spirits, whose snare is cut to shreds by the Word.

The mission of Jesus

Our dearest Jesus came on earth to do two main things: to redeem mankind and to
restore mankind.
Redemption means ‘to buy back’. It is an initial work and involves the ‘Gospel of
salvation’. Restoration means ‘to put back’. It is the ultimate work of Jesus and
involves the Gospel of the Kingdom.

In other words, redemption is a sub-set-up of the bigger set-up of God for mankind
called restoration. This is why Jesus will not come back on earth physically, until
His ultimate purpose of restoration of all things, that were spoken by prophets,
since the beginning of the world, is fulfilled – Acts 3:21.

It is also why the one surest sign of the end of this age is the presentation of the
Gospel of the Kingdom, not just on individual basis, but on group basis for the
restoration of all people-groups to their rightful places and purposes in the human

The restoration of dark-skinned people

When this occurs, every people-group, (no matter how you choose to group them),
can witness or experience the rule of God or what God has for them in their
peculiarities or uniqueness, as a group.

You know, people can be grouped on various basics such as by age, ‘race’,
profession, gender etc. The most important thing in grouping people for ministry is
that, there should be something unique and common to them that would need to be
ministered to.

So beloved, only the purpose of: temporarily ministering to people-groups about

God’s Kingdom would warrant their being grouped on that basis.

All other purposes for grouping people as ‘ethnos’ or nations would be out of place
Scripturally, as in the following quotes:

Matt. 24:14 - “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the
world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.”
Lk. 4:43 - “...but He said to them, I must preach the kingdom of God to the other
cities also, because for this purpose I have been sent.”
Acts 17:26-27a - “And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell
on all the face of the earth, and has determined their pre-appointed times and the
boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord...”.



Every human being is unique. However, most uniqueness is hidden and requires
close examination to see. Examples are fingerprints, tongue prints and DNA of

However, the general uniqueness of dark-skinned people among men is so obvious

that you can see it without a close examination.

It is because they abound in melanin, a substance that makes them ‘dark’ from
head to toe. There is actually one colour among all mankind which is melanin or
brown, but different shades of it.

Why the word black?

Now, when the ‘world’ uses the words ‘Black people’, they generally refer to a
range of shades from Jet-black skinned people to the half-caste or red-coloured.

So, in this write-up, I will stick to this way of describing the world’s minority
dark-skinned group, by the peoples of the ‘world’.
You know, I want to prop up the ‘wrong language’ of the world in order to
confound it with the Word of God.

This way, the right understanding that all mankind are one race and of one colour
but with different shades will be appreciated and embraced.

For this purpose therefore, the use of the words ‘Black people’ in this book need
not be derogatory to you at all.

You know, sometimes we prop up something in order to cut it down properly. That
is my strategy in using the phrase ‘Black’ to describe dark-skin-ned people.
From one blood

The first parent of all mankind, Adam, belonged to this dark-skinned group that are
wrongly called Black people by the world.

Of course, I am not saying that Adam was jet-black, but he certainly was not
white-skinned, as we are sometimes made to believe.

You know, the Hebrew word for ‘blood’ is ‘dam’. And so Adam means ‘red-faced’
or ‘ruddy’, a colour that leans towards what the ‘world’ regards as ‘black’; than
what the ‘world’ regard as ‘white’.

So, the name Adam is actually skin-pigmentation-based. In other words, in the first
Kingdom-era, and whilst in perfection, God called the first man by his skin colour.

There was nothing offensive about doing so then, as is sometimes inferred now
after the fall.
And as we noted in page 29, the Bible actually reveals that God made all mankind
out of one parent, Adam – Act 17: 26-30.

The parent-colour

Beloved, science also confirms that, whereas you cannot get any shade from white,
you can get all shades, including white, from melanin which is brown in colour.

That explains why dark-skinned people can give birth to an Albino child.

Melanin is therefore the parent-colour or the colour of fruitfulness.

And all humans, irrespective of skin-colour came out of the dark-skinned Adam.
So the dark-skinned people-group can, in a sense, be said to be the parents of all
Natural responsibility

As the parent-group, dark-skinned people should therefore take responsibility for

the rest of humanity. Yes, they should acknowledge the leadership role among men
that naturally falls to them, not by usurpation, but by nature.

So, behaving maturely in the family of humans is to be the hallmark of dark-

skinned people everywhere. You know, as a ‘parent’, you need not compete with
‘your children’ or trouble them.

Rather you should bless and correct them, without being negatively influenced by
them. That is what dark-skinned people would be restored to in this end-time by
the Gospel of the Kingdom. Hallelujah!

