Sur-Set™ Selective Seating Nipples: Flow Control Systems Technical Unit
Sur-Set™ Selective Seating Nipples: Flow Control Systems Technical Unit
Sur-Set™ Selective Seating Nipples: Flow Control Systems Technical Unit
Baker’s Sur-Set™ Selective Seating Nipples
are used to place downhole flow control devices in
the completion string by means of a lock mandrel
and a selective running tool. Sur-Set Selective
Seating Nipples allow for a single size seal bore di-
ameter to be installed in the tubing string from top
to bottom; thus, providing a high degree of versa-
tility to the completion.
By using a single sealbore size along the com-
pletion string, the completion’s internal diameter is
maximized, which in turns, allows for a larger flow
area and full-bore (not restrictive) access to the
bottom of the well for remedial through tubing
These nipples contain a locating groove and a
locking groove. The locating groove is used to lo-
cate the running tool in the right position and to
provide support for the jarring action required to
set the flow control device. The locking groove is
used to lock the flow control device in place when
it is set.
When running the flow control device in the well
to set it in the Selective Nipple, the lock will pass
completely through as many nipples of the same
size until the desired location is reached. When the
flow control device is brought back up through the
desired nipple, the Selective Running Tool trips
and uncovers its collapsible no-go. The assembly
is then lowered back down until the no-go device
comes in contact with the locating groove of the
seating nipple. Downward jarring using the wireline
begins the expansion of the locking dogs into the
nipple’s locking groove and sets the device. The
large bearing area and the angle of the bevel are
what enable Sur-Set locks to withstand high pres-
sures without damage.
Drawing No. 385-040-00
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Unit No. 10272 11-19-03 Sur-Set™ Selective Seating Nipples
Rev. New Page 2 of 3
WARNING Applications
Use of Baker equipment contrary to Sur-Set Selective Nipples may be used for the fol-
manufacturer’s specification may result in
property damage, serious injury or fatality. lowing operations:
• Land blanking plugs to shut in or test the
production tubing.
Features/Benefits • Land velocity type safety valves (SSCSV).
• Any number of selective nipples of the same • Land equalizing check valves.
sealbore size can be run in the tubing string for • Land circulating blanking plugs.
maximum versatility for the location of various
flow control devices • Land chokes to reduce surface flow pressure or
to have pressure drops downhole to prevent
• Available in different materials and threads surface freezing in gas production.
• Locating groove and locking groove • Land instrument hangers with geophysical
• Honed sealing bore maximizes sealing devices such as pressure and temperature
performance recorders.
• Available for working pressures of up to 20,000
psi Maintenance
Pressure Ratings Baker Seating Nipples can be stored indefinitely by
following these directions:
Baker offers this line of Sur-Set Selective Seat- 1. Clean the nipple thoroughly, especially the in-
ing Nipples in two different pressure ratings (see side of the nipple and the threads.
chart below). Each nipple is easily identified by an
2. Apply Baker Downhole Grease (Product Family
identification groove (s) located at the box end of
No. H49921) to the seal bore and the threads.
the nipple. These grooves identify the nipple’s
working pressure. 3. Store in relatively dry area to prevent any corro-
Pressure Number
Model 4. Install thread protectors onto both threads to
Rating of Grooves
Extreme Nipple 15,000 PSI 3 protect the threads from damage.
Ultra Nipple 20,000 PSI 4
Sur-Set Selective Seating Nipple, Product Family No. H80109
Dimensional Data
Refer to Drawing No. 385-040-01_1.
Dim 3.437
A 3.437 / 3.440
B 3.510 / 3.520
P 5.365
Rev. New
Unit No. 10272
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