Vodafone As An Example of Divisional Based Structure
Vodafone As An Example of Divisional Based Structure
Vodafone As An Example of Divisional Based Structure
The product organization utilizes the functional approach but creates large business units
within the company for each major product the company offers. As such, each of
product. The firm has a product based structure. The firm implemented a 3 product type
There are several benefits, both for employees and businesses, to utilizing a product-based
organizational structure. From a business standpoint, one of the key advantages is that with
a product model, failure in one division doesn’t necessarily affect other company
with more flexibility, as each business division can follow the unique processes they
need for each product without having to accommodate processes for the other divisions.
employees to specialize in their function for a specific industry. This enables employees
to learn new skills and gain expertise in niche areas, which can help them further their
career goals within the company so they can take on leadership roles.
Each product based division has its own functional specialists(marketing ,finance,etc) who
provide products different from those of other divisions Allows decentralization to lower
level managers ,Forces on coordination ,Gives chances to CEO for strategic decisions .The
product manager play the role of full time integrator that facilitates the horizontal
The organization keeps a flat or a horizontal structure due to the horizontal communication
,creativity and innovations are emphasized ,little reporting levels exist between the top and
The organization structure is divided by the functions of the firm including quality,
technology. This type of structure is the most commonly used organizational structure which
1. Efficiency and cost reduction using economies of scale as each function share
2. Lacks the coordination among the departments where the vertical communication is
maximized using rules, procedures, reports ,information systems and the hierarchical
referral ,while horizontal communication is the largest problem of such structure that doesn’t
support teamwork. This problem is mainly solved using the information systems that allows
sharing info within the organizations , the direct contacts between departmental
representatives as well as using task forces that are cross functional to work on solving a
major organizational problem that requires the participation of multi functions in the
The firm keeps a vertical structure with many levels between top and bottom levels
,communication is mainly vertical following the tall hierarchy of authority ,creativity and
innovations are not emphasized while the control over costs and operations are the main
objectives .
The organization is divided by the geographical regions it serves as shown in the figure
below ,each geographical location has its own functional activities that ensures satisfying the
organizational structure. From a business standpoint, one of the key advantages is that with
a regional model, failure in one region doesn’t necessarily affect other company
The location -based organizational model also enables businesses to operate with more
flexibility, as each business division can follow the unique processes they need for each
product without having to accommodate processes for the other divisions. From an
to specialize in their function for a specific region . This enables employees to learn
new skills and gain expertise in niche areas, which can help them further their career
Each location based division has its own functional specialists(marketing ,finance,etc) who
provide products different from those of other divisions Allows decentralization to lower
level managers ,Forces on coordination ,Gives chances to CEO for strategic decisions .The
product manager play the role of full time integrator that facilitates the horizontal
The organization keeps a flat or a horizontal structure due to the horizontal communication
,creativity and innovations are emphasized ,little reporting levels exist between the top and
The matrix organization structure mixes between functional organization structure and
the divisional structure and the technical experience supported by functional structure .A
matrix organization has a complicated structure in which the reporting relationships are set
manager (department head). The structure facilitates the horizontal flow of information and
Team members are able to share information more readily across task boundaries, which
counters the ‘silo’ limitation of functional management. ‘Silo’ refers to the isolated company
department, where all reporting and sharing of information occurs only within that
In a matrix structure, reporting and information sharing goes beyond a department’s
boundaries, which allows for specialization that can both increase depth of knowledge and
Resources are used more efficiently, where equipment and experts are shared across
The company’s employees are in touch with many people inside and outside their
department. This helps with sharing information, which in turn speeds up many
each boss they have to report to. This may boost motivation and decision-making.
Individuals have the opportunity to use particular skills within a variety of contexts.
Several departments have less need to meet regularly. This saves money and can improve
Projects are usually more cost-effective if human and material resources are shared across
Project team members may have divided loyalties because they have to report to two or
more line mangers. This kind of scenario – reporting to two or more different bosses –
can put team members under considerable pressure. Given the complex nature of matrix
structures, the line of accountability for project teams may not be very clear. It can be
hard to coordinate properly. Unless it is well set up and executed, there is a risk of chaos.
This organization structure enables a horizontal or a flat organization as the firm horizontal
communication is increased with high level of autonomy and empowerment given to project
managers over their responsibilities ,the span is wide and the firm is highly flexible
Learning organization