Black is of God

You know, some people are so spiritual that they deny the peculiarity of their skin-
shade. These are spiritual (which is good) but actually not Biblical. I think to deny
your skin shade is not being honest - and most dishonest people have something to

My question therefore is: why are you so strong about not seeing ‘colour’, but
only character, if you know and accept that all shades of melanin, including
black, came from God?
You know, of the seven continents in our world, God made only one the original
home of all dark-skinned people. In other words, six out of seven continents on
earth are the original homes of the light-skinned people-group. Does that not make
dark-skinned people extra unique on the face of the earth?

Beloved, everything that God does is for a pre-ordained purpose. So, our Heavenly
Father perfectly made a small group of people in this world dark in complexion,
for a unique purpose.
Now, whether you are light-skinned or dark-skinned, you do not have to deny this
obvious uniqueness of ‘blackness’ in the family of humans.
Understanding blackness

Rather, as a dark-skinned person, you need to have a Biblical understanding of

your dark-skin, and function proudly in it, because it holds the key to your
contribution to God’s purposes for all mankind.

Keys and locks

You know, the thing about a key is its uniqueness and smallness. Every key is
unique and every unique thing is a key, small and insignificant as it may be, in
your broad view of mankind.

And a key is for only one thing, to legitimately open impregnable doors to new
things and new horizons. In other words, a key is for the birth and introduction of
new paradigms and systems.

Beloved, good ‘things’ can

either be legitimately birthed or illegitimately birthed. If they are legitimately
released, oh what a blessing they are. If not, although it’s a good thing, it does not
really bless as it should.

The unique purpose of dark-skinned people

That is the unique purpose of dark-skinned people in general. As keys, God wants
to use you to birth His purposes and programs for all mankind.

Yes, God has designed us to confront disagreeable walls of hindrance before all
humanity, enter into its impossible locks. And as we allow ourselves i.e. our spirits
and minds to be turn by Him, His new agenda for humanity will break open and be
released legitimately. Hallelujah!

This is why dark-skinned people have been behind many major blessings of
humanity in history. And we will continue to be, especially in this end-time, as we
take all ‘self-imposed’ limitations from us.
Yes, we should refuse to file away our uniqueness as keys, and enter boldly into the
unique spiritual, social, financial and scientific locks made to be unlocked by us, in
our rightful elements.

‘How to know’ mankind

There are some believers who say they know no man after the flesh - 2 Cor. 5: 16.
But, the word ‘flesh’ used by the Apostle Paul here has nothing to do with skin-
shade. It is the Greek word ‘sarx’ and means ‘a flesh stripped of its skin or the
meat of an animal as food without its skin’.

So, this Scripture has nothing to do with a person’s skin shade. Read 2 Cor. 5:16
again in context. You will discover that the Apostle Paul’s reference to the “flesh”
can be applied to:

The sin-prone nature of mankind

The tendency to behave in a non-spiritual way to the ‘disadvantage’ of others, (not
skin shade).

You know, before Jesus’ resurrection, He had a sin prone-nature too.

However, by our resurrection with Him, all mankind who believe can now control
their flesh or sin-prone nature, just as Jesus shed off this nature.
We therefore should not live to ourselves or the sin-nature, but unto Him, because
our identity with the sin-prone-nature has been ‘stripped off’ us too. Gal 5:24.

Anti-Christ denies the flesh

Beloved, the Treasure of God is kept in an earthen vessel (or human body). The
purpose is to display excellence out of what is earthly. So, you cannot deny the
container of the Treasure or Jesus and His Kingdom system – 2 Cor. 4:6-7; Matt.
13: 44.
Yes, you cannot disown the field (or body) that contains the Treasure. Rather, you
should buy or possess it, just as God in Christ bought us including our physical
body with His Royal Blood.
Beloved, understand that the spirit of the anti-Christ likes to deny the fact of the
earthly with the divine - I Jn. 4:1-4.

Yes, Satan hates to acknowledge that Jesus defeated him as a man. He will rather
acknowledge that Jesus is all divine or ‘spiritual’ and has no physical or earthly
attributes. But, God wants us to discern and not deny the Lord’s body in order to
have victory in this physical life – 1 Cor. 11:29.

The body controls the spirit and vice-versa

Similarly, the devil will want you to be all spiritual so that you look down on your
earthly or secular attributes.

This way, the spiritual strengths which need earthly attributes for them to be
released, will be curtailed inside and not be expressed in your physical or practical
life in this world.

This is the bane of dark-skinned people. They have over the years not seen their
physical black-shades in the spiritual light of the Bible.

As a result they have not spoken biblically about their skin-shades for the Treasure
inside to be expressed in their practical lives.

