Sfx-Sqli: Fast Data Extraction Using SQL Injection and XML Statements
Sfx-Sqli: Fast Data Extraction Using SQL Injection and XML Statements
Sfx-Sqli: Fast Data Extraction Using SQL Injection and XML Statements
Abstract ..............................................................................................................................2
Introduction: SQL injection ..................................................................................................2
Fundamentals: The FOR XML clause of the SELECT statement ...............................................3
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008 ..................................................................................... 4
General extraction procedure using the FOR XML clause ......................................................6
Adjust the injection to redirect the response ......................................................................... 6
Determining the number of columns or parameters of the query .................................... 6
Determining the type of the obtained columns ................................................................ 7
Obtaining an adequate union query ................................................................................. 8
Get the contents of a table ..................................................................................................... 8
Get the schema of a table ....................................................................................................... 9
Getting the table names from the database catalog .............................................................. 9
Automation: The SFX-SQLi Tool ............................................................................................9
Application of the technique in other environments ........................................................... 10
SQL Server 2000 .................................................................................................................... 10
Extracting files using serialization ......................................................................................... 11
Conclusions ....................................................................................................................... 11
References ........................................................................................................................ 12
As the database management systems are being released with more functionality, new
attack methods are arising, taking advantages of these features. This document describes a
method to dump all the information of a Microsoft SQL Server database, using a very efficient
technique based on the FOR XML clause. A tool which implements this technique will also be
described here.
This technique does not discover a new kind of vulnerability, but it is based in a better
use of a known technique that has been used for 10 years: SQL injection. Despite its oldness
and the publication of many attack techniques and automated tools based on this
vulnerability, it remains today as one of the most widely present in web applications,
compromising the confidentiality, integrity and availability of a large amount of data.
If we can show even a single character under our control, in the general case it will be
possible to replace this character with the whole contents of a table, provided that we can
dump it into a single string. In order to achieve this objective, we will use the FOR XML clause
of the SELECT statement which is incorporated into the syntax of Microsoft SQL Server since
its version 2000.
Over the years, the number of new techniques exploiting these vulnerabilities has
been growing, taking advantage of all kind of features that make things easier for developers,
but also being very useful to the attacker at the same time. From a simple syntax that allows
commenting part of the query to some complex predefined stored procedures that are able to
send e-mails, to dump information into the disk drive or to execute commands of the
underlying operating system… everything could be useful for an auditor and for a potential
attacker as well.
This type of generic vulnerability is not only present in Microsoft SQL Server, but it also
affects other DBMS (Oracle, MySQL, and so on), because it is neither an issue of the database
manager itself nor the development technology used, but it is caused by an incorrect or a
nonexistent way of filtering the user inputs by the developers of the web application. A bad
security policy at server level can also amplify their impact.
The first appeared techniques related to massive information dump, to send e-mails or
to execute commands are hardly exploitable if the server permissions are well configured.
However, we can find today a lot of tools that are able to extract the whole information of a
database in a completely automated way, taking advantage of different variations of the same
technique, without needing special privileges.
For example, if the web application shows the error messages of the database
manager system, it can be possible to extract the information by forcing the application to fail
using intentional data type conversions that can reveal a lot of information about the internal
structure of the database, and also about the data contained in it [2][3].
In cases where the application does not show any descriptive error message, there are
also other techniques for inferring the information blindly (Blind SQL injection) [4][5][6][7],
based in the variations of the response or of the behavior of the web application (variations in
the returned HTML code, redirection to other pages, delays and so on).
The main disadvantage of the application of these types of techniques is the large
amount of requests and time needed for their execution, leaving also a big trace in the log files
of the server that could alert the server or web administrators if they notice a considerable
increment of accesses, a performance degradation or a high number of errors produced by
unknown reasons for them.
The techniques described in this paper take advantage of one of the features of
Microsoft SQL Server since its 2000 version (8.0) which has been improved in the 2005 version
and is maintained in the latest version 2008, allowing an easier and powerful exploitation. We
are talking about the FOR XML clause included in the SELECT statement syntax.
Here is an example of the results returned by the execution of the next queries in a
SQL Server 2005 against a hypothetical sample database holding some simple data:
Number Name
1 One
2 Two
3 Three
4 Four
<row Number="1" Name="One" /><row Number="2" Name="Two" /><row
Number="3" Name="Three" /><row Number="4" Name="Four" />
We can see that the second query returns essentially the same data returned by the
first one, except that the first is returning a record set while the second one is returning a
single value containing the same information but in XML format. The latter also includes the
column names in the XML attributes, which will allow us to extract the table structure directly
(as for now, we will have to infer the data type of each column looking into the data itself, but
later we will discuss how to extract this information by other ways).
