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Webinars:: Communications & Publicity

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Communications & Publicity

Webinars: Check out this

Learning at Your Fingertips archived webinar
By Eileen McNally
regarding DKG

It's time to check your emails—a task you dread Webinars typically include a visual component
because you know you are going to see 10 or more of some sort. Usually the presenter shares her desktop
emails added to the hundreds, perhaps thousands, in with the audience and shows participants a slide
your inbox! You don’t delete many emails— you may show or other documents. But presenters can also
need the information contained in them—but the show live examples from the Web or demonstrate a
few times you did need information, you couldn't find particular piece of software. Such sharing can include
it anyway! There has to be a better way! Fortunately, PowerPoint slides, Google Slides, Excel, Google
you run across information about a webinar* dealing Sheets, blog posts, Pinterest, Facebook, or any other
with this issue. You sign up, participate in the webinar, social media. One is only limited by her imagination.
and come away with marvelous ideas for streamlining A true webinar is a live event. The presenter
your email experience— a welcomed stress reducer. is speaking to a live audience. Live webinars can,
The word “webinar” is a portmanteau from however, be archived for viewing at a later time.
“web seminar.” A webinar is a presentation, lecture, The presenter uses a webinar tool to run
workshop, or seminar transmitted over the Web the event via the Internet. Webinar creators at the
using video conferencing software. A key feature of international level use GoToWebinar, the companion
a true webinar is its interactive elements: the ability tool of GoToMeeting. Others potential tools include
to give, receive, and discuss information in real-time. Click Webinar and Adobe Connect Webinar. These
However, recorded webinars also provide great tools can handle everything from advertising an event,
potential for communication! providing a way to sign up, notifying participants that
A webinar is an ideal way to convey information the webinar is beginning, allowing chats during the
to others, and the Communications and Publicity webinar, keeping track of questions, taking surveys
Committee is encouraging the use of webinars as during the presentation, and thanking the participants
training tools. Recently, one such webinar explained after the program is done.
the DKG app, delving into its many parts and The goal of most webinars is to teach the
functions and showing attendees at the regional attendees or answer questions. Thus, a typical
conferences how to create personalized schedules, webinar structure might include
check information about sessions, and access • 5–10 minutes of introduction, including the
handouts using the built-in QR reader. Other non- agenda;
interactive webinars are currently being developed by • 60 minutes of how-to content (with
Headquarters personnel and others. presentation slides or live demo);
• 15 minutes of Q & A.
Common Traits of Webinars Webinars can be free (and may include some sort
Webinars include an audio component. of pitch of a paid product or service) or paid (as part
Participants can listen to the presenter by using the of a paid class or workshop).
speakers on their computer or by dialing via a regular Webinar attendees can attend the event from
land or cell phone. anywhere or any time zone. They only need an
Internet connection.

50 · Volume 84-2
Communications & Publicity
Why People Attend one’s desk or home office. want. In addition, you lose
Webinars That means the sessions both travel and attendance
Webinars appeal are more cost effective and money. Leaving a bad
to all learning styles: convenient. webinar is as easy as closing
Because webinars have Webinars are a computer window.
both an audio and video interactive: At most They are archived:
component, learners can conferences or seminars, Did you miss something
use their strongest learning you are one of the masses. or want to clarify a point?
style. If the webinar is In a webinar, you can Most webinars are archived
interactive, they can participate by chatting with so you can watch the
choose to participate by other attendees or giving session later to review.
asking questions, giving feedback to presenters. Archiving also allows
their perspective, or just You are in a position to learners to participate at
observing. exchange ideas with your their own pace by stopping
No travel is required: peers. and reviewing material,
Unlike attending “Bailing” is easier: If choosing the time for
traditional conferences or you are at a conference or the webinar, and even
seminars, webinars involve seminar, it is difficult to participating from their
participation right from bail—i.e., leave when you favorite chair.

Webinar Resources
edWeb.net: Webinars for Teachers
• free
• CE certificate for attending
• Publishes monthly calendar: 35 in April, 17 in May
• Sample topics: Building Blended Learning Teacher Leaders in Your District; Early Number
Concepts: Turning Misconceptions into Meaning 4-5
• Presenters file an application to present a webinar
• Archives to edWeb.TV; individual subscription $4.49 per month

Education Week Webinars

• Live and on-demand (latter available for a limited time)
• Many free; “premium” access—$195 per webinar
• No certificates, but live viewers receive a post-event confirmation

Simple K12 (PD in Your PJs)

• Some free; some members only ($397/year); group enrollments available (contact for quote)
• For members:
• 1000s of on-demand videos
• CEU certificates and transcript reports
• Unlimited access to live webinars

• Free webinar series (2 or more per month) for all; members-only webinars as well (4 per year)
• Archives webinars dating back to 2010

Collegial Exchange · 51
Communications & Publicity
A webinar (web seminar) is an educational,
informative, or instructional presentation
that is made available online, usually as
either video or audio with slides.

Speaking of Archived
Sometimes a presenter limits who can
view an archived video. For a paid webinar,
only those who signed up and paid have
access. Other providers make a webinar
available to anyone for a limited amount
of time. However, most webinars allow
unlimited access. Technically speaking an
archived webinar is better described as
a “webcast” or “on demand.” The Figure
illustrates some of the relationship among
key terms applied to webinars in their
varied formats.

Webinars of Interest
The C&P committee is curating and
publicizing webinars and instructional
videos for members. Those interested in
pursuing webinars on their own may want
to consider the following sources.Webinars
and Videos?
One might wonder, if a webinar
is archived and can be watched via a
recording, how does it differ from videos
on YouTube or Vimeo? Such videos
usually do not originate as webinars. They The Bottom Line
are recorded with no interaction from If you want to learn all about the DKG app, simplifying
an audience, and their sole purpose is to email, Google Drive, a piece of software, making a website with
entertain or educate. You can search for Weebly, or a million other topics, a webinar is a viable option.
almost any how-to on YouTube or Vimeo Entire series of webinars exist that have been developed for
and find many from which to choose. teachers and that provide CEUs. If you have a computer or tablet,
Granted, many are far from professional, you have access to a webinar of interest.
but you can usually find one that is exactly
what you need. You can also check out *Overcoming Email Overload: 3 Steps to Inbox Zero on the
a variety of videos available on the C&P Dotto Tech YouTube Channel with Steve Dotto at https://youtu.
page of dkg.org. be/IxS7Dc63Tck

52 · Volume 84-2
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International and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a
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