So, whereas dark-skinned people are very spiritual, this spirituality has not
impacted their physical or practical life. Therefore they continue in mental and
financial poverty whilst their spiritual lives are rich because of the Treasure of God
in them who believe in Jesus.

So, you need to celebrate your humanity or your positive earthly attributes.

As you recognize your ‘weak’ earthen vessel in a positive way, God’s excelling
power will be made available in that weakness – 2 Cor. 12:9-10. Amen!


y friend, the source of all shades of melanin, including black is in God. I am

M not by this suggesting that God is black because He is a Spirit - Jn. 4:24.

However, any time a description of God’s rare manifestations is given in the Bible
(by major prophet’s who tried to use colour to describe what they were seeing), we
get a ‘picture of black’.

(Remember I am using black the way the world understands it i.e. as a

kaleidoscope of shades from ebony-black looking people to the half-caste)

Blackness in Heaven

Both God and some Heavenly beings, are described in Scriptures with some
features of dark-skinned people such as their hair texture, skin shade etc – See Eze.
1:26-27; 8:2; Dan. 10:5-6, 7:9-10; Rev. 1:10-17.

You know, some current Bible commentators and preachers have made God and
all Heavenly beings of other skin-pigmentation, apart from black. All their visions
and dreams have been the seeing of only white-skinned angels.

Yet when main prophets like Ezekiel, Daniel and Apostle John saw into Heaven,
they saw Heavenly beings as the colour of amber, brass, bronze etc.

These all belong to the shade of melanin that the ‘world’ now call black.

No unnecessary details in the Bible

I emphasize again that God is a spirit, but any time He chooses to manifest
Himself to mankind in Scriptures, we see a part of Him that dark-skinned people
can identify with. Why is it so?
Perhaps, God knows that we will need such a revelation to debunk the works of the
devil in associating dark-skinned people with himself and bad things.

Beloved, there is ignorance about the dark-skin that has been used by the evil one
against the people-group referred to as Blacks.

The works of Satan

Historically, the dark-skin has been described as a disease, a curse, closest to the
Ape, and closest to the devil etc.

This ignorance and falsehood has initiated and or fed dark-skinned people’s
general bad self-image, mediocrity, gross violation of dark-skinned people by
themselves and by others, etc. But today, you are learning that blackness is of God
or Heavenly.

Re-link to God

Why is it important to establish the dark-skin with God? It is because you do not
know where you are going, if you do not know where you came from.

And again, if you do not know where you are going, you cannot know where you
are. Then you are lost.

I am saying this to make all dark-skinned people know and re-link to the true
source of their ‘blackness’ i.e. God.

You know, everything functions well when it is linked to its source. Thus, a plant
should be linked to the soil, and fish to water, in order for them to function
properly. When things are severed from their true source, they self-destruct.

That has been the bane of dark-skinned people, who have generally operated
outside their true elements, because of the lies of the evil one. But this disposition
is changing, and God’s rule is coming among us fully. Amen!
Through Jesus, God is bringing this people-group called Black, to the place of their
original purpose and calling in the human family – 2 Tim. 1:9-11. Hallelujah!


od is Omni-potent and so operates the potential principle in bringing up new

G things.

In other words, God shuts up everything in one thing and releases it

systematically in a pre-determined set or proper time
– Act 17:26-27.

The potential principle

Creation demonstrates this. God made fishes ‘from’ the sea, animals ‘from’ the
earth, and all mankind ‘from’ Adam. Dark-skinned people, like Adam, are
undeniably uniquely made with a lot of potential.

Africa, the original home of all dark-skinned people, is arguably the richest among
the seven continents of our current world.

It so much abounds with all types of yet-to-be-tapped natural and human resources.
That is why historically Africa cannot be ‘left alone’ by the rest of the human

Just like Adam, God has made dark-skinned people containers or carriers of His
agenda for all humanity. Of the peoples of the world, dark-skinned people are yet
to really discover their true self and harness all the Treasure of the Lord in them.

But, this Treasure or ‘quality inside’ has to be released.

How God releases new things

Let us go back to the creation story. We will use the law of first occurrence in
determining how God introduces the new things that He hides from common sight,
but in mankind.
You know, it is the glory of God to hide a thing, but the honour of kings, as we are,
to search it out – Prov. 25:2.

Beloved, people do not really know humans and dark-skinned people, for that
matter. Even God has to search us in order to know us, because we are so
fearfully and wonderfully made by Him – Ps. 139:1, 14.
The knowledge of Psychologists, Social scientists and experts on human
behaviour, fall far short of man’s true potential that is yet to be released.

The law of first occurrence

The first way God released His hidden things in mankind was to put man to an
inexplicable, uncontrollable and unnatural sleep.