Suppose that there is an application that shows the textual representation of a digit
using this query (vulnerable to SQL injection):
What is described in the following sections is basically the explanation of what would
happen if a string like this were injected in our sample application:
<CommonDirectives> ::=
[ , TYPE ]
[ , ROOT [ ( 'RootName' ) ] ]
First we have the BROWSE option, which is completely unrelated to the objective we
are looking for, so we will ignore it. We will focus into the other possible option (that is, XML),
which also allows the use of a set of arguments. It is mandatory to specify at least one of the
following arguments: RAW, AUTO, EXPLICIT or PATH:
RAW: Shows the information converting each row of the result set in an XML element
in the form <row />. Optionally we can also specify another element name that may
reduce some bytes of the response if we use only a single character.
AUTO: Shows the information in a hierarchical way for each table of the query. As we
will not use more than one table for each query, this option will not help us at all.
EXPLICIT: Allows to specify the desired structure of the generated XML tree, but it uses
a complex syntax and does not support any benefit.
PATH: Provides other ways of customization of the XML tree, simplifying the EXPLICIT
model. It will generate an element for each row and column by default, so it will need
more data length to represent the same information compared with the RAW mode.
For now we can see that the RAW option is the only interesting one, because the other
options are designed to have more control over the output format in which the XML tree will
be generated, but in our case the first option is the most comfortable, having in mind that in
principle we do not know nothing about the structure of the tables.
The behavior of the RAW option can be altered by some common options of the FOR
XML mode and by specific ones also:
BINARY BASE64: Specifies that the query will return the binary data encoded in
BASE64 format. This is not the default option in the RAW mode, so the query will fail if
we find any BINARY data type column (containing images, for example) if this option is
not explicitly specified, so we will consider it necessary for this reason for now.
TYPE: Specifies that the query returns results as "xml" type (new in SQL Server 2005)
instead of returning it as string. As our objective is to convert a table into text, the
"xml" data type does not offer any advantage.
ROOT: Specifies if a root element will be added to the returned results. By default it
appends the <root> element, but we can change this name optionally. This option may
be useful to locate where the data result starts and where it ends. It does not matter if
we are inspecting the results manually, but it could make the things easier for a tool
designed to automate the process.
XMLDATA: Specifies that a XDR schema will be added to the results at the beginning. It
could be useful to determine the data types, but it is not supported when there is a
binary column, so its use is not recommended in general.
XMLSCHEMA: This option will return the structure of the returned data, including the
data type in native format, the length and not null constraints, and so on. It is an
interesting option, because although in case of returning no data, it allows to obtain
the whole table structure, including the data types, column names and other
constraints. It is also compatible with the ROOT option and binary data.
ELEMENTS: Specifies that the columns are returned as XML elements (by default are
returned as attributes). This option is not useful because the result will be larger,
unless we are interested in determining the presence of the null values, in which case
we will need also the XSINIL argument (otherwise, the tags corresponding to these
fields will be simply omitted).
The latest 2008 version does not change anything compared with the 2005 version
regarding the FOR XML clause, on the contrary, it is marked as obsolete and its use is not
recommended in favor of XSD schemas. In any case, this does not cause problems nowadays,
because it will have to pass many years to complete the migration of existing applications to
the next version above the 2008, if Microsoft finally decides to remove this functionality on the
next version (planned for 2010), as is noted in the product documentation.
Once we have determined this structure, in the general case we will be able to append
more rows using a union query with the same number and types of parameters. If we have
adequate privileges, maybe we could update or insert some row of an existing table, create a
new one, dump the data to a file in the disk, and so on.
What is described in this section is not something new. It is only a short summary of
some known techniques as a prerequisite of the general extraction procedure described in this
paper, so we will discuss them mainly for that reason.
HAVING 1=1 Raises an error with a text that contains the first column name
GROUP BY column1 HAVING 1=1 Error with the second column name
GROUP BY column1, column2 HAVING 1=1 Error with the third column name
GROUP BY column1, column2, column3, … , columnN HAVING 1=1 No errors
If the application does not show information about errors, then we must apply blind SQL
injection techniques, using for example the one which uses the ORDER BY clause followed by
the number of columns:
ORDER BY 1 No errors
ORDER BY 2 No errors
ORDER BY N No errors
ORDER BY N+1 Fails
Another option is to use the UNION statement followed by the same number of values
(normally nulls) as exists in the original query [5][9]. If we are using this technique, appending
a false condition (like WHERE 0=1) may help to simplify the process, because the injected row
of null values will not interfere in the results.
Again, the simplest case will be the one when the application shows error messages,
because we can use functions like CAST() and CONVERT() to force a data type conversion and,
in case of fail, the error message itself will reveal the type of the column (or the absence of this
message will reveal that the type we tried is correct). These functions can be used either in a
WHERE condition or in another subquery with the UNION clause.
If the application does not show errors, we will start injecting a union query with as
many null values as columns we have found. Then we will continue trying to substitute the null
values by different data types (usually it will be enough with integers and strings). We can also
append a false condition before and/or after the union query, although we will not always
obtain the right results when using this technique, at least it may help us with the process.