Adam, the man of melanin, was put to sleep in order for God’s new agenda for
humanity to be released – Gen. 2:21.

At this time, the agenda of God on earth was to create a female of mankind. The
question is: why did God have to put the first-man to sleep before something new
i.e. Eve could be introduced?

Can’t God have done released Eve without putting Adam to an unnatural sleep? In
other words, can’t God do something new without putting the ‘containers’ of His
good things to an unnatural sleep?

Israel is asleep to Jesus

Do you remember that, in order to bring in Gentiles into His covenant with Israel
through Christ, God had to ‘knock out’ part of Israel with blindness? – Rom.
11:25. Apostle Paul calls this act of God a mystery. We will therefore leave it with
God – Deut. 29:29.

But, let it only suffice to say that, in Gen. 15:12-21, God again caused a deep and
unusual sleep to fall on Abraham.

It was to tell him that a new people-group called Israel were going to be introduced
from his body in His ‘kairos’ time.
The purpose of sleep

Beloved, without getting into the science of the phenomenon of sleep, I want you
to know that sleep or rest is for the birth of new things.

So, God put King Saul to sleep, in order to birth in him, a real repentance towards
the treatment he had been dishing out to David – 1 Sam.26:12, 21.

And, humans sleep in the night, generally for new and fresh things to be birthed
within them. I have gone through all this just to let you know that there is a sleep
or rest that introduces new things.

False rest

However, before the true comes the ‘false’! This is why Adam physically preceded
Jesus, Cain preceded Abel, Esau came before Jacob, Saul came before David etc.
This is the principle of the natural before the spiritual – 1 Cor.15:46.

In other words, before a true sleep that births new things comes on you, a false one
precedes it. Dark-skinned people, who are the custodians of the untapped potential
of mankind, have been in a false unusual sleep, for a long time. It has generally
been an unproductive sleep or rest.

This false rest has made Africans and People of African descent generally relax at
things that they should stand against and correct in their own lives.

Where they should be upbeat and spot on, they have generally taken it easy and
missed it, to the amazement of every people-group including them-selves.

What dark-skinned people should be awake to, they have generally been lethargic
and turned a blind or sleepy eye to it.

In short, they have generally been asleep to their real purpose on earth among the
human family.
True rest

I am not in any way justifying apathy or mediocre living. I am only describing what
has occurred in the recent past of dark-skinned people in general.
I have good news however, because God is about to put dark-skinned people to a
deep and true spiritual sleep in the finished work of Jesus on the Cross.

God is going to make us rest in the impeccable performance of Jesus on the

Cross that introduces new things into our lives as a people-group – Is. 52:14-
15; Heb.10:19-20.

This true rest is akin to the one God introduced humanity to, right after our
creation on the sixth day – Gen. 1:26-27, 31; 2:1-3.

Beloved, God is sending dark-skinned people into a rest in the finished work of
Jesus that will make them experience the Kingdom of God.

This is indeed the true and profitable rest that Adam was introduced to.

God is about to sedate us with the Blood of Jesus. Our ‘coat of many colours’ i.e.
our many tribes, languages, youthful human and natural resources and artificial
nations, are about to be dipped in the Blood of Jesus.

This will make us die to our ‘struggles’ within and with one another.

It would make us come alive to the real rest of God that harnesses all our varied
potentials. People-of-melanin need to see the work of Jesus on the Cross.

On His Cross, Jesus identified with us, showing us that we should identify with
Him. Out of one blood of the first Adam, God made all men. Out of the one
immaculate Blood of Jesus, God will make us what He wants us to be. Amen!
Identify with the Cross
On the Cross, Jesus was made sick, sin, poor and a curse. This was the Cross that
Simon of Cyrene, a dark-skinned man identified with when he carried it to
Golgotha – Mk. 15:21.

The message is clear to all humanity, especially dark-skinned people that, just as
we identified with its physical weight through Simon of Cyrene, so should we
identify with its benefits of healing, righteousness, prosperity and blessing. Praise
No wonder the first non-Jew to know about the Cross of Jesus was a man of
Ethiopia - Acts 8:26-40.

My friend, how can Christianity be a white man’s religion, when the first Gentile
to embrace it was a dark-skinned man?

I declare that: Africa and People of African descent will receive true rest from their
struggles. Yes, God will bring us rest from our general struggles with our real
identity, health care, relevant educational systems, corporate, political and socio-
economic challenges. Amen!
Accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour

Dear Father, I repent of my sins. Please come into my heart. I receive Jesus as my Lord and Saviour.
Thank you for forgiving my sins in Christ already and receiving me as your royal child in Jesus name



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