Anyway, we will have not only to adjust the values which make the query valid and do
not fail in the DBMS, but the application that uses these data cannot fail either (mainly caused
by the null values and other unexpected values), so it is always better to find a query as simple
as possible with the purpose of avoiding troubles that are unrelated to the extraction
technique described here.
Always having in mind our goal, if we achieve an injection able to visualize any
character or string while we are following this procedure, then we can stop and continue with
the next step.
For example, if the application only shows the first result of the query, we can achieve
to make the original query not returning any row by using a false condition just before the
union (e.g. WHERE 0=1). If the application fails or does not return any results because we have
introduced some parameter out of the expected range, then we will try with other values that
could be more logical and suitable inside the application context, and so on.
Once we have this point solved, the only remaining step is to replace any of the text
values by a subquery created as we want and then check that it returns the expected result.
Whenever possible, we will try to find a field which contents are not being modified by the
application (for instance, encoding it in HTML or limiting the number of characters), although
even in the case of not finding the optimal option, we will usually be able to find workarounds
to avoid these kind of restrictions affect the process.
1 AND 1=0 UNION SELECT v1, v2, … , (SELECT * FROM Table FOR XML RAW,
BINARY BASE64), … , vN
Depending on each specific case, is possible that it will be required some quotes to
close the first value if it is a string, a double dash to ignore the ending part of the original query
in the application, to replace the blank spaces by an empty comment (/**/), to include the
schema names before the table names, and so on.
The returned response will be a large string containing as much XML elements as rows
are returned by the injected query. Because a well-formed XML document must contain a
single root element, we will have to add it manually (provided that we have not specified the
ROOT option in the injection).
Finally, to reassemble all data we can use the DataSet class of the Microsoft .NET
Framework [10], because it has methods to import the raw XML content that we have and
bind it to any control as its data source, allowing to sort and filter the data easily. Being both
products from the same manufacturer and being designed to simplify the developer tasks, we
can assume that we will not find any incompatibility problems.
This is a possible query which would return enough information about the existing
tables in the database:
Note that this method only needs a single request to the server for each table we want
to extract its information (in the ideal case).
It is possible that we could find some table with a lot of rows or with large binary data,
and the database manager server cannot process it in the maximum time assigned for its
execution (or the timeout of the web server response, causing the failure of the method
because of circumstances which are unconnected with the procedure). For this reason, among
other features, the SFX-SQLi tool will optimize the process, reducing the size of the returned
XML string (assigning alias to the columns) and dividing the query in rows subsets (using the
ROW_NUMBER function) and in text blocks (using the SUBSTRING function) in order to
minimize the server load, although at expense of increasing the number of requests.
In its initial state, the SFX-SQLi tool lacks some features that can be even considered as
essential, but we have to take into consideration that this tool has not been designed to be
used as an auditing tool, but only as a proof of concept.
In this version 2000 we can see that the limitations are more evident than the 2005
version, not only at this syntax level, but also in its execution. One of the biggest constraints in
this version is the fact of not allowing the inclusion of the FOR XML clause in subqueries [12],
so that its only valid location is at the very end of the general query. Fortunately, we have the
RAW option and the BINARY BASE64 argument, which will allow us to obtain the information
in a similar way like we would do it in the 2005 version.
In this paper we have described a new SQL injection technique that allows dumping a
large amount of data in an extremely efficient way using XML-based serialization. Compared
with the common techniques used by the best tools available nowadays, the difference is
enormous (although being less specific, the scope of these techniques is often wider).
The procedure described here is almost fully automatable, allowing the development
of tools to make the data extraction easier and efficient, as is also described in this paper.
[1] “NT Web Technology Vulnerabilities”. Rain Forest Puppy (1998)
[2] “Web Application Disassembly with ODBC Error Messages”. David Litchfield (2001)
[3] “Advanced SQL Injection in SQL Server Applications”. Chris Anley (2002)
[4] “(more) Advanced SQL Injection”. Chris Anley (2002)
[5] “Blindfolded SQL injection”. Ofer Maor and Amichai Shulman (2003)
[6] “Blind SQL Injection”. Kevin Spett (2003)
[7] “Automating Blind SQL Exploitation”. Cameron Hotchkies (2004)
[8] “FOR Clause (Transact-SQL)”. Microsoft MSDN Library, SQL Server 2005/2008.
[9] “SQL Injection Cheat Sheet: Union Injections”. Ferruh Mavituna.
[10] “DataSet (Clase)”. Microsoft MSDN Library, .NET Framework
[11] “SELECT (Transact-SQL): FOR Clause”. Microsoft MSDN Library, SQL Server 2000.
[12] “Guidelines for Using the FOR XML Clause”. MSDN Library, SQL Server 2000.